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157 lines
* PLACEV Version 48
#include "lpcdefs.h"
#include "config.ch"
placev( osbuf, osptr, obound, vwin)
int osbuf[], osptr, *obound, vwin[2][AF];
/* Arguments
* OSBUF Buffer which holds sorted indexes of onsets
* OSPTR Free pointer into OSBUF
* VWIN Buffer of Voicing Window Positions (Modified)
* OBOUND This variable is set by this procedure and used
* in placing analysis windows (PLACEA). Bit 1
* indicates whether an onset bounds the left side
* of the voicing window, and bit 2 indicates whether
* an onset bounds the right side of the voicing window.
* Variables
* LRANGE, HRANGE Range in which window is placed
* OSPTR1 OSPTR excluding samaples in 3F
int lrange, hrange, i;
int q;
int osptr1;
short crit;
/* Voicing Window Placement
* __________________ __________________ ______________
* | | |
* | 1F | 2F | 3F ...
* |__________________|__________________|______________
* Previous |
* Window |
* ...________|
* | |
* ------>| This window's placement range |<------
* | |
* There are three cases. Note that these are different from those
* given in the LPC-10e phase 1 report.
* 1. If there are no onsets in this range, then the voicing window
* is centered in the pitch window. If such a placement is not within
* the window's placement range, then the window is placed in the left-
* most portion of the placement range. Its length is always MAXWIN.
* 2. If the first onset is in 2F and there is sufficient room to place
* the window immediately before this onset, then the window is placed
* there, and its length is set to the maximum possible under these
* constraints.
* "Critical Region Exception": If there is another onset in 2F
* such that a window can be placed between the two onsets, the
* window is placed there (ie, as in case 3).
* 3. Otherwise, the window is placed immediately AFter the onset. The
* window's length
* is the longest length that can fit in the range under these constraints,
* except that the window may be shortened even further to avoid overlapping
* other onsets in the placement range. In any case, the window's length
* is at least MINWIN.
* Note that the values of MINWIN and LFRAME must be chosen such
* that case 2 = false implies case 3 = true. This means that
* MINWIN <= LFRAME/2. If this were not the case, then a fourth case
* would have to be added for when the window cannot fit either before
* or AFter the onset.
* Note also that onsets which weren't in 2F last time may be in 1F this
* time, due to the filter delays in computing onsets. The result is that
* occasionally a voicing window will overlap that onset. The only way
* to circumvent this problem is to add more delay in processing input
* speech. In the trade-off between delay and window-placement, window
* placement lost.
/* Compute the placement range */
lrange = mmax(vwin[1][AF-2]+1, (AF-2)*LFRAME+1);
hrange = AF*LFRAME;
/* Compute OSPTR1, so the following code only looks at relevant onsets. */
for (osptr1=osptr-1; osptr1>=1; osptr1--) {
if (osbuf[osptr1-1] <= hrange) break;
/* Check for case 1 first (fast case): */
if ((osptr1 <= 1) || (osbuf[osptr1-2] < lrange)) {
vwin[0][AF-1] = mmax(vwin[1][AF-2]+1, DVWINL);
vwin[1][AF-1] = vwin[0][AF-1] + MAXWIN - 1;
*obound = 0;
else {
/* Search backward in OSBUF for first onset in range.
* This code relies on the above check being performed first. */
for(q=osptr1-1;q>=1;q--) {
if (osbuf[q-1] < lrange) break;
/* Check for case 2 (placement before onset):
* Check for critical region exception: */
crit = 0;
for(i=q+1;i<=osptr1-1;i++) {
if (osbuf[i-1] - osbuf[q-1] >= MINWIN) {
crit = 1;
if (!crit && osbuf[q-1] > mmax((AF-1)*LFRAME, lrange+MINWIN-1)) {
vwin[1][AF-1] = osbuf[q-1] - 1;
vwin[0][AF-1] = mmax (lrange, vwin[1][AF-1]-MAXWIN+1);
*obound = 2;
/* Case 3 (placement AFter onset) */
else {
vwin[0][AF-1] = osbuf[q-1];
L110: q++;
if(q < osptr1) {
if(osbuf[q-1] <= vwin[0][AF-1] + MAXWIN) {
if (osbuf[q-1] < vwin[0][AF-1] + MINWIN) goto L110;
vwin[1][AF-1] = osbuf[q-1] - 1;
*obound = 3;
else {
vwin[1][AF-1] = mmin(vwin[0][AF-1] + MAXWIN - 1, hrange);
*obound = 1;
else {
vwin[1][AF-1] = mmin(vwin[0][AF-1] + MAXWIN - 1, hrange);
*obound = 1;