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; Program: ZBYE
; Author: Jay Denebeim
; Assembler: M80
version equ 10
rev equ 'A'
; This program implements BYE as an RCP under ZCPR3. It handles all modem
; IO by replacing the console routines. All other functions are passed to
; the ZCPR CCP for execution. Where BYE normally uses equates, I.E. password
; connection, carrier lost commands, etc., it now passes command lines to ZCPR.
; This should reduce the bugs introduced by tons of conditional assemblies
; that has plagued the recent versions of BYE. It has also allowed room to
; do more functions than BYE normally has done in the past.
; There are several new features in this program:
; Since its an RCP BYE can remain resident while the SYSOP is using
; the computer locally. Under this Version it allows the operator
; to answer the phone quicker if a call comes in. Version 1.1 will
; answer the phone while in this mode, and allow the operator to accept
; the call while in another program.
; A chat mode has been implemented, this allows either single way, or
; two way communication between the sysop and the caller.
; It will also allow changes of the Maximum drive and user area
; without disabling the modem IO.
; The function key descriptions:
; ^L - Toggle Local IO
; ^O - Toggle Open access
; ^N - Nerdkey, Hang up on the bozo
; ^Q - Query the user, (CHAT mode), end with ^C
; To install this program, remove the computer dependent code following the
; psudo-op .8080, and either put in a MBYE overlay or write one for your
; machine. You will also have to change the terminal dependent cursor
; functions to match your own system.
; This program is the first in a series of ZCPR RCPM software. Look for
; ZBBS, ZXMODEM, ZDIR, and ZCHAT. Look for them at an RCPM near you.
; Copyright 1984, by Jay Denebeim. This program is released to the public
; domain. It can be freely given, but under no circumstances will this
; software be charged for, except a copying fee not to exceed the price of
; the media copied to.
; I hope you enjoy using this program as much as I enjoyed writing it.
; If you make any modifications to this program, or have any suggestions,
; please feel free to contact me.
; Thanks a bunch,
; Jay Denebeim
; 2408 Elderberry Ct #3
; Lexington, KY 40509
; (606) 269-1559 (voice)
; (606) 266-4532 (data)
; Revision History:
; 1.0A First public release. by - Jay Denebeim 12/23/84
; Equates for this program
no equ 0
yes equ not no
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
bdos equ 5
bios equ 0
obye equ yes ; Emulate BYE3.x ?
mhz equ 35 ; CPU speed times 10
closs equ 1 ; Number of seconds to wait after loss of carrier
timeout equ yes ;yes, auto logout for sleepy callers
tomins equ 2 ;minutes to auto logout
tmins equ ((tomins*mhz)+5)/10 ;(don't change this one...)
cdrive equ 'B'-'@' ; Callers Maximum Drive
cuser equ 9 ; Callers Maximum User Area
mspeed equ 003ch ;baud rate pointer
bp110 equ 0 ;110 bps - baud rate pointers for MSPEED
bp300 equ 1 ;300 bps
bp450 equ 2 ;450 bps
bp600 equ 3 ;600 bps
bp710 equ 4 ;710 bps
bp1200 equ 5 ;1200 bps
bp9600 equ 8 ;9600 bps
bp19200 equ 9 ;19200 bps
; Global Macros
cmdln macro cmd
local cmdst,msg,cmdend
cmdst: dw z3cl+msg-cmdst
db z3cls,0
msg: db cmd
db 0
; Terminal Dependent macros
; You will probably have to change the data below.
curpos macro x,y ; Position Cursor to X,Y (0 offset)
db 1bh,'=',' '+y,' '+x
enab25 macro last ; Enable 25th line
db 1bh,'C','7'+(80h and last)
disab25 macro last ; Disable 25th line
db 1bh,'B','7'+(80h and last)
pucu macro last ; Push cursor
db 1bh,'B','6'+(80h and last)
pocu macro last ; Pop cursor
db 1bh,'C','6'+(80h and last)
cls macro last ; Clear Screen
db 1ah+(80h and last)
curof macro last ; Cursor off
db 1bh,'C','4'+(80h and last)
curon macro last ; Cursor on
db 1bh,'B','4'+(80h and last)
; Lets get this show on the road
org 100h
; Lets see if BYE is already resident.
ld hl,rcp ; Point to RCP area
ld de,bybeg ; Point to RCP's name
ld bc,5 ; Length of name
chbye1: ld a,(de) ; Get next char
cpi ; Is it the same?
jr nz,nbye ; Nope, re-locate the RCP
jp po,ybye ; If done, its there
inc de ; Point to next char
jr chbye1 ; Do it again
nbye: ld hl,bybeg
ld de,rcp
ld bc,byend-bybeg
ldir ; Re-Locate BYE
ld c,9
ld de,test2
call 5
jp ybye
test2: defb 'Making BYE$'
ybye: ld hl,bye
ld de,z3cl
ld bc,byelen
ldir ; Load 'BYE' into command line
jp 0
bye: cmdln 'BYE'
byelen equ $-bye
.phase rcp
defb 'ZBYE ' ; RCP's name for ZCPR
defb 3 ; Command name length
fstcmd: defb 'BYE'
defw start
fstprv: defb 'OFF'
defw byeoff
defb 0
bymode: db 0
bymmio equ 80h
bymcio equ 40h
bymica equ 20h
bymncc equ 10h
bymclc equ 08h
bymnor equ 04h
bymaoc equ 02h
bymini equ 01h
; The BYE mode byte is bit mapped and has the following attributes:
; 7 = Modem IO enable
; 6 = Console IO enable
; 5 = Ignore Carrier
; 4 = Next Caller Commands Running
; 3 = Carrier Lost Commands Running
; 2 = Normal Mode
; 1 = Alert Operator on Call
; 0 = Initialized
call retsave
ld hl,bymode
push hl
bit 0,(hl)
call z,byeini ; Need initialization
pop hl
bit 1,(hl)
jp nz,prolcl ; Process a local exit
bit 2,(hl)
jp nz,pronor ; Process a normal exit
bit 3,(hl)
jp nz,proclc ; Carrier lost commands finished
bit 4,(hl)
jp nz,proncc ; Next caller commands finished
call prinpl
db 'Invalid BYE mode! BYE terminating',7,cr,lf+80h
jr byeof1
byeoff: call retsave
byeof1: call oldbio
ld a,0
ld (rcp),a ; Disable RCP recognision
ld (fstcmd),a ; and for the CCP
ld hl,bymode
res 7,(hl) ; Turn off modem IO
call prinlc
enab25 no
cls yes ; enable 25th line and clear screen
call prinpl
db 'Bye is gone',cr,lf+80h
jp exit
byeini: ld a,(z3env+2ch) ; store away, sysop's Highest drive
ld (sdrive),a
ld a,(z3env+2dh) ; and user area.
ld (suser),a
ld a,(fstprv) ; Store first letter of private
ld (prvlet),a ; commands
call newbio
call clrbuf
call modini
ld a,bymini+bymmio+bymcio+bymica+bymclc
ld (bymode),a
sdrive: db 0
suser: db 0
prvlet: db 0
; Process a normal exit. This routine says Bye, hangs up the modem,
; turns off the modem IO, then runs the routines to get ready
; for the next caller.
pronor: call prinpl
db 'Goodbye, call again soon!',cr,lf+80h
prolcl: call prinlc
enab25 no
pucu no
curpos 60,24
db ' '
pocu no
disab25 yes
; If carrier lost, no point in printing msg
proclc: call mdinit
ld a,bymcio+bymini+bymncc ;con enab, initialized, nxt calr mode
ld (bymode),a
call clrbuf
call ressec
ld hl,nccmd ; Load next command string
ld de,z3cl
ld bc,nclen
jp exit
nccmd: cmdln 'A0:;LDR RCPM.NDR;PATH A0:;BYE'
nclen equ $-nccmd
; Ready for next caller. Set secure mode, then wait for arrival.
proncc: call prinlc
curof no
enab25 no
pucu no
curpos 40,24
db ' '
pocu no
disab25 no
cls yes ; Turn off the cursor and clear screen
call setsec
ld a,bymcio+bymnor+bymini
ld (bymode),a
call nxtcal
call modans
call prinlc
curon yes ; Turn cursor back on
call prinpl
db 'Welcome to this BBS',cr,lf
db 'You are now running under ZBYE version '
db '0'+(version/10), '.', '0'+(version mod 10), rev, cr, lf+80h
ld hl,nmcmd ; Load normal entry command string
ld de,z3cl
ld bc,nmlen
jp exit
nmcmd: cmdln 'A0:;RBBS'
nmlen equ $-nmcmd
; Set ZCPR into a secure mode
setsec: ld a,cdrive ; Set Caller's highest drive
ld (z3env+2ch),a
ld a,cuser
ld (z3env+2dh),a ; and user area.
xor a
ld (z3whl),a ; Clear the wheel
ld (fstprv),a ; And private commands
; Set ZCPR into sysop mode
ressec: ld a,(sdrive) ; Set Sysop's highest drive
ld (z3env+2ch),a
ld a,(suser)
ld (z3env+2dh),a ; and user area.
xor a
ld (z3whl),a ; Set the wheel
ld a,(prvlet) ; and private commands
ld (fstprv),a
; Clear ZCPR's internal buffers
clrbuf: xor a
if z3env
ld hl,z3env+80h ; Clear TCAP area
ld de,z3env+81h
ld bc,7eh ; TCAP length-1 (always?)
ld (hl),a
endif ;z3env
if shstk
ld hl,shstk ; Clear Shell Stack
ld de,shstk+1
ld bc,shstks*shsize-1
ld (hl),a
endif ;shstk
if z3msg
ld hl,z3msg ; Clear Message Buffers
ld de,z3msg+1
ld bc,4eh ; Message buffer length -1
ld (hl),a
endif ;z3msg
; Initialize the modem
modini: call mdinit ; Initialize serial port
ld b,3
call ldelay ; delay .3 sec
call mdansw ; raise dtr
call delay
call set1200 ; 1200 baud
call delay
ld a,bymmio+bymica
ld (bymode),a ; enable modem io
call prinlo ; reset modem
db 'ATZ',cr+80h
ld b,5
call ldelay ; wait .5 sec
call prinlo ; set our way
db 'ATS0=0V0E0X1M0',cr+80h
ld b,5 ; wait up to approx .5 sec for answer
mdini1: push bc
call const ; char avail?
pop bc
or a
jr nz,mdini2 ; yes, process
dec b
jr z,modini ; sompins wrong, do again
call delay
jr mdini1
mdini2: call conin ; get that char
cp '0'
ret z ; modem initialized
ld b,5 ; wait another .5 if garbage
jr mdini1
; Answer modem and wait for carrier. Set baud as appropriate.
modans: call conin
ld hl,bymode ; We're probably going to set a mode soon
cp '2' ; Is it a RING?
jr z,mdans1
cp '1' ; How 'bout connect 300?
jp z,mdans3
cp '5' ; connect 1200?
jp z,mdans4
push af
ld a,(lclst)
or a ; Was it a local char?
jr z,mdans2 ; nope
pop af
cp 'C'-'@' ; Control C from console?
jr nz,modans ; Nope
ld hl,bymode
res 7,(hl) ; inhibit modem IO
set 1,(hl) ; go into local bye active mode
call ressec
call prinlc
enab25 no
pucu no
curon no
curpos 60,24
db 'Local '
pocu no
disab25 yes
jp exit
mdans2: pop af
jr modans ; clean up stack
mdans1: res 6,(hl) ; turn off local xmitter
push hl
call prinlo
db 'ATA',cr+80h ; answer the phone
pop hl
set 6,(hl) ; turn on local
jr modans
mdans3: call set300
call delay
res 5,(hl) ; Carrier enabled
ld hl,mspeed
ld (hl),bp300
jr mdans5
mdans4: call set1200
call delay
res 5,(hl) ; Carrier enabled
ld hl,mspeed
ld (hl),bp1200
mdans5: ld b,10 ; Check carrier for 1.0 seconds
mdans6: call carok
jr z,mdans7
call delay
djnz mdans6
call prinlc
curon no
enab25 no
pucu no
curpos 60,24
db 'Connected ',cr,' '
pocu no
disab25 yes
mdans7: ld hl,bymode
call nxtcal
set 5,(hl)
jp modans
; Get ready for next caller
nxtcal: if timeout
xor a ; Clear timeout
ld (tocnt),a
ld (tocnt+1),a
ld a,tmins
ld (toval),a
endif ;timeout
call mdinit ; drop DTR
ld b,3
call ldelay ; wait awhile
call mdansw ; raise it
call delay
call set1200
call delay
ld hl,bymode
res 6,(hl) ; talk to modem only
set 7,(hl)
set 5,(hl) ; ignore carrier
push hl
call prinlo
db 'AT',cr+80h ; sync modem speed
pop hl
set 6,(hl) ; turn dual io back on
ld b,5
nx1: push bc
call const ; char avail?
pop bc
or a
jr nz,nx2 ; yes, process
dec b
jr z,nxtcal ; sompins wrong, do again
call delay
jr nx1
nx2: push bc
call conin ; get that char
pop bc
cp '0'
ret z ; modem initialized
ld b,5 ; wait another .5 if garbage
jr nx1
; Check for carrier available. If not there, return with zero flag set.
carok: push hl ; Do we care?
ld hl,bymode
bit 5,(hl)
pop hl
ret nz ; Nope
push bc
ld b,closs*10
carok1: call mdcarck ; Got carrier?
jr nz,carok2 ; Yup, great
call delay ; nope, wait awhile
djnz carok1 ; try again
carok2: pop bc
; Carrier lost. Drop Dead.
lostit: call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 60,24
db 'Carrier Lost'
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update status line
ld a,bymcio+bymclc+bymini
ld (bymode),a
ld hl,clcmd ; this is what we want to do
ld de,z3cl ; point to zcpr's command line
ld bc,cllen
jp 0 ; Gotta exit this way
clcmd: cmdln 'BYE'
cllen equ $-clcmd
; Must be too late at night. He's asleep.
; Input timed out.
timout: call prinpl
db 'Input timed out',7,cr,lf+80h
call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 40,24
db 'Timed Out '
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update status line
ld a,bymcio+bymnor+bymini
ld (bymode),a
ld hl,tocmd ; this is what we want to do
ld de,z3cl ; point to zcpr's command line
ld bc,tolng
jp 0 ; Gotta exit this way
tocmd: cmdln 'BYE'
tolng equ $-tocmd
; Routines which process local function keys.
; Here are the descriptions
; ^L - Toggle Local IO
; ^O - Toggle Open access
; ^N - Nerdkey, Hang up on the bozo
; ^Q - Query the user, (CHAT mode)
fkeys: ld hl,bymode ; BYE in inactive state?
bit 1,(hl)
ret nz ; Yes, return
cp 'L'-'@' ; Control-L ?
jr z,toglcl ; if so, toggle local mode
cp 'O'-'@' ; Control-O ?
jr z,togope ; Yes? Toggle security
cp 'N'-'@' ; Control-N ?
jp z,twitem ; Goodbye bozo
cp 'Q'-'@' ; Control-Q
jp z,bychat ; Go into Chat Mode
ret ; Not a BYE function Key
; Toggle Local IO Mode
toglcl: bit 7,(hl)
jr z,toglc1 ; If set, reset it.
res 7,(hl)
call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 51,24
db 'Disabled'
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update Status line
jr endfun
toglc1: set 7,(hl)
call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 51,24
db ' '
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update Status line
jr endfun
; Toggle Security
togope: ld a,(fstprv)
or a ; Secure?
jr z,togop1 ; If so, remove it
call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 40,24
db ' '
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update Status line
call setsec ; Turn on security
jr endfun
togop1: call prinlc
pucu no
enab25 no
curpos 40,24
db 'Wheel'
pocu no
disab25 yes ; Update Status line
call ressec ; Turn it off
jr endfun
; Hang up on the bum.
twitem: jp proclc ; Same as Carrier loss
; End Function Key routines
endfun: xor a ; No character entered
; Bye's Chat Mode
bychat: call conin ; pitch out the ^Q
call prinlc
enab25 no
pucu no
curpos 46,24
db 'Chat'
pocu no
disab25 yes
bycha2: call conin ; end on control c
cp 'C'-'@'
jr z,bycha3
bycha1: push af
push hl
push bc
ld c,a
call conout
pop bc
pop hl
pop af
push af
bit 7,(hl)
call z,mconout ; print it to modem if not enabled
pop af
cp 'M'-'@'
jr nz,bycha2 ; Loop if not a carriage return
ld a,'J'-'@'
jr bycha1 ; And append linefeed if there
bycha3: call prinlc
enab25 no
pucu no
curpos 46,24
db ' '
pocu no
disab25 yes
jr endfun
pop de ; Get return address
pop hl ; Get ZCPR3's return address
ld (z3ret),hl ; Save it
push hl
push de
z3ret equ $+1 ; point to code to modify
ld hl,0 ; ZCPR's return address
jp (hl) ; Go there
prinlc: ld a,(bymode) ; Get current Mode
ld (pritmp),a ; Save it
res 7,a ; turn off modem IO
ld (bymode),a
ex (sp),ix ; print the string
call print
ex (sp),ix
ld a,(pritmp) ; restore mode
ld (bymode),a
pritmp: db 0
prinpl: ex (sp),ix ; Get string starting address
call print ; Print it
ex (sp),ix ; Since we're pointing to next code location
ret ; Go there!
prinlo: ex (sp),ix ; Get string starting address
call print ; Print it
call delay ; My modem is too d**n slow
ex (sp),ix ; Since we're pointing to next code location
ret ; Go there!
print: ld a,(ix+0) ; Get next char
bit 7,a ; Check for Carry
push af
res 7,a ; Mask Carry Bit
ld c,a
call conout ; Print it
inc ix ; point to next char
pop af
ret nz
jr print
;.1 sec delay routine
delay:: push bc
ld bc,4167*(mhz/10)+417*(mhz mod 10) ; constant * MHz10x
delay1: dec bc
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,delay1
pop bc
;.001 sec delay routine
sdelay:: push bc
ld bc,42*(mhz/10)+4*(mhz mod 10) ; constant * MHz10x
jr delay1
; Long delay routine, B contains # of .1 sec delays
ldelay: call delay
dec b
jr nz,ldelay
newbio: ld hl,(bios+1) ; Point to bios start
ld l,0
ld de,tolst ; Point to storage table
ld bc,tolen-tolst ; table length
ldir ; Save old jump table
ld hl,tnlst ; Point to new jump table
ld de,(bios+1)
ld e,0
ld bc,tnlen-tnlst
ldir ; We are now running under BYE
oldbio: ld hl,tolst ; Put things back the way they were
ld de,(bios+1)
ld e,0
ld bc,tolen-tolst
ocboot: jp 0
owboot: jp 0 ; This will hold the BIOS routines
oconst: jp 0 ; BYE will modify
oconin: jp 0
oconout: jp 0
olist: jp 0
opunch: jp 0
oreader: jp 0
if obye ; Emulate Old BYE?
jp fakeit
jp 0
wboot: jp owboot ; Here is the new jump table
const: jp bconst
conin: jp bconin
conout: jp bconout
list: jp olist
punch: jp opunch
reader: jp oreader
; Structure to look like the old byes
if obye
fakeit: ds 15
dw oconout
db 'BYE'
; Routines patched in by BYE
bconst: ld hl,bymode ; local console enabled?
bit 6,(hl)
jr z,bcst1 ; nope, don't check
push hl ; used later
ld a,(lchar) ; got an uneaten one?
or a
jr nz,bcst2 ; Yup, still have it
call oconst ; check con status
or a
pop hl
ld (lchar),a ; flag local char
ld (lclst),a
jr z,bcst1 ; no char
push hl
call oconin ; get local char
call fkeys ; check and process local function keys
bcst2: pop hl
ld (lchar),a ; store away char
bcst1: bit 7,(hl) ; Modem enabled?
ret z ; Nope, don't bother
call carok ; Check for carrier
jp z,lostit ; Fool dropped carrier on us
call mdinst ; Check for modem status
ret nz ; Everything's hunkey dory
if timeout
push hl
ld hl,bymode
bit 5,(hl) ; Paying attention to carrier
jr nz,ndata
ld hl,tocnt ;No data, incr. timeout counter
inc (hl)
jr nz,ndata ;don't timeout yet
inc hl
inc (hl) ;next byte of counter
jr nz,ndata
ld hl,toval ;1 "minute", no data
dec (hl)
jr nz,ndata ;still not timed out...
jp timout ;finally... timed out...
xor a ;no character for sure
pop hl
endif ; Timeout
toval: ds 1
tocnt: ds 2
lchar: db 0
lclst: db 0
bconin: call bconst ; Wait for char avail
or a
jr z,bconin
if timeout
xor a ; Clear timeout
ld (tocnt),a
ld (tocnt+1),a
ld a,tmins
ld (toval),a
endif ;timeout
ld hl,bymode ; local con enabled?
bit 6,(hl)
jr z,bcin1 ; Nope, skip
ld a,(lchar) ; Get local status
or a
jr z,bcin1 ; it was not local
push af
xor a ; clear local character
ld (lchar),a ; hit.
pop af
bcin1: jp mdinp
ld hl,bymode ; local con enabled?
bit 7,(hl) ; remote con enabled?
jr z,bcou1 ; nope, skip
push hl
push bc ; in case of trashed char
call carok ; Check for carrier
jp z,lostit ; Fool dropped carrier on us
call mconout
pop bc
pop hl
bcou1: bit 6,(hl)
ret z ; nope, done
call oconout ; print it
; Modem Conout routine
call mdoutst
jr z,mconout ; wait till we can do it
ld a,c
call mdoutp ; do it
;--------------------- Insert MBYE modem routines here -----------------------
; NOTE: Be sure to remove the ':'s before the EQU statements, M80 chokes on 'em
; MBYE (Modular 'BYE')
; Zilog Z80-SIO/DART USART/UART routines
; v2.1 (02/21/84) by Kim Levitt
; These routines will allow the easy patching of MBYE for any type of
; modem/serial port combination. Certain routines must return status
; flags, so please be careful to set the flags as directed.
; NOTE: set NORING EQU YES in the main MBYE program if you have an SIO
; chip. Normally, the SIO doesn't allow monitoring of the RI status.
; The DART, however, does have RI has a standard function. If you have
; a DART, set NORING EQU NO (unless you are using a Smartmodem). (Also
; set DART EQU YES below.)
; This version is for the Zilog SIO chip that is hooked up to an extern-
; al modem. A Z80-CTC or 8116 can be used as baud rate generator. If
; you have a KAYPRO, XEROX 820-II, or another "BigBoard"-based system,
; set the KAYPRO equate true and the rest is automatic.
; 02/21/84 Removed exclaimation mark from comment - Kim Levitt oops!
; 02/20/84 Added comments for XEROX 820-II & BigBoards,
; code for DARTs and modified SIOs to read RI - Kim Levitt
; 02/02/84 Fixed and renamed to work with MBYE 3.0 - Kim Levitt
; (Also added conditional equates 8116, CTC and KAYPRO.)
; 11/27/83 Altered and renamed to work with BYE3 - Irv Hoff
; 08/04/83 Updated for use with ByeII version 1.6 - Paul Traina
; 07/19/83 Improved operation of modem initialization. - Paul Traina
; 04/18/83 Added option to use 300/1200 Smartmodem. - Don Brown
; 04/14/83 Added option for alt. CTC baud set format. - Paul Traina
; 02/21/83 Initial version. - Steve Fox
KAYPRO EQU YES ;yes, if Kaypro, Xerox 820 or BigBoard
C8116 EQU YES ;BigBoards use the 8116 baud rate clock
C8116 EQU NO ;most other systems use CTC
; Set base ports for SIO/DART & baud rate clock
DART EQU NO ;BigBoards use a true SIO
BASEP EQU 04H ;Base port for SIO
BASEC EQU 00H ;Base port for 8116
DART EQU NO ;Yes, if DART used and not SIO
BASEP EQU 20H ;Set Base port for SIO (data port)
BASEC EQU 32H ;Set Base port for CTC
; The following define the port addresses to use.
SPORT EQU BASEP+2 ;Status/Control port
BPORT EQU BASEC ;Baud rate port
; The following are SPORT commands (output these to SPORT)
; WR0:
RESCHN EQU 00011000B ;Reset channel
RESSTA EQU 00010000B ;Reset ext/status
RESERR EQU 00110000B ;Error reset
WRREG1 EQU 00000000B ;WR1 - No interrupts
WRREG3 EQU 11000001B ;WR3 - Rx 8 bits/char, Rx enable
WRREG4 EQU 01000100B ;WR4 - 16x, 1 stop bit, no parity
; WR5:
DTROFF EQU 01101000B ;DTR off, Tx 8 bits, Tx enable, RTS off
DTRON EQU 11101010B ;DTR on, Tx 8 bits, Tx enable, RTS on
; The following are SPORT status masks
; RR0:
DAV EQU 00000001B ;Data available
TBMT EQU 00000100B ;Transmit buffer empty
DCD EQU 00001000B ;Data carrier detect
RI EQU 00010000B ;Ring Indicator (DARTs only)
;(Normally, only DARTs can detect Ring Indicator...... HOWEVER,
; with special wiring to SYNC pin, SIOs can detect RI on this bit
; in asynchronous receive mode, wheras it is normally used only
; in synchronous mode. If you have this hardware mod done, your
; SIO will in effect function as a DART and this "SYNC/HUNT" bit
; in read reg. 0 will function as a RI status bit.) (Connect
; SYNCA pin 11 of SIO to pin 22 of RS-232C connector, not sure if
; any intermediate circut is necessary, though, so DON'T TRY IT
; UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING and really NEED ring detect,
; also realize you will lose synchronous capabilities...)
; RR1:
OE EQU 00100000B ;Overrun error
FE EQU 01000000B ;Framing error
ERR EQU OE+FE ;Overrun and framing errors
; First Byte of CTC Command:
BDCMD1 EQU 07H ;110 baud (timer mode)
BDCMD2 EQU 47H ;300, 600 & 1200 baud (counter mode)
; The following are baud rates for BPORT -- they may have to be changed
; for your particular system's CTC.
BD300 EQU 128 ;300 bps
BD600 EQU 64 ;600 bps (not supported by Smartmodem)
BD1200 EQU 32 ;1200 bps
; 8116 (on Kaypros at least) is initialized by system on cold boot,
; only need to set baud rate as single command to baud rate port.
BD110 EQU 02H
BD300 EQU 05H
BD600 EQU 06H
BD1200 EQU 07H
BD2400 EQU 0AH ;2400 - 19.2 K baud values
BD4800 EQU 0CH ;not currently supported, but could be
BD9600 EQU 0EH ;used on a high speed link so are
BD19K EQU 0FH ;included for informational purposes
BD110 EQU 02H
BD300 EQU 05H ;you may have to change these if you're not
BD600 EQU 06H ;on a Kaypro system
BD1200 EQU 07H
; If any of your routines zap anything other than the Accumulator, then
; you must preserve all other registers.
; This routine should turn off everything on the modem, hang it up, and
; get it ready to wait for a ring. (DTR off)
MVI A,RESCHN ;Reset channel (DTR, RTS off)
MVI A,4 ;Setup to write register 4
MVI A,WRREG4 ;set 16x clock, 1 stop bit, no parity
MVI A,1 ;Setup to write register 1
MVI A,WRREG1 ;set no interrupts
MVI A,3 ;Setup to write register 3
MVI A,WRREG3 ;set Rx 8 bits, enable recv
MVI A,5 ;Setup to write register 5
MVI A,DTROFF ;leave DTR OFF initially
; This routine will check the Ring Indicator status,
; returning a non-zero value if the RI line is active.
; (This routine is only valid for DARTs or modified SIOs,
; see notes above.)
IF DART ;Only DARTs or modified SIOs can do this
; The following routine will raise DTR. (and RTS)
MVI A,5 ;address WR5
RET ;Return
; The following routine checks to make sure we still have carrier. If
; there is no carrier, it will return with the Zero flag set.
MVI A,RESSTA ;Reset status
IN SPORT ;Get status
ANI DCD ;Check for data carrier
RET ;Return
; The following routine determines if there is a character waiting to
; be received. If no character is waiting, the Zero flag will be set,
; otherwise, 255 will be returned in register A. (Error conditions are
; checked, and, if present, the character is ignored.)
IN SPORT ;Get status
ANI DAV ;Got a character?
RZ ;Return if none
MVI A,1 ;else, check error bits
OUT SPORT ;(address RR1)
IN SPORT ;read RR1
ANI ERR ;mask error bits
JZ MDINST1 ;no error, ok
MVI A,RESERR ;else, reset error bits
IN DPORT ;clear out garbage
XRA A ;say no data
RET ;and return
ORI 0FFH ;say we got one
RET ;...and return
; The following is a routine that will input one character from the
; modem port. If there is nothing there, it will return garbage... so
; use the MDINST routine first.
IN DPORT ;Get character
ANI 7FH ;Strip parity
RET ;Return
; The following is a routine to determine if the transmit buffer is
; empty. If it is empty, it will return with the Zero flag clear. If
; the transmitter is busy, then it will return with the Zero flag set.
ANI TBMT ;Mask it
RET ;Return
; The following is a routine that will output one character in register
; A to the modem. REMEMBER, that is register A, not register C.
; **** Use MDOUTST first to see if buffer is empty ****
OUT DPORT ;Send it
RET ;Return
; These next routines set the proper baud rates for the modem. If you
; do not support the particular rate, then simply put the label in front
; of the ORI 0FFH / RET. If the baud rate change was successful, make
; SURE the Zero flag is set (XRA A).
MVI A,BDCMD1 ;Get first byte of command
OUT BPORT ;send it
MVI A,BD300 ;Load rate
MVI A,BDCMD2 ;Get first byte of command
OUT BPORT ;send it
MVI A,BD1200 ;Load rate
OUT BPORT ;Send 2nd byte of command (rate)
XRA A ;Say rate is OK
RET ;Return
; The following routine returns a 255 because we were not able to set to
; the proper baud rate because either the serial port or the modem can't
; handle it.
ORI 0FFH ;Make sure zero flag is not set
RET ;Return
IF C8116
MVI A,BD1200
OUT BPORT ;set baud rate
XRA A ;say rate ok
RET ;and return
; The following rates, (450 & 710), are not supported for the 8116/SIO
ORI 0FFH ;say rate ng
ENDIF ;C8116
; Ok, that's all of the modem dependent routines that MBYE uses, so if
; you patch this file into your copy of MBYE, then it should work out
; well. (Be sure to set the SMODEM and SM1200 equates in the main program
; section to indicate if you are using a Hayes Smartmodem or compatible
; or not.)
;-------------------- End of computer dependent routines ---------------------
if $ ge (rcp+rcps*128)
.printx ->This RCP is too large, don't try to run it.<-