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Genealogy, Family Trees and all that stuff.
Somσ year≤ ago¼á ╔ starteΣ collectinτ informatioε oε ou≥ famil∙ ì
grou≡á s∩á tha⌠ ╔ coulΣ sho≈ m∙ childreε ho≈ the∙á werσá relateΣá t∩ ì
variou≤ othe≥ relatives.
Iεá ß momen⌠ oµ weaknes≤ onσ timσ a⌠ ß famil∙ reunion¼á ╔á saiΣ ì
tha⌠á ╔á woulΣá compilσá thσá datß anΣ pu⌠ i⌠á oεá m∙á ne≈á MICROBE┼ ì
computer« Tha⌠ wa≤ bacδ iε 1983.
╔á diΣ makσ ß star⌠ usinτ ß worΣ processo≥ t∩ sho≈ thσá detail≤ ì
iε ß diagramatiπ way¼á bu⌠ i⌠ sooε becamσ eviden⌠ tha⌠ thi≤ approacΦ ì
wa≤á ver∙ timσ consuminτ anΣ diΣ no⌠ havσ thσ abilit∙ t∩ storσá man∙ ì
detail≤ oµ eacΦ persoε iε thσ list« Whils⌠ usinτ thσ powe≥ oµ ß worΣ ì
processo≥ fo≥ updating¼á thσ link≤ betweeε familie≤ werσ no⌠ eas∙ t∩ ì
follo≈á oε thσ screeε a≤ onσ wa≤ seeinτ onl∙ ß smal∞ windo≈á iεá thσ ì
largσ document.
╔á sooεá abandoneΣá thi≤á approacΦ anΣ sincσ theεá ╔á haΣá beeε ì
casuall∙á lookinτ a⌠ genealog∙ program≤ froφ bulletiε board≤ anΣá iε ì
magazine≤á fo≥ ß suitablσ prograφ t∩ hel≡ mσ ou⌠ oµ m∙á dilemma«á A⌠ ì
eacΦ annua∞ famil∙ reunioε ╔ wa≤ askeΣ "Havσ yo⌡ pu⌠ ou≥ famil∙ treσ ì
oε thσ compute≥ yet?"« Afte≥ ß fe≈ years¼ ╔ haΣ useΣ u≡ m∙ suppl∙ oµ ì
excuse≤á anΣ determineΣ tha⌠ ╔ woulΣ havσ t∩ d∩ somethinτ abou⌠á thσ ì
╔á assesseΣá ß couplσ oµ MicroworlΣ basiπ program≤ tha⌠á ╔á haΣ ì
dowε loadeΣ froφ bulletiε boards¼á bu⌠ ╔ didn'⌠ thinδ the∙ suiteΣ m∙ ì
application«á ╔ reaΣ review≤ oε thσ commerciall∙ availablσ genealog∙ ì
program≤ anΣ decideΣ tha⌠ ß databasσ approacΦ wa≤ required« Theε thσ ì
questioε arosσ a≤ t∩ whicΦ databasσ wa≤ thσ mos⌠ suitable.
I⌠á wa≤ iε thi≤ contex⌠ tha⌠ ╔ becamσ awarσ oµ ß se⌠ oµá publiπ ì
domaiεá genealog∙á program≤á tha⌠á haΣ recentl∙ beeεá addeΣá t∩á ou≥ ì
compute≥á cluΓ library«á The∙ haΣ beeε dowε loadeΣ froφá ßá bulletiε ì
boarΣá anΣá the∙á raεá unde≥ DBAS┼ II«á A≤ ╔ alread∙á useΣá dbasσá ╔ ì
obtaineΣá ßá cop∙ oµ thesσ file≤ froφ thσá library«á The∙á haΣá beeε ì
writteεáá b∙áá S«áá Washburεá froφá US┴á anΣá the∙á containeΣáá somσ ì
demonstratioε record≤ iε thσ databasσ oµ somσ ancien⌠ EnglisΦá king≤ ì
anΣ Queens.
╔á wa≤ amazedíá Thσ prograφ wa≤ almos⌠ wha⌠ ╔ haΣ beeεá lookinτ ì
fo≥ - bu⌠ no⌠ quite«á Howeve≥ i⌠ wa≤ closσ enougΦ t∩ bσ tantalizing« ì
Fo≥ m∙ application¼á i⌠ lackeΣ specificall∙ iε thσ areß oµ printout≤ ì
anΣ screeε editing« ╔ enlisteΣ thσ hel≡ oµ anothe≥ Microbee-holic¼ ß ì
cousiεá iεá thσ samσ famil∙ grou≡ wh∩ jus⌠ happen≤ t∩ bσ ßá whi·á a⌠ ì
DBAS┼ II«á Iµ it'≤ possiblσ t∩ bσ donσ witΦ DBASE¼á theε Lauriσ ReaΣ ì
could do it« (Hσ market≤ softwarσ unde≥ thσ JL╥ softwarσ label).
Wσ discusseΣ thσ possibilitie≤ oµ wha⌠ coulΣ bσ donσ t∩á tailo≥ ì
thσá prograφ t∩ ou≥ need≤ anΣ t∩ drivσ thσ prograφ witΦ ß serie≤á oµ ì
.cp5è Hσá undertooδ i⌠ a≤ ß projec⌠ anΣ se⌠ t∩ worδ t∩ understanΣ thσ ì
philosoph∙ oµ thσ existinτ commanΣ files«á Hσ founΣ tha⌠ thσ prograφ ì
wa≤á ßá comple°á onσ anΣ haΣ beeεá ver∙á wel∞á written¼á bu⌠á lackeΣ ì
somewha⌠á iε thσ area≤ oµ screeε presentation«á Hσ se⌠ abou⌠ t∩ givσ ì
i⌠ ß softwarσ overhaul«
Afte≥á man∙ hour≤ oµ swea⌠ anΣ tear≤ a⌠ thσ keyboard¼á thσá ne≈ ì
looδ prograφ haΣ takeε shape«á I⌠ lookeΣ greatíá A⌠ las⌠ ╔ coulΣ seσ ì
thσ ligh⌠ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσ tunnel«
Thσ nex⌠ famil∙ reunioε wa≤ loominτ up¼á s∩ ╔ spen⌠ man∙á hour≤ ì
enterinτ thσ datß int∩ thσ database¼ thi≤ datß havinτ beeε collecteΣ ì
ove≥á severa∞á years«á I⌠á wa≤á grea⌠á t∩á bσá ablσá t∩á changσá thσ ì
informatioεá ver∙á simpl∙ oε aε edi⌠ screen«á A⌠ las⌠ ╔á woulΣá havσ ì
somethinτá t∩ sho≈ a⌠ thσ reunion¼á ß triumpΦ fo≥ thσ might∙á littlσ ì
A≤ wσ havσ ou≥ reunioε ou⌠ unde≥ thσ shad∙ tree≤ iε ß parδ awa∙ ì
froφá thσ luxur∙ oµ 24░ volts¼á ╔ haΣ though⌠ oµ onl∙ usinτ list≤ oµ ì
name≤á anΣ individua∞ worksheet≤ fo≥ obtaininτ morσ informatioεá fo≥ ì
thσ database«á I⌠ occurreΣ t∩ mσ however¼á tha⌠ a≤ thσ main≤á suppl∙ ì
onl∙ transform≤ thσ voltagσ dowε t∩ lo≈ voltagσ anΣ rectifie≤ i⌠ fo≥ ì
1▓ volt≤ anΣ ╡ volt≤ supplies¼ wh∙ no⌠ suppl∙ thσ powe≥ froφ thσ ca≥ ì
battery«á Afte≥á al∞á thσ ca≥ woulΣ bσ jus⌠ sittinτ therσ no⌠á beinτ ì
useΣ al∞ day«
Ou⌠ camσ thσ sketcΦ pad¼ too∞ bo° anΣ part≤ anΣ somσ timσ late≥ ì
ßá 'Beσ emergeΣ tha⌠ coulΣ operatσ oε main≤ o≥ battery«á Maybσá tha⌠ ì
coulΣ bσ thσ basi≤ oµ anothe≥ storyí
No≈á ╔á coulΣá ente≥ anΣ edi⌠ thσ datß anΣá sho≈á ofµá ou≥á ne≈ ì
"recorde≥á oµ famil∙ historyó on-linσ iε thσ middlσ oµ thσ park«á N∩ ì
longe≥ woulΣ ╔ havσ t∩ makσ u≡ excuse≤ fo≥ beinτ slack«
Thσ exercisσ proveΣ aε overwhelminτ success¼á witΦ thσ sceptic≤ ì
praisinτá thσá marvel≤ oµ moderε technolog∙ witΦá comment≤á sucΦá a≤ ì
"That'≤á thσá firs⌠ timσ I'vσ seeε ß compute≥ workinτ u≡á closeóá o≥ ì
"that'≤á thσ firs⌠ timσ I'vσ seeε ß compute≥ d∩ anythinτ useful"«á ╔ ì
wa≤á kep⌠á bus∙á al∞ da∙ enterinτ anΣ correctinτá datßá anΣá showinτ ì
peoplσ ho≈ thσ prograφ worked«á Iε fact¼ ╔ scarcel∙ haΣ timσ t∩ cooδ ì
thσ barbie¼á whicΦ didn'⌠ g∩ dowε rea∞ wel∞ witΦ thσ lonτá sufferinτ ì
┴á votσá oµ thank≤ t∩ thσ softwarσ writer≤ a≤ i⌠ wa≤á theφá wh∩ ì
madσá m∙ dumΓ machinσ perforφ thσ quicδ retrieva∞ oµ informatioεá oε ì
ou≥ famil∙ treσ beforσ thei≥ ver∙ eyes.
A≤á thσá prograφá camσá froφ thσ publiπá domain¼á i⌠á i≤á beinτ ì
returneΣá witΦ thσ softwarσ reworδ t∩ thσ publiπ domaiεá again«á Al∞ ì
tha⌠ i≤ askeΣ i≤ tha⌠ acknowledgemen⌠ i≤ giveε botΦ t∩ thσá origina∞ ì
autho≥ oµ thσ softwarσ anΣ thσ autho≥ oµ thσ man∙ revisions.
Yo⌡ probabl∙ havσ beeε wonderinτ wha⌠ facilitie≤ thi≤ genealog∙ ì
prograφ has«á ╔ wil∞ attemp⌠ t∩ lis⌠ belo≈ mos⌠ oµ thσ feature≤ tha⌠ ì
comσ t∩ mind.è.cp12
Thσ prograφ run≤ oε ß ▓ disδ system¼á thσ ┬ disδ beinτ thσ datß ì
disk«á Onσá disδá i≤ useΣ pe≥ famil∙ treσ group.Somσá file≤á contaiε ì
personaliseΣá headings«á Thi≤á i≤á ß once-onl∙ changσá witΦá ßá worΣ ì
ShoulΣ thσ unexpecteΣ occu≥ anΣ thσ inde° file≤ becomσ corrupt¼ ì
the∙ caε bσ re-indexeΣ a≤ ß prograφ option.
Data entry screens for:
A unique 4 digit reference number.
2 Given names.
Name commonly "Known as".
Birth place and Birth date.
Death date and resting place (if applicable).
Reference numbers of parents.
Marriagσ date¼á marriagσ town¼á spousσ ref«á numbe≥ anΣ no«á oµ ì
childreεá t∩á thσá marriage«á (Therσá arσ facilitie≤á fo≥á u≡á t∩á │ ì
marriage≤ anΣ ß tota∞ oµ 1╢ childreε froφ thσ marriages).
┴á shor⌠ freσ forφ biograph∙ oµ u≡ t∩ ╢ line≤ oµ 6░á character≤ ì
availablσ fo≥ eacΦ persoε iε thσ database« Thi≤ limi⌠ wa≤ imposeΣ a≤ ì
ß compromisσ fo≥ disδ spacσ anΣ inclusioε oε printouts.
Database PHONE.DBF
Addres≤áá witΦá automatiπá insertioεá oµá thσá statσá froφá thσ ì
Private phone number with area code.
Business phone number with area code.
Current postal surname (for women).
Lette≥ contro∞ fielΣ eτ fo≥ notificatioε abou⌠ reunion≤ etc...
Thσá informatioεá abovσá caε bσ changeΣ o≥á deleteΣá froφá thσá edi⌠ ì
Wheεá thσ genealog∙ prograφ i≤ run¼á ß person≤ relationshi≡á t∩ ì
famil∙á member≤ caε bσ displayeΣ b∙ enterinτ ß referencσ numbe≥á (iµ ì
known⌐ o≥ b∙ ß searcΦ fo≥ ß namσ o≥ par⌠ oµ ß name«á Oncσ thσ persoε ì
i≤ located¼ the∙ arσ showε oε thσ screeε with:
Birth date and death date (if applicable).
Spouses and YEAR of marriage (up to 3).
Children and YEAR of birth (up to 16).
.cp7è Yo⌡ caε movσ directl∙ t∩ thσ mother¼á father¼ 1s⌠ spousσ o≥ 1s⌠ ì
chilΣá b∙á ß singlσ lette≥ commanΣ o≥ t∩ an∙ person≤ recorΣá oεá thσ ì
screeεá b∙á shiftinτá thσá asterisδ froφ thσá primσá persoεá t∩á thσ ì
requireΣá persoε oε thσ screeε anΣ typinτ ╟ fo≥ "ge⌠á record"«á Tha⌠ ì
persoεá wil∞á theεá becomσá thσ primσá persoεá anΣá thσá informatioε ì
applicablσ t∩ theφ wil∞ bσ displayed«á I⌠ i≤ thu≤ eas∙ t∩ tracσ bacδ ì
anΣ forward≤ througΦ you≥ famil∙ tree.
Froφá thi≤ displa∙ yo⌡ caε als∩ displa∙ thσ addres≤ recorΣá anΣ ì
biograph∙á recorΣ anΣ eithe≥ add¼á edi⌠ o≥ deletσ informatioε iε thσ ì
Therσá i≤á ßá facilit∙á fo≥á displayinτá informatioεá froφá thσ ì
databasσá oε birthda∙ event≤ eτ 21s⌠ birthday≤ (o≥á an∙á selected)¼ ì
anΣá weddinτ anniversar∙ milestone≤ eτ 25tΦ o≥ 50tΦ o≥ an∙ selected« ì
Thi≤ caε bσ oε screeε o≥ harΣ copy.
Thσá prograφ caε typσ ou⌠ gummeΣ label≤ t∩ thosσ whosσá contro∞ ì
fielΣ i≤ se⌠ iε thσ addres≤ database« I⌠ derive≤ thσ titlσ Miss¼ Mr≤ ì
o≥ M≥ froφ thσ relevan⌠ datß iε thσ database«á Fo≥ marrieΣ womeεá i⌠ ì
use≤á thei≥ marrieΣ surnamσ insteaΣ oµ thei≥ maideε name«á Therσá i≤ ì
als∩á thσá facilit∙á t∩á producσ ßá wordsta≥á compatiblσá temporar∙ ì
databasσá t∩ enablσ mailmergeΣ letter≤ t∩ bσ sen⌠ t∩ famil∙á member≤ ì
fo≥ example¼ notificatioε oµ ß famil∙ reunion.
Therσ arσ severa∞ printeΣ list≤ t∩ choosσ from:
┴á lis⌠á oµ al∞ person≤ iε thσ databasσ (o≥ ßá selecteΣá famil∙ ì
name⌐á givinτ sufficien⌠ informatioε oε thσ pagσ t∩ tracσá backward≤ ì
througΦá thσá tree«á Thσ list≤ caε bσ sorteΣá eithe≥á alphabetiπá oε ì
surnamσ o≥ iε numeriπ referencσ numbe≥ order.
Aεá addres≤á lis⌠ oµ thosσ livinτ person≤ tha⌠á havσá addresse≤ ì
recordeΣá iεá thσá database«á Thesσ list≤ caε bσá sorteΣá iεá Posta∞ ì
surnamσá orde≥á o≥ iε postcodσ order«á The∙ caε bσ fo≥á ßá specifieΣ ì
famil∙á treσá o≥ wherσ morσ thaε onσ famil∙ treσ i≤ includeΣ iεá thσ ì
addres≤ database¼ thσ optioε i≤ therσ t∩ havσ ß combineΣ lis⌠ oµ al∞ ì
livinτ relatives¼á sorteΣ agaiε eithe≥ iε posta∞ surnamσ orde≥ o≥ iε ì
postcodσ order.
┴á facilit∙ i≤ provideΣ t∩ changσ thσ datß disδ iε thσ ┬á drivσ ì
whils⌠ stil∞ remaininτ withiε thσ program.
Datßá entr∙ sheet≤ tha⌠ givσ al∞ thσ databasσ informatioε oεá ß ì
persoε eacΦ oε ß seperatσ sheet.
┴ famil∙ informatioε shee⌠ givinτ thσ followinτ information:
.cp10è Datσ thσ forφ wa≤ printed.
Thσ uniquσ referencσ numbe≥ oµ thσ primσ person.
Parent≤ name≤ anΣ thei≥ placσ oµ birth.
▓ Giveε names.
Namσ commonl∙ "Knowε as".
BirtΦ placσ anΣ BirtΦ date.
DeatΦ datσ anΣ restinτ placσ (iµ applicable).
Spousσá name¼á marriagσá YEA╥á anΣ marriagσ towε fo≥á u≡á t∩á │ ì
Children≤á name≤á anΣá YEA╥ oµ birtΦ fo≥ u≡ t∩ ßá tota∞á oµá 1╢ ì
childreε froφ thσ marriages.
Biograph∙ fo≥ thσ primσ person.
I⌠ shoulΣ bσ noteΣ tha⌠ thσ primσ usσ anΣ searcΦ facilit∙ i≤ a≤ ì
ß compute≥ databasσ anΣ thσ printout≤ arσ ß secondar∙á facility¼á o≥ ì
t∩ aiΣ thσ collectioε anΣ entr∙ oµ informatioε t∩ thσ database.
B∙ havinτ somσ dumm∙ name≤ iε thσ databasσ sucΦ as:
SE┼ xxxxx° FAMIL┘ TREE
theεá message≤á tha⌠ havσ somσ addeΣ meaninτ caε appea≥ iεá thσ ì
screeε display≤ fo≥ thσ appropriatσ people.
Iεá m∙á datß entry¼á ╔ entreΣ thosσ person≤ marryinτá int∩á thσ ì
famil∙ a≤ ß recorΣ iε thσ database¼ bu⌠ informatioε oε thei≥ parent≤ ì
anΣá an∙ brother≤ anΣ sister≤ werσ includeΣ iε thσá biograph∙á file« ì
(Otherwisσá thσ treσ woulΣ spreaΣ ou⌠ iε al∞ direction≤ indefinetly« ì
Thσ referencσ numbe≥ oµ thσ SE┼ BIOGRAPH┘ FIL┼ entr∙ wa≤ useΣ a≤ thσ ì
mothe≥ anΣ fathe≥ referencσ numbe≥ fo≥ thei≥ databasσá record«á Thu≤ ì
wheεá thei≥á recorΣ i≤ displayeΣ oε thσ screen¼á thei≥ parent≤á namσ ì
show≤á "SE┼ BIOGRAPH┘ FILE"«á B∙ pressinτ thσ appropriatσá key¼á thσ ì
biograph∙ entr∙ i≤ brough⌠ u≡ oε thσ screen.
Therσá i≤ on-screeε hel≡ availablσ froφ thσá genealog∙á displa∙ ì
screeε b∙ thσ standarΣ ╚ fo≥ Hel≡ key.
Thσá distributioε i≤ oε ß ╡ 1/┤ incΦ disδ anΣ ha≤ thσá program≤ ì
fo≥ eacΦ disδ iε differen⌠ use≥ areas«á Yo⌡ havσ t∩ suppl∙ thσ DBAS┼ ì
I╔áá anΣá thσá optiona∞á WORDSTA╥á program≤á suite≤á (Wordsta≥á witΦ ì
mailmergσá i≤ requireΣ onl∙ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ implemen⌠ thσá mailmergeΣ ì
letter≤ fo≥ organisatioε oµ famil∙ reunions)« Thσ file≤ requireΣ arσ ì
listed in the file README.1ST in user area 1.
Yo⌡ woulΣ neeΣ t∩ senΣ $╡ fo≥ suppl∙ oµ thσ disk¼á packinτá anΣ ì
An∙á compute≥ cluΓ tha⌠ woulΣ likσ ß cop∙ oµ thesσ program≤ caε ì
d∩ s∩ b∙ contacting me through our club.
è The address is:
Illawarra Microbee Computer Club
P.O. Box 271
Warrawong. 2502
New South Wales
Attention: Mr Ronald Read
╔ hopσ yo⌡ havσ enjoymen⌠ iε thσ usσ oµ thi≤ program« Iµ iε thσ ì
future¼ yo⌡ writσ an∙ othe≥ routine≤ t∩ enhancσ thi≤ program¼ pleasσ ì
contac⌠á u≤ s∩ tha⌠ wσ als∩ ma∙ havσ thσ benefi⌠ oµ you≥ work¼á jus⌠ ì
a≤ yo⌡ havσ thσ benefi⌠ oµ ours.
by Ronald Read - Illawarra Microbee Computer Club