Text File
7,215 lines
title * *** Z8E - Z80 Debug Monitor *** *
subttl (C) Copyright 1984, 1985 by Richard A. Surwilo
; Copyright (C) 1984, 1985 by Richard A. Surwilo. All rights reserved.
; No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed,
; stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer
; language in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic,
; optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without express prior written
; permission of:
; Richard A. Surwilo 23 Plymouth Road Stamford, CT 06906
; (The above address does not seem to be correct)
; Revision history
; 15 May 87 jrs v1.4 Renamed I(nput) command to L(oad) to make way for new
; I(nitialise) command. Documentation changed 13/6/87.
; Source code filtered to all lower case. Sometime
; Between 1.0 and 1.2 The Comments Had Been Modified So
; That Every Word Started With A Capital Letter And It
; Looked Quite Silly.
; 20 Apr 87 jrs v1.3 Fixed register display in animated debug mode. Z8E
; now handles EX AF,AF' and EXX instructions correctly.
; Added equates to tailor the source to assemblers
; other than m80.
; 08 Mar 86 jrs v1.2 (No version number change - all mods purely cosmetic)
; Modified org directives to bypass bug in m80
; Added jterm conditional for testing
; Added hazeltine conditional for tilde suppression
; Changed dates to more universal format
; 16 Jan 86 ijb v1.2 Cursor addressing for post '=>' in jdbg75
; to cover systems that have a destructive bs
; 25 Sep 85 ras v1.1 Fix case bug
; Fix usym bug
; Clean up comments
true equ -1
false equ 0
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;The following equ should be set to 0 to generate a "standard" z8e.com
;for distribution. I only put it in for use while testing to save having
;to configure the object code for my terminal. (jrs 8 mar 86)
jterm equ false ;Should always be false for distribution
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;The following equ should normally be set to 0. It is only required if
;you have a Hazeltine terminal which uses tilde as a command character
hazeltine equ false
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;Configure this source to your favourite assembler by setting one of
;the following equates to true. If you use an assembler not mentioned
;below then make up a new equate for it.
M80 equ false ;Microsoft's Macro-80
ASMB equ false ;Cromemco's Z80 assembler
SLR equ true ;SLR's lightning-fast Z80ASM assembler
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if not ASMB
.Z80 ;so M80 users don't need /z switch
list nogen
page macro ;Equivalence M80's "page" and ASMB's "form"
maxbp equ 16 ;Number of breakpoints configured
bs equ 08h ;ASCII backspace
tab equ 09h ; tab
lf equ 0ah ; line feed
formf equ 0ch ; form feed
cr equ 0dh ; carriage return
esc equ 1bh ; escape
ctlx equ 'X' and 1fh ; control x - delete line
ctlc equ 'C' and 1fh ; control c - warm boot
eof equ 'Z' and 1fh ; control z - logical eof
quote equ 27h ; quote
tilde equ 7eh ; tilde
del equ 7fh ; del
bdos equ 5
fcb5c equ 5ch ;CP/M default FCB
nop equ 000 ;Z80 instructions
jp equ 0c3h
rst38 equ 0ffh
iobuf equ 80h ;Disk read buffer for symbol loading
;* nint: initialization - relocating loader - symbol loader
;* Initialization:
;* - Save system I register
;* - Determine max symbol length before loading symbol table
;* permissable values are 6 and 14 which are converted to bit
;* masks by bumping by one
;* - Set CP/M DMA address to 80h
;* - Check first command line argument for (xx) where xx is the
;* number of slots in the symbol table to reserve.
;* - Move first file name found in command line to local memory
;* since it will be loaded last. At the end of initialization
;* (or symbol loading if required) this file name will be loaded
;* into the keyboard input buffer and the file will be loaded
;* just as if the user had entered the info as a Z8E command.
;* - Move all subsequent file names in the command line buffer to
;* local input buffer (inbf) in low memory, where they can
;* be found by the parse routine (prsr).
;* Relocating loader:
;* - Move absolute memory image of Z8E to top of TPA
;* - Adjust all addresses in relocated monitor to reflect new
;* execution area. This is accomplished by repeated calls to
;* zlen to calculate instruction lengths.
;* - All addresses < the absolute value of z8eorg are considered
;* to be absolute values and are not modified.
;* - Relocate all address pointers in command and operand jump
;* tables.
if M80 or SLR
global case,column,init,row,rowb4?,mxycp
global ttyi,ttyi00,ttyo,ttyq,maxlen,bdos,xycp
org 100h
jp nint
mbannr: defb cr,lf
defb 'Z8E V1.4'
defb cr,lf
defb 'Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 Richard A. Surwilo'
defb cr,lf,lf
defb 0
ld sp,stack
ld a,i ;Save i reg for user
ld (ireg),a
call init
ld de,mbannr ;Dispense with formalities
call print
;do config based on max length of symbol names
ld a,(maxlen) ;Check max symbol length
inc a ;Create mask
cp 15
ld b,a ;B - maxlen mask - 15
ld a,62 ;A - maxlin disassembly line length (62)
ld c,68 ;C - column to display first byte of memory
; window for J command
ld d,3 ;D - bytes per line of memory window display
jp z,nint00 ;Z - max symbol length is 14
;If not 14 - use default values
ld b,7 ;B - maxlen mask - 7
ld a,30 ;A - maxlin disassembly line length (30)
ld c,56 ;C - column to display first byte of memory
ld d,7 ; window for J command
nint00: ld (maxlin),a
ld a,b
ld (maxlen),a
ld a,c
ld (fwndow),a
ld a,d
ld (nlmask),a
;Reset cp/m dma address for those instances in which z8e is used to debug
;itself. Otherwise dma address is left where z8e stopped loading itself.
ld de,80h
ld c,26
call bdos
ld a,jp ;Initialize where l80 fears to tread
ld (038h),a ;Init trap to breakpoint handler
ld hl,5dh ;Save current contents of default fcb
ld a,(hl)
cp '(' ;Is first char in fcb a paren?
dec hl
jr nz,nint25 ;Not paren - no user symbol table requested
inc hl ;Point back to paren
ld de,inbf ;Start of input buffer here in low memory
ld b,15 ;Max chars in fcb following first paren
nint05: inc hl ;Bump fcb pointer
ld (de),a ;Move char to low memory keyboard input buffer
;so that prsr thinks this is keyboard input
inc de ;Bump input buffer pointer
ld a,(hl)
cp ')' ;Look for trailing paren
jr z,nint10
djnz nint05 ;Examine entire fcb at 5ch looking for paren
ld hl,fcb5c ;Trailing paren not found - this must be
;kookie file name
jr nint25 ;Ignore
;Call iarg to determine amount of space to allocate in user symbol table.
;This arg must be enclosed in parentheses and must appear after the first
;arg in the command line. Since opening and closing parens were found
;add a pound sign to make this into default decimal number then call xval
;to evaluate.
nint10: ex de,hl ;hl - input buffer pointer
ld (hl),'#' ;add trailing paren before calling iarg
;who will evaluate argument as if it was
;entered from keyboard
inc hl
ld (hl),a ;restore trailing paren following pound sign
inc hl
ld (hl),0 ;add end of line null
call iarg
ex de,hl ;de - evaluated argument
ld hl,fcb5c
jr nz,nint25 ;arg error - ignore input
ld hl,81h ;start of command line tail
nint15: ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),' ' ;replace the text which appeared between
;the parens and the parens themselves with
cp ')' ;closing paren ends search
jr z,nint20
inc hl ;point to char following closing paren
jr nint15
nint20: ex de,hl ;arg to hl for mult times maxlen bytes per
;symbol table entry
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
ld a,(maxlen) ;8 or 16 bytes per symbol table entry?
cp 7
jp z,nint22 ;z - must be 8
add hl,hl
nint22: ex de,hl
ld (usymbl),de ;save number of bytes to reserve
ld hl,6ch ;since user symbol table arg was present then
;target file must be in default fcb number 2
nint25: ld de,zbuf ;local buffer
ld bc,16
ldir ;move fcb contents to local memory
ld hl,80h ;command line buffer address
ld a,(hl)
and a ;test for no input
jr z,nint55 ;no input - clear symbol table
ld c,a ;bc - number of chars in command line buffer
ld (hl),b ;clear byte count
add hl,bc ;point to last char in buffer
inc hl
ld (hl),b ;set end of line null after last char
ld hl,81h
nint30: ld a,(hl) ;look for start of first file name
and a ;found the end of line null?
jr z,nint55 ;z - no files to load
cp ' ' ;leading space?
jr nz,nint35 ;not space - found start of file name
inc hl
dec c ;decrement command line byte count
jr nint30 ;keep looking for start of file name
nint35: ld de,znmbuf ;save name here for later display
ld (de),a
inc de
nint40: inc hl ;find first trailing space
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jr z,nint45 ;found space - move remainder of buffer
ld (de),a ;save file name character for display
inc de
and a ;end of line?
jr z,nint55 ;z - only one file specified
dec c
jr nint40
nint45: ld a,c ;check byte count
cp inbfsz ;versus size of our local input buffer
jr c,nint50 ;carry - dize is ok
ld c,inbfsz ;only move as much as will fit
nint50: ld de,inbf
ldir ;move command line to local memory
xor a
nint55: ld hl,z8eorg ;clear local symbol table to nulls
ld b,z8e-z8eorg ;symbol table size
nint60: ld (hl),a ;nulls to entire local symbol table
inc hl
djnz nint60
ld hl,(06) ;start of bdos
ld l,a ;init stack address to 256 boundary
ld bc,nmem ;monitor size
and a
sbc hl,bc ;hl - starting address of z8e in upper
ld (z8eb),hl ;monitor bias - for relocation work
ld de,(usymbl)
sbc hl,de
ld (ntpa),hl ;end of tpa - for symbol loading
ld a,d ;check for no user symbol table
or e
jr z,nint75 ;no table - no clearing required
nint70: ld (hl),0 ;fill user symbol table with nulls
inc hl
dec de
ld a,d
or e
jr nz,nint70
nint75: ex de,hl ;hl - start of z8e in hi memory
ld hl,bphn-z8eorg ;entry point to breakpoint handler
add hl,de
ld (039h),hl ;init rst 038h trap location
ld hl,z8eorg
ldir ;z8e now in hi memory - relocate addresses
ld hl,(z8eb) ;recover hi memory starting address
ld de,z8ecmd-z8eorg
add hl,de ;first instruction to relocate
ex de,hl
nint80: call zlen00 ;calculate instruction length
ld h,d
ld l,e ;de - current instruction hl - ditto
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ex de,hl ;de - next address to relocate
ld a,c ;test length
sub 3
jr c,nint90 ;one or two byters are non-relocatable
ld c,a
add hl,bc ;bump if four byter
ld a,(hl)
ld hl,z80r ;table of relocatable instructions
ld c,z80rl ;size
jr nz,nint90 ;nz - not relocatable
ex de,hl
dec hl ;point to address byte requiring bias
ld a,(hl)
sub z8eorg shr 8 ;test for absolute address < z8eorg
jr c,nint85 ;absolute - no relocation needed
ld b,a
ld a,(z8ebh) ;hi order byte of address bias
add a,b ;plus upper byte of operand address
ld (hl),a ;set relocated address
nint85: inc hl
ex de,hl ;de - next address to test
nint90: ld bc,nrel-z8eorg ;end of relocatable portion of monitor
ld hl,(z8eb)
add hl,bc ;hl - absolute end of relocated monitor
and a
sbc hl,de ;reached end?
jr nc,nint80 ;nc - more
ld de,ncmd+zopjtl ;size - command and operand jump tables
ld hl,(z8eb) ;base of relocated monitor
ld a,-(high z8eorg); [was: ld a,-(z8eorg/256)]
add a,h ;relocation bias byte to add to ptrs
ld d,a ;d - bias to add e - count of pointers
; requiring relocation
add hl,bc ;first point to operand names
ld bc,zopjtb ;add length of operand name table
add hl,bc ;point to first entry in jump table
nint95: inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;hi byte jump table entry
add a,d ;plus bias
ld (hl),a ;replace in table
inc hl
dec e
jr nz,nint95 ;nz - more table entries to relocate
;* zsym: symbol table build from .sym and .prn files
;* lfcb called to parse the input buffer (inbf) in low memory.
;* inbf contains the command line tail which bdos passed to us at
;* 80h and which we have since moved to inbf (so that prsr thinks
;* it's just keyboard input).
;* all valid file names are opened for input.
;* if the file name terminates with a comma then we assume the
;* user is specifying a bias which is to be added to every symbol
;* loaded from the file.
;* zsym general file handiling
;* .sym load L80 .sym file or load slr .lst file
;* .prn load M80 .prn file
;* symbol table always begins on an 8 or 16 byte boundary
;* depending on the value in maxlen.
zsym: call lfcb ;initialize fcb
jp nz,zstx ;nz - error
ld de,mldg ;display loading message
call nprint ;output crlf - then print
ld de,prsbf
call print ;display file name
ld a,c ;lfcb returns delimeter in c reg
ld (delim),a ;temp save delimiter so we know if a bias has
;been specified
call crlf
call lopn ;try to open symbol table file
dec a ;
jp m,zfnf ;m - file not found
ld a,(delim) ;check delimeter
cp ','
ld hl,00
jr nz,zsym10 ;nz - no comma means no symbol bias
call prsr ;let prsr extract symbol bias
jp nz,zoff ;parse error - use bias of 0000
ld (delim),a ;save delimeter which followed bias
ld de,prsbf
ld hl,00
call xval ;evaluate bias
jr z,zsym10 ;z - numeric bias specified
;user has specified a bias in the form
;of a symbol name
ld hl,(ntpa) ;check bias specified by symbol name
ld a,(maxlen)
ld e,a
ld d,0ffh ;lower end of tpa by amount equal to
;the value of maxlen negated to insert
;jump to bdos
add hl,de
ld a,(case) ;check case of symbol table
and a
jp z,zsym05 ;z - symbol names are already in upper case
ld de,prsbf ;prsr stored symbol name here
zsym00: ld a,(de)
and a
jp z,zsym05 ;z - end of label symbol name
call ilcs ;change each char in symbol name to lower case
ld (de),a
inc de ;store converted character
jp zsym00
zsym05: ld de,prsbf
call fsym00 ;search symbol table
jp nz,zoff ;nz - not found
ld a,(maxlen)
or l
ld l,a
ld a,(hl) ;fetch hi order address associated
;with symbol
dec hl
ld l,(hl)
ld h,a ;hl - symbol value
zsym10: ld (bias),hl ;bias to add to each symbol address
ld hl,00
ld a,(fcbtyp)
ld bc,(ntpa) ;current end of tpa
cp 'S' ;is this a .sym file?
jp z,.sym ;.sym file loaded differently than .prn
cp 'L'
jp nz,.prn ;if not .lst then must be .prn
ld de,.lst?? ;look for .lst string id string
ld (pstrng),de ;store pointer to string to find
call fstrng
;bc - symbol table pointer
.sym: ld a,(maxlen) ;lower tpa address by 16 or 8
and c ;for storing next symbol and address
ld c,a
ld a,(maxlen)
cpl ;this is negate plus one
add a,c
ld c,a
jp c,.sym00 ;treat carry as complement of subtraction
dec b
ex de,hl
ld hl,stack+8 ;check for monster symbol table ready to eat us
and a
sbc hl,bc
jp nc,zmem ;end symbol load before stack is clobbered
ex de,hl
ld a,(maxlen) ;load symbol length mask (7 or 15)
dec a ;
ld d,a ;d - actual max length of symbols (6 or 14)
xor a
.sym10: ld (bc),a ;init symbol table entry to nulls
inc bc
dec d
jr nz,.sym10
ld e,d ;clear de for hex00
xor a
ld (star),a ;clear ** found flag
ld a,4 ;convert four bytes of address
ld (bytes),a
.sym20: call nchr ;fetch next character in file
cp eof
jp z,.eof ;end of this symbol file
cp '0'
jr nc,.sym25 ;c - must be control character or space
;nc - possible first char of address
cp lf
jp z,.sym21 ;
cp '*' ;** in slr .sym file?
jp nz,.sym20
ld (star),a
jp .sym25
call nchr ;fetch char following lf
cp cr
jp z,.sym22 ;z - consecutive crlf's means end of page
cp '0'
jp nc,.sym25 ;nc - symbol address on new line
cp eof
jp z,.eof
cp '*' ;** ?
jp nz,.sym20
ld (star),a
jp .sym25
ld a,(fcbtyp)
cp 'L' ;z80asm .lst file?
jp z,.sym23
cp 'P' ;macro 80 v3.4?
jp nz,.sym20
ld de,.lst?? ;bypass inter-page verbiage
ld (pstrng),de
call fstrng
cp eof
jp z,.eof
call nchr
cp eof
jp z,.eof
.sym25: call hex00 ;have first char of address - convert
call totsym ;bump total of symbols loaded
ld a,(fcbtyp) ;is this a .sym file?
cp 'S'
call nz,nchr ;eat addrress/symbol separator for .lst file
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a
ld (bytes),a ;init max symbol length counter
.sym30: call nchr ;read symbol name char
cp tab
jp z,.sym45
cp cr
jp z,.sym45
cp ' '
jp z,.sym45
ld (bc),a
ld a,(case) ;check user requested case
and a
jr z,.sym35 ;z - upper case requested by user
ld a,(bc) ;recover char
cp 'A'
jr c,.sym35 ;c - must be number
cp 'Z'+1
jp nc,.sym35
or 20h
ld (bc),a ;restore symbol name char as lower case
.sym35: inc bc
ld a,(bytes)
dec a
ld (bytes),a
jr nz,.sym30
.sym40: call nchr
cp 21h
jp nc,.sym40
.sym45: ld a,(star) ;check if this was ** in address field
and a
jp nz,.sym50
ld a,(relchr) ;check for external symbol
cp ' '
jp z,.sym ;space means absolute
cp quote
jp z,.sym ;quote means relocatable
.sym50: ld a,(maxlen)
or c
ld c,a
inc bc ;point bc to next higher symbol block so
;that rewinding by maxlen bytes will actually
;overlay this symbol. this ensures that
;external symbols are not kept in table.
jp .sym
.prn: ld de,.prn??
ld (pstrng),de
call fstrng
cp eof
jp nz,.prn00
ld de,msymnf ;display symbol table not found message
call print
jp .eof50 ;check for more symbol files to load
ld bc,(ntpa) ;bc - current end of the tpa
dec bc ;this points us into the next lower
;symbol table block
;this is first char of symbol table
xor a
or l ;get next byte from file but without bumping
;pointer allowing us to reread same char (in
;case it is last character in buffer
call z,read ;only do true read if last character was last
;in buffer
ld a,(hl)
cp '0'
jp c,.pr325 ;non-numeric: macro-80 v3.44
cp '9'+1
jp c,.pr4 ;numeric: macro-80 v3.4
;macro-80 v3.4 dec 1980 symbol table load
.pr325: ld a,(maxlen)
and c ;now rewind within 8 or 16 byte block
;(depending on maxlen) in order to point
;to first byte
ld c,a
ex de,hl ;de - save file buffer pointer
ld hl,stack + 16 ;check for encroaching symbol table
sbc hl,bc ;versus current symbol table address
jp nc,zmem ;nc - out of memory
ex de,hl ;return file buffer pointer
ld a,(maxlen)
ld d,a
dec d ;d - symbol name length
xor a
ld e,a
.pr330: ld (bc),a ;pre-clear name portion of symbol table to
inc bc
dec d ;now any name less than maxlen chars in length
jp nz,.pr330 ;is terminated with a null
ld a,(maxlen)
and c
ld c,a
.pr335: call nchr ;next char from file buffer
cp 21h
jp nc,.pr351 ;nc - this is first character of symbol name
cp eof ;end of file?
jp z,.eof
cp lf ;line feed?
jp nz,.pr335
.pr340: call nchr ;get character following line feed
cp cr
jp z,.pr342
cp formf ;form feed?
jp nz,.pr351
.pr342: ld e,3 ;symbols resume three lines hence following
;a form feed character - so count linefeeds
cp cr ;did we find cr or a formf?
jp nz,.pr345 ;nz - formf
dec e ;just look for two lf's
.pr345: call nchr
cp lf
jp nz,.pr345 ;loop til three found
dec e
jp nz,.pr345
xor a
or l ;get next byte from file but without bumping
;pointer allowing us to reread same char in
;case it is last character in buffer
call z,read ;only do true read if last character was last
;in buffer
ld a,(hl)
cp cr ;four crlf's is eof
jp z,.eof
.pr350: call nchr ;next char from file
cp eof
jp z,.eof
cp tab
jp z,.pr355
.pr351: ld (bc),a ;move character of symbol name
ld a,(case) ;check user requested case
and a
jr z,.pr352 ;z - user wants upper case
ld a,(bc) ;get char back from symbol table
cp 'A'
jr c,.pr352 ;must be numeric - no case here
cp 'Z'+1
jr nc,.pr352
add a,20h
ld (bc),a ;replace char with lower case equivalent
.pr352: inc bc
jp .pr350
.pr355: ld a,4
ld (bytes),a
.pr357: call nchr
cp ' '
jp z,.pr357
call hex00 ;now read the next four characters from the
;file and convert them to a hex address -
;store in symbol table entry
ld a,(relchr) ;recover char which followed address
cp ' ' ;this char followed address
jr z,.pr370 ;microsoft absolute address
cp quote ;relocatable address?
jp nz,.pr325
;by not rewinding the symbol table pointer
;the next symbol will overlay this one.
.pr370: dec bc
call totsym
jp .pr325
;macro-80 v3.44 symbol loading routine
.pr4: ld a,(maxlen) ;lower tpa address by maxlen
and c ;for storing next symbol and address
ld c,a ;bc - next address of symbol table entry
; on an 8 or 16 byte boundary
ex de,hl
ld hl,stack+8 ;check for monster symbol table
and a
sbc hl,bc
jp nc,zmem ;end symbol load before stack is clobbered
ex de,hl
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a ;pre-clear symbol table entry with nulls
ld d,a
xor a
.pr410: ld (bc),a ;for length equal to maxlen
inc bc
dec d
jr nz,.pr410
ld e,d ;clear de for hex00
ld a,4 ;convert four bytes of address
ld (bytes),a
.pr420: call nchr ;fetch next character in file
cp eof
jp z,.eof
cp '0'
jr nc,.pr425 ;nc - address digit
cp lf
jp nz,.pr420 ;nz - leading space or cr
call nchr ;check character following lf
cp cr
jp z,.eof ;blank line is eof
cp formf ;form feed?
jp nz,.pr425 ;no - first character of next address
ld e,3 ;must be form feed
.pr421: call nchr
cp lf ;three lf's follow form feed before symbols
;resume on next page
jp nz,.pr421
dec e
jp nz,.pr421
call nchr
cp eof
jp z,.eof
call hex00 ;have first char of address - convert
call nchr ;eat address/symbol separator
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a
ld (bytes),a ;max chars to store in symbol table
.pr430: call nchr ;read symbol name char
cp 21h
jp c,.pr440 ;found separator
ld (bc),a
ld a,(case) ;check user requested case
and a
jr z,.pr435 ;c - upper case requested by user
ld a,(bc) ;recover char
cp 'A'
jr c,.pr435 ;c - must be number
cp 'Z'+1
jr nc,.pr435
or 20h
ld (bc),a ;restore symbol name char as lower case
.pr435: inc bc ;bump symbol table pointer
ld a,(bytes) ;character counter
dec a
ld (bytes),a
jp nz,.pr430 ;not max length
.pr438: call nchr ;eat chars until next address found
cp eof
jp z,.eof
cp ' ' ;found symbol/address
jp nz,.pr438
.pr440: ld a,(maxlen)
and c
ld c,a
ld a,(relchr) ;recover char which followed address
cp ' ' ;this char followed address
jr z,.pr450 ;microsoft absolute address
cp quote ;relocatable address?
jp nz,.pr4 ;nz - must be external symbol. we don't
;actually load them or count them in total.
;by not rewinding the symbol table pointer
;the next symbol will overlay this one.
.pr450: dec bc
call totsym
jp .pr4
.eof: ;we always pre-decrement the symbol table
;pointer in anticipation of storing the next
;symbol. now that we hit the end of a symbol
;table we must adjust the pointer in
;preparation for loading the symbols from the
;next file (if there is one).
ld a,(maxlen)
ld l,a
ld h,0
inc l
add hl,bc ;point to last loaded symbol
ld b,h
ld c,l ;bc - spare copy
and c
ld c,a
ld (ntpa),bc ;save current end of tpa address
ld a,(nsymhi) ;hi order number of symbols loaded (bcd)
call hexc ;convert to ascii
ld h,a ;returned in a - move to h (other digit in l)
ld (mhex),hl ;store in message
ld a,(nsymlo)
call hexc ;convert lo order
ld h,a
ld (mhex+2),hl
ld de,msym.. ;display number of symbols loaded message
ld c,9
call bdos
ld de,mhex ;now look thru ascii number of symbols to
;strip leading zeros
ld b,3
.eof10: ld a,(de)
cp '0'
jr nz,.eof20 ;nz - found first non-zero
inc de
djnz .eof10 ;if first three chars zero - fall thru and
;print the fourth regardless
.eof20: ld c,09
call bdos ;print the number as string ending with $
call crlf
ld hl,(tsym) ;now add in bcd total for this file to bcd
;total for all files
ld de,(nsym) ;tsym - total for all files
;nsym - total for this file
ld a,h
add a,d
ld h,a
ld a,l
adc a,e
ld l,a
ld (tsym),hl
ld hl,00 ;clear out total for next file
ld (nsym),hl
ld hl,(z8eb)
ld de,symflg-z8eorg
add hl,de ;hl - pointer to symbol flag in hi memory
xor a
ld (hl),a ;zero - symbol table present
ld (symflg),a ;also set flag in lo memory where we are
;currently so that fsym knows theres a symbol
;table to search thru if the user specified a
;symbol name bias as part of the command line
.eof50: ld a,(delim) ;check command line delimter
and a ;test for end of line null
jp nz,zsym ;nz - not null means more files
load: ld hl,(ntpa) ;current end of memory
ld a,(symflg) ;check for symbol table
and a
jr nz,load00 ;nz - no symbol table
ld d,a
ld a,(maxlen)
ld e,a ;de - length of a symbol table block
inc e
sbc hl,de ;compensate for pre-increment of pointer
load00: ld de,(06) ;de - real entry point to bdos
ld (06),hl ;point to our origin in hi memory
ld (hl),jp ;init jump to bdos at start of z8e
inc hl
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld e,0 ;de - old start of bdos address in also our
;ending address
ld hl,(z8eb) ;load out starting address in hi memory
ld bc,z8e-z8eorg ;fetch the number of bytes between z8e's base
;address and the entry point of the command
;processor - internal symbol table size
add hl,bc
ld b,h
ld c,l ;bc - relocated z8e address
ex de,hl ;de - entry point z8e hl - old start of bdos
dec hl ;hl - last byte in our memory
ld (hl),b
dec hl
ld (hl),c ;z8e (monitor entry point) on stack
ld sp,hl ;now set current stack to just below our
;return address
ex de,hl ;hl - relocated address z8e
inc hl
inc hl ;hl - points to ld sp,0000 instruction at the
;start of the command processor. replace 0000
;with the address bdos-1
ld (hl),e ;set real stack address
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,(z8eb) ;base of relocated code
ld de,fcb-z8eorg ;relative offset from start of monitor
add hl,de
ex de,hl ;de - fcb address in relocated monitor in hi
ld hl,zbuf ;
ld bc,16
ldir ;init fcb with saved file name
ld de,mz8eld ;print memory space occupied by z8e
call print
ld hl,(z8eb) ;display our base address in upper memory
call outadr
ld a,'-'
call ttyo
call space
call space
ld hl,(06) ;this points to the new jump to bdos
inc hl
ld e,(hl) ;de - old start of bdos address
inc hl
ld d,(hl)
ex de,hl
ld l,0 ;256 byte boundary to bypass cp/m serial no.
call outadr
ld a,(symflg) ;test for presence of symbol table
and a
jr nz,load40 ;nz - no table
ld de,msymld ;display start address of symbol table message
call print
ld hl,(06) ;vector to bdos is start of symbol table
call outadr
ld a,'-'
call ttyo
call space
call space
ld hl,(z8eb) ;start of internal symbol table is end of
;symbol table built from files
dec hl
call outadr
ld a,(tsymhi) ;total number of symbols from all files (bcd)
call hexc ;convert to ascii
ld h,a ;move hi order ascii digit to h
ld (mhex),hl ;store double ascii digit
ld a,(tsymlo)
call hexc ;convert lo order
ld h,a
ld (mhex+2),hl ;save in string
ld de,tsym.. ;total symbols message
ld c,9
call bdos
ld de,mhex ;address of ascii digits
ld b,3 ;check for leading zeros
load20: ld a,(de)
cp '0'
jr nz,load30 ;nz - found first nz in string
inc de
djnz load20 ;check first three digits then fall thru and
;print fourth regardless
load30: ld c,09
call bdos
load40: ld hl,(06)
dec hl ;hl - address of new tpa
ld de,mnvmem ;display address as memory available
call print
call outadr
call crlf
ld (hl),0 ;now store two zeros at the top of the tpa and
;set stack pointer to this very same address.
;this allows users to do a warm boot via ret
;in the same way as if they had been loaded by
dec hl
ld (hl),0
ld bc,(z8eb) ;our relocated address in hi memory
ex de,hl ;de - last available location in tpa
ld hl,spreg-z8eorg ;address (relative to the start of z8e) where
;we store the user stack pointer address
add hl,bc ;hl - pointer to
ld (hl),e ;save user stack in spreg in hi memory
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,z8e-z8eorg
ld a,(zbufnm) ;first char of file name
cp ' ' ;do we have a file to load?
jr z,load50 ;z - no
ld de,mldg ;display loading message and target file name
call nprint
ld de,znmbuf
call print
;enter the monitor in hi memory at entry
;point lldr10
ld hl,lldr10-z8eorg
ld bc,(z8eb)
load50: add hl,bc ;hl - actual address of lldr10 in hi memory
ex de,hl ;now clear out the buffer at 80h so the user
;program doesn't mistakenly think that our
;command line tail is really his.
ld hl,iobuf
ld (hl),0 ;set number of chars zero (80h)
inc hl
ld b,127 ;clear until start of tpa
load60: ld (hl),' '
inc hl
djnz load60
ex de,hl ;lldr10 address back to hl
jp (hl) ;hi-ho, hi-ho to the loader we must go
;this routine reads one char from the disk i/o
;buffer returning it in a. upon entry we check
;the lo order buffer pointer - 0 means we hit
;the 256 boundary (end of buffer) and a read
;is needed.
nchr: xor a
or l
call z,read
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
read: push bc
push de
ld de,fcb
ld c,20 ;sequential file read
call bdos
and a ;test for error
ld hl,iobuf ;assume ok - init i/o buffer address
pop de
pop bc
ret z ;z - no errors
ld de,msymnf ;display symbol table not found message
call print
ld sp,stack ;reinit stack
jp .eof50 ;check for more symbol files to load
;convert byte in a to two ascii hex digits.
;return: a - converted hi order digit
; l - lo order digit
hexc: ld h,a
call hexc00
ld l,a
ld a,h
hexc00: and 0fh
add a,90h
adc a,40h
;this routine is called by the symbol table
;building routines, .sym and .prn and its
;its function is to convert ascii addresses
;into binary. since we are reading files in
;a known format we don't init any loop counts;
;instead, we look for delimeters.
hex: call nchr ;get char from disk i/o buffer
hex00: cp 3ah ;convert ascii to hex
jp c,hex10 ;c - must be delimeter
sub 7
hex10: sub '0'
ex de,hl ;shift hl left four
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
or l ;or in this new digit
ld l,a
ex de,hl
ld a,(bytes)
dec a
ld (bytes),a
jp nz,hex
call nchr
cp 'I' ;global?
call z,nchr ;z - need to read next to determine absolute
; or relocatable
ld (relchr),a ;we need to save this character for .prn files
;so we can tell whether to add this symbol
;to the count of symbols loaded. if this
;is an external name we skip the add.
cp ' ' ;space means absolute
jr z,hex30 ;no bias added to absolute symbols
ld a,(biaslo)
add a,e ;add in bias as specified by user or default
;as initialized by us (zero)
ld e,a
ld a,(biashi)
adc a,d
ld d,a
hex30: ld a,(maxlen) ;now point to last byte of symbol table
;entry, which is where we will store
;address just computed
and c
ld c,a
ld a,(maxlen)
or c
ld c,a ;never worry about carry - we always start
;with 256 boundary
ld a,d ;store lo order symbol address
ld (bc),a
dec bc ;point to penultimate byte in block
ld a,e ;hi order byte of address into symbol table
ld (bc),a
ld a,(maxlen) ;mask to rewind symbol table pointer to the
;start of this block
and c
ld c,a
totsym: ld de,nsymlo ;nsym - bcd running count of the number of
ld a,(de) ; symbols loaded so far
add a,1 ;bump by one symbol
daa ;keep bcd format
ld (de),a
ret nc
dec de ;account for carry by bumping hi order byte
ld a,(de)
add a,1
ld (de),a
;possible syntax error was detected as lfcb tried to init the fcb.
;however, we never keep track of how many files appeared in the
;command line we just keep calling lfcb. hence, we will always get
;an error return at some point when the input buffer runs out of
;valid input. we check for real syntax error or end of command
;line by examining the first byte of the parse buffer: if zero then
;prsr found no valid characters in the input buffer and this is the
;end of input - else, lfcb found real syntax error.
zstx: ld a,(prsbf)
and a ;real syntax error - or end of input?
jp z,load ;z - more files
ld de,mldg ;display loading message and symbol name
;to preserve the syntax used on good loads
call nprint
ld de,prsbf ;display file name currently in parse buffer so
;user knows where goof was
call print
call crlf
ld de,msntx ;now display syntax error
call print
jp .eof50 ;check for more files to load
zfnf: ld de,mfilnf ;display file not found
call print
jp .eof50
zmem: ld de,mmem?? ;display out of memory message
call print
call crlf
ld hl,maxlen
ld l,(hl)
ld h,00
add hl,bc
ld (ntpa),hl
jp load
zoff: ld de,minvof ;display invalid offset using 0000 message
call print
ld hl,00
jp zsym10
push bc
push de
ld de,(pstrng) ;address of canned string pointer
ld a,(de) ;length
ld b,a
inc de
fstr10: call nchr ;get char
cp eof
jp z,fstr20
ex de,hl ;de - buffer ptr hl - "symbols:" string ptr
cp (hl)
ex de,hl
jp nz,fstr00 ;mismatch read more from file
inc de
djnz fstr10 ;check entire string length
fstr20: pop de
pop bc
.lst??: defb .lstsz ;string length
defb 'Symbol Table:'
defb cr,lf,cr,lf
.lstsz equ $ - .lst?? - 1
.prn??: defb .prnsz ;string length
defb 'Symbols:' ;string to search for in M80's .prn files
;indicating start of symbol table
defb cr,lf
.prnsz equ $ - .prn?? - 1
tsymhi: defb 0
tsymlo: defb 0
usymbl: defw 0
pstrng: defw 0
relchr: defb 0
.idprn: defb 0
star: defb 0
nsymhi: defb 0
nsymlo: defb 0
mhex: defb ' '
defb '$'
msym..: defb 'Number Of Symbols Loaded: $'
tsym..: defb cr,lf
defb 'Total Symbols: $'
msymnf: defb 'Symbol Table Not Found'
defb cr,lf,0
minvof: defb 'Invalid Offset - Using 0000'
defb cr,lf,0
msymld: defb cr,lf
defb 'Symbol Table: '
defb 0
mz8eld: defb cr,lf
defb 'Z8E Relocated: '
defb 0
mnvmem: defb cr,lf
defb 'Top Of Memory: '
defb 00
z8eb: defb 00
z8ebh: defb 00
ntpa: defw 00
bytes: defb 00
zbuf: defb 00
zbufnm: defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
rept 18
defw 0,0
defs 255
;* z8e: entry point to monitor
;* each command begins with the output of the '*' prompt.
;* command character in validated by checking the cmd table,
;* relative position of command letter in cmd table also used
;* as index into command jump table jtcmd.
;* all commands entered with b = 0.
org ($+255) and 0ff00h
;was org 256*(($+255)/256)
;note: first three bytes here become a jump to
defs 16 ; bdos after we are loaded
;this is the internal symbol table
z8e: and a ;any do-nothing instruction with the sign
;bit set to indicate end of internal symbol
defb 31h ;ld sp,nnnn - load monitor stack pointer
z8esp: defw 8000h ;actual address filled in by nint at load
;time when we figure out where bdos is
z8ecmd: ld hl,z8e
push hl
ld de,prompt ;display prompt (asterisk)
call nprint
ld hl,jstepf ;full screen debugging in effect?
ld a,(hl)
and a
jr nz,z8e10 ;nz - no
ld c,10
call spaces ;if this was jdbg clear command line residue
ld b,10
z8e00: call bksp
djnz z8e00
z8e10: call inchar ;read in command character
call ixlt ;translate to upper case for compare
ld (lcmd),a
cp 'J' ;if command is anything but j then indicate
;that screen is corrupted. at next invokation
;jdbg will know to repaint the screen.
jr z,z8e20
ld (jstepf),a ;full screen flag nz - full screen debugging
;in progress
z8e20: ld bc,ncmd ;total number of commands
ld hl,cmd ;table of ascii command characters
jp nz,e??? ;command letter not found in table
ld hl,jtcmd ;command jump table
add hl,bc
add hl,bc ;index into table
ld e,(hl) ;lo order command processing routine
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;upper address
ld c,3
call spaces ;print spaces regardless
ex de,hl ;hl - address of command processing routine
jp (hl)
;* bphn: breakpoint handler - rst38s land here
;* bphn - bphn00 save all user registers
;* bphn10 - bphn20 check that user pc matches entry in brktbl.
;* bphn80 special single step processing.
;* note: sbps is both a flag and the count of the number of step bps.
;* sbps is set to 1 merely to indicate that the single-stepping
;* is in effect. then the number of step bps is added to one.
;* hence, if 1 step bp was set then sbps = 2 and if 2 step bps
;* were set (conditional jump, call, ret) sbps = 3.
bphn: ld (hlreg),hl ;save user hl
pop hl ;pop breakpoint pc from stack
ld (spreg),sp ;save user sp
ld sp,(z8esp) ;switch to our stack
dec hl ;point to location of rst instruction
ld (pcreg),hl ;save user pc
ld (dereg),de ;save user de
ld (bcreg),bc ;save user bc
push af
pop hl ;user accumulator and flag to hl
ld (afreg),hl ;save user af
ld a,i
ld h,a ;save user i reg
ld a,r
ld l,a ;save user r reg
ld (rreg),hl
ex af,af' ;Bank In Prime Regs
ld (hlpreg),hl ;save
ld (depreg),de
ld (bcpreg),bc
push af
pop hl
ld (afpreg),hl
ld (ixreg),ix ;save user ix
ld (iyreg),iy ;save user iy
ld a,(bps)
and a ;check for zero bp count
jp z,bp??? ;error - no bps set
ld b,a ;b - number of breakpoints
ld hl,brktbl ;breakpoint storage table
xor a
ld c,a ;init breakpoint found flag
bphn10: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;de - breakpoint address
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;saved contents of breakpoint address
inc hl
ld (de),a ;replace rst 38 with actual data
ld a,(pcregl) ;user pc - lo order
xor e
ld e,a ;versus breakpoint address in table
ld a,(pcregh)
xor d ;check hi order
or e
jr nz,bphn20 ;no match - check next entry in table
ld c,b ;pc found in table set c reg nz
bphn20: djnz bphn10 ;restore all user data
ld hl,sbps ;fetch number of step bps (0-2)
ld b,(hl)
xor a
ld (hl),a ;clear regardless
or c ;test bp found flag
jp z,bp??? ;z - bp not in table
inc hl ;point to bp count
ld d,(hl) ;d - bp count
dec b
jp m,bphn30 ;m - this was user bp not step or jdbg
ld a,(hl)
sub b ;subtract number of step bps from bp count
ld (hl),a ;restore bp count
ld a,(lcmd) ;what command got us here?
cp 'S' ;step?
jr z,bphn90 ;step command - check count
;now we know we have jdbg in progress. need
;to check for user specified bp at the same
;address. if we find one stop trace.
ld a,b ;number of step bps to accumulator (1 or 2).
sub c ;compare number of step bps with the offset
;into the bp table where the current bp was
;found. since step bps are always at the end
;of the table we can determine how bp was set.
jp nc,jdbg30 ;nc - we are at end of table so more tracing
bphn30: ld a,c
add a,d ;create index into pass count table
add a,a
ld hl,psctbl ;pass count table
add a,l
ld l,a
jr nc,bphn35
inc h
bphn35: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;de - pass count
ld a,d
or e
jr z,bphn50 ;no count in effect
dec de
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e ;restored updated count
ld a,d
or e ;did it just go zero?
jr z,bphn50 ;count just expired
ld a,b ;pass count not zero - go or jdbg?
and a
jp p,jdbg30 ;if step flag p we had step bps
ld hl,(pcreg)
jp g100 ;continue go command
bphn50: or b ;test if we had step bps
jp m,bphn60 ;this was go - print bp message
ld a,'X'
ld (lcmd),a ;clear command letter so xreg disassembles
call home ;home cursor
call xreg
ld b,22 ;cursor on penultimate line
ld c,00
call xycp
bphn60: ld de,bpmsg ;print *bp*
call print ;print message pointed to by de
ld hl,(pcreg)
call outadr ;display breakpoint address
ex de,hl
call fadr ;attempt to find label at this address
ex de,hl ;de - bp address
jp nz,z8e ;nz - no label found
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a
ld c,a ;c - max size of label
call printb
jp z8e
bphn90: call xreg ;display all registers
ld hl,(nstep) ;fetch trace count
dec hl
ld a,l
or h
jp z,z8e ;count expired - prompt for command
call ttyq ;test for abort trace
cp cr
jp z,z8e
call crlf ;
jp step40 ;continue trace
bp???: ld de,bpemsg
call print
ld hl,(pcreg)
call outadr
jp z8e
e???: ex de,hl
ld de,em???
call print
ex de,hl
;* jdbg: animated debugger
;* jdbg allows the user to view the z80 cpu actually executed the
;* code. jdbg displays 18 disassembled instructions on the
;* as well as a user defined memory block referred to in the
;* comments as a window.
;* entry point jdbg:
;* jdbg processes user input as a prelude to the actual animation
;* of the code. the user enters the starting address to animate
;* optionally preceded by a subroutine qualifier. the subroutine
;* qualifier may be either a "*" which instructs z8e not to trace
;* any subroutines which are located below 100h (ie. bdos calls),
;* or it may be a "/" which means no tracing of any subroutines.
;* jdbg will also paint the original screen with the register
;* contents as well as the memory window. the contents of the
;* memory window are also moved into argbuf so that we can compare
;* the 'old' contents with the 'new' contents once a the first bp
;* is reached.
;* entry point jdbg30:
;* entered here via bphn who determines that animation is in
;* effect. in order to cut down on superfluous cursor move-
;* ment on the screen we compare the old register and memory
;* window contents with the new contents following the latest
;* bp. we only output the changes. next we determine if the
;* current pc exists in disassembled form somewhere on the
;* screen; if not, we display 18 new disassembled instructions
;* with the current pc as line one.
;* exit jdbg95:
;* save current register contents and jump to step40 for next
;* single step.
call iedtbc ;get command line
jp p,jdbg02 ;p - have input
jdbg00: ld hl,lastro
ld b,(hl) ;row position of arrow on screen
ld c,18 ;column
call xycp
ld c,2
call spaces
ld b,17h
ld c,00
call xycp
ld hl,jstepf
ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),1
and a
jp z,jdbg90 ;j was last means screen intact - just move
;arrow. else fall thru and repaint screen.
;indicate single step
ld a,10
jr jdbg10 ;init timer
jdbg02: ld a,(hl) ;check first char of input
ex de,hl ;de - save input buffer address
ld hl,wflag ;wflag tells us whether to trace subroutines
;or walk around them
ld (hl),0ffh ;conditionally assume trace all
sub '/' ;slash means don't trace any
jr z,jdbg03 ;
add a,'/'-'*' ;check for star - no trace of bdos subs
jr nz,jdbg05
inc a ;set flag one to indicate no trace of subs
;at address < 100h (bdos calls)
jdbg03: ld (hl),a ;set wflag
xor a ;if slash or space replace with null in inbf
;so parser will ignore
ld (de),a
jdbg05: call iarg ;now evaluate address
jr z,jdbg08 ;z - no error
ld a,(inbfnc) ;check number of characters
dec a ;check for just / or just *
jr z,jdbg00 ;treat as single step
ld (jstepf),a ;indicate screen corrupted
jp e??? ;error -
jdbg08: ld (pcreg),hl ;save address at which to start tracing
and a ;check delimter
ld a,10 ;no delimeter use default timer value
jr z,jdbg10
call iarg ;check if user wants non-default timer
ld a,10
jr nz,jdbg10 ;error - use default
ld a,l ;a - timer value as entered by user
jdbg10: ld (timer),a
ld b,24 ;xmit crlf's to clear screen
jdbg15: call crlf ;clear screen
djnz jdbg15
call rgdisp ;display current user regs
call zwnw ;display disassembled window
ld a,(wnwsiz)
and a ;test if window being displayed
jr z,jdbg28
ld de,window ;save user specified memory block til next bp
ld hl,(wnwtab) ;start of memory window address
ld bc,3
jdbg20: ld a,(fwndow) ;position cursor starting at column
sub 6
call curs
call outadr ;display address of memory window
jdbg25: ld a,(fwndow)
call curs ;column position on screen of memory window
;is (rel pos * 3) + (fwndow)
ld a,(hl) ;display this byte
ld (de),a ;save this byte in window between bps
call outhex
inc b ;move and display user specifed number
;of bytes (wnwsiz)
ld a,(wnwsiz)
sub b
jr z,jdbg28
inc hl
inc de
ld a,(nlmask) ;check for new line time
and b
jr nz,jdbg25 ;not end of line - display next byte else...
jr jdbg20 ;...display address first
jdbg28: ld a,3 ;point to very first instruction
jp jdbg75
;breakpoint handler jumps here for full
;screen single step
jdbg30: ld c,3
call spaces ;remove => from screen
ld b,c ;(c=0 after spaces executes)
ld hl,regcon ;new contents of registers following bp
ld de,regsav ;old prior to bp
jdbg35: ld a,(de) ;compare old vs new
cp (hl)
inc hl
inc de
jr nz,jdbg40 ;different - display new
ld a,(de) ;check hi order byte of this reg pair
cp (hl)
jr z,jdbg45 ;z - hi and lo bytes the same so try next reg
; ld a,4 ;col position of reg pair is (rel pos * 9) + 3
; and b
; jr z,jdbg42
; ld a,3
; and b ;- 9 bytes deleted here
; inc a
push bc ;+save register number
ld c,b ;+move it to c while we build line number
ld b,0 ;+assume first line for now
ld a,7 ;+regs-per-line mask
cp c ;+generate carry if second line
rl b ;+shift carry into line number
and c ;+generate line-relative register number
ld c,a ;+col = reg * 9 + 3 if non-prime
add a,a ;+ *2
add a,a ;+ *4
add a,a ;+ *8
add a,c ;+ *9
bit 2,c ;+is it a prime (alternate) register?
jr z,jdbg42 ;+skip if not
add a,c ;+*10
sub 3 ;+col = reg * 10 if prime
add a,3 ;+
ld c,a ;+
call xycp ;+
pop bc ;+ added 29 bytes
; add a,3 ;- deleted another 5 bytes here
; call curs ;- nett cost = 14 bytes for new code
; ;- but we save 19 bytes in 'curs:' routine
ld a,(hl) ;display upper byte of reg contents
call outhex
dec hl ;rewind to pick up lo order byte
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call outhex ;display lo order
jdbg45: inc hl
inc de
inc b
ld a,regsiz/2 ;number of reg pairs to display
sub b
jr nz,jdbg35
call space
ld b,1
ld c,36
call xycp
ld b,0
call psw ;now display flag reg mnemonics
ld a,(wnwsiz) ;check window size
and a
jr z,jdbg60 ;z - no memory window in effect
ld hl,(wnwtab) ;hl - address of start of window
ld bc,03
ld de,window ;old contents of window stored here
jdbg50: ld a,(de) ;compare old vs new
cp (hl)
jr z,jdbg55 ;same - no reason to display
ld a,(fwndow) ;col position of byte is (rel pos * 3) + 50
call curs
ld a,(hl) ;display byte
ld (de),a ;we only need to move byte if it changed
call outhex
jdbg55: inc b ;bump memory window byte count
ld a,(wnwsiz) ;max size
inc hl
inc de
sub b
jr nz,jdbg50 ;loop until entire window examined
jdbg60: ld a,18 ;init count of disassembled instructions
ld (jlines),a
ld de,(zasmfl) ;address of first disassembled instruction
;on screen
jdbg65: ld hl,(pcreg)
and a
sbc hl,de
jr z,jdbg70 ;found - pc exists somewhere on screen
call zlen00 ;compute length of this instruction
ld b,0
ex de,hl ;hl - address on disassembled instruction
add hl,bc ;add length to compute address of next inline
;instruction for display
ex de,hl ;de - restore new istruction pointer
ld hl,jlines
dec (hl) ;dec screen line count
jr nz,jdbg65
ld hl,(pcreg) ;pc not on screen - so current pc will be new
;first pc on screen
ld (zasmfl),hl
ld bc,0300h ;cursor row 4 - col 1
call xycp
call zwnw ;instruction not on screen so paint a new
;screen starting at current pc
ld a,3 ;disassembled instructions start on line 4
jr jdbg75
jdbg70: ld a,(jlines)
add a,21 ;a - screen row on which to position cursor
jdbg75: ld (lastro),a ;save position of arrow
ld b,a ;pass to xycp
ld c,18 ;pass column
call xycp ;position cursor routine
ld de,mrrow
call print
ld a,(lastro) ;xy positioning added after '=>' as
;some systems have a destructive bs
ld c,17 ;new cursor loc
call xycp ;put it there
ld a,(jstepf)
dec a ;test if single stepping
jp z,jdbg95
call ttyq
ld hl,timer
ld b,(hl)
jr z,jdbg80
cp '0'
jr c,jdbg78
cp 3ah
jr nc,jdbg95
and 0fh
ld (hl),a
ld b,a
jr jdbg80
jdbg78: cp cr ;carriage return ends command
jr z,jdbg95
jdbg80: call clok
jdbg90: ld de,regsav ;move current reg contents to save area
ld hl,regcon
ld bc,regsiz
jp step40
;user requested abort from console
jdbg95: ld b,22 ;position cursor on line 23 for prompt
ld c,0
call xycp
xor a
ld (jstepf),a ;indicate we have full screen of data
jp z8e ;to z8e command processor
zwnw: ;display disassembly window
ld a,18 ;number of instructions to disassemble
zwnw05: ld hl,(pcreg)
ld (zasmfl),hl ;save pc of first line
zwnw10: ld (jlines),a
ld (zasmpc),hl ;save here as well
ld de,zasmbf+96 ;disassemble in upper portion of buffer to
;prevent overlap with big memory windows.
;otherwise, every time we disassemble a new
;screen we have to repaint the window.
call zasm10 ;disassemble first instruction
ld a,30 ;test line length
cp c
jr z,zwnw20
ld c,42
zwnw20: call printb
call crlf
ld hl,(zasmnx) ;hl - next address to disassemble
ld a,(jlines)
dec a
jr nz,zwnw10
ld b,3 ;position cursor next to next instruction
;to execute which is the first one on the
;screen - line 4 col 20
ld c,20
call xycp
;display regs at top of screen:
rgdisp: call home ;home cursor
call xreg ;display regs
call psw ;display flag reg
jp crlf
curs: push bc ;this routine has been simplified and shortened
push de ;by 19 bytes because it is no longer used for
push hl ;register display positioning. jrs 20/4/87
ld d,a
ld e,c ;save base row address
; cp 3 ;test if reg or memory window (3 is reg)
; ld a,7
; jr z,curs00 ;z - regs are eight per line (first line)
ld a,(nlmask)
curs00: and b ;item number mod lnmask is the relative pos of
ld c,a ;reg contents or memory data byte
add a,a ;
add a,c
ld c,a ;c - rel pos times three
; ld a,d ;if base column address is < 50 then this is
;reg display
; sub 3
; ld h,a
; ld a,c
; jr nz,curs20 ;nz - not reg display - must be memory
; add a,a ;so multiply times three again
; add a,c ;times 9 in all for register display
curs20: add a,d ;add in base
ld c,a ;c - absolute col number
; xor a ;test if this is reg or memory window display
; or h
; jr z,curs30 ;z - this is register display
ld a,(fwndow)
cp 68 ;14-char symbols in effect?
jp z,curs40
curs30: srl b
curs40: ld a,0fch
and b ;now compute row number
add a,e ;base row address
ld b,a ;b - absolute row number
call xycp ;convert row and column to xy cursor address
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
ld d,50 ;idle loop - decrement to 0 and reload
ld e,00
dec b ;user specified the loop counter
ret m
clok10: dec de
ld a,e
or d
jr nz,clok10
jr clok
;* exam: examine memory and display in hex and ascii. user is allowed
;* to modify memory after every byte is displayed. ilin called
;* to parse input buffer into a single string of bytes which is
;* returned in argbuf. the byte count of the string is returned
;* in argbc, and this number of bytes is transferred to the
;* current memory address.
;* user may optionally scan memory by entering cr. command
;* terminates when a single space is entered.
;* enter: b - 0
;* de - address at which to display first byte
exam: call ilin
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl
exam00: call newlin
ld a,(de) ;fetch byte to display regardless
call outbyt
call byte
jr nz,exam00 ;nz - don't replace memory contents
cp '.'
jr nz,exam10
ld a,(inbfnc)
dec a
ret z
exam10: ld hl,argbc ;byte count to c
ld c,(hl)
ld b,0
ld (exampt),de
ld hl,argbf ;start of evaluated input
ld a,(trmntr)
cp cr
jr z,exam00
ld de,(exampt)
jr exam00
;* hsym: display symbol table
;* user may display the symbol table on the console. if no arg
;* entered on command line then the entire table is dumped start-
;* ing with the first symbol. if a valid symbol is entered then
;* we will try to find the symbol in the table; if found, the
;* table is dumped starting at that point. if the symbol is not
;* found the user gets a ? and the command terminates.
;* symbols are displayed in blocks of 32. after each block the
;* user is given the opportunity of continuing or ending the
;* command:
;* cr - display next
;* not cr - terminate
hsym: call ilin ;read in line of data
ld hl,z8e ;assume no symbol entered
jr nz,hsym10 ;nz - no input means display entire table
ld de,prsbf
call fsym ;attempt to find this symbol name in table
jp nz,e??? ;error - symbol not found in symbol table
ld a,(maxlen)
or l ;point to next symbol table entry (next block)
ld l,a ;hl - ptr to last byte in this entry
inc hl ;now next entry toward hi memory
hsym10: ld a,(maxlen) ;max size of symbol name
ld c,a
dec c
inc a ;make 8 or 16
ld e,a
xor a
ld d,a ;de - size of symbol table entry
sbc hl,de ;previous entry toward lo memory
ld a,(hl) ;null means this is unused slot is user
;defined symbol table
and a
jr z,hsym10
dec a ;neg means this is jp opcode (0c3h) of jump to
ret m
ld a,(maxlen)
srl a
srl a
xor 2
and b ;check symbols per line count
call z,crlf ;crlf every fourth
dec b ;now decrement symbols per line count
call printb ;treat symbol table entry as a buffer and
;six chars or until null, whichever is first
inc c ;tack on two spaces
inc c
call spaces
ld a,(maxlen)
or l ;point to last byte in symbol table block
ld l,a
ld d,(hl) ;upper byte of symbol address
dec hl
ld e,(hl) ;lo order
ex de,hl
call outadr ;hl - symbol address to display
ld c,4
call spaces ;next symbol name starts 4 spaces to the right
ex de,hl ;hl - symbol table pointer
ld a,(maxlen)
and l ;rewind to point to byte zero of entry
ld l,a
ld a,b
and 31 ;displayed block of 32 symbols?
jr nz,hsym10
call crlf
call ttyi ;test if user wants abort
cp cr
jr z,hsym10
ret ;not cr - end command
;* usym: write symbol table to disk
usym: call iedtbc ;get a command line
ret m ;no input ends command
call bldf ;build fcb
jp nz,esntx ;syntax error
ld hl,z8e ;start at beginning
ld a,(symflg) ;do we even have a symbol table?
and a
ret nz ;no table - end command
ld b,128 ;disk write buffer size
ld (lines),a ;clear symbols per line counter
ld de,symbuf
usym10: ld a,(maxlen)
ld c,a ;max size of symbol name
and l ;rewind to byte zero of symbol table entry
ld l,a
ld a,b ;temp save buffer count
ld b,0
sbc hl,bc
dec hl ;point to 8 or 16 byte boundary
ld b,a ;restore buffer count
ld a,(hl) ;null means this is unused slot in user
;defined symbol table
and a
jr z,usym10
dec a ;neg means this is jp opcode (0c3h) of jump to
jp p,usym20
call pcrlf ;hit end of table - put crlf in buffer
ld a,eof
ld b,1 ;force buffer write
call putc ;put eof in file
jp closef ;this is a wrap
usym20: ld a,(maxlen)
or l
ld l,a ;point to hi order byte of symbol address
call pbin ;put address in buffer
ld a,' '
call putc ;followed by space just like l80
ld a,(maxlen)
and l ;rewind to byte zero of symbol entry
ld l,a
dec c ;09-14-85 restore maxlen size as count
usym25: ld a,(hl) ;fetch char of symbol name
and a ;null?
jr z,usym40 ;name is less than 6 chars long
call putc ;put valid symbol name chars in buffer
dec c
jr z,usym40 ;z - just moved last char
inc hl
jr usym25
usym40: ld a,tab ;tab separates name and next address
call putc ;insert tab before address field
ld a,(lines)
dec a
ld (lines),a
and 3 ;insert crlf every fourth symbol
jr nz,usym10
call pcrlf
jr usym10
pcrlf: ld a,cr
call putc
ld a,lf
jr putc
;convert two byte binary address to ascii
;and put into buffer
pbin: call pbin00 ;
dec hl
pbin00: ld a,(hl)
call binx
call putc ;
ld a,(hl)
call binx00
putc: ld (de),a ;just like pascal - put char into buffer
inc de
dec b ;buffer count passed in b
ret nz
putc00: ld de,symbuf ;hit end of buffer - reinit pointer to start
call bwrite ;write current buffer
ld b,128 ;reinit tally
;* dump: dump memory in hex and ascii
;* memory is dumped in hex and ascii in user specified block size.
;* if the d command is given without arguments then memory is dumped
;* beginning at the address where we left off as store in blkptr.
;* user is queried after each block is dumped:
;* cr - dump next consecutive block
;* not cr - end command
dump: call iedtbc ;solicit input
jp p,dump00 ;p - input present
ld de,(bsiz) ;no input means use previous block size
ld hl,(blkptr) ; ... and address
jr dump30
dump00: call iarg ;read in next arg (starting address)
jp nz,e??? ;invalid starting address
ex de,hl ;de - starting address to dump
call iarg ;next arg (block size)
jr z,dump15 ;z - no errors
ld hl,000 ;default to block size of 256
jr dump20
dump15: xor a
or h ;test for block size or ending address
jr z,dump20 ;less than 256 must be block size
sbc hl,de ;compute size
jp c,e???
dump20: ld a,l
or h
jr nz,dump25
inc h
dump25: ld (bsiz),hl
ex de,hl ;de - block size hl - memory pointer
dump30: ld b,16 ;init bytes per line count
call ttyq
cp cr
ret z
call crlf ;display current address on new line
call outadr
ld c,2
call spaces ;hex display starts two spaces right
dump40: dec b ;decrement column count
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
call othxsp ;display memory in hex
inc c ;tally of hex bytes displayed
dec de ;decrement block count
ld a,d
or e ;test for end of block
jr z,dump50 ;z - end of block
xor a
or b ;end of line?
jr nz,dump40 ;not end of line - dump more in hex
jr dump60
dump50: ld a,(bsizhi)
and a ;block size greater than 256?
jr nz,dump55 ;nz - greater
ld a,(bsizlo)
and 0f0h ;block size less than 16?
jr z,dump60 ;z - less
dump55: ld a,(bsizlo)
and 0fh ;block size multiple of 16?
jr z,dump60 ;multiple of 16
add a,16
ld b,a
add a,a
add a,b
dump60: add a,3 ;plus three - begin ascii display
ld b,a ;pad line until ascii display area
dump70: call space
djnz dump70
sbc hl,bc ;rewind memory point by like amount
dump80: ld a,(hl) ;start ascii display
inc hl
call asci
dec c
jr nz,dump80
call ttyq ;cr aborts command
cp cr
jp z,z8e
ld a,d ;test for block size tally expired
or e
jr nz,dump30 ;
ld de,(bsiz) ;reinit block size
call ttyi ;query user for more
cp cr
call z,crlf
jr z,dump30 ;not cr - next block
ld (blkptr),hl
ret ;end command
;* rgst: display and optionally modify individual registers
;* call iedt: read edited input into inbf
;* call prsr: parse input
;* call mreg: validate register name and map into reg storage
;* call iarg: query user for replacement
rgst: ld c,' ' ;get edited input
ld b,inbfsz
call iedt
ret m
ld a,(trmntr)
cp ' '
call z,bksp
call prsr
or b ;unbalanced quotes (prime reg?)
jp p,rgst00
and 7fh
cp 3
jr nz,rgst25
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
sub quote
jr nz,rgst25
ld (hl),a
rgst00: ld a,(inbfnc) ;number of characters in buffer
cp 4
jr nc,rgst25 ;error - too many chars
add a,4 ;calculate space padding
ld c,a
cp 3 ;was it one?
jr nz,rgst10
ld a,(de)
call ixlt
cp 'P'
jr nz,rgst10
ld (inbfnc),a ;any number > 2 indicates 16 bit register
rgst10: call spaces
ld a,(hl) ;check last char in parse buffer
sub quote
jr nz,rgst15 ;not quote
ld (hl),a ;replace with null
rgst15: call mreg ;validate register name
jr nz,rgst25 ;error
ld a,(regtrm) ;mreg stored char following reg name
and a
jr nz,rgst25 ;error - no operators allowed
ld a,(inbfnc) ;now check number of chars in buffer
ld b,a ;save in b reg for 8 or 16 bit reg test
dec a ;test for one - 8 bit reg
ld c,3
jr z,rgst20
ld a,(hl)
call outhex ;display byte of reg contents
dec hl
ld c,1
rgst20: ld a,(hl)
call othxsp
call spaces ;reg c - number of spaces to print
ex de,hl ;de - save reg contents pointer
rgst22: call istr ;query user for reg value replacement
ld a,(inbfnc) ;test number of chars in input buffer
dec a ;
jp m,rgst40 ;none - prompt for next reg name
call irsm
jr z,rgst30
ld a,(inbfnc)
and a
jr z,rgst22
rgst25: call e??? ;
jr rgst40 ;accept new reg name
rgst30: ex de,hl
ld (hl),e
dec b ;test for 16 bit reg
jr z,rgst40 ;z - 8 bit reg
inc hl
ld (hl),d ;save upper byte of user input
rgst40: call crlf
call space5
jp rgst
mreg: ld c,23 ;number of reserved operands
call oprn00 ;check validity of register name
ld a,(de) ;last char examined by operand routine
call oprtor
ret nz ;error - not null or valid operator
ld (regtrm),a ;save terminator character for rgst
ld a,c
cp 17 ;valid reg names are less than 17
jr c,mreg00 ;so far so good
sub 23 ;last chance - may be pc
ret nz ;error - invalid reg name
ld a,10 ;make pc look like p for mapping
mreg00: ld hl,regmap ;ptrs to register contents storage
add a,l ;index into table by operand value
ld l,a
jr nc,mreg05
inc h
mreg05: ld a,b ;b reg set m by prsr if trailing quote
and a
ld a,0 ;assume no quote - not prime reg
jp p,mreg10 ;p - correct assumption
ld a,8 ;bias pointer for prime reg contents
mreg10: add a,(hl)
ld c,a ;save mapping byte
and 7fh ;strip sign
;so iarg knows 16 bit reg pair
ld hl,regcon ;use mapping byte to build pointer
add a,l
ld l,a
jr nc,mreg50
inc h
mreg50: xor a ;hl - pointer to register contents
;* qprt: read and display / write to i/o ports
;* contents of ports are displayed and the user is queried
;* input character effects the current port address:
;* space - display next sequential port on same line
;* lf - display next sequential port on new line
;* cr - end command
;* slash - display same port on same line
;* ^ - display previous port on new line
;* any other input is treated as a replacement byte and
;* is output to the current port address. any of the
;* above characters may be used to continue the display.
;* enter: e - port at which to begin display
xor a
ld (parenf),a
call iedtbc ;get port specified by user
ld hl,port
ld e,(hl)
jp m,qprt30 ;m - no input means use last port number
ex de,hl
call iarg ;extract address
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl ;e - new port number
ld (hl),e
ld a,(parenf)
cp '('
jr nz,qprt30
ld c,2
call spaces
qprt00: ld c,e
in a,(c)
ld b,a
call outhex
ld c,2
call spaces
ld c,8 ;number of bits to display
qprt10: sla b ;most significant bit to carry
ld a,'0'
adc a,0 ;carry makes it a 1
call ttyo
dec c
jr nz,qprt10
ld c,e
ld b,3
call ttyq
cp cr
ret z
call clok ;so we don't go faster than the terminal
ld e,c
ld a,b
and a
ret p
ld b,12
qprt20: call bksp
djnz qprt20
jr qprt00
qprt30: call crlf
ld a,e
ld (port),a
call othxsp
call space
ld c,e
ld a,(lcmd)
cp 'N'
jr z,qprt50
in a,(c)
call outbyt
qprt50: call byte
ld a,(trmntr)
jr nz,qprt60
cp '.'
ret z
ld hl,argbc
ld b,(hl)
ld hl,argbf
ld c,e ;port number
jr qprt30
qprt60: cp ' '
jr nz,qprt30
dec de
jr qprt30
;* break: set breakpoint routine
;* breakpoint address storage table (brktbl) is examined and user
;* specified breakpoint is considered valid unless:
;* - table full
;* - address already exists in table
;* optional pass counts can be specified by the user immediatley following
;* the breakpoint if they are enclosed in parens.
;* entry point brk30:
;* entered from single step command to set breakpoint. two table
;* slots are permanently available for step breakpoints. step
;* routine calls with c pos to tell us not to look for more args
;* in the input buffer.
break: call iedtbc
ret m ;end command - no input
ld c,0ffh ;set neg - distinguish ourselves from step
brk10: ld a,(bps) ;fetch current bp count
cp maxbp ;table full
jp nc,e??? ;full - abort command
ld b,a ;save current count
call iarg
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl ;de - breakpoint address to set
brk30: ld hl,brktbl
xor a
or b ;check for no breakpoints in effect
jr z,brk60 ;none - bypass check for duplicate
brk40: ld a,e
cp (hl) ;check lo order address match
inc hl
jr nz,brk50 ;no match - check next
ld a,d
sub (hl) ;check hi order
jr nz,brk50 ;no match - check next
or c
ret p
ld hl,bps ;pointer to bp count
ld a,(hl)
sub b ;create index into psctbl
jr brk70
brk50: inc hl
inc hl ;bump past contents storage byte
djnz brk40
brk60: ld (hl),e ;set in table
inc hl
ld (hl),d
ld hl,bps ;breakpoint count
ld a,(hl) ;fetch current count for user as index
inc (hl) ;bump bp count
brk70: ld de,psctbl ;base of pass count table
add a,a ;two byte table
add a,e
ld e,a
jr nc,brk80
inc d
brk80: xor a
ld (de),a ;pre-clear pass count table entry
inc de
ld (de),a
or c ;test if this was step calling
ret p ;i'm positive it was
ld a,(delim) ;check delimeter which followed bp address
and a
ret z ;end of line null - terminate command
cp ',' ;check for pass count delimeter
jp nz,brk10 ;not comma means treatt this as new bp
call iarg ;get next arg
jp nz,e??? ;nz - evaluation error
ex de,hl ;de - pass count as entered by user
ld (hl),d ;store pass count in table
dec hl
ld (hl),e
and a ;check delimeter
jp nz,brk10 ;nz - more arguments follow
ret ;end of line null - terminate command
;* cbreak: clear breakpoint
;* breakpoint address storage table (brktbl) is examined and breakpoint
;* is removed if found. breakpoint is removed by bubbling up all bp
;* addresses which follow, ditto for pass counts.
cbreak: call iedtbc
ret m ;no input ends command
ld a,(bps) ;fetch breakpoint count
or a ;any if effect
ret z ;no
ld b,a ;temp save count
call iarg ;extract address to clear from input buffer
ld de,brktbl ;bp address storage table
jr z,cbrk10
ld a,(prsbf)
cp '*'
jp nz,e???
ld a,(inbfnc)
dec a
jp nz,e???
ld (bps),a
cbrk10: ld a,(de) ;test lo order address for match
cp l
inc de
jr nz,cbrk20 ;no match - examine next entry
ld a,(de)
cp h ;versus hi order bp address
cbrk20: inc de
inc de ;bump past contents save location
jr z,cbrk30 ;zero - found bp in table
djnz cbrk10
jp e??? ;error - breakpoint not found
cbrk30: ld h,0ffh ;rewind to point to bp address
ld l,-3
add hl,de
ex de,hl ;de - ptr to bp hl - ptr to next bp
ld a,b ;multiply number of bps remaining in table
;times three bytes per entry
add a,a
add a,b
ld c,a ;init c for ldir
ld a,b ;save number of bps remaining
ld b,0
ldir ;bubble up all remaining entries in table
ld c,a ;
ld hl,bps ;address of bp count
ld a,(hl) ;
dec (hl) ;decrement system breakpoint count
sub c ;compute relative number of pass count table
;entry we wish to clear
add a,a ;times two bytes per entry
ld l,a
ld h,b ;cheap clear
ld de,psctbl
add hl,de ;index into pass count table
ex de,hl
ld hl,02
add hl,de ;de - ptr to pass count hl - next in table
sla c ;number of pass counts to move
ld a,(delim) ;recheck delimeter
and a
jr nz,cbreak ;not end of line terminator - clear more
;* obreak: output all breakpoints and associated pass counts to
;* console. search symbol table for match, if symbol name
;* found display it along with address.
;* wbreak: wipe out (clear) all breakpoints currently in effect
;* entered: b - zero
obreak: ld a,(bps) ;fetch bp count
dec a ;test for no breakpoints
ret m ;m - none
ld b,a ;save count
obrk00: ld hl,brktbl ;base of breakpoint storage table
ld e,b ;use current breakpoint count as index
ld d,0 ;clear
add hl,de ;this is a three byte table
add hl,de
add hl,de
ld e,(hl) ;fetch lo order bp address
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;upper address
ex de,hl
call outadr ;display address
ex de,hl ;hl - breakpoint table
call fadr ;check symbol table for name match
; symbol table pointer returned in de
; zero flag set if found
ld a,(maxlen)
ld c,a
dec bc ;max number of chars in a symbol name
ex de,hl ;hl - symbol table address if
call z,printb ;display name if found in symbol table
ld a,b
add a,a ;bp number times two
ld hl,psctbl ;base of pass count table
add a,l
ld l,a
jr nc,obrk10
inc h
obrk10: ld e,(hl) ;lo order pass count
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;upper byte
ld a,d ;test if pass count in effect
or e
jr z,obrk20 ;z - no pass count for this bp
inc c
call spaces ;
ex de,hl
call outadr ;display pass count in hex
obrk20: call crlf
ld c,5
call spaces
dec b ;dec bp count
jp p,obrk00
kdmp: call iedtbc ;let user input address of memory to display
ret m ;no input ends command
call iarg ;evaluate user arg
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl ;de - save memory address
call iarg ;now get count
ld a,0
jr nz,kdmp20 ;error during input - display 00 bytes
or h
jp nz,e??? ;greater than 256 is error
ld a,(maxlen) ;max symbol length
ld b,2 ;assume big names
cp 15
ld a,18 ;number of disassembled lines displayed
jr z,kdmp00
ld b,3 ;double number of lines one extra time
kdmp00: add a,a ;times two
djnz kdmp00
cp l
jr c,kdmp20 ;if number of bytes specified by user is too
;large then use default
ld a,l ;use value specified by user
kdmp20: ld (wnwtab),de
ld (wnwsiz),a
;* begin/resume execution of user program
;* address entered: execution begins at entered address
;* no address entered: execution resumed at specified by saved pc
;* breakpoint table examined:
;* - memory contents from each address is removed from user
;* program and saved in breakpoint table
;* - rst 38 instruction is placed at each breakpoint address
;* in user program
;* user registers restored
go: call iedtbc ;query user for execution address
ret m ;no - input reprompt
call iarg
jp nz,e??? ;error - invalid argument
call crlf
call crlf
g100: ld (jmplo),hl ;store execution address
ld a,jp
ld (jmp),a ;set jp instruction
ld (jmp2jp),a ;just in case
ld a,(bps) ;check breakpoint count
and a
jp z,g600 ;z - no bps in effect - no restoration needed
ld b,a
ld hl,brktbl
ld c,0ffh
g300: ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;de - breakpoint address removed from table
inc hl ;point to contents save byte in table
ld a,(de)
ld (hl),a
ld a,(jmplo)
cp e ;check if bp from table matches next pc
jr nz,g400 ;no match - set breakpoint
ld a,(jmphi)
cp d ;check hi order next pc address
jr nz,g400 ;no match - set bp
ld c,b ;set flag - current pc matches breakpoint
jr g500
g400: ld a,rst38 ;set rst38 instruction
ld (de),a ;save user byte in brktbl
g500: inc hl
djnz g300 ;examine all entries
inc c ;current pc match breakpoint?
jp z,g600 ;z - no (c reg not 0ffh)
ld a,(sbps) ;check number of step breakpoints
and a ;tracing?
jp nz,g600 ;nz - this is trace
;pc points to address in breakpoint table
;next instruction will not be executed where
;it resides. it will be moved to our internal
;buffer (execbf) and executed there. then we
;set an rst38 at actual location in user
;program. this allows us to debug loops in
;which only one bp is set. otherwise we would
;not be able to set a bp at the address where
;the pc points and debugging loops would be
ld hl,execbf
ld de,(jmplo) ;de - pointer to next instruction to execute
ld (jmplo),hl ;execute buffer
ld b,4 ;clear execute buffer
g505: ld (hl),nop
inc hl
djnz g505
call zlen00 ;calculate length
;if instruction modifies pc then zlen lets us
;know by setting b reg nz and c contains
;instruction length
ld (jropnd),hl ;if this is a jr instruction we need to save
;address where we will be jumping
;default execbf has been initialized:
;four nops
; jp user program
ex de,hl ;hl - ptr to user instruction
ld de,execbf
ld a,(hl) ;first object byte from user program
ld (hl),rst38 ;replace
push bc ;b - if nz this is a pc modifying instruction
;c - number of bytes of object code for this
; instruction
g520: ld (de),a ;into execute buffer
inc de
inc hl ;bump user program pointer
ld a,(hl) ;next byte of instruction from user program
dec c
jr nz,g520
pop bc
;the four nops in execbf have now been replaced
;by from one to four bytes of actual user
;instruction. if user instruction was shorter
;than four bytes the nops remain and are
;executed until the jump back to the user
;program at jmp2jp is reached.
ld (jmp2),hl ;address of next inline instruction within
;user code
ex de,hl ;de - next inline instruction in user program
xor a
or b
jr z,g600 ;z - the instruction in execbf is not a pc
;modifying instruction
ld a,(execbf) ;first byte of instruction
dec c ;one byte instruction?
jr z,g600
dec c
jr z,g550 ;two byter
dec c
jr nz,g600 ;nz - must be four byter
ld b,c ;clear for cpir
ld c,z803sl ;test for call instruction
ld hl,z803s ;load list of first byte of call instructions
jr nz,g600 ;nz - not call
;moving call instructions and executing them
;locally requires special processing because
;the z80 will store the address pc+3 on the
;stack. in this case we do not want the
;address execbf+3 on the stack. we want the
;address of the actual location of the user
;instruction+3 on the stack. we must do this
;by simulating a call instruction. we use the
;jp instruction which is equivalent to the
;call and we also push a computed return
;address on to the user stack pointed to by
ld bc,08 ;point to jump instruction which is equivalent
;to call (call nz = jp nz)
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl) ;fetch jump object byte
ld hl,(spreg) ;push next pc onto user stack
dec hl ;decrement user sp
ld (hl),d ;de - "return address"
dec hl
ld (hl),e
ld (spreg),hl
ld (execbf),a ;store jp op code
ld hl,jmp2 ;if conditional call and we fall thru
;we need to go back to address of call
;in user program + 3
ld (hl),e
inc hl
ld (hl),d
jr g600
;if next instruction to execute is a
;relative jump we need to replace it with
;an absolute equivalent. this is because
;having relocated the user jr instruction
;into execbf we will undoubtedly be out of
;range of the destination.
g550: ld c,z802cl ;check if this is relative jump
ld hl,z802c
and a ;clear carry
jr nz,g600 ;not a jr
ld a,c
ld bc,z802c
sbc hl,bc
dec hl
ld bc,z803c
add hl,bc ;point to equivalent absolute jump
and a
ld a,(hl)
ld hl,execbf
jr nz,g555 ;nz - not last in list (not djnz)
;replace djnz with dec b
; jp nz,
ld (hl),05 ;dec b instruction
inc hl
ld a,0c2h ;jp nz absolute
g555: ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld bc,(jropnd) ;if this is a conditional jr we need the
;absolute destination of the jump
ld (hl),c
inc hl
ld (hl),b
g600: ld iy,(iyreg) ;restore user iy
ld ix,(ixreg) ;restore user ix
ld a,(rreg)
ld r,a ;restore user r reg
ld a,(ireg)
ld i,a ;restore user i reg
ld bc,(bcpreg) ;restore user grade a prime regs
ld de,(depreg)
ld hl,(afpreg)
push hl
pop af
ld hl,(hlpreg)
ex af,af'
ld hl,(afreg) ;restore user accumulator and flag
push hl
pop af
ld bc,(bcreg) ;restore user bc
ld de,(dereg) ;restore user de
ld hl,(hlreg) ;restore user hl
ld sp,(spreg) ;restore user sp
jp jmp
;* step: single step (trace) routine
;* call zlen to determine where to set breakpoint.
;* pass: de - current pc address
;* returned: b: z - next instruction will not modify pc.
;* set bp at address specified by pc+length.
;* b: nz - next instruction will modify pc (jumps,
;* calls, and returns) thus set bp at address
;* returned in hl.
;* c: - number of bytes in current instruction.
;* zlen handles secondary breakpoint to set for all conditional
;* call, return, and jump instructions.
;* call brk00 to set breakpoint.
;* pass: b - current number of breakpoints.
;* hl - address at which to set breakpoint.
;* entry point step: entered by user via (s)ingle step command.
;* entry point step40: entered by breakpoint handler - step count nz
;* exit: to go routine to resume execution.
step: ld a,0ffh
ld (wflag),a ;set trace subroutine flag on
call iedtbc ;query user for trace count
ld hl,0001
jp m,step40 ;null input - step count of one
call prsr
jp nz,e???
ld a,(de) ;first character from parse buffer
sub '/'
ld (wflag),a ;may be slash - no subroutine tracing
ld hl,00
jr nz,step20
ld (de),a
ld a,(inbfnc)
dec a
inc hl
jr z,step40
dec hl
step20: call xval ;evaluate contents of parse buffer
jp nz,e???
ld de,(pcreg)
ld a,(de) ;first byte of op code at current pc
cp 0c7h ;test for rst
jp z,e??? ;no tracing of rsts
step40: ld (nstep),hl ;save step count
ld hl,sbps ;set step flag nz - trace in effect
inc (hl)
ld de,(pcreg) ;fetch current pc
call zlen00 ;determine number of bytes in instruction
inc b ;test where to set breakpoint
djnz step50 ;nz - set at address in hl
ex de,hl
add hl,bc ;z - set at address pc + instruction length
step50: ld a,(bps) ;get current number of bps
ld b,a ;pass to set bp routine in b reg
ex de,hl ;de - bp address to set
call brk30
ld hl,(pcreg) ;resume execution at next pc
xor a
or b
jp nz,g100 ;nz - collision with user bp
ex de,hl
ld hl,sbps ;step bp set by brk30 - bump count
inc (hl)
ex de,hl
jp g100
;* asmblr: z80 assembler
call ilin
jp nz,e???
asm000: call crlf
ld (zasmpc),hl ;save here as well
call zasm08 ;disassemble first instruction
ld hl,(asmbpc)
asm010: call crlf
call outadr ;display current assembly pc
ld c,22 ;
call spaces ;leave room for object code
ld a,3
ld hl,objbuf ;zero scratch object code buffer
asm015: ld (hl),c
inc hl
dec a
jp p,asm015
ld (oprn01),a ;init operand key values to 0ffh
ld (oprn02),a
call iedtbc ;get user input
ret m ;m - no input ends command
call cret
call prsr ;parse to obtain label
ld a,(hl) ;check last character
cp ':'
jr nz,asm040 ;no colon found - must be op code
ld (hl),0 ;erase colon
ld a,(de) ;fetch first char of label from parse buffer
cp 'A'
jp c,asm??l ;error - first character must be alpha
cp 'z'+1
jp nc,asm??l ;label error
cp 'a'
jr nc,asm030
cp 'Z'+1
jp nc,asm??l
asm030: ld hl,00
ld (isympt),hl ;clear pointer
call isym ;attempt to insert symbol into symbol table
jp nz,asm??t ;error - symbol table full
ld (isympt),hl ;save pointer to symbol value in symbol table
call prsr ;extract opcode
jp m,asm005 ;m - statement contains label only
asm040: ld a,(delim) ;check delimeter
cp ',' ;check for invalid terminator
jp z,asm??o
ld c,73 ;number of opcodes in table as index
asm050: dec c
jp m,asm??o ;opcode not found
ld b,0
ld hl,zopcnm ;table of opcode names
add hl,bc
add hl,bc ;index times four
add hl,bc
add hl,bc
ld de,prsbf ;start of parse buffer
ld b,4
asm060: ld a,(de) ;character from parse buffer
and a ;null?
jr nz,asm070
ld a,' ' ;for comparison purposes
asm070: call ixlt ;force upper case for compare
cp (hl)
jr nz,asm050 ;mismatch - next opcode name
inc de
inc hl
djnz asm060 ;must match all four
ld a,(de) ;null following opcode?
and a
jp nz,asm??o ;error - opcode more than 4 characaters
ld hl,ikey ;relative position in table is key value
ld (hl),c ;save opcode key value
call prsr ;extract first operand
jp m,asm085 ;m - none
call oprn ;evaluate operand
jr nz,asm??u ;error - bad first operand
ld de,oprn01
call opnv ;save operand value and key
ld a,(delim)
cp ','
jr nz,asm085 ;need comma for two operands
call prsr ;extract second operand
jp m,asm??s ;error - comma with no second operand
cp ','
jp z,asm??s ;illegal line termination
call oprn ;evaluate operand
jr nz,asm??u ;error - bad second operand
ld de,oprn02
call opnv ;save second operand value and key
asm085: xor a
ld c,a
asm090: ld hl,zopcpt ;opcode name pointer table
ld b,0
add hl,bc ;index into table
ld a,(ikey) ;fetch opcode key value
cp (hl) ;check for match
jr nz,asm095 ;
inc h ;point to first operand table
ld de,oprn01 ;address of first operand key value
call opnm ;check validity
jr nz,asm095 ;no match - next
ld b,a ;save modified key value
inc h ;point to second operand table
ld de,oprn02 ;address of second operand key value
call opnm
jr z,ibld ;match - attempt final resolution
asm095: inc c ;bump index
jr nz,asm090 ;nz - check more
asm??u: ld a,'U' ;error
jp asm???
ibld: ld hl,objbuf ;object code temp buffer
ld e,a ;save second operand key
ld a,(hl) ;check first byte of object buffer
and a ;null?
ld a,c ;instruction key to accumulator regardless
ld c,e ;save second operand modified key
jr z,ibld00 ;z - not ix or iy instruction
inc hl ;point to byte two of object code
ibld00: cp 40h
jr c,ibld55 ;c - 8080 instruction
cp 0a0h
jr nc,ibld10 ;nc - not ed instruction
ld (hl),0edh ;init byte one of object code
inc hl
cp 80h ;check which ed instruction we have
jr c,ibld55 ;c - this is exact object byte
add a,20h ;add bias to obtain object byte
jr ibld55
ibld10: cp 0e0h
jr nc,ibld20
add a,20h ;8080 type - range 0c0h to 0ffh
jr ibld55 ;object byte built
ibld20: cp 0e8h ;
jr c,ibld50 ;8 bit reg-reg arithmetic or logic
cp 0f7h ;check for halt disguised as ld (hl),(hl)
jr nz,ibld30 ;
ld a,76h ;halt object code
jr ibld55
ibld30: cp 0f8h
jr nc,ibld50 ;8 bit reg-reg load
ld d,a ;temp save instruction key value
ld a,(objbuf)
and a ;check for previously stored first object byte
ld a,d
ld (hl),0cbh ;init byte regardless
inc hl
jr z,ibld40 ;z - not ix or iy instruction
inc hl ;bump object code pointer - this is four byter
ibld40: add a,0a8h ;add bias for comparison purposes
cp 98h
jr c,ibld50 ;c - shift or rotate instruction
and 0c0h ;this is skeleton for bit instuctions
jr ibld55
ibld50: add a,a ;form skeleton
add a,a
add a,a
add a,80h
ibld55: ld (hl),a ;store object byte
xor a
or c ;second operand need more processing?
ld de,oprn02
call nz,rslv ;resolve second operand
jp nz,asm??v ;error - invalid operand size
ld de,oprn01
ld a,b
and a ;first operand resolved?
call nz,rslv ;more work to do
jp nz,asm??v ;error - invalid operand size
ld a,(ikey)
sub 67 ;org directive?
jr nz,ibld60
ld d,(hl)
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ex de,hl
jp asm000 ;z - org directive
ibld60: ld de,objbuf
jr c,ibld70 ;c - instruction nc - directive
ld b,a ;number of bytes for defb or defw or ddb
inc de ;point past erroneous assembled opcode
inc de
sub 3 ;test for ddb
jr c,ibld75 ;c - must be defb or defw
dec a
jr nz,ibld65 ;nz - must be ddb
ld d,(hl) ;must be equ
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ld hl,(isympt) ;fetch pointer to entry in symbol table
ld a,h
or l
jp z,asm??u ;error - no label on equ statement
ld (hl),d
dec hl
ld (hl),e ;store value of symbol in symbol table
ld c,6
call spaces
ld a,d
call othxsp
ld a,e
call othxsp
jp asm005 ;ready for next input
ibld65: dec b ;set count of object bytes to 2
ld c,(hl) ;exchange hi and lo order bytes for ddb
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),c ;new hi order
inc hl
ld (hl),a ;new hi order replaces old lo order
jr ibld75
ibld70: call zlen00 ;compute length of instruction in bytes
ld b,c ;b - number of bytes of object code
ibld75: ld hl,(asmbpc)
call outadr ;re-display current location counter
ibld80: ld a,(de) ;move from scratch object buffer
ld (hl),a ;into address pointed to by location counter
inc hl
inc de
call othxsp ;display each object code byte
djnz ibld80
ibld90: ld (asmbpc),hl
jp asm005 ;next input from user
opnm: ld a,(de) ;key value computed by operand routine
xor (hl) ;compare with table operand table entry
ret z ;true match of operand key values
xor (hl) ;restore
add a,a ;86 all no operand key values (0ffh)
ret m
ld a,(hl) ;fetch table entry
and 7fh ;sans paren flag for comparison purposes
cp 1bh ;check table entry 8 bit - 16 bit - $ rel ?
jr c,opnm00 ;c - none of the above
ld a,(de) ;fetch computed key
xor (hl) ;compare with paren flags
ret m ;error - paren mismatch
ld a,(de) ;fetch key once more
and 7fh ;remove paren flag
cp 17h ;computed as 8 bit - 16 bit - $ rel?
jr z,opnm40 ;so far so good
ret ;
opnm00: cp 19h ;check for 8 bit reg
jr nc,opnm20 ;8 bit register match
cp 18h ;table says must be hl - ix - iy
ret nz ;computed key disagrees
ld a,(de) ;fetch computed key
and 7 ;computed as hl - ix - iy ?
ret nz ;no
opnm10: ld a,(de) ;fetch computed key
xor (hl)
ret m ;error - paren mismatch on hl - ix - iy
jr opnm40
opnm20: ld a,(de) ;fetch computed key of 8 bit reg
and a ;
jr nz,opnm30 ;nz - not (hl)
dec a ;error - 8 bit (hl) missing parens
opnm30: cp 8 ;test user entered valid 8 bit reg
jr c,opnm40 ;c - ok
and a ;test if no carry caused by paren flag
ret p ;error - this is not 8 bit reg with parens
and 7 ;psuedo 8 bit reg: (hl) (ix) (iy)?
ret nz ;no
opnm40: ld a,(hl) ;fetch table entry
and 7fh
sub 18h ;make values 18 thru 1f relative zero
cp a ;zero means match
rslv: dec a
jr z,rslv00 ;z - 8 bit reg (bits 0-2 of object byte)
dec a
jr nz,rslv20 ;nz - not 8 bit reg (bits 3-5 of object byte)
dec a ;make neg to indicate shift left required
rslv00: ld c,a
ld a,(de) ;fetch computed operand key
and 07 ;lo three bits specify reg
xor 6 ;create true object code bits
inc c ;test if bits 0-2 or bits 3-5
jr nz,rslv10 ;nz - 0 thru 2
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
rslv10: or (hl) ;or with skeleton
ld (hl),a ;into scratch object buffer
cp a ;set zero - no error
rslv20: inc de ;point to low order of operand value
ld c,(hl) ;c - current skeleton (if needed)
inc hl ;bump object code buffer pointer
dec a
jr nz,rslv30 ;nz - not relative jump
ex de,hl ;save object code pointer in de
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a ;hl - operand value computed by xval
ld a,b
ld bc,(asmbpc) ;current location counter
inc bc
inc bc
sbc hl,bc ;calculate displacement from current counter
ex de,hl ;de - displacement hl - object code pointer
ld b,a ;restore b reg
ld a,e ;lo order displacement
inc d ;test hi order
jr z,rslv25 ;must have been ff (backward displacement)
dec d
ret nz ;error - hi order not zero or ff
cpl ;set sign bit for valid forward displacement
rslv25: xor 80h ;toggle sign bit
ret m ;error - sign bit disagrees with upper byte
ld (hl),e ;store displacement object byte
cp a ;set zero flag - no errors
rslv30: dec a
jr nz,rslv40 ;nz - not 8 bit immediate
ld a,36h ;test for reg indirect - (hl),nn
cp c
jr nz,rslv35
ld a,(objbuf) ;test first object byte
cp c
jr z,rslv35 ;z - (hl),nn
inc hl ;must be (ix+index),nn or (iy+index),nn
rslv35: ld a,(de) ;move lo order operand value to object buffer
ld (hl),a
inc de
ld a,(de) ;test hi order
and a ;
ret z ;z - must be 0 thru +255
inc a ;error if not -1 thru -256
rslv40: dec a
jr nz,rslv50 ;nz - not 16 bit operand
ld a,(de) ;move both bytes of operand to object buffer
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc de
ld a,(de) ;byte two
ld (hl),a
cp a ;set zero flag - no errors of course
rslv50: dec a ;test restart instruction or bit number
jr nz,rslv60 ;nz - bit or interrupt mode number
ld a,(de) ;check restart value specified
and 0c7h ;betweed 0 and 38h?
ret nz ;error
ld a,(de) ;fetch lo order operand value
or 0c7h ;or with instruction skeleton
dec hl
ld (hl),a ;rewind object code pointer
inc de
ld a,(de) ;check hi order operand value
and a ;error if not zero
rslv60: dec hl ;rewind object code buffer pointer
ld a,(de)
and 0f8h ;ensure bit number in range 0 - 7
ret nz ;error
ld a,(ikey) ;fetch opcode key value
sub 13h ;is this bit number of interrupt mode number?
ld a,(de) ;fetch operand value regardless
jr nz,rslv70 ;nz - bit number
ld (hl),46h
and 03 ;im 0?
ret z
ld (hl),56h
dec a ;im 1?
ret z
ld (hl),5eh
dec a ;error if not im 2
rslv70: add a,a ;shift bit number left three
add a,a
add a,a
or (hl) ;or with skeleton
ld (hl),a
cp a ;indicate no error
oprn: ld bc,22 ;count of reserved operand
oprn00: ld de,prsbf ;buffer contains operand
ld a,(hl) ;last character of operand in parse buffer
sub ')'
jr nz,oprn20 ;not paren
ld (hl),a ;remove trailing paren - replace with null
ld a,(de) ;check first character of parse buffer
sub '('
ret nz ;error - unbalanced parens
ld (de),a ;remove leading paren - replace with null
inc de ;point to next character in parse buffer
oprn20: ld hl,zopnm ;index into reserved operand name table
ld a,c
add a,a ;index times two
add a,l
ld l,a
jr nc,oprn25
inc h
oprn25: ld a,(de) ;from parse buffer
call ixlt ;translate to upper case for compare
cp (hl) ;versus table entry
inc de
jr nz,oprn70 ;no match - check next
ld a,(de) ;check second character
call ixlt ;translate to upper case
and a ;if null - this is one character reg name
jr nz,oprn30
ld a,' ' ;for comparison purposes
oprn30: inc hl ;bump table pointer
sub (hl)
jr nz,oprn70 ;no match - check next
inc de ;have match - bump buffer pointer
or b ;
ret nz ;nz - mreg calling
ld a,c ;check index value
and 07
jr nz,oprn80 ;not hl ix iy - check for residue
ld a,(de)
call oprtor ;check for expression operator
jr nz,oprn85 ;no operator but not end of operand
ld a,ix.. or iy.. ;special ix iy hl processing
and c ;test for index reg
jr z,oprn35 ;z - must be hl
and 10h ;transform index into 0ddh or ofdh
add a,a
add a,0ddh ;a - first byte of index reg opcode
oprn35: ld c,a ;temp save first object byte
ld hl,objbuf
xor (hl)
jr z,oprn40 ;z - first operand matches second
cp c ;
ret nz ;illegal ix iy hl combination
ld a,(oprn01)
and a ;test if index reg was first operand
jr nz,oprn40
dec a ;error - hl illegal as second
oprn40: ld (hl),c ;init first byte of object code
ld a,(prsbf)
and a ;check for previously removed parens
ld a,c
ld c,0
jr nz,oprn80 ;no parens - no indexed displacement
and a ;check for ix or iy indexed instruction
jr z,oprn80 ;z - not index reg instruction
sbc hl,hl ;clear hl
ld a,(de) ;index reg displacement processing
and a ;test for default displacement
call nz,xval ;not zero - evaluate
jr nz,oprn85 ;nz - displacement in error
ld c,00
ld a,l
ld (objbuf+2),a ;displacement always third byte
inc h ;check upper byte of index value
jr z,oprn50 ;must have been 0ffh
dec h ;
ret nz ;error - index not -128 to +127
oprn50: xor 80h ;check sign bit
ret m ;bit on - index out of range
cp a ;no error - set zero flag
oprn70: dec c ;decrement reserved operand table index
jp m,oprn85 ;m - not a reserved operand
dec de ;rewind parse buffer pointer
jp oprn20 ;next table entry
oprn80: ld a,(de) ;check for end of parse buffer
and a
ret z ;found end of line null
oprn85: ld de,prsbf ;rewind to start of input
xor a
or b
ret nz ;nz - this was mreg calling
sbc hl,hl ;clear hl
call xval ;evaluate operand
ld c,17h ;assume numeric operand found
xval: ld a,(de) ;check first char of parse buffer
and a
jr nz,xval00
inc de ;bump past previously removed paren
xval00: ld (mexp),hl ;init expression accumulator
xor a
ld (base10),a ;clear upper digit decimal accumulator
sbc hl,hl ;clear hl
ld (fndsym),hl ;clear symbol found flag
ld (pass2),hl
xval05: ld a,(de) ;char from parse buffer
call ixlt ;translate to upper case
ld c,a ;save character
inc de ;bump parse buffer pointer
cp '0' ;check for valid ascii hex digit
jr c,xval25
cp ':'
jr c,xval15
cp 'A'
jr c,xval25
cp 'G'
jr nc,xval25
xor a ;check number entered flag (b reg sign bit)
or b
jp m,xval10 ;m - this was not first char
ld a,(symflg) ;check if symbol table present in memory
and a
xval10: ld a,c ;input character back to accumulator
jp p,xval25 ;p - have symbol table or invalid hex digit
sub 7
xval15: sub '0' ;ascii hex to hex nibble
add a,a ;shift left five - hi bit of nibble to carry
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
add a,a
ld c,4 ;loop count
xval20: adc hl,hl ;hl left into carry - rotate carry into hl
adc a,a ;next bit of nibble into carry
dec c
jr nz,xval20
ld (base10),a ;store what was shifted left out of hl
ld a,80h ;set sign of b - number entered flag
or b
ld b,a
jr xval05 ;next character
xval25: call oprtor ;have expression operator?
jr z,xval30
ld a,(pass2)
and a
ret nz
ld a,(pass2+1)
and a
jp z,xval35
xval30: xor a
or b ;check number entered flag
ld a,c ;restore unmodified input character to a
jp nz,xval90 ;nz - take care of previous operator
and a ;end of line null?
ret z ;
ld b,c ;this operator was first char of parse buffer
jr xval05 ;extract what follows this leading operator
xval35: ld a,c ;recover character
cp '#' ;decimal processing?
jr nz,xval50 ;nz - not decimal
ld a,b ;check number entered flag
xor 80h ;toggle
ret m ;error - pound sign with no number
ld b,a
push bc
push de
ex de,hl ;save hex number in de
ld hl,base10
ld a,6
cp (hl) ;check ten thousands digit
jr c,xval40 ;error - obviously greater than 65535
rrd ;nibble to accumulator
inc hl
ld (hl),d ;store hex number in temp buffer
inc hl
ld (hl),e ;lo order hex number
dec hl ;point back to upper byte
ld e,a
xor a
ld d,a ;de - hex nibble
call bcdx ;convert hi order byte
jr nz,xval40 ;nz - error detected during conversion
inc hl ;bump to lo byte to convert
call bcdx
ex de,hl ;hl - converted value
xval40: pop de
pop bc
jr z,xval65 ;z - no errors detected
xval50: cp quote ;ascii literal processing
jr nz,xval60 ;nz - not quote
ex de,hl ;
ld e,(hl) ;fetch literal from buffer
inc hl
cp (hl) ;trailing quote found?
jr z,xval55 ;found
ld d,e ;make literal just fetch hi order of operand
ld e,(hl) ;fetch new literal as lo order
inc hl
cp (hl) ;trailing quote?
ret nz ;error - more than two chars between quotes
xval55: ex de,hl ;de - parse buffer ptr hl - operand
inc de ;bump past trailing quote
jr xval65
xval60: dec de ;point to start of operand in parse buffer
ld (pass2),de
call fsym ;search symbol table
jp z,xval62 ;symbol found
ld a,(de)
inc de
cp '$' ;check for pc relative expression
jp nz,xval61
ld hl,(asmbpc) ;current location value is expression value
jr xval65
;symbol not found - retry evaluation process
;with pass2 flag set. now token must be a
;valid hex digit or error
xval61: ld de,(pass2)
ld a,b
or 80h ;set sign in b - valid digit detected which
;tells xval this must be hex number
ld b,a
sbc hl,hl ;clear hex number accumulator
jp xval05
xval62: ld a,(maxlen) ;point to last byte of sym table entry
or l
ld l,a
ld a,(hl) ;hi order symbol address
dec hl
ld l,(hl) ;lo order
ld h,a
xval65: ld a,b ;check number entered flag
and a
ret m ;error - numbers entered previous to symbol
xor 80h ;toggle flag
ld b,a
ld a,(de) ;check char following symbol name in buffer
ld c,a ;make it new current character
inc de
jp xval30
xval90: ld c,a ;temp save operator
ld a,80h ;toggle number entered flag
xor b
ret m ;return nz - consecutive operators
ld b,c ;new on deck operator
cp '-' ;test last operator
push de ;save buffer pointer
jr nz,xval95 ;nz - addition
ex de,hl
sbc hl,hl ;clear
sbc hl,de ;force current value neg by subtraction from 0
xval95: ex de,hl
ld hl,(mexp) ;fetch accumulated operand total
add hl,de ;add in current
pop de ;restore buffer pointer
ld a,b ;check operator that got us here
and a ;end of line null?
jp nz,xval00 ;no -
ret ;operand processing complete
ld hl,(06) ;de - buffer hl - symbol table
fsym00: ld a,(maxlen)
and l ;
ld c,a
ld a,b ;temp save
ld b,0
ex de,hl ;de - symbol table ptr hl - parse buffer
sbc hl,bc ;rewind parse buffer to start of symbol
ex de,hl ;de - parse buffer hl - symbol table pointer
ld b,a ;restore b reg
ld a,(maxlen)
or l
ld l,a
inc hl ;next block of symbol table
ld a,(hl) ;first character of symbol name
dec a ;
ret m ;end of table
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a
ld c,a ;chars per symbol
fsym10: ld a,(de) ;fetch char from buffer
call oprtor
jr nz,fsym20 ;nz - not operator or end of line null
ld a,(hl)
and a ;null means end of symbol name in symbol table
jr nz,fsym00 ;
ld (fndsym),hl ;set symbol found flag nz -
fsym20: cp (hl)
jr nz,fsym00
inc hl
inc de
dec c
jr nz,fsym10
ld (fndsym),hl ;set symbol found flag nz -
fsym30: ld a,(de)
call oprtor
ret z
inc de
jr fsym30
isym: call fsym ;search for symbol in table
jr z,isym00 ;z - symbol found
ld a,(hl) ;test for empty slot in table
and a
ret nz ;symbol table full
ld (symflg),a ;indicate non-empty symbol table
isym00: ld a,(maxlen) ;rewind point to start of table entry
ld c,a
and l
ld l,a
ex de,hl ;de - pointer to start of symbol
ld hl,prsbf
ld b,0 ;move symbol from parse buffer to table
dec c
ld hl,(asmbpc) ;fetch value of symbol
ex de,hl ;hl - pointer to address storage
ld (hl),e ;lo order current location into table
inc hl
ld (hl),d ;upper byte
xor a
;* prsr: command line parse routine
;* prsr will extract one argument from the input buffer (inbf) and
;* write it into the parse buffer (prsbf). an argument is treated
;* as starting with the first non-delimeter character encountered
;* in the input buffer and ends with the next delimeter found.
;* all intervening characters between the two delimeters are
;* treated as the argument and are moved to prsbf.
;* as each character is extracted from inbf a zero is written back
;* to replace it. thus a program which needs to extract multiple args
;* need not save pointers in between calls since prsr is trained
;* to strip leading delimeters while looking for the start of an
;* argument:
;* delimeters: null, space, comma
;* exit: de - starting address of parse buffer
;* b - sign bit: set if unbalanced parens, else sign reset
;* bits 6-0: number of chars in the parse buffer
;* a - actual delimter char which caused to terminate
;* f - zero flag set if no error
;* quoflg - set equal to ascii quote if at leeat one quote found
;* error exit: f - zero flag reset
prsr: xor a
ld (quoflg),a ;clear quote flag
ld hl,prsbf ;start of parser scratch buffer
ld b,prsbfz ;buffer size
ld c,b
prsr10: ld (hl),0 ;clear parse buffer to nulls
inc hl
djnz prsr10
ld hl,prsbf ;start of parse buffer
ld de,inbf ;start of input buffer
ld c,inbfl ;max size of input buffer
prsr20: ld a,(de) ;from input buffer
ex de,hl
ld (hl),0 ;erase as we pick from input buffer
ex de,hl
dec c ;decrement buffer size tally
ret m ;error - end of input buffer reached
inc de ;bump input buffer pointer
call zdlm00 ;check for delimeter
jr z,prsr20 ;delimeter found - continue search
ld (parenf),a
ld c,nprsbf-prsbf ;parse buffer size
prsr30: ld (hl),a
and a
jr z,prsr60 ;end of line null always ends parse
cp quote ;quote?
jr nz,prsr50
ld (quoflg),a
ld a,b ;quote found - toggle flag
xor 80h
ld b,a
prsr50: dec c ;decrement buffer size tally
ret m ;error - end of parse buffer reached
ld a,(de) ;next char from input buffer
ex de,hl
ld (hl),0 ;clear as we remove
ex de,hl
inc de
inc b ;bumping character count tests quote flag
call p,zdlm ;only look for delimeters if quote flag off
inc hl ;bump parse buffer pointer
jr nz,prsr30
dec hl
prsr60: ld de,prsbf ;return pointing to start of parse buffer
ld (delim),a
ret ;zero flag set - no errors
asm??l: ld a,'L'
jr asm???
asm??o: ld a,'O'
jr asm???
asm??p: ld a,'P'
jr asm???
asm??s: ld a,'S'
jr asm???
asm??t: ld a,'T'
jr asm???
asm??v: ld a,'V'
asm???: ld (asmflg),a
call cret
ld hl,(asmbpc)
call outadr
ld de,m????
call print
jp asm010
zdlm: cp ','
ret z
zdlm00: and a
ret z
cp tab
ret z
cp ' '
oprtor: cp '+'
ret z
cp '-'
ret z
and a
opnv: ex de,hl ;de - operand value hl - operand key storage
ld a,(prsbf) ;check first byte of parse buffer
and a ;if null - paren was removed
ld a,c ;key value to accumulator
jr nz,opnv00 ;nz - no paren
or 80h ;found null - set paren flag
opnv00: ld (hl),a ;store key value
inc hl
ld (hl),e ;lo order operand value
inc hl
ld (hl),d ;hi order
;* zlen: determine the number of bytes in a z80 instruction
;* entry point zlen00: used to return instruction length.
;* de: address of instruction
;* return: b: z - inline instruction (next pc will be pc plus length)
;* nz - pc modifying instruction such as call, jump, or ret
;* (see hl below)
;* c: number of bytes in this instruction.
;* de: preserved
;* hl: next pc following the execution of the instruction
;* pointed to by de.
zlen00: ld a,(de) ;fetch first byte of op code
cp 0cbh ;test for shift/bit manipulation instruction
ld bc,02
ret z ;10-4 this is a cb and length is always 2
cp 0edh ;test for fast eddie
jr nz,zlen15 ;
inc de ;fetch byte two of ed instruction
ld a,(de)
dec de ;restore pointer
ld hl,z80ed ;ed four byter table
ld c,z80edl ;length
ld c,4 ;assume ed four byter
ret z ;correct assumption
ld c,2 ;set length for return - if not 2 must be 4
cp 45h ;test for retn
jr z,zlen10
cp 4dh ;test for reti
ret nz ;non-pc modifying two byte ed
zlen10: ld a,0c9h ;treat as ordinary return instruction
jp zlen80
zlen15: cp 0ddh ;check for dd and fd index reg instructions
jr z,zlen20
cp 0fdh
jr nz,zlen40
zlen20: inc de ;fetch byte two of index reg instruction
ld a,(de)
dec de ;restore pointer
cp 0e9h ;check for reg indirect jump
jr nz,zlen30 ;
inc b ;reg indirect jump - set pc modified flag nz
ld a,(de) ;recheck for ix or iy
ld hl,(ixreg) ;assume ix
cp 0ddh
ret z ;correct assumption
ld hl,(iyreg)
zlen30: ld hl,z80fd ;check for dd or fd two byter
ld c,z80fdl
ld c,2 ;assume two
ret z
ld hl,z80f4 ;not two - try four
ld c,z80f4l
ld c,4 ;assume four
ret z ;correct assumption
dec c ;must be three
zlen40: and 0c7h ;check for 8 bit immediate load
cp 06
ld c,2 ;assume so
ret z
dec c ;assume one byte op code
ld a,(de)
cp 3fh
jr c,zlen50 ;opcodes 0 - 3f require further investigation
cp 0c0h ;8 bit reg-reg loads and arithmetics do not
ret c
zlen50: ld hl,z803 ;check for three byter
ld c,z803l
jr nz,zlen60 ;nz - not three
ld hl,z803s ;established three byter - test conditional
ld c,z803cl
ld c,3 ;set length
ret nz ;nz - three byte inline instruction
ld hl,z803s
ld c,z803sl ;now weed out jumps from calls
ld c,3
ld b,c ;set pc modified flag - we have call or jump
ex de,hl
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ;de - address from instruction
ex de,hl
dec de
dec de ;restore instruction pointer
jr z,zlen55 ;z - this is a call
cp jp ;test for unconditional jump
jr nz,zlen85
zlen55: ld a,(wflag) ;test for no subroutine trace flag
and a ;zero means no sub tracing
ld b,a ;clear for return - if sub trace off
ret z ;subroutine trace off - return with b reg 00
;so bp is set at next inline instruction
dec b
jr nz,zlen58
ld a,b
or h
ret z
zlen58: ld a,(de) ;recover call object byte
ld b,c ;set nz - pc modifying instruction
cp 0cdh ;unconditional call??
jr nz,zlen85 ;zlen85 - set secondary breakpoint if tracing
zlen60: ld hl,z802
ld c,z802l ;test for two byter
jr nz,zlen70 ;not two
ld hl,z802c ;test for relative jump
ld c,z802cl
ld c,2 ;in any case length is two
ret nz ;nz - not relative jump
ld h,b ;clear
inc b ;set pc modified flag nz
inc de ;fetch relative displacement
ld a,(de)
ld l,a
add a,a ;test forward or backward
jr nc,zlen65 ;p - forward
dec h ;set hl negative
zlen65: add hl,de ;compute distance from instruction
inc hl ;adjust for built in bias
dec de ;restore pointer
ld a,(de) ;fetch first byte of instruction
cp 18h ;uncondtional jump?
jr nz,zlen85 ;conditional - set secondary bp if tracing
zlen70: ld hl,z801 ;check for return instruction
ld c,z801l
ld c,1 ;length must be 1 in any case
ret nz
cp 0e9h
jr nz,zlen80 ;nz - not jp (hl)
inc b ;set pc modified flag
ld hl,(hlreg) ;next pc contained in hlreg
zlen80: ld hl,(spreg) ;return instructions hide next pc in stack
ld b,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,b ;hl - return address removed from stack
ld b,c ;set b nz - pc modification flag
cp 0c9h
ret z ;unconditional return
zlen85: ld a,(sbps) ;count of special step breakpoints
and a ;test for zero
ret z ;zero - monitor is not tracing
ld a,(bps) ;fetch number of bps currently in effect
ld b,a ;pass to set breakpoint routine in b reg
ex de,hl ;de - bp to set
call brk30 ;set conditional breakpoint
xor a
or b
ld b,0
ld de,(pcreg) ;for setting inline bp - condition not m
ret nz ;nz - collision with user bp
ld hl,sbps
inc (hl) ;bump count of step bps
;* psw: display current state of flag register
;* pswbit: table of bit masks with which to test f reg.
;* two byte entry per bit (sign, zero, carry, parity).
;* pswmap - table of offsets into operand name table featuring a
;* two byte entry for each flag bit.
;* bit 4 (unused by z80) from pswbit entry is on/off flag
;* lo bytes are the off states (p nz nc po).
;* hi bytes are the on states (m z c pe).
;* - current state of flag register is displayed
;* - user queried for changes
;* - input is parsed and tested for valid flag reg mnemonics
;* - if valid mnemonic found flag bit is set or reset accordingly
;* exit: to z8e for next command
psw: ld de,3
psw00: ld hl,pswbit ;table of bit mask for flags
add hl,de ;
add hl,de ;index times two
ld a,e
neg ;now calculate index into pswmap
add a,3
add a,a
ld c,a
ld a,(freg) ;fetch current flag of user
and 0f7h
and (hl) ;unused bit in flag - ensure it's off
ld hl,pswmap
add hl,bc ;pointer to mnemonic is 8 bytes away
jr z,psw10 ;this is an off bit (nz nc p po)
inc hl ;on
psw10: ld c,(hl) ;fetch index into operand name table
ld hl,zopnm
add hl,bc ;two bytes per table entry
add hl,bc
ld c,2 ;print both chars of mnemonic name
call printb
call space
dec e ;do all four flag bits
jp p,psw00
call crlf
ld a,(lcmd)
cp 'J'
ret z
call space5
psw50: call iedtbc
ret m ;no input
psw55: call prsr
ret nz ;parse error - end command
ld bc,116h ;
call oprn20 ;check validity of this token
ld a,c
ld bc,pswcnt ;number of flag reg mnemonics
ld hl,pswmap
cpir ;check table
jp nz,e??? ;error - nmemonic not found
ld hl,pswbit ;bit mask table
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl) ;fetch mask
ex de,hl ;
ld hl,freg ;de - mask ptr hl - user flag ptr
and 08 ;bit says turn on or off
ld a,(de) ;new copy of mask
jr nz,psw60 ;nz - turn on
and (hl) ;and with current user flag
ld (hl),a ;return flag reg with bit now off
jr psw55 ;check for more input
psw60: and 0f7h ;turn off on/off flag (bit 4)
or (hl)
ld (hl),a ;now turn on specified bit
jr psw55
;* movb: move memory
;* call bcde to fetch destination block address and byte count
;* call prsr
;* check for head to head or tail to tail move
;* exit: to z8e for next command
movb: call bcde ;bc - byte count de - destination hl - source
jp nz,e??? ;input error ends command
xor a
sbc hl,de
adc a,a
add hl,de
add hl,bc
dec hl
ex de,hl ;de - address of last byte of source block
sbc hl,de
adc a,a
add hl,de ;hl - original destination address
ex de,hl
cp 3
jr nz,movb00 ;head to head
ex de,hl
add hl,bc
dec hl
ex de,hl
movb00: inc hl
and a
sbc hl,bc
;* yfil: fill memory
;* call bcde to get byte count, starting address, and fill byte
;* exit: to z8e for next command
yfil: call bcde ;bc - byte count de - fill byte hl - block
jp nz,e??? ;input error ends command
ex de,hl
yfil00: ld hl,argbf
ld a,(argbc)
yfil10: ldi
inc b
djnz yfil20
inc c
dec c
ret z
yfil20: dec a
jr nz,yfil10
jr yfil00
;* initialise default fcb fields and command line (16 may 87 jrs)
;* calls iedtbc to get command tail
;* lfcb twice to extract file names
;* exit: fcb name fields at 5ch and 6ch initialised
;* command tail set up at 80h
call iedtbc ;get command tail
dec hl ;point at input buffer length
push hl ;save input buffer pointer
ld hl,fcb5c ;zero out the default fcb
ld d,h
ld e,l
inc de
push de
xor a
ld (hl),a
ld bc,31
pop hl ;recover pointer to file name in default fcb
call iblank ;blank out the name part
pop hl ;get input buffer pointer
ld de,80h ;destination is command line buffer
ld b,(hl) ;get input buffer length
ld a,b ;load length ready to put in command buffer
inc b ;account for the length byte itself
ld (de),a ;store character in command buffer
inc de ;increment pointers
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;load character from input buffer
call ixlt ;translate to upper case
djnz ifcb02 ;loop until all copied
xor a ;terminate the command buffer properly
ld (de),a
call lfcb ;get a file name (if any)
jr nz,ifcb12 ;skip if error
ld de,fcb5c ;copy fcb to default fcb at 5ch
ld hl,fcb
ld bc,12 ;(only move 12 bytes)
call lfcb ;do second file name (if any)
ret nz ;exit now if error
ld hl,fcb ;copy file name part of fcb to
ld de,fcb5c+16 ; second segment of default fcb
ld bc,12
iblank: ;blank out 11 bytes at hl
ld d,h
ld e,l
inc de
ld (hl),' '
ld bc,10
iwild: ;expand asterisks in file names
ld bc,8
call iexp
ld bc,3
; call iexp
; ret
ld a,'*'
ret nz
inc bc
dec hl
ld (hl),'?'
inc hl
dec c
ret z
jr iexp10
;* lldr: load file
;* user may supply optional load bias if file name ends with comma
;* lfcb: parse input buffer (inbf) and init fcb
;* return: z - fcb initialized
;* nz - syntax error
;* lopn: attempt to open file
;* return: nz - file opened
;* z - file not found
;* lmem: test if sufficient memory available for loading
;* return: nc - out of memory
;* lbin: loader
;* eof found: end command
;* out of memory: query user whether to continue
lldr: call iedtbc ;get file name
jp p,lldr00 ;p - have input in inbf
ld hl,(loadn)
ld a,l
or h
jp z,e???
ld c,a
jp lbin22
lldr00: call crlf
call lfcb ;init fcb with name and drive
jp nz,esntx ;nz - syntax error
ld de,mldg ;display loading string
call nprint
ld de,prsbf ;
ld a,(de) ;a - first char of file name
ld b,a
call print
ld a,',' ;
cp c ;c - terminator following file name (from lfcb)
ld hl,100h ;assume no bias
jr nz,lldr05 ;nz - no comma means no load bias
call iarg ;check for load bias
jp nz,esntx ;error - bad argument
call imem ;check available memory
jp nc,emem?? ;out of memory
lldr05: ld (loadb),hl ;save load bias
ld a,'.' ;test if file name is period
sub b
jr z,lbin ;file name is period - no open needed
lldr10: call lopn ;attempt to open file - entry from nint
jp z,efilnf ;z - file not found
ld hl,(loadb) ;fetch starting load address
lbin00: push hl
ex de,hl
ld c,26 ;set cp/m dma address
call bdos ;
ld de,fcb
ld c,20 ;cp/m sequential file read
call bdos
pop de ;recover dma address
ld hl,80h
add hl,de ;compute next dma address
ld (cflag),a ;save eof indicator as continuation flag
ld c,a
and a
jr nz,lbin20 ;nz - end of file
call imem ;test if memory availtable to load next sector
jr c,lbin00 ;c - not out of memory
lbin20: ex de,hl
dec hl
ld (loadn),hl ;end of load address
lbin22: ld de,mlodm ;print loaded message
call nprint
ex de,hl ;de - ending address of load
ld hl,(loadb) ;
call outadr ;display starting address of load
ex de,hl
call outadr ;display ending address
and a
sbc hl,de
inc h
ld de,mlodpg
call nprint ;display pages string
ld l,a ;zero l reg
ld a,h ;hi byte of ending address is number of pages
cp 100
jr c,lbin30 ;less than 100
ld l,'2'
sub 200
jr nc,lbin25 ;greater than 200
dec l ;change to ascii 1
add a,100 ;restore actual page count less 100
lbin25: ld h,a ;save page count
ld a,l
call ttyo
lbin30: ld d,2fh
ld a,h
lbin35: inc d ;tens and units decimal conversion loop
sub 10
jr nc,lbin35
add a,10 ;restore remainder
ld e,a ;temp save while we print tens
ld a,d
inc l
dec l ;test l reg
jr nz,lbin40 ;nz - ascii 1 or 2 in l
cp '0' ;suppress leading zero - less than 10 pages
lbin40: call nz,ttyo ;print tens digit
ld a,e
or '0'
call ttyo ;print units
call crlf
xor a ;test eof flag
or c
jp nz,z8e ;nz - true eof means file loading complete
ld de,mmem?? ;print out of memory message
call print
ld de,mcntu
call print ;print continue? prompt
call inchar
call ixlt ;make sure its upper case
cp 'Y'
call crlf
jp z,lbin ;user wants more loading
jp z8e ;next command
lfcb: call prsr ;parse input buffer to extract file name
ld d,a ;save char which terminated file name
ld a,14
cp b ;over 14 chars is ng file name
ret c
ld c,b ;b and c - byte count of file name
djnz lfcb00 ;test for only one char in name
ld a,(prsbf) ;only one - is it period?
sub '.'
jr nz,lfcb00
ld c,d ;return terminator
ld a,(cflag) ;continuation allowed?
and a ;let lldr decide
lfcb00: ld b,0
ld a,':' ;check for drive specifier in input
ld b,c ;b - number of chars preceding colon
ld c,d ;return terminator in c
ld de,fcb
ld a,0
jr nz,lfcb10 ;nz - no colon
dec b
ret nz ;syntax error - more than one char
ld a,(hl) ;fetch drive specifier
call ixlt
ld (hl),a ;back to parse buffer as upper case
sub 40h ;make name into number
inc hl
ld (de),a ;store drive number in fcb
ld a,' '
ld b,11 ;clear file name in fcb to spaces
lfcb20: inc de
ld (de),a
djnz lfcb20
ld b,8 ;max chars allowed in file name
ld de,fcbnam
lfcb30: call lfcb90
ret m ;error - too many chars in file name
ld b,3 ;max chars allowed in file type
ld de,fcbtyp
and a
ret z ;z - no file type after all
lfcb90: inc hl ;bump buffer pointer
ld a,(hl)
and a ;test for eof null
ret z ;null found - read file
call ixlt
ld (hl),a ;translate parse buffer to upper case
cp '.'
ret z ;period found - move file type into fcb
dec b ;dec max chars allowed
ret m ;error
ld (de),a ;upper case only into fcb
inc de
jr lfcb90
ld hl,fcbnam ;test for file name present
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
ret z ;space found means not file
;; dec hl
;; ld a,(hl) ;drive specifier
;; and a ;test for default drive
; jr z,lopn00 ;z - default means no selection required
; dec a ;select drive
; ld e,a
; ld c,14
; call bdos
lopn00: ld de,fcb
ld b,nfcb-fcbext
ld hl,fcbext ;clear remainder of fcb
lopn10: ld (hl),0
inc hl
djnz lopn10
ld c,15
call bdos ;tell bdos to open file
inc a ;test open return code
ret ;nz - open ok
imem: ex de,hl ;de - next load address
ld a,d
ld hl,07 ;ptr to prt to start of z8e
cp (hl)
ex de,hl
ret c ;c - not out of memory
ex de,hl
ret ;de - last address loaded plus one
esntx: ld de,msntx ;print syntax error
jr eprint
emem??: ld de,mmem?? ;print out of memory
call nprint
jr eprint
efilnf: ld de,mfilnf ;print file not found
eprint: call nprint
jp z8e
;* write memory segment to disk command
writ: call iedtbc ;fetch line of input
ret m ;no input -
call bldf ;build fcb with first arg in buffer
jr nz,esntx ;oops - syntax error
ld a,(delim) ;check char that terminated file name
and a
jr nz,writ10 ;nz - not null means user entered addresses
ld de,(loadb) ;use default begin and end address of the last
ld hl,(loadn) ;file loaded
jr writ30
writ10: call iarg ;get address
jp nz,e??? ;invalid address
ex de,hl
cp ' ' ;space terminator
jp nz,e??? ;anything but is error
writ20: call iarg ;get end address
jp nz,e???
writ30: ld (endw),hl ;save address of where to end writing
ex de,hl
ld c,3
call spaces
call outadr
ex de,hl
ld c,6
call spaces
writ40: call bwrite
ld hl,127
add hl,de
ld b,6
writ50: call bksp
djnz writ50
call outadr
inc hl
ex de,hl
ld hl,(endw)
sbc hl,de
jr nc,writ40
jp closef
;* find: locate string in memory
;* call iarg - get starting address of seach
;* call in00 - get match data concatenating multiple arguments
;* into a single string
;* addresses at which matches found displayed 8 per line.
;* search continues until end of memory reached
;* user may cancel search at any time by hitting any key.
;* exit: to z8e for next command
find: call iedtbc
ret m ;m - no input
call iarg ;extract starting address of search
jp nz,e??? ;error
ex de,hl ;save starting address of search in de
find00: call in00 ;extract search string concatenating multiple
jp nz,e??? ;error - output command prompt
xor a
ld (lines),a ;clear crlf flag
ex de,hl ;starting address of search - hl
ld de,argbf ;argument stored here
ld bc,(fndsym)
ld a,c
or b ;symbol found?
jp z,find40 ;no
ex de,hl ;hl - argument buffer
ld b,(hl) ;reverse order of the two bytes for symbols
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
ld (hl),b
dec hl
ld (hl),a
ex de,hl
find40: ld bc,(argbc) ;number of bytes to look for
call crlf
find50: call srch ;do the search
jr nz,find60 ;not found
call outadr ;display address where match found
ld a,(lines)
dec a ;carriage return after 8 addresses displayed
ld (lines),a
and 7
call z,crlf
call ttyq ;user requesting abort?
cp cr
ret z ;abort - return to z8e
find60: inc hl ;point to next address at which to start search
add hl,bc ;ensure we won't hit end of memory by adding
;in string size
ret c ;impending end of memory
sbc hl,bc ;restore pointer
jr find50
srch: push bc
push de
push hl
srch00: ld a,(de)
jp nz,srch10 ;no match
inc de
jp pe,srch00 ;tally not expired - check next
srch10: pop hl
pop de
pop bc
;* verify: verify two blocks of data are identical
;* enter: de - starting address of block 1
;* call bcde to get address of block 2 and byte count
;* mismatch: block 1 address and byte are displayed
;* block 2 address and byte are displayed
;* console intrrogated - any input terminates verify
;* exit: to z8e for next command
verify: call bcde ;get block 2 address and byte count
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl
verf00: ld a,(de) ;byte from block 1
xor (hl) ;versus byte from block two
jr z,verf10 ;match - no display
call newlin
ld a,(de)
call othxsp ;display block 1 data
call space
call outadr ;display block two address
ld a,(hl)
call outhex ;display results of xor
call ttyq ;check input status
cp cr
ret z
verf10: inc hl ;bump block 1 pointer
inc de ;bump block 2 pointer
dec bc ;dec byte count
ld a,b
or c
jr nz,verf00
;* xreg: display machine state
;* regptr: table contains offsets to names in operand name table.
;* sign bit set indicates prime register.
;* regmap: table contains offsets to reg contents table (regcon)
;* sign bit ignored (used by rgst command).
;* regcon: table of register contents.
;* exit: make current pc current disassembly location counter.
;* set bit 6 of disassembly flag byte (zasmfb)
;* jump to zasm30 to disassemble current instruction.
xreg: call cret
ld bc,0 ;init reg index
xreg00: call xreg05 ;display reg name and contents
inc c
ld a,c
cp 8
call z,crlf
ld a,c
cp 0ch
ld b,0
jr nz,xreg00
ld a,(lcmd)
cp 'J' ;animated command in effect?
ret z ;z - no disassembly required
ld hl,(pcreg)
ld (zasmpc),hl
jp zasm30
xreg05: ld hl,regptr ;map of reg name pointers
ld d,b
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl) ;extract pointer
and 7fh ;strip sign for name indexing
ld e,a
ld b,(hl) ;save copy of offset - need sign later
ld hl,zopnm ;register name table
add hl,de
add hl,de ;two bytes per entry
ld a,(hl)
call ttyo ;display character one
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp ' ' ;is second character a space?
jr nz,xreg10
ld a,'C' ;replace space - this is pc
xreg10: call ttyo ;display second character
xor a
or b ;now test sign
jp p,xreg20 ;sign not set - not prime reg
ld a,27h ;display quote
call ttyo
xreg20: ld a,':'
call ttyo
ld hl,regmap ;map of pointers to reg contents
add hl,de
ld a,(hl)
jp p,xreg30 ;p - not prime reg
add a,8 ;prime contents 8 bytes past non-prime
xreg30: and 7fh ;ignore sign
ld e,a
ld hl,regcon ;start of register contents storage
add hl,de
ld d,(hl) ;hi order contents
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
ex de,hl
call outadr ;display contents
;* zasm
;* the disassembler is divided into two routines:
;* zasm - computes the instruction key value and finds the opcode nmemonic
;* opn - uses the key value to determine the number of operands and
;* displays the operands.
;* entered: de - starting address to disassemble
;* zasm maps the 695 z80 instrucions into 256 key values.
;* the instruction key value becomes the index into the
;* opcode name pointer table (zopcnm), the first operand table
;* (zopnd1), and the second operand table (zopnd2).
;* disassembly is done in user specified block sizes if the
;* disassembly count evaluates to a number between 1 and 255. if
;* the count is greater than 255 the block is disassembled and the
;* the command terminates.
;* zasm15 - start of the disassembly loop
;* zasmpc - address of the instruction being disassembled
;* zasmfb - disassembly flag byte
;* zmflag - flag indicating directive processing (defb and defw)
;* bit 6 - xreg calling
;* bit 5 - asmblr calling
;* bit 0 - write to disk flag
call iedtbc
ret m
call iarg
jp nz,e???
ex de,hl
call iarg ;read in block size
ld b,a ;save delimeter
jr z,zasm00
ld hl,1 ;change zero count to one
zasm00: xor a
or h
jr z,zasm05
sbc hl,de
jp c,e??? ;error - start address greater than end
add hl,de
zasm05: ld (zasmct),hl ;save as permanent block count
ld (zasmwt),hl ;save as working tally
ex de,hl ;hl - current instruction pointer
ld (zasmpc),hl
call crlf
ld a,b ;check command line delimeter
ld (dwrite),a ;save as write to disk flag:
;z - no write nz - write
and a
call nz,bldf ;not end of line - build fcb
jp nz,esntx
zasm08: ld de,zasmbf ;start of disassembly buffer
zasm10: ld (zasmio),de ;init pointer
zasm15: ld de,(zasmpc) ;fetch address to disassemble
call zlen00 ;calculate length
ex de,hl
;loop back here for interactive disassembly -
;user requests format change. c reg:
; 6 and 7 off: disassemble as code
; 6 on: hex defb
; 7 on: hex defw or ascii defb
zasm18: call outadr ;display instruction address
ld de,zmflag
ld a,c ;save instruction length and format bits
ld (de),a
and 3fh
ld b,a ;b - length
ld c,a ;c - ditto
zasm20: ld a,(hl)
call othxsp ;display object code
inc hl
djnz zasm20
ld a,c ;number of object bytes
dec a
xor 3
ld b,a ;calculate space padding
add a,a
add a,b
add a,2
ld b,a
zasm25: call space
djnz zasm25
ld (zasmnx),hl ;store address of next instruction
and a ;clear carry
sbc hl,bc ;point to first byte in instruction
zasm30: ex de,hl ;de - current instruction pointer
ld hl,(zasmio) ;buffer address storage
ld a,(maxlin)
ld b,a ;line length based on max symbol size
zasm35: ld (hl),' ' ;space out buffer
inc hl
djnz zasm35
ld a,b
ld (opnflg),a
ld (hl),cr ;append crlf
inc hl
ld (hl),lf
call fadr ;find address match
ld hl,(zasmio)
jr nz,zasm40 ;nz - no table or not found
call xsym
ld (hl),':'
ld de,(zasmpc)
zasm40: ld hl,zmflag ;check interactive disassembly flag
ld a,(hl) ;sign bit tells all
and a
jp p,zasm42 ;bit off - not interactive
ld b,6dh ;test for defb
sub 82h
jr z,zasm90
xor a ;must be defw
dec b
jr zasm90
zasm42: ld a,(de) ;first byte of op code
ld hl,op1000 ;table of z80 specific opcodes
ld c,4
zasm45: cpir ;check for fd dd ed or cb
jr z,zasm55 ;z - found
zasm50: cp 40h
jr c,zasm90 ;opcode range 0 - 3f
ld b,0e0h ;
cp 0c0h ;
jr nc,zasm90 ;opcode range c0 - ff
cp 80h
jr nc,zasm85 ;opcode range 80 - bf
ld b,0f8h ;
cp 76h ;test for halt instruction
jr nz,zasm85 ;opcode range 40 - 7f
ld a,0ffh ;set halt instruction key value to 0f7h
jr zasm90
zasm55: inc de
ld a,(de) ;byte two of multi-byte instruction
dec c ;test for ed instruction
jr nz,zasm65 ;nz - not an ed
cp 80h
jr nc,zasm60 ;opcode range ed 40 - ed 7f
cp 40h
jr nc,zasm90 ;legal
ld a,09fh
jr zasm90 ;map to question marks
zasm60: ld b,0e0h ;set bias
cp 0c0h ;test for illegal ed
jr c,zasm90 ;legal
ld a,0bfh ;map to question marks
jr zasm90 ;opcode range ed a0 - ed bb
zasm65: inc c
jr z,zasm80 ;z - cb instruction
cp 0cbh ;fd or dd - check for cb in byte two
jr nz,zasm70
inc de ;fetch last byte of fdcb or ddcb
inc de
ld a,(de)
jr c,zasm75
and 3
cp 3
jr nz,zasm75 ;error
ld a,(de)
jr zasm80
zasm70: ld a,(zmflag)
sub 3
ld a,(de)
jr nz,zasm50
ld hl,z80f3
ld c,z80f3l
jr z,zasm50
zasm75: ld a,09fh
jr zasm90
zasm80: cp 40h ;test type of cb instruction
ld b,0e8h
jr c,zasm85 ;opcode range cb 00 - cb 3f (shift)
and 03 ;hi order bits become index
ld b,0f0h
jr zasm90 ;opcode range cb 40 - cb ff
zasm85: rrca
rrca ;bits 3-5 of cb shift yield key
and 07h
zasm90: add a,b ;add in bias from b reg
ld c,a ;c - instruction key value
xor a
ld b,a
ld hl,zopcpt ;opcode name pointer table
add hl,bc ;index into table
ld l,(hl) ;fetch opname index
ld h,a
add hl,hl
add hl,hl ;index times four
ld de,zopcnm ;op code name table
add hl,de
ex de,hl ;de - pointer to opcode name
ld hl,(zasmio) ;buffer pointer storage
ld a,c
ld (zasmkv),a ;opcode key value
ld a,(maxlen)
ld c,a
inc c ;set label length based on max size
ld a,(lcmd) ;if xreg use compressed output format
cp 'X'
jr z,zasm92
cp 'S' ;step needs compressed format
zasm92: add hl,bc
ld c,4
ex de,hl ;de - buffer hl - opcode name pointer
inc bc ;one space after opcode for compressed format
jr z,zasm95
ld c,4 ;four spaces for true disassembly
zasm95: ex de,hl ;hl - buffer pointer
add hl,bc ;start of operand field in buffer
ld a,(zasmkv) ;save the instruction key value
cp 09fh
jr nz,zasm99
ld de,(zasmpc)
ld a,(zmflag)
ld b,a
zasm97: ld a,(de)
ld c,d
call zhex
dec b
jp z,opn020
ld (hl),','
inc hl
ld d,c
inc de
jr zasm97
zasm99: ld de,zopnd1 ;table of first operands
add a,e
ld e,a ;instant offset
ld a,d
adc a,b
ld d,a
ld a,(de)
inc a
jr z,opn040 ;no operands
;* - operand processing -
;* enter: b - zero (process first operand)
;* c - instruction key value
;* instruction key value is used to fetch operand key value:
;* operand key value is in the range 0 - 1fh
;* operand key value interpretted as follows:
;* 0 - 17h use as index to fetch literal from operand
;* name table (sign bit set - parens required)
;* 18 - 1fh operand requires processing - use as index
;* into oprerand jump table which is located
;* immediately after name table
;* 0ffh no operand
;* operand key value jump table routines: (buffer address in de)
;* entry point key action
;* opn100 18h relative jump
;* opn200 19h convert 8 bit operand to hex
;* opn300 1ah convert 16 bit operand to hex
;* opn400 1ch register specified in instruction
;* opn600 1dh hl/ix/iy instruction
;* opn700 1eh mask rst operand from bit 3-5 of rst instruction
;* opn800 1fh bit number is specified in bits 3-5 of op code
;* exit: to zasm15 to continue block disassembly
opn: dec a ;save operand key value
jp p,opn010
ld (hl),'('
inc hl
opn010: ex de,hl ;de - buffer address
ld b,a
add a,a ;operand key value times two
opn012: ld hl,zopnm ;base of operand name/jump table
add a,l ;index into table
ld l,a
jr nc,opn014
inc h ;account for carry
opn014: ld a,1fh
and b
cp zopnml ;test if processing required
jr c,opn015 ;c - operand is a fixed literal
ld a,(hl) ;fetch processing routine address
inc hl
ld h,(hl) ;
ld l,a ;hl - operand processing routine
jp (hl) ;geronimoooooooo
opn015: ldi ;first byte of operand literal
inc bc ;compensate for ldi
ex de,hl ;hl - buffer
ld a,(de)
cp ' ' ;test for space as byte two of literal
jr z,opn020 ;ignore spaces appearing in byte two
ld (hl),a
inc hl ;bump buffer pointer
opn020: ld a,b ;operand key value
cp 80h ;test for closed paren required
jr c,opn030 ;c - none required
ld (hl),')'
inc hl
opn030: ld a,(opnflg) ;get flag byte
xor 0ffh ;toggle operand number
ld (opnflg),a ;
jr z,opn040 ;z - just finished number two
ld a,(zasmkv) ;get op code key value
ld de,zopnd2 ;index into operand2 table
add a,e
ld e,a
jr nc,opn035
inc d
opn035: ld a,(de) ;get operand2 key value
inc a
jr z,opn040 ;z - no second operand
ld (hl),',' ;separate operands with comma in buffer
inc hl
jr opn
opn040: ld hl,(zasmio) ;rewind buffer pointer
ld a,(maxlin)
ld c,a
ld a,(case)
and a
jr z,opn043 ;upper case requested - no need to convert
;reg names
opn042: ld a,(hl)
and a ;if sign on no case conversion
call p,ilcs
and 7fh ;in case we fell thru
ld (hl),a
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,opn042
ld a,(maxlin)
opn043: cp 30
jp z,opn044
ld a,44 ;allow 16 comment chars
ld c,a ;number of chars to print (omit crlf)
ld hl,(zasmio)
ld a,(lcmd)
cp 'J' ;j command
ret z ;end of the line for full screen animation
call printb ;print buffer
inc hl ;point past crlf to next 32 byte group
inc hl
ex de,hl
ld a,(lcmd) ;jettison all commands except z
cp 'X'
jp z,crlf
cp 'A'
jp z,crlf
cp 'S'
jp z,crlf
xor a
ld (zasmf),a
ld hl,(zasmct) ;check disassembly count
dec hl
ld a,h
or l ;test for count expired
jp nz,opn060 ;nz - this is not a count of one so this is not
;interactive disassebly
call ttyi ;check input command letter for interactive
call ixlt ;force upper case
ld (zasmf),a
cp 'C' ;code?
call z,cret ;if user wants code return cursor to start of
;line and disassemble again
jp z,zasm15
ld c,82h ;assume defw
cp 'D'
jr z,opn045 ;defw - 082h
dec c ;assume ascii defb
cp 'A'
jr z,opn045 ;ascii defb - 081h
cp 'B'
jr nz,opn046 ;none of the above
ld c,0c1h ;hex defb - 0c1h
opn045: call cret
ld hl,(zasmpc)
jp zasm18
;zasmf - 0 means this is block disassembly
; - nz means char entered during
; interactive mode was not c d a or b.
opn046: cp ';' ;check if user wants to insert comments
jr nz,opn060 ;nz - user does not want to add comment
call ttyo ;echo semicolon
dec de
dec de ;point to carriage return
ld a,' '
ld (de),a ;clear crlf from buffer
inc de
ld (de),a
inc de
call write ;end of buffer - write if required
ld b,29
ld a,(maxlin)
sub 30
jp z,opn048
dec de
ld b,16
xor a
opn048: ld c,a
push bc
push de ;save disassembly buffer pointer
ld d,a
call iedt03
pop de
pop bc
ld a,b ;recover max size of comment
dec hl
ld b,(hl) ;number actually entered
sub b
ld c,a ;trailing spaces
inc hl
ex de,hl ;de - input buffer hl - disassembly buffer
ld (hl),';'
inc hl
opn049: dec b ;pre-test count
jp m,opn050
ld a,(de) ;first char of input
inc de
ld (hl),a ;into disassembly buffer
inc hl
jr opn049
opn050: dec c
jp m,opn055
ld (hl),' '
inc hl
jr opn050
opn055: ld (hl),cr
inc hl
ld (hl),lf
inc hl
ex de,hl
jp opn065
ld a,(maxlin)
cp 30 ;test for 6 chars in label
jp z,opn065 ;z - buffer point ok
ld a,64-46 ;bump buffer pointer to next 64 byte chunk
add a,e
ld e,a
jp nc,opn065
inc d
opn065: call write ;check if write to disk flag in effect
call crlf
ld (zasmio),de ;save new buffer pointer
ld hl,(zasmwt) ;check disassembly count
xor a
or h ;less than 256?
jr z,opn080 ;less - this is tally
ld bc,(zasmnx) ;fetch next disassembly address
sbc hl,bc ;versus requested end address
jr c,opn095 ;c - end
add hl,bc ;restore next disassembly address
jr opn085 ;more
opn080: dec hl
ld a,h
or l
jr nz,opn085 ;nz - more
ld hl,(zasmct) ;fetch permanent block size
ld a,(zasmf)
and a
call z,ttyi ;query user - more?
cp cr ;return means end
jr z,opn095
jr opn090
call ttyq
cp cr
jr z,opn095 ;nz - terminate disassembly
ld (zasmwt),hl ;restore count
ld hl,(zasmnx) ;next instruction pointer
ld (zasmpc),hl ;make current
jp zasm15 ;disassemble next instruction
opn095: ld a,(dwrite) ;writing to disk?
and a
ret z
ld a,eof ;
ld (de),a ;set eof
ld de,zasmbf
call write
closef: ld de,fcb ;close file
ld c,16
jp bdos
write: push bc
push hl
ld hl,nzasm ;address of end of disassembly buffer
and a
sbc hl,de
jr nz,wrt10 ;not end of buffer
ld de,zasmbf ;need to rewind buffer pointer
ld a,(dwrite) ;test write to disk flag
and a
call nz,bwrite ;nz - writing to disk
wrt10: pop hl
pop bc
bwrite: push bc ;bdos write routine
push de
push hl
ld c,26 ;set dma address
call bdos
ld de,fcb
ld c,21
call bdos ;write buffer
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
bldf: call lfcb ;initialize fcb
ret nz ;error - invalid file name
call lopn
jr z,bldf00 ;no file - create one
ld de,fcb
ld c,19 ;file exists - delete it
call bdos
bldf00: ld de,fcb ;create new file
ld c,22
call bdos ;if no file create one
xor a
opn100: ld hl,(zasmpc)
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ;fetch relative displacement
ld c,a
inc c
add a,a ;test sign for displacement direction
ld b,0
jr nc,opn105
dec b ;produce zero for forward - ff for back
opn105: add hl,bc ;adjust pc
ex de,hl ;de - instruction ptr hl - buffer
call fadr
call z,xsym
jp z,opn040 ;symbol found
ld (hl),'$' ;
inc hl
ld a,c
inc a
ld b,0
cp 82h
jp opn610 ;convert to displacement to ascii
opn200: call zmqf ;check for interactive disassembly
jr nc,opn205 ;sign off - not interactive
add a,a ;shift out bit 6
ld a,(hl)
jr c,opn215 ;on - must be hex defb
call zascii ;user wants ascii - check validity
jr nz,opn215 ;nz - untable to convert to ascii
jp opn020
opn205: call zndx ;check for ix or iy instruction
ex de,hl ;buffer back to de
jr nz,opn210 ;nz - not ix or iy
inc hl
inc hl ;must be ld (ix+ind),nn
opn210: inc hl ;
ld a,(hl) ;fetch object byte
jr z,opn215 ;no conversion of ix and iy displacements
;to ascii
ld a,(zasmkv) ;check for in or out instruction
cp 0b3h
jr z,opn215 ;no conversion of port addresses to ascii
cp 0bbh
jr z,opn215
ld a,(hl)
call zascii
jp z,opn020
opn215: ex de,hl
ld a,(de)
cp 10 ;decimal number?
jr nc,opn220 ;no - convert to hex
call zhex20 ;86 the leading zero and trailing h
jp opn020
opn220: call zhex ;do hex to asii conversion
ld (hl),'H' ;following 8 bit hex byte
inc hl
jp opn020
opn300: call zmqf
jr c,opn315 ;c - this is defw
call zndx
ex de,hl ;de - buffer hl - instruction pointer
jr nz,opn310 ;nz - not ix or iy
inc hl
opn310: inc hl
opn315: ld a,(hl) ;fetch lo order 16 bit operand
inc hl
ld h,(hl) ;hi order
ld l,a
ex de,hl ;de - 16 bit operand hl - buffer
call fadr
call z,xsym
jp z,opn020 ;symbol found
ld a,d ;convert hi order to hex
ld c,a ;save spare copy
call zhex
ld a,e
ld d,a
call zhex10
xor a
or c
jr nz,opn320
ld a,d
cp 10
jp c,opn020
opn320: ld (hl),'h'
inc hl
jp opn020
call zndx
jr nz,opn410 ;nz - not ix or iy instruction
inc de
ld a,(de)
cp 0cbh ;check for indexed bit instruction
jr nz,opn410
inc de ;byte of interest is number four
inc de
opn410: ld a,01 ;check low bit of operand key value
and b
ld a,(de) ;fetch op code
jr nz,opn500 ;nz - index 01bh
rra ;register specified in bits 0-5
opn500: and 007 ;register specified in bits 0-2
xor 006 ;from the movie of the same name
jp nz,opn010 ;nz - not hl or ix or iy
ld a,(zasmpc) ;
xor e ;test if pc was incremented
ld (hl),'(' ;set leading paren
inc hl
ld b,080h ;set sign bit - closed paren required
ex de,hl ;de - buffer
jp z,opn012
call zndx ;determine if ix or iy
jr z,opn605 ;z - must be ix of iy
ld a,80h
and b
jp opn010
opn605: ld (hl),'i' ;set first character
inc hl
adc a,'x' ;carry determines x or y (from zndx)
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld a,80h ;test for parens
and b
jp z,opn030 ;z - not indexed instruction
inc de
ld a,(de) ;fetch second byte of instruction
cp 0e9h ;test for jp (ix) or jp (iy)
jp z,opn020 ;output closed paren
inc de
ld a,(de) ;fetch displacement byte
cp 80h ;test sign
opn610: ld (hl),'+' ;assume forward
jr c,opn620 ;c - forward
neg ;force positive
ld (hl),'-'
opn620: inc hl ;bump buffer pointer
and 7fh ;strip sign
call zhex ;convert to hex
ld a,9
cp d
jp nc,opn020
ld (hl),'h'
inc hl
jp opn020 ;output closed paren
opn700: ld hl,(zasmpc)
ld a,(hl) ;fetch restart instruction
ex de,hl ;de - buffer hl instruction pointer
and 038h ;
call zhex ;convert restart number to ascii
ld (hl),'H'
jp opn020
opn800: call zndx
jr nz,opn810 ;nz - not ddcb or fdcb instruction
inc de
inc de
inc de ;
ld a,(de) ;byte 4 of ix or iy bit instruction
jr opn820
opn810: cp 10h ;weed out interrupt mode instructions
ld a,(de) ;second byte of instruction regardless
jr nz,opn820 ;nz - cb bit instruction
xor 046h ;
jr z,opn830 ;z - interrupt mode zero
sub 8
opn820: rra
and 07 ;leave only bit number
opn830: call zhex20 ;convert to ascii
jp opn030
;* disassembler utility subroutines
;* zndx: determines if fd dd ed or cb instruction
;* caller uses returned values on an individual basis
;* z - dd fd
;* nz - neither of the above
;* current instruction pointer bumped if cb or ed instruction
;* zhex: convert to byte in the accumulator to ascii with leading zero
;* store in buffer
;* d - reg destroyed
;* zhex10: no leading zero permitted
;* zhex20: convert lo order nibble only
zndx: ld hl,(zasmpc) ;fetch current instruction pointer
ex de,hl ;de - instruction pointer hl - buffer
ld a,(de)
add a,-0fdh ;iy check
ret z
sub 0ddh-0fdh ;ix check
ret z
cp 10h ;ed check
jr z,zndx00
cp 0eeh ;cb check
ld a,0 ;clear
ret nz
zndx00: inc de ;cb or ed - bump instruction pointer
and a ;ensure nz set
zhex: ld d,a
cp 0a0h ;test byte to convert
jr c,zhex00 ;starts with decimal digit - 86 the lead zero
ld (hl),'0'
inc hl
jr zhex10
zhex00: cp 10
jr c,zhex20
zhex10: rrca
and 0fh
add a,90h
adc a,40h
daa ;a - ascii digit
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld a,d ;lo nibble conversion
zhex20: and 0fh
add a,90h
adc a,40h
ld (hl),a
inc hl
zmqf: ld hl,zmflag ;check interactive disassembly flag
ld a,(hl) ;
ld (hl),0 ;clear regardless
ld hl,(zasmpc) ;fetch current disassembly address
add a,a ;check sign - on means interactive
zascii: cp ' '
ret c
and a
ret m
cp 7fh ;rubout?
jr z,zasc10
cp quote
jr nz,zasc20
zasc10: and a ;set nz - conversion not done
zasc20: ex de,hl
ld (hl),quote ;defb - quoted character
inc hl
or 80h ;hi bit on - no case conversion for this guy
ld (hl),a
inc hl
ld (hl),quote
cp a
fadr: push bc
push hl
ld hl,(06) ;fetch top of tpa - start of symbol table
ld bc,(maxlen)
add hl,bc ;point to start of symbol name
inc hl
fadr00: ld a,(hl) ;first byte of symbol name
dec a ;check validity
jp m,fadr30 ;end of table
add hl,bc
ld a,(hl) ;fetch hi order address from table
cp d
jp nz,fadr10
dec hl
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
cp e
jp z,fadr20
fadr10: inc hl
jp fadr00
fadr20: ex de,hl ;return pointer in de
ld a,c
and e
ld e,a
xor a
fadr30: pop hl
pop bc
ld a,(maxlen)
dec a
ld c,a
xsym00: ld a,(de)
and a
ret z
ld (hl),a
inc hl
inc de
dec c
jr nz,xsym00
;* bcde: query user for 3 arguments: source address
;* destination address
;* byte count
;* used by move, verify, and yfil routines
;* return: bc - byte count
;* de - destination
;* hl - source pointer
;* z - no errors
;* nz - no input entered
;* - untable to evaluate argument
;* - destination address < source
bcde: call iedtbc
ret m ;no input is treated as error
call iarg ;read in starting block address
ret nz
ex de,hl
call iarg
ret nz
sbc hl,de ;end - start = byte count - 1
ret c
ld b,h
ld c,l
inc bc
call in00 ;read in destination block address
ret nz
ex de,hl ;set regs right
;* console i/o routines
;* "physical" i/o routines: ttyi - keyboard input
;* ttyo - console output
;* ttyq - console status
;* logical input routines: inchar - input character processing
;* control characters echoed with ^
;* logical output routines: crlf - output carriage return/line feed
;* cret - output carriage return only
;* space - output space
;* spaces - output number of spaces in passed in c
;* outhex - output hex byte in a
;* othxsp - output hex byte in a followed by space
;* outadr - output 16 bit hex value in hl followed
;* by space - hl preserved
;* print - output string - address in de
;* string terminated by null
;* printb - output string - address in hl
;* byte count in c
;* end at first null
push bc
push de
push hl
ld c,11
call bdos
and a
ld c,6
ld e,0ffh
call nz,bdos
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
and 7fh
if not jterm
org ttyq+32
push bc
push de
push hl
ld c,6
ld e,0ffh
call bdos
and 7fh
jr z,ttyi00
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
if not jterm
org ttyi+32
push af
push bc
push de
push hl
ld e,a
if jterm ;my terminal uses tab as cursor position
ld c,6 ;lead-in and i don't want the bdos to expand
else ;the tab to a string of spaces.
ld c,2
call bdos
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
pop af
if not jterm
org ttyo+32
inchar: call ttyi
cp ctlc
jp z,00
cp cr
ret z
cp tab
ret z
cp lf
ret z
cp bs
ret z
cp ctlx
ret z
cp ' '
jr nc,ttyo
push af
ld a,'^'
call ttyo
pop af
xor 40h
call ttyo
xor 40h
ilcs: cp 'A'
ret c
cp 'Z'+1
ret nc
or 20h
ixlt: cp 'a'
ret c
cp 'z'+1
ret nc
sub 20h
crlf: ld a,lf
call ttyo
cret: ld a,cr
jp ttyo
othxsp: call outhex
space: ld a,' '
jp ttyo
space5: ld c,5
spaces: call space
dec c
jr nz,spaces
newlin: call crlf
ex de,hl
call outadr
ex de,hl
outadr: ld a,h
call outhex
ld a,l
call othxsp
jr space
outhex: push af
call binx
call ttyo
pop af
call binx00
jp ttyo
binx: rrca
binx00: and 0fh
add a,90h
adc a,40h
ilin: push bc
push de
ld b,inbfsz
ld c,0
call in
pop de
pop bc
istr: push bc
push de
ld b,1
ld c,' '
call iedt
pop de
pop bc
;resume input after reading in one char
irsm: push bc
push de
ld b,inbfsz-1 ;max input size less one char already read in
ld c,' ' ;this is terminator char
ld d,1 ;preset byte count
ld a,d
ld (strngf),a ;set nz - this is string function
ld hl,inbf+1 ;init buffer pointer
call iedt05
xor a
ld (strngf),a ;this is no longer string function
or d
call p,in00
pop de
pop bc
in: call iedt
ret m
in00: xor a
ld (argbc),a
ld hl,argbf
ld (argbpt),hl
in10: call iarg
ret nz
and a
jr nz,in10
iarg: push bc
push de
call parg
ld a,(delim)
pop de
pop bc
parg: call prsr ;extract next argument
ret nz ;parse error
ld a,(quoflg) ;test for ascii literal
and a
jr z,parg10 ;quote character not found
xor a
or b ;test for balanced quotes
ret m ;error - unbalanced quotes
ld a,(de) ;first character of parse buffer
sub quote
jr nz,parg50 ;invalid literal string but may be expression
;involving a literal
ld l,b ;l - character count of parse buffer
ld h,a ;clear
add hl,de ;
dec hl ;hl - pointer to last char in parse buffer
ld a,(hl) ;
sub quote ;ensure literal string ends with quote
jr nz,parg50
ld (hl),a ;clear trailing quote
ld c,b ;c - character count of parse buffer
ld b,a ;clear
dec c ;subtract the quote characters from the count
dec c
dec c ;extra dec set error flag nz for '' string
ret m ;inform caller of null string
inc c ;c - actual string length
ld a,c ;spare copy
inc de ;point to second character of parse buffer
ld hl,(argbpt) ;caller wants evaluated arg stored here
ex de,hl
ex de,hl
dec hl
ld e,(hl)
dec hl
ld d,(hl)
inc hl
inc hl ;point to where to store next arg
dec a ;argument length 1?
jr nz,parg00
ld d,a
parg00: ld c,a
inc c ;account for increment
ld a,(argbc) ;fetch current argument byte counter
add a,c
jr parg90
parg10: call mreg ;check for register specified
jr nz,parg50 ;nz - invalid register name
ld a,c
add a,a
jr c,parg60 ;sign bit reset - 16 bit register pair
parg50: ld hl,00
ld b,l
ld de,prsbf ;reinit starting address of parse buffer
call xval
jr z,parg70
parg60: ld a,(hl)
dec hl
ld l,(hl)
ld h,a
ld a,(prsbf) ;check paren flag for indirection
and a
jr nz,parg65 ;nz - parens not removed
inc de ;bump past trailing null
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
ld h,(hl)
ld l,a
parg65: ld b,80h
call xval
ret nz
parg70: ex de,hl
ld hl,(argbpt)
ld a,(argbc)
inc d
dec d
jr z,parg80
ld (hl),d
inc hl
inc a
parg80: ld (hl),e
inc hl
inc a
parg90: ld (argbc),a
ld (argbpt),hl
ex de,hl
xor a
outbyt: ld b,a ;save spare copy
call othxsp ;hex - display
call space
ld a,b ;display byte in ascii
call asci ;display ascii equivalent
ld c,3
jp spaces ;solicit input three spaces right
byte: call istr
ld a,(inbfnc) ;number of chars in input buffer
dec a ;test for input buffer count of zero
inc de ;assume zero - examine next
ret m ;no input means examine next
dec de ;incorrect assumption
ld a,(inbf) ;check first char of input buffer
cp '.'
ret z ;period ends command
cp '=' ;new address?
jr nz,byte10
xor a ;clear equal sign so prsr ignores it
ld (inbf),a
call irsm ;fetch new address to examine
jr nz,byte30 ;error
ld a,(inbfnc)
sub 2
jr c,byte30 ;c - error - equal sign was only char of input
ex de,hl ;return new address in de
scf ;ensure nz set for caller - no replacement data
;was entered
sbc a,a
byte10: cp '^' ;
jr nz,byte15 ;nz - not up arrow means need more input
dec de ;dec current memory pointer
scf ;set nz - no replacement data entered
sbc a,a
byte15: call irsm ;resume input from console
ret z ;no errors on input
ld a,(inbfnc) ;check number of chars input
and a
jr z,byte ;none - user hit control x or backspaced to
;beginning of buffer
byte30: call e???
sbc a,a ;set nz - no replacement
;* bdos function 10 replacement to make romming this program easier since
;* only two console i/o routines (ttyi and ttyo) are required. this
;* routine supports backspace, line delete, and tab expansion.
;* all input stored in input buffer inbf.
;* iedtbc: solicit console for new input and initialize b and c registers
;* for max size and input and no special line terminator.
;* iedt: solicit console for new input using non-default byte count for
;* buffer or non-standard terminator.
;* called: b - max number of characters to receive
;* c - special terminator other than carriage return
;* iedt00: resume input - used by routines which call iedt with a buffer
;* count of 1 to check for special character as the first char
;* received (such as exam looking for period).
;* called: b - max number of characters to receive
;* c - special terminator other than carriage return
iedtbc: ld b,inbfsz
xor a
ld c,a
ld (strngf),a
iedt: xor a
ld d,inbfsz
ld hl,inbf
iedt00: ld (hl),a
inc hl
dec d
jr nz,iedt00
ld (argbc),a ;init number of arguments tally
ld hl,argbf
ld (argbpt),hl ;init pointer to start of buffer
iedt03: ld hl,inbf ;start of input buffer
ld (quoflg),a
iedt05: call inchar ;read char from console
ld (trmntr),a ;assume line terminator until proven otherwise
cp cr ;end of line?
jr z,iedt90 ;z - end
ld e,a
cp quote
ld a,(quoflg)
jr nz,iedt10
xor quote
ld (quoflg),a
ld a,quote
jr iedt60
iedt10: and a ;quote flag on?
ld a,e ;recover input character
jr z,iedt15 ;off - check terminator
ld a,(lcmd)
call ixlt
cp 'R'
ld a,e
jr nz,iedt20
iedt15: cp c ;compare with auxiliary terminator
jr z,iedt90 ;z - end
iedt20: cp tab
jr nz,iedt35 ;nz - not tab check backspace
iedt25: call space ;space out until char position mod 8 = zero
ld (hl),a ;store space in buffer as we expand tab
inc hl
inc d
ld a,7
and d
jr nz,iedt25
ld (hl),0 ;set end of line null
jr iedt70
iedt35: ld e,1 ;assume one backspace required
cp bs
jr z,iedt40 ;z - correct assumption
cp ctlx ;erase line?
jr nz,iedt60 ;nz - process normal input character
ld e,d ;backspace count is number of chars in buffer
iedt40: xor a ;test if already at beginning of buffer
or d
jr z,iedt05 ;z - at beginning so leave cursor as is
iedt50: call bksp ;transmit bs - space - bs string
dec d ;sub one from input buffer count
dec hl ;rewind buffer pointer on notch
ld a,(hl) ;check for control characters
ld (hl),0
cp quote ;check for backspacing over a quote
jr nz,iedt55
ld a,(quoflg) ;toggle quote flag so we keep track of balance
xor quote
ld (quoflg),a
jr iedt58
iedt55: cp ' '
call c,bksp ;c - control char requires extra bs for caret
iedt58: dec e ;dec backspace count
jr nz,iedt50 ;more backspacing
ld a,(strngf) ;string function flag on?
and a
jr z,iedt05 ;off - get next input char
xor a ;did we backspace to start of buffer?
or d ;test via character count
jr nz,iedt05 ;not rewound all the way
ld (inbfnc),a ;set a zero byte count so caller knows
dec d ;something is fishy
iedt60: ld (hl),a ;store char in inbf
inc hl ;bump inbf pointer
ld (hl),0 ;end of line
inc d ;bump number of chars in buffer
iedt70: ld a,d ;current size
sub b ;versus max size requested by caller
jp c,iedt05 ;more room in buffer
iedt90: ld hl,inbfnc ;store number of characters received ala
;bdos function 10
ld (hl),d
inc hl ;point to first char in buffer
dec d ;set m flag if length is zero
ret ;sayonara
bksp: call bksp00
call space
bksp00: ld a,bs
jp ttyo
asci: and 7fh ;convert contents of accumulator to ascii
if hazeltine ;hazeltine terminal?
cp tilde ; check for tilde or del
jr nc,asci00 ; yes - translate to '.'
else ;non-hazeltine terminal
cp del ; check for del
jr z,asci00 ; yes - translate to '~'
endif ;any terminal - other characters
cp 20h ; check for control character
jp nc,ttyo ; no - output as is
asci00: ; yes - translate to '~' or '.'
if hazeltine ;hazeltine terminals don't like tilde
ld a,'.'
ld a,tilde ;non-printables replaced with squiggle
jp ttyo
bcdx: call bcdx00
ret nz
bcdx00: rld
ex de,hl
add hl,hl
ld b,h
ld c,l
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,bc
ld c,a
ld a,9
cp c
ret c
xor a
ld b,a
add hl,bc
ex de,hl
adc a,a
nprint: call crlf
print: ld a,(de)
and a
ret z
call ttyo
inc de
jr print
printb: ld a,(hl)
and a
ret z
call ttyo
inc hl
dec c
jr nz,printb
home: ld bc,00
push bc ;enter with row in b and column in c
push de
push hl
ld hl,mxycp
ld a,(row) ;add in row offset
add a,b
ld b,a ;save row character
ld a,(column) ;add column bias
add a,c
ld c,a
ld e,(hl) ;number of chars in cursor addressing string
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
call ttyo
dec e
jr nz,xycp00
ld a,(rowb4?)
and a
jr nz,xycp10
ld a,b
ld b,c
ld c,a
ld a,b
call ttyo
ld a,c
call ttyo
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
if not jterm ;..then leave room for patching
org xycp+128 ; the object code
nrel: ;end of relocatable code
defb 'HL'
defb 'A '
defb 'H '
defb 'L '
defb 'D '
defb 'E '
defb 'B '
defb 'C '
ix.: defb 'IX'
defb 'SP'
defb 'P '
defb 'R '
defb 'I '
defb 'AF'
defb 'BC'
defb 'DE'
iy.: defb 'IY'
defb 'Z '
defb 'NC'
defb 'NZ'
defb 'PE'
defb 'PO'
defb 'M '
defb 'PC'
ix.. equ (ix.-zopnm)/2 ;relative position - ix
iy.. equ (iy.-zopnm)/2 ; iy
zopnml equ ($-zopnm)/2
zopjtb equ $-nrel ;nrel to jump table bias for loader
defw opn600 ;18 - hl/ix/iy test
defw opn400 ;19 - register specified in bits 0-2
defw opn400 ;1a - register specified in bits 3-5
defw opn100 ;1b - relative jump
defw opn200 ;1c - nn
defw opn300 ;1d - nnnn
defw opn700 ;1e - restart
defw opn800 ;1f - bit number
zasmio: defw zasmbf
zopjtl equ ($-zoprjt)/2 ;length of operand jump table
defw ifcb ; i
defw asmblr ; a
defw usym ; u
defw nprt ; n
defw jdbg ; j
defw zasm ; z
defw exam ; e
defw rgst ; r
defw go ; g
defw yfil ; y
defw movb ; m
defw verify ; v
defw psw ; p
defw break ; b
defw cbreak ; c
defw find ; f
defw hsym ; h
defw step ; s
defw obreak ; o
defw lldr ; l
defw dump ; d
defw qprt ; q
defw xreg ; x
defw kdmp ; k
defw writ ; w
ncmd equ $-cmd ;number of commands
defb '*ERROR*'
defb '*BP* @ '
defb 0
defb '*',' ',bs,0
mrrow: defb '=','>' ;backspaces taken out
defb 00
m????: defb '??'
m??: defb ' ?? '
asmflg: defb ' '
defb 0
lcmd: defb ' '
em???: defb ' ??'
defb 0
defb 'Loading: '
defb 0
defb 'File Not Found'
defb cr,lf,00
defb 'Loaded: '
defb 0
defb 'Pages: '
defb 0
defb 'Syntax Error'
defb cr,lf,0
mmem??: defb 'Out Of Memory'
defb 0
mcntu: defb ' - Continue? '
defb 0
defb 'IR: '
defb 0
z80fd: defb 009h,019h,02bh
defb 023h,029h,039h,0e1h
defb 0e3h,0e5h,0e9h,0f9h
z80fdl equ $-z80fd
z80f4: defb 021h,022h,02ah,036h,0cbh
z80f4l equ $-z80f4
z801: defb 0c0h,0e9h,0c9h,0d8h
defb 0d0h,0c8h,0e8h,0e0h
defb 0f8h,0f0h
z801l equ $-z801
z802: defb 036h,0c6h,0ceh,0d3h
defb 0d6h,0dbh,0deh,0e6h
defb 0eeh,0f6h,0feh
z802c: defb 018h,038h,030h
defb 028h,020h,010h
z802l equ $-z802
z802cl equ $-z802c
z803: defb 001h,011h,021h,022h
defb 02ah,031h,032h,03ah
z803s: defb 0cdh
defb 0dch,0d4h,0cch,0c4h
defb 0ech,0e4h,0fch,0f4h
z803sl equ $-z803s ;number of call instructions
z803c: defb 0c3h
defb 0dah,0d2h,0cah,0c2h
defb 0eah,0e2h,0fah,0f2h
z803l equ $-z803 ;number of 3 byte instructions
z803cl equ $-z803s ;number of 3 byte pc mod instructions
z80ed: defb 043h,04bh,053h
defb 05bh,073h,07bh
z80edl equ $-z80ed
z80rl equ $-z80r ;number relocatable z80 instructions
defb 034h,035h,046h,04eh
defb 056h,05eh,066h,06eh
defb 070h,071h,072h,073h
defb 074h,075h,077h,07eh
defb 086h,08eh,096h,09eh
defb 0a6h,0aeh,0b6h,0beh
z80f3l equ $-z80f3
org ($+3) and 0fffch
defb 022h,01ch,01ch,015h ;nop ld ld inc 00 - 03
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,031h ;inc dec ld rlca 04 - 07
defb 010h,000h,01ch,00ch ;ex add ld dec 08 - 0b
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,036h ;inc dec ld rrca 0c - 0f
defb 00eh,01ch,01ch,015h ;djnz ld ld inc 10 - 13
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,02fh ;inc dec ld rla 14 - 17
defb 01bh,000h,01ch,00ch ;jr add ld dec 18 - 1b
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,034h ;inc dec ld rra 1c - 1f
defb 01bh,01ch,01ch,015h ;jr ld ld inc 20 - 23
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,00bh ;inc dec ld daa 24 - 27
defb 01bh,000h,01ch,00ch ;jr add ld dec 28 - 2b
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,00ah ;inc dec ld cpl 2c - 2f
defb 01bh,01ch,01ch,015h ;jr ld ld inc 30 - 33
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,03ah ;inc dec ld scf 34 - 37
defb 01bh,000h,01ch,00ch ;jr add ld dec 38 - 3b
defb 015h,00ch,01ch,004h ;inc dec ld ccf 3c - 3f
defb 014h,026h,039h,01ch ;in out sbc ld ed 40
defb 021h,02dh,013h,01ch ;neg retn im ld
defb 014h,026h,001h,01ch ;in out adc ld
defb 022h,02ch,022h,01ch ;.... reti ... ld
defb 014h,026h,039h,01ch ;in out sbc ld
defb 022h,022h,013h,01ch ;... ... im ld
defb 014h,026h,001h,01ch ;in out adc ld
defb 022h,022h,013h,01ch ;... ... im ld
defb 014h,026h,039h,022h ;in out sbc ...
defb 022h,022h,002h,037h ;... ... ... rrd
defb 014h,026h,001h,022h ;in out adc ...
defb 044h,045h,046h,032h ;defb* defw* ddb* rld
defb 043h,047h,039h,01ch ;org* equ* sbc ld ed 70
defb 022h,022h,022h,022h ;... ... ... ...
defb 014h,026h,001h,01ch ;in out adc ld
defb 022h,022h,022h,022h ;... ... ... ... ed 7f
defb 01fh,008h,018h,028h ;ldi cpi ini outi
defb 022h,022h,022h,022h ;... ... ... ...
defb 01dh,006h,016h,027h ;ldd cpd ind outd
defb 022h,022h,022h,022h ;... ... ... ...
defb 020h,009h,019h,025h ;ldir cpir inir otir
defb 022h,022h,022h,022h ;... ... ... ...
defb 01eh,007h,017h,024h ;lddr cpdr indr otdr
defb 022h,022h,022h,044h ;... .... .... defb*
defb 02bh,029h,01ah,01ah ;ret pop jp jp c0 - c3
defb 003h,02ah,000h,038h ;call push add rst c4 - c7
defb 02bh,02bh,01ah,022h ;ret ret jp ... c8 - cb
defb 003h,003h,001h,038h ;call call adc rst cc - cf
defb 02bh,029h,01ah,026h ;ret pop jp out d0 - d3
defb 003h,02ah,03eh,038h ;call push sub rst d4 - d7
defb 02bh,011h,01ah,014h ;ret exx jp in d8 - db
defb 003h,022h,039h,038h ;call ... sbc rst dc - df
defb 02bh,029h,01ah,010h ;ret pop jp ex e0 - e3
defb 003h,02ah,002h,038h ;call push and rst e4 - e7
defb 02bh,01ah,01ah,010h ;ret jp jp ex e8 - eb
defb 003h,022h,03fh,038h ;call ... xor rst ec - ef
defb 02bh,029h,01ah,00dh ;ret pop jp di f0 - f3
defb 003h,02ah,023h,038h ;call push or rst f4 - f7
defb 02bh,01ch,01ah,00fh ;ret ld jp ei f8 - fb
defb 003h,022h,005h,038h ;call ... cp rst fc - ff
defb 000h,001h,03eh,039h ;add adc sub sbc
defb 002h,03fh,023h,005h ;and xor or cp
defb 030h,035h,02eh,033h ;rlc rrc rl rr
defb 03bh,03ch,022h,03dh ;sla sra ... srl
defb 022h,040h,041h,042h ;... bit res set
defb 022h,022h,022h,012h ;... ... ... halt
defb 01ch,01ch,01ch,01ch ;ld ld ld ld
defb 01ch,01ch,01ch,01ch ;ld ld ld ld
;* table of first operands
defb 0ffh,00eh,08eh,00eh ;00 - 03
defb 006h,006h,006h,0ffh ;04 - 07
defb 00dh,018h,001h,00eh ;08 - 0b
defb 007h,007h,007h,0ffh ;0c - 0f
defb 01bh,00fh,08fh,00fh ;10 - 13
defb 004h,004h,004h,0ffh ;14 - 17
defb 01bh,018h,001h,00fh ;18 - 1b
defb 005h,005h,005h,0ffh ;1c - 1f
defb 013h,018h,09dh,018h ;20 - 23
defb 002h,002h,002h,0ffh ;24 - 27
defb 011h,018h,018h,018h ;28 - 2b
defb 003h,003h,003h,0ffh ;2c - 2f
defb 012h,009h,09dh,009h ;30 - 33
defb 098h,098h,098h,0ffh ;34 - 37
defb 007h,018h,001h,009h ;38 - 3b
defb 001h,001h,001h,0ffh ;3c - 3f
defb 006h,087h,000h,09dh ;40 - 43
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01fh,00ch ;44 - 47
defb 007h,087h,000h,00eh ;48 - 4b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,00bh ;4c - 4f
defb 004h,087h,000h,09dh ;50 - 53
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01fh,001h ;54 - 57
defb 005h,087h,000h,00fh ;58 - 5b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01fh,001h ;5c - 5f
defb 002h,087h,000h,0ffh ;60 - 63
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;64 - 67
defb 003h,087h,000h,0ffh ;68 - 6b
defb 01ch,01dh,01dh,0ffh ;6c - 6f defb defw ddb
defb 01dh,01dh,000h,09dh ;70 - 73 org equ
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;74 - 77
defb 001h,087h,000h,009h ;78 - 7b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;7c - 7f
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a0 - bf
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a4 - a7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a8 - ab
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;ac - af
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b0 - b3
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b4 - b7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b8 - bb
defb 0ffh,0ffh,00fh,0ffh ;bc - bf
defb 013h,00eh,013h,01dh ;c0 - c3
defb 013h,00eh,001h,01eh ;c4 - c7
defb 011h,0ffh,011h,0ffh ;c8 - cb
defb 011h,01dh,001h,01eh ;cc - cf
defb 012h,00fh,012h,09ch ;d0 - d3
defb 012h,00fh,01ch,01eh ;d4 - d7
defb 007h,0ffh,007h,001h ;d8 - db
defb 007h,0ffh,001h,01eh ;dc - df
defb 015h,018h,015h,089h ;e0 - e3
defb 015h,018h,01ch,01eh ;e4 - e7
defb 014h,098h,014h,00fh ;e8 - eb
defb 014h,0ffh,01ch,01eh ;ec - ef
defb 00ah,00dh,00ah,0ffh ;f0 - f3
defb 00ah,00dh,01ch,01eh ;f4 - f7
defb 016h,009h,016h,0ffh ;f8 - fb
defb 016h,0ffh,01ch,01eh ;fc - ff
defb 001h,001h,019h,001h ;8 bit logic and arithmetic
defb 019h,019h,019h,019h ;
defb 019h,019h,019h,019h ;shift and rotate
defb 019h,019h,019h,019h ;
defb 0ffh,01fh,01fh,01fh ;bit - res - set
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;filler
defb 01ah,01ah,01ah,01ah ;8 bit load
defb 01ah,01ah,01ah,01ah ;
;* table of second operands
defb 0ffh,01dh,001h,0ffh ;00 - 03
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;04 - 07
defb 00dh,00eh,08eh,0ffh ;08 - 0b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;0c - 0f
defb 0ffh,01dh,001h,0ffh ;10 - 13
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;14 - 17
defb 0ffh,00fh,08fh,0ffh ;18 - 1b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;1c - 1f
defb 01bh,01dh,018h,0ffh ;20 - 23
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;24 - 27
defb 01bh,018h,09dh,0ffh ;28 - 2b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;2c - 2f
defb 01bh,01dh,001h,0ffh ;30 - 33
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;34 - 37
defb 01bh,009h,09dh,0ffh ;38 - 3b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;3c - 3f
defb 087h,006h,00eh,00eh ;40 - 43
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,001h ;44 - 47
defb 087h,007h,00eh,09dh ;48 - 4b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,001h ;4c - 4f
defb 087h,004h,00fh,00fh ;50 - 53
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,00ch ;54 - 57
defb 087h,005h,00fh,09dh ;58 - 5b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,00bh ;5c - 5f
defb 087h,002h,000h,0ffh ;60 - 63
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;64 - 67
defb 087h,003h,000h,0ffh ;68 - 6b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;6c - 6f
defb 0ffh,0ffh,009h,009h ;70 - 73
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;74 - 77
defb 087h,001h,009h,09dh ;78 - 7b
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a0 - bf
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a4 - a7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;a8 - ab
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;ac - af
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b0 - b3
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b4 - b7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;b8 - bb
defb 0ffh,0ffh,00fh,0ffh ;bc - bf
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,0ffh ;c0 - c3
defb 01dh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;c4 - c7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,0ffh ;c8 - cb
defb 01dh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;cc - cf
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,001h ;d0 - d3
defb 01dh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;d4 - d7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,09ch ;d8 - db
defb 01dh,0ffh,01ch,0ffh ;dc - df
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,018h ;e0 - e3
defb 01dh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;e4 - e7
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,000h ;e8 - eb
defb 01dh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;ec - ef
defb 0ffh,0ffh,01dh,0ffh ;f0 - f3
defb 01dh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;f4 - f7
defb 0ffh,018h,01dh,0ffh ;f8 - fb
defb 01dh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;fc - ff
defb 019h,019h,0ffh,019h ;8 bit logic and arithmetic
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;shift and rotate
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;
defb 0ffh,019h,019h,019h ;bit - res - set
defb 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh
defb 019h,019h,019h,019h ;8 bit load
defb 019h,019h,019h,019h
;* table of op code names
defb 0fdh,0ddh,0edh,0cbh
pswbit: defb 10001000b ;minus
defb 10000000b ;positive
defb 00001100b ;even parity
defb 00000100b ;odd parity
defb 01001000b ;zero
defb 01000000b ;not zero
defb 00001001b ;carry
defb 00000001b ;no carry
pswmap: defb 18,07,19,17,21,20,10,22
pswcnt equ $-pswmap
defb 87h,01h,07h,06h,05h,04h
defb 03h,02h,95h,93h,91h,18h
defb 19h,81h,83h,85h,97h
defb 0dh,0eh,0fh,00h
defb 8dh,8eh,8fh,80h
defb 0ah,09h,08h,10h
siotbl: defb 0f5h,0f7h
symflg: defb 0ffh ;symbol table flag 00 - table present
; ff - no table
bsiz: ;dump block size storage
bsizlo: defb 0 ; lo order
bsizhi: defb 1 ; hi order
blkptr: defw 100h ;dump block address
loadb: defw 100h ;z8e load bias for lldr command
loadn: defw 00 ;end of load address
asmbpc: ;next pc location for assembly
zasmpc: defw 100h ;next pc location for disassemble
;default at load time: start of tpa
zasmfl: defw 00 ;first disassembled address on jdbg screen
zasmnx: defb 0 ;address of next instruction to disassemble
oprx01: defb 0
zasmct: defb 0 ;disassembly count
oprn02: defb 0
zasmwt: defw 0 ;disassembly count - working tally
opnflg: defb 0 ;00 - operand 1 ff - operand 2 zasm
;and input character storage for interactive
quoflg: defb 0
wflag: defb 0ffh ;trace subroutine flag: nz - trace subs
; z - no trace
nstepl: defb 0
nsteph: defb 0
sbps: defb 0 ;number of step breakpoints
bps: defb 0 ;number of normal breakpoints
zmflag: defb 0
zasmf: defb 0
execbf: ;execute buffer for relocated code
nument: defb 0 ;number of digits entered
delim: defb 0 ;argument delimeter character
defb 0
base10: defb 0
jmp2jp: defb 0
jmp2: defb 0
cflag: defb 0
jmp: defb 0
jmplo: defb 0
jmphi: defb 0
first: defb 0
regtrm: defb 0
trmntr: defb 0
isympt: defw 0
pass2: defw 0
fndsym: defw 0
defw 14
maxlin: defw 62
fwndow: defb 00
nlmask: defb 00
defb 0ffh ;flag to indicate case of output
;nz - lower z - upper
jstepf: defb 0ffh ;00 - screen is intact, if user wants j
; single step no need to repaint screen,
; just move arrow.
;01 - user wants single-step j command
;else - j screen corrupted by non-j command
lastro: defb 03
if jterm ;my terminal uses xy addressing
defb 0
else ;most others use yx
defb 1
if jterm
defb 1,9 ;jrs special (Datapoint 8227)
defb 2,1bh,'=' ;ADM 3a in "standard" version
defb 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
xyrow: defb 0
xycol: defb 0
if jterm ;my terminal uses no bias for
defb 0 ;cursor coordinates
defb ' ' ;bias for most other terminals
if jterm ;see above
defb 0
defb ' '
wnwtab: defw 0
wnwsiz: defw 0
port: defw 0
brktbl: defs (maxbp+2)*3
psctbl: defs maxbp*2
freg: defb 00
defb 00
bcreg: defw 00
dereg: defw 00
hlreg: defw 00
afpreg: defw 00
bcpreg: defw 00
depreg: defw 00
hlpreg: defw 00
pcregl: defb 00
pcregh: defb 01
spreg: defw 00
ixreg: defw 00
iyreg: defw 00
regsiz equ $-regcon
rreg: defb 00
ireg: defb 00
fstart: defw 0
argbc: defw 0
argbpt: defw argbf
regsav equ $ ;storage for register contents in between bps
;while jdbg is in control
window equ regsav+regsiz ;memory window save area
argbsz equ 62
argbf: defs argbsz
fcb equ argbf+argbsz-36 ;cp/m file control block
fcbnam equ fcb+1 ;start of file name in fcb
fcbtyp equ fcbnam+8 ;start of file type in fcb
fcbext equ fcbtyp+3 ;current extent number
nfcb equ $ ;last byte of fcb plus one
gpbsiz equ 164 ;size of general purpose buffer
objbuf: ;object code buffer
rept gpbsiz
defb 0
inbfsz equ gpbsiz/2
inbfmx equ objbuf+4 ;input buffer - max byte count storage
inbfnc equ inbfmx+1 ; - number chars read in
inbf equ inbfnc+1 ; - starting address
inbfl equ inbfsz-1 ; - last relative position
ninbf equ inbf+inbfl ; - address of last char
prsbfz equ gpbsiz/2
prsbf equ inbf+inbfsz ;parse buffer - starting address
lprsbf equ prsbf+prsbfz-1 ; - last char of parse buf
nprsbf equ lprsbf+1 ; - end address plus one
nzasm equ $ ;end of disassembly buffer
zasmbf equ nzasm-128 ;start of disassembly buffer
defs 40
nmem equ ((($+255) and 0ff00h)-z8eorg) and 0ff00h
; was (256*(($+255)/256)-z8eorg) and 0ff00h
if M80
.list ;enable printer output for symbol table