(set #StartMsg "\"And I must be.. An acrobat\nTo talk like this.. And act like that\nAnd you can dream.. So dream out loud\n... don't let the bastards grind you down\"\n\n --U2 'Actung Baby'" )
(set #optionprompt "What do you wish to install at this time?")
(set #optionhelp "The images are option but you would be missing out if you didn't install them. You should also configure the ToolTypes once to set the device and the unit at least.")
(set #DevicePrompt "Enter the name of the ATAPI device you are using.\nEx. atapi.device")
(set #DeviceHelp "This is required for the program to access the CD-ROM drive.")
(set #DeviceUnitPrompt "Enter the unit number that corresponds to the CDROM drive that you wish to use with this program.")
(set #DeviceUnitHelp "Consult the documentation that came with your ATAPI software.\n Ex. Unit 1")
(set #DirPrompt1 "Where would you like me to copy ")
(set #DirPrompt2 (cat #DirPrompt1 "the images for the gui?"))
(set #DirPromptHelp1 "You'll be asked where to copy the images later on. You may put this in your WBStartup drawer if you wish to run this every time you boot your computer")
(set #DirPromptHelp2 "The Tooltypes in the program icon will be set to point to the directory that you install these images to. Withe the exception of the ENVARC: option then the tooltype points to ENV: instead. The default images only amount to around 50k or so.")
(set #DiscPrompt "Where do you keep or plan to keep your CDID Collection files?")
(set #DiscHelp "The program needs to know where to go to look for song names for CDs. Well, actually, if it can't find them it will just put up bland text instead.")
(set #HelpPrompt "Where would you like me to install the documentation?")
(set #HelpHelp "This can be anywhere you like, it is not access by the program.")
(set #EndMsg "All done! Ok, go to your WBStartup drawer and click on the program or simply reboot.\n\nI hope you enjoy the program. :)\n\nSincerely,\n Byron Montgomerie\n")
(help "The 22:22 image set is nicer, if you spend your time on hires lace or DblPal non interlace screens for example pick these. If you like 640x256 resolution screens for some reason pick the other.")