Text File
975 lines
; Program: RENAME
; Version: 3.0
; Date: 18 May 84
; Author: Richard Conn
; Previous Versions: 2.0 (16 Jan 83)
; Previous Versions: 1.4 (6 Jan 83), 1.3 (7 Dec 82), 1.2 (10 Nov 82)
; Previous Versions: RENAME.ASM 1.1 (26 Oct 81)
vers equ 35
subvers equ ' '
; Version 3.5 -- July 1, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Changed filename display to "oldfile to newfile" instead of the
; strange "newfile from oldfile". Added configuration byte after
; ASCII string 'SYSFILES>' to chose whether to include system files
; by default (non-zero) or exclude them by default (0). S option
; now toggles the default meaning (it's current action is shown by
; the usage screen. Now filters high bit of filenames for terminals
; that display special characters that way. At the suggestion of
; Howard Goldstein, RENAME no longer signs on with its load address
; and version number; these are displayed only on the usage screen.
; Restored Q (quit) as a valid response to an rename or erase query,
; but ^C still works. Display has been made even more compact than
; last version. Many of these changes are to make the RENAME
; interface very similar to the RCP version. Sets program error
; flag to 10 if a matching filename is not found. If an invalid
; option is given, the program error flag is set to 19 and the
; error handler is invoked. ZEX input is suspended during execution
; of RENAME. The number of files renamed (up to 255) is placed in
; ZCPR3 register 0. Now obeys ZCPR3 quiet flag, except when in
; inspect or control mode, or when a prompt is necessary. Removed
; Wheel byte protection for E and S options.
; Version 3.4 -- March 31, 1990 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Modified for more compact display, usually a single line for each
; file renamed. ^C aborts at any prompt.
; Version 3.3A -- December 30, 1987 -- Bruce Morgen
; Strip high bit from EFCB program name characters. "E" and "S"
; options require Wheel byte set; help message reflects this.
; Version 3.3 -- December 19, 1987 -- Bruce Morgen
; Help message now reflects actual COM file name used, PPIP-style
; dual syntax implemented (as requested by Ken Taschner). This
; required some rather tricky parsing to support the single-filespec
; syntax "afn.typ [/]c", so while I was at it I made control mode
; mandatory and automatic for single-filespec elements and eliminated
; the C option letter altogether (as Rick says: "it only makes
; sense"...). In order support this single-filespec mode when such
; an element is the last (or only) one in a RENAME command line, the
; second file-spec in the last (or only) command is tested if the
; MS-DOS syntax is detected. If that second filespec starts with a
; "/" or includes only valid option letters (and no more characters
; than the number of valid option letters) it is assumed to be an
; option specifier rather than a rename-to filespec. Following
; Howard Goldstein's (LX17 & 18) lead, filespec-to-FCB parsing calls
; the Z33 CCP if it's available. A Z80, HD64180, NSC800 or (someday?)
; Z280 CPU now is required.
; Version 3.2 -- August 25, 1987 -- Jay Sage
; Changed to allow a leading slash before an option to make program
; consistent with a number of other Z programs (this was supposed to
; happen, but there was a bug in the code). Put data into a DSEG.
; Made header indicate load address.
; Version 3.1 -- April 12, 1987 -- Jay Sage
; Took idea of Rick Charnes and implemented it as an option so that
; one does not have to have two versions of the program. The option
; is 'E'. Also updated code to ZCPR33 type-3 environment to allow
; linking RENAME for execution in high memory if desired.
; Version 3.0a -- April 9, 1987 -- Rick Charnes
; I have modified this source code slightly so that if you try to
; rename FILE1 to FILE2 and FILE2 already exists, the program will
; NOT ask you if you are sure you want to delete FILE2. It just
; goes ahead and deletes the darn thing and renames FILE1. I had
; an application for it, studied and little and ... it works. Be
; careful, though. This is a special use program, and NOT for
; everyday use. I found an alias in which I needed it.
; RENAME is used to change the name of one or more files. It permits
; ambiguous filenames and supports an Inspect mode that allows the user
; to confirm each rename before it is done. Additionally, there is a
; Control mode which allows the user to manually specify the name for
; each file as it is presented to him.
; RENAME dir:afn1=afn2,dir:afn3=afn4,... [/]o
; RENAME dir:afn2 afn1,dir:afn4 afn3,... [/]o
; RENAME dir:afn,dir:afn1=afn2,,dir:afn4 afn3... [/]o
; The first form shows elements of the CP/M style:
; dir:newname=oldname
; The second form shows elements of the MS-DOS style:
; dir:oldname newname
; The third form adds the single-filespec:
; dir:oldname
; which automatically invokes Control mode allowing the user to rename
; files individually.
; OPTIONS (o) are none or more of the following:
; I -- Inspect and approve each rename
; S -- Include or exclude System files
; E -- Erase existing file without prompt
; RENAME *.MAC=*.ASM <-- rename all ASM files to MAC
; RENAME *.MAC <-- rename all MAC files to names input by user
; RENAME *.OBJ=*.COM SI <-- rename all COM files to OBJ, include system
; files, and Inspect and approve each change
ext z33chk,z33fname,z3init,zfname,z3log,prtname
ext puter2,inverror,getquiet,putreg,stopzex
ext dirq,f$delete,f$rename,bbline,initfcb,bdos,moveb
ext putud,getud,phlfdc,eprint,phl4hc,bout,cin,caps,crlf
ext fillb,codend
public cout ; so SYSLIB will use ours
; Equates
fcb equ 5Ch ; file control block
buff equ 80h ; input line buffer
esize equ 16 ; size of dir entry (from SYSLIB DIRQ routine)
z3env defl 0FE00h ; environment address
ctrlc equ 03h ; ^C
BEL equ 07h ; bell
BS equ 08h ; backspace
LF equ 0Ah ; linefeed
CR equ 0Dh ; carriage return
; Type 3 header -- Code modified as suggested by Charles Irvine to function
; correctly with interrupts enabled. Program will abort with an error message
; when not loaded to the correct address (attempt to run it under CP/M or Z30).
entry: jr start0 ; must use relative jump
nop ; filler
db 'Z3ENV',3 ; type-3 environment
z3eadr: dw z3env ; filled in by Z33
dw entry ; intended load address
; Configuration . . .
db 'SYSFILES>' ; system files configuration byte
sysflg: db 0 ; 0 = exclude, non-zero = include
start0: ld hl,0 ; point to warmboot entry
ld a,(hl) ; save the byte there
di ; protect against interrupts
ld (hl),0c9h ; replace warmboot with a return opcode
rst 0 ; call address 0, pushing RETADDR
; ..onto stack
ld (hl),a ; restore byte at 0
dec sp ; get stack pointer to point
dec sp ; to the value of RETADDR
pop hl ; get it into HL and restore stack
ei ; we can allow interrupts again
ld de,retaddr ; this is where we should be
xor a ; clear carry flag
push hl ; save address again
sbc hl,de ; subtract -- we should have 0 now
pop hl ; restore value of RETADDR
jr z,start ; if addresses matched, begin real code
ld de,notz33msg-retaddr ; offset to message
add hl,de
ex de,hl ; switch pointer to message into DE
ld c,9
jp 0005h ; return via BDOS print string function
db 'Not Z33+$' ; abort message if not Z33-compatible
; Start of program . . .
start: ld (stack),sp ; save stack
call codend
ld (cmdlne),hl ; setup command line buffer
ld de,100h ; buffer size
add hl,de
ld (ntfcb),hl ; set temp FCB
add hl,de
ld (dirbuf),hl ; pointer to dir buffer
ld sp,hl ; new stack pointer
ld hl,(ntfcb) ; set 2nd FCB
ld de,40
add hl,de
ld (ofcb),hl
ld hl,(z3eadr) ; point to ZCPR3 environment
call z3init ; initialize environment
call putud ; save current user/disk away
call stopzex ; suspend ZEX input
ld a,(fcb+1) ; get first character of filename
cp ' ' ; no file spec?
jr z,usage
cp '/' ; option caught?
jp nz,econt
; Print help information
usage: call eprint
db 'RENAME Version '
db vers/10+'0','.',(vers mod 10)+'0',subvers,' (loaded at ',0
ld hl,entry
call phl4hc
call eprint
db 'h)',CR,LF
db 'Usage:',CR,LF
db ' Old style: newname=oldname',CR,LF,' ',0
call prtname
call eprint
db ' {dir:}afn.aft=afn.aft{,{dir:}afn.aft=afn.aft{,...}} {{/}options}',CR,LF
db ' New style: oldname newname',CR,LF,' ',0
call prtname
call eprint
db ' {dir:}afn.aft afn.aft{,{dir:}afn.aft afn.aft{,...}} {{/}options}',CR,LF
db ' Interactive control mode: oldname',CR,LF,' ',0
call prtname
call eprint
db ' {dir:}afn.aft{,{dir:}afn.aft{,...}} {{/}options}',CR,LF
db ' All three forms may be mixed within a command line.',CR,LF
db 'Options:',CR,LF
db ' E Erase existing files without prompting.',CR,LF
db ' I Inspect mode (get user approval).',CR,LF
db ' S ',0
ld a,(sysflg)
or a
jr nz,usage2
call eprint
db 'Include',0
jr usage3
usage2: call eprint
db 'Exclude',0
usage3: call eprint
db ' system files.',0
db 0
; Return to operating system
exit: ld a,0 ; zero the error code
erexit: call puter2 ; set program error flag
ld b,a ; get error code to B
cp 19 ; invalid option?
call z,inverror ; (yes, call error handler)
call getud
ld sp,(stack) ; get old stack
; Print count of files renamed
ld hl,(filcnt) ; get count
ld b,0 ; setting ZCPR3 register 0
ld a,l ; check for none
call putreg
call getquiet ; even in inspect and control modes
ret nz
ld a,(contrl)
or a
call z,crlf
or a
ld a,l
or h
jr z,prno
call phlfdc ; print decimal count
jr prms
prno: call eprint
db 'No Files Renamed',0
prms: ld hl,(filcnt) ; 1 file renamed?
ld a,h ; high zero?
or a
jr nz,prmult
ld a,l ; low one?
cp 1
jr z,prsing
prmult: call eprint
db ' Files Renamed',0
prsing: call eprint
db ' File Renamed',0
; Copy buffer into temporary buffer
econt: ld de,(cmdlne) ; point to command line save buffer
ld hl,buff+1 ; point to buffer
ld b,80h ; buffer size
call moveb ; copy into command line buffer
; Initialize option flags
xor a
ld (inspct),a ; no inspect mode
ld (eraflg),a ; no erase without prompt
ld (quiet),a
ld a,(sysflg) ; check system file configuration byte
or a
jr z,xsys
ld a,0C0h ; select all files
ld (system),a
jr xsys2
xsys: ld a,80h ; select non-system files only
ld (system),a
xsys2: ld hl,0 ; set file count
ld (filcnt),hl
ld hl,(cmdlne) ; point to buffer
; Skip to filename string
sblank: ld bc,127
xor a
ld c,33
ld a,','
jr z,gcomma
commaz: ld hl,(cmdlne)
jr ncomma
gcomma: push hl
ld de,(cmdlne)
xor a
sbc hl,de
pop hl
jp z,usage
jr c,commaz
inc hl
inc hl
ncomma: ld de,argtbl
ld a,3
ld (de),a
xor a
call argv
jp nz,usage
inc de
ld a,(de)
cp 3
jr z,triarg
cp 2
jp nz,chkqt
ld hl,(argum2)
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
sub '='
jp z,chkqt
calloq: call optq
jp nz,chkqt
dec hl
ld (hl),a
inc hl
jr option
triarg: ld hl,(argum3)
ld a,(hl)
; Check for leading slash on option and skip it if so
opt: cp '/' ; option character?
jr nz,option
inc hl ; skip slash
; Process list of options
option: ld a,(hl) ; get byte
or a ; done?
jp z,chkqt
inc hl ; point to next character
cp ' ' ; skip over spaces
jr z,option
cp '/' ; obvious error, so display help
jp z,usage
cp 'E' ; erase old files?
jr z,optera
cp 'I' ; inspect?
jr z,optins
cp 'S' ; system files?
jp nz,invopt
; Set system files selection
ld a,(system) ; check default
cp 80h
jr z,setsys
ld a,80h ; non-system only
ld (system),a
jr option
setsys: ld a,0C0h ; set for system and non-system files
ld (system),a
jr option
invopt: call eprint
db ' Invalid option.',0
ld a,19
jp erexit
optera: ld a,0FFh ; auto erase mode
ld (eraflg),a
jr option
optins: ld a,0FFh ; inspect mode
ld (inspct),a
jr option
; Check quiet mode (not valid in inspect or control modes)
chkqt: ld a,(inspct)
or a
jr nz,dspec
call getquiet
jr z,dspec
ld (quiet),a
; Extract disk, user, and filename information
dspec: ld hl,(cmdlne) ; point to before first byte
dec hl
dspec0: inc hl ; point to byte
ld a,(hl) ; get byte
or a ; done?
jp z,usage
cp ' ' ; space?
jr z,dspec0
jr dspec2
; Major re-entry point when file specs are separated by commas.
; HL points to first byte of next file spec
dspec1: ld a,(quiet)
or a
jr nz,dspec2
ld a,(contrl)
or a
call z,crlf
dspec2: xor a
ld (contrl),a
call getud ; reset user if necessary
ld de,(ntfcb) ; point to FCB in DE
call parsit ; extract filename to FCB, get disk and user
ld (nextch),hl ; save pointer to delimiter which ended scan
call z3log ; log into DU
; First name is now extracted -- extract possible second name
name2: ld de,(ofcb) ; point to FCB for 2nd name
ld hl,(ntfcb) ; point to first name
ld b,16 ; copy 16 bytes
call moveb
ld hl,(nextch) ; point to character which ended parse
ld a,(hl) ; get it
cp '=' ; assignment?
jr z,gotequ
cp ' ' ; reverse assignment?
jr z,gotequ
ld a,0FFh ; set for control mode
ld (contrl),a
xor a ; ..and reset quiet flag
ld (quiet),a
jr rename
gotequ: push af
inc hl ; point to character after '=' or space
ld de,(ofcb) ; point to temporary FCB
call parsit ; extract filename into FCB, get disk and user
ld (nextch),hl ; save pointer to delimiter which ended scan
pop af
cp '='
jr z,rename
ld hl,(ofcb) ; swap pointers for MS-DOS "style"
ld de,(ntfcb)
ld (ofcb),de
ld (ntfcb),hl
; Load directory and rename files
rename: ld de,(ofcb) ; point to FCB
ld hl,(dirbuf) ; point to end of code
call initfcb ; init the FCB
ld a,(system) ; set flags
call dirq ; load DIR, select files, pack, and alphabetize
; Rename DIR files; HL points to first file, BC=file count
call renfiles
; Check for next file spec
ld hl,(nextch) ; get pointer
ld a,(hl) ; get delim
cp ',' ; another file?
jr nz,rendone
inc hl ; point to character after comma
jp dspec1 ; continue processing
; Rename complete
call prcount ; print file count and exit
ld hl,(filcnt) ; get count
ld a,l ; check for none
or h
jp nz,exit
ld a,10
jp erexit
; Rename selected files
ld a,b ; check for any files loaded
or c
ret z
jr renlp1
; Print filename
renlp: ld a,(quiet)
or a
jr nz,renlp1
ld a,(contrl)
or a
call z,crlf
renlp1: push bc ; save entry count
push hl ; save pointer to FCB
ld hl,(ntfcb) ; copy new template into RENFCB
ld de,renfcb
ld b,16
call moveb
pop hl ; get pointer
push hl ; save pointer
inc hl ; point to filename of old name
inc de ; point to filename of RENFCB
ld b,11 ; 11 bytes to FN and FT
renlp2: ld a,(de) ; get character of new file
cp '?' ; change '?' to old character
jr nz,renlp3
ld a,(hl) ; get old character
and 7fh ; mask old character
ld (de),a ; store it away as new
renlp3: inc hl ; print to next character
inc de
djnz renlp2 ; count down
ld a,(quiet) ; check quiet mode
or a
jr nz,renlp5 ; don't print anything
ld a,' '
call bout
ld a,(contrl) ; check for control mode
or a
jr nz,renlp4 ; (yes, skip next)
pop hl ; point to old filename
push hl
call prfn ; print old filename
call eprint
db ' to ',0
renlp4: ld hl,renfcb ; point to new filename
call prfn ; print new filename
renlp5: pop hl ; GET pointer
; Check for control mode and perform control function if flag set
ld a,(contrl) ; get control mode flag
or a ; NZ= yes
jr nz,renctrl
; Check for inspection and inspect if set
ld a,(inspct) ; get flag
or a ; 0=no
jp z,doit
; Prompt user for rename
call renq ; rename question
cp ctrlc ; quit?
jp z,quit
cp 'Q'
jp z,quit
cp 'Y' ; yes?
jp z,doit
; Don't rename file
nodo: ld a,(contrl)
or a
jp z,rentest
call eprint
db ' Not Renamed',CR,LF,0
jp rentest
; Print filename pointed to by HL
prfn: inc hl ; point to filename
ld b,8 ; print name
call prnt
ld a,'.' ; decimal
call bout
ld b,3 ; print type
jp prnt
; Prompt user for rename
renq: call eprint ; print prompt
db ' Rename (Y/N/Q)? N',BS,0
call cin ; get response
call caps ; capitalize
cp 'Y'
jr z,cout
cp 'Q' ; quit?
jr z,cout
cp ctrlc ; quit?
ret z
ld a,'N'
cout: jp bout ; echo
; Control function -- allow user to rename as he desires
push hl ; save pointer to file
rctrl: call eprint
db ' New Name (<CR>=Skip)? ',0
ld a,0FFh ; capitalize
call bbline ; input line from user
call crlf
or a ; check for just carriage return
jr nz,rctrl0
pop hl ; get pointer to file
jp nodo ; proceed with next entry
rctrl0: ld de,renfcb ; place into new name FCB
call parsit ; just extract name
ld b,11 ; check for any wild characters
rctrl1: inc de ; point to next character
ld a,(de) ; get it
cp '?' ; can't be wild
jr z,werr
cp '*' ; can't be wild
jr z,werr
dec b ; count down
jr nz,rctrl1
jr rdoit ; done -- perform rename
werr: call eprint
db bel,cr,lf,' No Wild Cards,',0
jr rctrl
; Quit RENAME program -- even if we've renamed no files, we want to exit
quit: cp ctrlc
jr nz,quit1
call eprint
db '^C',0
quit1: call prcount ; print count of files renamed and exit
jp exit
; Rename file, but get pointer first
rdoit: pop hl ; get pointer
; Rename file; old name pointed to by HL, new name in RENFCB
doit: push hl
; Step 1 -- Determine if new name already exists
ld de,renfcb ; point to new name
call initfcb
ld c,17 ; search for first
call bdos
inc a ; not found?
jr z,doit1
ld a,(eraflg) ; see if unprompted erasing option in effect
or a
jr nz,delold ; if so, skip prompt
ld a,(quiet)
or a
jr z,skipfn
call crlf
ld hl,renfcb
call prfn
skipfn: call eprint
db bel,' Exists, Delete (Y/N/Q)? N',BS,0
call cin ; get response
call caps
cp 'Y'
jr z,cout1
cp 'Q' ; quit?
call z,bout
jr z,quit
cp ctrlc
jr z,quit
ld a,'N'
cout1: call bout
pop hl ; prepare for abort
cp 'Y' ; yes -- continue?
jp nz,nodo ; not yes, so skip it
ld a,(contrl)
or a
call nz,crlf
push hl ; save pointer again
delold: call initfcb ; clear FCB
ld c,30 ; set file attributes to R/W if not already
call bdos
call initfcb
call f$delete ; delete file
doit1: pop hl ; HL points to old name
; Clear the old name's attributes in case it was R/O
push hl ; save pointer to old name
ld de,(ofcb) ; copy old name
ld b,16
call moveb
push de ; clear attributes
ld b,11 ; 11 bytes
inc de ; point to first
doit2: ld a,(de) ; get character
and 7Fh ; clear attribute
ld (de),a ; put character
inc de ; point to next
djnz doit2 ; count down
pop de ; now set attributes of old name
call initfcb
ld c,30 ; set attributes
call bdos
call initfcb
; Do the rename
ld hl,renfcb ; point to new name
ex de,hl
call initfcb ; init new FCB
ex de,hl ; HL points to new name, DE points to old name
call f$rename ; rename file
; Restore the original attribute bits
pop hl ; get pointer to old name
ld de,renfcb+1 ; point to new name
push hl ; save pointer to old name
inc hl ; point to filename of old name
ex de,hl ; HL points to new name, DE points to old name
ld b,11 ; 11 bytes
doit3: ld a,(de) ; get attribute bit of old name
and 80h ; look only at attribute bit
or (hl) ; mask in new name byte
ld (hl),a ; store it away
inc hl ; point to next
inc de
djnz doit3 ; count down
; Set the original attributes into the new file
ld de,renfcb ; point to FCB
call initfcb
ld c,30 ; set attributes
call bdos
ld hl,(filcnt) ; increment file count
inc hl
ld (filcnt),hl
pop hl ; get pointer to directory entry
; Point to next entry
ld de,esize ; point to next entry
add hl,de
pop bc ; get count
dec bc ; count down
ld a,b ; check for zero
or c
jp nz,renlp
; Print characters pointed to by HL for B bytes
prnt: ld a,(hl) ; get character
and 07Fh ; reset high bit
call bout
inc hl ; point to next
djnz prnt ; count down
; Check for ZCPR 3.3, branch to the appropriate parser
parsit: call z33chk
jp z,z33fname
xor a
jp zfname
; AI (allegedly intelligent) routine to check for a string
; containing legal option letters ONLY.
optq: ld a,(hl)
sub '/' ; slash is explicit option delim
jr nz,noslsh ; if not slash, do character check
ld (hl),a ; if slash, null it out (A = 0)
dec hl
ld (hl),a ; null out leading space
inc hl ; adjust pointer to options
inc hl
ret ; return with Z flag
noslsh: ld d,h ; copy into DE
ld e,l
xor a ; search for terminating null
ld bc,optlen ; range for search
cpir ; do short search
jr z,dooptq ; found null, proceed
ex de,hl ; otherwise too long for options
ret ; return with NZ
dooptq: push de
dec de
bloop: inc de
ld a,(de)
or a
jr z,oqdone ; end of string, return with Z
ld b,optlen
ld hl,optltr
lloop: cp (hl)
jr z,bloop
inc hl
djnz lloop ; if B ticks down, a failure!
dec b ; cheap NZ return
oqdone: pop hl
optltr: db 'EIS'
optlst: ds 0
optlen equ optlst-optltr
; SYSLIB Module Name: SARGV
; Author: Richard Conn
; SYSLIB Version Number: 3.6
; Module Version Number: 1.1
; public argv
; ARGV is a UNIX-style ARGC/ARGV string parser. It is passed
; a null-terminated string in HL and the address of a token pointer
; table in DE as follows:
; MVI A,0 ; do not mark token end
; JNZ TOKEN$OVFL ; indicates more tokens than allowed
; ...
; DB maxent ; max number of entries permitted
; DS 1 ; number of entries stored by ARGV
; DS 2 ; pointer to token 1
; DS 2 ; pointer to token 2
; ...
; DS 2 ; pointer to token maxent
; Tokens are delimited by spaces and tabs.
; As well as '='.
; 27 Feb 86, jww
; Completed Joe's mod. by adding "=" to "sksp:" as well as "sknsp:"
; December 19, 1987, Bruce Morgen
; On input, if A=0, the end of each token is not marked with a null.
; If A<>0, a null is placed after the last byte of each token.
; If all went well, return with A=0 and Zero Flag set. If there
; are possibly more tokens than pointers, return with A=0FFH and NZ.
argv: push bc ; save regs
push de
push hl
ld c,a ; save mark flag
ex de,hl
ld b,(hl) ; get max entry count
push hl ; save address of max entry count
inc hl ; point to token count
inc hl ; point to first pointer
; On each loop, DE = address of next character in string and HL = address of
; next pointer buffer; B = number of pointer buffers remaining and C =
; mark flag (0 = no mark)
loop: call sksp ; skip spaces and tabs in string pointed to by DE
or a ; end of string?
jr z,done
ld (hl),e ; store low
inc hl
ld (hl),d ; store high
inc hl
dec b ; count down
jr z,loop2
call sknsp ; skip until end of token
or a ; done?
jr z,done
ld a,c ; get mark flag
or a ; 0=no mark
jr z,loop1
xor a ; mark with null
ld (de),a ; store null
inc de ; point to next character
loop1: ld a,b ; check count
or a
jr nz,loop ; continue on
loop2: call sknsp ; skip over token
call sksp ; any tokens left?
or a
jr z,done ; none if EOL
or 0ffh ; make A = 0FFH to indicate more to come
done: pop hl ; get address of max token count
push af ; save return flags
ld a,(hl) ; get max token count
sub b ; subtract counter
inc hl ; point to return count
ld (hl),a ; set return count
pop af ; get return flag
pop hl ; restore regs
pop de
pop bc
; Skip over space or tab characters
sksp: ld a,(de) ; get character
and 7Fh ; mask
inc de ; point to next
cp ' ' ; continue if space
jr z,sksp
cp 9 ; continue if tab
jr z,sksp
cp '='
jr z,sksp
dec de ; point to character
; Skip over non-space and non-tab characters
; Added '=' so that A:=B: construct yields two arguments. v1.1 jww
sknsp: ld a,(de) ; get character
and 7Fh ; mask
ret z ; done if null
cp ' '
ret z ; done if space
cp 9
ret z ; done if tab
cp '='
ret z ; new delimiter
inc de ; point to next
jr sknsp
; End of ARGV inclusion
; Uninitialized buffers and data . . .
maxent: ds 1
ds 1
ds 2
argum2: ds 2
argum3: ds 2
inspct: ds 1 ; inspect flag (0=no, 0FFh=yes)
contrl: ds 1 ; control flag (0=no, 0FFh=yes)
system: ds 1 ; system flag (80h=exclude, 0C0h=include)
eraflg: ds 1 ; unprompted erasure of existing file (0=no)
quiet: ds 1 ; quiet flag (non-zero=quiet)
nextch: ds 2 ; pointer to next character in command line
filcnt: ds 2 ; count of number of files renamed
renfcb: ds 40 ; FCB for renaming
ofcb: ds 2 ; FCB for old filename and old file template
ntfcb: ds 2 ; FCB for new file template
cmdlne: ds 2 ; pointer to command line buffer
dirbuf: ds 2 ; pointer to directory buffer
stack: ds 2 ; old stack pointer