sessions...Richard Conn's Z-System session packed beyond standing-room-only.è Many microcomputer pioneers attended, Keith Peterson, Charles Strom, Jud
Newell, Sigi Kluger, Steve Ciarcia, Dave to meet dozens of Echelon
customers. Thanks to Alan Katz and his students and to Trenton State College
for volunteer support and use of beautiful campus facilities. See you there
next year, in and down the lines. But hard as we looked, not one drop of
California Zinfandel could be found anywhere, red or white.
Z-Node Activity. Barron McIntire III is prime operator of Z-Node #65 in
Cheyenne, WY, 307/635-8366. Lawrence Langer is secondary or co-sysop. Give
their upgraded to 30-megabyte Kaypro 10 a call--lonely country up there in
"Hidden Valley" Z-Node #68 is up. Sysop and long-time ZCPR3 user, Tim
O'Loughlin, mans Epson QX-10 with 10 megabytes of storage space. Tim has over
1500 files online and uses USR 2400 bps modem for quick transfers. Vernon, NJ
07462, 201/764-2507 is his location and phone number. Four Z-Nodes cover
state of New Jersey, very satisfying. The beat goes on.
From Essex, England, R.C. Page signs as Sysop of Z-Node #69. Also, yet
another Californian signs up making it 17 for state. Z-Node #70 is to be run
by Jim Moyer, San Jose 95129. Phone numbers for both are passed on we we get
Norm Beeler's ZeeMachine Z-Node #35 worth calling. He has two lines into
one Z-System, common message and data base, with auto call-forwarding to
second line if first is busy. Try 408/735-0176 to see of things to come.
Norm's RAS is in Sunnyvale, CA.
Echelon moves, has risen up, electronically by "word-of-mouth" using Z-
Node network--unique! Sysops use Z-System because they believe in it, believe
in high-performance 8-bit operating systems and their future, for getting work
done with grace and speed.
From Our Mail Box. "It is one thing to read your ads and other's
enthusiastic comments, but actually using Z-System is a truly exciting
experience... " writes Julian Olson, Outremont, Quebec, Canada. Common
observation of those starting to use Z, excitement! Excitement continues
because so many features keep your interest, peak your curiosity. Let friends
know what you learned from high-performance 8-bit computers. Spread the word!
From Z-System Good-Neighbor Helper, Rick Swenton, "I have developed a
patch to Heath/Zenith's BIOS Configuration Utility Version 2.2.04 which will
disable those options which would corrupt ZCPR3 or ZRDOS, namely mucking with
echo-on-delete in the BDOS and poking file names into the CCP for execution on
cold or warm boots." Rick sends you his patch for a self-addressed stamped
business-sized envelop. Address and phone number: 19 Allen Street, Bristol,
CT, 06010, 203/589-7297. Remember, Rick is a Heath H8 and H89 ZCPR3 expert.
If you need installation assistance, please contact him.
Amateur Z User Corner. Publication of Z-System User's Guide opens door to
substantial information and potential knowledge and understanding of our 8-bit
operating system (OS). It's Item 88 on EI Price List selling for $14.95 plus
$4.00 shipping and handling, continental USA. Don't forget back issues of Z-
News offer many tips on using Z-System. And "Z Column" written by Art
Carlson, The Computer Journal, is another good source for user information.
If you don't already subscribe to TCJ, now's the time starting with Issue 23.
Six issues for only $14.00. Call or write 190 Sullivan Crossroad, Columbia
Falls, MT 59912, 406/257-9119.
Potpourri. We express appreciation, long overdue, of DisCopyLabs, San Jose,
CA, for quality diskette duplication and downloading. As most such companies
have gone away, DisCopyLabs gains strength, and size, through attention to èdetail and having deep regard for each customer, no matter how large or small.
Thanks Norman and Antonia Tu, and each member of your staff, for doing unto
Echelon as we attempt to do for our ZCPR3, ZRDOS, and Z-System customers.
Anyone needing disk duplication services, write or call DisCopyLabs, 2610B
North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134, 408/435-5444.
Zilog becomes second source for Hitachi HD64180 high-integration super 8-
bit chip. Slightly modified design--Z180 it's called--offers full
compatibility with all Z80 support peripherals. It provides "an upward
migration path to the Z800" scheduled for shipping this calendar quarter. Can
you believe it? Zilog's Alan Hamilton, Director of Component Marketing, tells
us to. The Z180, we believe; Z800, we believe when we have one in hand. In
Z-News 207, page 5, we hoped HD64180 is called either H180 or Z180.
ON! computer from Oneac (Z-News 408) is one outstanding machine, an
office (and software development) package that's better than any we have used.
Styling: so good-looking, engaging. And machine doesn't waste your time.
Never have to cold-boot, it's always ready to be used and it's here, so get
it--you don't have to buy IBM or Apple to run your small-to-medium sized
business--your secretary will respect you more; your bottom-line will show
better, because of increased productivity, hers and others of your staff. And
why use a DEC VAX or an IBM PC host to develop target 8080/8085, Z80, NSC800,
or HD64180 code when ON! using Quick-Task, ZAS and ZLINK is so much faster and
more efficient? Office or lab, it's up to you! Others have wrought, have
done their part by conceiving, designing, documenting, producing, and offering
an extremely attractive alternative to main stream, to trooping... call Oneac,
312/680-5999, for literature and volume pricing arrangements.
Common Ground. Many feel offended--you know who you are--by being requested
to read everything seven (7) times (Z-News 302, page 3). Technique as
explained is basis for Western concept of study. Without study learning
occurs slowly. Why are we as we are? We learn so slowly, if at all. Most of
us are born, spend years on planet, die, and: so what! We die as we were
born--no soul developed beyond that passed genetically to us. LEARNING
REQUIRES GREAT EFFORT! Work (study) concerns, is about learning. We only
think we learn if we but go through the motion. (We speak now on non-physical
level.) Give it a, study something thoroughly, completely, and