flag, priority (up to 255), task (up to 255), words and phrases that symbolize
functions of Q-T command set--move over Hunter and Ready, Palo Alto, CA, your
time is up! Full source is supplied with package along with 70-page loose-
leaf instruction manual.
Routines and manual were written by Z-Team member, Greg Clark (Research
Applications, Inc.), lover of control processes. Another Z-Team member, John
Forker (Pacific Micro Devices), thoroughly beta tested Q-T using real-world
applications. Quick-Task is a bargain for those needing multi-tasking, real-
time control of complex commercial and industrial processes.
èTerm3, The Libraries and Graphics. Release 2 of Term3, Item 61 from EI Price
List offered for $99.00, is shipping, as is Item 28, Graphics and Windows,
$49.00. Item 28 is supplied with 80-page loose-leaf manual. (All those who
purchased Release 1 of Term3 receive free upgrade.) ZCPR3: The Libraries,
Item 82, can be purchased in a money-saver combination, as Item 29, which
includes Items 27, 28 and 82, all for $129.00, a saving of $18.95. Book, Item
82 sells for only $29.95, plus REL library code permits easy writing of
structured Z-System utilities and application programs.
Graphics took more time than originally planned but now package is
complete, sophisticated. You hackers will love it--your dream comes true. We
continue to develop applicable ASCII terminal list with custom TCAPs.
Term3, in addition to being a full-featured modem program--bar none--
permits both wide area and local area networking. Locally, you set up an RS-
232 cable between two or more computers for E-Mail, data transfer, and for
other-computer (server) control. For wide area use, say, to a Z-Node by
modem, you have ability to control remote computer as if yours: a unique,
distributed hardware concept. After connecting to remote and going to OS
command line prompt, T3SERVER is automatically invoked by using local
(T3MASTER) commands like GET and PUT. These, and other commands, accept wild
card filename declaration, and comma-delimited multiple filenames as well, for
packet transfer with full CRC of files, at RS-232 rates to 38,400 baud and
SCSI to 1.5 megabytes per second.
T3DO permits complete automation of logging onto and interacting with a
remote service. Command set is extensive, permitting any normal series of
functions to automatically execute, and be re-used over and over.
Full implementation of KERMIT protocol, integrated into package, permits
easy time-share minicomputer and mainframe communications.
Manual only is offered for $20.00, applicable later to program purchase,
and fully explains Term3's vast capabilities. We say again: even if you own
other modem programs, public domain or commercial, you will want Term3,
Release 2; it's that good, period. Lasting-Value Software!
Z-Node Activity. Z-Node #66 comes online with a 10-megabyte Ampro Bookshelf.
From the land of gorgeous flowers, and swaying palms and sarongs, David Van
Horn, Honolulu, HI 96814, 808/527-8668, manages to keep ends together by
working even though beautiful surroundings distract so. Just a hop-skip-and-
jump from here, and we are in Japan, closing our global communications loop.
Bravo! Father Richard Driscoll is online, 602/939-6734, Z-Node #20, in
Greater Phoenix (Glendale), AZ 85301. We have been pulling to have this node
operational for a long time. Bravo! Bravo! Our prayers are answered--three
nodes online in WONDERful state of Arizona.
Z-Node #52, Wells Brimhall, Phoenix, AZ 85028, 602/996-8739, goes from
Kaypro 10 to S-100 ICD XL-M180 and 80 megabyte hard disk. Such a big Z-
System, called Z-Paradise! (We said Arizona is a wonderful state.) Give
Wells a call and see what massive storage is all about.
From Our Mail Box. "EXPRESS 2.0...ability to handle files of unlimited
length marks it out at once from such toys as VDO and Jerry Pournelle's ewe-
lamb, WRITE (currently listed at $239.00!)." R.W. Odlin, Sedro-Wolley, WA,
likes TCI's editor at $29.95. We own a copy and think of it as a candidate
for being a full Z3 utility. We write to TCI months ago and have not received
a reply. We are investigating many possibilities to obtain a righteous editor
to call our own.
From Duncan Chopoorian, Newport, RI, "I would like to be informed of the
future availability of a banked ZRDOS. The overall goal is to keep the TPA at
60K or more." Our newsletters bring information of products to the world as
soon as we know facts. Z-News 401 and 406 tell of banked activities. Also an èindex to Z-News is soon to be released that should make it easier to find
subjects of interest.
"Will ZRDOS3 and ZCPR3M3/S3 be easily installed on the SB180 or other
computer systems...what software do you recommend for Z-System use?" J.P.
O'Connor, Cincinnati, OH, wants to know, along with many others, what it will
take to install our new multitasking OS. Well, easy it will be for the SB180,
PRO-180, XL-M180, and DT42 computers, but will require some porting, BIOS
modifications for banked-memory Z80 machines. As new OS nears completion we
will pass along in Z-News and on Z-Node RAS details of installation. Software
we use and recommend has been discussed in many of previous issues of Z-News.
Why not procure 24 back issues for $12.00! Subscription is $24.00 per year
for approximately 25 issues, Item 83 on Price List.
Many have asked--yes, Wyse Technology WY-30 terminal runs at up to 38,400
baud and has WY-50 efficient window and graphics firmware built-in...such a
bargain. WY-30, $335.00 is price from The Purchasing Agent, 2444 Old
Middlefield Way, Mountain View, CA 94043, 415/964-8222, FOB shipping point.
And, WY-50 goes for $450.00; WY50+, $500.00. Quality and value, this trio!
Potpourri. Richard Conn works on FINDS, Find String, as a tool in set for
release with ZCPR33. Hopefully, NULU, Version 3.0, is ready at same time;
Martin Murray, you listening! Richard's LX, LLF, LGET, and LHELP need your
NULU as full Z3 utility.
For those wondering about new HD64180 that handles 1-megabyte of RAM and
converting SB180 over to it: physically, chip comes in what's called PLCC
package and is about one-inch square, 68 pins, 17 to the side. The SB180 uses
the DIP 64-pin "shrink" package that's totally different, and larger. Thus
it's possible to fix up a hardware jumper system to make new chip work in
place of old, but...
Our new DOS, ZRDOS3, makes use of Hitachi onchip memory management unit
(MMU), either old or new HD64180. We hope to handle memory in 4k- to 256k-
byte blocks using this hardware standard, as opposed to varied existing banked
Z80 methods. Up to 16 megabytes are planned to be callable by DOS function.
So main advantage of new chip is board-space-saving size; and, hopefully
higher speed, 9.2 mHz versus 6.1 at 70 degrees Celsius. New chips should run
at 12.28 mHz at normal human-enduring 55 degrees.
As our software designs firm we pass along details. At present, you know
all that we are sure of regarding multitasking and big memory management.
Look at our graphics demo and you see how windows and pull down menus are
planned to be used. Get file GRDEMO.LBR from Z-Nodes everywhere, even in
Europe and Australia.
Of Cabbages and Kings. The title "wise" is, for the most part, falsely
applied. How can one be a wise person, if he does not know any better how to
live than other people? Does Wisdom work on a tread-mill? Does it troop? Is
there any such thing as wisdom not applied directly to life? Can we think of
a next life knowing so little about the present? Heaven, hell, karma, soul,
Atman, and all. So much foolishness? Well, you know, if you quiet yourself
and earnestly contemplate.
It seems, fewer and fewer thoughts visit a growing person each year, as
time goes by, for the grove in our minds is laid waste--we want nothing but
that it's man-made, material. We sell our resources to feed ancient fires of
ease and greed.
Our schools, both public and private, do not teach--they, for the most
part, indoctrinate, act not as catalysis for thinking, for learning how-to-
think. These schools have produced our engineers, doctors, lawyers, and
Most schools are overloaded with "administrators" who do not teach, and èby their example promote greed and laziness. Surface people, they know little
of courage and spirit. Some teachers, mostly those from private schools,
speak of an after-life reward but know no-thing of it. Are thoughts things?
What are things? Where do thoughts come from? Relationship of conscious to
subconscious mind, to superconscious mind? Knowing little or nothing of
present life, how can they know anything of next.
The few real teachers go unnoticed and unrewarded by the community.
Their labors yield profit, though little money. These are the angels; they
fly without needing wings. Under noses of "authority" they troop-not. They
have LIFE-with-principle; they live deeply, these chosen ones! Both
recognition and reward come to them, but from regions and dimensions unknown
to such authority. See you down the lines...
Echelon, Inc.
885 N. San Antonio Road
Los Altos, CA 94022 USA
Telephone: 415/948-3820
Z-Node Central (RAS): 415/489-9005
Trademarks: SB180, COMM180, TKBBS, Micromint; PRO-180, Magnum Digital; XL-