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Thi≤ program¼á 'Gendomº i≤ ß gamσ involvinτ coloureΣá squarσ ì
tile≤á anΣá i≤á baseΣ oε thσ articlσá 'GeneralizeΣá Dominoesºá iε ì
'Super-Gamesºá b∙á Ivaε Moscovich«á I⌠ i≤ designeΣ t∩ ruεá oεá ß ì
disk-baseΣ Microbee¼ witΦ o≥ withou⌠ colou≥ abilities¼ anΣ caε bσ ì
playeΣ witΦ ß joysticδ o≥ jus⌠ froφ thσ keyboard« Thσ prograφ i≤ ì
availablσ oε ß sharewarσ basis¼á i.e« peoplσ arσ freσ t∩ cop∙ anΣ ì
distributσá thσá program¼á anΣ arσ encourageΣ t∩ senΣá donations¼ ì
suggestion≤ and/o≥ idea≤ t∩ thσ autho≥ directly¼ beinτ :
Keith Wood
22 Conway Place
Gowrie, A.C.T., 2904
Thσá objec⌠ oµ thσ gamσ i≤ t∩ arrangσ thσ tile≤á withiεá thσ ì
blacδá rectanglσá (border¼á iµá colou≥ no⌠ available⌐á sucΦá tha⌠ ì
adjacen⌠áá side≤á matcΦá iεá colou≥á (pattern¼áá iµá colou≥áá no⌠ ì
available)«á A≤á aεá addeΣ challenge¼á thσá arrangemen⌠á caεá bσ ì
furthe≥á constraineΣá t∩ requirσ tha⌠ thσ outsidσá edge≤á oµá thσ ì
tile≤ als∩ bσ onl∙ onσ colou≥ (pattern).
Therσ arσ 2┤ tiles¼á eacΦ beinτ divideΣ diagonall∙ int∩ fou≥ ì
area≤á whicΦ arσ madσ u≡ oµ combination≤ oµ red¼á yello≈ anΣ bluσ ì
(o≥ patterns)« Al∞ thσ tile≤ arσ unique¼ eveε afte≥ rotation.
Fo≥á joysticδá users¼áá thσá flashinτá curso≥á i≤á moveΣá b∙ ì
manipulatinτá thσ joystick«á Tile≤ arσ selecteΣ b∙ pressinτá thσ ì
firσáá button¼áá anΣá wil∞á theεá flasΦá t∩á sho≈á thei≥á status« ì
Therafter¼ thσ tilσ itselµ wil∞ movσ iε responsσ t∩ thσ joystick« ì
┴ tilσ ma∙ bσ releaseΣ b∙ agaiε pressinτ thσ firσ button.
Fo≥ keyboarΣ users¼ usσ thσ directioε key≤ 'S'¼ 'D'¼ 'Eº anΣ ì
'Xº t∩ movσ left¼á right¼á u≡ anΣ dowε respectively«á Thosσ witΦ ì
premiuφá machine≤ ma∙ als∩ usσ thσ arro≈ keys«á Faste≥á movemen⌠ ì
lef⌠á anΣá righ⌠ caε bσ achieveΣ b∙ usinτ thσ 'Aº anΣá 'Fºá keys« ì
Picδ u≡ anΣ releasσ tile≤ b∙ pressinτ thσ spacσ bar.
Thσá othe≥á facilitie≤á oµ thσ prograφá arσá onl∙á availablσ ì
through the keyboard. These are :
'<'á AnticlockwiseáPressinτá thi≤ ke∙ wil∞ causσá thσá currentl∙ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááselecteΣ tilσ t∩ bσ rotateΣ ß quarte≥ turε t∩ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááthe left (anti-clockwise).
'>' ClockwiseááááááThi≤á ke∙ wil∞ rotatσ thσ currentl∙á selecteΣ ì
áááááááááááááááááááátile a quarter turn to the right (clockwise).
'H'á Helpá áááPressinτá thi≤ ke∙ wil∞ displa∙ onσá possiblσ ì
áááááááááááááááááááásolutioεá t∩á thσ problem«á Therσá arσá ove≥ ì
áááááááááááááááááááá12,00░ possiblσ arrangement≤ tha⌠ wil∞ fulfi∞ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááthσ condition≤ above.
è'R' RestartááááááááThi≤ ke∙ wil∞ restar⌠ thσ curren⌠ game«á Al∞ ì
áááááááááááááááááááámove≤á madσá s∩á fa≥á wil∞á bσá reverseΣá anΣ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááforgotten«áá Confirmatioεáá i≤á requireΣá t∩ ì
áááááááááááááááááááápreven⌠ los≤ oµ thσ game«á Thi≤ caε bσá useΣ ì
áááááááááááááááááááát∩ tr∙ ß differen⌠ strateg∙ oε thσ tiles.
'Q'á Quit áááááPressinτ thi≤ ke∙ wil∞ terminatσ thσ gamσ anΣ ì
ááááááááááááááááááááthσá program«á Oncσá more¼á confirmatioεá i≤ ì
áááááááááááááááááááárequesteΣ beforσ endinτ thσ game.
Othe≥ informatioε displayeΣ oε thσ screeε include≤ thσá timσ ì
takeεá s∩á fa≥ iε thσ game«á Thi≤ i≤ measureΣá approximatel∙á iε ì
second≤á anΣá caεá bσá useΣ t∩ gaugσ you≥ speeΣá iεá solvinτá thσ ì
Thσá gamσ i≤ starteΣ b∙ typinτ 'GENDOMº a⌠ thσ CP/═á prompt« ì
I⌠á wil∞ automaticall∙ configurσ itselµ fo≥ thσá capabilitie≤á oµ ì
thσá machinσ i⌠ i≤ beinτ ruε upon«á Notσ tha⌠ iµ yo⌡ arσ usinτá ß ì
joystick¼á i⌠á wil∞á neeΣá t∩ bσ pluggeΣ iε beforσá thσá gamσá i≤ ì
started«á Thσá gamσá shoulΣá sho≈ u≡ witΦ ß greeεá backgrounΣá oε ì
colou≥ machines«á Iµ thi≤ i≤ no⌠ thσ case¼ tr∙ typinτ 'GENDO═ +Pº ì
Alternately¼á iµá yo⌡ havσ thσ chaineΣ versioε oµ thσá game¼ ì
you will need to type in 'PLAY GENDOM' to start the game.