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Text File
1,888 lines
; VERSION: 2.0
; DATE: 9 APR 84
; PREVIOUS VERSIONS: 1.5 (9 JAN 83), 1.4 (6 JAN 83), 1.3 (7 DEC 82)
; PREVIOUS VERSIONS: 1.2 (2 NOV 82), 1.1 (30 OCT 82), 1.0 (20 OCT 82)
vers equ 20
z3env SET 0f400h
; XDIR III -- Extended Disk Directory Program
; ZCPR3 Version
; XDIR III produces a formatted, alphabetized listing of the contents
; of the disk directory of the implied (current logged-in) or specified disk.
; XDIR III is invoked by a command line of the following form --
; XDIR dir:filename.typ ooo...
; or
; XDIR /oooo...
; where:
; dir is an optional directory name or a disk/user specification (du)
; if dir is omitted, XDIR III defaults to the current disk/user
; filename.typ is an ambiguous file name and type (* and ? may be used)
; o are option letters as follows:
; Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed;
; a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
; a=A for All Files (System and Non-System)
; D - Send Output to Disk as well as screen
; Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
; f=L to Log File Names to Disk
; f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
; f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to Logged
; I - Inspect files selected by FL option for inclusion
; N - Negate selection; select those files which do NOT
; match the ambiguous file name
; Oo - Set Output Parameters;
; o=A to Toggle File Attributes, o=F to Form Feed at end
; o=G to Toggle Grouping, o=H to Toggle Hor/Vert
; P - Print display as well as show it on the screen
; PF - Same as POF
; U - Select All User Areas
; Options may be combined as desired; note that AA is the same as AS and AN,
; but AS by itself negates AN and vice-versa, with AN taking precident
; CP/M Equates
base equ 0
wboot equ base
bdose equ base+5
fcb equ base+5ch
buff equ base+80h
ctrlc equ 'C'-'@'
cr equ 0dh
ff equ 0ch
lf equ 0ah
esize equ 16 ; size of directory entries
optch equ '/' ; option char
maxent equ 54 ; maximum number of entries/screen
; External Routines
ext bdos ; BDOS
ext dutdir ; convert DU to DIR form
ext z3log ; log into DU or DIR
ext z3init ; init buffers
ext dbuffer ; disk routines
ext dfree
ext diralpha
ext dirsload
ext dirpack
ext dirnpack
ext dirsel
ext dparam
ext fsize
ext fo0$open ; byte-oriented file output
ext fo0$close
ext f0$put
ext fo1$open
ext fo1$close
ext f1$put
ext fi1$open
ext fi1$close
ext f1$get
ext bbline ; input line editor
ext retud ; get current user and disk
ext print ; print routines
ext pstr
ext lpstr
ext lcrlf
ext caps ; capitalize char
ext cin ; console in char
ext lout ; print char
ext cout ; console out char
ext crlf ; new line
ext madc ; a as dec chars in memory
ext mhldc ; hl as dec chars in memory
ext fillb ; memory fill
ext moveb ; memory move
ext codend ; beginning of buffer area
; Environment Definition
if z3env ne 0
; External ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor
jmp start
db 'Z3ENV' ;This is a ZCPR3 Utility
db 1 ;External Environment Descriptor
dw z3env
lhld z3eadr ;pt to ZCPR3 environment
; Internal ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor
jmp start
lxi h,z3eadr ;pt to ZCPR3 environment
; Start of Program -- Initialize ZCPR3 Environment
call z3init ;initialize the ZCPR3 Env and the VLIB Env
jmp start0
; Other Buffers (Set by GENINS)
igrp: db 0ffh ; Group by file type and name
ifmt: db 0 ; vertical format
iatt: db 10000000b ; Non-System files only
iscn: db 0 ; 0=dir display, 0ffh=scan for files by default
fenab: db 0ffh ; enable F options (0=no)
lenab: db 0ffh ; enable FL option (0=no)
asenab: db 0ffh ; enable AS option (0=no)
irs: db 0ffh ; enable attribute display (0=no)
iff: db 0 ; enable form feed at end (0=no)
; Command Line Option Table
db 'A'
dw opta
db 'D'
dw optd
db 'F'
dw optf
db 'I'
dw opti
db 'N'
dw optn
db 'O'
dw opto
db 'P'
dw optp
db 'U'
dw optu
db 0
; **** Start of XDIR III ****
; Save stack ptr for return later
lxi h,0 ; get stack
dad sp
shld stack ; save stack ptr for return
call codend ; determine free space (CODEND also pts to Command
; Line Save Area)
lxi d,100h ; block size to save
dad d
dad d ; allow for 256-byte stack
shld buffer ; start of free buffer area
sphl ; set stack ptr
; Save command line in CMDLNE buffer
call codend ; pt to command line buffer
xchg ; ... in DE
lxi h,buff+1 ; copy input line into command line buffer
mov a,m ; get byte
stax d ; put byte
inx h ; pt to next
inx d
ora a ; end of line?
jnz start1
; Get and save current user number
call retud ; get current user and disk
mov a,b ; get disk into A
sta curdisk ; current disk number
mov a,c ; set current user
sta curuser
; Log into DU or DIR
lxi d,fcb ; use data determined by ZCPR3
call z3log ; ZCPR3 command line interpretation
call retud ; get current user and disk
mov a,c ; set current user
sta aflg
mov a,b ; set disk
sta disk
; Set flag values
lda irs ; get RS display option
sta rsflg ; set RS display option
lda iff ; get form feed option
sta ffflg ; set form feed option
lda igrp ; set grouping (file name/type or type/name)
sta gflg
lda ifmt ; set listing format (vertical or horizontal, 0=vert)
sta hflg
lda iatt ; set file attributes
mov c,a ; save in c
lda aflg ; get current user number
ora c ; mask in file attributes
sta aflg ; save flag
lda iscn ; set initial function (Scan or Dir)
sta fflg
xra a ; A=0
sta nflg ; set no negation
sta dflg ; set no disk output
sta pflg ; set no printer output
sta iflg ; set no file name inspection (for /FP)
; Assume wild file name
lxi h,fcb+1 ; store '?' chars
mvi b,11 ; 11 chars
mov a,m ; check for entry specified
cpi ' ' ; test for space (means no entry)
mvi a,'?' ; prepare for '?' fill
cz fillb
mov a,m ; check for option caught
cpi optch ; test for option flag
mvi a,'?' ; prepare for '?' fill
cz fillb
; Scan command line for options
call codend ; pt to first char
call sblank ; skip over blanks
ora a ; end of line?
jz xdir ; begin main processing
inx h ; prep for invalid option
cpi optch ; option?
jz opt ; process options
dcx h ; ok to process for dir:filename.typ form
; skip over character of file name
mov a,m ; get char
inx h ; pt to next
cpi ' '
jz skipo2
ora a
jnz skipo1
jmp xdir ; run XDIR if no options follow
; Scan complete -- look for possible following option char
call sblank ; skip over blanks
mov a,m ; option char follows?
cpi optch
jnz opt
inx h ; skip over option char
; Look for options -- main loop; HL pts to next char
mov a,m ; get option char
inx h ; pt to next
ora a ; end of line?
jz xdir ; begin main processing
cpi ' ' ; skip over spaces
jz opt
cpi optch ; option char?
jz opterr ; loop back if so
lxi d,optab ; pt to option table
mov b,a ; option char in b
; Scan option table
ldax d ; get option table char
ora a ; end of table?
jz opterr ; invalid option error
cmp b ; compare to passed option
jz opt2 ; process if match
inx d ; skip address
inx d
inx d ; pt to next opt char
jmp opt1
; Process option found
inx d ; pt to low-order address
ldax d ; get it
mov c,a ; low in C
inx d ; pt to high-order address
ldax d ; get it
mov b,a ; high in B
push b ; BC on stack
ret ; Process option routine
; Option A -- File Attributes
mov a,m ; get next option letter
cpi 'N' ; Non-System files?
jz optan
cpi 'S' ; System files?
jz optas
cpi 'A' ; All files?
jnz opterr ; error if not
; Option AA -- All Files
lda asenab ; enable system files?
ora a ; 0=no
jz optan
mvi c,11000000b ; System and Non-system
lda aflg ; get flag
ani 3fh ; leave in user selection
ora c ; mask in sys/non-sys
sta aflg ; restore flag
inx h ; pt to next
jmp opt
; Option AS -- System Files
lda asenab ; enable system files?
ora a ; 0=no
jz optan
mvi c,01000000b ; System Only
jmp optaret
; Option AN -- Non-System Files
mvi c,10000000b ; Non-system Only
jmp optaret
; Option F - select file name buffer functions
mvi a,0ffh ; set flag
sta fflg
mov a,m ; get option char
sta fopt
cpi 'L' ; log file names to disk
jz optfok
cpi 'P' ; print names of files
jz optfok
cpi 'S' ; scan disk for files
jz optfok
jmp opterr ; error otherwise
inx h ; pt to next option letter
jmp opt
; Option I -- enable it; inspect for FL option only
mvi a,0ffh ; ON
sta iflg
jmp opt
; Option D -- enable it; Disk output
mvi a,0ffh ; ON
sta dflg
jmp opt
; Option P -- enable it; Printer output
mvi a,0ffh ; ON
sta pflg
mov a,m ; get possible 2nd letter
cpi 'F' ; set form feed if F
jnz opt ; process as next option letter if not F
inx h ; pt to next
jmp optof
; Option O -- control Output parameters
mov a,m ; get 2nd letter
inx h ; pt to next
cpi 'A' ; attributes?
jz optoa
cpi 'F' ; form feed?
jz optof
cpi 'G' ; grouping?
jz optog
cpi 'H' ; horizontal/vertical?
jz optoh
dcx h ; adjust back
jmp opterr
; Toggle File Attributes Flag
lda rsflg ; flip flag
sta rsflg
jmp opt
; Toggle Form Feed Flag
lda ffflg ; flip flag
sta ffflg
jmp opt
; Toggle Grouping
lda gflg ; flip flag
sta gflg ; 0=file name and type
jmp opt
; Toggle Horizontal/Vertical Listing
lda hflg ; flip flag
sta hflg ; 0=vertical
jmp opt
; Option N -- enable it; Negate Selection
mvi a,0ffh ; ON
sta nflg
jmp opt
; Option U - enable it; Select All User Areas
lda aflg ; get current attributes flag
ori 20h ; select all user areas
sta aflg ; put flag back
jmp opt
; Option error message
xra a ; set no disk or printer output
sta dflg
sta pflg
call banner ; print banner
call print
db cr,lf,'Syntax:'
db cr,lf,' XDIR dir:filename.typ ooo...'
db cr,lf,'or XDIR /oooo...'
db cr,lf,'Options:'
db cr,lf,' Aa - File Attributes'
db cr,lf,' a=S for System, a=N for Non-System'
db cr,lf,' a=A for All Files (System and Non-System)'
db cr,lf,' D - Send Output to Disk File XDIR.DIR'
db cr,lf,' Ff - Enable a File Buffer Function'
db cr,lf,' f=L for Log Names to FNAMES.DIR'
db cr,lf,' f=P to Print Names stored in FNAMES.DIR'
db cr,lf,' f=S to Scan Disk and Compare to FNAMES.DIR'
db cr,lf,' I - Inspect Logged Files (FL Option Only)'
db cr,lf,' N - Negate Selection'
db cr,lf,' Oo - Toggle Output Features'
db cr,lf,' o=A for File Attributes, o=F for Form Feed'
db cr,lf,' o=G for Grouping, o=H for Horiz/Vert Format'
db cr,lf,' P - Send Display to Printer'
db cr,lf,' PF - Same as POF'
db cr,lf,' U - Select All User Areas'
db 0
; Return to CP/M
lda dflg ; disk output?
ora a ; 0=no
cnz fo0$close ; close file if so
lhld stack ; get old stack ptr
ret ; return to CP/M
; Memory Overflow Error
call printx
db cr,lf,'TPA Error',0
jmp return
; Print banner of XDIR III
call printx
db 'XDIR III, Version '
db vers/10+'0','.',(vers mod 10)+'0',0
; Begin XDIR III processing
; This section disables the /Ff option and /FL option if default set
lda fenab ; enable FFLG? (/Ff option)
ora a ; 0=no
jnz xdst1
xra a ; turn off FFLG
sta fflg
lda lenab ; enable FL option?
ora a ; 0=no
jnz xdst2
lda fflg ; FFLG on?
ora a ; 0=no
jz xdst2
lda fopt ; check for L
cpi 'L'
jnz xdst2
mvi a,'P' ; switch L to P
sta fopt
lda fflg ; file name buffer option?
ora a ; 0=no
jz xdirst
xra a ; A=0
sta gflg ; group by file name and type
lda fopt ; print immediately if P option
cpi 'P' ; print?
jnz xdirst
call banner ; print banner
jmp xdirfp ; print file names
; Check for Print Option and Ask for and Print Header if so
lda pflg ; printer output?
ora a ; 0=no
jz xdirgo
call print ; message to user
db cr,lf,'Please Input Header: ',0
xra a ; no caps
call bbline ; input line from user
ora a ; no chars?
jz xdirgo
call lcrlf ; new line
call lpstr ; print header line
call lcrlf ; new line
; Get Files from Disk
lhld buffer ; end of code
call dbuffer ; set buffers
jz memerr ; memory overflow error?
push h ; save regs
push d
call dfree ; compute amount of free space on disk
xchg ; amount in hl
shld freesiz ; save free space count
pop d ; get regs
pop h
call dirsload ; load with sizing information
jz memerr ; memory overflow error?
push h ; save hl
mov h,b ; HL=number of files loaded
mov l,c
shld totfil ; save total count
push b ; save bc
lda curdisk ; prepare to relog in disk
mov e,a
mvi c,14 ; select disk
call bdos
lda curuser ; prepare to relog in user
mov e,a
mvi c,32 ; select user
call bdos
; Open disk file if necessary for disk output
lda dflg ; disk output?
ora a ; 0=no
jz xdir0
lxi d,dskfcb ; open disk file for char output
call fo0$open ; open file for output
pop b ; get count
pop h ; get ptr
; Continue processing; select desired files
lda aflg ; get file attributes
lxi d,fcb ; get ptr to fcb
call dirsel ; select files
; Now, pack and alphabetize directory
lda nflg ; negate selection?
ora a ; 0=no
cz dirpack ; select marked entries
cnz dirnpack ; select unmarked entries
lda gflg ; get grouping flag
call diralpha ; alphabetize directory
shld firstf ; save ptr to first file
mov h,b ; HL=file count
mov l,c
shld fcount ; save file count
shld countf ; save file down count
lxi h,0 ; set file size counter
shld totsiz ; save counter
lda dflg ; set temp flags
sta dflgt
lda pflg
sta pflgt
; Major feature selection --
; Two major features of XDIR are selected at this time:
; 1. Directory Display Functions
; 2. File Name Buffer Functions
; At this point, the following key values are know:
; FIRSTF - Pointer to First File
; FCOUNT, COUNTF - Number of Files
lda fflg ; get flag
ora a ; Z=Directory Display, NZ=File Name Buffer Fcts
jnz xdirf ; Do File Name Buffer Fcts
; Main Directory Print Routine -- This routine displays the directory to
; the console, printer, or disk as desired
; Print header lines and one screen of entries
lda dflg ; save disk and print output flags
sta dflgs
lda pflg
sta pflgs
lda dflgt ; use temp flags
sta dflg
lda pflgt
sta pflg
xra a ; A=0
sta dflgt ; clear temp flags so no banner 2nd time around
sta pflgt
; Print: Main Banner
call banner ; print banner
; Print: Horizontal/Vertical Listing Message
call printx
db ' ',0
lda hflg ; get horizontal/vertical flag
ora a ; 0=vertical
jnz xdir2a
call printx
db 'Vertical',0
jmp xdir3
call printx
db 'Horizontal',0
; Print: Listing by File Name and Type or Type and Name Message
call printx
db ' Listing by File ',0
lda gflg ; grouping flag
ora a ; 0=name and type
jnz xdir3a
call printx
db 'Name/Type',0
jmp xdir4
call printx
db 'Type/Name',0
; Print: Disk and User
call printx ; print everywhere
db cr,lf,' Disk: ',0
lda disk ; get current disk
adi 'A' ; convert to ASCII
call coutx ; print everywhere
call printx ; print everywhere
db ' User: ',0
lda aflg ; get user number
ani 20h ; all?
jz xdir4b
call printx
db 'All',0
jmp xdir5
lda aflg ; get selected user
ani 1fh ; select user number
lxi d,numbuf ; store number in buffer
call madc ; get number
mvi b,3 ; 3 digits
call prnumx ; print number everywhere
; Print: Directory Name
lda aflg ; check for all users
mov c,a ; save in C
ani 20h
jnz xdir5fa
mov a,c ; get user
ani 1fh ; mask for just user
mov c,a
lda disk ; select disk
mov b,a
call dutdir ; determine if name available
jz xdir5fa
call printx
db ' Name: ',0
mvi b,8 ; 8 chars to name
mov a,m ; get char
inx h ; pt to next
cpi ' ' ; don't print spaces
cnz coutx
dcr b ; count down
jnz xdir5n
; Print: Selected File Attributes
call printx
db ', File Attributes: ',0
lda aflg ; get flag
push psw ; save A
ani 80h ; Non-system?
jz xdir5a
call printx
db ' Non-System',0
pop psw ; get A
ani 40h ; System?
jz xdir5b
call printx
db ' System',0
; See if any files selected
lhld countf ; get file down count
mov a,h ; any files?
ora l
jnz xdir6
call printx ; print everywhere
db cr,lf,'No files selected -- ',0
jmp xdir11
; This is the main looping entry point for each screen display
lda aflg ; all users selected?
ani 20h
jnz xdir6a
; This is the header which is printed if the files in only one user area are
; displayed
call crlfx ; new line
call hdr2 ; pt to header
lda rsflg
ora a ; Z=no
cnz sp0 ; print RS
call sp2 ; print leading spaces
call hdr2 ; print header
lda rsflg
ora a ; Z=no
cnz sp0 ; print RS
call sp2 ; print leading spaces
call hdr2 ; print header
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp0
call crlfx ; new line
call hdr1 ; print underlines
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
call sp2 ; leading spaces
call hdr1 ; underlines
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
call sp2 ; leading spaces
call hdr1 ; underlines
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
jmp xdir6b
; General-Purpose Header Print Routines
call printx
db ' RS',0
call printx
db ' --',0
call printx
db ' ',0
call printx
db ' U ',0
call printx
db ' ',0
call printx
db ' - ',0
call printx
db '-------- --- ------',0
call printx
db 'Filename.Typ Size K',0
; This is the header which is printed if the files in all user areas are
; displayed
call crlfx
call spu ; print U
call hdr2 ; print header
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp0 ; RS
call spu1
call spu ; print U
call hdr2 ; print header
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp0 ; RS
call spu1
call spu ; print U
call hdr2 ; print header
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp0 ; RS
call crlfx
call spu2 ; 1 underscore
call hdr1 ; underscores
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
call spu1
call spu2 ; 1 underscore
call hdr1 ; underscores
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
call spu1
call spu2 ; 1 underscore
call hdr1 ; underscores
lda rsflg
ora a
cnz sp1
; Prepare Columnar Output
lda dflgs ; restore disk and print flags
sta dflg
lda pflgs
sta pflg
lhld countf ; get file count down
lxi d,maxent ; assume maxent entries to print
mov a,h ; within range?
ora a ; outside of range if not
jnz xdir7 ; subtract entries to print from total entries
mov a,l ; within range?
cpi maxent ; less than maxent entries left?
jnc xdir7 ; subtract entries to print from total entries
mov d,h ; DE=HL=number of entries to print
mov e,l
mov a,l ; subtract entries to print (DE) from total (HL)
sub e
mov l,a
mov a,h
sbb d
mov h,a ; HL=result
shld countf ; save new down count
mov b,h ; BC=count
mov c,l
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
; At this point, BC=number of remaining entries, DE=number of entries to
; print, and HL pts to first entry to print
shld ptr1 ; save ptr to 1st entry
lda hflg ; horizontal listing?
ora a ; 0ffh = yes
jnz xdir7c ; don't worry about columns if horizontal
push d ; save count
call divde3 ; divide DE by 3, result*esize in BC, remainder in A
lxi d,esize ; DE=ESIZE (size of entry)
dad b ; add BC as a minimum
ora a ; any remainder?
jz xdir7a ; skip if none
dad d ; add in ESIZE for additional length of 1st col
shld ptr2 ; save ptr to col 2
dad b ; add BC as a minimum
cpi 2 ; if remainder 2, add ESIZE for additional
jc xdir7b
dad d ; add in ESIZE
shld ptr3 ; save ptr to col 3
pop d ; get count in de
; Main entry print routine
mvi d,1 ; set 3's counter
lhld ptr1 ; pt to first entry
call prentry ; print entry
shld ptr1 ; put ptr
lda hflg ; horizontal?
ora a ; 0ffh = yes
jnz xdir9
dcr e ; count down
jz xdir10
lhld ptr2 ; get ptr
call prentry ; print entry
shld ptr2 ; put ptr
dcr e ; count down
jz xdir10
lhld ptr3 ; get ptr
call prentry ; print entry
shld ptr3 ; put ptr
dcr e ; count down
jnz xdir8 ; continue if not zero
shld firstf ; save ptr to first of next set of entries to print
lhld countf ; get count of remaining entries
; At this point, HL=number of entries left
mov a,h ; anything left?
ora l
jz xdir10
lda dflg ; no message if disk or printer output
mov b,a
lda pflg
ora b
jnz xdir6
call print ; screen break
db cr,lf,' --> Screen Break -- Strike any char <-- ',0
call cin ; get response
cpi ctrlc ; abort?
jz return
jmp xdir6 ; new screen display
; Print end statistics and exit
call crlfx ; new line
lhld fcount ; print file count
call prhlx ; print it everywhere
call printx
db ' Files Using ',0
lhld totsiz ; get total of file sizes
call prhlx ; print it everywhere
call printx
db 'K, ',0
lhld totfil ; print total file count
call prhlx ; print it everywhere
call printx
db ' Files on Disk and ',0
; Print Amount of Free Space Left on Disk
; Entry Point if No Files Found
lhld freesiz ; get amount of free space
call prhlx ; print it everywhere
call printx
db 'K Left',0
lda dflg ; if disk or printer output, new line
mov b,a
lda pflg
ora b
jz return
call crlfx ; new line for disk and/or printer
lda pflg ; print output
mov b,a
lda ffflg ; form feed
ana b ; if print and form feed ... NZ is set
mvi a,ff ; form feed char
cnz lout ; form feed to printer
jmp return
; File Name Buffer Functions
call banner ; print banner
lda iscn ; just scan?
ora a ; 0=no
jnz xdirfs
lda fopt ; get option of F command
cpi 'L' ; log names to disk?
jz xdirfl
cpi 'S' ; scan names on disk?
jz xdirfs
; File Name Print Option; /FP option
call openin ; open FNAMES.DIR for input
call printx
db cr,lf,cr,lf
db 'Printout of Recorded File Names --',cr,lf,' ',0
; Extract File Name Count
call f1$get ; get low count
jnz geterr
mov l,a ; save in L
call f1$get ; get high count
jnz geterr
mov h,a ; save in H
push h ; save HL
call prhlx ; print HL everywhere
call printx
db ' File Names',cr,lf,0
call prfhdr ; print file name header
pop h ; get HL
mvi c,0 ; set entry counter
; Loop for extracting names from FNAMES.DIR and printing them
mov a,h ; no more entries?
ora l
jz xdfp2
dcx h ; count down
call getdfn ; get next disk file name from FNAMES.DIR
call prfnfx ; print file name entry
inr c ; increment count
mov a,c ; new line time?
ani 3
cz crlfx
jmp xdfp1
call fi1$close
call crlfx ; new line
jmp return
; Log File Names to Disk; /FL option
; Structure of FNAMES.DIR file is:
; File Name Count, Low-Order Byte
; File Name Count, High-Order Byte
; File Names, stored as 12 bytes -- User Number, FN, and FT
lxi d,fnfcb ; open file for output
call fo1$open
jz xdfl1
call printx
db cr,lf,'Cannot Create FNAMES.DIR',0
jmp return
; Log Files to Disk with possible initial inspect and select by user
lda iflg ; inspect?
ora a ; 0=no
cnz flinsp ; inspect if selected
; Print file count
call printx
db cr,lf,cr,lf
db 'Logging File Names to Disk --',cr,lf,' ',0
lhld fcount ; get count
call prhlx ; print it
call printx
db ' File Names',cr,lf,0
; Check file count and print appropriate header
lhld fcount ; get number of files
mov a,h ; any files?
ora l
jz xdfl1a
call prfhdr ; print file name header
jmp xdfl1b
call printx ; no files
db ' No Files to be Logged',0
; Store file count to disk
mov a,l ; store low count
call f1$put
jnz puterr
mov a,h ; store high count
call f1$put
jnz puterr
xchg ; ... in DE
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
mvi c,0 ; set display counter
; Loop to store files names
mov a,d ; done?
ora e
jz xdfl3
dcx d ; count down
; Write entry to disk
push d ; save count
push h ; save ptr to file
mov a,m ; get user number
call f1$put ; save it
jnz puterr
lxi d,numbuf ; print user number
push d ; save ptr
call madc
pop d ; get ptr
inx d ; pt to 1st digit
ldax d ; get it
call coutx
inx d ; pt to last digit
ldax d ; get it
call coutx
mvi a,' ' ; <SP>
call coutx
inx h ; pt to FN
mvi b,8 ; 8 chars
call xdput
mvi a,'.'
call coutx
mvi b,3 ; 3 chars
call xdput
mvi a,' ' ; print <SP>
call coutx
call coutx
inr c ; increment count
mov a,c ; get count
ani 3
cz crlfx
pop h ; get ptr to first file
pop d ; get count
push b
lxi b,esize ; pt to next file
dad b
pop b
jmp xdfl2
; Done with creation of FNAMES.DIR
call fo1$close ; close file
call crlfx
jmp return
; Write B chars pted to by HL to FNAMES.DIR and user
mov a,m ; get char
call coutx ; print it everywhere
call f1$put ; put it on disk
jnz puterr
inx h ; pt to next
dcr b ; count down
jnz xdput
; Inspect Files for Logging to Disk
lhld fcount ; get count of files
xchg ; ... in DE
mov a,d ; any files selected?
ora e
rz ; abort if none
; Inspection banner
call printx
db cr,lf,'Inspection of Files to be Logged',0
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
; Main inspection loop
mov a,d ; any files selected?
ora e
jz flil3 ; done if not
dcx d ; count down
push d ; save count
lxi d,dfnbuf ; copy file name to buffer
mvi b,12 ; 12 bytes
call moveb
call printx
db cr,lf,'Log ',0
call prfnfx ; print file name for prompt
call printx
db ' to Disk (Y/N)? ',0
call cin ; get response
call caps ; capitalize
call coutx
cpi 'N' ; No?
jz flil2
mov a,m ; mark user number
ori 80h
mov m,a
lxi d,esize ; skip to next entry
dad d
pop d ; get count
jmp flil1
lhld fcount ; get number of files
mov b,h ; count in BC
mov c,l
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
call dirpack ; pack directory
mov h,b ; new count in HL
mov l,c
shld fcount ; set counts
shld countf
; Error Message for Output
call printx
db cr,lf,'Disk Write Error',0
jmp return
; Scan Disk for File Names; /FS option
call printx
db cr,lf,'File Name Scanner',0
call openin ; open FNAMES.DIR for input
call printx
db cr,lf,'Files Named in FNAMES.DIR missing from Disk --',cr,lf,0
; Get file name count
call f1$get ; get file name count from disk
jnz geterr
mov c,a ; store low
call f1$get
jnz geterr
mov b,a ; store high
lhld fcount ; get count of number of files
xchg ; ... in DE
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
xra a ; A=0
sta crcnt ; set counter for CRLF
sta fmark ; mark no first file yet
; At this point, HL pts to first file in buffer, DE is number of files in
; buffer, and BC is number of files in FNAMES.DIR
mov a,b ; any names in FNAMES.DIR?
ora c
jz xdfs5 ; mark all names in buffer if not
call getdfn ; get first disk name
mov a,b ; see if any more files in FNAMES.DIR
ora c
jz xdfs5 ; mark rest of files in buffer and continue
mov a,d ; see if any more files in buffer
ora e
jz xdfs6 ; name rest of files in FNAMES.DIR as missing and cont
call compfn ; compare to file name pted to by HL
jz xdfs3a ; advance to next file if they match
jc xdfs3 ; mark file name pted to by HL as additional
lda fmark ; first file?
ora a ; 0=yes
jnz xdfs2a
mvi a,0ffh ; set mark
sta fmark
call prfhdr ; print header
call prfnfx ; print file name in FNAMES.DIR
dcx b ; count down
mov a,b ; done?
ora c
jz xdfs2
call getdfn ; get next name
lda crcnt ; get entry counter
inr a ; increment
sta crcnt
ani 3 ; mask
cz crlfx ; new line every 4
jmp xdfs2
mov a,m ; get user number
ori 80h ; mark it
mov m,a ; put it back
jmp xdfs4
call getdfn ; get next name
dcx b ; count down on names
push d ; save count
lxi d,esize ; pt to next entry
dad d
pop d ; get count
dcx d ; count down
jmp xdfs2 ; continue
; Mark rest of files in buffer
mov a,d ; check count
ora e
jz xdfs7
dcx d ; count down
mov a,m ; get user number
ori 80h ; mark it
mov m,a ; put user number
lxi b,esize ; skip to next file
dad b
jmp xdfs5 ; continue
; Name rest of files in FNAMES.DIR as missing
call prfnfx ; print file name in FNAMES.DIR
dcx b ; count down
mov a,b ; done?
ora c
jz xdfs7 ; next phase
lda crcnt ; get entry counter
inr a ; increment
sta crcnt
ani 3 ; mask
cz crlfx ; new line every 4
call getdfn ; get next name
jmp xdfs6
; Part 2 of Scan - Name Additional Files
lda fmark ; no files printed?
ora a ; 0=none
jnz xdfs7a
call printx
db ' No Files Missing',0
xra a ; A=0
sta fmark ; set mark for 2nd part
call printx
db cr,lf,'Additional Files on Disk NOT in FNAMES.DIR --',cr,lf,0
lhld fcount ; get count of files
xchg ; ... in DE
lhld firstf ; pt to first file
xra a ; A=0
sta crcnt ; set counter
mov a,d ; check count
ora e
jz xdfs9 ; done if zero
dcx d ; count down
mov a,m ; get user number
ani 80h ; marked?
jz xdfs8b ; skip if not
mov a,m ; get user number
ani 7fh ; mask
mov m,a ; replace
lda fmark ; first time?
ora a ; 0=yes
jnz xdfs8a
mvi a,0ffh ; set mark
sta fmark
call prfhdr ; print header
push d ; save count
lxi d,dfnbuf ; copy to buffer for print
mvi b,12 ; 12 bytes
call moveb ; copy
pop d
call prfnfx ; print file name
lda crcnt ; count down
inr a
sta crcnt
ani 3 ; new line?
cz crlfx
lxi b,esize ; pt to next entry
dad b
jmp xdfs8 ; continue
; Done with Scan
lda fmark ; no files printed?
ora a ; 0=none
jnz xdfs9a
call printx
db ' No Additional Files',0
jmp return
; Compare file name pted to by HL with that in DFNBUF; return with Z if same,
; C if (HL)<(DFNBUF)
push h ; save regs
push d
push b
lxi d,dfnbuf ; pt to buffer
xchg ; DE pts to file name, HL pts to DFNBUF
push h ; save ptrs
push d
mvi b,11 ; compare FN and FT
inx h ; pt to next
inx d
mov a,m ; get char from DFNBUF
ani 7fh ; mask MSB
mov c,a ; save in C
ldax d ; get name in memory buffer
ani 7fh ; mask MSB
cmp c ; compare to name in DFNBUF
jnz cfn2 ; not same, so exit with flag set
dcr b ; count down
jnz cfn1
pop d ; same so far, so compare user numbers
pop h
mov a,m ; get user number
ani 7fh ; mask MSB
mov c,a ; save in C
ldax d ; get user number
ani 7fh ; mask MSB
cmp c ; compare
push h ; fill stack for ext
push h
pop h ; clear stack
pop h
pop b ; get regs and exit
pop d
pop h
; General Utility Routines
; Print user and file name stored in DFNBUF for /Ff functions
push h ; save regs
push d
push b
lxi h,dfnbuf ; pt to first byte of buffer
mov a,m ; get first byte (user number)
lxi d,numbuf ; convert to chars in memory
call madc
lxi d,numbuf+1 ; pt to first char
ldax d ; get it
call coutx
inx d ; pt to 2nd char
ldax d ; get it
call coutx
mvi a,' ' ; <SP>
call coutx
inx h ; pt to FN
mvi b,8 ; 8 chars for FN
call prch
mvi a,'.'
call coutx
mvi b,3 ; 3 chars for FT
call prch
call prfhs ; 2 <sp>
pop b ; get regs
pop d
pop h
; Get next User Number, FN, and FT from disk and save it in buffer
push h ; save regs
push d
push b
lxi h,dfnbuf ; pt to buffer
mvi b,12 ; 12 bytes
call f1$get ; get user
jnz geterr
mov m,a ; store user
inx h ; pt to next
dcr b ; count down
jnz getdf1
pop b ; restore regs
pop d
pop h
; Print File Buffer Names Header Everywhere
mvi b,3 ; 3 times
call prfh1 ; print header
call prfhs ; print 2 spaces
dcr b
jnz prfhd1
call prfh1
call crlfx
mvi b,3 ; 3 times
call prfh2 ; print header
call prfhs ; print 2 spaces
dcr b
jnz prfhd2
call prfh2
call crlfx
call printx
db ' ',0
call printx
db ' U Filename.Typ',0
call printx
db ' - -------- ---',0
; Get Error Message and Abort
call printx
db cr,lf,'Premature EOF',0
jmp return
; Open FNAMES.DIR for byte-oriented input
lxi d,fnfcb ; open file
call fi1$open ; open for input
call printx
db cr,lf,'FNAMES.DIR Not Found',0
jmp return
; Print disk entry for normal directory display functions
dcr d ; count <CRLF> counter
jnz prent1
mvi d,3 ; reset count
call crlfx
shld entptr ; save entry ptr
lda aflg ; all users selected?
ani 20h
jz prent2
; The following prints the user number if all user numbers are selected
push h ; save regs
push d
push b
mov a,m ; get user number
ani 1fh ; mask it
lxi d,numbuf
call madc ; convert to chars in memory
lxi h,numbuf+1 ; pt to first char
mov a,m ; get it
call coutx
inx h ; get 2nd char
mov a,m
call coutx
mvi a,' ' ; print <SP>
call coutx
pop b ; get regs
pop d
pop h
inx h ; pt to first char of file name
mvi b,8 ; print 8 chars
call prch
mvi a,'.' ; print dot
call coutx
push h ; save RS ptr
mvi b,3 ; print 3 chars
call prch
push d ; save de
lhld entptr ; pt to entry
mvi a,' ' ; skip 2 spaces
call coutx
call coutx
call fsize ; compute file size
lhld totsiz ; get total file size counter
dad d ; add in new file
shld totsiz ; save new total file size counter
xchg ; get file size into HL
call prhlx ; print HL value
pop d ; get de
pop h ; pt to RS
lda rsflg ; print RS fields?
ora a ; Z=no
jz pren2a
mvi a,' ' ; print 1 space
call coutx
mvi b,'R' ; letter
call prletx ; print R if bit set
inx h
mvi b,'S' ; letter
call prletx ; print S if bit set
dcx h ; ... for following inx h
inx h ; point correctly
mvi a,' ' ; 1 space
call coutx
lda aflg ; all users?
ani 20h
jnz prent3
; The following prints 2 additional spaces if only one user area is selected
mvi a,' ' ; 2 more spaces for not all users
call coutx
call coutx
lxi b,6 ; pt to next entry
dad b
; Print B chars pted to by HL
mov a,m ; get char
inx h ; pt to next
ani 7fh ; mask out msb
cpi ' ' ; within range?
jnc prch1 ; print special char if not valid char
mvi a,'?' ; print ? if not valid char
call coutx ; print it
dcr b ; count down
jnz prch
; Extended Print Routines
mov a,m ; get byte
ani 80h ; look at msb
jz prlets
mov a,b ; get letter
call coutx
mvi a,' ' ; print <sp>
call coutx
lxi d,numbuf ; store in number buffer
call mhldc ; hl into memory as decimal
mvi b,5 ; 5 digits
lxi h,numbuf ; pt to buffer
mov a,m ; get digit
inx h ; pt to next
call coutx ; print everywhere
dcr b ; count down
jnz prnum
xthl ; pt to string
call prxl ; print string at HL
mov a,m ; get byte
inx h ; pt to next
ora a ; done?
call coutx ; print everywhere
jmp prxl
push b ; save bc
push psw ; save char
ani 7fh ; mask out msb
mov b,a ; char in B
call cout ; print to screen
lda pflg ; printer on?
ora a ; 0=no
mov a,b ; get char
cnz lout ; printer output if on
lda dflg ; disk on?
ora a ; 0=no
mov a,b ; get char
cnz f0$put ; output to file
pop psw ; get char
pop b ; get bc
push psw ; save A
call printx
db cr,lf,0
pop psw ; get A
; Divide DE by 3; return with BC=result*esize, a=remainder
push d ; save de, hl
push h
mvi d,0 ; make sure D=0
mov a,e ; value in A
sui 3 ; subtract 3
jc divd32
jz divd33
inr d ; add 1 to result
jmp divd31
adi 3 ; add back in
jmp divd34
inr d ; add 1 for even division
sta rem ; save remainder
lxi b,esize
lxi h,0
mov a,d ; done?
ora a ; 0=yes
jz divd36
dcr d
dad b ; add in another ESIZE
jmp divd35
mov b,h ; BC is result
mov c,l
lda rem ; A is remainder
pop h ; restore regs
pop d
; Skip blanks
mov a,m ; pt to char
cpi ' ' ; blank?
inx h ; pt to next
jmp sblank
; Buffers
aflg: ds 1 ; attibute flag
dflg: ds 1 ; disk output on flag
fflg: ds 1 ; 0=no file name buffer function
gflg: ds 1 ; 0=group by name/type
hflg: ds 1 ; 0=vertical list
iflg: ds 1 ; 0=no inspect
nflg: ds 1 ; 0=no negate
pflg: ds 1 ; printer output on flag
fopt: ds 1 ; file name buffer option
crcnt: ds 1 ; entry counter
fmark: ds 1 ; first file marker
dflgt: ds 1 ; temp flags
pflgt: ds 1
dflgs: ds 1
pflgs: ds 1
rsflg: ds 1 ; RS Display Flag
ffflg: ds 1 ; form feed flag
disk: ds 1 ; selected disk
ds 1 ; current disk
ds 1 ; current user
rem: ds 1 ; remainder buffer
firstf: ds 2 ; ptr to first file of group to print
totfil: ds 2 ; total number of files on disk
fcount: ds 2 ; count of files
countf: ds 2 ; down count of files
ds 2 ; amount of free space on disk
ds 2 ; total size of all files
ptr1: ds 2 ; col output ptrs
ptr2: ds 2
ptr3: ds 2
entptr: ds 2 ; current entry ptr
numbuf: ds 6 ; number buffer
ds 12 ; disk file name buffer
db 0
db 0,0,0,0
ds 16
ds 4
db 0
db 0,0,0,0
ds 16
ds 4
cmdlne: ds 2 ; pointer to command line
buffer: ds 2 ; pointer to free space buffer
stack: ds 2 ; stack ptr