Text File
1,106 lines
ZCPR3 Terminal Capabilities (TCAP)
-- Utilities -- -- Documentation --
1 - TCCHECK I - Introduction
2 - TCMAKE S - Z3T Structure
3 - TCSELECT G - General Control Seqs
C - Cursor Control Seqs
4 - Z3TCAP V - VLIB Overview
ZCPR3 Terminal Capabilities (TCAP)
Thσá ZCPR│ Termina∞ Capabilitie≤ (TCAP⌐ Facilit∙ i≤á aε ì
integra∞á par⌠ oµ thσ ZCPR│ System«á B∙ mean≤ oµá thσá TCA╨ ì
Facility¼á thσ user'≤ termina∞ i≤ defineΣ t∩ ZCPR│ iε sucΦ ß ì
wa∙á tha⌠ program≤ iε thσ ZCPR│ Systeφ caε perforφ ß variet∙ ì
oµ screen-orienteΣ function≤ witΦ thσ user'≤ terminal«á Thσ ì
TCA╨ Facilit∙ i≤ fundamenta∞ t∩ ZCPR3¼á anΣ i⌠ i≤ ß par⌠á oµ ì
thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descriptor.
Thσá TCA╨ entrie≤ contaiε thσ followinτ informatioεá oε ì
their respective terminals:
o initialization/deinitialization sequences
o characters generated by the arrow keys
o sequence for clearing the screen
o sequence for positioning the cursor
o sequence for erasing to end of line
o highlight/non-highlight sequences
WitΦ thi≤ information¼á program≤ sucΦ a≤ VFILER¼ VMENU¼ ì
anΣá HEL╨á caεá perforφ thei≥ function≤ witΦ ßá mucΦá highe≥ ì
degreσá oµá "flashó anΣ user-friendlines≤á thaεá the∙á woulΣ ì
otherwise«á B∙á simpl∙á loadinτ thσ TCA╨ entr∙ fo≥á anothe≥ ì
termina∞ int∩ thσ environmen⌠ descriptor¼ al∞ ZCPR│ program≤ ì
arσ automaticall∙ reconfigureΣ fo≥ thσ ne≈ termina∞ anΣá caε ì
continue to function without modification.
Tw∩á utilitie≤á arσ provideΣ t∩ assis⌠ thσ use≥ iεá thσ ì
creatioεá oµ Z3T file≤ fo≥ hi≤ terminals«á TCSELEC╘á allow≤ ì
thσá use≥á t∩ selec⌠ ß predefineΣ termina∞ froφá thσá Z3TCA╨ ì
file¼á anΣ TCMAK┼ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ definσ ß termina∞ whicΦ ì
is not covered by the Z3TCAP file.
Mos⌠á oµá thσá informatioε iε thi≤á HL╨á filσá provide≤ ì
detail≤á oεá thσ structurσ oµ thσ Z3T file≤á anΣá give≤á thσ ì
TCMAK┼ use≥ enougΦ detai∞ t∩ definσ hi≤ terminal« Providinτ ì
this information is the main purpose of this HLP file.
Thσáá filσá Z3TCA╨á contain≤á informatioεá oεá ove≥á 4░ ì
terminals«á Thσá TCSELEC╘ prograφ print≤ ß numbe≥ oµá menu≤ ì
containinτá thσá name≤á oµ thσ terminal≤ iεá thi≤á filσá anΣ ì
allow≤á thσá use≥ t∩ selec⌠á one¼á storinτá it≤á informatioε ì
eithe≥áá directl∙áá int∩á thσá memory-residen⌠áá Environmen⌠ ì
Descripto≥á o≥á int∩ ß filσ oµ typσ Z3T whicΦ ma∙á late≥á bσ ì
loadeΣ b∙ thσ LD╥ utility.
Iµá thσ user'≤ termina∞ i≤ no⌠ alread∙ defineΣá iεá thσ ì
Z3TCA╨á file¼á thσá TCMAK┼á prograφ i≤ useΣá t∩á definσá hi≤ ì
terminal«á TCMAK┼á allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ interactivel∙á definσ ì
eacΦ oµ thσ ke∙ attribute≤ oµ hi≤ termina∞ anΣ creatσ ß filσ ì
oµ typσ Z3T wheε done« Thi≤ filσ ma∙ late≥ bσ loadeΣ b∙ thσ ì
LD╥ utility.
Internal Structure of a Z3T File
┴á Z3T Filσ define≤ thσ characteristic≤ oµ ß particula≥ Introductionì
terminal« EacΦ Z3T filσ contain≤ thσ followinτ information:
o the name of the terminal
o the codes generated by the arrow keys
o the byte sequences required:
to clear the screen
to position the cursor
to clear to end of line
to highlight chars
to initialize and deinitialize the terminal
Iεá detail¼á thσ followinτ i≤ thσ exac⌠ structurσ oµá ß ì
Z3T file:
Z3T File Structure, Overview Introduction
DS 16 ; Name of Terminal
DS 4 ; Bytes generated by arrow keys
DS 3 ; Delays for Screen Clear, Cursor Motion, and
; Clear to End-of-Line
cl: DS N1+1 ; Sequence used for Screen Clear
cm: DS N2+1 ; Sequence used for Cursor Motion (gotoxy)
ce: DS N3+1 ; Sequence used for Clear to End-of-Line
so: DS N4+1 ; Sequence used to begin highlighting
se: DS N5+1 ; Sequence used to end highlighting
ti: DS N6+1 ; Sequence used to initialize terminal
to: DS N7+1 ; Sequence used to deinitialize terminal
Thσá followinτ frame≤ definσ thσ TCA╨á records«á Thesσ Introductionì
records are:
1. the name of the terminal
2. the definition of the arrow keys
3. the delay constants for screen clear, cursor
motion, and clear to end-of-line
4. the definition of the screen clear char sequence
5. the defn of the cursor motion char seq
6. the defn of the clear to EOL char seq
7. the defn of the highlight/end-highlight char seq
8. the defn of the init/deinit terminal char seq
EacΦá oµá thesσ recorΣá definition≤á i≤á similar║á thσ ì
structurσá oµ thσ recorΣ (iε assembl∙ languagσ terminology)¼ ì
comment≤á oε ho≈ thσ recorΣ i≤ defineΣ anΣ wha⌠á value≤á arσ ì
valiΣá fo≥ it¼á anΣ example≤ oµ valiΣ recorΣ structure≤á arσ ì
provideΣ fo≥ eacΦ recorΣ definition.
1. Terminal Name 1 Term Name
DS 16 ; Name of Terminal (Space Fill on Right)
Thσá namσ oµ thσ termina∞ i≤ alway≤ 1╢ byte≤ long«á Iµ ì
thσ namσ take≤ les≤ thaε 1╢ bytes¼á spacσ fil∞ occur≤á righ⌠ ì
of the last character.
DB 'ADDS Consul 980 '
DB 'ADM 2 '
2. Arrow Keys 2 Arrow Keys
DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor UP
DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor DOWN
DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor RIGHT
DS 1 ; Byte Generated by Cursor LEFT
Iµá you≥á termina∞ ha≤ arro≈ key≤ oε i⌠ WHIC╚á GENERAT┼ ì
ONL┘ ON┼ BYT┼ WHE╬ DEPRESSED¼ theε thesσ key≤ ma∙ bσ defineΣ ì
iε thσ Z3T file«á Wheε ß prograφ call≤ fo≥ thσ usσ oµ arro≈ ì
keys, it will use the values stored here.
Iµ you≥ termina∞ doe≤ no⌠ havσ arro≈ key≤ o≥ ha≤á arro≈ 2 Arrow Keysì
key≤ whicΦ generatσ morσ thaε onσ bytσ wheε depressed¼ thesσ ì
key≤ ma∙ no⌠ bσ defineΣ iε thσ Z3T file« Zer∩ (0⌐ i≤ storeΣ ì
iε al∞ fou≥ byte≤ oµ thσ "arro≈ keyó record«á Iε thi≤ case¼ ì
thσá prograφá wil∞á responΣá t∩ thσá WorΣá Sta≥á (trademark¼ ì
Micropro⌐ arro≈ ke∙ conventioε (^┼ i≤ UP¼á ^╪ i≤ DOWN¼ ^─ i≤ ì
RIGHT, and ^S is LEFT):
^S <--+--> ^D
Examples: 2 Arrow Keys
DB 'K'-'@' ; ADM 31 ^K for Cursor UP
DB 'J'-'@' ; ^J for Cursor DOWN
DB 'L'-'@' ; ^L for Cursor RIGHT
DB 'H'-'@' ; ^H for Cursor LEFT
DB 0,0,0,0 ; None for H19 because of 2-char seqs
; Word Star Convention will be used
3. Function Delays 3 Delays
DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending clear screen
DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending gotoxy
DS 1 ; Delay (in mS) after sending clear to EOL
EacΦ oµ thesσ byte≤ define≤ thσ numbe≥ oµá millisecond≤ ì
ßá prograφ wil∞ dela∙ afte≥ sendinτ ß particula≥ sequencσ t∩ ì
thσá user'≤ terminal«á Somσ terminal≤ requirσ thi≤ typσá oµ ì
delay«á Iµ ß sequencσ require≤ n∩ delay¼á thσ valuσ oµ zer∩ ì
(0) should be placed in the corresponding byte.
DB 20,0,0 ; BANTAM 550 - 20mS for Clear Screen, 0
; for Cursor Motion and Clear to EOL
DB 0,0,0 ; TVI 950 - No Delays
4. Clear Screen Sequence 4 Clear Screen
DS N1 ; Bytes in clear screen sequence
DB 0
Thi≤á sequencσ oµ bytes¼á u≡ t∩ bu⌠ no⌠á includinτá thσ ì
terminatinτá 0¼á i≤ sen⌠ t∩ thσ user'≤ termina∞ iε orde≥á t∩ ì
clea≥á hi≤ screen«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ necessar∙ t∩ includσ ßá binar∙ ì
zero in this sequence, the two bytes
DB '\',0
wil∞á transmi⌠ a⌠ onσ binar∙ 0 and
DB '\\'
wil∞ transmi⌠ a≤ onσ backslash«
Iε general¼ ß backslasΦ (\⌐ i≤ thσ quotσ character¼ anΣ 4 Clear Screenì
an∙á bytσá whicΦ follow≤ i⌠ i≤ transmitteΣ literall∙ t∩á thσ ì
user'≤ terminal.
Iµá ß termina∞ require≤ tha⌠ trailinτ null≤ follo≈á thσ ì
las⌠á characte≥á oµ thσ sequencσ fo≥ thσ purposσá oµá screeε ì
settlinτá (rathe≥ thaε usinτ thσ dela∙ byte)¼á null≤ caεá bσ ì
appended into the sequence by using the quote character.
DB 1BH,';',0 ; Clear Screen for ADM2
DB 'L'-'@',0 ; Clear Screen for ADDS Viewpoint
DB 1BH,'?',1BH,'E'-'@',0
; Clear Screen for Concept 108
5. Cursor Motion (GOTOXY) Sequence 5 Cursor Motion
DS N2 ; Bytes in gotoxy sequence
DB 0
Thi≤á sequencσ oµ byte≤ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ thσ user'≤á termina∞ ì
iεá orde≥ t∩ positioε thσ curso≥ oε hi≤ screen«á Thσá quotσ ì
characte≥á (\⌐á caεá bσ used¼á likσá iεá thσá Curso≥á Motioε ì
sequence¼ t∩ allo≈ quotσ character≤ anΣ null≤ t∩ bσ sent.
Unlikσá thσá othe≥ sequence≤ iε thσ TCA╨á records¼á thσ ì
Curso≥ Motioε sequence≤ var∙ dependinτ upoε thσ positioεá oε ì
thσá screen«
Fo≥á instance¼á t∩ placσ thσ curso≥ a⌠ ro≈ 4¼á columε ┤ 5 Cursor Motionì
(homσ i≤ ro≈ 0¼ co∞ 0⌐ oε ß TV╔ 950¼ thσ sequence
DB 1BH,'=$$',0
is used, but to position at row 6, column 6, the sequence
DB 1BH,'=&&',0
is used.
Iε orde≥ t∩ expres≤ sucΦ variable-valuσ sequences¼á thσ ì
ZCPR│á TCA╨á provide≤á fo≥á equation≤ whicΦá definσá ho≈á t∩ ì
compute the byte to be output. The TCAP sequence:
DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0
define≤á ho≈ t∩ computσ thσ value≤ t∩ bσ outpu⌠ iε orde≥á t∩ ì
move the cursor for the TVI 950.
The TCAP Cursor Motion sequence 5 Cursor Motion
DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0
is broken down as follows:
Element Meaning
------- -------
1BH Output 1B hex (the ESCAPE char)
'=' Output the character '='
'%½ ' AdΣ º º (20H⌐ t∩ thσ ro≈ valuσ anΣ output
'%+ ' Add ' ' (20H) to the column value and output
Thσá percen⌠ characte≥ (%⌐ instruct≤ thσ curso≥á motioε ì
sequencσ interprete≥ t∩ looδ fo≥ ß command¼ anΣ i⌠ processe≤ ì
thσá followinτá character≤ a≤ such«á Iµ i⌠á i≤á desireΣá t∩ ì
outpu⌠ '%º itself¼ thσ sequencσ '\%º i≤ used.
Thσá command≤ recognizeΣ b∙ thσ curso≥á motioεá commanΣ 5 Cursor Motionì
interprete≥ wil∞ no≈ bσ discusseΣ iε detail« Thesσ command≤ ì
are the following (case is not significant):
%R - Reverse order from row/col to col/row
%I - Home position is (1,1) rather than (0,0)
%. - Print current value (row or col) in binary
%2 - Print current value as 2 ASCII decimal digits
%3 - Print current value as 3 ASCII decimal digits
%d - Print current value as N ASCII decimal digits
(no leading zeroes)
%+n - Add n to current value and output in binary
%>x∙ - AdΣ ∙ t∩ curren⌠ valuσ iµ i⌠ i≤ greater
than x
Thσ curso≥ motioε sequencσ interprete≥ assume≤ tha⌠ thσ 5 Cursor Motionì
valuσá oµá thσá ro≈ wil∞ bσ outpu⌠ beforσ thσ valuσá oµá thσ ì
column. If the column is to be first, the command
'%r' or '%R'
instruct≤á thσ curso≥ motioε sequencσ interprete≥ t∩á outpu⌠ ì
thσá columεá anΣ theε thσ row«á Thσ '%Rºá commanΣá mus⌠á bσ ì
presen⌠á iεá thσ sequencσ beforσ thσ firs⌠ valuσ i≤á output¼ ì
anΣá '%Rº act≤ solel∙ t∩ commanΣ thσ interprete≥á (n∩á byte≤ ì
are output by '%R').
Thσá curso≥á motioε sequencσ interprete≥á als∩á assume≤ 5 Cursor Motionì
tha⌠ thσ valuσ oµ thσ homσ positioε i≤ ro≈ 0¼á columε 0« Iµ ì
i⌠á i≤ convenien⌠ t∩ se⌠ thi≤ positioε t∩ ro≈ 1¼á columεá 1¼ ì
the command
'%i' or '%I'
i≤á used«á Likσ '%R'¼á '%Iº mus⌠ bσ useΣ beforσá thσá firs⌠ ì
valuσ i≤ output.
The TVI 950 can be defined in two ways:
DB 1BH,'=%+ %+ ',0
DB 1BH,'%i=%+',1FH,'%+',1FH,0
Thσá res⌠á oµ thσ curso≥á motioεá sequencσá interprete≥ 5 Cursor Motionì
command≤ dea∞ witΦ thσ forma⌠ oµ thσ output« The∙ allo≈ thσ ì
following types of outputs:
%. binary value (^A is output as 1)
%2 2 ASCII Decimal Digits (^A is output as '01')
%3 3 ASCII Decimal Digits (^A is output as '001')
%d As many ASCII Decimal Digits as needed (^A as '1')
%+n Add offset ('%+ ' outputs ^A as 1+' ' or '!')
%>xy Add offset if limit reached ('%> '1 outputs ^A as 1
and '!' as '"')
T∩ summarize:
Cursor Motion Interpreter Commands 5 Cursor Motion
Command Output Format
------- -------------
%. Binary Value
%2 2 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('23')
%3 3 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('123')
%Σ A≤ man∙ ASCI╔ Decima∞ Digi⌠ Char≤ a≤ needed
%+n Add the value of the byte following the '+'
and output in binary
%>xy If value > x, output value+y in binary; else
output value in binary
Command Cursor Motion Interpreter Action
------- --------------------------------
%i Set Home to 1,1 (default is 0,0)
%r Output Col, then Row (default is Row, then Col)
Examples: 5 Cursor Motion
DB 1BH,'Y%+ %+ ',0 ; ADDS Viewpoint
1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char)
'Y' = output char 'Y'
'%+ ' = output row + ' ' (20H) in binary
'%+ ' = output col + ' ' (20H) in binary
DB 1BH,'[%d;%dH',0 ; H19 (ANSI Mode)
1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char)
'[' = output char '['
'%d' = output row as ASCII decimal digits
';' = output char ';'
'%d' = output col as ASCII decimal digits
'H' = output char 'H'
6. Clear to End of Line 6 Clear to EOL
DS N3 ; Bytes in clear to end of line sequence
DB 0
Thσá Clea≥ t∩ EnΣ oµ Linσ sequencσ i≤ useΣ t∩ clea≥ thσ ì
linσá startinτá a⌠á thσ curso≥ positioε t∩ thσá enΣá oµá thσ ì
screen. Only this part of the current line is cleared.
Thσ rule≤ fo≥ specifyinτ thi≤ sequencσ arσ thσ samσá a≤ ì
those for Screen Clear.
DB 1BH,'T',0 ; ADM 2
7. Begin Highlighting (Standout Mode) and End Highlighting 7 Highlighting
DS N4 ; Bytes in sequence to begin highlighting
DB 0
DS N5 ; Bytes in sequence to end highlighting
DB 0
Thσá "begiεá highlightingóá sequencσ i≤ useΣá t∩á begiε ì
highligh⌠ modσ oε thσ user'≤ terminal«á Thi≤ ma∙ bσ reversσ ì
video¼ dim¼ o≥ somσ othe≥ non-standarΣ methoΣ fo≥ displayinτ ì
character≤á oεá thσá screen«á Iε orde≥ fo≥á ßá termina∞á t∩ ì
suppor⌠ thi≤ feature¼ thσ followinτ mus⌠ bσ true:
1« Issuinτ thi≤ sequencσ mus⌠ NO╘ changσ thσ positioε 7 Highlightingì
oµ thσ curso≥ oε thσ screen.
2«á Character≤ highlighteΣ mus⌠ bσ outpu⌠ iε exactl∙ ì
thσ samσ wa∙ non-highlighteΣ character≤ arσ (eg¼ settinτ thσ ì
MSB of the highlighted chars is not allowed).
These sequences are always used as follows:
1. the BEGIN HIGHLIGHT sequence is output
2. a set of characters to highlight is output
3. the END HIGHLIGHT sequence is output
Thσá rule≤ fo≥ specifyinτ thesσ sequence≤ arσ thσá samσ ì
a≤ thosσ fo≥ Screeε Clear.
Example: 7 Highlighting
DB 'N'-'@',0 ;ADDS Viewpoint
8. Terminal Initialization and Deinitialization 8 Term Init
DS N6 ; Bytes in sequence to init terminal
DB 0
DS N7 ; Bytes in sequence to deinit terminal
DB 0
Beforσá an∙ vide∩ routine≤ arσ executed¼á thσá termina∞ ì
initializatioε sequencσ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ thσ terminal«á Afte≥ thσ ì
usσá oµá thσá termina∞á i≤á completeΣá b∙á ßá program¼áá thσ ì
deinitialization sequence is sent.
Thσ rule≤ fo≥ specifyinτ thi≤ sequencσ arσ thσ samσá a≤ ì
those for Screen Clear.
General Terminal Control Sequences
Control 1
The structure of most TCAP control sequences is:
DS N ; Bytes in sequence
DB 0
Thi≤á sequencσá oµ bytes¼á u≡ t∩ bu⌠ no⌠ includinτá thσ ì
terminatinτá 0¼á i≤ sen⌠ t∩ thσ user'≤ termina∞ iε orde≥á t∩ ì
perforφá somσá function«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ necessar∙ t∩á includσá ß ì
binar∙ zer∩ iε thi≤ sequence¼ thσ tw∩ bytes
DB '\',0
wil∞ transmi⌠ as onσ binar∙ ░ and
DB '\\'
wil∞ transmi⌠ a≤ onσ backslash«
Control 1
┴á backslasΦ (\⌐ i≤ thσ quotσ character¼á anΣ an∙á bytσ ì
whicΦá follow≤á i⌠ i≤ transmitteΣ literall∙á t∩á thσá user'≤ ì
Iµá ß termina∞ require≤ tha⌠ trailinτ null≤ follo≈á thσ ì
las⌠á characte≥á oµ thσ sequencσ fo≥ thσ purposσá oµá screeε ì
settlinτá (rathe≥ thaε usinτ thσ dela∙ byte)¼á null≤ caεá bσ ì
appended into the sequence by using the quote character.
Curso≥á Motioεá sequence≤ follo≈ thesσ rule≤á witΦá thσ ì
additioεá tha⌠á thσ characte≥ "%ó prefixe≤ ßá curso≥á motioε ì
interprete≥ command« Iµ i⌠ i≤ desireΣ t∩ simpl∙ outpu⌠ thi≤ ì
characte≥ iε ß curso≥ motioε sequence¼á thσ quotσá characte≥ ì
can be used:
DB '\%'
Cursor Motion Control Sequences
Control 2
Curso≥á Motioεá sequence≤ arσ differen⌠ froφ thσá othe≥ ì
sequence≤á defineΣá iεá thσá TCA╨á iεá tha⌠á curso≥áá motioε ì
sequence≤á contaiεá embeddeΣ command≤ fo≥ thσ curso≥á motioε ì
interpreter«áá Al∞á Curso≥á Motioεá sequence≤á arσá oµá thσ ì
following general format:
<prefi° sequence╛ <commands╛ <infi° seq╛ <cmd╛ <postfi° seq>
Fo≥ example¼á thσ DE├ VT10░ termina∞ use≤ thσ followinτ ì
sequence for cursor motion:
DB 1BH,'[%i%d;%dH',0
1BH,'[' = prefix chars 1BH (ESCAPE) and '['
%i = command: home is 1,1
%d = command: output row as ASCII dec chars
';' = infix char ';'
%d = command: output col as ASCII dec chars
'H' = suffix char 'H'
Control 2
Thσ prefix¼á infix¼ anΣ postfi° sequence≤ arσ optional¼ ì
anΣ onl∙ thσ command≤ t∩ outpu⌠ thσ ro≈ anΣ co∞ arσ requireΣ ì
in any cursor motion sequence definition.
Curso≥ Motioε i≤ thσ onl∙ requireΣ entr∙ iε ß TCA╨á fo≥ ì
ßá terminal«á Al∞ othe≥ sequence≤ ma∙ bσ empt∙ (null)¼á anΣ ì
thσá lacδ oµ thesσ othe≥ sequence≤ wil∞ bσ compensateΣá for« ì
Curso≥ motion¼á however¼á canno⌠ bσ simulateΣ easil∙ anΣá i≤ ì
Thσ followinτ tablσ summarize≤ al∞ oµ thσ Curso≥ Motioε ì
interpreter commands.
Control 2
Cursor Motion Interpreter Commands
Command Output Format
------- -------------
%. Binary Value
%2 2 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('23')
%3 3 ASCII Decimal Digit Chars ('123')
%Σ A≤ man∙ ASCI╔ Decima∞ Digi⌠ Char≤ a≤ needed
%+n Add the value of the byte following the '+'
and output in binary
%>xy If value > x, output value+y in binary; else
output value in binary
Command Cursor Motion Interpreter Action
------- --------------------------------
%i Set Home to 1,1 (default is 0,0)
%r Output Col, then Row (default is Row, then Col)
Control 2
DB 1BH,'Y%+ %+ ',0 ; ADDS Viewpoint
1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char)
'Y' = output char 'Y'
'%+ ' = output row + ' ' (20H) in binary
'%+ ' = output col + ' ' (20H) in binary
DB 1BH,'[%d;%dH',0 ; H19 (ANSI Mode)
1BH = output 1BH (ESCAPE char)
'[' = output char '['
'%d' = output row as ASCII decimal digits
';' = output char ';'
'%d' = output col as ASCII decimal digits
'H' = output char 'H'
Overview of VLIB
VLI┬ (Vide∩ LIBrary⌐ i≤ thσ ZCPR│ librar∙ whicΦ i≤ useΣ ì
t∩á providσ ß serie≤ oµ low-leve∞ routine≤ fo≥ Z3TCA╨ acces≤ ì
t∩ thσ ZCPR│ systeφ programmer«á VLI┬ i≤ describeΣ iεá mucΦ ì
morσá detai∞á iε thσ VLIB.HL╨ file¼á anΣ thi≤ overvie≈á onl∙ ì
serves to summarize its capabilities.
Thσ VLI┬ routinσ Z3VINI╘ i≤ useΣ t∩ initializσ VLI┬ fo≥ ì
usσá witΦá ßá ZCPR│á system«áá Thσá addres≤á oµá thσá ZCPR│ ì
environmen⌠á descripto≥ i≤ passeΣ t∩ thσ Z3VINI╘ routinσá iε ì
HL¼á anΣá al∞ VLI┬ routine≤ kno≈ thσ addres≤ oµá thσá Z3TCA╨ ì
entry from that point forward.
The low-level functions provided by VLIB are:
Routine Function
------- --------
TINIT Initialize terminal
DINIT Deinitialize terminal
CLS Clear screen
EREOL Erase to End of Line
GOTOXY Position Cursor
STNDOUT Begin highlighting
STNDEND End highlighting
AT Position Cursor
GXYMSG Print message, with highlighting, at XY
VPRINT Print message with highlighting
Standard ZCPR3 TCAP File
Thσá filσá Z3TCA╨á contain≤á informatioεá oεá ove≥áá 4░ ì
terminals«á I⌠á i≤ provideΣ a≤ ß par⌠ oµ thσ ZCPR│á System¼ ì
anΣ i⌠ i≤ useΣ b∙ TCSELECT«á TCSELEC╘ caε displa∙ thσ name≤ ì
oµá thσ terminal≤ containeΣ iε Z3TCA╨ anΣ allo≈ thσ use≥á t∩ ì
selec⌠ one¼ generatinτ ß *.Z3T filσ o≥ storinτ thσ selectioε ì
directl∙á int∩ memor∙ fo≥ immediatσ usσ b∙ thσ ZCPR│á Systeφ ì
Command: TCCHECK 1.0
TCCHECK ufn <-- default file type is TCP
TCCHEC╦á check≤ ß Z3TCAP.TC╨ filσ fo≥ valiΣ forma⌠á anΣ ì
reports any errors and statistical information on it.
TCCHEC╦áá i≤áá intendeΣá t∩á ruεá iεá ßáá non-installeΣ ì
environmen⌠ (sucΦ a≤ wheε thσ use≥ firs⌠ receive≤ ZCPR3)¼ s∩ ì
thσá Z3TCAP.TC╨á filσ beinτ checkeΣ mus⌠ bσ iεá thσá curren⌠ ì
Selected Error Messages:
Examples of Use:
-- check Z3TCAP.TCP
TCCHECK - TCAP Check Program
TCCHEC╦áá i≤áá useΣá t∩á checδá thσá Z3TCA╨á filσáá fo≥ ì
consistency« It≤ solσ functioε i≤ t∩ ensurσ thσ validit∙ oµ ì
the Z3TCAP file and provide some statistics on it.
Sample run of TCCHECK:
TCCHECK, Version 1.0 File Z3TCAP .TCP Not Found - Aborting
-- Note: Z3TCAP.TCP MUST be in the same directory
TCCHECK, Version 1.0
Z3TCAP File Check of Z3TCAP .TCP Version 1.1
File Checks with 44 Terminals Defined
Command: TCMAKE 1.0
TCMAKE ufn <-- default file type is Z3T
TCMAK┼á allow≤á thσ use≥ t∩á interactivel∙á definσá thσ ì
characteristic≤á oµ hi≤ termina∞ anΣ storσ thi≤á informatioε ì
iε thσ filσ referenced« Thi≤ filσ ma∙ theε bσ loadeΣ b∙ thσ ì
LDR utility.
A sample TCMAKE session is located in this HELP file.
Selected Error Messages:
Examples of Use:
See following frames
TCMAKE - TCAP Entry Definition Program
TCMAK┼ i≤ useΣ t∩ creatσ ß *.Z3T file«á Oncσá created¼ ì
thσá ZCPR│ utilit∙ LD╥ caε loaΣ i⌠ int∩ memor∙ a⌠ thσ prope≥ ì
location (command is "LDR filename.Z3T").
Sample run of TCMAKE:
B4:SCR2>tcmake //
TCMAKE, Version 1.0
TCMAKE - Create a Z3T File
TCMAKE outfile -or- TCMAKE outfile.typ
where "outfile" is the file to be generated by
the execution of TCMAKE. If no file type is
given, a file type of Z3T is the default.
B4:SCR2>tcmake myterm2
TCMAKE, Version 1.0
** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence
2. Cursor Motion Sequence
3. Clear to End of Line Sequence
4. Standout Mode Sequences
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences
6. Arrow Keys
7. Terminal Name
Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far)
Exit: X. Exit and Write File
Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File
Command? 2
Cursor Motion Definition
1. Timing Delay
Enter Delay Time in Milliseconds: 5
2. Enter R if Row/Column or C for Column/Row: R
3. Enter Equation for Row: %+
4. Enter Equation for Column: %+
5. Enter Prefix Byte Sequence
Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or <CR>=Done: Enter Number: 1bh
Char #2 - Type Char, .=Number, or <CR>=Done: Char =
Char #3 - Type Char, .=Number, or <CR>=Done:
6. Enter Middle Byte Sequence
Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or <CR>=Done:
7. Enter Suffix Byte Sequence
Char #1 - Type Char, .=Number, or <CR>=Done:
** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence
2. Cursor Motion Sequence
3. Clear to End of Line Sequence
4. Standout Mode Sequences
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences
6. Arrow Keys
7. Terminal Name
Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far)
Exit: X. Exit and Write File
Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File
Command? 6
Arrow Key Definition
Your Terminal's Arrow Keys may be defined ONLY
if they generate only one character each. If they
do, type Y to continue. If not, type anything else.
Define Arrow Keys (Y/N)? Y
Strike the Appropriate Arrow Key
1. Arrow UP? ^K
2. Arrow DOWN? ^V
3. Arrow RIGHT? ^L
4. Arrow LEFT? ^H
** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence
2. Cursor Motion Sequence
3. Clear to End of Line Sequence
4. Standout Mode Sequences
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences
6. Arrow Keys
7. Terminal Name
Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far)
Exit: X. Exit and Write File
Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File
Command? S
** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition
2. Cursor Motion Definition
3. Clear to End of Line Definition
4. Standout Mode Definition
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition
6. Arrow Key Definition
7. Terminal Name Definition
Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu
Command? 1
Review of Clear Screen Definition
1. Timing Delay = 0 Milliseconds
2. Clear Screen Sequence:
(1) ^[ 1BH (2) * 2AH
Strike Any Key to Continue -
** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition
2. Cursor Motion Definition
3. Clear to End of Line Definition
4. Standout Mode Definition
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition
6. Arrow Key Definition
7. Terminal Name Definition
Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu
Command? 2
Review of Cursor Motion Data
1. Timing Delay = 5 Milliseconds
2. Row or Column First: R
3. Row Equation: -->%+ <--
4. Column Equation: -->%+ <--
5. Prefix Byte Sequence:
(1) ^[ 1BH (2) = 3DH
6. Middle Byte Sequence:
-- Empty --
7. Suffix Byte Sequence:
-- Empty --
Strike Any Key to Continue -
** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition
2. Cursor Motion Definition
3. Clear to End of Line Definition
4. Standout Mode Definition
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition
6. Arrow Key Definition
7. Terminal Name Definition
Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu
Command? 6
Review of Arrow Key Definitions
1. Arrow UP = ^K
2. Arrow DOWN = ^V
3. Arrow RIGHT = ^L
4. Arrow LEFT = ^H
Strike Any Key to Continue -
** Z3TCAP Status for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Review: 1. Clear Screen Definition
2. Cursor Motion Definition
3. Clear to End of Line Definition
4. Standout Mode Definition
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Definition
6. Arrow Key Definition
7. Terminal Name Definition
Exit: X. Exit to Main Menu
Command? X
** Z3TCAP Main Menu for File MYTERM2 .Z3T **
Define: 1. Clear Screen Sequence
2. Cursor Motion Sequence
3. Clear to End of Line Sequence
4. Standout Mode Sequences
5. Terminal Init/Deinit Sequences
6. Arrow Keys
7. Terminal Name
Status: S. Print Status (Definitions so far)
Exit: X. Exit and Write File
Q. Quit and Abort Program without Writing File
Command? X
Selected Terminal is: Rick's Terminal -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y
File MYTERM2 .Z3T Created
Command: TCSELECT 1.0
TCSELECT ufn <-- default file type is Z3T
TCSELECT <-- selection stored in Env Desc
TCSELEC╘á allow≤á thσ use≥ t∩ interactivel∙ revie≈á thσ ì
content≤ oµ ß Z3TCAP.TC╨ filσ anΣ selec⌠ ß termina∞ froφ it« ì
Iµ aε unambigou≤ filσ namσ i≤ specifieΣ iε thσ commanΣ line¼ ì
TCSELEC╘ store≤ thσ selectioε int∩ thσ indicateΣá file«á Iµ ì
n∩á filσá namσá i≤á given¼á TCSELEC╘á store≤á thσá selectioε ì
directl∙áá int∩áá thσá TCA╨á sectioεá oµá thσáá memory-baseΣ ì
Environmen⌠ Descriptor.
Selected Error Messages:
Examples of Use:
See following frames
TCSELECT - TCAP Entry Selection Program
TCSELEC╘ i≤ useΣ t∩ selec⌠ ß termina∞ froφ thσ standarΣ ì
Z3TCA╨ file«á Thσ selecteΣ termina∞ ma∙ bσ loadeΣá directl∙ ì
int∩ memor∙ o≥ ß *.Z3T filσ ma∙ bσ created« Iµ ß *.Z3T filσ ì
i≤ created¼ thσ ZCPR│ utilit∙ LD╥ caε loaΣ i⌠ int∩ memor∙ a⌠ ì
the proper location (command is "LDR filename.Z3T").
Sample run of TCSELECT:
B4:SCR2>tcselect //
TCSELECT, Version 1.0
TCSELECT - Select Entry from Z3TCAP.TCP
TCSELECT outfile -or- TCSELECT outfile.typ
where "outfile" is the file to be generated by
the execution of TCSELECT. If no file type is
given, a file type of Z3T is the default.
where this alternate form may be used to store
the Z3TCAP entry for the selected terminal directly
into the Z3 Environment Descriptor.
Example 1: Create MYTERM.TCP Example 1
B4:SCR2>tcselect myterm
TCSELECT, Version 1.0
** Terminal Menu 1 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 **
A. AA Ambassador K. Concept 100
B. ADDS Consul 980 L. Concept 108
C. ADDS Regent 20 M. CT82
D. ADDS Viewpoint N. DEC VT52
E. ADM 2 O. DEC VT100
F. ADM 31 P. Dialogue 80
G. ADM 3A Q. Direct 800/A
H. ADM 42 R. General Trm 100A
I. Bantam 550 S. Hazeltine 1420
J. CDC 456 T. Hazeltine 1500
Enter Selection, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - +
** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1
A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200
B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120
C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee
D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132
E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061
F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800
G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424
H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912
I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920
J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950
Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - +
** Terminal Menu 3 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1
A. VC 404
B. VC 415
C. Visual 200
D. WYSE 50
Enter Selection, - for Last, or ^C to Exit - -
** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1
A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200
B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120
C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee
D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132
E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061
F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800
G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424
H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912
I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920
J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950
Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - T
Selected Terminal is: TVI 950 -- Confirm (Y/N)? N
** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 1
A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200
B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120
C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee
D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132
E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061
F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800
G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424
H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912
I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920
J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950
Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - S
Selected Terminal is: TVI 920 -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y
File MYTERM .Z3T Created
-- Example 2: Select terminal and store it in memory TCSELECT
B4:SCR2>tcselect Example 2
TCSELECT, Version 1.0
** Terminal Menu 1 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 **
A. AA Ambassador K. Concept 100
B. ADDS Consul 980 L. Concept 108
C. ADDS Regent 20 M. CT82
D. ADDS Viewpoint N. DEC VT52
E. ADM 2 O. DEC VT100
F. ADM 31 P. Dialogue 80
G. ADM 3A Q. Direct 800/A
H. ADM 42 R. General Trm 100A
I. Bantam 550 S. Hazeltine 1420
J. CDC 456 T. Hazeltine 1500
Enter Selection, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - +
** Terminal Menu 2 for Z3TCAP Version 1.1 ** Example 2
A. Hazeltine 1510 K. P Elmer 1200
B. Hazeltine 1520 L. SOROC 120
C. H19 (ANSI Mode) M. Super Bee
D. H19 (Heath Mode) N. TAB 132
E. HP 2621 O. Teleray 1061
F. IBM 3101 P. Teleray 3800
G. Micro Bee Q. TTY 4424
H. Microterm ACT IV R. TVI 912
I. Microterm ACT V S. TVI 920
J. P Elmer 1100 T. TVI 950
Enter Selection, - for Last, + for Next, or ^C to Exit - T
Selected Terminal is: TVI 950 -- Confirm (Y/N)? Y
ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor Loaded