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368 lines
; Program: ERROR2
; Author: Richard Conn
; Version: 1.0
; Date: 5 Mar 84
version equ 10
; This error handler displays the error line to the user and
; provides him with four options as to how to process this line:
; 1. Replace the command in error with a new command
; 2. Skip the command in error and resume execution
; with the next command
; 3. Replace the command line as it now stands
; 4. Throw away the command line and resume user
; control
; Unlike ERROR1, ERROR2 is screen-oriented, using the Z3TCAP
; for support.
; This program is transportable from one ZCPR3 system to another
; provided it is reassembled with the correct address for the ZCPR3
; Environment Descriptor (Z3ENV) or DDT is used to patch this address
; (which is the first two bytes after the opening JMP). If an external
; ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor is not available, one will have to be
; provided by setting the Z3ENV equate to 0 and providing SYSENV.LIB in
; the current directory at assembly time.
; Equates for Key Values
z3env SET 0f400h ;address of ZCPR3 environment
cmtch equ ';' ;comment character
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
; External Z3LIB and SYSLIB Routines
ext z3vinit
ext print,pstr,codend,capine,bbline,crlf,moveb
ext erradr,puter1,puterc ;Error Handler Routines
ext qprint ;Quiet Mode Prints
ext getenv,getefcb,getcl1,qerror ;Z3 Messages et al
ext at,cls,stndout,stndend,gotoxy,vprint,gxymsg ;VLIB Routines
; Environment Definition
if z3env ne 0
; External ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor
jmp start
db 'Z3ENV' ;This is a ZCPR3 Utility
db 1 ;External Environment Descriptor
dw z3env
lhld z3eadr ;pt to ZCPR3 environment
; Internal ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor
jmp start
lxi h,z3eadr ;pt to ZCPR3 environment
; Start of Program -- Initialize ZCPR3 Environment
call z3vinit ;initialize the ZCPR3 Environment
; Print Banner
call qprint
db 'ERROR2, Version '
db (version/10)+'0','.',(version mod 10)+'0'
db cr,lf,0
; Determine if Program Invoked as an Error Handler or By the User
call qerror ;error?
jz handler ;handle error
; Invoked by the User, so Install as an Error Handler
call getenv ;must have a Z3TCAP entry
lxi d,80h ;pt to Z3TCAP
dad d
mov a,m ;must not be space or less
cpi ' '+1
jnc start0
call print
db cr,lf,' No Z3TCAP - Aborting',0
; Determine Name of Routine
call getefcb ;pt to external FCB
jz start1 ;proceed if external FCB not available
; Make Name Invoked by User the Name of the Error Handler
inx h ;pt to first char
lxi d,ername ;pt to name of error handler message
mvi b,8 ;at most 8 bytes
call moveb ;copy into buffer
; Make Command Line in Buffer the Error Handler
lxi h,ername ;make name in buffer the error handler
call puterc ;set command
mvi a,0ffh ;set error code
call puter1 ;set message
call print
db ' Error Handler Installed',0
; Handle Error
call erradr ;get address of error line
xchg ;HL pts to free area, DE pts to error line
call codend ;get ptr to free area
shld badcmd ;save ptr to bad command
; Extract Bad Command and Store It in Memory Starting at BADCMD
; DE pts to bad command, HL pts to location to store it at
ldax d ;get next char
mov m,a ;put it
ora a ;done?
jz sbad1
cpi cmtch ;check for comment
jz sbad1
inx h ;pt to next
inx d
jmp savebad
; Set ending 0 in bad command buffer and check for continuation
mvi m,0 ;store ending zero
inx h ;pt to next
cpi cmtch ;more?
jnz sbad2
inx d ;pt to rest of command
shld restcmd ;save rest of command line
; Extract Rest of Command Line and Store It in Memory Starting at RESTCMD
ldax d ;get next
mov m,a ;put it
inx h ;pt to next
inx d
ora a ;done?
jnz saverest
shld scratch ;save ptr to scratch area
; Prompt User for Action
call cls ;clear screen
call gxymsg
db 3,22
db '>>>> ',1,'VIDEO ERROR HANDLER',2,' <<<<',0
call gxymsg
db 5,28
db '-- Error Line --',0
call at
db 6,10
call stndout ;reverse video
call erradr ;get address of error line
call pstr
call stndend ;normal video
mvi h,10 ;position cursor
mvi l,15
shld infoxy
call gxymsg
db 8,30
db '-- Options --',0
call atinfo
call vprint
db '1. Replace Command in Error with a New Command',0
call atinfo
call vprint
db ' Replace ',1,0
lhld badcmd
call pstr
call atinfo
call atinfo
call vprint
db 2,'2. Advance to Next Command and Resume Processing',0
call atinfo
call vprint
db ' Advance to ',1,0
lhld restcmd
call pstr
call atinfo
call atinfo
call vprint
db 2,'3. Replace Entire Line with a New Line',0
call atinfo
call vprint
db ' Replace ',1,0
call erradr ;pt to error line
call pstr
call atinfo
call atinfo
call vprint
db 2,'4. Throw Away Entire Line and Continue',0
call atinfo
call vprint
db ' Throw Away ',1,0
call erradr ;pt to error line
call pstr
call stndend
call gxymsg
db 22,20
db 'Select Option - ',0
call capine
cpi '1' ;option 1
jz replace ;replace command in error
cpi '2' ;option 2
jz advance ;advance to next command
cpi '3' ;option 3
jz newline ;enter new line
cpi '4' ;option 4
jz flush ;throw away line
call print
db 8,' Invalid Option - Retry',0 ;backspace over error
jmp userin
; Position at INFOXY and advance ptr to next line
lhld infoxy ;pt to next position
call gotoxy ;go there
inr h ;next line
shld infoxy
; Replace Command in Error
call print
db ' Replacement Command?',cr,lf,' ',0
lhld restcmd ;pt to rest of command line in DE
mvi a,0ffh ;capitalize
call bbline ;get line from user
call build ;build and run command
jmp prompt ;continue if error
; Advance to Rest of Command Line
lhld restcmd ;pt to it
lxi h,empty ;HL pts to empty command, DE pts to tail
call build ;build and run command
jmp prompt ;continue if error
; Enter New Line
call print
db ' New Command?',cr,lf,' ',0
mvi a,0ffh ;capitalize
call bbline ;get line from user
lxi d,empty ;HL pts to user command, DE pts to empty command
call build ;build and run command
jmp prompt ;continue if error
; Flush Commands
ret ;simply exit if no more commands
; Build New Command Line in SCRATCH Area and Run it by returning to ZCPR3
; On input, HL pts to header, DE pts to tail
lxi b,1 ;set char count (1 for ending zero)
push d ;save ptr to tail
push h ;save ptr to header
lhld scratch ;pt to scratch area
pop d ;get ptr to header
ldax d ;get first char
ora a ;any there?
cnz copy ;copy line into buffer
pop d ;get ptr to tail
ldax d ;anything there?
ora a
jz bldt ;terminate build if not
mvi m,cmtch ;begin with semicolon
inx h ;pt to next
call copy
mvi m,0 ;store ending zero
; Store Command Line into MCL Buffer
call getcl1 ;pt to command line
cmp c ;check for char count within range
mov a,b ;check for line too long
ora a ;line too long?
rnz ;error if so
lxi d,4 ;pt to first char
push h ;save ptr to current
dad d
pop d ;get ptr to current
xchg ;DE pts to first char position, HL pts to CL buffer
mov m,e ;set address to resume processing
inx h
mov m,d
lhld scratch ;pt to new line
xchg ;in DE, while HL pts to first char position
call copy ;copy it
mov m,a ;store ending zero
pop d ;clear stack
ret ;resume processing
; Copy string pted to by DE into buffer pted to by HL
ldax d ;get next char
ora a ;done?
mov m,a ;store it
inx b ;increment count
inx h ;pt to next
inx d
jmp copy
; Buffers
db 'ERROR2 ',0 ;name of error handler
db 0 ;empty command line
ds 2 ;xy-coordinate for display
ds 2 ;ptr to bad command extracted
ds 2 ;ptr to tail of bad command line
ds 2 ;ptr to scratch area used to build new lines