echo "Welcome to the quick-and-dirty wUUCP installation script ;)*N"
echo "If someone want's to write a script for Commodore's Installer, please*Nget in touch with me!*N"
echo "NOTE: to update your installation only, please use the supplied*Nscript*N"
echo "NOTE ALSO: There is no way to back up, if you make any mistakes, you*Neither have to delete anything and start over or edit the files manually.*N"
bin/getline "Where shall I install wUUCP?" >env:wuucpdir1
setenv env:wuucpdir `rx "if right('$wuucpdir1', 1)=='/' then say left('$wuucpdir1', length('$wuucpdir1')-1); else say '$wuucpdir1'"`
unsetenv wuucpdir1
echo ""
if exists $wuucpdir
echo "$wuucpdir already exists! Please use"