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Changes from 5.46 to 5.47 (public release)
- Replaced "diskchange" with old code from last public release.
(only of importance for beta testers)
Changes from 5.45 to 5.46 (internal beta release)
- Rewrote built-in function "diskchange" because of some stupid handlers
that have problems with Inhibit() and ACTION_INHIBIT.
- Made "echo mem | csh" work again.
- Some minor cosmetic changes.
- Redirected output to a file can now be examined by other programs while
Cshell is still filling up the file. (files for redirection are now
opened "shared" instead of "exclusivly")
[thanks to Gary Duncan for source code]
- Built-in command "copy" now has (optional) new output format which prints
full path of files being copied. Use option "-x" to try it out.
[thanks to Gary Duncan for source code]
Changes from 5.44 to 5.45 (internal beta release)
- Built-in command "window" resizes/moves window much more faster now.
- Supports "muSetProtection" if MultiUser is installed.
- Fixed fatal bug if non-interactive input line was too long.
- Fixed bug in built-in commands "chown" and "chgrp" which could crash
under OS 2.x.
- Built-in commands "chown" and "chgrp" now accept also user and group
names (as well as numerical IDs). Does only work with "MultiUser".
[thanks to Carsten Pluntke <Carsten_Pluntke@ouzonix.bo.open.de>]
- Updated built-in error message texts to AmigaOS 3.1.
- New option "-t" for built-in command "sleep": wait ticks.
Changes from 5.42 to 5.44 (not released)
- Skipped 5.43 because of unauthorized version of Cshell on AmiNet
by Martin Berndt <m_berndt@wanderer.gun.de>.
- Added extensive disclaimer to documentation.
- Changed "smakefile" slightly.
- Changed output format of built-in command "mem" again.
- Date/time strings now left-justified (right-justified before),
this fixes some problems with localized date strings.
- Improved code for built-in command "window" to minimize move operations.
(the "hopping" windows effect)
Changes from 5.41 to 5.42 (public release)
- Minor changes in documentation.
- Built-in command "window" doesn't clear screen anymore.
If you want to clear screen, use "echo -n ^[c^O" or "echo -n ^L".
- Fixed timer bug in _prompt (%e) if start and end time of a program
were not at the same day. (wrong execution time was displayed)
- New built-in variable "_promptdep" (prompt path depth) and new place-
holder "%P" for built-in variable "_prompt". Like "%p", "%P" displays
the current path. With "_promptdep" the user sets the maximum number
of directories (path parts) displayed for %P (to keep prompt smart
and short). Default is 3.
- New built-in variable "_complete" (DOS pattern). What files should
match on filename completion. Default is "*". For example, if you
don't want to see files ending with ".bak", set it to "~(*.bak)".
Changes from 5.40 to 5.41 (internal beta release)
- Changed output format of built-in command "mem" (for option -r)
a little bit.
- Fixed various bugs in built-in command "window". The changes for 5.40
caused an unnecessary usage message when using options -f, -b and -a.
And options -l and -s didn't work at all. The checking for maximum
window dimensions are not hardcoded any more but dynamically adjusted
to the screen dimensions.
- Finally found (and fixed) rounding bug in "itok()", caused display of
wrong size for memory or harddisk around 1 GB and 1 TB etc.
Numbers were rounded down to "0 GB" and "0 TB" instead of rounded
up to "1 GB" and "1 TB".
[thanks to Andreas 'Leguan' Geist]
- Changed shortcut for "Kilobytes" from "KB" (or "K") to "kB" (or "k").
You may like it or not - but only this way it's consistent. They say
one should use "K" instead of "k" because it has something to do with
1024 and not 1000. But then, why don't we use "m" instead of "M" and
"g" instead of "G"?
Changes from 5.39 to 5.40 (public release)
- Fixed error message for built-in command "copy": if no special error
message was available, always the string "(no mem)" was output.
- New placeholders "-1" and "-2" for built-in command "window".
- Increased maximum value for window dimensions from 1023 to 32767
for built-in command "window".
- Environment variables LINES and COLUMNS override window bounds
from Amiga console.device.
(if env vars are set, no CSI sequence is sent)
- Built-in command "mem" now shows size of largest available memory block.
Changes from 5.38 to 5.39 (public release)
- New built-in variable "_timeout" (in microseconds) sets maximum response
time for terminal to answer WINDOW STATUS REQUEST (for window bounds).
Defaults to 1 (for local usage), must be set to higher value for remote
connections. Only used, if window pointer is not available.
- Removed command line length limitation (140 chars) for ARexx scripts that
ends with ".rexx" but are started without the trailing ".rexx".
- Removed command line length limitation (518 chars) for ARexx scripts and
external shells (#! in first line), this was a limitation in AmigaOS'
System() function. DOS scripts still have this limitation, because you
cannot RunCommand() "execute".
- Not only "*" and "?" but also "[" and "]" recognized as AmigaDOS pattern.
(that means, to use "[" and "]" you must quote (") or escape (\) them!)
- ... and much more workarounds for serious bugs in DateToStr() and Locale
- Fixed bug: making an assign to an executable and calling the executable
by its assign crashed machine.
- Fixed bug: built-in command "cp" sometimes used already freed memory for
generating error messages (resulted in some strange error messages)
- New flag for for command abbreviation ($_abbrev):
8, search DOS path-list if command wasn't found in Cshell's internal
program hash list (see "rehash" command)
Changes from 5.37 to 5.38 (internal beta release)
- CTRL-D now shows matching files if current word is not a directory.
(if directory then shows contents of directory -- as usual)
In its current implementation this may have unexpected side effects
if current word is already a pattern.
- Class definition for AmigaE in class.sh
[thanks to Joseph E. Van_Riper III]
- Now internal timer (eg, %e in the titlebar) not set to zero when a null
command is encountered. (same for return code, %x in titlebar)
- The idea of always using the variable "_dirformat" for "dir" wasn't a
good idea. So, "_dirformat" is only used if option -z is given (when
"_dirformat" is unset then use first argument as format string).
- New control-code for line-editing: "^V" (ctrl-v) quotes next char.
- New built-in variable "_kick" holds version number of Operating System.
- Built-in command "assign" now prints volume name if assign points to
an unmounted volume (eg, a removed floppy disk) and doesn't pop up
a requester "Please replace volume ..."
- It was a stupid idea to force redirecting of all Cshell-related
system requesters to CSH's screen, because requester windows inherit
the window title of their "initiator". They appear now again on your
default public screen.
- Fixed serious bug (crashed machine) with redirection and launching
programs into background. (files closed twice)
Known bug: it's still not possible to run pipes into background...
- When running programs into background (run, rback, &), internal commands
and aliases are recognized and executed with "csh -c". Aliases WON'T be
resolved on this level so they must be declared in .cshrc to run them
into background.
- Execution of Rexx-Scripts (without trailing ".rexx") and any other program
with "#! my_prog" or ";! my_prog" in first line of script now possible
also from DOS search path and not only $_path.
- New built-in variable "_mappath" (see manual), enables pathname-mapping
for commands if script starts with "#!" or ";!" in first line. Converts
Unix pathes like "/usr/..." to "usr:...".
- New option "-w" for Cshell, don't use window pointer (useful for KingCON).
- New option "-V" for Cshell, send only VT100 compatible control sequences
- Internal variable "o_vt100" now used (if option -t or -V is set),
don't send control sequences that are not VT100 compatible (eg,
special Amiga control sequences).
Changes from 5.36 to 5.37 (public release)
- Built-in command "mkdir" now strips off trailing slash (if any).
- Built-in command "chmod" now supports "a" for all bits (ugo),
and if no ownership-bit is specified "chmod" really modifies
only the user-bits (as stated in the doc) and not all bits.
- Built-in commands "chown/chgrp" now also run under AmigaOS 2.0+
(direct DOS packets), not only under AmigaOS 3.0+ (SetOwner).
[thanks to Carsten Heyl]
- No requester "please insert volume ..." when you press return
and your current directory is on an "unmounted" volume
(eg, a removed floppy disk).
- Built-in command "dir" now uses contents of variable "_dirformat"
(if set) automatically as default output format (option -z not
neccessary for _dirformat anymore). Option -z (followed by an
argument with format string) can now be used again for another
custom format for current call as in Cshell 5.19 and before.
[thanks to Laurent Faillie for his letter]
- Built-in command "protect" was broken in beta-version 5.36.
- Source code now "indent" clean.
(some warnings on first run, but no errors)
- New option "-c" for built-in command "qsort": be case-sensitive.
Changes from 5.35 to 5.36 (internal beta release)
- Now output in "path -r" only if at least 1 memory block could not be
- Fixed layout bug in "rm -r <wildcard>" if one or more items could not
be removed.
- Fixed serious bug in "rehash", access to already freed memory under
certain circumstances. (always think twice before using "char ***" ;-)
- Manual entry for built-in command "relabel".
- Error checking code for all NameFromLock() calls.
- Now 100% Commodore-compatible version string.
- Now @rnd( ) accepts optional seed parameter.
- Fixed bogus output for NULL pointers in pattern-matching-routine.
- Fixed bug in "rehash", recognition of executables was broken.
- Now multiple drive names are allowed for "diskchange".
- Now @age() returns null-string if file was not found (instead of 99999).
[thanks to Gary Duncan]
- New function @age_mins() returns age of file in minutes.
[thanks to Gary Duncan]
- Now requesters appear on same screen as CSH's window.
- Variable "_abbrev" now handled somewhat different: it enables/disables
the different modes of command-abbreviation. See manual for details!
- Output of "dir -k" and "dir -i" (show classes) looks much nicer now.
- Added class "gzip" to csh:class.sh.
- Added support for MultiUser. %U in prompt/titlebar shows current user
of CSH. Out-comment "#define MULTIUSER_SUPPORT 1" in shell.h to compile
without MultiUser stuff.
[thanks to Magnus Lilja]
- New built-in commands "chown" and "chgrp".
- Built-in command "chmod" now supports User/Group/Other bits.
- New placeholders for custom output format (option "-z"),
"%F" shows group/other bits, %U shows user-id, %G shows group-id.
Changes from 5.34 to 5.35 (public release)
- Now CSH executes "s:.logout" on exit.
New option "-L" (noLogout) disables sourcing of "s:.logout".
- Fixed option "-n" in built-in command "dir", never worked before.
- Some minor layout changes in built-in command "help".
- Built-in command "window -q" (query) shows public screen names.
- New/Changed options for built-in command "strings".
(not compatible with previous versions!)
- More sophisticated memory-cleanup for built-in command "path -r" (reset).
- New option "-M" for CSH, don't clear menus (especially for KingCON).
- Support for soft-links in built-in command "dir".
[thanks to Carsten Heyl]
Changes from 5.33 to 5.34 (internal beta release)
- New section SCROLLING in the manual (at the end). Read it !
- New variable "_prghash" holds filename where program hash list
is loaded from and saved to.
- Now CSH also finds programs in resident list if they start with "C:"
(even if there is no corresponding program in C: directory).
This is for compatibility reasons (Commodore Shell).
- In previous versions CSH aborted the commandline if one pattern
did not match. Now CSH only aborts if all patterns does not
- Totally new meaning of variable "_nomatch". It's now unset by
default and if you set it then CSH will _not_ abort if all
patterns does not match.
- Added option "-m" to CSH, sets "_nomatch" variable.
(for compatibility reasons)
- Fixed bug in date command (s/r options).
[Gary Duncan]
- New option -a for "copy" command, don't clear archive bit.
[Gary Duncan]
- Rewritten code for "window -q", no longer crashes system.
- New option "-w" for built-in command "window".
(ignore window width for option -q, so that very long window/screen
titles are printed completely)
- Input/output redirection with "<>", the file must be either
"NIL:" or an interactive file.
- New variable "_cquote" enables Commodore-style handling of
quotation marks (eg, for use with ReadArgs);
variable is unset by default (UNIX-style handling of quotes).
- Increased some (very small) buffers in "ls" code (could crash
machine), line limit is now around 1000 chars per line. Had
to increase internal stack size to 17500.
Changes from 5.32 to 5.33 (internal beta release)
- New built-in command "rehash", buffers programs in DOS search path
and offers program name completion (ESC-p, ESC-P). Two new "completion
functions" for keymaps:
36, CompPrg1 Insert first matching program (or cycle)
37, CompPrgAll Shows all matching programs
- Fixed input-stream problem for DOS scripts.
- Kludge for running DOS scripts from devices with spaces in their name.
- Fixed Enforcer hit in "set" command (eg, "set a ="),
just curious: this Enforcer hit was misinterpreted by an user to be
a bug in "_every" variable and accidently I found another bug there
which caused CSH to ignore "_every" if the previous shell command was
aborted (^C)
- Fixed Enforcer hit: "unset _path"
- Built-in command "date" can now read battery-backed up clock directly
[thanks to Gary Duncan]
Changes from 5.31 to 5.32 (internal beta release)
- Removed "No match" output if "dir" was used on empty directories.
This was a feature, not a bug. But misunderstood by most users.
- New "edit function" for keymaps: 29, insert last word of previous line
(e.g. "keymap 0 12=29" assigns that function to CTRL+L)
- Option "-q" of built-in command "rm/delete" didn't work in previous
versions. Now aborts as documented.
This does _not_ affect non-matching wildcards, use "_nomatch" instead.
- Checking of requested stack size (built-in command "stack").
- Built-in command "mem" now calls AllocMem(0x7fffffff,0) ten times
to flush unneeded memory. (similar to "avail flush")
- Fixed possible rounding bug in "itok()", caused display of wrong size
for harddisk partitions around 1 GB etc.
Changes from 5.19 to 5.31 (The Essential)
- ARP free
- OS 2.0+ only
- slightly changed pattern matching (pattern.library, dos.library)
- better support for DOS' command search path and resident list
- supports "PROGDIR:"
- supports AmigaOS-scripts
- Unix-like automagic execution of ".login" and ".cshrc"
- more built-in commands support ^C (ctrl-c)
- more reliable support of WILDSTAR-Flag
- enhanced commands (new options, bug fixes, changed behaviour):
- new commands
- new (or modified) functions
- new variables
- new prompt variable(s)
- new "edit function" for keymaps
- detects if current directory was changed by other programs
- uses ASL file-requester
- arguments in scripts passed via $0, $1, $2 etc., number of
arguments in $#
- enhanced quoting mechanism for filename completion
- lots of internal changes
- lots of other bug fixes
- and lots of changes and new features I forgot to write down ;-)