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- ; Collection of routines from the Programming Notes
- ; compiled by Vaughan Clarkson, '88
- ;----------------<ROUTINE to CHECK BIOS NUMBER>-----------------
- biosvct equ 0001h
- Check_BIOS:
- ; Check_BIOS checks the BIOS version number to find out whether
- ; the BIOS supports XBIOS subset 'C'. It uses this logic:
- ; IF Bios_Type IS
- ; > 1 and < 17h and <> 6 or
- ; > 1Dh and < 2Fh or
- ; > 43h and < BFh
- ; THEN XBIOS subset 'C' is supported
- ; ELSE subset 'C' is not supported (see notes below for this case)
- ; If XBIOS is supported then the Z flag will be set
- push de
- push hl
- lΣ hl,(biosvct⌐ ╗ warφ star⌠ entr∙ (BIO╙ ½ 3)
- ld de,30h
- add hl,de ╗ (BIO╙ ½ 33h⌐ ╜ BIOS_TYPE
- ld e,a
- ld a,(hl)
- ld d,0 ; set flag to true
- cp 2 ; check version numbers
- jr c,xbfail
- cp 6
- jr z,xbfail
- cp 17h
- jr c,use_xb
- cp 1Eh
- jr c,xbfail
- cp 2Fh
- jr c,use_xb
- cp 44h
- jr c,xbfail
- cp 0BFh
- jr c,use_xb
- xbfail║ lΣ d,-▒ ╗ flag=falsσ (incorrec⌠ XBIOS)
- use_xb: ld a,d
- or a ; test flag
- ld a,e
- pop hl
- pop de
- ret
- ;------------------<CLEAR QUEUE after KB_TEST>-------------------
- bdos equ 0005h ; BDOS jump vector
- dconio equ 6 ; BDOS direct console in/out
- clr_queue:
- ; Clears console queue for normal keyboard use after kb_test
- ld e,-1 ; signal console inè ld c,dconio
- call bdos
- or a
- jr nz,clr_queue
- ret
- ;-----------------------<CHECK if 256TC>------------------------
- rom_end equ 0EFFFh
- is_256TC:
- ; Routine to test which keyboard is being used.
- ; Z indicates new keyboard, NZ indicates the old.
- ; Corrupts AF.
- push hl
- ld hl,rom_end-2
- ld a,'2'
- cp (hl)
- jr nz,not256
- inc hl
- ld a,'5'
- cp (hl)
- jr nz,not256
- inc hl
- ld a,'6'
- cp (hl)
- not256: pop hl
- ret
- ;------------------------<Get KEY DATA>--------------------------
- key_data:
- ╗ Thi≤ routinσ return≤ ßn ┌ flaτ iµ n∩ changσ iε keyboarΣ statu≤
- ; or an NZ flag and appropriate data in the accumlator otherwise.
- ; Note: this routine is only suitable for 256TC keyboards.
- in a,(2) ; check for change in status
- bit 1,a
- ret z
- in a,(18h) ; get data
- ret
- ;----------------------<CLEAR KEY BUFFER>------------------------
- clr_kbuf:
- ; Clear the keyboard buffer of all data.
- ; Corrupts AF.
- in a,(2)
- and 2
- ret z
- in a,(18h)
- jr clr_kbuf
- ;--------------------------<IS_CLOSED>---------------------------
- isclsd:
- ; This routine checks if the key whose code is given in the
- ; accumulator is being pressed. An NZ flag is returned if it
- ; is down and a Z flag if it is not. The codes used in this
- ; routine are identical to those given for the XBIOS function
- ; kb_test (details above).
- ; Note:- this routine works only on the old keyboard.
- push bc
- ld c,a
- ld b,a
- close1: ld a,12h
- out (0Ch),a
- ld a,b
- rrca
- rrca
- rrca
- rrca
- and 3
- out (0Dh),a
- ld a,13h
- out (0Ch),a
- ld a,b
- rlcaè rlca
- rlca
- rlca
- out (0Dh),a
- ld a,1
- out (0Bh),a
- ld a,10h
- out (0Ch),a
- in a,(0Dh)
- la52f: ld a,1Fh
- out (0Ch),a
- out (0Dh),a
- la535: in a,(0Ch)
- bit 7,a
- jr z,la535
- in a,(0Ch)
- cpl
- bit 6,a
- ld a,0
- out (0Bh),a
- ld a,c
- pop bc
- ret
- ;---------------------<IS_CLOSED for 256TC>----------------------
- isclsd:
- ; Routine to emulate isclsd on old keyboards.
- ; Note that this routine works only for 256TC keyboards.
- ; Also provided is case, which contains the status of the
- ; SHIFT, ALT and CTRL keys in bits 2, 1 and 0 respectively
- ; at the time of the last call to isclsd.
- push bc
- push de
- push hl
- ld b,a
- call key_3 ; * (these lines removed in in-
- ld a,b ; * terrupt version, see below)
- cp 3Fh ; SHIFT?
- jr z,tishift
- cp 39h ; CTRL?
- jr z,tisctrl
- cp 40h ; ALT?
- jr z,tisalt
- cp 64h
- jr nc,tistbigè cp 20h
- jr c,tnorm
- cp 30h
- jr nc,tnorm
- sub 20h
- add a,a ; check exceptions table
- ld hl,itt_ex
- ld e,a
- ld d,0
- add hl,de
- ld a,(hl)
- inc a
- jr z,isret
- call ischck
- jr nz,isret
- inc hl
- jr chk2nd
- tnorm║ lΣ hl,ittab∞ ╗ conver⌠ t∩ natura∞ 256T├ codes
- ld e,a
- ld d,0
- add hl,de
- chk2nd: ld a,(hl)
- inc a
- jr z,isret
- call ischck
- jr isret
- tistbig:xor a
- jr isret
- tishift:ld a,(case)
- and 4
- jr isret
- tisalt: ld a,(case)
- and 2
- jr isret
- tisctrl:ld a,(case)
- and 1
- isret: ld a,b
- pop hl
- pop de
- push af
- pop bc
- ld a,c
- and 0feh ; scf, ccf
- xor 40h ; toggle z flag
- ld c,a
- push bc
- pop af
- pop bc
- ret
- èischck: push hl
- dec a
- ld hl,isctbl
- ld e,a
- ld d,0
- add hl,de
- ld a,(hl)
- and 80h
- pop hl
- ret
- key_3: xor a
- out (0Bh),a
- in a,(2) ;check port 2, bit 1 for key
- and 2
- ret z
- in a,(18h) ;read port 18h for key code
- ld d,a
- ld hl,case ;check for SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT
- res 7,a
- cp 67h ;check SHIFT
- jr nz,ctrl
- bit 7,d ;is SHIFT up or down?
- res 2,(hl)
- ret z
- set 2,(hl)
- ret
- ctrl: cp 6Fh ;check CTRL
- jr nz,alt
- bit 7,d ;is CTRL up or down?
- res 0,(hl)
- ret z
- set 0,(hl)
- ret
- alt: cp 77h ;check ALT
- ld a,d ;signal no special key
- jr nz,setist ; and return with key code, if not ALT
- bit 7,d ;is ALT up or down?
- set 1,(hl)
- ret nz
- res 1,(hl)
- ret
- setist: ld hl,isctbl ;signal key up/down on isctbl
- and 7Fh
- push bc
- ld c,a
- ld b,0
- add hl,bc
- pop bc
- ld a,d
- and 80h
- res 7,(hl)è ret z
- set 7,(hl)
- ret
- case║ dΓ ░ ╗ inf∩ oε CTRL¼ AL╘ anΣ SHIFT
- isctbl: ds 60h,0 ; table of keys down
- ; table of code conversions from isclsd codes to natural codes
- ; for the 256TC keyboard (-1 means code not used)
- ittabl║ dΓ 5Bh,0Bh,37h,27h,1Bh,1Ah,23h,2Bh
- db 33h,42h,3Bh,43h,4Bh,47h,3Fh,4Ah
- db 52h,0Ah,22h,13h,2Ah,3Ah,2Fh,12h
- db 1Fh,32h,17h,5Ah,56h,5Eh,55h,54h
- db -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
- db -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
- db 1,4Dh,2,0Eh,4Eh,0Dh,3,7
- db 46h,-1,35h,3Dh,-1,-1,36h,-1
- db -1,0,8,10h,18h,20h,28h,30h
- db 38h,40h,48h,50h,58h,1,46h,0Fh
- db 54h,3Dh,35h,36h,3,2Ch,25h,26h
- db 34h,2Eh,1Dh,1Eh,24h,2Dh,15h,16h
- db 1Ch,5,6,14h
- ; exception table for ittable, for those isclsd codes which
- ; correspond to two keys on the new keyboard (eg. the code 20h
- ; corresponds to the 1 key, of which there are two, and whose
- ; codes are 51h and 5)
- itt_ex: db 51h,5,9,2Dh,11h,15h,19h,16h,21h,2Eh
- db 29h,1Dh,31h,1Eh,39h,2Ch,41h,25h,49h,26h
- db 59h,24h,53h,14h,4Fh,-1,5Dh,1Ch,57h,6
- db 5Fh,34h
- ;--------------------<SET INTERRUPT VECTORS>---------------------
- ; The interrupt vectors below have been chosen arbitrarily. Any
- ; convenient memory location will do. Note, however, that both
- ; interrupt vectors must be contained in the same page of memory,
- ; ie. the same 100h block.
- vect_a equ 4000h ; interrupt vector for PIO port A
- vect_b equ vect_a+2 ; interrupt vector for PIO port B
- set_int:
- ; This routine sets up the PIO so that the keyboard drives anè; interrupt.
- ; Note: this routine works only with the 256TC keyboard.
- push af
- push bc
- push de
- push hl
- ld hl,eireti ; see new version of key_3, below
- ld (vect_a),hl
- ld hl,key_3
- ld (vect_b),hl
- di ╗ disablσ interrupt≤
- ld hl,iotabl
- do_pio: ld a,(hl)
- or a
- jr z,enabli
- ld b,a
- inc hl
- ld c,(hl)
- inc hl
- otir
- jr do_pio
- enabli: im 2 ; set interrupt mode 2
- ld a,HIGH vect_a ╗ or 40h iµ HIG╚ i≤ supporteΣ
- ld i,a
- ei ; reenable interrupts
- pop hl
- pop de
- pop bc
- pop af
- ret
- ; If LOW is not supported on your assembler, substitute
- ; 0 for LOW vect_a and 2 for LOW vect_b
- ; Note: HIGH and LOW mean high order and low order 8 bits,
- ; respectively.
- iotabl: db 5,1,LOW vect_a,0CFh,-1,97h,-1
- db 5,3,LOW vect_b,-1,9Bh,0B7h,0EDh
- db 0
- ;------------------<KEY_3: INTERRUPT VERSION>--------------------
- key_3: push af
- push bc
- push de
- push hl
- in a,(2) ;check port 2, bit 1 for keyè and 2
- jr z,retk3
- in a,(18h) ;read port 18h for key code
- ld d,a
- ld hl,case ;check for SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT
- res 7,a
- cp 67h ;check SHIFT
- jr nz,ctrl
- bit 7,d ;is SHIFT up or down?
- res 2,(hl)
- jr z,retk3
- set 2,(hl)
- jr retk3
- ctrl: cp 6Fh ;check CTRL
- jr nz,alt
- bit 7,d ;is CTRL up or down?
- res 0,(hl)
- jr z,retk3
- set 0,(hl)
- jr retk3
- alt: cp 77h ;check ALT
- ld a,d ;signal no special key
- jr nz,setist ; and return with key code, if not ALT
- bit 7,d ;is ALT up or down?
- set 1,(hl)
- jr nz,retk3
- res 1,(hl)
- jr retk3
- setist: ld hl,isctbl ;signal key up/down on isctbl
- and 7Fh
- push bc
- ld c,a
- ld b,0
- add hl,bc
- pop bc
- ld a,d
- and 80h
- res 7,(hl)
- jr z,retk3
- set 7,(hl)
- retk3: pop hl
- pop de
- pop bc
- pop af
- eireti: ei
- reti
- ;-----------------------<EXAMINE SYSTEM>-------------------------
- screen equ 0F000h ; char and att memory
- grafix equ 0F800h ; PCG and colour memory
- vmlatch equ 1Ch ; video memory latch port
- attrib equ 144 ; attribute switch
- c_port equ 8 ; colour port
- c_swtch equ 40h ; colour port switch
- row equ 64 ; no of characters per row
- examine:
- ; This routine examines the system to determine whether it
- ; (i) has colour (if not, colour is set to -1)
- ; (ii) is a Premium (if not, prmium is set to -1) and
- ; {iii} is a 256TC (if not, tc256 is set to -1)
- ╗ Note║ iµ thσ systeφ i≤ ß Premium¼ theε i⌠ i≤ als∩ colour¼ and
- ; if it is a 256TC, then it is also a Premium and colour, for
- ; the purposes of this routine.
- ; Corrupts AF and HL.
- call is_256TC ; see above for this routine
- ret z
- ld a,-1
- ld (tc256),a
- ld hl,screen+32*row-1
- ld (hl),0è ld a,attrib
- out (vmlatch),a
- ld (hl),-1
- ld a,80h
- out (vmlatch),a
- ld a,(hl)
- ld (prmium),a
- or a
- ret z
- ld hl,grafix+32*row-1
- ld (hl),0
- ld a,c_swtch
- out (c_port),a
- ld (hl),7
- xor a
- out (c_port),a
- ld a,(hl)
- or a
- ret z
- ld a,-1
- ld (colour),a
- ret
- colour: db 0 ; 0 = colour
- prmium: db 0 ; 0 = Premium series or later
- tc256: db 0 ; 0 = 256TC
- ;--------------------<SET SCREEN to HIRES2>----------------------
- initcol equ 2 ; green on black
- set_scn:
- ; Set up the screen in a rough equivalent to the HIRES2 command
- ; of MicroWorld BASIC. Clears the screen, sets 64x16 video mode
- ╗ set≤ thσ screeε colou≥ t∩ initco∞ anΣ fill≤ thσ screeε froφ
- ; left to right, top to bottom with PCG, starting in the top left
- ; with character 80h, bank 0, and ending in the bottom right with
- ; character FFh, bank 7.
- ; Corrupts all registers.
- ; Returns c flag if error (ie. not Premium)
- ld a,(prmium) ; see examine routine above
- or a
- scf
- ret z
- ld hl,screen ; clear the screen
- ld (hl),' '
- ld de,screen+1
- ld bc,32*row-1
- ldir
- call reform ; set 64x16 mode
- ld bc,0
- rfwait: dec bcè ld a,b
- or c
- jp nz,rfwait
- ld b,8
- ld a,80h
- clgrfx: push bc
- out (vmlatch),a
- ld hl,grafix
- ld (hl),0
- ld de,grafix+1
- ld bc,128*char
- ldir
- inc a
- pop bc
- djnz clgrfx
- ld a,c_swtch ; set up initial screen colour
- out (c_port),a
- ld hl,grafix
- ld (hl),initcol
- ld de,grafix+1
- ld bc,16*row-1
- ldir
- xor a
- out (c_port),a
- ld b,8 ; set up screen & attributes
- ld hl,screen
- ld de,screen+1
- ld a,attrib
- out (vmlatch),a
- xor a
- setatt: push bc
- ld bc,2*row
- ld (hl),a
- ldir
- inc a
- pop bc
- djnz setatt
- ld a,80h
- out (vmlatch),a
- ld hl,screen
- ld c,8
- setscn: ld b,2*row
- ld a,80h
- setrow: ld (hl),a
- inc a
- inc hl
- djnz setrow
- dec c
- jr nz,setscn
- re⌠ ╗ π flaτ i≤ rese⌠
- reform: ld hl,v_64+15 ; routine to set up 64*16
- refrm2: push bc
- push hl
- ld b,10hèformat: ld a,b
- dec a
- out (0ch),a
- ld a,(hl)
- out (0dh),a
- dec hl
- djnz format
- ld b,4Bh
- call leee3
- pop hl
- pop bc
- ret
- leee3: push hl ; routine for 64*16
- leee4: ld hl,007Ah
- leee7: dec hl
- ld a,h
- or l
- jr nz,leee7
- djnz leee4
- pop hl
- ret
- v_64: db 6Bh,64,51h,37h,12h,9,16,12h,48h,0Fh,2Fh,0Fh,0,0,0,0
- ;------------------------<LINE DRAWING>--------------------------
- line:
- ; This routine is used in conjunction with hires2 above and
- ; draws a straight line from (from_x, from_y) to (to_x, to_y).
- ; Corrupts all registers, including IY and alternative regs.
- call calcxy
- ex af,af'
- ld a,(set)
- ex af,af'
- ld hl,(from_x)
- ld de,(to_x)
- call subabs
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- ld hl,pix_lt
- jp nc,cupok
- ld hl,pix_rt
- cupok: ld (vect_1),hl
- ld hl,(from_y)
- ld de,(to_y)
- call subabs
- ld d,h
- ld e,l
- ld hl,pix_up
- jp nc,crtok
- ld hl,pix_dnècrtok: ld (vect_2),hl
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- or a
- sbc hl,de
- jp nc,swaphd
- ld hl,(vect_1)
- ld iy,(vect_2)
- ld (vect_2),hl
- ld (vect_1),iy
- ld h,b
- ld l,c
- ex de,hl
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- swaphd: push bc
- push bc
- ld hl,0
- srl b
- rr c
- or a
- sbc hl,bc
- push hl
- pop iy
- dec iy
- pop bc
- ld hl,0
- or a
- sbc hl,bc
- ld b,h
- ld c,l
- pop hl
- ld a,h
- or l
- jr z,conend
- smline: exx
- call c_plot
- smmove: call pix_rt
- exx
- add iy,de
- jp nc,endmov
- add iy,bc
- exx
- bgmove: call pix_dn
- exx
- endmov: dec hl
- ld a,h
- or l
- jp nz,smline
- conend: exx
- call c_plot
- exx
- ret
- vect_1 equ smmove+1èvect_2 equ bgmove+1
- calcxy: exx
- lΣ hl,(from_x⌐ ╗ calculatσ initia∞ datß fo≥ linσ
- ld a,7
- and l
- ld b,a
- ld a,80h
- jr z,noshft
- shftpx: srl a
- djnz shftpx
- noshft: ld c,a
- ld a,0F8h
- and l
- ld l,a
- add hl,hl
- ex de,hl
- ld hl,(from_y)
- ld a,15
- and l
- ld b,a
- ld a,0E0h
- and l
- rlca
- rlca
- rlca
- ld (bank),a
- or 80h
- out (vmlatch),a
- bit 4,l
- ld l,b
- ld h,0
- jr z,hlfblk
- ld h,4
- hlfblk: add hl,de
- ld de,grafix
- add hl,de
- exx
- ret
- ╗ Thσ nex⌠ tw∩ routine≤ se⌠ anΣ rese⌠ thσ pixe∞ a⌠ thσ curren⌠
- ; location
- c_plot: ex af,af'
- or a
- jp z,creset
- ex af,af'
- ld a,c
- or (hl)
- ld (hl),a
- ret
- creset: ex af,af'
- ld a,c
- or (hl)è xor c
- ld (hl),a
- ret
- ╗ Thσ followinτ routines¼ pix_lt¼ pix_rt¼ pix_up¼ pix_dn¼ movσ
- ╗ thσ curren⌠ pixe∞ locatioε left¼ right¼ u≡ anΣ dowε
- ; respectively
- pix_lt: sla c
- ret nc
- ld c,1
- ld de,-char
- add hl,de
- ret
- pix_rt: srl c
- ret nc
- ld c,80h
- ld de,char
- add hl,de
- ret
- pix_up: ld a,b
- or a
- jr z,chr_up
- dec b
- dec hl
- ret
- chr_up: ld de,char-1
- ld b,e
- add hl,de
- ld a,4
- xor h
- ld h,a
- bit 2,h
- ret z
- ld a,(bank)
- dec a
- ld (bank),a
- or 80h
- out (vmlatch),a
- ret
- pix_dn: ld a,b
- inc a
- cp char
- jr nc,chr_dn
- ld b,a
- inc hl
- ret
- chr_dn: xor a
- ld b,a
- ld de,-char+1è add hl,de
- ld a,4
- xor h
- ld h,a
- bit 2,h
- ret nz
- ld a,(bank)
- inc a
- ld (bank),a
- or 80h
- out (vmlatch),a
- ret
- subabs: ld a,h ;perform absolute of hl - de
- cp d
- jp c,abshls
- jp nz,absdes
- ld a,l
- cp e
- jp c,abshls
- absdes: or a
- sbc hl,de
- ret
- abshls: ex de,hl
- or a
- sbc hl,de
- scf
- ret
- from_x: dw 0
- from_y: dw 0
- to_x: dw 0
- to_y: dw 0
- bank: db 0
- set: db 0