Text File
603 lines
Directory Display Utilities
-- Summaries -- -- XDIR Details --
0 - Overview B - Basic Use
1 - XDIR F - File Selection
2 - XD N - File Name Scan
3 - DIR O - Output Control
-- Special Note --
S - Secure Systems
Therσá arσá fivσ director∙ displa∙á utilitie≤á provideΣ ì
witΦá thσá ZCPR│ System«á EacΦ provide≤ thσ use≥á witΦá thσ ì
basiπ functioε oµ displayinτ thσ name≤ oµ file≤ iε ß logica∞ ì
disδ director∙ (ß disδ anΣ use≥ area).
Thσá first¼á anΣ simplest¼á utilit∙ i≤ buil⌠á int∩á thσ ì
ZCPR│ CommanΣ Processor«á Thi≤ utility¼ invokeΣ b∙ thσ namσ ì
oµ DIR¼ i≤ ver∙ primitive¼ displayinτ jus⌠ thσ filσ name≤ iε ì
whatever order they reside on disk.
Thσ seconΣ utilit∙ i≤ availablσ a≤ ß utilit∙ withiε thσ ì
standarΣ Residen⌠ CommanΣ Package« Thi≤ utility¼ als∩ nameΣ ì
DIR, displays the file names sorted in alphabetical order.
Thσá thirΣá utilit∙ i≤ DIR.COM¼á ß smal∞á 2╦á transien⌠ ì
whicΦá display≤ filσ name≤ (sorteΣ b∙ filσ namσ anΣ typσá o≥ ì
b∙ typσ anΣ name⌐ anΣ filσ sizes.
Sincσá al∞ threσ oµ thesσ utilitie≤ arσ nameΣá DIR¼á i⌠ ì
make≤á sensσá t∩ enablσ onl∙ onσ oµ theφá pe≥á system«á Thσ ì
tradσá ofµ oµ utilit∙ fo≥ disδ spacσ i≤ thσ basiπ choicσá t∩ ì
be made.
Thσ las⌠ tw∩ utilitie≤ arσ X─ anΣ XDIR«á X─ i≤ ß fast¼ ì
4╦á utilit∙á whicΦá provide≤á ßá usefu∞á se⌠á oµáá function≤ ì
includinτá horizonta∞ anΣ vertica∞ displa∙á formats¼á outpu⌠ ì
sorteΣá b∙ filσ namσ anΣ typσ o≥ typσ anΣ name¼á R/╧ anΣ SY╙ ì
flags, and printer output.
XDI╥ i≤ 8╦ iε sizσ anΣ provide≤ al∞ oµ thσ feature≤á oµ ì
X─á plu≤ thσ abilit∙ t∩ writσ it≤ displa∙ t∩ disδ anΣ ß filσ ì
Thσá ZCPR│á Systeφ use≥ ma∙ finΣ usσ fo≥ al∞á oµá thesσ ì
utilitie≤á oεá hi≤á system¼áá dependinτá oεá hi≤á need≤á anΣ ì
preference«á Thσá smalle≥ utilitie≤ ma∙ d∩ thσ joΓ iεá mos⌠ ì
cases, and they load faster than the full-featured XDIR.
Al∞á oµá thesσ utilitie≤ arσ designeΣ t∩ bσá ruεá unde≥ ì
ZCPR│ exclusively« The∙ wil∞ no⌠ functioε correctl∙ unde≥ ß ì
conventional CP/M 2.2 system.
Thesσá utilitie≤ automaticall∙ adap⌠ t∩ an∙ Org-░ ZCPR│ ì
System¼á regardles≤ oµ thσ sizσ oµ it≤ disks« The∙ reaΣ thσ ì
disδá paramete≥ blocδ informatioε froφ thσ operatinτá systeφ ì
t∩á determinσá wha⌠á thσ attribute≤ oµá thσá disδá the∙á arσ ì
workinτá witΦá are¼á anΣá the∙ theεá presen⌠á thei≥á displa∙ ì
Comparison Matrix
--------- ------ ------- --- --- ----
Size N/A N/A 2K 4K 8K
Sort File Names No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Select Sort Order N/A No Yes Yes Yes
Select SYS Files Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Select All Files Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Negate File Select No No No No Yes
Displ File Attr No No No Yes Yes
Horiz/Vert Format No No No Yes Yes
Printer Output ^P ^P No Yes Yes
Form Feed No No No Yes Yes
Select All Users No No No No Yes
Disk Output No No No No Yes
File Scanner No No No No Yes
Command: XDIR 2.0
XDIR dir:afn ooo...
XDIR /ooo...
XDI╥á display≤ ß disδ director∙ t∩ thσ use≥ anΣ act≤ a≤ ì
a file name scanner.
Aa - Indicate attributes of files to be selected
a=A for All Files (System and Non-System)
a=N for Non-System Files [default]
a=S for System Files
─ - SenΣ Outpu⌠ t∩ Disδ Filσ XDIR.DIR
Ff - Enable a File Scanner Function
f=L to Log File Names to FNAMES.DIR
f=P to Print File Names Stored in FNAMES.DIR
f=S to Scan Disk and Compare to FNAMES.DIR
I - Inspect Logged Files (use with FL option only)
N - Negate Selection of Files
Oo - Select Output Features
o=┴ t∩ Disablσ Displa∙ oµ Filσ Attribute≤ (R¼ S)
o=F to Form Feed Printer when Display Done
o=G to Group Files by Name and Type
o=H to Display Files in Horizontal Format
P - Send Display to Printer
PF - Send Display to Printer with Trailing Form Feed
U - Select All User Areas
XDIR is on the order of 8K in size.
Thσá principa∞á reason≤á t∩á usσ XDI╥á ove≥á thσá othe≥ ì
director∙ displa∙ utilitie≤ are:
1. XDIR is able to send its output to disk
2. XDIR provides the File Scanner Function
3. XDIR can display all user areas of a disk
Iµ thσ defaul⌠ attribute≤ oµ XDI╥ arσ no⌠ t∩ thσ user'≤ ì
likinτ (eg¼á ß listinτ b∙ filσ namσ anΣ typσ i≤á preferred)¼ ì
there are three alternatives:
1. XDIR can be reassembled
2«á thσá attribute≤á caε bσ patcheΣ viß DD╘á (the∙ ì
start at the 6th byte from the front of the program)
3«á aεá ALIA╙á caε bσ createΣá whicΦá select≤á thσ ì
desired attributes for the user
Selected Error Messages:
"TP┴á Erroró indicate≤ memor∙ overflow╗á therσ wa≤á no⌠ ì
enougΦá memor∙á availablσá iεá thσá TP┴á t∩á loaΣá thσá disδ ì
Examples of Use:
-- display≤á ß listinτ oµ thσ non-systeφ file≤á iε ì
thσ curren⌠ director∙ iε thσ followinτ fashion:
1. Sort is by File Type and Name
2. Listing is in a Vertical Format
3. Attributes of Each File (R/O, SYS) shown
4. File Sizes in K
5. Total of Sizes of All Files
-- likσ thσ firs⌠ example¼ bu⌠ botΦ non-systeφ anΣ ì
system files are displayed
-- likσ thσ firs⌠ example¼á bu⌠ Listinτ forma⌠á i≤ ì
-- likσá thσá firs⌠ example¼á bu⌠ Sor⌠ i≤ b∙á Filσ ì
Namσ anΣ Type
-- thσá name≤ oµ al∞ non-systeφ file≤ whicΦ d∩ no⌠ ì
match *.COM are stored on disk in a file named FNAMES.DIR
XDIR Summary
XDIR runs in two basic modes:
. as a directory display utility
. as a file scanner utility
XDIR Summary
A≤áá ßá director∙á displa∙áá utility¼áá XDI╥áá display≤ ì
informatioε abou⌠ thσ file≤ oε ß particula≥ disδ iε al∞ use≥ ì
area≤ o≥ ß particula≥ use≥ area«á I⌠ provide≤ thσ followinτ ì
. Name of File
. Size of File (in K bytes)
. Attributes of File (Read/Only or System)
. Sum of Sizes of All Files Displayed
. Total Number of Files on Disk
. Amount of Space Remaining on Disk
. What Disk and What User Area is being displayed
A≤ ß filσ scanne≥ utility¼ i⌠ doe≤ thσ following:
. Logs a group of selected files to disk
. Prints the contents of such a log file
« Scan≤ ß loτ filσ anΣ compare≤ i⌠ witΦ thσ file≤
selected by the user, telling him what files
are missing and what files are additional
XDIR Summary
XDI╥á i≤á quitσá human-oriented¼áá witΦá man∙á built-iε ì
feature≤á whicΦ providσ ß human-interfacσ typσ oµ servicσ t∩ ì
thσ user« Somσ oµ thesσ include:
. Named Directories may be specified
. The file listing is alphabetized by file name and
type or file type and name, depending on user
. The file listing is organized vertically or
horizontally, depending on user preference
. Output may also be sent to disk or printer
XDIR Output Control
The Output Control options of XDIR are:
D - Send Output to Disk
Oo - Output Control
OA - Toggle Display of File Attributes
OF - Toggle Send of Form Feed with Print
OG - Toggle File Grouping (name/type or type/name)
O╚ - Togglσ Forma⌠ (Horizonta∞ o≥ Vertical)
P - Send Output to Printer
PF - Same as POF, which sends output to printer and
form feeds when done
Iµá ╨á i≤ specified¼á thσ outpu⌠ goe≤ t∩á you≥á printe≥ ì
(LST║á device⌐ a≤ wel∞ a≤ you≥ console«á Iµ ─ i≤ specified¼ ì
thσá outpu⌠á goe≤á t∩á you≥ curren⌠ director∙á a≤á thσá filσ ì
XDIR.DIR« Iµ XDIR.DI╥ alread∙ exists¼ i⌠ i≤ replaced.
XDIR Output
O┴á allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ selec⌠ thσ displa∙ t∩á omi⌠á thσ ì
filσ attribute≤ field«á Thi≤ field¼á whicΦ occur≤ afte≥ thσ ì
filσ sizσ i≤ printeΣ fo≥ eacΦ file¼á optionall∙ contain≤ thσ ì
letter≤á ╥á anΣ S¼á indicatinτ tha⌠ thσ preceedinτ filσá wa≤ ì
Read/Onl∙ (iµ thσ lette≥ ╥ appears⌐ anΣ tha⌠ thσá preceedinτ ì
filσá wa≤ ß Systeφ filσ (iµ thσ lette≥ ╙ appears)«á Iµ ╥ i≤ ì
no⌠ present¼á thσ filσ i≤ NO╘ Read/Onl∙ (i⌠ i≤á Read/Write)¼ ì
anΣ iµ ╙ i≤ no⌠ present¼ thσ filσ i≤ Non-System.
O╞á allow≤á thσ use≥ t∩ selec⌠ aε automatiπá forφá feeΣ ì
wheεá thσá director∙á displa∙ i≤ sen⌠ t∩á thσá printer«á Iµ ì
printe≥ outpu⌠ i≤ selecteΣ (╨ option⌐ AN─ thσ forφ feeΣ flaτ ì
i≤ ON¼á theε thσ las⌠ linσ oµ thσ printou⌠ wil∞ bσá followeΣ ì
b∙á ßá forφ feeΣ character«á Man∙ printer≤ responΣ t∩á thi≤ ì
characte≥ b∙ advancinτ t∩ thσ to≡ oµ thσ nex⌠á page«á Note║ ì
thσá specia∞á forφ P╞ i≤ provideΣ t∩ ac⌠ thσ samσ a≤ ╨á (fo≥ ì
turninτá oε printe≥ output⌐ anΣ O╞ (t∩ togglσ thσ forφá feeΣ ì
XDIR Output
O╟á allow≤á thσá use≥á t∩á selec⌠á hi≤á displa∙á t∩á bσ ì
alphabetizeΣá b∙ filσ namσ anΣ type«á Iµ b∙ filσá namσá anΣ ì
type¼á theε AA.TX╘ come≤ beforσ BB.COM« Iµ b∙ filσ typσ anΣ ì
name¼á theε BB.CO═ come≤ beforσ AA.TXT«á Alphabetizatioε b∙ ì
filσá namσá anΣ typσ group≤ file≤ oµ thσ samσ namσá togethe≥ ì
(F╬ fields¼á likσ al∞ XDIR.¬ files)¼á whilσ b∙ filσ typσ anΣ ì
namσ group≤ file≤ oµ thσ samσ typσ togethe≥ (F╘ fields¼ likσ ì
al∞ *.TX╘ files).
O╚ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ selec⌠ hi≤ alphabetizeΣ file≤á t∩ ì
bσá listeΣ acros≤ thσ screeε (horizontally)«á Thσ screeε i≤ ì
divideΣáá int∩á threσá columns¼áá anΣá ßá vertica∞áá listinτ ì
alphabetize≤á dowε thσ firs⌠ column¼á theε thσá second¼á anΣ ì
theεá thσá third¼á whilσ ß horizonta∞á listinτá alphabetize≤ ì
first¼á second¼á anΣ thirΣ column≤ oε thσ firs⌠ line¼ anΣ s∩ ì
oε witΦ eacΦ line.
XDIR Output
XDI╥á provide≤ sucΦ ß widσ variet∙ oµá outpu⌠á display≤ ì
tha⌠á i⌠á i≤ recommendeΣ tha⌠ thσ use≥ experimen⌠á witΦá thσ ì
variou≤á XDI╥á option≤á t∩ seσ whicΦ forma⌠ oµá display≤á hσ ì
prefers«á Thσ defaul⌠ setting≤ fo≥ thσ variou≤ option≤á caε ì
bσ changeΣ b∙ intelligen⌠ usσ oµ DD╘ o≥ b∙ reassembl∙ oµ thσ ì
XDIR.MA├á sourcσá iµá thσ use≥ prefer≤ ßá differen⌠á se⌠á oµ ì
XDIR File Selection
Thσ followinτ option≤ (anΣ thσ DIR║ field⌐ contro∞ filσ ì
Aa - Set the attributes of the files to be displayed
a=S for System Files, a=N for Non-System Files
a=A for All Files (Non-System and System)
N - Negate Selection; select those files which do NOT
match the ambiguous file name
U - Select All User Areas
Thσá ╬ optioε negate≤ aε ambiguou≤ filσ namσ reference¼ ì
bu⌠ i⌠ stay≤ iε thσ SAM┼ se⌠ oµ systeφ o≥ non-systeφá files« ì
Fo≥ instance¼ XDI╥ *.CO═ /NA╙ select≤ al∞ SYSTE═ file≤ whicΦ ì
d∩ NO╘ matcΦ *.COM.
XDIR File Select
Thσá ┴á optioε set≤ thσ attribute≤ oµ thσ file≤á t∩á bσ ì
displayed«á Iµá A┴ i≤ presented¼á theε botΦ Non-Systeφá anΣ ì
Systeφá file≤ wil∞ bσ displayed«á Iµ AS¼á theε jus⌠á Systeφ ì
files¼ anΣ iµ AN¼ theε jus⌠ Non-System.
Thσá ╬ optioε select≤ al∞ file≤ whicΦ d∩ no⌠ matcΦá thσ ì
ambiguou≤á filσ name«á Thσ scopσ oµ thσ ╬ optioε i≤á withiε ì
thσ attribute≤ selected¼á s∩ iµ thσ attribute≤ arσ AS¼á onl∙ ì
system files are shown.
Thσá ╒á optioεá select≤á al∞ use≥á area≤á oεá thσá disδ ì
selected«á Filσá name≤ arσ displayeΣ witΦ thσ numbe≥ oµ thσ ì
user area they reside in front of their names.
XDIR File Name Scanner
Thσá option≤á oµá XDI╥ whicΦ dea∞ witΦá thσá Filσá Namσ ì
Buffe≥ Facilit∙ are:
Ff - Engage File Name Buffer Facility
f=L to Log File Names to Disk
f=P to Print Names Logged to Disk
f=S to Scan Disk for File Names and Compare to
I - Inspect files selected by FL option
Thσ filσ selectioε option≤ comσ int∩ pla∙ a≤ wel∞á witΦ ì
thσá F╠ optioε t∩ selec⌠ thσ file≤ t∩ bσ placeΣ int∩ thσ loτ ì
XDIR File Scan
Thσ F╠ optioε write≤ thσ use≥ number≤ anΣ filσ name≤ oµ ì
thσá selecteΣ file≤ t∩ disδ int∩ thσ filσ nameΣá FNAMES.DIR« ì
Iµá FNAMES.DI╥ alread∙ exists¼á theε i⌠ i≤á rewritten«á Thσ ì
FNAMES.DI╥ file≤ i≤ useΣ b∙ thσ F╨ anΣ F╙ options.
Thσ ╔ optioε (fo≥ inspect⌐ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩á manuall∙ ì
approvσ eacΦ filσ beforσ it≤ namσ i≤ placeΣ int∩ FNAMES.DIR.
Thσá F╨ optioε print≤ ou⌠ thσ use≥ number≤ anΣ name≤ oµ ì
al∞ thσ file≤ storeΣ iε FNAMES.DIR« Iµ FNAMES.DI╥ i≤ no⌠ iε ì
thσ curren⌠ directory¼á F╨ wil∞ searcΦ alonτ thσ ZCPR│á patΦ ì
unti∞ i⌠ find≤ i⌠ o≥ reache≤ thσ enΣ oµ thσ path.
XDIR File Scan
Thσá F╙ optioε scan≤ FNAMES.DI╥ anΣ thσ file≤á selecteΣ ì
b∙ thσ use≥ (o≥ implieΣ iµ n∩ specifiπ filσ selectioε optioε ì
i≤ given⌐ anΣ compare≤ them« Iµ ß filσ exist≤ iε FNAMES.DI╥ ì
bu⌠á no⌠á iε thσ selecteΣ files¼á it≤ namσ i≤ printeΣá a≤á ß ì
missinτá file«á Iµá ßá filσ exist≤ oε disδ bu⌠ no⌠á iεá thσ ì
FNAMES.DI╥ file¼á theε it≤ namσ i≤ printeΣ a≤ aεá additiona∞ ì
Notσá tha⌠á thσá use≥ shoulΣ kee≡ iε minΣá wha⌠á hσá i≤ ì
scanninτá fo≥á wheε hσ use≤ thσ Filσ Namσá Buffe≥á Facility« ì
Fo≥ instance¼ iµ hσ select≤ botΦ Non-systeφ anΣ Systeφ file≤ ì
witΦá thσ F╠ optioε anΣ theε default≤ t∩ Non-Systeφ witΦ thσ ì
F╙á option¼á theε severa∞ file≤ wil∞ comσ u≡á missinτá whilσ ì
thi≤ i≤ no⌠ necessaril∙ true.
Secure Systems
Oεá Securσ Systems¼á sucΦ a≤ Remotσ CP/═á Systems¼á thσ ì
variou≤á director∙ displa∙ utilitie≤ ma∙ bσ se⌠ t∩ recognizσ ì
onl∙ thσ DI╥ forφ oµ director∙ reference«á Thi≤ i≤ donσá a⌠ ì
installation time.
AssociateΣ witΦ eacΦ director∙ namσ i≤ ß password«á Iµ ì
thi≤á passworΣá i≤ blank¼á freσ acces≤ t∩ thσá director∙á i≤ ì
granted«á Iµ i⌠ i≤ non-blank¼ however¼ thσ use≥ i≤ prompteΣ ì
fo≥ thσ passworΣ b∙ ZCPR3«á Iµ hσ doe≤ no⌠ givσ thσ correc⌠ ì
password¼á ZCPR│á reference≤ hi≤ curren⌠ directory¼á anΣ an∙ ì
director∙á displa∙ utilit∙ wil∞ onl∙ sho≈ thσ file≤á iεá hi≤ ì
current directory.
XD Overview
WitΦá usage¼á i⌠á ha≤ beeε noteΣ tha⌠ mos⌠ oµ thσá morσ ì
exotiπ feature≤ oµ XDI╥ arσ no⌠ useΣ mos⌠ oµ thσá time«á Iε ì
particular¼ thesσ feature≤ includσ thσ Filσ Scanne≥ anΣ Disδ ì
Outpu⌠á facility«á Becausσ thesσ feature≤ cos⌠ iε term≤á oµ ì
thσá sizσá oµá XDIR.CO═ anΣá it≤á executioεá speed¼á anothe≥ ì
versioε oµ XDIR.COM¼ calleΣ XD.COM¼ ha≤ beeε created.
X─á i≤ completel∙ compatablσ witΦ XDI╥ iε term≤ oµá thσ ì
option≤áá i⌠á accept≤á anΣá ho≈á i⌠á operates«áá Thσáá onl∙ ì
difference≤á betweeεá thσ tw∩ i≤ tha⌠ thσ Filσá Scanne≥á anΣ ì
Disδá Outpu⌠ facilitie≤ havσ beeε removeΣ froφá XD«á Hence¼ ì
thσá D¼á F¼á anΣ ╔ option≤ arσ no⌠ available«á Ever∙á othe≥ ì
optioε oµ XDI╥ i≤ stil∞ intact¼ however¼ anΣ perform≤ iε thσ ì
samσ way« A≤ ß result¼ X─ i≤ smalle≥ thaε XDIR.
Command: XD 1.2
XD dir:afn ooo...
XD /ooo...
X─á display≤ ß formatted¼á alphabetizeΣ listinτ oµá thσ ì
contents of a disk directory.
Aa - Indicate attributes of files to be selected
a=A for All Files (System and Non-System)
a=N for Non-System Files [default]
a=S for System Files
Oo - Select Output Features
o=┴ t∩ Disablσ Displa∙ oµ Filσ Attribute≤ (R¼ S)
o=F to Form Feed Printer when Display Done
o=G to Group Files by Name and Type
o=H to Display Files in Horizontal Format
P - Send Display to Printer
PF - Send Display to Printer with Trailing Form Feed
X─ i≤ smalle≥ thaε XDI╥ (4╦ v≤ 8K)¼ and¼ a≤ such¼ ha≤ ß ì
large≥ memor∙ buffe≥ iε whicΦ t∩ loaΣ files« I⌠ i≤ possiblσ ì
fo≥á ver∙á largσ harΣ disδ system≤ tha⌠ XDI╥á ma∙á no⌠á havσ ì
enough buffer space to perform its function, but XD may.
Thσá default≤ oµ X─ caε bσ changeΣ iε thσ samσá fashioε ì
a≤á thosσ fo≥ XDIR«á Seσ thσ "Commentsó sectioε oε thσ XDI╥ ì
command for details.
Selected Error Messages:
"TP┴á Erroróá mean≤ tha⌠ therσ wa≤ no⌠ enougΦá rooφá iε ì
memory to load the disk directory.
Examples of Use:
-- displa∙á thσá non-systeφ file≤ iεá thσá curren⌠ ì
directory in the following fashion:
1. sorted by file type and name
2. vertical format
3. R/O and SYS attributes included
-- displa∙á botΦ non-systeφ anΣ systeφ file≤ whicΦ ì
match *.COM in the following fashion:
1. sorted by file type and name
2. vertical format
3. no attributes included in display
-- like above, but files in directory named ROOT
Command: DIR 1.0
DIR dir:afn o...
DI╥á display≤ ß formatted¼á alphabetizeΣ listinτ oµ thσ ì
files in a disk directory.
A - Display both non-system and system files
S - Display only system files
T - Display files sorted by file type and name
(sort by name and type is default)
DIR is not compatible to XDIR and XD in syntax!
DI╥á i≤ onl∙ 2╦ iε size«á DI╥ i≤ designeΣ t∩ bσá smal∞ ì
anΣ fast¼á providinτ morσ utilit∙ thaε thσ ZCPR3-residen⌠ o≥ ì
RCP-resident counterparts.
Iµá thσ use≥ wishe≤ t∩ usσ aε option¼á thσ AF╬ mus⌠á bσ ì
filleΣ witΦ *.¬ - otherwise¼á thσ optioε wil∞ bσ interpreteΣ ì
as a file specification.
┴á slasΦá a≤á ßá delimite≥á (DI╥á /A¼áá fo≥áá instance⌐ ì
automatically displays the built-in documentation.
Selected Error Messages:
"Ovflóá mean≤ tha⌠ therσ wa≤ no⌠ enougΦ buffe≥ spacσ iε ì
the TPA to contain the disk directory.
Examples of Use:
-- display≤á al∞ non-systeφ file≤ iεá thσá curren⌠ ì
directory in the following fashion:
1. Horizontal display
2. Sorted by file name and type
DIR *.* A
-- likσá above¼á bu⌠á botΦ non-systeφá anΣá systeφ ì
files are selected
Command: DIR (provided in SYS.RCP)
DIR dir:afn o...
Display a sorted disk directory to the user.
A - Select both non-system and system files
S - Select only system files
Thi≤ commanΣ i≤ bette≥ thaε thσ DI╥ iε ZCPR│ iε tha⌠ i⌠ ì
sorts the file listing.
Horizontal display format is used.
Selected Error Messages:
Examples of Use:
-- display≤á al∞á non-systeφ file≤ iε thσá curren⌠ ì
directory in a sorted fashion (by file name and type)
DIR *.* A
-- display≤á botΦ non-systeφ anΣ systeφá file≤á iε ì
current directory
-- display≤á botΦá non-systeφ anΣ systeφ file≤á iε ì
ROOT directory
Command: DIR (provided within ZCPR3 Command Processor)
DIR dir:afn o...
Display a disk directory to the user.
A - Select non-system and system files
S - Select system files only
Selected Error Messages:
Examples of Use:
-- displays non-system files in current directory
DIR *.* A
-- display≤á botΦ non-systeφ anΣ systeφá file≤á iε ì
current directory