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Assembly Source File
114 lines
; Program Written by: HARRIS LANDSBERG c1985
; Name: MORE.ASM using standard 8080 ASM code
; Designed as a MS-DOS More filter simulation
; when listing a file to the crt device.
; Comment: Will clear keyboard buffer if keys
; are held down too long accidently. One of
; my first attempts in Assembler. Control C
; at --more-- prompt will return to CP/M.
; Run: MORE [d:]filename[.ext], no "*" or "?"
bdos equ 0005H ;function call location
fcb equ 005CH ;file control block
dma equ 0080H ;dma buffer location
dmal equ 128 ;dma length
sline equ 23 ;lines per screen
filel equ 11 ;filename.ext length
rchr equ 1 ;read character function
pchr equ 2 ;output character function
drio equ 6 ;direct i/o function
pstr equ 9 ;string output function
open equ 15 ;open file function
read equ 20 ;read sequential record
sdma equ 26 ;set dma location
ctrc equ 3 ;control c (break)
lf equ 10 ;line feed
cr equ 13 ;carriage return
ctrz equ 26 ;file end charcter
wildc equ '?' ;wildcard character
iread equ 0FFH ;input using direct i/o
start org 0100H ;start location
lxi h,fcb+1 ;filename location
mvi b,filel ;file length
check mov a,m ;memory -> accumulator
cpi wildc ;wildcard?
jz invnam ;zero=invalid name
inx h ;next position
dcr b ;decrement count
jnz check ;not zero=continue
mvi c,sdma ;set dma location
lxi d,dma
call bdos
mvi c,open ;open file
lxi d,fcb ;name in fcb
call bdos
inr a ;test if found
jz notf ;zero=not found
rdfil mvi c,read ;read file
lxi d,fcb ;name in fcb
call bdos
ana a ;test if end
rnz ;not zero=end
mvi b,dmal ;d=dma length
lxi h,dma ;hl=dma location
again mov a,m ;memory -> accumulator
cpi ctrz ;end-of-file?
rz ;zero=eof
mov e,a ;reg a -> reg e
cpi lf ;line feed?
jnz nolf ;not zero=not lf
lda line ;line variable -> reg a
inr a ;increment
sta line ;store back
nolf inx h ! push h ;next position, save
dcr b ! push b ;one less, save
mvi c,pchr ;print character
call bdos
lda line ;line variable -> reg a
cpi sline ;full screen?
jnz nmore ;not zero=not full
mvi c,pstr ;print string
lxi d,more ;promt location
call bdos
xra a ;reset accumulator
sta line ;store in line
clkey mvi c,drio ;clear keyboard buffer
mvi e,iread ;using direct i/o
call bdos
ana a
jnz clkey ;again if not clear
mvi c,rchr ;wait for character
call bdos
cpi ctrc ;break?
jnz domore ;not zero=not break
pop b ! pop h ;clean stack
domore mvi c,pstr ;print character
lxi d,crlf ;skip line
call bdos
nmore pop b ! pop h ;obtain stack info
mov a,b ;reg b -> reg a
ana a ;test
jz rdfil ;zero=buffer finished
jmp again ;more in buffer
notf mvi c,pstr ;print string
lxi d,fnot ;error message
jmp bdos
invnam mvi c,pstr ;print string
lxi d,invn ;error message
jmp bdos
more db '--more--$'
fnot db 'file not found$'
invn db 'invalid filename$'
line db 0
crlf db cr,lf,'$'
end start