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Lotus Notes Database  |  1997-08-28  |  573KB  |  6,508 lines

  1. GroupShield Administration 3.14
  2. c:\DATA\Notes.450\GSAV.NSF
  3. General Options
  4. Notifications
  5. NShield Options
  6. NWall Options
  7. Scanner Interface
  8. NShield Monitor
  9. Server Monitor
  10. Routing Monitor
  11. NWall Monitor
  12.     1S2S
  13. flist
  14. Cfg.GroupShield
  15. Cfg.Notifications
  16. Cfg.NShield
  17. Cfg.NWall
  18. Cfg.Scanner
  19. Oper.NShield
  20. Oper.Server
  21. Oper.Routing
  22. Oper.NWall
  23.     0R1S2S
  24. Create LiveNotes Document
  25. Select the LiveNotes document you wish to add to this database.
  26.     0R1S2S10S17S
  27. check1
  28.     0R1S2S9S14S
  29. index
  30. listv
  31.     0R1S2S
  32. check2
  33. index
  34.     0R1S2S5S6S8S13S
  35. flist
  36. index
  37.     0R1S2S
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  39. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US
  40. Cfg.Notifications
  41.     2S11S16S
  42.     0S0E
  43. Symbol
  44.     GroupShield NScan - ???
  45. f    OL\
  46. PpR%`
  47. 07/28/97 08:04:56 AM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted greg_tetrault
  48. 06/17/97 01:18:18 AM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US updated greg_tetrault
  49. 06/17/97 01:18:03 AM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US added greg_tetrault
  50. 03/03/97 03:47:07 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US updated Administrators
  51. 03/03/97 03:46:52 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US added Administrators
  52. 03/03/97 03:46:40 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted OtherDomainServers
  53. 03/03/97 03:46:32 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted Tom Buoniello/Sybari/US
  54. 03/03/97 03:46:29 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted Kenneth Toole/Sybari/US
  55. 03/03/97 03:46:27 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US
  56. 03/03/97 03:46:25 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US deleted Firewall/Sybari
  57. 03/01/97 10:51:24 PM Bubba/Server/Sybari/US updated Firewall/Sybari
  58. 03/01/97 10:43:29 PM Bubba/Server/Sybari/US updated Firewall/Sybari
  59. 03/01/97 10:43:17 PM Bubba/Server/Sybari/US added Firewall/Sybari
  60. 02/28/97 03:29:13 AM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US updated Tom Buoniello/Sybari/US
  61. 02/28/97 03:29:01 AM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US added Tom Buoniello/Sybari/US
  62. 02/27/97 09:31:30 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US updated Kenneth Toole/Sybari/US
  63. 02/27/97 09:31:02 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US added Kenneth Toole/Sybari/US
  64. 02/10/97 06:57:23 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US updated Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US
  65. 02/10/97 06:57:07 PM Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US added Gregory Tetrault/Sybari/US
  66. -Default-
  67. LocalDomainServers
  68. Administrators
  69. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=USCN=Bubba/OU=Server/O=Sybari/C=USCN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US
  70. ##########################
  71. $Modified
  72.     1S2S3S
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  74.     0SL1S3724
  75. $TITLE(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  76. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#######################################
  77. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=USG:\DATA\Notes.450\GSAV314.NTFf(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  78. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US###
  79. ModuleNotAvailableDC(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  80. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US####################################
  81. GroupShield/T
  82. DocType
  83.     1S2S
  84. DocSeqh
  85. DocSeq
  86.     7S9S
  87. $1$2ModuleDocDesc$Conflict$REF
  88. DocType
  89.     L1S13
  90. $1$2ModuleDocDesc
  91. DocType
  92.     1S2S
  93. DocSeqh
  94. DocSeq
  95.     7S9S
  96. ModuleDocDesc&
  97. Using LiveNotes (tm) technology by Sybari Software.(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  98. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#####################
  99. Cfg.GroupShieldDC
  100. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormGroupShieldMaxFileGroupShieldTempDirGroupShieldScannersGroupShieldTrustedSignersTrustScansGroupShieldDomainGroupShieldQAreaTrapsActionsMiscOptionsScanOptionsModuleDocType$Live.Information$Live.Statistics$Live.Environment$Live.FormDocDescDocSeq(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  101. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#######################################################
  102. 2. NWall JobCfg.NWallJobD
  103. DocDescDocSeqBodyFilterFormulaSelectFormulaFilterEntrySelectEntryMaxRunTimeOffsetFrequencyTransferTargetSourceServerNWallModuleDocType$Live.StatisticsType(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  104. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US###
  105. (FireView) | FireView
  106. ServerSourceTargetFrequencyOffsetMaxRunTimeTransferNwallSelectFormulaFilterFormula$Conflict$REF
  107. NWallJob
  108. Transfer
  109.     L1S3S4S6S7S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S
  110. ServerSourceTarget
  111. ServerServerSourceSourceTargetTargetFrequencyFreqOffsetStartMaxRunTimeMaxTransferTypeNwallNameSelectFormulaSelectFilterFormulaFilter&
  112. (c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  113. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US
  114. ##########################################################
  115. Create LiveNotes Document303
  116. (c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  117. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US####################
  118. (SIList) | SIList/Tz
  119. DocDescName$Conflict$REF
  120. DocType
  121. Module
  122. Scanner Interface
  123.     L1S5S6S8S9S1
  124. DocDesc
  125. DocDescName&
  126. Y(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  127. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US######
  128. 1. NScan TaskCfg.NScanProgramD
  129. FormLocalAdminOwnerDocumentAccessWeekDaysIntervalScheduleEnabledCommentsSourceCmdLineProgramType$Live.SavedFormDocDescDocSeqDatabasesDescriptionScanWindowTrustScansActionsMiscOptionsScanOptionsModuleDocType$Live.Statistics$Live.Environment$Live.Mode$Live.Form(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  130. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#######################################
  131. Oper.NShieldDC
  132. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormDocDescDocSeqModuleDocTypeCategories$Live.Statistics$Live.Form(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  133. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#######################################
  134. Oper.ServerDC
  135. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormDocDescDocSeqModuleDocTypeCategories$Live.Statistics$Live.Information$Live.Form(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  136. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#############
  137. Oper.RoutingDC
  138. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormDocDescDocSeqModuleDocTypeCategories$Live.Statistics$Live.Information$Live.Form(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  139. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US
  140. ##########################################################
  141. Oper.NWallDC
  142. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormDocDescDocSeqModuleDocTypeCategories$Live.Statistics$Live.Form(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  143. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US#########################################
  144. Cfg.ScannerDC
  145. Form$Live.SavedForm$Live.Statistics$Live.Information$Live.Environment$Live.Mode$Live.FormDocDescDocSeqExtensionsLast.StdExtsMoreExtsStdExtsInterfaceAuto.InterfacePort.InterfaceDll.InterfaceExt.InterfaceMethodActionVersionDescriptionVendorPlatformModuleDocType(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  146. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US########################
  147. (NewNotification)303
  148. (c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  149. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US############################
  150. Cfg.NotificationsDC
  151. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormIni.BodyIni.SubjectMessageFormMacroListAdminListMessageDispMessageScopeModuleDocType$Live.Information$Live.Statistics$Live.Environment$Live.FormDocDescDocSeq(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  152. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US###################################################
  153. f    OL\
  154. Cfg.NShieldDC
  155. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormNShieldMaxFileNShieldTempDirNShieldScannersNShieldScanOnlyTrustScansGroupShieldTrustedTasksSecurityActionsScanHookEnableHookMiscOptionsScanOptionsModuleDocType$Live.Information$Live.Statistics$Live.Environment$Live.FormDocDescDocSeq(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  156. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US####################################################
  157. Cfg.NWallDC
  158. Form$Live.Mode$Live.SavedFormNWallMaxFileNWallTempDirNWallScannersJobDBActionsStartupNWallPhantomRedirRulesRedirOptionsMiscOptionsScanOptionsModuleDocType$Live.Information$Live.Statistics$Live.Environment$Live.FormDocDescDocSeq(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  159. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US##########################
  160. (c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  161. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US################################
  162. (c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  163. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US################################
  164. Oper.NShieldNotAvailableNotAvailable1
  165. GroupShieldMailServerServer.NameServer.Version.NotesConsoleMonitorNShield
  166. $@Monitor status of NShield[NOUPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.################################################
  167. Oper.NWallNotAvailableNotAvailable
  168. GroupShieldMailServerServer.NameServer.Version.NotesConsoleMonitorNWall
  169. $@Monitor status of NWall[NOUPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  170. CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US##################
  171. PpR%`
  172. Oper.RoutingNotAvailableNotAvailable1Platform.Name
  173. GroupShieldMailMTAServerServer.NameServer.Version.NotesConsoleMonitorMail Routing
  174. T@Monitor mail routing on server[NOUPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.############
  175. Oper.ServerNotAvailableNotAvailable1Platform.Name
  176. GroupShieldDiskServerServer.NameServer.Version.NotesMem.PhysicalRAMConsoleMonitorServer
  177. T@Monitor status of server[NOUPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.#############
  178. McAfeeMcAfeeCLEANEXTERNALNotAvailable1ConfigureScanner Interface**
  179. Y@'McAfee' EXTERNALMcAfeeCLEANCfg.Scanner[1_UPDATE]
  180. McAfee_Method|Ini.MethodMcAfee_Description|Ini.DescriptionMcAfee_Vendor|Ini.VendorMcAfee_Version|Ini.VersionMcAfee_Extensions|Ini.ExtensionsMcAfee_Action|Ini.ActionMcAfee_ScanVirus|Ini.ScanVirusMcAfee_ScanCall|Ini.ScanCallMcAfee_WorkDir|Ini.WorkDirMcAfee_IDString|Ini.IDStringMcAfee_ScanOK|Ini.ScanOKMcAfee_CureCall|Ini.CureCallMcAfee_CureOK|Ini.CureOKMcAfee_AutoMode|Ini.AutoModeMcAfee_LogFile|Ini.LogFileMcAfee_LogType|Ini.LogTypeMcAfee_Account|Ini.AccountMcAfee_Delay|Ini.DelayMcAfee_LogDelay|Ini.LogDelayMcAfee_AutoCure|Ini.AutoCureMcAfee_ScanID|Ini.ScanIDMcAfee_CureID|Ini.CureIDMcAfee_Retries|Ini.RetriesMcAfee_DAT_Path|Ini.DAT_PathMcAfee_DLL_Path|Ini.DLL_PathNWallScannersNShieldScannersGroupShieldScannersPlatform.Name
  181. Server.NameServer.Version.NotesNotAvailable(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.#################################################
  182. I@Configuring default mail notificationCfg.Notifications
  183. GroupShieldNotifyScope|Ini.ScopeGroupShieldNotifyForm|Ini.FormGroupShieldNotifyDisp|Ini.DispGroupShieldNotifyList|Ini.ListGroupShieldNotifySubject|Ini.SubjectGroupShieldNotifyBody|Ini.Body
  184. Server.NameServer.Version.Notes
  185. Platform.NamePlatform.PrefixConfigureDefault NotificationNotAvailableNotAvailable1[1_UPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.###
  186. $@Common settings that apply to all GroupShield componentsCfg.GroupShield    
  187. GroupShieldQAreaGroupShieldOptionsGroupShieldDomainDomainGroupShieldNotifyErrorGroupShieldScannersGroupShieldTempDirGroupShieldMaxFileGroupShieldTrustedSigners
  188. Server.NameServer.Version.Notes
  189. Platform.NamePlatform.PrefixConfigureGeneral OptionsNotAvailableNotAvailable1[1_UPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.#######
  190. 4@Specific settings for NShield on-access document scanningCfg.NShield    
  191. NShieldOptionsGroupShieldOptionsGroupShieldTrustedTasksGroupShieldSecurityNSF_HOOKSNShieldScanOnlyNShieldScannersNShieldTempDirNShieldMaxFile
  192. Server.NameServer.Version.NotesGroupShield.NShield.Version
  193. Platform.NamePlatform.PrefixConfigureNShield OptionsNotAvailableNotAvailable1[1_UPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  194. ##########################################################
  195. >@Specific settings for NWall queued message scanningCfg.NWall
  196. NSF_HOOKSNWallOptionsServerTasksNWallScannersNWallTempDirNWallMaxFileNWallDatabaseNWallViewNWallTrustClientNWallActiveAfterQuitNWallTrackingNWallScanPartsNWallPhantom
  197. Server.NameServer.Version.NotesGroupShield
  198. Platform.NamePlatform.PrefixConfigureNWall OptionsNotAvailableNotAvailable1[1_UPDATE](c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.########################################################
  199. Program
  200. BFK0-WDefault scan of all databasesNotAvailableNotAvailableProgram0
  201. 1234567[NetModifier]CN=Gregory Tetrault/O=Sybari/C=US1[NOUPDATE]
  202. GroupShieldOptions
  203. Server.NameServer.Version.NotesOperateNScan TaskQ
  204. Y@Default scan of all databasesNSCAN.EXE+A +F +K -U *(c) 1995-1997 Sybari Software Inc. All rights reserved.#######################################################
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  865. O=Sybari/C=US
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  868. O=Sybari/C=US
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  870. Y)m8D
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  872. rbB?@
  873. $ACLDigest
  874. Configure GroupShield
  875. &Arial
  876. "Small Fonts
  877. NotAvailable
  878. 'US@    
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  880. 'US@    
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  887. 9iqS39
  888. iUqU.9
  889. i9S.3
  890. UqU.9U
  891. 3.Uqi
  892. .UqS.3
  893. qU.3q
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  916. ;;;;;;;;
  917. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  918. nt database.eYou
  919. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  920. This document is currently 
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  927. status
  928. 4cf[4
  929. 4cf[4
  930. <a>7`^///""
  931. re GroupShield"
  932. K3;*.WK4
  933. Lotus P
  934. Word for Windows
  935. The Sybari LiveNotes
  936.  driver for McAfee GroupShield is not loaded or is not active for this database. Please ensure LiveNotes is loaded on the server before attempting to access this document again.
  937. <a>7`^///""
  938. esign mode; se
  939. rrrrrrrr
  940. ffffffff
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  943. L[LL[L[[
  945. ;;;;;;;;
  946. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  947. nt database.eYou
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  949. Copyright 
  950.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  951. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  952. W4W10F/V2
  953. WordPerfect 1c
  954. Compute audit trail on false alarm changes
  955. W4W10F/V2
  956. WordPerfect 0c
  957. Used to detect changes to false alarm field
  958. Designed and written by Gregory Tetrault for Sybari Software Incorported.  Completed 6/22/95.
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  967. Common settings that apply to all GroupShield components
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  989. optlist
  990. optlist
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  1001. optlist
  1002. optlist
  1003.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
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  1005. optlist
  1006.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  1007. optlist
  1008. optlist
  1009.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  1010. optlist
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  1013. optlist
  1014. optlist
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  1019. optlist
  1020. optlist
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  1022. optlist
  1023. optlist
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  1025. ScanOptions
  1026. ScanOptions
  1027. ScanOptions
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  1031.     0RR1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  1032. TrustScans
  1033. TrustScansh
  1034. TrustScans
  1035.     0R1S2S3S10S12S15S16S18S20S
  1036. MiscOptions
  1037. MiscOptions
  1038. MiscOptions
  1039. optF"
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  1041. optV"
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  1043. Actions
  1044. Actions
  1045. Actions
  1046. optN"
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  1048. Traps
  1049. Traps
  1050. Traps
  1051. GroupShieldNotifyError
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  1053. InjectOptions
  1054. Cfg.GroupShield
  1055. $Live.Form
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  1059. Domain
  1060. GroupShieldNotifyError
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  1075. 'US@    
  1076. 'US@    
  1077. 'US@    
  1078. 'US@    
  1079. 'US@    
  1080. 'US@    
  1081. 'US@    
  1082. 93Sqi9
  1083. 9iqS39
  1084. iUqU.9
  1085. i9S.3
  1086. UqU.9U
  1087. 3.Uqi
  1088. .UqS.3
  1089. qU.3q
  1090. 'US@    
  1091. 'US@    
  1092. 'US@    
  1093. 'US@    
  1094. 'US@    
  1095. <a>7`^///""
  1096. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  1097. of the Clipboard
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  1101. General Options
  1102. Module
  1103. W4W10F/V2
  1104. WordPerfect 
  1105. <a>7`^///""
  1106. esign mode; se
  1107. rrrrrrrr
  1108. ffffffff
  1109. [cc[c[[c
  1110. [[[[[[[[
  1111. L[LL[L[[
  1112. LLLLLLLL
  1113. ;;;;;;;;
  1114. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1115. nt database.eYou
  1116. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1117. Current Server:
  1118. Server.Name
  1119. Server.Name
  1120.  (Notes "
  1121. Server.Version.Notes"
  1122. Local (Server not running)
  1123.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  1124. Scan documents with:
  1125.     Miscellaneous settings:
  1126. ScanOptions
  1127. File Attachments | AStored Forms | ZRich Text Fields | ROLE Objects | O
  1128. MiscOptions
  1129. Search subdirectories | BFalse alarm tracking | FAbide database skip mark | KEnable verbose output | V
  1130. ACTIONS
  1131. <a>7`^///""
  1132. esign mode; se
  1133. rrrrrrrr
  1134. ffffffff
  1135. [cc[c[[c
  1136. [[[[[[[[
  1137. L[LL[L[[
  1138. LLLLLLLL
  1139. ;;;;;;;;
  1140. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1141. nt database.eYou
  1142. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1143. When virus is detected:    
  1144.     1S2S
  1145.     0R1S2S
  1146.     0R1S2S
  1147.     0R1S2S
  1148. Actions
  1149.     0R1S2S
  1150. Actions
  1151.     0R1S2S
  1152. Actions
  1153.     0R1S2S
  1154.     0R1S2S6S10S
  1155.     0R4S8S10S14S
  1156. Actions
  1157. Quarantine document | QClean document | UDelete document | XSend notifications | N
  1158. When an error occurs:    
  1159. Traps
  1160. Send notifications | N
  1161. Quarantine area database:    
  1162. GroupShieldQAreab
  1163.     0S0E
  1164. GroupShieldQArea
  1165. TRUST SCAN
  1166. <a>7`^///""
  1167. esign mode; se
  1168. rrrrrrrr
  1169. ffffffff
  1170. [cc[c[[c
  1171. [[[[[[[[
  1172. L[LL[L[[
  1173. LLLLLLLL
  1174. ;;;;;;;;
  1175. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1176. nt database.eYou
  1177. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1178. Scanning domain name:    
  1179. GroupShieldDomain
  1180. Scanning domain name:    
  1181. Domain
  1182.     1S2S3S
  1183. GroupShieldDomain
  1184. GroupShieldDomain
  1185. Domain
  1186.     0R7S9S
  1187. _GroupShieldDomain
  1188. Trust scans within domain:    
  1189. TrustScans
  1190. YES | 1NO | 0
  1191. Trust documents signed by:    
  1192. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1193. FILE SCAN
  1194. <a>7`^///""
  1195. esign mode; se
  1196. rrrrrrrr
  1197. ffffffff
  1198. [cc[c[[c
  1199. [[[[[[[[
  1200. L[LL[L[[
  1201. LLLLLLLL
  1202. ;;;;;;;;
  1203. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1204. nt database.eYou
  1205. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1206. File scanner interfaces:    
  1207. GroupShieldScanners
  1208. NoCache
  1209. SIList
  1210.     8S10S
  1211. Temporary work directory:    
  1212. GroupShieldTempDir
  1213. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  1214. GroupShieldMaxFile
  1215. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  1216. GroupShieldMaxFileh
  1217. GroupShieldMaxFileX
  1218.     1S2S9S14S
  1219. No Limit
  1220.     0R7S9S10S11S13S15S19S20S
  1221. _MaxFileSize
  1222. NOTES.INI
  1223. <a>7`^///""
  1224. esign mode; se
  1225. rrrrrrrr
  1226. ffffffff
  1227. [cc[c[[c
  1228. [[[[[[[[
  1229. L[LL[L[[
  1230. LLLLLLLL
  1231. ;;;;;;;;
  1232. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1233. nt database.eYou
  1234. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1235. W4W10F/V2
  1236. WordPerfect 0c
  1237. ScanOptions
  1238.     1S2S11S13S
  1239. ScanOptions
  1240.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1241. ScanOptions
  1242.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1243. ScanOptions
  1244.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1245. MiscOptions
  1246.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1247. MiscOptions
  1248.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1249. MiscOptions
  1250.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1251. MiscOptions
  1252.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1253. Actions
  1254.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1255. Actions
  1256. +U +X 
  1257.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1258. Actions
  1259.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1260. TrustScans
  1261.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  1262. GroupShieldOptions
  1263. optO"
  1264. optR"
  1265. optZ"
  1266. optB"
  1267. optF"
  1268. optK"
  1269. optV"
  1270. optU"
  1271. optX"
  1272. optN"
  1273. optT"
  1274.     0RR1S2S3S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S
  1275. GroupShieldScanners
  1276. GroupShieldScanners
  1277.     0R1S2S3S
  1278. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1279. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1280.     0R1S2S3S
  1281. GroupShieldNotifyError
  1282. Traps
  1283.     0R1S2S3S
  1284. ExtractOptions
  1285. line1
  1286. GroupShieldOptions=
  1287. GroupShieldOptions"
  1288.     1S2S3S4S5S6S
  1289. line2
  1290. GroupShieldScanners
  1291. GroupShieldScanners=
  1292. GroupShieldScanners
  1293.     0R1S2S11S12S18S19S
  1294. line3
  1295. GroupShieldTempDir
  1296. GroupShieldTempDir=
  1297. GroupShieldTempDir"
  1298.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  1299. line4
  1300. GroupShieldMaxFile
  1301. GroupShieldMaxFile=
  1302. GroupShieldMaxFileV
  1303.     0R1S2S11S12S16S17S
  1304. line5
  1305. GroupShieldDomain
  1306. GroupShieldDomain=
  1307. GroupShieldDomain
  1308.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  1309. line6
  1310. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1311. GroupShieldTrustedSigners=
  1312. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1313.     0R1S2S11S12S18S19S
  1314. line7
  1315. GroupShieldNotifyError
  1316. GroupShieldNotifyError=
  1317. GroupShieldNotifyError"
  1318.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  1319. line1
  1320. line2
  1321. line3
  1322. line4
  1323. line5
  1324. line6
  1325. line7
  1326.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S_ShowNotesINI
  1327. Copyright 
  1328.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  1329. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  1330. W4W10F/V2
  1331. WordPerfect 1c
  1332. Post form calculations:
  1333. saved
  1334.     1S2S
  1335. Actions
  1336.     0R1S2S3S
  1337. Traps
  1338.     0R1S2S3S
  1339. ScanOptions
  1340.     0R1S2S3S
  1341. MiscOptions
  1342.     0R1S2S3S
  1343. TrustScans
  1344.     0R1S2S3S
  1345. check
  1346.     0R1S2S
  1347. GroupShieldQArea
  1348.     0R1S2S3S
  1349. GroupShieldOptions
  1350.     0R1S2S3S
  1351. GroupShieldDomain
  1352.     0R1S2S3S
  1353. Domain
  1354.     0R1S2S3S
  1355. GroupShieldNotifyError
  1356.     0R1S2S3S
  1357. GroupShieldScanners
  1358.     0R1S2S3S
  1359. GroupShieldTempDir
  1360.     0R1S2S3S
  1361. GroupShieldMaxFile
  1362.     0R1S2S3S
  1363. GroupShieldTrustedSigners
  1364.     0R1S2S3S
  1365. Cleanup
  1366. NotAvailable
  1367. $Live.SavedForm
  1368. [1_UPDATE]
  1369. $Live.Mode
  1370. NotAvailable
  1371. DocType
  1372. Module"
  1373.     1S2S3S4S
  1374. &Arial
  1375. "Small Fonts
  1376.  Cfg.NWallJob
  1377. NWallJob
  1378. GroupShield
  1379. $Live.Statistics
  1380. 'US@    
  1381. 'US@    
  1382. 'US@    
  1383. 'US@    
  1384. 'US@    
  1385. 'US@    
  1386. 'US@    
  1387. 'US@    
  1388. 93Sqi9
  1389. 9iqS39
  1390. iUqU.9
  1391. i9S.3
  1392. UqU.9U
  1393. 3.Uqi
  1394. .UqS.3
  1395. qU.3q
  1396. 'US@    
  1397. 'US@    
  1398. 'US@    
  1399. 'US@    
  1400. 'US@    
  1401. <a>7`^///""
  1402. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  1403. of the Clipboard
  1404.     0S0E
  1405. choices
  1406. Default Scan Mail Job
  1407. Firewall Mail Transfer In
  1408. Firewall Mail Transfer Out
  1409.     1S2S3S4S5S6S
  1410. scanmail
  1411. Scan mail^^SCAN.BOX^^MAIL.BOX^^2^^15^^0^^60^^SELECT @IsAvailable($ScanParts.X)^^
  1412.     0R1S2S
  1413. fire_in
  1414. Firewall In^^IN.BOX^^MAIL.BOX^^2^^61^^0^^60^^ ^^
  1415.     0R1S2S
  1416. fire_out
  1417. Firewall Out^^OUT.BOX^^MAIL.BOX^^2^^63^^31^^60^^ ^^
  1418.     0R1S2S
  1419. answer
  1420. NWall Job Templates
  1421. Select a template to use for this NWall job. Please note that the current settings will be replaced.
  1422. choices
  1423. choices
  1424.     0RR1S2S6S8S10S17S
  1425. check
  1426. answerZ
  1427. answer
  1428.     0R1S2S8S9S11S12S15S20S
  1429. index
  1430. answer
  1431. choices
  1432.     0RR1S2S
  1433. template
  1434. index
  1435. scanmail
  1436. fire_in
  1437. fire_outw
  1438.     0R1S2S
  1439. NWall
  1440. template
  1441.     0RR1S
  1442. Source
  1443. template
  1444.     0R1S
  1445. Target
  1446. template
  1447.     0R1S
  1448. Transfer
  1449. template
  1450.     0R1S
  1451. Frequency
  1452. template
  1453.     0R1S
  1454. Offset
  1455. template
  1456.     0R1S
  1457. MaxRunTime
  1458. template
  1459.     0R1S
  1460. SelectEntry
  1461. template
  1462.     0R1S
  1463. FilterEntry
  1464. template
  1465.     0R1S
  1466. Set...
  1467. Configure
  1468. DocType
  1469. NWall Job
  1470. Module
  1471. W4W10F/V2
  1472. WordPerfect 
  1473. <a>7`^///""
  1474. esign mode; se
  1475. rrrrrrrr
  1476. ffffffff
  1477. [cc[c[[c
  1478. [[[[[[[[
  1479. L[LL[L[[
  1480. LLLLLLLL
  1481. ;;;;;;;;
  1482. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1483. nt database.eYou
  1484. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1485. A descriptive name for this firewall job. It is listed as the job name in the Antigen server statistics. (SHOW STAT ANTIGEN)
  1486. Nwall job name:
  1487.  Nwall Job"
  1488. Nwall
  1489. Nwall
  1490. Must enter a name for this Nwall job{
  1491. NWallName of this firewall definition.
  1492. list1
  1493. GroupShield.Stats
  1494. NWall.Job
  1495.     1S2S
  1496. list2
  1497. list1
  1498.     0R1S2S
  1499. list3
  1500. list2
  1501.     0R1S2S
  1502. NWall
  1503. list3
  1504.     0RR12S14SRunning
  1505. Determines which server will run this job. Use the abbreviated hierarchical server name. (e.g. Sales_Server/Acme)
  1506. Nwall server:
  1507.     0R3S4S6S8S
  1508. Server^
  1509.     0S0E
  1510. Server
  1511. Must enter a server for this firewall job
  1512.     3S4S6S11SServerName of server where Nwall is installed.
  1513. Database file name where source documents will be read. A remote database specification of the form PORT!!!SERVER!!DATABASE may be used.
  1514. Source database:
  1515. Source^
  1516. Source
  1517. Must enter a source database for this firewall job{
  1518. SourceName of Nwall's source database file.
  1519. Database file name where documents will be transferred. A remote database specification of the form PORT!!!SERVER!!DATABASE may be used. Note that if the target database file name is the same as the source database file name, then MOVE acts as a source update and COPY acts as a source duplicate.
  1520. Target database:
  1521. Target^
  1522. Target
  1523. Must enter a target database for this firewall job{
  1524. TargetName of Nwall's target database file.
  1526. <a>7`^///""
  1527. esign mode; se
  1528. rrrrrrrr
  1529. ffffffff
  1530. [cc[c[[c
  1531. [[[[[[[[
  1532. L[LL[L[[
  1533. LLLLLLLL
  1534. ;;;;;;;;
  1535. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1536. nt database.eYou
  1537. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1538. Determines the type of document transfer for this job. Note that Mail Redirector transfers usually operate on MAIL.BOX as both the source and target databases. (That is actually what the /M Firewall option does!)
  1539. Type of document transfer:
  1540. Job Disabled
  1541. Transfer^
  1542. TransferType of document transfer. Either copy, move, redirection, or disabled.
  1543. Copy Documents | 1Move Documents | 2Mail Redirection | 3Job Disabled | X
  1544. Determines how often the source database will be polled for new documents to transfer. The relative time may be entered as seconds or in H:M:S format.
  1545. Frequency of document transfer:
  1546. Frequency
  1547. Frequency
  1548. You must enter a valid frequency value.
  1549. Frequency
  1550. You must enter a frequency of 10 seconds or more.
  1551. FrequencyThe frequency of source database scans for new documents.
  1552. seconds
  1553. Establishes the time to wait (after Firewall starts) for this job to run for the first time. The relative time may be entered as seconds or in H:M:S format.
  1554. First document transfer time offset:
  1555. Offset^
  1556. OffsetX
  1557. You must enter a start offset value.{
  1558. OffsetThe time to wait before running the firewall the first time.
  1559. seconds
  1560. Establishes the maximum amount of time that Firewall will execute a single instance of this job. This prevents one job from stalling all other jobs. The relative time may be entered as seconds or in H:M:S format.
  1561. Maximum job execution time:
  1562. MaxRunTime^
  1563. MaxRunTimeX
  1564. You must enter a maximum execution time value.{
  1565. MaxRunTimeThe time to wait before running the firewall the first time.
  1566. seconds
  1567. MACROS
  1568. <a>7`^///""
  1569. esign mode; se
  1570. rrrrrrrr
  1571. ffffffff
  1572. [cc[c[[c
  1573. [[[[[[[[
  1574. L[LL[L[[
  1575. LLLLLLLL
  1576. ;;;;;;;;
  1577. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1578. nt database.eYou
  1579. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1580. OPTIONAL: A selct macro that determines which documents will be read from the source database.
  1581. Select macro for source:
  1582. SELECT @All
  1583. SelectEntrySelect macro formula applied to the source database.
  1584. OPTIONAL: A filter macro that can be used to modify documents being transferred. Certain macro commands such as @DbLookup, @DbColumn, @MailSend, and @Command cannot be used.
  1585. Filter macro for target:
  1586. FilterEntryFilter macro formula applied to transferred documents.
  1587. SelectEntry
  1588. SelectFormulaFilter macro formula applied to transferred documents.
  1589. FilterEntry
  1590. FilterFormulaFilter macro formula applied to transferred documents.
  1591. Select Macro = 
  1592. SelectFormula
  1593.  characters,  Filter Macro = 
  1594. FilterFormula
  1595.  characters
  1596. LineCounts
  1598. <a>7`^///""
  1599. esign mode; se
  1600. rrrrrrrr
  1601. ffffffff
  1602. [cc[c[[c
  1603. [[[[[[[[
  1604. L[LL[L[[
  1605. LLLLLLLL
  1606. ;;;;;;;;
  1607. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1608. nt database.eYou
  1609. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1610. Copyright 
  1611.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  1612. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  1613. W4W10F/V2
  1614. WordPerfect 1c
  1615. Post form calculations:
  1616. W4W10F/V2
  1617. WordPerfect 0c
  1618. DocSeq
  1619. NWall
  1620.  on "
  1621. Server
  1622.     1S2S3S4S
  1623. DocDesc
  1624. Started running agent 'Create LiveNotes Document' on 08/05/97 02:03:40 PM
  1625. 1 document(s) were modified by formula
  1626. Done running agent 'Create LiveNotes Document' on 08/05/97 02:04:32 PM
  1627. DocType
  1628. Module"
  1629.     1S2S3S4S
  1630. &Arial
  1631. "Small Fonts
  1632.  Program
  1633. Program
  1634. $Live.Form
  1635. [NOUPDATE]
  1636. $Live.Mode
  1637. GroupShieldOptions
  1638. $Live.Environment
  1639. Server.Name
  1640. Server.Version.Notes
  1641.     1S2S
  1642. $Live.Statistics
  1643. 'US@    
  1644. 'US@    
  1645. 'US@    
  1646. 'US@    
  1647. 'US@    
  1648. 'US@    
  1649. 'US@    
  1650. 'US@    
  1651. 93Sqi9
  1652. 9iqS39
  1653. iUqU.9
  1654. i9S.3
  1655. UqU.9U
  1656. 3.Uqi
  1657. .UqS.3
  1658. qU.3q
  1659. 'US@    
  1660. 'US@    
  1661. 'US@    
  1662. 'US@    
  1663. 'US@    
  1664. <a>7`^///""
  1665. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  1666. of the Clipboard
  1667.     0S0E
  1668. Operate
  1669. DocType
  1670. NScan Task
  1671. Module
  1672. W4W10F/V2
  1673. WordPerfect 
  1674. <a>7`^///""
  1675. esign mode; se
  1676. rrrrrrrr
  1677. ffffffff
  1678. [cc[c[[c
  1679. [[[[[[[[
  1680. L[LL[L[[
  1681. LLLLLLLL
  1682. ;;;;;;;;
  1683. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1684. nt database.eYou
  1685. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1686. Current Server:    
  1687. Server.Name
  1688. Server.Name
  1689.  (Notes "
  1690. Server.Version.Notes"
  1691. Local (Server not running)
  1692.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  1693. Scan documents with:    Miscellaneous settings:
  1694.     1S2S3S4S5S6S
  1695. ScanOptions
  1696. File Attachments | AStored Forms | ZRich Text Fields | ROLE Objects | O
  1697.     1S2S3S4S
  1698. MiscOptions
  1699. Search subdirectories | BFalse alarm tracking | FAbide database skip mark | KEnable verbose output | V
  1700. When virus is detected:    
  1701.     1S2S
  1702.     0R1S2S
  1703.     0R1S2S
  1704.     0R1S2S
  1705. Actions
  1706.     0R1S2S
  1707. Actions
  1708.     0R1S2S
  1709. Actions
  1710.     0R1S2S
  1711.     0R1S2S6S10S
  1712.     0R4S8S10S14S
  1713. Actions
  1714. Quarantine document | QClean document | UDelete document | XSend notifications | N
  1715. Trust scans within domain:    
  1716. TrustScans
  1717. YES | 1NO | 0
  1718. Skip documents older than:
  1719. ScanWindow
  1720. Scan All | -W1 Day | +W:12 Days | +W:23 Days | +W:34 Days | +W:41 Week | +W:72 Weeks | +W:14
  1721. Description of NScan task:
  1722. Description
  1724. <a>7`^///""
  1725. esign mode; se
  1726. rrrrrrrr
  1727. ffffffff
  1728. [cc[c[[c
  1729. [[[[[[[[
  1730. L[LL[L[[
  1731. LLLLLLLL
  1732. ;;;;;;;;
  1733. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1734. nt database.eYou
  1735. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1736. Databases
  1737. COMMAND
  1738. <a>7`^///""
  1739. esign mode; se
  1740. rrrrrrrr
  1741. ffffffff
  1742. [cc[c[[c
  1743. [[[[[[[[
  1744. L[LL[L[[
  1745. LLLLLLLL
  1746. ;;;;;;;;
  1747. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  1748. nt database.eYou
  1749. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  1750. GroupShieldOptions=
  1751. GroupShieldOptionsb
  1752.     0S0E
  1753. _ShowDefs
  1754. GroupShieldOptions
  1755.     1S2S3S
  1756. optlist1
  1757. GroupShieldOptions
  1758.     0R1S2S
  1759. optlist2
  1760. optlist1
  1761. /SCAN
  1762. /CLEAN
  1763. +A +R -U +F
  1764. +A +R +U +F
  1765.     0R1S2S
  1766. optlist3
  1767. optlist2
  1768.     0R1S2S
  1769. deflist
  1770. optlist3
  1771.     0R1S2S
  1772. deflist
  1773. +A |-A 
  1774. deflist
  1775.     0RR1S2S
  1776. ScanOptions
  1777.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1778. deflist
  1779. deflist
  1780. +O |-O 
  1781.     0RR1S2S
  1782. ScanOptions
  1783.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1784. deflist
  1785. deflist
  1786. +R |-R 
  1787.     0RR1S2S
  1788. ScanOptions
  1789.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1790. deflist
  1791. deflist
  1792. +Z |-Z 
  1793.     0RR1S2S
  1794. ScanOptions
  1795.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1796. deflist
  1797. deflist
  1798. +B |-B 
  1799.     0RR1S2S
  1800. MiscOptions
  1801.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1802. deflist
  1803. deflist
  1804.     0RRR1S2S
  1805. MiscOptions
  1806.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1807. deflist
  1808. deflist
  1809.     0RR1S2S
  1810. MiscOptions
  1811.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1812. MiscOptions
  1813.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1814. Actions
  1815.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1816. Actions
  1817. +U +X 
  1818.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1819. deflist
  1820. deflist
  1821.     0RRR1S2S
  1822. Actions
  1823.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1824. deflist
  1825. deflist
  1826.     0RRR1S2S
  1827. TrustScans
  1828.     0R1S2S5S6S8S15S
  1829. ScanWindow
  1830. ScanWindow
  1831.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S20S21S
  1832. optlist
  1833. optO"
  1834. optR"
  1835. optZ"
  1836. optB"
  1837. optF"
  1838. optK"
  1839. optV"
  1840. optU"
  1841. optX"
  1842. optN"
  1843. optT"
  1844. optW"
  1845.     0RR1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  1846. dblist
  1847. Databases
  1848.     0RR1S2S
  1849. NSCAN 
  1850. optlist
  1851. dblist
  1852. dblist
  1853.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S9S10S12S14S
  1854. Command
  1855. GroupShieldOptions
  1856.     1S2S3S
  1857. Server.Name
  1858.     0R1S2S3S
  1859. optlist1
  1860. GroupShieldOptions
  1861.     0RR1S2S
  1862. optlist2
  1863. optlist1
  1864. /SCAN
  1865. /CLEAN
  1866. +A +R -U +F
  1867. +A +R +U +F
  1868.     0R1S2S
  1869. optlist3
  1870. optlist2
  1871.     0R1S2S
  1872. deflist
  1873. optlist3
  1874.     0R1S2S
  1875. deflist
  1876. +A |-A 
  1877. deflist
  1878.     0RR1S2S
  1879. ScanOptions
  1880.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1881. deflist
  1882. deflist
  1883. +O |-O 
  1884.     0RR1S2S
  1885. ScanOptions
  1886.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1887. deflist
  1888. deflist
  1889. +R |-R 
  1890.     0RR1S2S
  1891. ScanOptions
  1892.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1893. deflist
  1894. deflist
  1895. +Z |-Z 
  1896.     0RR1S2S
  1897. ScanOptions
  1898.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1899. deflist
  1900. deflist
  1901. +B |-B 
  1902.     0RR1S2S
  1903. MiscOptions
  1904.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1905. deflist
  1906. deflist
  1907.     0RRR1S2S
  1908. MiscOptions
  1909.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1910. deflist
  1911. deflist
  1912.     0RR1S2S
  1913. MiscOptions
  1914.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1915. MiscOptions
  1916.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1917. Actions
  1918.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  1919. Actions
  1920. +U +X 
  1921.     0R1S2S11S13S
  1922. deflist
  1923. deflist
  1924.     0RRR1S2S
  1925. Actions
  1926.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1927. deflist
  1928. deflist
  1929.     0RRR1S2S
  1930. TrustScans
  1931.     0R1S2S5S6S8S15S
  1932. ScanWindow
  1933. ScanWindow
  1934.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S20S21S
  1935. optlist
  1936. optO"
  1937. optR"
  1938. optZ"
  1939. optB"
  1940. optF"
  1941. optK"
  1942. optV"
  1943. optU"
  1944. optX"
  1945. optN"
  1946. optT"
  1947. optW"
  1948.     0RR1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  1949. dblist1
  1950. Databases
  1951.     0RR1S2S
  1952. dblist
  1953. Server.Name
  1954. dblist1
  1955. Server.Name
  1956. dblist1
  1957.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S12S13S15S16S
  1958. parms
  1959. optlist
  1960.  +P "
  1961. dblist
  1962. dblist
  1963.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S9S10S12S14S
  1964. NSCAN.EXE
  1965. parms
  1966. Local Execution
  1967. GroupShieldOptions
  1968.     1S2S3S
  1969. Server.Name
  1970.     0R1S2S3S
  1971. optlist1
  1972. GroupShieldOptions
  1973.     0RR1S2S
  1974. optlist2
  1975. optlist1
  1976. /SCAN
  1977. /CLEAN
  1978. +A +R -U +F
  1979. +A +R +U +F
  1980.     0R1S2S
  1981. optlist3
  1982. optlist2
  1983.     0R1S2S
  1984. deflist
  1985. optlist3
  1986.     0R1S2S
  1987. deflist
  1988. +A |-A 
  1989. deflist
  1990.     0RR1S2S
  1991. ScanOptions
  1992.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1993. deflist
  1994. deflist
  1995. +O |-O 
  1996.     0RR1S2S
  1997. ScanOptions
  1998.     0R1S2S11S18S
  1999. deflist
  2000. deflist
  2001. +R |-R 
  2002.     0RR1S2S
  2003. ScanOptions
  2004.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2005. deflist
  2006. deflist
  2007. +Z |-Z 
  2008.     0RR1S2S
  2009. ScanOptions
  2010.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2011. deflist
  2012. deflist
  2013. +B |-B 
  2014.     0RR1S2S
  2015. MiscOptions
  2016.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2017. deflist
  2018. deflist
  2019.     0RRR1S2S
  2020. MiscOptions
  2021.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2022. deflist
  2023. deflist
  2024.     0RR1S2S
  2025. MiscOptions
  2026.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2027. MiscOptions
  2028.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  2029. Actions
  2030.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  2031. Actions
  2032. +U +X 
  2033.     0R1S2S11S13S
  2034. deflist
  2035. deflist
  2036.     0RRR1S2S
  2037. Actions
  2038.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2039. deflist
  2040. deflist
  2041.     0RRR1S2S
  2042. TrustScans
  2043.     0R1S2S5S6S8S15S
  2044. ScanWindow
  2045. ScanWindow
  2046.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S20S21S
  2047. optlist
  2048. optO"
  2049. optR"
  2050. optZ"
  2051. optB"
  2052. optF"
  2053. optK"
  2054. optV"
  2055. optU"
  2056. optX"
  2057. optN"
  2058. optT"
  2059. optW"
  2060.     0RR1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  2061. dblist
  2062. Databases
  2063.     0RR1S2S
  2064. LOAD SCAN 
  2065. optlist
  2066.  +S "
  2067. dblist
  2068. dblist
  2069.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S11S12S14S16S
  2070. LIVECON>
  2071. Server.Name
  2072.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  2073. Server.Name
  2074. Error
  2075. Server is not available. Try local execution instead.
  2076.     0RR3S4S6S15S
  2077. Server Execution
  2078. Copyright 
  2079.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  2080. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  2081. W4W10F/V2
  2082. WordPerfect 1c
  2083. Post form calculations:
  2084. W4W10F/V2
  2085. WordPerfect 0c
  2086. DocSeq
  2087. Description
  2088. DocDesc
  2089. NotAvailable
  2090. $Live.SavedForm
  2091. NotAvailable
  2092.     Program document: 
  2093. Program
  2094. NSCAN.EXE
  2095. ProgramName of program to be run.
  2096. GroupShieldOptions
  2097.     1S2S3S
  2098. optlist1
  2099. GroupShieldOptions
  2100.     0R1S2S
  2101. optlist2
  2102. optlist1
  2103. /SCAN
  2104. /CLEAN
  2105. +A +R -U +F
  2106. +A +R +U +F
  2107.     0R1S2S
  2108. optlist3
  2109. optlist2
  2110.     0R1S2S
  2111. deflist
  2112. optlist3
  2113.     0R1S2S
  2114. deflist
  2115. +A |-A 
  2116. deflist
  2117.     0RR1S2S
  2118. ScanOptions
  2119.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2120. deflist
  2121. deflist
  2122. +O |-O 
  2123.     0RR1S2S
  2124. ScanOptions
  2125.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2126. deflist
  2127. deflist
  2128. +R |-R 
  2129.     0RR1S2S
  2130. ScanOptions
  2131.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2132. deflist
  2133. deflist
  2134. +Z |-Z 
  2135.     0RR1S2S
  2136. ScanOptions
  2137.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2138. deflist
  2139. deflist
  2140. +B |-B 
  2141.     0RR1S2S
  2142. MiscOptions
  2143.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2144. deflist
  2145. deflist
  2146.     0RRR1S2S
  2147. MiscOptions
  2148.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2149. deflist
  2150. deflist
  2151.     0RR1S2S
  2152. MiscOptions
  2153.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2154. MiscOptions
  2155.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  2156. Actions
  2157.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  2158. Actions
  2159. +U +X 
  2160.     0R1S2S11S13S
  2161. deflist
  2162. deflist
  2163.     0RRR1S2S
  2164. Actions
  2165.     0R1S2S11S18S
  2166. deflist
  2167. deflist
  2168.     0RRR1S2S
  2169. TrustScans
  2170.     0R1S2S5S6S8S15S
  2171. ScanWindow
  2172. ScanWindow
  2173.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S20S21S
  2174. optlist
  2175. optO"
  2176. optR"
  2177. optZ"
  2178. optB"
  2179. optF"
  2180. optK"
  2181. optV"
  2182. optU"
  2183. optX"
  2184. optN"
  2185. optT"
  2186. optW"
  2187.     0RR1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  2188. dblist
  2189. Databases
  2190.     0RR1S2S
  2191. optlist
  2192. dblist
  2193. dblist
  2194.     0RR1S2S3S4S7S8S10S12SCmdLineCommand line to run the program.
  2195. GroupShield
  2196. Server.Name
  2197. Server.Name
  2198.     3S4S6S8S
  2199. SourceDistinguished name of server on which to run the program - e.g. Marketing.
  2200. GroupShield NScan - 
  2201. Description
  2202.     1S2S
  2203. CommentsComments about the program.
  2204. EnabledScheduled running of program enabled or disabled.
  2206. ScheduleTimes of day to run program.
  2207. IntervalInterval to repeat - 0 means run program once.
  2208.     1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12SWeekDaysDays of week - e.g. Mon, Tue, Wed.
  2209. Sun | 1Mon | 2Tue | 3Wed | 4Thu | 5Fri | 6Sat | 7
  2210. [NetModifier]
  2211. DocumentAccess
  2212. OwnerFull name of person allowed to modify this document.
  2213. LocalAdminEnter the names or group names which should have edit capabilities for this record.
  2214. DocType
  2215. Module"
  2216.     1S2S3S4S
  2217. &Arial
  2218. "Small Fonts
  2219. Oper.NShield
  2220. Oper.NShield
  2221. $Live.Form
  2222. GroupShield
  2223. Server
  2224. Server.Name
  2225. Server.Version.Notes
  2226.     0S0E
  2227. $Live.Statistics
  2228. Console
  2229. Categories
  2230. 'US@    
  2231. 'US@    
  2232. 'US@    
  2233. 'US@    
  2234. 'US@    
  2235. 'US@    
  2236. 'US@    
  2237. 'US@    
  2238. 93Sqi9
  2239. 9iqS39
  2240. iUqU.9
  2241. i9S.3
  2242. UqU.9U
  2243. 3.Uqi
  2244. .UqS.3
  2245. qU.3q
  2246. 'US@    
  2247. 'US@    
  2248. 'US@    
  2249. 'US@    
  2250. 'US@    
  2251. <a>7`^///""
  2252. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  2253. of the Clipboard
  2254. Monitor
  2255. DocType
  2256. NShield
  2257. Module
  2258. W4W10F/V2
  2259. WordPerfect 
  2260. <a>7`^///""
  2261. esign mode; se
  2262. rrrrrrrr
  2263. ffffffff
  2264. [cc[c[[c
  2265. [[[[[[[[
  2266. L[LL[L[[
  2267. LLLLLLLL
  2268. ;;;;;;;;
  2269. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2270. nt database.eYou
  2271. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2272. Current Server:
  2273. Server.Name
  2274. Server.Name
  2275.  (Notes "
  2276. Server.Version.Notes"
  2277. Local (Server not running)
  2278.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  2279. Current Time:
  2280. NShield Version:
  2281. GroupShield.Stats
  2282. NShield.Version=`
  2283.     0S0E
  2284. _Version
  2285. NShield Status:
  2286. GroupShield.Stats
  2287. NShield.Scanner=`
  2288.     0S0E
  2289. _Status
  2290. Quarantined:
  2291. GroupShield.Stats
  2292. NShield.Quarantined=`
  2293.     0S0E
  2294. _Quarantined
  2295. NAB Attacks:
  2296. GroupShield.Stats
  2297. NShield.Attacks=`
  2298.     0S0E
  2299. _Attacks
  2300. Mail Spoofing:
  2301. GroupShield.Stats
  2302. NShield.Spoofing=
  2303.     0S0E
  2304. _Spoofing
  2305. TASK LIST
  2306. <a>7`^///""
  2307. esign mode; se
  2308. rrrrrrrr
  2309. ffffffff
  2310. [cc[c[[c
  2311. [[[[[[[[
  2312. L[LL[L[[
  2313. LLLLLLLL
  2314. ;;;;;;;;
  2315. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2316. nt database.eYou
  2317. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2318. GroupShield.Stats
  2319. Task.
  2320.     1S2S
  2321. names
  2322.     0R1S2S
  2323. state
  2324.     0R1S2S
  2325. names
  2326.  ................
  2327.     0R1S2S5S6S8S
  2328. state
  2329.     0R1S2S3S4S
  2330.     0R1S2S
  2331. _ShowTasks
  2332. Copyright 
  2333.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  2334. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  2335. W4W10F/V2
  2336. WordPerfect 1c
  2337. Post form calculations:
  2338. W4W10F/V2
  2339. WordPerfect 0c
  2340. DocSeq
  2341. Monitor status of NShield
  2342. DocDesc
  2343. NotAvailable
  2344. $Live.SavedForm
  2345. [NOUPDATE]
  2346. $Live.Mode
  2347. NotAvailable
  2348. DocType
  2349. Module"
  2350.     1S2S3S4S
  2351. &Arial
  2352. "Small Fonts
  2353. Oper.Server
  2354. Oper.Server
  2355. $Live.Form
  2356. Platform.Name
  2357. $Live.Information
  2358. GroupShield
  2359. Server
  2360. Server.Name
  2361. Server.Version.Notes
  2362. Mem.PhysicalRAM
  2363.     0S0E
  2364. $Live.Statistics
  2365. Console
  2366. Categories
  2367. 'US@    
  2368. 'US@    
  2369. 'US@    
  2370. 'US@    
  2371. 'US@    
  2372. 'US@    
  2373. 'US@    
  2374. 'US@    
  2375. 93Sqi9
  2376. 9iqS39
  2377. iUqU.9
  2378. i9S.3
  2379. UqU.9U
  2380. 3.Uqi
  2381. .UqS.3
  2382. qU.3q
  2383. 'US@    
  2384. 'US@    
  2385. 'US@    
  2386. 'US@    
  2387. 'US@    
  2388. <a>7`^///""
  2389. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  2390. of the Clipboard
  2391. Monitor
  2392. DocType
  2393. Server
  2394. Module
  2395. W4W10F/V2
  2396. WordPerfect 
  2397. <a>7`^///""
  2398. esign mode; se
  2399. rrrrrrrr
  2400. ffffffff
  2401. [cc[c[[c
  2402. [[[[[[[[
  2403. L[LL[L[[
  2404. LLLLLLLL
  2405. ;;;;;;;;
  2406. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2407. nt database.eYou
  2408. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2409. Current Server:
  2410. Server.Name
  2411. Server.Name
  2412.  (Notes "
  2413. Server.Version.Notes"
  2414. Local (Server not running)
  2415.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  2416. Current Time:
  2417. Start Time:
  2418. Server.Stats
  2419. Time.Start=
  2420.     1S2S
  2421. _StartTime
  2422. PLATFORM
  2423. <a>7`^///""
  2424. esign mode; se
  2425. rrrrrrrr
  2426. ffffffff
  2427. [cc[c[[c
  2428. [[[[[[[[
  2429. L[LL[L[[
  2430. LLLLLLLL
  2431. ;;;;;;;;
  2432. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2433. nt database.eYou
  2434. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2435. Server.Stats
  2436. Version.OS=
  2437.     1S2S
  2438. Platform.Name
  2439.     0R3S4S6S8S
  2440. CPU:    
  2441. count1
  2442. Server.Stats
  2443. CPU.Count=`
  2444.     1S2S
  2445. count
  2446. count1
  2447. count1
  2448. count1
  2449. Single
  2450.     0R1S2S8S10S14S16S20S22S
  2451. Server.Stats
  2452. CPU.Type=
  2453.     0R1S2S
  2454. count
  2455.     0R1S2S3S4S
  2456. RAM:    
  2457. Mem.PhysicalRAM
  2458.     1S2S3S
  2459. Mem.PhysicalRAM
  2460.     0R1S2S
  2461.     0R1S2S
  2462. Unknown
  2463.     0R3S4S6S8S14S16S27S28S
  2464. DISKS:
  2465. Disk.Stats
  2466. Fixed=`
  2467.     1S2S
  2468. Disk.Stats
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  2473. remote
  2474.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  2475. fixed
  2476.  Fixed, "
  2477. remote"
  2478.  Remote
  2479.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  2480. _Disks
  2481. STORAGE
  2482. <a>7`^///""
  2483. esign mode; se
  2484. rrrrrrrr
  2485. ffffffff
  2486. [cc[c[[c
  2487. [[[[[[[[
  2488. L[LL[L[[
  2489. LLLLLLLL
  2490. ;;;;;;;;
  2491. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2492. nt database.eYou
  2493. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2494. DRIVE
  2496. Disk.Stats
  2497. .Size
  2498.     1S2S
  2499.     0R1S2S3S4S
  2500. _Drive
  2501. Total
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  2511.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2512.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2513.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2514.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2515.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2516.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2517. dlist
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  2519. dlist
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  2521. Disk.Stats
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  2528.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2529.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2530.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2531.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2532.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2533.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2534.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2535.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2536.     0RR1S2S
  2537. dsumV
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  2539. Disk.Stats
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  2547.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2548.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2549.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2550.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2551.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2552.     0R1S2S8S10S
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  2554. dlist
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  2556. dlist
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  2558. Disk.Stats
  2559. .Free=`
  2560.     1S2S
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  2562.     0R1S2S
  2563.     0R1S2S3S
  2564.     0R1S2S
  2565.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2566.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2567.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2568.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2569.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2570.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2571.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2572.     0R1S2S8S10S
  2573.     0RR1S2S
  2574. dsumV
  2575.     0RR4S5S_FreeSum
  2576. Disk.Stats
  2577. .Size=`
  2578.     1S2S
  2579.     0R1S2S
  2580. Disk.Stats
  2581. .Free=`
  2582.     0R1S2S
  2583.     0R1S2S
  2584.     0R1S2S
  2585.     0R1S2S
  2586. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
  2587.     0R1S2S
  2588.     0RR1S2S
  2589.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2590.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2591.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2592.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2593.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2594.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2595.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2596.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2597.     0RR1S2S
  2598.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2599.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2600.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2601.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2602.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2603.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2604.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2605.     0R1S2S8S11S
  2606.     0RR1S2S
  2607.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2608.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2609.     0RR1S2S
  2610.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2611.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2612.     0RR1S2S
  2613.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2614.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2615.     0RR1S2S
  2616.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2617.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2618.     0RR1S2S
  2619.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2620.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2621.     0RR1S2S
  2622.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2623.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2624.     0RR1S2S
  2625.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2626.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2627.     0RR1S2S
  2628.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
  2629.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S12S13S
  2630.     0RR1S2S
  2631.     0R1S2S5S6S9S11S14S15S19S20S
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  2633. dlist
  2634.     0RR1S2S
  2635. dlist
  2636.     0RR_Used
  2637. TASK LIST
  2638. <a>7`^///""
  2639. esign mode; se
  2640. rrrrrrrr
  2641. ffffffff
  2642. [cc[c[[c
  2643. [[[[[[[[
  2644. L[LL[L[[
  2645. LLLLLLLL
  2646. ;;;;;;;;
  2647. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2648. nt database.eYou
  2649. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2650. Server.Stats
  2651. Task=
  2652.     1S2S
  2653. names
  2654.     0R1S2S
  2655. state
  2656.     0R1S2S
  2657. names
  2658.  ..............................
  2659.     0R1S2S5S6S8S
  2660. state
  2661.     0R1S2S3S4S
  2662.     0R1S2S
  2663. _ShowTasks
  2664. Copyright 
  2665.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  2666. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  2667. W4W10F/V2
  2668. WordPerfect 1c
  2669. Post form calculations:
  2670. W4W10F/V2
  2671. WordPerfect 0c
  2672. DocSeq
  2673. Monitor status of server
  2674. DocDesc
  2675. NotAvailable
  2676. $Live.SavedForm
  2677. [NOUPDATE]
  2678. $Live.Mode
  2679. NotAvailable
  2680. DocType
  2681. Module"
  2682.     1S2S3S4S
  2683. &Arial
  2684. "Small Fonts
  2685. Oper.Routing
  2686. Oper.Routing
  2687. $Live.Form
  2688. Platform.Name
  2689. $Live.Information
  2690. GroupShield
  2691. Server
  2692. Server.Name
  2693. Server.Version.Notes
  2694.     0S0E
  2695. $Live.Statistics
  2696. Console
  2697. Categories
  2698. 'US@    
  2699. 'US@    
  2700. 'US@    
  2701. 'US@    
  2702. 'US@    
  2703. 'US@    
  2704. 'US@    
  2705. 'US@    
  2706. 93Sqi9
  2707. 9iqS39
  2708. iUqU.9
  2709. i9S.3
  2710. UqU.9U
  2711. 3.Uqi
  2712. .UqS.3
  2713. qU.3q
  2714. 'US@    
  2715. 'US@    
  2716. 'US@    
  2717. 'US@    
  2718. 'US@    
  2719. <a>7`^///""
  2720. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  2721. of the Clipboard
  2722. Monitor
  2723. DocType
  2724. Mail Routing
  2725. Module
  2726. W4W10F/V2
  2727. WordPerfect 
  2728. <a>7`^///""
  2729. esign mode; se
  2730. rrrrrrrr
  2731. ffffffff
  2732. [cc[c[[c
  2733. [[[[[[[[
  2734. L[LL[L[[
  2735. LLLLLLLL
  2736. ;;;;;;;;
  2737. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2738. nt database.eYou
  2739. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2740. Current Server:
  2741. Server.Name
  2742. Server.Name
  2743.  (Notes "
  2744. Server.Version.Notes"
  2745. Local (Server not running)
  2746.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  2747. Current Time:
  2748. ROUTING
  2749. <a>7`^///""
  2750. esign mode; se
  2751. rrrrrrrr
  2752. ffffffff
  2753. [cc[c[[c
  2754. [[[[[[[[
  2755. L[LL[L[[
  2756. LLLLLLLL
  2757. ;;;;;;;;
  2758. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  2759. nt database.eYou
  2760. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  2761. ;L;L;L;
  2762. ;L;L;L;
  2763. [c[c[c[c[c[L@
  2764. fcfcfcfcfcfL@
  2765. frfc@
  2766. .L[L[
  2767. [L[L[
  2768. 4L[L[
  2769. ;Lfcfr[fr
  2770. fr[;@
  2771. ;[rfc
  2772. [fc.4;4;4L
  2773. [fcfc
  2774. c[;4;4;4
  2775. 4;4;4L
  2776. L;L;[;L
  2777. L[Lc[c[
  2778. c[c[f
  2779. [LrL;
  2780. [4Lrc
  2781. rc[c[
  2782. [LcLc[
  2783. ;L[L[
  2784. ;L[L[
  2785. cL[cr
  2786. [rL[rc[
  2787. [L[L[
  2788. [L[L[
  2789. [.;4;L;
  2790. Lrfrfrfrfrfrfr
  2791. [L[L[L[
  2792. L    [Lf
  2793. Lfrfrfrf
  2794. ;L[L[
  2795. [L[L[
  2796. [L[L[
  2797. ;4;4;4
  2798. L;[L[L
  2799. Lfrfrfrfrfrfrf
  2800. cL[L[
  2801. L[L[L[
  2802. ;L[L[
  2803. L    [L[
  2804. crcrf
  2805. [4;4L;
  2806. Lrfr;
  2807. ;L[L[
  2808. fL[Lf
  2809. L4;L;
  2810. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2811. [4;4L;
  2812. [;4;4L;L;[L[Lc
  2813. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2814. [L[L[
  2815. [L[L[
  2816. [L[L[
  2817. L;[L[Lc
  2818. [L[L[
  2819. ;[L[Lc[
  2820. [LcLc[
  2821. 4L[L[
  2822. [L[L[
  2823. [frL[L[L
  2824. [L[L[
  2825. [L[L[
  2826. [L[L[
  2827. [L[cf
  2829. 4L4;.@
  2830. .;4;4;4;4;4;4;@
  2831. ;4;4;4;4;4;4@
  2832. ;c[c[
  2833.     ;fcfcfcf;@
  2834. ;[L[L[L[L[L
  2835.     LfrfrfrfL@
  2836. L[c[c[
  2837. Lfcfcf
  2838. fcfcfc@
  2839. rfrf.@
  2840. Lcfcrc[r
  2841. [L[L[
  2842. [fcfL4
  2843. fL4;4;4
  2844. [L[Lc
  2845. [4;fr
  2846. [4;4;L;fr
  2847.     L;4;4L;L;
  2848. [L[L[
  2849. [4;4;L
  2850. [Lc[c[
  2851. fL[L[
  2852. L[L[L
  2853. [L[L[L[
  2854. [4;4;L
  2855. [L[L[
  2856. rL[L[f
  2857. [L[L[
  2858. [L[L[
  2859. [L[L[
  2860. [4;4;L;
  2861. L    [L[Lc[c[f
  2862. L[L[L[
  2863. fL[L[
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  2865. fL[L[
  2866. [4;4;L;
  2867. [L[L[
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  2870. [L[L[L[
  2871. [L[L[
  2872. [L[L[
  2873. [L[L[
  2874. L[L[r
  2875. [L[L[
  2876. [L[L[
  2877. [L[L[
  2878. [L[L[
  2879. rfcfc
  2880. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2881. [L[L[
  2882. [L[L[
  2883. [L[L[fr
  2884. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2885. [    c[c[c[c[c
  2887. ;4;4;4;@
  2888. 4;4;4;4;4.@
  2889. [;L[@
  2890. 4[L[L[L[L[L[L[.@
  2891. [c[4@
  2892. ;fcfcfcfcfcfcf4@
  2893. rfrfrfr
  2894. frfrfrf
  2895. [fcfc
  2896. c;.4;4;
  2897. [L[L[@
  2898. c[cfcfc
  2899. Lc[c[
  2900. [L[Lf
  2901. L;L[Lfr
  2902. [4;4;
  2903. L;4L;
  2904. [4;4L;
  2905. ;L[L[
  2906. L;4L;
  2907. [4;4;
  2908. c    fcfr
  2909. ;L[L[
  2910. Lc[c[
  2911.     rfrc
  2912.     frcr
  2913. ;L[L[
  2914. [4;4;
  2915. [L[c[
  2916. [    Lc[cfcfrf
  2917. L[L[c
  2918. ;L[L[
  2919. [L[L[
  2920. rfc[@
  2921. 4;4L;L[L
  2922. cL[L[
  2923. ;L[L[
  2924. ;[cfc[c[fc
  2925. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2926. .;4L;
  2927. L    [L[L[L[L[
  2928. ;L[L[
  2929. f    c4;Lcfrc[
  2930. cfcL[
  2931. L;L[L
  2932. cfcfrf
  2933. fcrc4
  2934. fcrc4
  2935. ;L[L[
  2936. cfcfrf
  2937. rL[L[
  2938. fcrc4
  2939. L[L[Lf
  2940. .;fL;
  2941. ;L[L[
  2942. [L[L[
  2943. fcrc4
  2944. r[L[L
  2945. cfc[c[
  2946. frfc4
  2947. [L[L[
  2948. [;4L;
  2949. [L[L[@
  2950. [L[L[
  2951. [L[L[
  2952. [L[L[L[
  2953. [;4L;
  2954. 4L[L[
  2955. cfcfrf
  2956. [L[L[
  2957. [;4L;
  2958. cfcfrf
  2959. [L[cr
  2960. ;[c[L
  2961. cfcfrf
  2962. [    cLc[c[c[c
  2963. fcfcfcfcfL@
  2964. frfrfrfrf[@
  2965. <a>7`^///""
  2966. ect 5.x
  2967. .
  2968. W4W07;;4;;;4;
  2969. [c[c[c[c
  2970. W4W07
  2971. V1cfcfcfcf
  2972. rfrfrfrf
  2973. W4W07;;4;
  2974. W4W07;;4;
  2975. W4W07;;4;[LL[LL[L.
  2976. rfrfL[LL[LL[
  2977. @LL[LLL[L
  2978. W4W07;;4;L[LL[L[L
  2979. LL[LL[LL
  2980. L[L[LL[L
  2981. W4W07;;4;c[[c[[c[
  2982. rrrrrrrr
  2983. W4W07;;4;rrrrr
  2984. W4W07
  2985. V1cfcf
  2986. LL[LL[L[@
  2987. c[c[[c[[
  2988. W4W07;;4;
  2989. [L[LL[LL
  2990. WordPerfeLLL[LL[L
  2991. [LL[L[LL
  2992. ........W48F/V0
  2993. Exce4;4;4;4;
  2994. W4W07;;4;[LL[L;L;L;L;
  2995. L[L[L[L[
  2996. @LL[Lccfcccfc
  2997. W4W21F/V4
  2998. ffrfrffr
  2999. LL[Lr
  3000. W4W07;;4;c[[c
  3001. W4W49F/V
  3002. OiOiOiO$fi
  3003. iOi3iOi3i
  3004. |nzlinl|S|
  3005. $fi$iOGf$fGfGOfGfGOfGf
  3006. l#IqlqIql|InI
  3007. |i|$ki|il
  3008. iOi3if$Oi3G
  3009. <a>7`^///""
  3010. + " " + Module
  3011. OiOiOiOi.
  3012. Status:
  3013. GroupShield.Stats
  3014. NWall.Status=
  3015.     1S2S
  3017.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3018. _Redir.Status
  3019. Processed:
  3020. GroupShield.Stats
  3021. NWall.Processed=`
  3022.     1S2S
  3023.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3024. _Redir.Processed
  3025. Redirected:
  3026. GroupShield.Stats
  3027. NWall.Redirected=
  3028.     1S2S
  3029.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3030. _Redir.Redirected
  3031. GroupShield.Stats
  3032. NWall.Processed=`
  3033.     1S2S
  3034. GroupShield.Stats
  3035. NWall.Redirected=
  3036.     0R1S2S
  3037.     0R1S2S
  3038.     0R1S2S
  3039. anumZ
  3040. bnumZ
  3041. anum%
  3042.     0R12S14S26S28S
  3043. _Redir.Pct
  3044.     Lrf.
  3045. Lrf.@
  3046. OnlL;
  3047. L[.;L4
  3048. qlnlql|
  3049. il|lilil
  3050. iOiOiOGf$ZOfG
  3051. lq|nlqiqlqIq|lI
  3052. l    |Ilil
  3053. OiO$OiO$Oi3i3ifi
  3054. L.L.L.L.
  3055. <a>7`^///""
  3056. + " " + Module
  3057. Pending:
  3058. GroupShield.Stats
  3059. NWall.Redirected=
  3060.     1S2S
  3061. GroupShield.Stats
  3062. NWall.Job1=Scan mail`
  3063.     0R1S2S
  3064. GroupShield.Stats
  3065. NWall.Job1.Total=
  3066.     0R1S2S
  3067.     0R1S2S5S6S8S11S15S16S
  3068.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3069. _Scanbox.Queued
  3070. Suspended:
  3071. GroupShield.Stats
  3072. NWall.Job1=Scan mail`
  3073.     1S2S
  3074. GroupShield.Stats
  3075. NWall.Job1.Error=
  3076.     0R1S2S
  3077.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3078. _Scanbox.Suspended
  3079. nqO.cf[
  3080. Lfrfr
  3081. lql|lil|
  3082. |lilI|
  3083. GfOGfOGfOGfOGfOGfO[
  3084. |nIq|nI
  3085. iO%OiOi
  3086. |O$f$f
  3087. iGiGi$iGi
  3088. iGiGi$iGi$iGi
  3089. GiO$OiOGO
  3090. fG3OfOf
  3091. O'GOfLO[fLO[O
  3092. <a>7`^///""
  3093. + " " + Module
  3094. Status:
  3095. GroupShield.Stats
  3096. NWall.Version=`
  3097.     1S2S
  3099. RUNNING
  3100.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3101. _Process.Status
  3102. Scanned:
  3103. GroupShield.Stats
  3104. NWall.Job1=Scan mail`
  3105.     1S2S
  3106. GroupShield.Stats
  3107. NWall.Job1.Total=
  3108.     0R1S2S
  3109.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3110. _Process.Scanned
  3111. Quarantined:
  3112. GroupShield.Stats
  3113. NWall.Quarantined=`
  3114.     1S2S
  3115.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3116. _Process.Quarantined
  3117. Server.Name
  3118.     1S2S3S
  3119. nwall
  3120. GroupShield.Stats
  3121. NWall.Version=`
  3122.     0RR1S2S
  3123. envcheck
  3124. nwall
  3125.     0RR1S2S5S6S
  3126. LOAD NWALL
  3127.     0RR1S2S
  3128. LIVECON>
  3129. Server.Name
  3130.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  3131. checkserver
  3132. Server.Name
  3133. Error
  3134. Server is not available. Connect to (or start) the server before attempting this operation again.
  3135.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S25S
  3136. checkstate
  3137. envcheck
  3138. Alert
  3139. The NWall processor is already started. You must stop NWall before it can be started again.
  3140.     0RR1S2S
  3141.     0RR9S
  3142. Start
  3143. Server.Name
  3144.     1S2S3S
  3145. nwall
  3146. GroupShield.Stats
  3147. NWall.Version=`
  3148.     0RR1S2S
  3149. envcheck
  3150. nwall
  3151.     0RR1S2S5S6S
  3153.     0RR1S2S
  3154. LIVECON>
  3155. Server.Name
  3156.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  3157. checkserver
  3158. Server.Name
  3159. Error
  3160. Server is not available. Connect to (or start) the server before attempting this operation again.
  3161.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S25S
  3162. checkstate
  3163. envcheck
  3164. Alert
  3165. The NWall processor is already stopped on this server. You must start NWall before it can be stopped.
  3166.     0RR1S2S
  3167.     0RR9S
  3168.     1S2S
  3169. SCAN.BOX
  3170.     0R4S8S10S12S14S15S
  3171. SCAN.BOX
  3172.     c[L[4fr4f
  3173. lqlqlqI
  3174. I|IlI|Il
  3175. OiOiOiOiOiOiO$fi
  3176. qin|n|l
  3177. n|lil|kl
  3178. |k|kiUliI|l|i|i
  3179. 3i$i3i3iOG
  3180. fGfOfGOfGfGfGdOGf
  3181. il%|il
  3182. zilGl
  3183. i9iO$fi3iOiOiO|O
  3184. fiOiO$
  3185. <a>7`^///""
  3186. + " " + Module
  3187. lqlqlql
  3188. rosoftWord RO
  3189. Pending:
  3190. Mail.Stats
  3191. Waiting=`
  3192.     1S2S
  3193.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3194. _Mailbox.Queued
  3195. Suspended:
  3196. Mail.Stats
  3197. Dead=
  3198.     1S2S
  3199.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3200. _Mailbox.Suspended
  3201. nl|.f
  3202. nq|.f
  3203. lI|l|Il|lI
  3204. I|l|Il|lI
  3205. i3OGf3fG
  3206. Gf3GfOGf3GfO
  3207. lnlq|nIqlqI
  3208. |ilGl
  3209. i!3|$
  3210. O$f$fG
  3211. L.L.L
  3212. inlq|nil|lil|l
  3213. izil|Ilil
  3214. iO$fi3i
  3215. iOfGfOGf3
  3216. O$GOfGf
  3217. fG[O[O
  3218. <a>7`^///""
  3219. + " " + Module
  3220. I|l|Il|lrosoftWord RO
  3221. Status:
  3222. Server.Stats
  3223. Task=Router
  3224.     1S2S
  3226. RUNNING
  3227.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3228. _Router.Status
  3229. Delivered:
  3230. Mail.Stats"
  3231.     1S2S3S4S
  3232. >Delivered=
  3233.     0R1S2S
  3234.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3235. _Router.Delivered
  3236. Transferred:
  3237. Mail.Stats"
  3238.     1S2S3S4S
  3239. >Transferred=
  3240.     0R1S2S
  3241.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3242. _Router.Transferred
  3243. Routed:    
  3244. Mail.Stats
  3245. TotalRouted=`
  3246.     1S2S
  3247.     0R3S4S6S8S
  3248. _Router.TotalRouted
  3249. Server.Name
  3250.     1S2S3S
  3251. router
  3252. Server.Stats
  3253. Task=Router
  3254.     0RR1S2S
  3255. envcheck
  3256. router
  3257.     0RR1S2S5S6S
  3259.     0RR1S2S
  3260. LIVECON>
  3261. Server.Name
  3262.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  3263. checkserver
  3264. Server.Name
  3265. Error
  3266. Server is not available. Connect to (or start) the server before attempting this operation again.
  3267.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S25S
  3268. checkstate
  3269. envcheck
  3270. Alert
  3271. The Notes Router is already started. You must stop the router before it can be started again.
  3272.     0RR1S2S
  3273.     0RR9S
  3274. Start
  3275. Server.Name
  3276.     1S2S3S
  3277. router
  3278. Server.Stats
  3279. Task=Router
  3280.     0RR1S2S
  3281. envcheck
  3282. router
  3283.     0RR1S2S5S6S
  3285.     0RR1S2S
  3286. LIVECON>
  3287. Server.Name
  3288.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  3289. checkserver
  3290. Server.Name
  3291. Error
  3292. Server is not available. Connect to (or start) the server before attempting this operation again.
  3293.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S19S25S
  3294. checkstate
  3295. envcheck
  3296. Alert
  3297. The Notes Router is already stopped. You must start the router before it can be stopped.
  3298.     0RR1S2S
  3299.     0RR9S
  3300.     1S2S
  3301. MAIL.BOX
  3302.     0R4S8S10S12S14S15S
  3303. MAIL.BOX
  3305. <a>7`^///""
  3306. esign mode; se
  3307. rrrrrrrr
  3308. ffffffff
  3309. [cc[c[[c
  3310. [[[[[[[[
  3311. L[LL[L[[
  3312. LLLLLLLL
  3313. ;;;;;;;;
  3314. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  3315. nt database.eYou
  3316. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  3317. Mail.Stats
  3318. MTA.Stats
  3319.     1S2S
  3320. names
  3321.     0R1S2S
  3322. state
  3323.     0R1S2S
  3324. names
  3325.  ..............................."
  3326.     0R1S2S5S6S8S
  3327. state
  3328.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3329.     0R1S2S
  3330. _ShowTasks
  3331. Copyright 
  3332.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  3333. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  3334. W4W10F/V2
  3335. WordPerfect 1c
  3336. Post form calculations:
  3337. W4W10F/V2
  3338. WordPerfect 0c
  3339. DocSeq
  3340. Monitor mail routing on server
  3341. DocDesc
  3342. NotAvailable
  3343. $Live.SavedForm
  3344. [NOUPDATE]
  3345. $Live.Mode
  3346. NotAvailable
  3347. DocType
  3348. Module"
  3349.     1S2S3S4S
  3350. &Arial
  3351. "Small Fonts
  3352. Oper.NWall
  3353. Oper.NWall
  3354. $Live.Form
  3355. GroupShield
  3356. Server
  3357. Server.Name
  3358. Server.Version.Notes
  3359.     0S0E
  3360. $Live.Statistics
  3361. Console
  3362. Categories
  3363. 'US@    
  3364. 'US@    
  3365. 'US@    
  3366. 'US@    
  3367. 'US@    
  3368. 'US@    
  3369. 'US@    
  3370. 'US@    
  3371. 93Sqi9
  3372. 9iqS39
  3373. iUqU.9
  3374. i9S.3
  3375. UqU.9U
  3376. 3.Uqi
  3377. .UqS.3
  3378. qU.3q
  3379. 'US@    
  3380. 'US@    
  3381. 'US@    
  3382. 'US@    
  3383. 'US@    
  3384. <a>7`^///""
  3385. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  3386. of the Clipboard
  3387. Monitor
  3388. DocType
  3389. NWall
  3390. Module
  3391. W4W10F/V2
  3392. WordPerfect 
  3393. <a>7`^///""
  3394. esign mode; se
  3395. rrrrrrrr
  3396. ffffffff
  3397. [cc[c[[c
  3398. [[[[[[[[
  3399. L[LL[L[[
  3400. LLLLLLLL
  3401. ;;;;;;;;
  3402. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  3403. nt database.eYou
  3404. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  3405. Current Server:
  3406. Server.Name
  3407. Server.Name
  3408.  (Notes "
  3409. Server.Version.Notes"
  3410. Local (Server not running)
  3411.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  3412. Current Time:
  3413. NWall Version:
  3414. GroupShield.Stats
  3415. NWall.Version=`
  3416.     0S0E
  3417. _Version
  3418. NWall Status:
  3419. GroupShield.Stats
  3420. NWall.Status=
  3421.     0S0E
  3422. _Status
  3423. Quarantined:
  3424. GroupShield.Stats
  3425. NWall.Quarantined=`
  3426.     0S0E
  3427. _Quarantined
  3428. JOB LIST
  3429. <a>7`^///""
  3430. esign mode; se
  3431. rrrrrrrr
  3432. ffffffff
  3433. [cc[c[[c
  3434. [[[[[[[[
  3435. L[LL[L[[
  3436. LLLLLLLL
  3437. ;;;;;;;;
  3438. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  3439. nt database.eYou
  3440. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  3441. check
  3442.     1S2S
  3443. list1
  3444. GroupShield.Stats
  3445. NWall.Job
  3446.     0R1S2S11RS9E
  3447. list2
  3448. list1
  3449.     0R1S2S
  3450. jobdata
  3451. list2
  3452.     0R1S2S
  3453. jobcount
  3454. jobdata
  3455.     0R1S2S
  3456. Job #1 .... Job Name .... 
  3457.             Next Run .... 
  3458.             Errors ...... 
  3459.             Total ....... 
  3460.     0RR1S2S4RS8E6RS8E8RS8E
  3461. Job #2 .... Job Name .... "
  3462.             Next Run .... 
  3463.             Errors ...... 
  3464.             Total ....... 
  3465.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3466. Job #3 .... Job Name .... "
  3467.             Next Run .... 
  3468.             Errors ...... 
  3469.             Total ....... 
  3470.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3471. Job #4 .... Job Name .... "
  3472.             Next Run .... 
  3473.             Errors ...... 
  3474.             Total ....... 
  3475.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3476. Job #5 .... Job Name .... "
  3477.             Next Run .... 
  3478.             Errors ...... 
  3479.             Total ....... 
  3480.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3481. Job #6 .... Job Name .... "
  3482.             Next Run .... 
  3483.             Errors ...... 
  3484.             Total ....... 
  3485.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3486. Job #7 .... Job Name .... "
  3487.             Next Run .... 
  3488.             Errors ...... 
  3489.             Total ....... 
  3490.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3491. Job #8 .... Job Name .... "
  3492.             Next Run .... 
  3493.             Errors ...... 
  3494.             Total ....... 
  3495.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3496. Job #9 .... Job Name .... "
  3497.             Next Run .... 
  3498.             Errors ...... 
  3499.             Total ....... 
  3500.     0R1S2S4S5RS8E8RS8E10RS8E12RS8E
  3501. banners
  3502.     0R1S2S
  3503. jobcount
  3504. <No active jobs>
  3505. banners
  3506. jobdata
  3507. jobcountk
  3508.     0RR3S4S6S8S_ShowJobs
  3510. <a>7`^///""
  3511. esign mode; se
  3512. rrrrrrrr
  3513. ffffffff
  3514. [cc[c[[c
  3515. [[[[[[[[
  3516. L[LL[L[[
  3517. LLLLLLLL
  3518. ;;;;;;;;
  3519. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  3520. nt database.eYou
  3521. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  3522. list1
  3523. GroupShield.Stats
  3524. NWall.`
  3525.     1S2S
  3526. list2
  3527. list1
  3528.     0R1S2S
  3529. list3
  3530. list2
  3531.     0R1S2S
  3532. list3
  3533.     0R1S2S
  3534. names
  3535.     0R1S2S
  3536. state
  3537.     0R1S2S
  3538. names
  3539.  ..............................
  3540.     0R1S2S5S6S8S
  3541. state
  3542.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3543.     0R1S2S
  3544. _ShowStats
  3545. Copyright 
  3546.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  3547. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  3548. W4W10F/V2
  3549. WordPerfect 1c
  3550. Post form calculations:
  3551. W4W10F/V2
  3552. WordPerfect 0c
  3553. DocSeq
  3554. Monitor status of NWall
  3555. DocDesc
  3556. NotAvailable
  3557. $Live.SavedForm
  3558. [NOUPDATE]
  3559. $Live.Mode
  3560. NotAvailable
  3561. DocType
  3562. Module"
  3563.     1S2S3S4S
  3564. &Arial
  3565. "Small Fonts
  3566. Cfg.Scanner
  3567. New Scanner Interface
  3568. Enter a name for the scanner interface. Note that only the first 15 characters will be used.
  3569. McAfee
  3570.     1S2S5S6S8S9S12S20S23S
  3571.     0RR1S2S3S
  3572. NewName
  3573. check
  3574.     1S2S6S8S
  3575. Ini.Method
  3576.     0R1S2S3S
  3577. Ini.Description
  3578.     0R1S2S3S
  3579. Ini.Vendor
  3580.     0R1S2S3S
  3581. Ini.Version
  3582.     0R1S2S3S
  3583. Ini.Extensions
  3584.     0R1S2S3S
  3585. Ini.Action
  3586.     0R1S2S3S
  3587. Ini.ScanVirus
  3588.     0RR1S2S3S
  3589. Ini.ScanCall
  3590.     0R1S2S3S
  3591. Ini.WorkDir
  3592.     0R1S2S3S
  3593. Ini.IDString
  3594.     0R1S2S3S
  3595. Ini.ScanOK
  3596.     0R1S2S3S
  3597. Ini.CureCall
  3598.     0R1S2S3S
  3599. Ini.CureOK
  3600.     0R1S2S3S
  3601. Ini.AutoMode
  3602.     0RR1S2S3S
  3603. Ini.LogFile
  3604.     0R1S2S3S
  3605. Ini.LogType
  3606.     0R1S2S3S
  3607. Ini.Account
  3608.     0R1S2S3S
  3609. Ini.Delay
  3610.     0R1S2S3S
  3611. Ini.LogDelay
  3612.     0R1S2S3S
  3613. Ini.AutoCure
  3614.     0R1S2S3S
  3615. Ini.ScanID
  3616.     0RR1S2S3S
  3617. Ini.CureID
  3618.     0R1S2S3S
  3619. Ini.Retries
  3620.     0R1S2S3S
  3621. Ini.Scan_Zip
  3622.     0RR1S2S3S
  3623. Ini.DAT_Path
  3624.     0R1S2S3S
  3625. Ini.DLL_Path
  3626.     0R1S2S3S
  3627. Platform
  3628. Platform
  3629. Platform.Name
  3630. Platform
  3631.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S10S11S13S15S
  3632. Method
  3633. Ini.Method
  3634.     0R1S2S3S
  3635. Description
  3636. Ini.Description
  3637.     0R1S2S3S
  3638. Vendor
  3639. Ini.Vendor
  3640.     0R1S2S3S
  3641. Version
  3642. Ini.Version
  3643.     0R1S2S3S
  3644. Action
  3645. Ini.Actionb
  3646. CLEAN
  3647. Ini.Action
  3648.     0R1S2S3S9S10S12S14S
  3649. exlist
  3650. Ini.Extensionsb
  3651.     0RR1S2S
  3652. docdot
  3653. exlistt
  3654. .DOC .DOT
  3655.     0R1S2S
  3656. xlsxlt
  3657. exlistt
  3658. .XLS .XLT
  3659.     0R1S2S
  3660. execom
  3661. exlistt
  3662. .EXE .COM
  3663.     0R1S2S
  3664. dllbin
  3665. exlistt
  3666. .DLL .BIN .SYS .386 .VXD .DRV
  3667.     0R1S2S
  3668. zipetc
  3669. exlistt
  3670.     0R1S2S
  3671. StdExts
  3672. Ini.Extensions
  3673. docdot
  3674. xlsxlt
  3675. execom
  3676. dllbin
  3677. zipetc
  3678.     0RR1S2S3S
  3679. sublist
  3680. StdExts
  3681.     0R1S2S
  3682. sublist2
  3683. exlist
  3684. sublist
  3685. sublist
  3686.     0R1S2S3S4S
  3687. MoreExts
  3688. Ini.Extensions
  3689. sublist2
  3690. sublist2
  3691.     0R1S2S3S
  3692. Extensions
  3693. Ini.Extensions
  3694.     0R1S2S3S
  3695. ScanVirus
  3696. Ini.ScanVirus
  3697.     0RR1S2S3S
  3698. ScanCall
  3699. Ini.ScanCall
  3700.     0R1S2S3S
  3701. WorkDir
  3702. Ini.WorkDir
  3703.     0R1S2S3S
  3704. IDString
  3705. Ini.IDString
  3706.     0R1S2S3S
  3707. ScanOK
  3708. Ini.ScanOK
  3709.     0R1S2S3S
  3710. CureCall
  3711. Ini.CureOK
  3712.     0R1S2S3S
  3713. CureOK
  3714. Ini.CureOK
  3715.     0R1S2S3S
  3716. AutoMode
  3717. Ini.AutoMode
  3718.     0RR1S2S3S
  3719. LogFile
  3720. Ini.LogFile
  3721.     0R1S2S3S
  3722. LogType
  3723. Ini.LogType
  3724.     0R1S2S3S
  3725. Account
  3726. Ini.Account
  3727.     0R1S2S3S
  3728. Delay
  3729. Ini.Delay
  3730.     0R1S2S3S
  3731. LogDelay
  3732. Ini.LogDelay
  3733.     0R1S2S3S
  3734. AutoCure
  3735. Ini.AutoCure
  3736.     0R1S2S3S
  3737. ScanID
  3738. Ini.ScanID
  3739.     0RR1S2S3S
  3740. CureID
  3741. Ini.CureID
  3742.     0R1S2S3S
  3743. Retries
  3744. Ini.Retries
  3745.     0R1S2S3S
  3746. DAT_Path
  3747. Ini.DAT_Path
  3748.     0RR1S2S3S
  3749. DLL_Path
  3750. Ini.DLL_Path
  3751.     0R1S2S3S
  3752. inidll
  3753. DAT_Path=
  3754. Ini.DAT_Path"
  3755. DLL_Path=
  3756. Ini.DLL_Path"
  3757.     0RR1S2S
  3758. iniport
  3759. ScanID=
  3760. Ini.ScanID"
  3761. ScanCall=
  3762. Ini.ScanCall"
  3763. WorkDir=
  3764. Ini.WorkDir
  3765. CureID=
  3766. Ini.CureID"
  3767. CureCall=
  3768. Ini.CureCall"
  3769. LogFile=
  3770. Ini.LogFile
  3771. LogType=
  3772. Ini.LogType
  3773. Delay=
  3774. Ini.Delay
  3775. LogDelay=
  3776. Ini.LogDelay"
  3777. Retries=
  3778. Ini.Retries
  3779.     0RR1S2S44R
  3780. iniauto
  3781. AutoMode=
  3782. Ini.AutoMode"
  3783. AutoCure=
  3784. Ini.AutoCure"
  3785. LogFile=
  3786. Ini.LogFile
  3787. LogType=
  3788. Ini.LogType
  3789. IDString=
  3790. Ini.IDString"
  3791. Account=
  3792. Ini.Account
  3793. Delay=
  3794. Ini.Delay
  3795. LogDelay=
  3796. Ini.LogDelay"
  3797.     0RR1S2S
  3798. iniext
  3799. ScanVirus=
  3800. Ini.ScanVirus
  3801. ScanCall=
  3802. Ini.ScanCall"
  3803. WorkDir=
  3804. Ini.WorkDir
  3805. IDString=
  3806. Ini.IDString"
  3807. ScanOK=
  3808. Ini.ScanOK"
  3809. CureCall=
  3810. Ini.CureCall"
  3811. CureOK=
  3812. Ini.CureOK"
  3813.     0RR1S2S
  3814. Dll.Interface
  3815. Dll.Interface
  3816. inidll
  3817.     0RR1S2S3S8S10S
  3818. Port.Interfacen
  3819. Port.Interface
  3820. iniport
  3821.     0R1S2S3S8S10S
  3822. Auto.Interfacen
  3823. Auto.Interface
  3824. iniauto
  3825.     0R1S2S3S8S10S
  3826. Ext.Interface
  3827. Ext.Interface
  3828. iniext
  3829.     0R1S2S3S8S10S
  3830. Interface
  3831. Method
  3832. EXTERNAL
  3833. Ext.Interface
  3834. Method
  3836. Auto.Interface
  3837. Method
  3838. PORTABLE
  3839. Port.Interface
  3840. Method
  3841. DIRECT
  3842. Dll.Interface
  3843.     0RR1S2S3S
  3844.     0RRInjectIniData
  3845. 'US@    
  3846. 'US@    
  3847. 'US@    
  3848. 'US@    
  3849. 'US@    
  3850. 'US@    
  3851. 'US@    
  3852. 'US@    
  3853. 93Sqi9
  3854. 9iqS39
  3855. iUqU.9
  3856. i9S.3
  3857. UqU.9U
  3858. 3.Uqi
  3859. .UqS.3
  3860. qU.3q
  3861. 'US@    
  3862. 'US@    
  3863. 'US@    
  3864. 'US@    
  3865. 'US@    
  3866. <a>7`^///""
  3867. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  3868. of the Clipboard
  3869.     0S0E
  3870. choices
  3871. McAfee NetShield SCAN32 3.0.X
  3872. McAfee VirusScan OS2SCAN 3.0.X
  3873. McAfee VirusScan for DOS 3.0.X
  3874. McAfee Scan DLL for NT 3.0.X
  3875. SCAN32 (Zip files) 3.0.X
  3876.     1S2S3S4RS11E5S6RS11E7S8RS11E9S10RS11E
  3877. scan32
  3878. WINNT
  3879. McAfee
  3880. McAfee Scan32
  3881. CLEAN
  3882. EXTERNAL
  3884. ScanVirus=4
  3886. WorkDir= 
  3887. IDString=%F % (
  3888. ScanOK=0
  3890. CureOK=5
  3891.     0RR1S2S14RS10E18RS10E20RS10E26RS10E28RS10E
  3892. scanzip
  3893. WINNT
  3894. McAfee
  3895. McAfee Scan32
  3896. CLEAN
  3897. EXTERNAL
  3898. ScanVirus=4
  3900. WorkDir= 
  3901. IDString=%F % (
  3902. ScanOK=0
  3904. CureOK=5
  3905.     0RR2S14RS10E18RS10E20RS10E26RS10E28RS10E
  3906. os2scan
  3907. OS2WARP
  3908. McAfee
  3909. McAfee OS2SCAN
  3910. CLEAN
  3911. EXTERNAL
  3913. ScanVirus=10,13
  3914. ScanCall=OS2SCAN %F /ALL /REPORT %R /NOBEEP >NUL
  3915. WorkDir= 
  3916. IDString=Found the % virus
  3917. ScanOK=0
  3919. CureOK=13,19
  3920.     0RR1S2S14RS10E18RS10E20RS10E26RS10E28RS10E
  3921. dosscan
  3922. WIN95
  3923. McAfee
  3924. McAfee VirusScan for DOS
  3925. CLEAN
  3926. PORTABLE
  3928. ScanCall=SCAN %F /NOMEM /NODDA /REPORT %R >NUL
  3929. ScanID=Found the % virus
  3931. CureID=Virus % removed
  3932. Delay=100
  3933. Retries=100
  3934.     0RR1S2S14RS10E16RS10E18RS10E20RS10E22RS10E24RS10E
  3935. dllscan
  3936. WINNT
  3937. McAfee
  3938. McAfee Scan DLL
  3939. CLEAN
  3940. DIRECT
  3942. DAT_Path= 
  3943. DLL_PATH= 
  3944.     0RR1S2S14RS10E
  3945. answer
  3946. Scanner Interface Templates
  3947. Select a template to use for this scanner interface. Please note that the current settings will be replaced.
  3948. choices
  3949. choices
  3950.     0RR1S2S6S8S10RS10E17S
  3951. check
  3952. answerZ
  3953. answer
  3954.     0R1S2S8S9S11S12S15S20S
  3955. index
  3956. answer
  3957. choices
  3958.     0RR1S2S
  3959. template
  3960. index
  3961. scan32
  3962. os2scan
  3963. dosscan
  3964. dllscan
  3965. scanzip
  3966.     0R1S2S
  3967. Platform
  3968. template
  3969.     0RR1S2S3S
  3970. Vendor
  3971. template
  3972.     0R1S2S3S
  3973. Description
  3974. template
  3975.     0R1S2S3S
  3976. Version
  3977. template
  3978.     0R1S2S3S
  3979. Action
  3980. template
  3981.     0R1S2S3S
  3982. Method
  3983. template
  3984.     0R1S2S3S
  3985. extbase
  3986. template
  3987.     0R1S2S
  3988. extbase
  3989. .DOCG
  3990. extbase
  3991. .DOTG
  3992. .DOC .DOT
  3993.     0R1S2S
  3994. extbase
  3995. .DOCG
  3996. extbase
  3997. .DOTG
  3998. .XLS .XLT
  3999.     0R1S2S
  4000. extbase
  4001. .EXEG
  4002. extbase
  4003. .COMG
  4004. .EXE .COM
  4005.     0R1S2S
  4006. extbase
  4007. .ZIPG
  4008.     0R1S2S
  4009. StdExts
  4010. extbase
  4011.     0R1S2S3S
  4012. MoreExts
  4013.     0R1S2S3S
  4014. count
  4015. templatej
  4016.     0RR1S2S
  4017. iface
  4018. count
  4019. template
  4020. count
  4021.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  4022. Interface
  4023. Last.Method
  4024. Method
  4025. iface
  4026. Interface
  4027.     0R1S2S3S6S7S9S11S
  4028. Ext.Interface
  4029. Method
  4030. EXTERNAL
  4031. iface
  4032. Ext.Interface
  4033.     0RR1S2S3S
  4034. Auto.Interface
  4035. Method
  4037. iface
  4038. Auto.Interface
  4039.     0R1S2S3S
  4040. Port.Interface
  4041. Method
  4042. PORTABLE
  4043. iface
  4044. Port.Interface
  4045.     0R1S2S3S
  4046. Dll.Interface
  4047. Method
  4048. DIRECT
  4049. iface
  4050. Dll.Interface
  4051.     0R1S2S3S
  4052.     0RRR
  4053. Set...
  4054. Configure
  4055. DocType
  4056. Scanner Interface
  4057. Module
  4058. W4W10F/V2
  4059. WordPerfect 
  4060. <a>7`^///""
  4061. esign mode; se
  4062. rrrrrrrr
  4063. ffffffff
  4064. [cc[c[[c
  4065. [[[[[[[[
  4066. L[LL[L[[
  4067. LLLLLLLL
  4068. ;;;;;;;;
  4069. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4070. nt database.eYou
  4071. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4072. Current Server:    
  4073. Server.Name
  4074. Server.Name
  4075.  (Notes "
  4076. Server.Version.Notes"
  4077. Local (Server not running)
  4078.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  4079. Name:    
  4080. _Name
  4081. Status:
  4082. GroupShieldScanners
  4083. NWallScanners
  4084. NShieldScanners
  4085.     1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S
  4086. New Interface
  4087. Namea
  4088. In use
  4089. Not in use
  4090.     0R4S6S16S18S
  4091. Status
  4092. Platform:    
  4093. Platform
  4094. Windows NT | WINNTWindows 95 | WIN95Windows 3.1 | WIN31OS/2 Warp | OS2WARPNovell Netware | NETWARE
  4096. <a>7`^///""
  4097. esign mode; se
  4098. rrrrrrrr
  4099. ffffffff
  4100. [cc[c[[c
  4101. [[[[[[[[
  4102. L[LL[L[[
  4103. LLLLLLLL
  4104. ;;;;;;;;
  4105. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4106. nt database.eYou
  4107. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4108. Vendor:    
  4109. McAfee
  4110. Vendor
  4111. Product:    
  4112. Description
  4113. McAfee NetShieldMcAfee VirusScanMcAfee VShieldMcAfee Scan32GroupShield NScan
  4114. Version:    
  4115. alphabet
  4116.     1S2S36RS12E
  4117. emptybet
  4118.     0R1S2S36RS12E
  4119. Version
  4120. alphabet
  4121. emptybet
  4122. Version
  4123. Action:    
  4124. CLEAN
  4125. Action
  4126. Clean infected file attachments | CLEANRemove infected file attachments | DELETEDo not modify file attachments | SKIP
  4127. Method:    
  4128. EXTERNAL
  4129. Method
  4130. McAfee scan engine DLL integration | DIRECTExternal program with return codes | EXTERNALExternal program with report files | PORTABLEOn-access scanner with log file | AUTOMATIC
  4131. Method
  4132. EXTERNAL
  4133.     1S2S
  4134. Ext.Interface
  4135. Method
  4136. DIRECT
  4137.     1S2S
  4138. Dll.Interface
  4139. Method
  4140. PORTABLE
  4141.     1S2S
  4142. Port.Interface
  4143. Method
  4145.     1S2S
  4146. Auto.Interface
  4147. W4W10F/V2
  4148. WordPerfect 0c
  4149. index
  4150. Method
  4151. EXTERNAL
  4153. PORTABLE
  4154. DIRECT
  4155.     1S2S
  4156. index
  4157. Ext.Interface
  4158. index
  4159. Auto.Interface
  4160. index
  4161. Port.Interface
  4162. index
  4163. Dll.Interface
  4164. Interface
  4165. W4W10F/V2
  4166. WordPerfect 
  4168. <a>7`^///""
  4169. esign mode; se
  4170. rrrrrrrr
  4171. ffffffff
  4172. [cc[c[[c
  4173. [[[[[[[[
  4174. L[LL[L[[
  4175. LLLLLLLL
  4176. ;;;;;;;;
  4177. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4178. nt database.eYou
  4179. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4180. Scan files with the following file extensions:
  4181. count
  4182. StdExts
  4183.     1S2S
  4184. count
  4185. StdExts
  4186. StdExts
  4187. Last.StdExtst
  4188. count
  4189. StdExts
  4190. count
  4191.     0R3S4S6S8S16S18RS4E24S25S31S40SStdExts
  4192. Word documents (.DOC .DOT) | .DOC .DOTExcel documents (.XLS .XLT) | .XLS .XLTExecutable programs (.EXE .COM) | .EXE .COMOther executable files (.DLL .BIN ...) | .DLL .BIN .SYS .386 .VXD .DRVZIP archive files (.ZIP) | .ZIPAny file extension (*.*) | *
  4193. Additional extensions to scan:
  4194. MoreExts^
  4195.     1S2S
  4196.     0R1S2S3S4S
  4197.     0R9S10SMoreExts
  4198. StdExts
  4199. Last.StdExts
  4200. StdExts
  4201. StdExts
  4202. MoreExts
  4203.     11S13S23S24S
  4204. Extensions
  4205. NOTES.INI
  4206. <a>7`^///""
  4207. esign mode; se
  4208. rrrrrrrr
  4209. ffffffff
  4210. [cc[c[[c
  4211. [[[[[[[[
  4212. L[LL[L[[
  4213. LLLLLLLL
  4214. ;;;;;;;;
  4215. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4216. nt database.eYou
  4217. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4218.     1S2S3S4S
  4219. lmethod
  4220. Method=
  4221. Method"
  4222.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  4223. lvendor
  4224. Vendor=
  4225. Vendor"
  4226.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  4227. ldesc
  4228. Description="
  4229. Description
  4230.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  4231. Version
  4232. Version="
  4233. Version
  4234.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S
  4235. laction
  4236. Action=
  4237. Action"
  4238.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  4239. lexts
  4240. Extensions
  4241. Extensions=
  4242. Extensions"
  4243.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S
  4244. common
  4245. lmethod
  4246. lvendor
  4247. ldesc
  4248. laction
  4249. lexts
  4250.     0R1S2S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S
  4251. iface
  4252. Interface
  4253.     0R1S2S3S4S
  4254. Interface
  4255. common
  4256. common
  4257. iface
  4258.     0R3S4S6S10S13S16S17S19SNotesINI
  4259. Copyright 
  4260.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  4261. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  4262. W4W10F/V2
  4263. WordPerfect 1c
  4264. Post form calculations:
  4265. DocSeq
  4266. plist
  4267. Windows NT|WINNT
  4268. Windows 95|WIN95
  4269. Windows 3.1|WIN31
  4270. OS/2 Warp|OS2WARP
  4271. Novell Netware|NETWARE
  4272.     1S2S
  4273. plist
  4274. Platform"
  4275.     0R1S2S
  4276. Description
  4277. Name"
  4278. Description
  4279. Platform
  4280.  for 
  4281. plat"
  4282.     0R14S15S21S24S25SDocDesc
  4283. check
  4284.     1S2S6S8S
  4285. isExt
  4286. Method
  4287. EXTERNAL
  4288.     0RR1S2S5S6S8S10S
  4289. isAuto
  4290. Method
  4292.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  4293. isPort
  4294. Method
  4295. PORTABLE
  4296.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  4297. isDll
  4298. Method
  4299. DIRECT
  4300.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  4301. varlist
  4302. Interface
  4303. DELAY
  4304. _DELAY
  4305.     0RR1S2S
  4306. vallist
  4307. Interface
  4308.     0R1S2S
  4309. deflist
  4310. varlist
  4311. vallist
  4312.     0R1S2S3S4S6S7S
  4313. ScanVirus
  4314. deflist
  4315. SCANVIRUS=`
  4316.     0RR1S2S
  4317. ScanCall
  4318. deflist
  4319. SCANCALL=
  4320.     0R1S2E2S
  4321. WorkDir
  4322. deflist
  4323. WORKDIR=`
  4324.     0R1S3E2S
  4325. IDString
  4326. deflist
  4327. IDSTRING=
  4328.     0R1S2E2S
  4329. ScanOK
  4330. deflist
  4331. SCANOK=
  4332.     0R1S4E2S
  4333. CureCall
  4334. deflist
  4335. CURECALL=
  4336.     0R1S2E2S
  4337. CureOK
  4338. deflist
  4339. CUREOK=
  4340.     0R1S4E2S
  4341. AutoMode
  4342. deflist
  4343. AUTOMODE=
  4344.     0RR1S2E2S
  4345. LogFile
  4346. deflist
  4347. LOGFILE=`
  4348.     0R1S3E2S
  4349. LogType
  4350. deflist
  4351. LOGTYPE=`
  4352.     0R1S3E2S
  4353. Account
  4354. deflist
  4355. ACCOUNT=`
  4356.     0R1S3E2S
  4357. Delay
  4358. deflist
  4359. DELAY=`
  4360.     0R1S5E2S
  4361. LogDelay
  4362. deflist
  4363. LOGDELAY=
  4364.     0R1S2E2S
  4365. AutoCure
  4366. deflist
  4367. AUTOCURE=
  4368.     0R1S2E2S
  4369. ScanID
  4370. deflist
  4371. SCANID=
  4372.     0RR1S4E2S
  4373. CureID
  4374. deflist
  4375. CUREID=
  4376.     0R1S4E2S
  4377. Retries
  4378. deflist
  4379. RETRIES=`
  4380.     0R1S3E2S
  4381. Scan_ZIP
  4382. deflist
  4383. SCAN_ZIP=
  4384.     0RR1S2E2S
  4385. DAT_Path
  4386. deflist
  4387. DAT_PATH=
  4388.     0R1S2E2S
  4389. DLL_Path
  4390. deflist
  4391. DLL_PATH=
  4392.     0R1S2E2S
  4393. Ini.Method
  4394. Method
  4395.     0RR1S2S3S
  4396. Ini.Description
  4397. Description
  4398.     0R1S2S3S
  4399. Ini.Vendor
  4400. Vendor
  4401.     0R1S2S3S
  4402. Ini.Version
  4403. Version
  4404.     0R1S2S3S
  4405. Ini.Extensions
  4406. Extensions
  4407.     0R1S2S3S
  4408. Ini.Action
  4409. Action
  4410.     0R1S2S3S
  4411. Ini.ScanVirus
  4412. isExt
  4413. ScanVirus
  4414.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S
  4415. Ini.ScanCall
  4416. isExt
  4417. isPort
  4418. ScanCall
  4419.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4420. Ini.WorkDir
  4421. isExt
  4422. isPort
  4423. WorkDir
  4424.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4425. Ini.IDString
  4426. isExt
  4427. isAuto
  4428. IDString
  4429.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4430. Ini.ScanOK
  4431. isExt
  4432. ScanOK
  4433.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4434. Ini.CureCall
  4435. isExt
  4436. isPort
  4437. CureCall
  4438.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4439. Ini.CureOK
  4440. isExt
  4441. CureOK
  4442.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4443. Ini.AutoMode
  4444. isAuto
  4445. AutoMode
  4446.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S
  4447. Ini.LogFile
  4448. isAuto
  4449. isPort
  4450. LogFile
  4451.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4452. Ini.LogType
  4453. isAuto
  4454. isPort
  4455. LogType
  4456.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4457. Ini.Account
  4458. isAuto
  4459. Account
  4460.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4461. Ini.Delay
  4462. isAuto
  4463. isPort
  4464. Delay
  4465.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4466. Ini.LogDelay
  4467. isAuto
  4468. isPort
  4469. LogDelay
  4470.     0R1S2S3S9S11S
  4471. Ini.AutoCure
  4472. isAuto
  4473. AutoCure
  4474.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4475. Ini.ScanID
  4476. isPort
  4477. ScanID
  4478.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S
  4479. Ini.CureID
  4480. isPort
  4481. CureID
  4482.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4483. Ini.Retries
  4484. isPort
  4485. Retries
  4486.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4487. Ini.DAT_Path
  4488. isDll
  4489. DAT_Path
  4490.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S
  4491. Ini.DLL_Path
  4492. isDll
  4493. DLL_Path
  4494.     0R1S2S3S7S9S
  4495.     0RRExtractIniData
  4496. Cfg.Scanner
  4497. $Live.Form
  4498. [1_UPDATE]
  4499. $Live.Mode
  4500. common
  4501. Method
  4502. Description
  4503. Vendor
  4504. Version
  4505. Extensions
  4506. Action
  4507.     1S2S
  4508. ScanVirus
  4509. ScanCall
  4510. WorkDir
  4511. IDString
  4512. ScanOK
  4513. CureCall
  4514. CureOK
  4515.     0R1S2S
  4516. AutoMode
  4517. LogFile
  4518. LogType
  4519. IDString
  4520. Account
  4521. Delay
  4522. LogDelay
  4523. AutoCure
  4524.     0R1S2S
  4525. ScanID
  4526. ScanCall
  4527. WorkDir
  4528. CureID
  4529. CureCall
  4530. LogFile
  4531. LogType
  4532. Delay
  4533. LogDelay
  4534. Retries
  4535.     0R1S2S18R
  4536. DAT_Path
  4537. DLL_Path
  4538.     0R1S2S
  4539. index
  4540. Method
  4541. EXTERNAL
  4543. PORTABLE
  4544. DIRECT
  4545.     0R1S2S
  4546.     0R1S2S3S4S
  4547. common
  4548.     0R1S2S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S
  4549. list"
  4550. |Ini.
  4551. list"
  4552. NWallScanners
  4553. NShieldScanners
  4554. GroupShieldScanners
  4555.     0R3S4S6S7S9S10S13S14S15S16S17S18S$Live.Environment
  4556. Platform.Name
  4557. $Live.Information
  4558. Server.Name
  4559. Server.Version.Notes
  4560.     0S0E
  4561. $Live.Statistics
  4562. NotAvailable
  4563. $Live.SavedForm
  4564. check
  4565.     1S2S6S8S
  4566. Interface
  4567.     0RR1S2S
  4568. Ext.Interface
  4569.     0R1S2S
  4570. Dll.Interface
  4571.     0R1S2S
  4572. Port.Interface
  4573.     0R1S2S
  4574. Auto.Interface
  4575.     0R1S2S
  4576. Method
  4577.     0RR1S5E2S
  4578. Vendor
  4579.     0R1S5E2S
  4580. Description
  4581.     0R1S2S
  4582. Version
  4583.     0R1S4E2S
  4584. Action
  4585.     0R1S5E2S
  4586. Extensions
  4587.     0R1S2S
  4588. StdExts
  4589.     0R1S4E2S
  4590. MoreExts
  4591.     0R1S3E2S
  4592. Last.StdExts
  4593.     0R1S2S
  4594. ScanVirus
  4595.     0RR1S2S
  4596. ScanCall
  4597.     0R1S2E2S
  4598. WorkDir
  4599.     0R1S3E2S
  4600. IDString
  4601.     0R1S2E2S
  4602. ScanOK
  4603.     0R1S4E2S
  4604. CureCall
  4605.     0R1S2E2S
  4606. CureOK
  4607.     0R1S4E2S
  4608. AutoMode
  4609.     0RR1S2E2S
  4610. LogFile
  4611.     0R1S3E2S
  4612. LogType
  4613.     0R1S3E2S
  4614. Account
  4615.     0R1S3E2S
  4616. Delay
  4617.     0R1S5E2S
  4618. LogDelay
  4619.     0R1S2E2S
  4620. AutoCure
  4621.     0R1S2E2S
  4622. ScanID
  4623.     0RR1S4E2S
  4624. CureID
  4625.     0R1S4E2S
  4626. Retries
  4627.     0R1S3E2S
  4628. Scan_ZIP
  4629.     0RR1S2E2S
  4630. DAT_Path
  4631.     0R1S2E2S
  4632. DLL_Path
  4633.     0R1S2E2S
  4634.     0RRCleanup
  4635. NotAvailable
  4637. EXTERNAL
  4638.   ScanVirus
  4639.   ScanCall
  4640.   WorkDir
  4641.   IDString
  4642.   ScanOK
  4643.   CureCall
  4644.   CureOK
  4646.   AutoMode  READ,WRITE
  4647.   LogFile
  4648.   LogType   default is zero
  4649.   IDString - 
  4650.   Account - Netware only!
  4651.   Delay - pre
  4652.   LogDelay - post
  4653.   AutoCure - 0 or 1 (does the scanner automatically clean)
  4654. PORTABLE
  4655.   ScanID
  4656.   ScanCall
  4657.   WorkDir
  4658.   CureID
  4659.   CureCall
  4660.   LogFile
  4661.   LogType
  4662.   Delay
  4663.   LogDelay
  4664.   Retries
  4665. DIRECT
  4666.   Scan_Zip (0 or 1) default is 1
  4667.   DAT_Path
  4668.   DLL_Path  
  4669. Started running agent 'NewNotification' on 07/26/97 11:05:41 PM
  4670. 1 document(s) were modified by formula
  4671. Done running agent 'NewNotification' on 07/26/97 11:05:43 PM
  4672. DocType
  4673. Module"
  4674.     1S2S3S4S
  4675. &Arial
  4676. "Small Fonts
  4677. Cfg.Notifications
  4678. New  Notification
  4679. Enter a unique number for this notification profile between 1 and 30. Note that a blank or invalid entry creates the default notification profile.
  4680. Profile
  4681.     1S2S5S6S8S9S12S20S23S
  4682.     0RR1S2S
  4683. Profile
  4684.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S24S26S
  4685. NewProfile
  4686. Profile
  4687.     1S2S
  4688. DocSeq
  4689. Profile
  4690. Configuring default mail notification
  4691. Configuring mail notification #
  4692. Profile
  4693.     3S4S6S9S10SDocDesc
  4694. Ini.List
  4695. Ini.List
  4696.     0R1S2S
  4697. alerts
  4698. Ini.List
  4699.     0R1S2S11S12S13S30S
  4700. macros
  4701. Ini.List
  4702.     0R1S2S11S12S13S30S
  4703. recip1
  4704.     0R1S2S6S7S
  4705. recips
  4706. recip1
  4707.     0R1S2S6S7S
  4708. AdminList
  4709. AdminList
  4710. AdminList
  4711. recips
  4712.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  4713. MacroList
  4714. MacroList
  4715. MacroList
  4716. macros
  4717. alerts
  4718.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  4719. Ini.Scope
  4720.     0RR1S2S3S
  4721. MessageScope
  4722. MessageScopeh
  4723. MessageScope
  4724. Ini.List
  4725. Ini.Scope
  4726. Ini.Scope
  4727. (Disabled)
  4728. Ini.Scope
  4729.     0R1S2S3S10S12S13S14S16S18S19S20S22S24S25S26S28S30S
  4730. Ini.Form
  4731.     0RR1S2S3S
  4732. MessageForm
  4733. MessageForm
  4734. MessageForm
  4735. Ini.Form
  4736. Ini.Form
  4737.     0R1S2S3S10S12S13S14S16S18S
  4738. Ini.Disp
  4739.     0RR1S2S3S
  4740. MessageDisp
  4741. MessageDisp
  4742. MessageDisp
  4743. Ini.Disp
  4744. Ini.Dispb
  4745.     0R1S2S3S10S12S13S14S16S18S
  4746.     0RRInjectNotifyList
  4747. Cfg.Notifications
  4748. $Live.Form
  4749. baselist
  4750. Scope
  4751. Subject
  4752.     1S2S
  4753. envlist
  4754. GroupShieldNotify
  4755. Profile
  4756. baselist
  4757. baselist
  4758. Profile
  4759.     0R1S2E2S3S4S7S8S10S12S13S14S16S17S
  4760. itemlist
  4761. |Ini.
  4762. baselist"
  4763.     0R1S2S3S4S
  4764. envlist
  4765. itemlist"
  4766.     0R1S2S
  4767. $Live.Environment
  4768. Server.Name
  4769. Server.Version.Notes
  4770.     0S0E
  4771. $Live.Statistics
  4772. Platform.Name
  4773. Platform.Prefix
  4774.     0S0E
  4775. $Live.Information
  4776. 'US@    
  4777. 'US@    
  4778. 'US@    
  4779. 'US@    
  4780. 'US@    
  4781. 'US@    
  4782. 'US@    
  4783. 'US@    
  4784. 93Sqi9
  4785. 9iqS39
  4786. iUqU.9
  4787. i9S.3
  4788. UqU.9U
  4789. 3.Uqi
  4790. .UqS.3
  4791. qU.3q
  4792. 'US@    
  4793. 'US@    
  4794. 'US@    
  4795. 'US@    
  4796. 'US@    
  4797. <a>7`^///""
  4798. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  4799. of the Clipboard
  4800.     0S0E
  4801. (NewNotification)
  4802. choices
  4803. Default document infected notification
  4804. Default message infected notification
  4805. Expanded notification using a text file
  4806. Expanded notification with original message
  4807.     1S2S3S4RS11E5S6RS11E7S8RS11E
  4808. subjmacro
  4809. ALERT: Document in "%$DBTitle%" was %$Outcome%; %$VirusName
  4810. ALERT: Message from %@Name([CN];From)% was %$Outcome%; %$VirusName
  4811. ALERT: Document in "%$DBTitle%" was %$Outcome%; %$VirusName
  4812. ALERT: Message from %@Name([CN];From)% was %$Outcome%; %$VirusName
  4813.     0RR1S2S4RS13E6RS13E8RS13E
  4814. bodymacro
  4815. Please refer to the GroupShield Quarantine Area for more details.%\nn%%!INCIDENT%%!DOCUMENT%%!SYNOPSIS%
  4816. Please refer to the GroupShield Quarantine Area for more details.%\nn%%!INCIDENT%%!MESSAGE%%!SYNOPSIS%
  4818. Please refer to the GroupShield Quarantine Area for more details.%\nn% %Body% %!INCIDENT%%!MESSAGE%%!SYNOPSIS%
  4819.     0RR1S2S4RS13E6RS13E8RS13E
  4820. answer
  4821. Standard Content Templates
  4822. Select a template to use for this notification. Please note that the current settings will be replaced.
  4823. choices
  4824. choices
  4825.     0RR1S2S6S8S10RS10E17S
  4826. check
  4827. answerZ
  4828. answer
  4829.     0R1S2S8S9S11S12S15S20S
  4830. index
  4831. answer
  4832. choices
  4833.     0RR1S2S
  4834. Ini.Subject
  4835. subjmacro
  4836. index
  4837.     0RR1S2S3S
  4838. Ini.Body
  4839. bodymacro
  4840. index
  4841.     0R1S2S3S
  4842. Set...
  4843. Configure
  4844. DocType
  4845. Profile
  4846. Default Notification
  4847. Notification #
  4848. Profile
  4849.     3S4S6S8S9S10SModule
  4850. W4W10F/V2
  4851. WordPerfect 
  4852. <a>7`^///""
  4853. esign mode; se
  4854. rrrrrrrr
  4855. ffffffff
  4856. [cc[c[[c
  4857. [[[[[[[[
  4858. L[LL[L[[
  4859. LLLLLLLL
  4860. ;;;;;;;;
  4861. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4862. nt database.eYou
  4863. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4864. Current Server:
  4865. Server.Name
  4866. Server.Name
  4867.  (Notes "
  4868. Server.Version.Notes"
  4869. Local (Server not running)
  4870.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  4871. Notification Scope:
  4872. Notify on Event:
  4873. MessageScope
  4874. Always Enabled | ALLEnabled for NShield | NSHIELDEnabled for NWall | NWALLEnabled for NScan | NSCANDisabled | NONE
  4875. MessageDisp
  4876. deflist
  4877. All GroupShield events | *
  4878. Detected a virus or trojan | DETECTED
  4879. Cleaned a document or message | CLEANED
  4880. Deleted a document or message | DELETED
  4881. Detected corrupt document | ERROR
  4882.     1S2S4RS11E6RS11E8RS11E10RS11E
  4883. nwall
  4884. NWALL
  4885. MessageScopet
  4886. NWall detected a virus or trojan | DETECTED
  4887. NWall detected oversized file | EXCEEDED
  4888. NWall cleaned a message | CLEANED
  4889. NWall truncated a message | REMOVED
  4890. NWall deleted a message | DELETED
  4891. NWall suspended a message | ERROR
  4892. deflist
  4893.     0RR1S2S11RS12E13RS12E15RS12E17RS12E19RS12E21RS12E23S
  4894. nscan
  4895. NSCAN
  4896. MessageScopet
  4897. NScan detected a virus or trojan | DETECTED
  4898. NScan cleaned a document | CLEANED
  4899. NScan truncated a document | REMOVED
  4900. NScan deleted a document | DELETED
  4901. NScan detected corrupt document | ERROR
  4902. nwall
  4903.     0RR1S2S11RS12E13RS12E15RS12E17RS12E19RS12E21S
  4904. nshield
  4905. NSHIELD
  4906. MessageScopet
  4907. NShield detected a virus or trojan | DETECTED
  4908. NShield cleaned a document | CLEANED
  4909. NShield denied access to a document | DENIED
  4910. NShield security check event | REPELLED
  4911. nscan
  4912.     0RR1S2S11RS12E13RS12E15RS12E17RS12E19S
  4913. MessageScopet
  4914. nshield
  4915. ROUTING
  4916. <a>7`^///""
  4917. esign mode; se
  4918. rrrrrrrr
  4919. ffffffff
  4920. [cc[c[[c
  4921. [[[[[[[[
  4922. L[LL[L[[
  4923. LLLLLLLL
  4924. ;;;;;;;;
  4925. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4926. nt database.eYou
  4927. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4928. Administrator List:    
  4929. AdminList
  4930. Special Recipients:
  4931. MessageScope
  4932. Ini.Scope
  4933. (Disabled)
  4934. AdminList
  4935. MacroList
  4936. Ini.List
  4937. You must enter at least one recipient for this notification.{
  4938.     4S6S9S11S12S13S15S17S18S19S21S23S24S25S27S29S30S31S33S35S36S37S39S41SMacroList
  4939. McAfee Alert Manager | >Current Session User | %IDDocument Owner | %OwnerDocument Editors | %$UpdatedByDatabase Managers | %@DbManagerMessage Sender | %FromMessage Recipients | %SendToMessage CC'ed Recipients | %CopyTo
  4940. CONTENT
  4941. <a>7`^///""
  4942. esign mode; se
  4943. rrrrrrrr
  4944. ffffffff
  4945. [cc[c[[c
  4946. [[[[[[[[
  4947. L[LL[L[[
  4948. LLLLLLLL
  4949. ;;;;;;;;
  4950. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4951. nt database.eYou
  4952. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4953. Message Form:    
  4954. MessageForm
  4955. Standard Notes Memo | MemoDelivery Failure Report | Nondelivery ReportReturn Receipt Failure | ReturnNonReceipt
  4956. Message Subject:    
  4957. Ini.Subject
  4958. Message Subject:    
  4959. Ini.Subject
  4960. Ini.Subject
  4961. Ini.Subject
  4962. <Default subject>
  4963.     6S7S9S10S13S15S_Ini.Subject
  4964. Body of Message:
  4965. Ini.Body
  4966. Body of Message:
  4967. Ini.Bodyh
  4968. Ini.Body
  4969. Ini.Body
  4970. <Default body>
  4971.     6S7S9S10S13S15S_Ini.Body
  4972. ShowMacroRef
  4973.     1S2S3S
  4974. ShowMacroRef
  4975. ShowMacroRef
  4976.     0R1S2S3S6S7S9S11S
  4977. Help...
  4978. ShowMacroRef
  4979.     1S2S
  4980. MACRO HELP
  4981. <a>7`^///""
  4982. esign mode; se
  4983. rrrrrrrr
  4984. ffffffff
  4985. [cc[c[[c
  4986. [[[[[[[[
  4987. L[LL[L[[
  4988. LLLLLLLL
  4989. ;;;;;;;;
  4990. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  4991. nt database.eYou
  4992. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  4993. The Subject and Body of the notification may include one or more macros which are delimited by a leading percent sign (%) and a trailing percent sign. These macros are useful for including information specific to a particular notification event, such as the name of the virus that was detected. Below is a quick reference guide for including macros in either the Subject or Body. Examples of macro usage are available by clicking the "Set..." button on this form, then selecting from the list of templates in the dialog box. More information may be found in the Online Guide.
  4994. %*notes_ini_name%
  4995.     insert value of NOTES.INI variable.
  4996. %&os_environ_var%
  4997.     insert value of OS environment variable.
  4998. %<text_file_path%
  4999.     insert contents of the named text file;
  5000. can only be used in the Body.
  5001. %@notes_formula%
  5002.     insert the result of any notes macro
  5003. formula that returns a value type of
  5004. text, text list, number, number list, date,
  5005. or date list.
  5006. %!notes_ini_name%
  5007.     insert the value of a 'meta' macro:
  5008. !INCIDENT ....... incident information
  5009. !MESSAGE ...... message information
  5010. !DOCUMENT ... document information
  5011. !SYNOPSIS ...... quarantined synopsis
  5012. %^doclink_name%
  5013.     insert a special document link:
  5014. ^Source ..... original source document
  5015. ^Quarantine .... quarantined document
  5016. %field_name%
  5017.     insert the value of any field in the source
  5018. document or the quarantined document;
  5019. NOTE: All field types are allowed, however
  5020. rich text fields are converted to text if
  5021. referenced in the Subject.
  5022. %\rtf_format%
  5023.     insert special rich text formatting directive:
  5024. n     newline
  5025. t      insert tab
  5026. d     insert divider
  5027. c     center justify
  5028. r      right justify
  5029. b     bold
  5030. i      italic
  5031. u    underline
  5032. p    plain text
  5033. NOTE: multiple format directives can be
  5034. combined in a single macro.
  5035. NOTES.INI
  5036. <a>7`^///""
  5037. esign mode; se
  5038. rrrrrrrr
  5039. ffffffff
  5040. [cc[c[[c
  5041. [[[[[[[[
  5042. L[LL[L[[
  5043. LLLLLLLL
  5044. ;;;;;;;;
  5045. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5046. nt database.eYou
  5047. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5048. W4W10F/V2
  5049. WordPerfect 0c
  5050. Ini.List
  5051. MacroList
  5052. AdminList
  5053.     1S2S3S
  5054. Ini.Form
  5055. MessageForm
  5056. MessageForm
  5057.     0R1S2S3S9S10S14S16S
  5058. Ini.Scope
  5059. MessageScope
  5060. MessageScope
  5061. (Disabled)
  5062. MessageScope
  5063.     0R1S2S3S6S7S9S11S12S13S15S17S
  5064. Ini.Disp
  5065. MessageDisp
  5066. MessageDisp
  5067.     0R1S2S3S12S14S
  5068. ExtractNotifyList
  5069. Profile
  5070. Profile
  5071.     1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S
  5072. line1
  5073. Ini.Scope
  5074. GroupShieldNotifyScope
  5075. Ini.Scope
  5076.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S
  5077. line2
  5078. Ini.Disp
  5079. GroupShieldNotifyDisp
  5080. Ini.Disp"
  5081.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S
  5082. line3
  5083. Ini.Form
  5084. GroupShieldNotifyForm
  5085. MessageForm
  5086.     0R1S2S5S6S10S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S
  5087. line4
  5088. Ini.List
  5089. GroupShieldNotifyList
  5090. Ini.List"
  5091.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S
  5092. line5
  5093. Ini.Subject
  5094. GroupShieldNotifySubject
  5095. Ini.Subject
  5096.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S
  5097. line6
  5098. Ini.Body
  5099. GroupShieldNotifyBody
  5100. Ini.Body"
  5101.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S
  5102. line1
  5103. line2
  5104. line3
  5105. line4
  5106. line5
  5107. line6
  5108.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S
  5109. _ShowNotesINI
  5110. Copyright 
  5111.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  5112. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  5113. W4W10F/V2
  5114. WordPerfect 1c
  5115. Post form calculations:
  5116. Enabled
  5117.     1S2S3S
  5118.     0R1S2S8S
  5119. AdminList
  5120.     0R1S2S3S
  5121. MacroList
  5122.     0R1S2S3S
  5123. MessageForm
  5124.     0R1S2S3S
  5125. MessageScope
  5126.     0R1S2S3S
  5127. MessageDisp
  5128.     0R1S2S3S
  5129. ShowMacroRef
  5130.     0R1S2S3S
  5131. Cleanup
  5132. NotAvailable
  5133. $Live.SavedForm
  5134. [1_UPDATE]
  5135. $Live.Mode
  5136. NotAvailable
  5137. DocType
  5138. Module"
  5139.     1S2S3S4S
  5140. &Arial
  5141. "Small Fonts
  5142. Cfg.NShield
  5143. DocSeq
  5144. Specific settings for NShield on-access document scanning
  5145. DocDesc
  5146.     1S2S
  5147. NShieldOptions
  5148.     0R1S2S3S
  5149. NSF_HOOKS
  5150.     0R1S2S3S
  5151. optlist1
  5152. NShieldOptions
  5153.     0R1S2S
  5154. optlist2
  5155. optlist1
  5156. /SCAN
  5157. /CLEAN
  5158. +A +R -U +F
  5159. +A +R +U +F
  5160.     0R1S2S
  5161. optlist3
  5162. optlist2
  5163.     0R1S2S
  5164. optlist
  5165. optlist3
  5166.     0R1S2S
  5167. optlist
  5168. optlist
  5169.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5170. optlist
  5171. optlist
  5172.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5173. optlist
  5174. optlist
  5175.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5176. optlist
  5177. optlist
  5178.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5179. optlist
  5180. optlist
  5181.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5182. optlist
  5183. optlist
  5184.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5185. optlist
  5186. optlist
  5187.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5188. optlist
  5189. optlist
  5190.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5191. optlist
  5192. optlist
  5193.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5194.     0R1S2S
  5195. optlist
  5196. optlist
  5197.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5198. optlist
  5199. optlist
  5200.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5201. ScanOptions
  5202. ScanOptions
  5203. ScanOptions
  5204. optR"
  5205. optZ"
  5206. optO"
  5207.     0RR1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5208. TrustScans
  5209. TrustScansh
  5210. TrustScans
  5211.     0R1S2S3S10S12S15S16S18S20S
  5212. MiscOptions
  5213. MiscOptions
  5214. MiscOptions
  5215. optF"
  5216. optK"
  5217. optV"
  5218.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5219. Actions
  5220. Actions
  5221. Actions
  5222. optN"
  5223.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S24S26S30S32S34S35S36S37S
  5224. secopt1
  5225. GroupShieldSecurity
  5226. GroupShieldSecurity
  5227.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5228. secopt2
  5229. secopt1
  5230. secopt1
  5231.     0R1S2S9S11S
  5232. secopt3
  5233. secopt2
  5234. secopt2
  5235. secopt2
  5236. secopt2
  5237.     0R1S2S5S6S8S14S15S16S18S22S23S24S26S28S
  5238. Security
  5239. Securityh
  5240. Security
  5241. secopt3
  5242.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  5243. hook1
  5244. optlist
  5245.     0R1S2S
  5246. hook2
  5247. hook1
  5248. hook1
  5249.     0R1S2S11S15S22S24S
  5250. ScanHook
  5251. ScanHookh
  5252. ScanHook
  5253. hook2
  5254.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  5255. hook3
  5256. NSF_HOOKS
  5257.     0R1S2S
  5258. EnableHook
  5259. EnableHookh
  5260. EnableHook
  5261. nshield
  5262. hook3
  5263.     0R1S2S3S10S12S19S
  5264. InjectOptions
  5265. Cfg.NShield
  5266. $Live.Form
  5267. NShieldOptions
  5268. GroupShieldOptions
  5269. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5270. GroupShieldSecurity
  5271. NSF_HOOKS
  5272. NShieldScanOnly
  5273. NShieldScanners
  5274. NShieldTempDir
  5275. NShieldMaxFile
  5276.     0S0E
  5277. $Live.Environment
  5278. Server.Name
  5279. Server.Version.Notes
  5280. GroupShield.NShield.Version
  5281.     0S0E
  5282. $Live.Statistics
  5283. Platform.Name
  5284. Platform.Prefix
  5285.     0S0E
  5286. $Live.Information
  5287. 'US@    
  5288. 'US@    
  5289. 'US@    
  5290. 'US@    
  5291. 'US@    
  5292. 'US@    
  5293. 'US@    
  5294. 'US@    
  5295. 93Sqi9
  5296. 9iqS39
  5297. iUqU.9
  5298. i9S.3
  5299. UqU.9U
  5300. 3.Uqi
  5301. .UqS.3
  5302. qU.3q
  5303. 'US@    
  5304. 'US@    
  5305. 'US@    
  5306. 'US@    
  5307. 'US@    
  5308. <a>7`^///""
  5309. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  5310. of the Clipboard
  5311.     0S0E
  5312. GroupShield.NShield.Version
  5313.     1S2S3S
  5314. GroupShield.NShield.Version
  5315. Save NShield Options
  5316. NOTE: Changes will not take effect until NShield is restarted
  5317.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5318.     0R7S
  5319. Platform.Prefix
  5320.     1S2S3S
  5321. choices
  5322. Default for Notes Servers
  5323. Default for Notes Clients
  5324. Notes Web Navigator Only
  5325.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S
  5326. defserver
  5328.     0RR1S2S
  5329. defclient
  5331.     0R1S2S
  5332. defwebnav
  5334.     0R1S2S
  5335. answer
  5336. NShield Setup Templates
  5337. Select a template to use NShield on this server. Please note that the current settings will be replaced.
  5338. choices
  5339. choices
  5340.     0RR1S2S6S8S10S17S
  5341. check
  5342. answerZ
  5343. answer
  5344.     0R1S2S8S9S11S12S15S20S
  5345. index
  5346. answer
  5347. choices
  5348.     0RR1S2S
  5349. template
  5350. index
  5351. defserver
  5352. defclient
  5353. defwebnav
  5354.     0R1S2S
  5355. NSF_HOOKS
  5356. NSF_HOOKS
  5357. nshield
  5358.     0RR1S2S3S13S14S
  5359. GroupShieldSecurity
  5360. template
  5361.     0R1S
  5362. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5363. Platform.Prefix
  5364. template
  5365.     0R1S6S7S
  5366. NShieldOptions
  5367. template
  5368.     0R1S
  5369. NShieldScanOnly
  5370. template
  5371.     0R1S
  5372. ScanOptions
  5373.     0RR1S2S3S
  5374. MiscOptions
  5375.     0R1S2S3S
  5376. ScanHook
  5377.     0R1S2S3S
  5378. Actions
  5379.     0R1S2S3S
  5380. Security
  5381.     0R1S2S3S
  5382. TrustScans
  5383.     0R1S2S3S
  5384. optlist1
  5385. NShieldOptions
  5386.     0RR1S2S
  5387. optlist2
  5388. optlist1
  5389. /SCAN
  5390. /CLEAN
  5391. +A +R -U +F
  5392. +A +R +U +F
  5393.     0R1S2S
  5394. optlist3
  5395. optlist2
  5396.     0R1S2S
  5397. optlist
  5398. optlist3
  5399.     0R1S2S
  5400. optlist
  5401. optlist
  5402.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5403. optlist
  5404. optlist
  5405.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5406. optlist
  5407. optlist
  5408.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5409. optlist
  5410. optlist
  5411.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5412. optlist
  5413. optlist
  5414.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5415. optlist
  5416. optlist
  5417.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5418. optlist
  5419. optlist
  5420.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5421. optlist
  5422. optlist
  5423.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5424. optlist
  5425. optlist
  5426.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5427.     0R1S2S
  5428. optlist
  5429. optlist
  5430.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5431. optlist
  5432. optlist
  5433.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5434. ScanOptions
  5435. ScanOptions
  5436. ScanOptions
  5437. optR"
  5438. optZ"
  5439. optO"
  5440.     0RR1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5441. TrustScans
  5442. TrustScansh
  5443. TrustScans
  5444.     0R1S2S3S10S12S15S16S18S20S
  5445. MiscOptions
  5446. MiscOptions
  5447. MiscOptions
  5448. optF"
  5449. optK"
  5450. optV"
  5451.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5452. Actions
  5453. Actions
  5454. Actions
  5455. optN"
  5456.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S24S26S30S32S34S35S36S37S
  5457. secopt1
  5458. GroupShieldSecurity
  5459. GroupShieldSecurity
  5460.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5461. secopt2
  5462. secopt1
  5463. secopt1
  5464.     0R1S2S9S11S
  5465. secopt3
  5466. secopt2
  5467. secopt2
  5468. secopt2
  5469. secopt2
  5470.     0R1S2S5S6S8S14S15S16S18S22S23S24S26S28S
  5471. Security
  5472. Securityh
  5473. Security
  5474. secopt3
  5475.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  5476. hook1
  5477. optlist
  5478.     0R1S2S
  5479. hook2
  5480. hook1
  5481. hook1
  5482.     0R1S2S11S15S22S24S
  5483. ScanHook
  5484. ScanHookh
  5485. ScanHook
  5486. hook2
  5487.     0R1S2S3S10S12S
  5488. Set...
  5489. Configure
  5490. DocType
  5491. NShield Options
  5492. Module
  5493. W4W10F/V2
  5494. WordPerfect 
  5495. <a>7`^///""
  5496. esign mode; se
  5497. rrrrrrrr
  5498. ffffffff
  5499. [cc[c[[c
  5500. [[[[[[[[
  5501. L[LL[L[[
  5502. LLLLLLLL
  5503. ;;;;;;;;
  5504. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5505. nt database.eYou
  5506. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5507. Current Server:
  5508. Server.Name
  5509. Server.Name
  5510.  (Notes "
  5511. Server.Version.Notes"
  5512. Local (Server not running)
  5513.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  5514. Scan documents with:    Miscellaneous settings:
  5515. ScanOptions
  5516. File Attachments | AStored Forms | ZRich Text Fields | ROLE Objects | O
  5517. MiscOptions
  5518. Coordinate with NWall | JFalse alarm tracking | FAbide database skip mark | KEnable verbose output | V
  5519. ScanHooku
  5520. SCOPE
  5521. <a>7`^///""
  5522. esign mode; se
  5523. rrrrrrrr
  5524. ffffffff
  5525. [cc[c[[c
  5526. [[[[[[[[
  5527. L[LL[L[[
  5528. LLLLLLLL
  5529. ;;;;;;;;
  5530. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5531. nt database.eYou
  5532. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5533. NShield Real-time scanning:
  5534. EnableHook
  5535. ENABLE | 1DISABLE | 0
  5536. Events that invoke scanning:    
  5537. ScanHook
  5538. Document Read | RDocument Write | W
  5539. When virus is detected on 
  5540. ScanHook
  5541.     1S2S
  5542. write
  5543. event
  5544.     0R3S4S6S8S9S10S12S14S_hook
  5545.     1S2S
  5546.     0R1S2S
  5547.     0R1S2S
  5548.     0R1S2S
  5549. Actions
  5550.     0R1S2S
  5551. Actions
  5552.     0R1S2S
  5553. Actions
  5554.     0R1S2S
  5555.     0R1S2S6S10S
  5556.     0R4S8S10S14S
  5557. Actions
  5558. Quarantine document | QAuto-clean on write | USend notifications | N
  5559. SECURITY
  5560. <a>7`^///""
  5561. esign mode; se
  5562. rrrrrrrr
  5563. ffffffff
  5564. [cc[c[[c
  5565. [[[[[[[[
  5566. L[LL[L[[
  5567. LLLLLLLL
  5568. ;;;;;;;;
  5569. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5570. nt database.eYou
  5571. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5572. Real-time security checks:
  5573. Security
  5574. Monitor and prevent Name & Address Book attacks | 1Monitor and prevent Anonymous mail & sender spoofing | 2Perform miscellaneous security checks | 252
  5575. TRUST SCAN
  5576. <a>7`^///""
  5577. esign mode; se
  5578. rrrrrrrr
  5579. ffffffff
  5580. [cc[c[[c
  5581. [[[[[[[[
  5582. L[LL[L[[
  5583. LLLLLLLL
  5584. ;;;;;;;;
  5585. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5586. nt database.eYou
  5587. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5588. Trusted servers tasks:    
  5589. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5590. Trusted servers tasks:    
  5591. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5592. No trusted tasks
  5593. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5594.     3S4S6S8S
  5595. _TrustedTasks
  5596. Trust scans within domain:    
  5597. TrustScans
  5598. YES | 1NO | 0
  5599. Trust all databases except:    
  5600. NShieldScanOnly
  5601. Databases to scan:    
  5602. NShieldOptions
  5603. NShieldOptionsb
  5604.     1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5605. NShieldScanOnly
  5606. NShieldScanOnly
  5607.     0R1S2S10S12S
  5608. All databases
  5609.  except for MAIL.BOX
  5610.     0R3S4S6S8S9S10S14S16S_ScanOnly
  5611. FILE SCAN
  5612. <a>7`^///""
  5613. esign mode; se
  5614. rrrrrrrr
  5615. ffffffff
  5616. [cc[c[[c
  5617. [[[[[[[[
  5618. L[LL[L[[
  5619. LLLLLLLL
  5620. ;;;;;;;;
  5621. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5622. nt database.eYou
  5623. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5624. File scanner interfaces:    
  5625. NShieldScanners
  5626. NoCache
  5627. SIList
  5628.     0S0E
  5629. NShieldScanners
  5630.    (using general options)
  5631.     9S11S_Scanners_1
  5632. File scanner interfaces:    
  5633. NShieldScanners
  5634. NShieldScanners
  5635. Use General Options
  5636.     6S8S
  5637. _Scanners
  5638. Temporary work directory:    
  5639. NShieldTempDir^
  5640.     0S0E
  5641. NShieldTempDir
  5642. NShieldTempDir
  5643.    (using general options)
  5644.     3S4S6S8S
  5645. _TempDir_1
  5646. Temporary work directory:    
  5647. NShieldTempDir
  5648. NShieldTempDir
  5649. Use General Options
  5650.     6S8S
  5651. _TempDir
  5652. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  5653. NShieldMaxFile
  5654. NShieldMaxFileX
  5655.     1S2S
  5656. NShieldMaxFile
  5657.     0R7S9S14S16S17S18S
  5658. NShieldMaxFile
  5659.    (using general options)
  5660.     3S4S
  5661. _MaxFileSize_1
  5662. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  5663. NShieldMaxFile
  5664. NShieldMaxFileX
  5665.     1S2S8S13S
  5666. Use General Options
  5667.     0R7S9S10S11S13S15S19S20S
  5668. _MaxFileSize
  5669. NOTES.INI
  5670. <a>7`^///""
  5671. esign mode; se
  5672. rrrrrrrr
  5673. ffffffff
  5674. [cc[c[[c
  5675. [[[[[[[[
  5676. L[LL[L[[
  5677. LLLLLLLL
  5678. ;;;;;;;;
  5679. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  5680. nt database.eYou
  5681. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  5682. W4W10F/V2
  5683. WordPerfect 0c
  5684. ScanOptions
  5685.     1S2S11S13S
  5686. ScanOptions
  5687.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5688. ScanOptions
  5689.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5690. ScanOptions
  5691.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5692. MiscOptions
  5693. -M +J 
  5694.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  5695. MiscOptions
  5696.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5697. MiscOptions
  5698.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5699. MiscOptions
  5700.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5701. Actions
  5702.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  5703. Actions
  5704.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5705. TrustScans
  5706.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5707. ScanHook
  5708.     0RR1S2S
  5709. +H:ALL 
  5710. +H:READ 
  5711. +H:WRITE 
  5712.     0R1S2S8S10S14S16S20S22S
  5713. NShieldOptions
  5714. optA"
  5715. optO"
  5716. optR"
  5717. optZ"
  5718. optJ"
  5719. optF"
  5720. optK"
  5721. optV"
  5722. optU"
  5723. optN"
  5724. optT"
  5725.     0RR1S2S3S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S
  5726. Securityt
  5727.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  5728. Securityt
  5729.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5730. sec252
  5731. Securityt
  5732.     0R1S2S11S13S
  5733. GroupShieldSecurity
  5734. sec2"
  5735. sec252"
  5736.     0R1S2S3S6S7S8S9S
  5737. hook1
  5738. NSF_HOOKS
  5739.     0RR1S2S
  5740. hook2
  5741. EnableHook
  5742. hook1
  5743. nshield
  5744. hook1
  5745. nshield
  5746.     0R1S2S5S6S8S17S
  5747. NSF_HOOKS
  5748. hook2
  5749.     0R1S2S3S
  5750. NShieldScanners
  5751. NShieldScanners
  5752.     0R1S2S3S
  5753. NShieldScanOnly
  5754. NShieldScanOnly
  5755.     0R1S2S3S
  5756. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5757. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5758.     0R1S2S3S
  5759. ExtractOptions
  5760. line0
  5761. NSF_HOOKS=
  5762. NSF_HOOKS
  5763.     1S2S3S4S5S6S
  5764. line1
  5765. NShieldOptions=
  5766. NShieldOptions"
  5767.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  5768. line2
  5769. NShieldScanners
  5770. NShieldScanners=
  5771. NShieldScanners
  5772.     0R1S2S11S12S18S19S
  5773. line3
  5774. NShieldTempDir
  5775. NShieldTempDir=
  5776. NShieldTempDir"
  5777.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  5778. line4
  5779. NShieldMaxFile
  5780. NShieldMaxFile=
  5781. NShieldMaxFileV
  5782.     0R1S2S11S12S16S17S
  5783. line5
  5784. NShieldScanOnly=
  5785. NShieldScanOnly
  5786.     0R1S2S3S4S10S11S
  5787. line6
  5788. GroupShieldSecurity=
  5789. GroupShieldSecurity
  5790.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  5791. line7
  5792. GroupShieldTrustedTasks=
  5793. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5794.     0R1S2S3S4S10S11S
  5795. line0
  5796. line1
  5797. line2
  5798. line3
  5799. line4
  5800. line5
  5801. line6
  5802. line7
  5803.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S_ShowNotesINI
  5804. Copyright 
  5805.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  5806. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  5807. W4W10F/V2
  5808. WordPerfect 1c
  5809. Post form calculations:
  5810. saved
  5811.     1S2S
  5812. Actions
  5813.     0R1S2S3S
  5814. ScanOptions
  5815.     0R1S2S3S
  5816. MiscOptions
  5817.     0R1S2S3S
  5818. TrustScans
  5819.     0R1S2S3S
  5820. Security
  5821.     0R1S2S3S
  5822. ScanHook
  5823.     0R1S2S3S
  5824. EnableHook
  5825.     0R1S2S3S
  5826. check
  5827.     0R1S2S
  5828. NShieldOptions
  5829.     0R1S2S3S
  5830. GroupShieldOptions
  5831.     0R1S2S3S
  5832. GroupShieldTrustedTasks
  5833.     0R1S2S3S
  5834. GroupShieldSecurity
  5835.     0R1S2S3S
  5836. NSF_HOOKS
  5837.     0R1S2S3S
  5838. NShieldScanOnly
  5839.     0R1S2S3S
  5840. NShieldScanners
  5841.     0R1S2S3S
  5842. NShieldTempDir
  5843.     0R1S2S3S
  5844. NShieldMaxFile
  5845.     0R1S2S3S
  5846. Cleanup
  5847. NotAvailable
  5848. $Live.SavedForm
  5849. [1_UPDATE]
  5850. $Live.Mode
  5851. NotAvailable
  5852. DocType
  5853. Module"
  5854.     1S2S3S4S
  5855. &Arial
  5856. "Small Fonts
  5857. Cfg.NWall
  5858. DocSeq
  5859. Specific settings for NWall queued message scanning
  5860. DocDesc
  5861.     1S2S
  5862. NWallOptions
  5863.     0R1S2S3S
  5864. NWallTrustClient
  5865.     0R1S2S3S
  5866. NWallTracking
  5867.     0R1S2S3S
  5868. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  5869.     0R1S2S3S
  5870. NWallScanParts
  5871. NWallOptions
  5872. 0700F001
  5873.     0R1S2S3S6S7S9S11S
  5874. optlist1
  5875. NWallOptions
  5876.     0RR1S2S
  5877. optlist2
  5878. optlist1
  5879. /SCAN
  5880. /CLEAN
  5881. +A +R -U +F
  5882. +A +R +U +F
  5883.     0R1S2S
  5884. optlist3
  5885. optlist2
  5886.     0R1S2S
  5887. optlist
  5888. optlist3
  5889.     0R1S2S
  5890. optlist
  5891. optlist
  5892.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5893. optlist
  5894. optlist
  5895.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5896. optlist
  5897. optlist
  5898.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5899. optlist
  5900. optlist
  5901.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5902. optlist
  5903. optlist
  5904.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5905. optlist
  5906. optlist
  5907.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5908. optlist
  5909. optlist
  5910.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5911. optlist
  5912. optlist
  5913.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5914. optlist
  5915. optlist
  5916.     0RR1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5917. optlist
  5918. optlist
  5919.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5920. optlist
  5921. optlist
  5922.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5923. optlist
  5924. optlist
  5925.     0R1S2S11S13S20S22S
  5926. ScanOptions
  5927. ScanOptions
  5928. ScanOptions
  5929. optR"
  5930. optZ"
  5931. optO"
  5932.     0RR1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5933. MiscOptions
  5934. MiscOptions
  5935. MiscOptions
  5936. optF"
  5937. optK"
  5938. optV"
  5939.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S
  5940. Actions
  5941. Actions
  5942. Actions
  5943. optN"
  5944.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S24S26S30S34S35S36S37S
  5945. redirON
  5946. NSF_HOOKS
  5947. NSF_HOOKS
  5948. nwallmG
  5949. nwallm 
  5950.     0RR1S2S10S12S19S21S
  5951. redirTC
  5952. NWallTrustClient
  5953. TrustClient 
  5954.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5955. redirAAQ
  5956. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  5957. ActiveAfterQuit 
  5958.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5959. redirTRK
  5960. NWallTracking
  5961. Tracking 
  5962.     0R1S2S5S6S8S10S
  5963. RedirOptions
  5964. RedirOptionsh
  5965. RedirOptions
  5966. redirON
  5967. redirTC
  5968. redirAAQ"
  5969. redirTRK"
  5970.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S
  5971. Startup
  5972. Startup
  5973. Startup
  5974. ServerTasks
  5975. NWALL
  5976.     0RR1S2S3S10S12S22S24S
  5977. ruleSF
  5978. NWallScanParts
  5979. NWallScanParts
  5980.     0RR1S2S23S25S
  5981. ruleHS
  5982. NWallScanParts
  5983. NWallScanParts
  5984.     0R1S2S23S25S
  5985. ruleFA
  5986. NWallScanParts
  5987. NWallScanParts
  5988.     0R1S2S25S27S
  5989. ruleOLE
  5990. NWallScanParts
  5991. NWallScanParts
  5992.     0R1S2S25S27S
  5993. RedirRules
  5994. RedirRulesh
  5995. RedirRules
  5996. ruleSF
  5997. ruleHS"
  5998. ruleFA"
  5999. ruleOLE
  6000.     0R1S2S3S10S12S17S18S19S20S21S22S
  6001. JobDB
  6002. GSAV.NSF
  6003. JobDB
  6004. JobDB
  6005. NWallDatabase
  6006. NWallDatabase
  6007.     0RR1S2S3S7S9S14S16S21S23S
  6008. InjectOptions
  6009. Cfg.NWall
  6010. $Live.Form
  6011. NSF_HOOKS
  6012. NWallOptions
  6013. ServerTasks
  6014. NWallScanners
  6015. NWallTempDir
  6016. NWallMaxFile
  6017. NWallDatabase
  6018. NWallView
  6019. NWallTrustClient
  6020. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  6021. NWallTracking
  6022. NWallScanParts
  6023. NWallPhantom
  6024.     0S0E
  6025. $Live.Environment
  6026. Server.Name
  6027. Server.Version.Notes
  6028. GroupShield
  6029.     0S0E
  6030. $Live.Statistics
  6031. Platform.Name
  6032. Platform.Prefix
  6033.     0S0E
  6034. $Live.Information
  6035. 'US@    
  6036. 'US@    
  6037. 'US@    
  6038. 'US@    
  6039. 'US@    
  6040. 'US@    
  6041. 'US@    
  6042. 'US@    
  6043. 93Sqi9
  6044. 9iqS39
  6045. iUqU.9
  6046. i9S.3
  6047. UqU.9U
  6048. 3.Uqi
  6049. .UqS.3
  6050. qU.3q
  6051. 'US@    
  6052. 'US@    
  6053. 'US@    
  6054. 'US@    
  6055. 'US@    
  6056. <a>7`^///""
  6057. ''''''''it on the ClipboUUUUUUUU selection isn'tSSSSSSSS from its currenqqqqqqqqon.<Places the c
  6058. of the Clipboard
  6059.     0S0E
  6060. Configure
  6061. DocType
  6062. NWall Options
  6063. Module
  6064. W4W10F/V2
  6065. WordPerfect 
  6066. <a>7`^///""
  6067. esign mode; se
  6068. rrrrrrrr
  6069. ffffffff
  6070. [cc[c[[c
  6071. [[[[[[[[
  6072. L[LL[L[[
  6073. LLLLLLLL
  6074. ;;;;;;;;
  6075. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  6076. nt database.eYou
  6077. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  6078. Current Server:
  6079. Server.Name
  6080. Server.Name
  6081.  (Notes "
  6082. Server.Version.Notes"
  6083. Local (Server not running)
  6084.     7S13S14S15S16S17S18S20SServerStatus
  6085. Scan documents with:    Miscellaneous settings:
  6086. ScanOptions
  6087. File Attachments | AStored Forms | ZRich Text Fields | ROLE Objects | O
  6088. MiscOptions
  6089. Trust scans within domain | TFalse alarm tracking | FAbide database skip mark | KEnable verbose output | V
  6090. ScanHooku
  6092. <a>7`^///""
  6093. esign mode; se
  6094. rrrrrrrr
  6095. ffffffff
  6096. [cc[c[[c
  6097. [[[[[[[[
  6098. L[LL[L[[
  6099. LLLLLLLL
  6100. ;;;;;;;;
  6101. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  6102. nt database.eYou
  6103. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  6104. Redirector settings:    Redirect mail with:
  6105. RedirOptions
  6106. Enable message redirection | nwallmRedirect local client mail | TrustClientRedirect after Nwall quit | ActiveAfterQuitInsert tracking data in mail | Tracking
  6107. RedirRules
  6108. File Attachments | AStored Forms | ZButtons & Hotspots | ROLE Objects | O
  6109. Phantom redirector address:    
  6110. NWallPhantom
  6111. Phantom redirector address:    
  6112. NWallPhantom
  6113. GroupShield NWall
  6114. NWallPhantom
  6115.     3S4S6S8S
  6116. _Phantom
  6118. <a>7`^///""
  6119. esign mode; se
  6120. rrrrrrrr
  6121. ffffffff
  6122. [cc[c[[c
  6123. [[[[[[[[
  6124. L[LL[L[[
  6125. LLLLLLLL
  6126. ;;;;;;;;
  6127. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  6128. nt database.eYou
  6129. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  6130. Load when server starts:    
  6131. Startup
  6132. Yes | 1No | 0
  6133. When virus is detected:    
  6134.     1S2S
  6135.     0R1S2S
  6136.     0R1S2S
  6137.     0R1S2S
  6138. Actions
  6139.     0R1S2S
  6140. Actions
  6141.     0R1S2S
  6142. Actions
  6143.     0R1S2S
  6144.     0R1S2S6S10S
  6145.     0R4S8S10S14S
  6146. Actions
  6147. Quarantine document | QClean document | UDelete document | XSend notifications | N
  6148. NWall jobs database:    
  6149. JobDB
  6150. JobDB
  6151.     6S7S9S17SJobDB
  6152. Jobs for current server:    
  6153. check1
  6154. JobDB
  6155.     1S2S5S6S8S13S
  6156. NoCache
  6157. JobDB
  6158. (FireView)
  6159. Server.Name
  6160.     0RR1S2S8S16S17S18S19S20S21S
  6161. check2
  6162. not found
  6163. <No jobs found>
  6164. ERROR: 
  6165.     0R1S2S9S21S26R29S30S37S
  6166. NoCache
  6167. JobDB
  6168. (FireView)
  6169. Server.Name
  6170.     0RR1S2S3S4S10S18S19S20S21S22S23S
  6171. NoCache
  6172. JobDB
  6173. (FireView)
  6174. Server.Name
  6175.     0R1S2S3S4S10S18S19S20S21S22S23S
  6176.     0RR1S2S3S4S5S6S
  6177. _JobLookup
  6178. FILE SCAN
  6179. <a>7`^///""
  6180. esign mode; se
  6181. rrrrrrrr
  6182. ffffffff
  6183. [cc[c[[c
  6184. [[[[[[[[
  6185. L[LL[L[[
  6186. LLLLLLLL
  6187. ;;;;;;;;
  6188. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  6189. nt database.eYou
  6190. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  6191. File scanner interfaces:    
  6192. NWallScanners
  6193. NoCache
  6194. SIList
  6195.     8S10S
  6196. NWallScanners
  6197.    (using general options)
  6198.     9S11S_Scanners_1
  6199. File scanner interfaces:    
  6200. NWallScanners
  6201. NWallScanners
  6202. Use General Options
  6203.     6S8S
  6204. _Scanners
  6205. Temporary work directory:    
  6206. NWallTempDir^
  6207.     0S0E
  6208. NWallTempDir
  6209. NWallTempDir
  6210.    (using general options)
  6211.     3S4S6S8S
  6212. _TempDir_1
  6213. Temporary work directory:    
  6214. NWallTempDir
  6215. NWallTempDir
  6216. Use General Options
  6217.     6S8S
  6218. _TempDir
  6219. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  6220. NWallMaxFile
  6221. NWallMaxFileX
  6222.     1S2S
  6223. NWallMaxFile
  6224.     0R7S9S14S16S17S18S
  6225. NWallMaxFile
  6226.    (using general options)
  6227.     3S4S
  6228. _MaxFileSize_1
  6229. Max. File Attachment Size:    
  6230. NWallMaxFile
  6231. NWallMaxFileX
  6232.     1S2S8S13S
  6233. Use General Options
  6234.     0R7S9S10S11S13S15S19S20S
  6235. _MaxFileSize
  6236. NOTES.INI
  6237. <a>7`^///""
  6238. esign mode; se
  6239. rrrrrrrr
  6240. ffffffff
  6241. [cc[c[[c
  6242. [[[[[[[[
  6243. L[LL[L[[
  6244. LLLLLLLL
  6245. ;;;;;;;;
  6246. gYou may notccccccccDocument Link in44444444field unless the........to database is t
  6247. nt database.eYou
  6248. tempted to load frrfrffrinto a form thatcffcfccfs a table.  Nest;;L;LL;Ls are not allowe44;4;;4;on 1 Bitmap bigg.4..4.4464K bytes; Expor
  6249. W4W10F/V2
  6250. WordPerfect 0c
  6251. ScanOptions
  6252.     1S2S11S13S
  6253. ScanOptions
  6254.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6255. ScanOptions
  6256.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6257. ScanOptions
  6258.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6259. MiscOptions
  6260.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  6261. MiscOptions
  6262.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6263. MiscOptions
  6264.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6265. MiscOptions
  6266.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6267. Actions
  6268.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  6269. Actions
  6270.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6271. Actions
  6272.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6273. nwallm
  6274. RedirOptionst
  6275.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6276. NWallOptions
  6277. optA"
  6278. optO"
  6279. optR"
  6280. optZ"
  6281. optJ"
  6282. optF"
  6283. optK"
  6284. optV"
  6285. optU"
  6286. optX"
  6287. optN"
  6288. optT"
  6289.     0RR1S2S3S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S23S24S25S26S27S28S29S
  6290. hook1
  6291. NSF_HOOKS
  6292.     0RR1S2S
  6293. hook2
  6294. nwallm
  6295. RedirOptionsu
  6296. hook1
  6297. nwallm
  6298. hook1
  6299. nwallm
  6300.     0R1S2S11S20S
  6301. NSF_HOOKS
  6302. hook2
  6303.     0R1S2S3S
  6304. NWallScanners
  6305. NWallScanners
  6306.     0RR1S2S3S
  6307. task1
  6308. ServerTasks
  6309.     0RR1S2S
  6310. task2
  6311. Startup
  6312. task1
  6313. Nwall
  6314. task1
  6315. Nwall
  6316.     0R1S2S5S6S8S17S
  6317. ServerTasks
  6318. task2
  6319.     0R1S2S3S
  6320. NWallDatabase
  6321. JobDB
  6322.     0RR1S2S3S
  6323. partSF
  6324. RedirRulest
  6325.     0RR1S2S11S13S
  6326. partHS
  6327. RedirRulest
  6328.     0R1S2S11S13S
  6329. partOB
  6330. RedirRulest
  6331. RedirRulest
  6332. RedirRulest
  6333.     0R1S2S11S25S
  6334. partALL
  6335. partOB
  6336. partHS"
  6337. partSF"
  6338.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S
  6339. NWallScanParts
  6340. partALL
  6341. 0700F001
  6342. partALL
  6343.     0R1S2S3S6S7S9S11S
  6344. NWallTrustClient
  6345. TrustClient
  6346. RedirOptionst
  6347.     0RR1S2S3S12S14S
  6348. NWallTracking
  6349. Tracking
  6350. RedirOptionst
  6351.     0R1S2S3S12S14S
  6352. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  6353. ActiveAfterQuit
  6354. RedirOptionst
  6355.     0R1S2S3S13S15S
  6356.     0RRExtractOptions
  6357. line0
  6358. NSF_HOOKS=
  6359. NSF_HOOKS
  6360.     1S2S3S4S5S6S
  6361. line1
  6362. ServerTasks=
  6363. ServerTasks
  6364.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  6365. line2
  6366. NWallOptions=
  6367. NWallOptions"
  6368.     0R1S2S3S4S5S6S
  6369. line3
  6370. NWallScanners
  6371. NWallScanners=
  6372. NWallScanners
  6373.     0R1S2S11S12S18S19S
  6374. line4
  6375. NWallTempDir
  6376. NWallTempDir=
  6377. NWallTempDir"
  6378.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  6379. line5
  6380. NWallMaxFile
  6381. NWallMaxFile=
  6382. NWallMaxFileV
  6383.     0R1S2S11S12S16S17S
  6384. line6
  6385. NWallPhantom
  6386. NWallPhantom=
  6387. NWallPhantom"
  6388.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  6389. line7
  6390. NWallDatabase
  6391. NWallDatabase=
  6392. NWallDatabase
  6393.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  6394. line8
  6395. NWallTrustClient
  6396. NWallTrustClient=0
  6397.     0R1S2S9S10S12S
  6398. line9
  6399. NWallTracking
  6400. NWallTracking=
  6401. NWallTracking
  6402.     0R1S2S11S12S13S14S
  6403. line10
  6404. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  6405. NWallActiveAfterQuit=
  6406. NWallActiveAfterQuit"
  6407.     0R2S11S12S13S14S
  6408. line11
  6409. NWallScanParts
  6410. NWallScanParts=
  6411. NWallScanParts"
  6412.     0R2S11S12S13S14S
  6413. line0
  6414. line1
  6415. line2
  6416. line3
  6417. line4
  6418. line5
  6419. line6
  6420. line7
  6421. line8
  6422. line9
  6423. line10"
  6424. line11"
  6425.     0RRRR1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8S9S10S11S12S13S14S15S16S17S18S19S20S21S22S
  6426. _ShowNotesINI
  6427. Copyright 
  6428.  1995-1997 Sybari Software Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
  6429. GroupScan/GroupShield was designed and written by G. Tetrault of Sybari Software for McAfee Associates.
  6430. W4W10F/V2
  6431. WordPerfect 1c
  6432. Post form calculations:
  6433. saved
  6434.     1S2S
  6435. Actions
  6436.     0R1S2S3S
  6437. ScanOptions
  6438.     0R1S2S3S
  6439. MiscOptions
  6440.     0R1S2S3S
  6441. Startup
  6442.     0R1S2S3S
  6443. JobDB
  6444.     0R1S2S3S
  6445. RedirOptions
  6446.     0R1S2S3S
  6447. RedirRules
  6448.     0R1S2S3S
  6449. check
  6450.     0R1S2S
  6451. NSF_HOOKS
  6452.     0R1S2S3S
  6453. NWallOptions
  6454.     0R1S2S3S
  6455. ServerTasks
  6456.     0R1S2S3S
  6457. NWallScanners
  6458.     0R1S2S3S
  6459. NWallTempDir
  6460.     0R1S2S3S
  6461. NWallMaxFile
  6462.     0R1S2S3S
  6463. NWallDatabase
  6464.     0R1S2S3S
  6465. NWallView
  6466.     0R1S2S3S
  6467. NWallTrustClient
  6468.     0R1S2S3S
  6469. NWallActiveAfterQuit
  6470.     0R1S2S3S
  6471. NWallTracking
  6472.     0R1S2S3S
  6473. NWallScanParts
  6474.     0R1S2S3S
  6475. NWallPhantom
  6476.     0R1S2S3S
  6477. Cleanup
  6478. NotAvailable
  6479. $Live.SavedForm
  6480. [1_UPDATE]
  6481. $Live.Mode
  6482. NotAvailable
  6483. Times New Roman
  6484. Press the ESC key to continue...
  6485. |W4W10F/V2
  6486. WordPerfect 
  6487. <a>7`^///""
  6488. requested.
  6489. *.CGM
  6490. Excel 4.0/
  6491. Image
  6492. *.TIF
  6493. Ami Pro
  6494. -with Text
  6495. F 5._IW4W
  6496. Group
  6497. Shield
  6498.  Administration 3.14b
  6499. The GroupShield product suite is a complete solution to the problem of viruses in the Notes environment. It provides a number of sophisticated features such as:  diagnosis and analysis information of all suspected viruses, a false alarm facility and the ability to scan file attachments using the industry leading McAfee virus scanning engine. The Administration database provides a simple way to configure and monitor all of the GroupShield components. This database uses the LiveNotes
  6500.  technology provided by Sybari Software. Please ensure LiveNotes is installed on the server before using this database.
  6501. Copyright 
  6502.  1996-1997 by McAfee, Inc. All rights reserved. Notes security technology licensed from Sybari Software Inc.
  6503. l.3q|
  6504. <a>7`^///""
  6505. qqqqqqqq
  6506. Network Security & Management
  6507. ed$UpdatedBy$ACLDigest$Signature$DesignVersion$Version$Formula$FormulaClass$Collation$Copyright$FlagsNoRefreshIconBitmap$TemplateModTime$TemplateServerName$TemplateFileName$Flags$Fields$TITLE$Info$WindowTitle$Fonts$$Script_O$$ScriptName$Body$Index$ViewFormat$CommentDocSeqDocDesc$Live.Form$Live.Environment$Live.Statistics$Live.InformationDocTypeModuleScanOptionsMiscOptionsActionsTrapsGroupShieldQAreaGroupShieldDomainTrustScansGroupShieldTrustedSignersGroupShieldScannersGroupShieldTempDirGroupShieldMaxFile$Live.SavedForm$Live.ModeFormTypeNWallServerSourceTargetTransferFrequencyOffsetMaxRunTimeSelectEntryFilterEntrySelectFormulaFilterFormulaBody$AssistVersion$Type$Operation$Scan$LeftToDoScanWindowDescriptionDatabasesProgramCmdLineCommentsEnabledScheduleIntervalWeekDaysDocumentAccessOwnerLocalAdminCategoriesForcedSavePlatformVendorVersionActionMethodExt.InterfaceDll.InterfacePort.InterfaceAuto.InterfaceInterfaceStdExtsMoreExtsLast.StdExtsExtensionsMessageScopeMessageDispAdminListMacroListMessageFormIni.SubjectIni.BodyEnableHookScanHookSecurityGroupShieldTrustedTasksNShieldScanOnlyNShieldScannersNShieldTempDirNShieldMaxFileRedirOptionsRedirRulesNWallPhantomStartupJobDBNWallScannersNWallTempDirNWallMaxFile$AnonymousNameScanVirusScanCallWorkDirIDStringScanOKCureCallCureOKAutoModeLogFileLogTypeAccountDelayLogDelayAutoCureScanIDCureIDRetriesDAT_PathDLL_PathIni.MethodIni.DescriptionIni.VendorIni.VersionIni.ExtensionsIni.ActionIni.ScanVirusIni.ScanCallIni.WorkDirIni.IDStringIni.ScanOKIni.CureCallIni.CureOKIni.AutoModeIni.LogFileIni.LogTypeIni.AccountIni.DelayIni.LogDelayIni.AutoCureIni.ScanIDIni.CureIDIni.RetriesIni.DAT_PathIni.DLL_PathProfileIni.ListIni.FormIni.ScopeIni.Disp