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Text File  |  2000-06-30  |  36KB  |  603 lines

  1. \beehive                                 Beehive collection
  2. \beehive\basic                           Basic Beehive files
  3. \beehive\bbs                             BBS files for Beehive
  4. \beehive\comms                           Beehive communication files
  5. \beehive\compress                        Beehive compression files
  6. \beehive\cpmforth                        F83 Forth
  7. \beehive\crr                             CRR Off-line mail reader
  8. \beehive\games                           Games
  9. \beehive\midi                            MIDI Samples and Documents
  10. \beehive\myz80                           Simeon Cran's CP/M Emulator
  11. \beehive\os                              CP/M OS files
  12. \beehive\program                         Programming Tools
  13. \beehive\teseract                        Teseract RCPM PD Software
  14. \beehive\text                            Beehive text files
  15. \beehive\utilitys                        CP/M utility files
  16. \beehive\zcat                            ZCPR3 and Z-System files
  17. \beehive\zcat\zipfiles                   Utils for ZCPR, ZSYS, CP/M
  18. \beehive\zsus                            Z3COM and Z3 Help System
  19. \commodor                                Commodore Files
  20. \cpm                                     CP/M Files
  21. \cpm\22rsx                               RSX Files
  22. \cpm\6502                                6502 Disassembler
  23. \cpm\amethyst                            Amethist Files
  24. \cpm\ampro                               Files for Ampro
  25. \cpm\atari                               Atari and Conversion Programs
  26. \cpm\aztec-c                             Aztec-C Files
  27. \cpm\basic                               Programs in Basic
  28. \cpm\bbsing\bbs                          BBS Files
  29. \cpm\bbsing\bbslists                     BBS Lists
  30. \cpm\bbsing\hbbs                         HBBS Files
  31. \cpm\bbsing\mbbs                         MBBS Files
  32. \cpm\bbsing\pbbs                         OBBS Files
  33. \cpm\bbsing\rbbs                         RBBS Files
  34. \cpm\bdos                                BDOS Files
  35. \cpm\bdsc\bdsc-1                         BDS C Files
  36. \cpm\bdsc\bdsc-2                         BDS C Files
  37. \cpm\bdsc\bdsc-3                         BDS C Files
  38. \cpm\bdsc\bdsc-4                         BDS C Files
  39. \cpm\bondwell                            Bondwell 2 Laptop
  40. \cpm\bstam                               BSTAM Assembler Files
  41. \cpm\bye3                                BYE3
  42. \cpm\bye5                                BYE5 and BYE10
  43. \cpm\c128                                CP/M C128 Files
  44. \cpm\c64                                 CP/M C64
  45. \cpm\c80                                 CP/M C80
  46. \cpm\catlog                              Cataloging Programs
  47. \cpm\cb80                                CB80 CBTOD Routine
  48. \cpm\cbios                               CBIOS
  49. \cpm\ccp                                 CCP Enhanced
  50. \cpm\cis                                 CIS and Related Programs
  51. \cpm\comal                               Comal-80/Z80 Demo
  52. \cpm\cpm3                                CP/M 3 and CP/M Plus Files
  53. \cpm\cpm68k                              Utilities for CP/M 68K
  54. \cpm\cpm86                               CP/M-86 Files
  55. \cpm\cpr86                               CCP Replacement Files
  56. \cpm\cug                                 SOFFTDIR Files
  57. \cpm\database                            Database Programs and Files
  58. \cpm\dbaseii                             DBASEII Files
  59. \cpm\debug                               Debugger Files
  60. \cpm\disasm                              Disassemblers
  61. \cpm\draco                               DRACO CP/M-80 Software
  62. \cpm\editc80                             Dr. Dobbs C/80 Editor Files
  63. \cpm\editor                              Editor Related Files
  64. \cpm\educatin                            Educational Files
  65. \cpm\epson                               Epson Files
  66. \cpm\forth-83                            Forth-83 ver. 2 for CP/M-80
  67. \cpm\genasm                              General Assembler Files/Pgms
  68. \cpm\gencom                              Miscellaneous Files
  69. \cpm\gendoc                              Miscellaneous Text Documents
  70. \cpm\graphics                            Plotting and Graphics Programs
  71. \cpm\hamming                             Hamming Code
  72. \cpm\hamradio                            Ham Radio Utilities
  73. \cpm\heath                               Heath Keyboarding Files
  74. \cpm\hitech-c                            HITECH-C Volumes
  75. \cpm\imp                                 IMP Overlays
  76. \cpm\kermit                              Kermit Files
  77. \cpm\languags\c                          C Files
  78. \cpm\languags\cobol                      Cobol Files
  79. \cpm\languags\fortran                    Fortran Files
  80. \cpm\languags\modula2                    Modula-2 Files
  81. \cpm\languags\pascal                     Pascal Files
  82. \cpm\languags\pascal-p                   Pascal-P Files
  83. \cpm\languags\pilot80                    PILOT Interpreter in MBASIC
  84. \cpm\languags\prolog                     Prolog Files
  85. \cpm\languags\xlisp                      XLISP Files
  86. \cpm\maclib                              Macro Libraries
  87. \cpm\math                                Calculator and Math Utilities
  88. \cpm\memtest                             Memory Testing Programs
  89. \cpm\mex                                 MEX Programs and Files
  90. \cpm\misc                                Miscellaneous CP/M Programs
  91. \cpm\misc\finance                        Finance Related Programs
  92. \cpm\modems\modem                        XMODEM Files
  93. \cpm\modems\modem2                       XMODEM Files
  94. \cpm\modems\modem7                       MODM7xx.* Files
  95. \cpm\modems\xmodem                       XMODEM Assembly Files
  96. \cpm\modems\zmodem                       ZMODEM Files
  97. \cpm\msoft                               Microsoft Newsletters
  98. \cpm\news                                $R/O News Magazine
  99. \cpm\nstar                               Northstar Files
  100. \cpm\nubye                               NUBYE and Modem Files
  101. \cpm\packet                              Packet Programs
  102. \cpm\parasol                             Parasol Assembler/Compiler
  103. \cpm\pcpursut                            PC Pursuit Files
  104. \cpm\pmnetwrk                            PoorMan's Network
  105. \cpm\programs\bkgrondr                   BackGrounder II
  106. \cpm\programs\calcultr                   Calculator
  107. \cpm\programs\clockk                     Clock Program
  108. \cpm\programs\list                       Printing Programs
  109. \cpm\programs\ppspell                    Spell Checker
  110. \cpm\programs\sort                       Sorting Programs
  111. \cpm\programs\spell                      Spell Checker
  112. \cpm\programs\spredsht                   Spreadsheet Programs
  113. \cpm\programs\voice                      Talk and Speech Programs
  114. \cpm\programs\wstar                      WordStar Utilities
  115. \cpm\pubpatch                            PUBLIC Utilities
  116. \cpm\qterm                               QTERM, Patch and Source
  117. \cpm\rcpm                                RCP/M Files
  118. \cpm\rcpm\filedocs                       RCP/M Documents
  119. \cpm\ros                                 ROS, drivers, enhancements
  120. \cpm\sb180                               For SB180 Systems
  121. \cpm\screngen                            Screen Format Generator
  122. \cpm\smallc21                            Small-C Compiler ver 2.1
  123. \cpm\startkit                            CP/M Utils and Docs
  124. \cpm\submit                              SUBMIT Replacements
  125. \cpm\term                                Terminal Files and Programs
  126. \cpm\trs-80                              TRS-80 Files
  127. \cpm\turbods                             Turbodos Files
  128. \cpm\turbodsg                            TurboDOS Programs
  129. \cpm\turbom2                             Turbo Modula-2
  130. \cpm\turbopas                            Turbo Pascal Files
  131. \cpm\turbopas\tp\utl2                    Turbo Pascal Utilities
  132. \cpm\turbopas\tp\utl3                    Turbo Pascal Utilities
  133. \cpm\utils\arc-lbr                       ARC and LBR utility programs
  134. \cpm\utils\asmutl                        Assembler Utilities
  135. \cpm\utils\datestmp                      DateStamper Files
  136. \cpm\utils\dirutl                        Directory Utilities
  137. \cpm\utils\dskbuf                        Disk Buffering Files
  138. \cpm\utils\dskutl                        Disk Utilities
  139. \cpm\utils\filcpy                        File Copy Utilities
  140. \cpm\utils\filutl                        File Utilities
  141. \cpm\utils\hdutl                         Hard Disk Utilities
  142. \cpm\utils\squsq                         Compression Utilties
  143. \cpm\utils\sysutl                        System Utilities
  144. \cpm\utils\txtutl                        Text Utilities
  145. \cpm\utils\zip                           Un/Zip Files
  146. \cpm\uucp                                UUCP Mail System
  147. \cpm\uzi                                 UZI, Z80
  148. \cpm\vdoedit                             Video Oriented Editor
  149. \cpm\vis1050                             Visual 1050
  150. \cpm\xccp                                Extended Console Command Proc
  151. \cpm\xerox                               Xerox 820
  152. \cpm\z280                                Z280 System Stuff
  153. \cpm\z8edebug                            Debugger for Z80
  154. \cpm\zcpr                                ZCPR Files
  155. \cpm\zcpr2                               ZCPR Programs
  156. \cpm\zcpr33                              ZCPR3 Programs, Files
  157. \cpm\zcpr33\a-r                          ZCPR3 Files A-R
  158. \cpm\zcpr33\s-z                          ZCPR3 Files S-Z
  159. \cpm\zcpr33\tcj                          The Computer Journal
  160. \cpm\zcpr33\z3-33                        ZCPR3.3 Files
  161. \cpm\zcprnews                            ZCPR3/SYSLIB/ZRDOS Newsletters
  162. \cpmhelp                                 Help Files for general CP/M
  163. \cpminfo                                 CP/M Information Files
  164. \demon                                   From ftp.demon.co.uk
  165. \demon\amstrad                           From ftp.demon.co.uk:/amstrad
  166. \emulator\msdos                          CP/M Emulator for DOS
  167. \emulator\os2                            CP/M Emulator for OS/2
  168. \emulator\unix\cain1                     D.J.M. Cain's Emultor for unix
  169. \emulator\unix\cain2                     D.J.M. Cain's Emultor (newer)
  170. \emulator\unix\z80pack                   Z80 Pack CP/M Emultor for unix
  171. \emulator\unix\z80pack\cpmsim            Z80 PAck CP/M Simulator
  172. \emulator\unix\z80pack\cpmsim\disks      Drive A Program
  173. \emulator\unix\z80pack\cpmsim\srccpm     Source and Assembly
  174. \emulator\unix\z80pack\cpmsim\srcsim     Source for CP/M Simulator
  175. \emulator\unix\z80pack\z80asm            Z80 Assembly
  176. \emulator\unix\z80pack\z80sim            Z80 Simulator Source
  177. \emulator\unix\z80pack\z80src            Z80 Simulator Assembly
  178. \enterprs\c128                           Enterprise C128 Files
  179. \enterprs\c128\b2util                    Enterprise C18 B2 Utils
  180. \enterprs\c128\bbs                       Enterprise C128 BBS
  181. \enterprs\c128\games                     Enterprise C128 Games
  182. \enterprs\c128\gfx                       Enterprise C128 Graphics
  183. \enterprs\c128\music                     Enterprise C128 Music
  184. \enterprs\c128\terms                     Enterprise C128 Terminal
  185. \enterprs\c128\text                      Enterprise C128 Text
  186. \enterprs\c128\util                      Enterprise C128 Utilities
  187. \enterprs\c64                            Enterprise C64 Files
  188. \enterprs\c64\ahoy                       Enterprise C64 Ahoy Magazine
  189. \enterprs\c64\b1game                     Enterprise C64 B1 Games
  190. \enterprs\c64\b2util                     Enterprise C64 B2 Utils
  191. \enterprs\c64\bbs                        Enterprise C64 BBS
  192. \enterprs\c64\games                      Enterprise C64 Games
  193. \enterprs\c64\gazette                    Enterprise C64 Gazette
  194. \enterprs\c64\geos                       Enterprise C64 GEOS
  195. \enterprs\c64\gfx                        Enterprise C64 Graphics
  196. \enterprs\c64\loadstar                   Enterprise C64 LoadStar
  197. \enterprs\cpm\cpmug\catalog              Enterprise CP/M Catalog
  198. \enterprs\cpm\cpmug\directry             Enterprise CP/M Directory
  199. \enterprs\cpm\game                       Enterprise CP/M Games
  200. \enterprs\cpm\sigm                       Enterprise CP/M SIG/M
  201. \enterprs\cpm\terms                      Enterprise CP/M Terminal
  202. \enterprs\cpm\text                       Enterprise CP/M Text
  203. \enterprs\cpm\utils\a                    Enterprise CP/M Utils A-E
  204. \enterprs\cpm\utils\f                    Enterprise CP/M Utils F-R
  205. \enterprs\cpm\utils\s                    Enterprise CP/M Utils S-Z
  206. \fog\fogdos                              FOG DOS Library
  207. \fog\foghelp                             FOG Help Files
  208. \fog\foghorn                             FOGHORN Volumes 1-8
  209. \fog\foglight                            FogLight
  210. \fog\fogpcomp                            FOG Data Files
  211. \fog\fogscan                             FOGSCAN Files
  212. \fog\fogstart                            FOG Intro Files
  213. \fog\starter                             FOG Starter Files
  214. \jsage\znode3                            ZNODE-3 Files
  215. \jsage\znode3\ampro                      Sage Ampro Programs
  216. \jsage\znode3\asm                        Sage ZNODE-3 Assembler
  217. \jsage\znode3\bg                         Sage RE: BackGrounder II
  218. \jsage\znode3\editors                    Sage ZNODE-3 Editors
  219. \jsage\znode3\info                       Sage ZNODE-3 Info
  220. \jsage\znode3\latest                     Sage ZNODE-3 Latest Files
  221. \jsage\znode3\modem                      Sage ZNODE-3 Modem Files
  222. \jsage\znode3\novados                    Sage ZNODE-3 NovaDOS
  223. \jsage\znode3\nzcom                      Sage ZNODE-3 NZ-COM
  224. \jsage\znode3\tcj                        Sage ZNODE-3 TCJ
  225. \jsage\znode3\turbo                      Sage ZNODE-3 Turbo
  226. \jsage\znode3\uploads                    Sage ZNODE-3 Uploads
  227. \jsage\znode3\util                       Sage ZNODE-3 Utilities
  228. \jsage\znode3\z3doc                      Sage ZNODE-3 Documents
  229. \jsage\znode3\z3lib                      Sage ZNODE-3 Z3 Library
  230. \jsage\znode3\z3new                      Sage ZNODE-3 New Files
  231. \jsage\znode3\z3shell                    Sage Shell Programs
  232. \jsage\znode3\z3sys                      Sage ZNODE-3 System Files
  233. \jsage\znode3\z3tips                     Sage Z-System User Tips
  234. \jsage\znode3\z3util                     Sage ZNODE-3 Utilities
  235. \jsage\znode3\z80dos                     Sage ZNODE-3 Z80DOS
  236. \jsage\znode3\zcpr33                     Sage ZCPR33 Files
  237. \jsage\znode3\zrdos                      Sage ZNODE-3 ZRDOS
  238. \jsage\zsus                              Sage Z-System Update Service
  239. \jsage\zsus\cat                          Sage ZSUS Catalog
  240. \jsage\zsus\lbr                          Sage ZSUS LBR Utils
  241. \jsage\zsus\progpack                     Sage ZSUS Progammer's Pack
  242. \jsage\zsus\subscrip                     Sage ZSUS Subscription Info
  243. \jsage\zsus\tcj                          Sage ZSUS TCJ
  244. \jsage\zsus\wordpack                     Sage ZSUS Word Processing
  245. \jsage\zsus\z3com                        Sage ZSUS Z3 Comm Files
  246. \jsage\zsus\z3help                       Sage ZSUS Z3 Help
  247. \kaypro                                  Kaypro System Files
  248. \kildall                                 Gary Kildall
  249. \mbug                                    MBUG Archives 1-186
  250. \lambda                                  David McGlone's Collection
  251. \lambda\misc                             Miscellaneous files
  252. \lambda\soundpot                         Sound Potentials
  253. \lambda\soundpot\a                       Sound Potentials files A-E
  254. \lambda\soundpot\f                       Sound Potentials files F-O
  255. \lambda\soundpot\p                       Sound Potentials files P-Z
  256. \lambda\utils                            Utilities
  257. \osborne                                 Files for Osborne Computer
  258. \simtel\archives\amethyst                Simtel Archives Amethyst
  259. \simtel\archives\cpm                     Simtel Archives CP/M
  260. \simtel\archives\northstr                Simtel Archives NorthStar
  261. \simtel\cpmug                            Simtel CP/M User's Group
  262. \simtel\emacs                            Simtel CP/M Emacs
  263. \simtel\emacs\bin                        Simtel CP/M Emacs Binaries
  264. \simtel\emacs\src                        Simtel CP/M Emacs Source
  265. \simtel\hitech-c                         Simtel HiTech-C
  266. \simtel\hz100                            Simtel HZ100 Files
  267. \simtel\hz100\a-l                        Simtel HZ100 Files A-L
  268. \simtel\hz100\m-z                        Simtel HZ100 Files M-Z
  269. \simtel\hz100\zll                        Simtel HZ100 Z11
  270. \simtel\sigm                             SIG/M Volumes
  271. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol000              SIG/M Volume 000
  272. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol001              SIG/M Volume 001
  273. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol002              SIG/M Volume 002
  274. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol003              SIG/M Volume 003
  275. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol004              SIG/M Volume 004
  276. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol005              SIG/M Volume 005
  277. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol006              SIG/M Volume 006
  278. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol007              SIG/M Volume 007
  279. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol008              SIG/M Volume 008
  280. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol009              SIG/M Volume 009
  281. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol010              SIG/M Volume 010
  282. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol011              SIG/M Volume 011
  283. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol012              SIG/M Volume 012
  284. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol013              SIG/M Volume 013
  285. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol014              SIG/M Volume 014
  286. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol015              SIG/M Volume 015
  287. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol016              SIG/M Volume 016
  288. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol017              SIG/M Volume 017
  289. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol018              SIG/M Volume 018
  290. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol019              SIG/M Volume 019
  291. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol020              SIG/M Volume 020
  292. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol021              SIG/M Volume 021
  293. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol022              SIG/M Volume 022
  294. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol023              SIG/M Volume 023
  295. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol024              SIG/M Volume 024
  296. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol025              SIG/M Volume 025
  297. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol026              SIG/M Volume 026
  298. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol027              SIG/M Volume 027
  299. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol028              SIG/M Volume 028
  300. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol029              SIG/M Volume 029
  301. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol030              SIG/M Volume 030
  302. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol031              SIG/M Volume 031
  303. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol032              SIG/M Volume 032
  304. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol033              SIG/M Volume 033
  305. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol034              SIG/M Volume 034
  306. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol035              SIG/M Volume 035
  307. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol036              SIG/M Volume 036
  308. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol037              SIG/M Volume 037
  309. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol038              SIG/M Volume 038
  310. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol039              SIG/M Volume 039
  311. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol040              SIG/M Volume 040
  312. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol041              SIG/M Volume 041
  313. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol042              SIG/M Volume 042
  314. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol043              SIG/M Volume 043
  315. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol044              SIG/M Volume 044
  316. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol045              SIG/M Volume 045
  317. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol046              SIG/M Volume 046
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  361. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol090              SIG/M Volume 090
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  366. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol095              SIG/M Volume 095
  367. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol095\rez7         Disassembler for 8080 programs
  368. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol096              SIG/M Volume 096
  369. \simtel\sigm\vols000\vol097              SIG/M Volume 097
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  427. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155              SIG/M Volume 155
  428. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155\adbug        Letter Mailing Data
  429. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155\add          Records System
  430. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155\form         Records System
  431. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155\list         Records System
  432. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol155\mail         Records System
  433. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol156              SIG/M Volume 156
  434. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol157              SIG/M Volume 157
  435. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol158              SIG/M Volume 158
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  454. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol177              SIG/M Volume 177
  455. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol178              SIG/M Volume 178
  456. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol179              SIG/M Volume 179
  457. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol180              SIG/M Volume 180
  458. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol181              SIG/M Volume 181
  459. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol182              SIG/M Volume 182
  460. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol183              SIG/M Volume 183
  461. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol193              SIG/M Volume 193
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  463. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol195              SIG/M Volume 195
  464. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol195\fluf11       FLUF Minimax Algorithm
  465. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol195\simp12       Simplex Algorithm
  466. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol196              SIG/M Volume 196
  467. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol197              SIG/M Volume 197
  468. \simtel\sigm\vols100\vol198              SIG/M Volume 198
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  550. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol280              SIG/M Volume 280
  551. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol281              SIG/M Volume 281
  552. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol282              SIG/M Volume 282
  553. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol283              SIG/M Volume 283
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  556. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol286              SIG/M Volume 286
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  559. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol289              SIG/M Volume 289
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  561. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol291              SIG/M Volume 291
  562. \simtel\sigm\vols200\vol292              SIG/M Volume 292
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  570. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol300              SIG/M Volume 300
  571. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol301              SIG/M Volume 301
  572. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol302              SIG/M Volume 302
  573. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol303              SIG/M Volume 303
  574. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol304              SIG/M Volume 304
  575. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol305              SIG/M Volume 305
  576. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol306              SIG/M Volume 306
  577. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol307              SIG/M Volume 307
  578. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol308              SIG/M Volume 308
  579. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol309              SIG/M Volume 309
  580. \simtel\sigm\vols300\vol310              SIG/M Volume 310
  581. \starlet                                 Starlet CP/M files
  582. \starlet\genienec                        GenieNec files
  583. \utils                                   Utilities
  584. \utils\22disk                            22DISK diskette utilities
  585. \utils\cpm                               Uncrunch & Unsqueeze for CP/M
  586. \utils\cpm86                             CRC, LU86 and USQ for CP/M86
  587. \utils\dos                               DOS De/Compression Utilities
  588. \utils\squeeze                           Squeeze programs
  589. \zsys\simtel20                           ZSYSTEM files from Simtel20
  590. \zsys\simtel20\doc                       Docs for ZSYSTEM and other
  591. \zsys\simtel20\install                   Installation Information
  592. \zsys\simtel20\syslib                    Current Version of SYSLIB
  593. \zsys\simtel20\vlib                      Current Version of VLIB
  594. \zsys\simtel20\z-news                    Echelon Z-News newsletters
  595. \zsys\simtel20\z3lib                     Complete Z3 Library
  596. \zsys\simtel20\zcpr3                     ZCPR3 software from Echelon
  597. \zsys\simtel20\zsig                      Z System Interest Group Files
  598. \zsys\znode-12                           ZNODE-12 BBS software & docs
  599. \zsys\znode-12\a                         ZNODE-12 files A-H
  600. \zsys\znode-12\i                         ZNODE-12 files I-R
  601. \zsys\znode-12\s                         ZNODE-12 files S-Z
  602. \zsys\zsysark                            ZSYSTEM archived files