Text File
161 lines
Version 1.2
Gene Pizzetta
April 5, 1992
Original program by Robert Doolittle
ADNAME adds pseudo-ops and macro names to ITOZ which would otherwise be
unrecognized. When ITOZ encounters a line in a source containing a pseudo-
op corresponding to one added via ADNAME, it copies the line to the output
file without attempting to translate it. ADNAME is a ZCPR3 utility, but
can also be used under vanilla CP/M in the current user area.
U Usage C Configuration
E Errors H History
D Date stamping B Bug reports
ADNAME {dir:}infile {dir:}{outfile}
Filenames must be unambiguous. If no filetype is given, ADNAME assumes it
is "COM". If no DIR or DU specification is given, the current drive and
user are assumed. If no destination filename is given, the output will
have the same name as the source file. An existing file with the same name
as the destination file will be renamed to filetype "BAK".
Drive specifications are effective under vanilla CP/M, but only the current
logged user area is used. Of course, other ZCPR3 features, such as setting
the error flag, invoking the error handler, video highlighting, and
detection of illegal drive specs, do not work either.
ADNAME prompts the user for the pseudo-ops and macro names to be added to
ITOZ. They are entered one name per line. A blank line ends input.
Typing ^C anywhere on an input line aborts the program with the original
file unchanged.
USAGE (continued)
ITOZ has 200 bytes available for adding pseudo-ops, but each added name
requires two bytes in addition to the length of the name. This can be
calculated as 2 * NUMBER_OF_NAMES + TOTAL_CHARACTERS, which must total less
than 200. ADNAME will not allow the limit to be exceeded; in that case it
aborts with an error message and the original file is unchanged.
ADNAME adds the names entered to any names previously added. Names are
never removed from ITOZ. For this reason, you should always have an
unchanged back-copy of ITOZ. As added safety, if an existing file has the
same name as the destination file, it is preserved as a "BAK" file.
Errors cause the ZCPR3 program error flag to be set to the following
2 Invalid directory
4 Source file not correct ITOZ version,
or overflow of ITOZ buffer space
8 Ambiguous filename
10 Source file not found
11 No disk or directory space
255 User abort (^C)
Whether a user abort via ^C generates an error is a configurable option
(see CONFIGURATION). All errors cause the error handler to be invoked.
Under ZSDOS the create date stamp of the source file will be transferred to
the destination file.
If the source file has no create date, but has a modify date, the modify
date will become the create date of the destination file, so the earliest
available date is preserved.
If the source file has neither a create date nor a modify date, no date
stamp transfer is done.
Although distributed ready-to-run under both ZCPR3 and vanilla CP/M, two
configuration options are available: whether ADNAME operates in quiet
mode, and whether a user abort via ^C causes an error and thus invokes the
error handler.
Configuration is accomplished using Al Hawley's ZCNFG with the accompanying
ADNAMEnn.CFG file. Built-in help screens explain the configuration
choices. If you don't change the name of the CFG file, ZCNFG will always
be able to find it even if you change the name of ADNAME.
Version 1.2 -- April 5, 1992 -- Gene Pizzetta
Modified for ITOZ 1.4, this version retains little of Bob Doolittle's
last version. It has a completely new, hopefully more intuitive, user
interface. ADNAME can now read and write files across user areas
(except under plain CP/M). It recognizes DU and DIR specifications.
The default filetype is "COM", but other filetypes may be given on the
command line. Any existing file with the same name as the output file
is renamed to filetype "BAK". The program error flag is set and the
error handler invoked on error. ADNAME can be aborted with ^C during
pseudo-op entry. A user abort can be configured to generate an error
or not. The ZCPR3 quiet flag is observed, or quiet operation can be
made permanent via configuration. Under ZSDOS the source file's
create date stamp is transferred to the output file. ADNAME now
recognizes the "//" help request and displays a usage screen. The
source code was converted from extended Intel to Zilog mnemonics. The
large number of macros in a separate MACROZ.LIB were eliminated to
ease code maintenance, and the code was made relocatable so library
routines could be incorporated. ADNAME returns to the CCP; it no
longer warm boots on exit. Configuration is accomplished with ZCNFG.
History of earlier versions by Robert Doolittle:
February 17, 1992
Released to the public domain by author Bob Doolittle.
September 28, 1982
Now version 1.12. Changed START1 to make sure input file type is COM.
Changed MV and routine in T2 to call MV.
September 13, 1982
Fixed BUF and BUF1 lengths (were 127).
August 16, 1982
Version 1.11, updated. Trapped MAKE and WRITE disk errors. This
version expects pointer to TABLE at BUFFER+2 and total character count
at BUFFER+4. These parameters are updated and written back to disk in
new translator file. Each invocation of ADNAME will add new names
without further ado. Translator name can be anything.
July 24, 1982
1290 Monument Street
Pacific Palisades,CA 90272
(213) 454-8270
Please report bugs as soon as possible and make suggestions at your
Gene Pizzetta
481 Revere Street
Revere, MA 02151
Voice: (617) 284-0891
Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259
Ladera Z-Node Central: (310) 670-9465