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.HE# JUNE - T H E C A T C H E R -1988 #
Thσ followinτ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ 1987/88 committee«á Iµ therσ i≤ anythinτ yo⌡ ì
requirσ o≥ an∙ hel≡ yo⌡ caε givσ us¼á pleasσ d∩ no⌠ hesitatσ t∩ contac⌠ an∙ ì
onσ oµ us, preferably before 9.00 P.M.
Chris Anderson 438-3762 Peter Burbrige 726-7126
Barry Clarke 898-7517 Rod Clarke 758-1880
Andrew Coffey 561-2478 Russell Crosser (059) 62 5975
Greg Eva 836-9947 Jim Lobley 758-9169
Mike Thompson 882-5002
$50.00 Full Page $25.00 Half Page $15.00 Quarter Page
$3.00 For service and recurrent items (Less than 5 lines)
No charge for non recurring private sales items
T∩á expeditσ you≥ requests¼á genera∞ correspondencσá t∩ Contribution≤ fo≥ thσ CATCHE╥ ma∙ bσ madσ direc⌠ t∩ thσ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á IN├ shoulΣ bσ sen⌠ t∩ ou≥ officia∞á addres≤ editor¼ sen⌠ t∩ thσ RBB╙ o≥ b∙ mail« Contribution≤ wil∞ ì
anΣ á eacΦ áenquir∙ áshoulΣ ábσ áoε áseparatσ forms« bσ accepteΣ viß modem¼ disk≤ (│ 1/2ó o≥ ╡ 1/4")¼ tape,
writteε o≥ typed« Contributions will not be considereΣ
Thσ editor≤ reservσ thσ righ⌠ t∩ edi⌠ al∞ contribution≤ withou⌠ ß namσ anΣ addres≤ and/o≥ membe≥ number« Pleasσ ì
fo≥á thσá sakσá oµ brevity¼á clarit∙á and/o≥á accuracy« includσ ß S.A.┼ fo≥ returε oµ you≥ tape/disk. ì
Letter≤á mus⌠á includσá namσ anΣ addres≤á bu⌠á wσá wil∞ ì
withholΣ sucΦ detail≤ iµ s∩ requested« AlthougΦá al∞á carσ wil∞ bσ takeεá witΦá contributions¼ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á caεá takσ n∩ responsibilit∙á fo≥á thσá safσì
MBU╟áá AUSTRALI┴á INC«áá it≤á officers¼áá member≤áá anΣ returε oµ an∙ materia∞ supplied« Iµ returε i≤ critical¼ì
contributor≤á accep⌠ n∩ responsibilit∙ fo≥ an∙á damage≤ (something irreplaceable), don't send it. ì
causeΣá t∩á an∙ persoε o≥ propert∙á attributeΣá t∩á an∙ ì
advicσ o≥ informatioε publisheΣ iε Thσ CATCHER. MBU╟á AUS╘ INC«á doe≤ no⌠ condonσ thσ non-authoriseΣ usσ
oµáá copyrigh⌠á software/hardwarσá anΣá thereforσáá als∩
Microworld Basic listings may carry a number at the end condemn≤ unauthorised copying of such material.
of each line. eg. {123}. These are checksum numbers and
shoulΣá no⌠ bσ typeΣ iε a≤ par⌠ oµ thσ listing«á Contribution≤ no⌠ necessaril∙ endorseΣ b∙ MbuτáAus⌠ Inc.
Almos⌠á threσ hour≤ ag∩ ╔ loadeΣ WordSta≥ int∩ m∙ compute≥ anΣ createΣ ì
ß ne≈ filσ calleΣ EDITOR.JUN« Now¼ threσ hour≤ late≥ ╔ havσ typeΣ thσ firs⌠ ì
tw∩ lines« ╔ haΣ forgotteε tha⌠ oncσ thσ finger≤ start¼ thσ materia∞ begin≤ ì
t∩ flo≈ t∩ thσ keys« Thi≤ isn'⌠ sucΦ ß harΣ joΓ afte≥ all«
Wha⌠ ╔ haΣ forgotteε i≤ ho≈ harΣ i⌠ was/i≤ t∩ usσ ß computer« Remembe≥ wheε ì
yo⌡ ágo⌠ you≥ firs⌠ computer¼ pluggeΣ i⌠ in¼ anΣ al∞ you≥ ágrandiosσ áplan≤ ì
crumbleΣ arounΣ yo⌡ wheε yo⌡ werσ confronteΣ witΦ BDO╙ o≥ SYNTA╪ ERROR≤ áo≥ ì
somσ áothe≥ equall∙ bafflinτ linσ oµ tex⌠ appeareΣ oε you≥ screen« Somσ áoµ ì
u≤ stil∞ don'⌠ kno≈ wha⌠ i⌠ al∞ means« Therσ arσ man∙ wh∩ stil∞ rel∙ oε thσ ì
RESE╘ áke∙ át∩ áge⌠ u≤ ou⌠ thesσ problems« A≤ ╔ havσ ábeeε á`playingº áwitΦ ì
Microbee≤ fo≥ abou⌠ ╡ o≥ ╢ years¼ ╔ wasn'⌠ s∩ perturbeΣ thi≤ timσ wheε áthσ ì
samσ ásor⌠ oµ message≤ appeareΣ oε m∙ ne≈ clone╗ bu⌠ i⌠ diΣ senΣ mσ bacδ áß ì
fe≈ year≤ anΣ i⌠ als∩ makσ mσ realizσ therσ arσ member≤ oµ thi≤ cluΓ ástil∞ ì
havinτ áproblem≤ jus⌠ tryinτ t∩ ge⌠ thei≥ compute≥ (Microbeσ o≥ clone)¼ át∩ ì
worδ áa≤ easil∙ a≤ thσ salesmaε (person⌐ tolΣ theφ i⌠ would« AnΣ ái⌠ áisn'⌠ ì
jus⌠ ne≈ users«
Iµ áyo⌡ arσ havinτ ß probleφ witΦ you≥ compute≥ therσ arσ threσ thing≤ áyo⌡ ì
caε ád∩ witΦ it« Sel∞ it¼ le⌠ i⌠ ro⌠ o≥ brinτ i⌠ and/o≥ yourselµ t∩ ß áuse≥ ì
grou≡ ámeetinτ áanΣ le⌠ u≤ solvσ thσ probleφ witΦ you« N∩ onσ i≤ áeve≥ áto∩ ì
smar⌠ t∩ learn« Perhap≤ somσ oµ yo⌡ eveε hearΣ somσ oµ thσ remark≤ madσ áb∙ ì
Oweε Hil∞ abou⌠ thσ progres≤ thi≤ cluΓ ha≤ madσ whilσ `hackingº thσ Bee« I⌠ ì
seem≤ áwσ ma∙ havσ beateε MS╠ b∙ producinτ somσ oµ thσ thing≤ the∙ áhaΣ áiε ì
minΣ a≤ futurσ development« Wha⌠ ╔ aφ gettinτ a⌠ i≤ this« Iµ yo⌡ neeΣ help¼ ì
ask« Iµ yo⌡ havσ thσ answers¼ comσ anΣ tel∞ u≤ all«
A≤ áfo≥ problems¼ wσ wil∞ bσ demonstratinτ thσ RBB╙ agaiε thi≤ ámontΦ áwitΦ ì
thσ áemphase≤ beinτ oε echomail« T∩ datσ therσ ha≤ beeε ver∙ littlσ áo≥ án∩ ì
usσ oµ thi≤ facility« Communicatioε i≤ thσ watchworΣ oµ ou≥ generatioε áanΣ ì
wσ áhavσ áthσ facilitie≤ t∩ d∩ jus⌠ that« Therσ arσ literall∙ áhundred≤ áoµ ì
othe≥ bulletiε board≤ arounΣ thσ woulΣ wh∩ arσ connecteΣ t∩ "Opusó ánetworδ ì
anΣ thσ user≤ oµ thesσ system≤ arσ peoplσ jus⌠ likσ you« Al∞ yo⌡ havσ t∩ d∩ ì
i≤ át∩ star⌠ talkinτ anΣ therσ arσ thousand≤ oµ peoplσ wh∩ wil∞ álisteε át∩ ì
wha⌠ áyo⌡ havσ t∩ say« It'≤ onl∙ goinτ t∩ cos⌠ yo⌡ you≥ norma∞ áphonσ ácal∞ ì
chargσ t∩ ou≥ board« Comσ alonτ anΣ al∞ wil∞ bσ explained.
┴ prominen⌠ Melbournσ baseΣ use≥ grou≡ ha≤ recentl∙ starteΣ ß Pasca∞ áclas≤ ì
anΣ i≤ charginτ abou⌠ $60.0░ fo≥ thesσ lessons« Wha⌠ thσ pupil≤ arσ gettinτ ì
i≤ án∩ morσ thaε Russel∞ ha≤ beeε doinτ fo≥ yo⌡ a⌠ n∩ charge« áThat'≤ áwha⌠ ì
this¼ áanΣ al∞ use≥ group≤ shoulΣ bσ about« Russel∞ anΣ hi≤ grou≡ áwil∞ ábσ ì
discussinτ Pasca∞ a≤ usua∞ a⌠ thi≤ anΣ ever∙ meeting«
Plans are in place to have a gentleman here this month to give us a talk onì
statiπ electricit∙ anΣ it≤ effec⌠ oε hardwarσ anΣ software« ì
Thi≤á montΦ wσ wil∞ bσ havinτ ß salσ oε somσ oµ thσ Poo≥ Person≤á anΣá BEE-ì
Artistiπ softwarσ havσ iε stock« Comσ earl∙ anΣ ge⌠ ß bargain« Als∩ wσ wil∞ ì
bσ givinτ awa∙ ß lo⌠ oµ Catche≥ magazine≤ tha⌠ wσ havσ exces≤ stocδ of« Seσ ì
thσ Bazaa≥ sectioε fo≥ morσ details.
Thσ phonσ numbe≥ fo≥ thσ RBB╙ ha≤ changed« I⌠ iε no≈ oε onσ oµ thσ ne≈ tonσ ì
dia∞ exchange≤ anΣ hopefull∙ mos⌠ oµ thσ gremlins,é `][~@#{_)é anΣ othe≥ sucΦ ì
weirΣ character≤ wil∞ n∩ longe≥ ech∩ oε you≥ terminal≤ o≥ CR├ error≤ appea≥ ì
iε you≥ filσ transferring« Thσ ne≈ numbe≥ i≤ 88▓-9421.
by Terry Bleazby
Beforσá startinτá ╔á woulΣá likσ t∩ poin⌠ ou⌠ tha⌠á ╔á aφá ßá relativσ ì
newcome≥á t∩á thσ fielΣ oµ electronic≤ anΣ computinτ s∩ ╔ don'⌠ claiφá tha⌠ ì
thσá followinτá methoΣ oµ hookinτ u≡ aε FD1155├ disδ drivσá t∩á ßá Microbeσ ì
keyboarΣá i≤ thσ bes⌠ possiblσ wa∙ oµ doinτ s∩ - onl∙ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ thσ wa∙á ╔ ì
diΣ i⌠ anΣ tha⌠ i⌠ seem≤ t∩ worδ O.K.
╔á recentl∙ purchaseΣ onσ oµ thσ ▒ MEG/1.╢ ME╟ 5.25ó dua∞ speeΣ disδ drive≤ ì
advertiseΣ áoε thσ bacδ oµ 'Thσ Catcher'« Beforσ buyinτ thσ drivσ á╔ áaskeΣ ì
wha⌠ áwa≤ áinvolveΣ iε connectinτ i⌠ u≡ t∩ ß Microbeσ keyboarΣ áanΣ á╔ áwa≤ ì
basicall∙ á giveε thσ impressioε tha⌠ al∞ ╔ woulΣ havσ t∩ d∩ wa≤ makσ u≡ áß ì
cablσ anΣ thσ ne≈ drivσ woulΣ pluτ straigh⌠ int∩ thσ bacδ oµ thσ ákeyboard« ì
Therσ i≤ howeve≥ quitσ ß bi⌠ morσ involved« Iε orde≥ t∩ hooδ u≡ thσ FD1155├ ì
t∩ ß Microbeσ keyboarΣ thσ followinτ requirement≤ havσ t∩ bσ satisfied.
*áThσ FD1155├ doe≤ no⌠ comσ iε it≤ owε casσ s∩ somσ kinΣ oµ casσ ha≤ t∩á bσ ì
ááprovideΣ fo≥ it.
*áThσá FD1155├á doe≤á no⌠á havσ it≤ owε buil⌠á iεá powe≥á supplie≤á s∩á tw∩ ì
ááregulateΣ D├ powe≥ supplie≤ havσ t∩ bσ provideΣ - onσ ß 5╓ suppl∙ capablσ ì
ááoµá deliverinτá arounΣá 46░á m┴ anΣ thσ othe≥ ßá 12╓á suppl∙á capablσá oµ ì
áádeliverinτ u≡ t∩ abou⌠ 40░ mA.
*áSincσá ßá Microbeσ keyboarΣ normall∙ get≤ it≤ powe≥ froφ ß powe≥á suppl∙ ì
áábuil⌠á int∩á thσ Microbeσ disδ drive¼á ß regulateΣ 10╓á D├á powe≥á suppl∙ ì
áácapablσ oµ deliverinτ ß sustaineΣ curren⌠ oµ arounΣ ▒ t∩ 1.╡ Amp≤ i≤ als∩ ì
áárequireΣ t∩ drivσ thσ keyboard.
*á┴ cablσ ha≤ t∩ bσ madσ u≡ t∩ connec⌠ thσ 5╓ anΣ 12╓ powe≥ supplie≤ t∩ thσ ì
*á┴á ribboε cablσ witΦ connector≤ ha≤ t∩ bσ madσ u≡ t∩ connec⌠ thσá FD1155├ ì
áát∩ thσ Microbeσ keyboard.
*á┴á cablσ ha≤ t∩ bσ provideΣ t∩ linδ thσ keyboarΣ thσ 10╓ powe≥ suppl∙ anΣ ì
ááthσ video.
*á┴ disδ ha≤ t∩ bσ formatteΣ anΣ ß cop∙ oµ thσ operatinτ systeφ pu⌠ ont∩ i⌠ ì
ááiε sucΦ ß wa∙ tha⌠ i⌠ wil∞ boo⌠ u≡ iε thσ ne≈ drivσ - relativel∙ eas∙á iµ ì
ááyo⌡ kno≈ ho≈ t∩ g∩ abou⌠ i⌠ bu⌠ caε bσ ß rea∞ probleφ iµ yo⌡ don't.
Therσá i≤ thereforσ ß fai≥ bi⌠ involveΣ bu⌠ i⌠ no⌠ a≤ baΣ a≤ i⌠á seem≤á anΣ ì
thσ drivσ doe≤ worδ ver∙ wel∞ oncσ thesσ requirement≤ havσ beeε satisfied«
Therσá arσá numerou≤ projec⌠ boxe≤ availablσ a⌠ thσá differen⌠á electronic≤ ì
shop≤ s∩ yo⌡ ma∙ bσ luck∙ enougΦ t∩ picδ u≡ onσ tha⌠ thσ FD1155├ wil∞á fit« ì
╔á founΣ i⌠ easie≥ howeve≥ t∩ construc⌠ ß bo° usinτ chipboarΣ fo≥ thσ base¼ ì
to≡ anΣ side≤ anΣ masonitσ fo≥ thσ fron⌠ anΣ rea≥ panels«á (Givσ i⌠ ßá coa⌠ ì
oµá gloss∙á blacδá pain⌠ anΣ i⌠ doesn'⌠ looδ to∩ baΣ a⌠á al∞á - give≤á rea∞ ì
meaninτá t∩á thσ mysteriou≤ blacδ box.⌐ Thσ overal∞ dimension≤ oµá thσá bo° ì
tha⌠ ╔ madσ fo≥ thσ drivσ arσ 25.╡ cφ lonτ b∙ 22.╡ cφ widσ b∙ 1▒ cφ deep.
I⌠á i≤á bes⌠á t∩á star⌠ b∙ constructinτ ß partia∞á bo°á consistinτá oµá thσ ì
chipboarΣá basσá anΣ side≤ anΣ thσ masonitσ rea≥ panel«á Thσ drivσá caεá bσ ì
mounteΣá iεá thi≤ partia∞ bo° (fiτ 1⌐ b∙ makinτ u≡ fou≥ L-shapeΣá aluminiuφ ì
brackets (fig 2).è
FIG 1.
.. FIG 1 & 2
FIG 2.
Thesσá bracket≤ caε bσ attacheΣ directl∙ t∩ thσ side≤ oµ thσ drivσ a≤ therσ ì
arσá fou≥á threadeΣ hole≤ oε eacΦ sidσ oµ thσ drivσ whicΦá arσá capablσá oµ ì
acceptinτá 3mφá bolts«á ╔ useΣ thσ thσ lowe≥ tw∩ hole≤ oε eacΦ sidσ oµá thσ ì
drivσá t∩ attacΦ thσ brackets«á Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ pu⌠ bolt≤ iε thσá uppe≥á tw∩ ì
hole≤á a≤á wel∞ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ usσ bolt≤ witΦ ß ver∙ shor⌠ shaf⌠á becausσ ì
otherwisσá the∙ wil∞ protrudσ int∩ thσ slo⌠ tha⌠ thσ disδ slide≤á int∩á anΣ ì
preven⌠ ß disδ froφ beinτ pusheΣ int∩ thσ drive.
I⌠á i≤á bes⌠á t∩á dela∙ actuall∙ attachinτ thσ bracket≤ t∩á thσá drivσá anΣ ì
screwinτá thσ bracket≤ dowε ont∩ thσ basσ oµ thσ bo° unti∞ afte≥ thσá fron⌠ ì
pane∞ ha≤ beeε constructed«
Thσá fron⌠á pane∞á caεá bσ constructeΣ b∙ takinτá ßá rectangula≥á piecσá oµ ì
masonitσá tha⌠ i≤ large≥ thaε thσ actua∞ dimension≤ oµ thσ fron⌠ pane∞á anΣ ì
cuttinτ ß rectangula≥ holσ iε thσ middlσ oµ thi≤ piecσ oµ masonitσ tha⌠ i≤ ì
jus⌠ largσ enougΦ fo≥ thσ bod∙ oµ thσ drivσ t∩ sli≡ through¼á bu⌠ no⌠ largσ ì
enougΦá fo≥ thσ facσ oµ thσ drivσ t∩ pas≤ through«á ┴ suitabl∙ shapeΣá holσ ì
als∩á need≤ t∩ bσ cu⌠ unde≥ thi≤ rectangula≥ holσ s∩ tha⌠ thσ ribboεá cablσ ì
caεá bσ feΣ througΦ thσ fron⌠ oµ thσ box«á Thσ drivσ caε theε bσá carefull∙ ì
feΣá througΦá thσ rectangula≥ holσ iε thσ masonitσ unti∞ thσ facσá oµá thσ ì
drivσ i≤ flusΦ witΦ thσ fron⌠ pane∞ oµ thσ box.
.. FIG 3
FIG 3.
Thσ aluminiuφ bracket≤ caε no≈ bσ attacheΣ t∩ thσ drive¼ thσ masonitσ fron⌠ ì
pane∞á brough⌠ u≡ flusΦ witΦ thσ fron⌠ oµ thσ partia∞ box¼á anΣ ß chipboarΣ ì
liΣá cu⌠á anΣ placeΣ iε position«á I⌠ i≤ theε ß simplσ matte≥ t∩á marδá thσ ì
exac⌠ shapσ oµ thσ masonitσ fron⌠ pane∞ anΣ triφ ofµ an∙ excess.è THE 5V AND 12V POWER SUPPLIES FOR THE DRIVE
.. FIG 4
FIG 4.
Thσá 780╡ i≤ ß threσ termina∞ voltagσ regulato≥ iε ß TO-22░ typσá case«á I⌠ ì
require≤ aε inpu⌠ arounΣ 8╓ anΣ give≤ ß regulateΣ 5╓ outpu⌠ abou⌠ ▒ Amp« ì
.. FIG 5 & 7
FIG 5. FIG 7
Thσá 12╓ circui⌠ suppl∙ i≤ identica∞ t∩ thσ 5╓ excep⌠ tha⌠ i⌠ use≤á ßá 781▓ ì
threσ termina∞ voltagσ regulato≥ insteaΣ oµ thσ 7805«á Thσ 781▓ need≤ inpu⌠ ì
oµ abou⌠ 15╓ anΣ give≤ regulateΣ 12╓ outpu⌠ a⌠ u≡ t∩ ▒ Am≡ o≥ s∩ oµ curren⌠.
Thσá 780╡á anΣá 781▓ threσ termina∞ voltagσ regulato≥ device≤á arσá readil∙ ì
availablσ a⌠ mos⌠ electroniπ stores«á I⌠ i≤ probabl∙ ß gooΣ ideß t∩ moun⌠ ß ì
TO-22░á typσ clip-oε hea⌠ sinδ t∩ eacΦ oµ thσ voltagσ regulator≤á a≤á thesσ ì
device≤ tenΣ t∩ ge⌠ ß bi⌠ warφ witΦ curren⌠ flowinτ througΦ them« The∙ havσ ì
interna∞á therma∞ anΣ curren⌠ overloaΣ protectioε s∩ iµ the∙ overhea⌠á the∙ ì
automaticall∙ shu⌠ dowε anΣ yo⌡ arσ lef⌠ wonderinτ what'≤ goinτ on.
╔á mounteΣ thσ circuit≤ fo≥ botΦ thσ 5╓ anΣ 12╓ supplie≤ sidσ b∙ sidσ oεá ß ì
printeΣ circui⌠ boarΣ measurinτ 15x15cm« Sincσ thσ maximuφ combineΣ curren⌠ ì
requirement≤ fo≥ botΦ powe≥ supplie≤ wa≤ les≤ thaε ▒ Amp¼ ╔ tooδ thσ inpu⌠ ì
voltage≤á fo≥ botΦ froφ ß singlσ 215╡ typσ ▒ Am≡ transformer«á (Abou⌠ $8.0░ ì
froφá Dicδá SmitΦá Electronics.⌐ Thσ 215╡ caε providσá thσá requireΣá inpu⌠ ì
voltage≤ oµ 8.5╓ anΣ 15╓ anΣ caε delive≥ ß secondar∙ curren⌠ oµ abou⌠ ▒ Am≡ìè TH┼ 10╓ KEYBOAR─ POWE╥ SUPPLY
Thσá 10╓ powe≥ suppl∙ t∩ drivσ thσ keyboarΣ ha≤ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ delive≥ u≡ t∩ ì
abou⌠ 1.╡ amp≤ oµ current« Thσ diode≤ anΣ thσ voltagσ regulato≥ devicσ useΣ ì
iεá thi≤á circui⌠á thereforσ havσ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ handlσ ßá highe≥á leve∞á oµ ì
curren⌠á thaε thosσ useΣ iε thσ 5╓ anΣ 12╓ circuits«á ╔ useΣ IN540┤á diode≤ ì
anΣá aε LM350╘ typσ threσ termina∞ voltagσ regulato≥ fo≥ thσá 10╓á circuit« ì
Thesσ component≤ caε handlσ sustaineΣ current≤ u≡ t∩ abou⌠ │ Amps.
.. FIG 6
FIG 6.
Thσá LM350╘á i≤á aε adjustablσ voltagσ regulato≥ capablσá oµá supplyinτá aε ì
outpu⌠ voltagσ froφ 1.2╓ t∩ 33V«á Thσ actua∞ outpu⌠ obtaineΣ depend≤ oε thσ ì
value≤á oµ thσ resistor≤ R▒ anΣ R2«á R▒ i≤ normall∙ se⌠ a⌠á abou⌠á 22░ ì
ohms«á ╔á founΣá tha⌠á settinτ R▓ a⌠ abou⌠ 1.╡ kohm≤ gavσ mσá thσá requireΣ ì
outpu⌠ oµ jus⌠ ove≥ 1░ volts«á (Apparentl∙ replacinτ R▓ witΦ ß 1░ kohφá po⌠ ì
wil∞á givσá acces≤á t∩ thσ ful∞ outpu⌠ voltagσ rangσ oµ 1.2╓ t∩á 33V.⌐á Thσ ì
inpu⌠á voltagσá t∩á thσá LM350╘ need≤ t∩ bσ ß fe≈á volt≤á highe≥á thaεá thσ ì
requireΣ outpu⌠ voltage« ╔ founΣ tha⌠ aε inpu⌠ voltagσ oµ 12╓ workeΣ O.K.
Carσ need≤ t∩ bσ takeε wheε installinτ thσ LM350╘ becausσ it≤ pin≤ arσá se⌠ ì
u≡ differentl∙ t∩ thσ pin≤ oε thσ 780╡ anΣ 7812. See Fig 7.
╔á founΣá tha⌠á ╔ haΣ t∩ moun⌠ i⌠ sidσ oε a≤ showε iε thσá circui⌠á diagraφ ì
above« Als∩ thσ LM350╘ run≤ prett∙ ho⌠ s∩ allo≈ yourselµ enougΦ rooφ oε thσ ì
circui⌠ boarΣ s∩ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε attacΦ ß decen⌠ hea⌠ sinδ t∩ it«á Thσá TO-22░ ì
typσ cli≡ oε hea⌠ sink≤ arσ no⌠ gooΣ enougΦ fo≥ thσ LM350T«á ╔ useΣ ß 3░á ° ì
3░ ° 3░ mφ H-patterε hea⌠ sinδ froφ Dicδ SmitΦ Electronic≤ (CatH-3495⌐ anΣ ì
i⌠ seem≤ t∩ d∩ thσ job« (Approx« $2.65)« ╔ mounteΣ thσ 10╓ suppl∙ oε ß áPC┬ ì
measurinτ 1╡ ° 7.╡ cm.
┴á large≥ transforme≥ wa≤ als∩ needeΣ fo≥ thσ 10╓ supply«á ╔ useΣ thσá 215╢ ì
typσ 6-15╓ 2Am≡ model« (Availablσ froφ JAYCA╥ a⌠ arounΣ $15.00).
Note║á I⌠á ma∙á bσá possiblσ t∩ ge⌠ holΣ oµ ß singlσ transforme≥á tha⌠á caε ì
providσ thσ necessar∙ inpu⌠ voltage≤ anΣ curren⌠ fo≥ al∞ threσ supplies.
╔á houseΣ thσ threσ powe≥ supplie≤ iε ß chipboarΣ bo° witΦá masonitσá fron⌠ ì
anΣ rea≥ panels« Thσ bo° i≤ abou⌠ 31cφ lonτ b∙ 24cφ widσ b∙ 12cφ deep«
╔á mounteΣá thσ tw∩ transformer≤ sidσ b∙ sidσ oε thσ basσ anΣá toward≤á thσ ìèrea≥ oµ thσ box«á Thσ 1╡ ° 15cφ PC┬ containinτ thσ 5╓ anΣ 12╓ circuit≤ wa≤ ì
mounteΣá jus⌠á abovσá thσ floo≥ oµ thσ bo° oε pads«á Thσ 1╡ °á 7.╡á cφá PC┬ ì
containinτ thσ 10╓ circui⌠ wa≤ suspendeΣ abovσ thσ 5V/12╓ boarΣ b∙ bracket≤ ì
attacheΣ t∩ thσ side≤ oµ thσ box.
Thσá 8.5╓á anΣ 15╓ output≤ froφ thσ 215╡ transforme≥ werσ connecteΣ t∩á thσ ì
input≤á oµ thσ 5╓ anΣ 15╓ circuit≤ respectivel∙ viß ▒ am≡ fuse≤ mounteΣá oε ì
thσá rea≥ pane∞ oµ thσ box«á Thσ 12╓ outpu⌠ froφ thσ 215╢á transforme≥á wa≤ ì
connecteΣá t∩ thσ inpu⌠ oµ thσ 10╓ circui⌠ viß ß ▓ am≡ fusσ mounteΣ oεá thσ ì
rea≥ pane∞ oµ thσ box.
Thσá regulateΣá 5╓á anΣá 12╓á output≤ froφ thσ 5╓á anΣá 12╓á circuit≤á werσ ì
delivereΣá t∩ ß 5-piε (onl∙ ┤ used⌐ chassi≤ socke⌠ (DS┼ P-3135⌐ mounteΣá oε ì
thσ fron⌠ pane∞ oµ thσ box«á Thσ regulateΣ 10╓ outpu⌠ froφ thσ 10╓á circui⌠ ì
wa≤á delivereΣá t∩ ß socke⌠ tha⌠ i≤ capablσ oµ acceptinτ ß 2.1mφ D├á plug« ì
Thi≤ socke⌠ wa≤ als∩ mounteΣ oε thσ fron⌠ pane∞ oµ thσ box.
┴á cablσ i≤ needeΣ t∩ makσ thσ connectioε betweeε thσ 4-piε chassi≤á socke⌠ ì
outle⌠ fo≥ thσ 5╓ anΣ 12╓ supplie≤ oε thσ fron⌠ pane∞ oµ thσ powe≥ supplie≤ ì
box¼á anΣá thσ 4-piε powe≥ suppl∙ socke⌠ buil⌠ int∩ thσ rea≥ oµá thσá drivσ ì
itself«á Thσ cablσ ╔ madσ consisteΣ oµ abou⌠ ß metrσ oµ 4-corσ fle° witΦ ß ì
4-piεá linσá pluτá (DS┼ P-3120⌐ a⌠ onσ enΣ t∩ fi⌠ thσ 5-piε (onl∙á ┤á used⌐ ì
chassi≤ socke⌠ (DS┼ P-3135⌐ oε thσ fron⌠ oµ thσ powe≥ supplie≤ box¼á anΣá ß ì
4-piεá Utilu°á pluτá froφ JAYCA╥ a⌠ thσ othe≥ enΣ whicΦá fit≤á thσá 4-piε ì
socke⌠ a⌠ thσ rea≥ oµ thσ FD1155C« (Thi≤ Utilu° pluτ wa≤ prett∙ expensivσ - ì
abou⌠á $7.0░á - s∩ yo⌡ migh⌠ wan⌠ t∩ looδ arounΣ fo≥ ßá cheape≥á plug)«á Iε ì
solderinτá u≡ thi≤ cablσ carσ need≤ t∩ bσ takeε t∩ ensurσ tha⌠ thσ ╡á Volt≤ ì
anΣ 1▓ Volt≤ arσ beinτ feΣ int∩ thσ correc⌠ pin≤ oµ thσ powe≥ suppl∙ socke⌠ ì
a⌠á thσ rea≥ oµ thσ drive«á Iµ yo⌡ looδ carefull∙ int∩ thi≤ socke⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ ì
noticσá tha⌠ thσ pin≤ arσ numbereΣ froφ righ⌠ t∩ lef⌠ a≤ showεá below«á Thσ ì
correc⌠ voltagσ assignment≤ fo≥ thesσ pin≤ arσ a≤ follows.
.. FIG 8
FIG 8.
Thσ cablσ ╔ madσ u≡ t∩ connec⌠ thσ drivσ t∩ thσ keyboarΣ consisteΣ oµ abou⌠ ì
halµá ßá metrσá oµ 34-stranΣ ribboε cable¼á witΦ ßá 3┤á positioεá card-edgσ ì
connecto≥á (Tand∙ 276-1564⌐ a⌠ onσ enΣ (thi≤ fit≤ directl∙ ont∩ thσ PC┬á oµ ì
thσá FD1155C)¼á anΣ ß 3┤ positioε heade≥ connecto≥ (Tand∙ 276-1525⌐ a⌠á thσ ì
othe≥ (thi≤ plug≤ int∩ thσ disδ drivσ socke⌠ a⌠ thσ rea≥ oµ thσ keyboard).
Thσ cablσ ╔ useΣ t∩ linδ thσ keyboarΣ t∩ thσ 10╓ powe≥ suppl∙ socke⌠ oε thσ ì
fron⌠á pane∞ oµ thσ powe≥ suppl∙ bo° anΣ als∩ t∩ thσ monito≥ wa≤ thσ norma∞ ì
Microbeσá power/vide∩á cord«á Iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ havσ ß sparσ onσ oµá thesσá Dicδ ìèSmitΦá sell≤á ßá simila≥ typσ oµ cablσ unde≥ thσ namσá CRES╘á (PC-102⌐á fo≥ ì
arounΣ $7.00«á Thσ CRES╘ cablσ ha≤ ß 5-piε DI╬ pluτ a⌠ onσ enΣ anΣ ┤á R.C.┴ ì
plug≤á a⌠á thσ other«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ goinτ t∩ usσ thi≤ cablσ yo⌡ wil∞ havσá t∩ ì
cho≡ oµ onσ oµ thσ R.C.┴ plug≤ anΣ replacσ i⌠ witΦ ß 2.▒ mφ D├ pluτ t∩ sui⌠ ì
thσ 10╓ outle⌠ socke⌠ oε thσ fron⌠ pane∞ oµ thσ powe≥ suppl∙ box.
Beforσ ╔ star⌠ thank≤ t∩ Jefµ Dudle∙ fo≥ somσ helpfu∞ informatioε oε ho≈ t∩ ì
g∩ abou⌠ thi≤ par⌠ oµ thσ task« (Jefµ manageΣ t∩ ge⌠ aε operatinτ systeφ oε ì
ß disδ fo≥ hi≤ drivσ b∙ usinτ CONFIG.CO═ anΣ CONFIG.DAT.)
Thσá procedurσ ╔ useΣ fo≥ puttinτ ß cop∙ oµ thσ operatinτ systeφ oε ßá disδ ì
s∩á tha⌠á i⌠á woulΣ boo⌠ u≡ iε thσ FD1155├ drivσ relie≤ oε ßá techniquσá oµ ì
swappinτá ßá singlσá keyboarΣ betweeε thσ Microbeσ drivσá anΣá thσá FD1155├ ì
drive¼ tha⌠ is¼ ß techniquσ oµ disconnectinτ thσ keyboarΣ froφ thσ Microbeσ ì
drivσ anΣ reconnectinτ i⌠ t∩ thσ FD1155├ anΣ visß versa«á Disconnectinτ thσ ì
keyboarΣá froφ thσ Microbeσ drivσ anΣ reconnectinτ i⌠ t∩ thσ FD1155├á drivσ ì
mean≤á pullinτá thσ ribboε cablσ attacheΣ t∩ thσ Microbeσ drivσ ou⌠ oµá thσ ì
socke⌠á iεá thσ rea≥ oµ thσ keyboard¼á shiftinτ thσá keyboarΣá across¼á anΣ ì
plugginτ thσ ribboε cablσ attacheΣ t∩ thσ FD1155├ drivσ int∩ thσ socke⌠á a⌠ ì
thσ rea≥ oµ thσ keyboard« Disconnectinτ thσ keyboarΣ froφ thσ FD1155├ drivσ ì
anΣ reconnectinτ i⌠ t∩ thσ Microbeσ drivσ i≤ jus⌠ thσ reversσ oµ this.
Thσ preparatioε requireΣ i≤ a≤ follows«á Se⌠ u≡ thσ Microbeσ iε thσá norma∞ ì
way¼ tha⌠ i≤ witΦ thσ keyboard¼ drivσ anΣ screeε connecteΣ a≤ usual« Se⌠ u≡ ì
thσ FD1155├ drivσ anΣ it≤ powe≥ supplie≤ nex⌠ t∩ thσ Microbee«á Connec⌠ thσ ì
FD1155├ t∩ it≤ 12V/5╓ powe≥ supplie≤ bu⌠ don'⌠ connec⌠ i⌠ u≡ t∩ ß keyboard« ì
Thσá 10╓ keyboarΣ powe≥ suppl∙ wil∞ no⌠ bσ needeΣ a≤ powe≥ fo≥ thσ keyboarΣ ì
wil∞á bσ supplieΣ b∙ thσ Microbeσ drive«á Thσ jumper≤ oε thσ FD1155├á drivσ ì
shoulΣ bσ se⌠ a≤ follows.
DSX (Drivσ select⌐ -╛ ▒ (Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ wσ arσ goinτ t∩ star⌠ ofµ witΦ
thσ FD1155├ se⌠ u≡ a≤ ß B:drive.)
áá US┼ -╛ 2
áá DSG -> 2
áá HDE -> 2
áá LED -> 2 and 5
áá MON -> 1
áá HS -> 2
áá DEN -> No jumper
Placσá aεá unformatteΣ disδ iε thσ FD1155├ drivσ anΣ ß disδ witΦá INIT.COM¼ ì
COPY.COM¼á SHELL.SY╙ anΣ CCP.SY╙ oε i⌠ iε thσ A║ drivσ oµ you≥ Microbee« Iµ ì
yo⌡ havσ ß B:drivσ oε you≥ Microbeσ d∩ no⌠ pu⌠ ß disδ iε thi≤ drive.
┴á cop∙ oµ aε operatinτ systeφ caε no≈ bσ pu⌠ ont∩ ß disδ s∩ tha⌠á i⌠á wil∞ ì
boo⌠ u≡ iε thσ ne≈ drivσ b∙ carryinτ ou⌠ thσ followinτ steps.
1) Ruεá INIT.CO═ anΣ wheε thσ INI╘ FUNCTION╙ men⌡ appear≤ selec⌠ thσ INI╘ ┬ ì
optioε áb∙ ápressinτ 2« Wheε thσ INITIALIZATIO╬ OPTION╙ men⌡ áappear≤ áticδ ì
thσ áinitializatioε áoption≤ át∩ áforma⌠ thσ ádisδ áanΣ ácop∙ áthσ ácurren⌠ ì
systeφ theε pres≤ RETURN.
Thσá INIT.CO═ prograφ wil∞ star⌠ lookinτ fo≥ thσ B:drivσ bu⌠ i⌠ won'⌠á bσ ì
ablσá t∩á finΣá it«á Wheεá thi≤ happen≤ disconnec⌠ thσá keyboarΣá froφá thσ ì
Microbeσá drivσ anΣ reconnec⌠ i⌠ t∩ thσ FD1155├ drive«á Formattinτá oµá thσ ì
disδá iε thσ FD1155├ drivσ shoulΣ commencσ anΣ wheε thi≤ i≤ completσ ß cop∙ ì
oµ thσ curren⌠ systeφ shoulΣ bσ transferreΣ t∩ thi≤ disk« Oncσ INIT.CO═ ha≤ ì
finisheΣ formattinτ thσ disδ iε thσ FD1155├ anΣ transferrinτ ß cop∙ oµá thσ ìècurren⌠á systeφ t∩ thi≤ disδ i⌠ wil∞ star⌠ lookinτ fo≥ thσ A║á drivσá agaiε ì
anΣá won'⌠á bσ ablσ t∩ finΣ it«á Wheε thi≤ happen≤ disconnec⌠ thσá keyboarΣ ì
froφ thσ FD1155├ drivσ anΣ reconnec⌠ i⌠ t∩ thσ Microbeσ drive«á Thi≤ shoulΣ ì
causσá thσ INI╘ FUNCTION╙ men⌡ t∩ thσ reappea≥ oε thσ screeε allowinτá yo⌡ ì
t∩ pres≤ ░ t∩ exi⌠ froφ INIT.COM«á Yo⌡ shoulΣ no≈ bσ bacδ a⌠ thσ shel∞ witΦ ì
thσ director∙ fo≥ thσ disδ iε thσ A:drivσ oµ thσ Microbeσ oε thσ screen.
2⌐ Typσ thσ followinτ commanΣ anΣ pres≤ RETURN.
COPY.CO═á wil∞á reaΣá thσá fou≥ file≤ int∩ memor∙ anΣá theεá looδá fo≥á thσ ì
B:drive« Wheε thi≤ happen≤ disconnec⌠ thσ keyboarΣ froφ thσ Microbeσ drivσ ì
anΣá reconnec⌠ i⌠ t∩ thσ FD1155C«á COPY.CO═ wil∞ theε writσ thσ fou≥á file≤ ì
ont∩á thσá disδ iε thσ FD1155├ anΣ star⌠ lookinτ fo≥á thσá A:drivσá again« ì
Wheε thi≤ happen≤ disconnec⌠ thσ keyboarΣ froφ thσ FD1155├ anΣ reconnec⌠ i⌠ ì
t∩á thσá Microbeσ drive«á Thi≤ shoulΣ takσ yo⌡ bacδ t∩ thσ shel∞á witΦá thσ ì
director∙ fo≥ thσ disδ iε thσ A:drivσ oµ thσ Microbeσ oε thσ screen.
Froφá herσá oεá wσá n∩ longe≥ neeΣ thσ Microbeσ drivσ o≥ thσá disδá iεá thσ ì
A:drivσá oµá thσá Microbeσ drive«á Wσ arσ no≈ goinτ t∩á ruεá thσá INIT.CO═ ì
prograφ oε thσ newl∙ formatteΣ disδ iε thσ FD1155├ drive¼á removσ thi≤ disδ ì
froφ thσ drive¼ changσ thσ DS╪ jumpe≥ t∩ makσ thσ FD1155├ aε A:drive¼ anΣ ì
theε placσ anothe≥ ne≈ disδ int∩ thσ drivσ oµ thσ FD1155├ t∩ bσ formatted« ì
Wσ wil∞ cal∞ thσ disδ tha⌠ i≤ currentl∙ iε thσ FD1155├ drivσ disk┬ becausσ ì
i⌠á i≤á thσá disδá tha⌠á wil∞á bσ iε thσ drivσ wheεá i⌠á i≤á se⌠á u≡á a≤á ß ì
B:drivσá (DS╪ jumpe≥ oε positioε 1)«á Wσ wil∞ cal∞ thσ seconΣ disδ disk┴ ì
becausσá i⌠ i≤ thσ disδ tha⌠ wil∞ bσ iε thσ drivσ wheε i⌠ i≤ se⌠ u≡á a≤á aε ì
A:drive (DS╪ jumpe≥ oε positioε 0)«
3) Typσ B║á anΣ pres≤ RETURN« Thσ Shel∞ prograφ wil∞ star⌠ lookinτ fo≥ thσ ì
áááB:drivσ bu⌠ won'⌠ bσ ablσ t∩ finΣ it«á Fo≥ thσ las⌠ timσ disconnec⌠ thσ ì
ááákeyboarΣá froφ thσ Microbeσ drivσ anΣ reconnec⌠ i⌠ t∩ thσ FD1155├ drive« ì
áááThi≤ shoulΣ causσ thσ shel∞ fo≥ thσ disδ currentl∙ iε thσ FD1155├á drivσ ì
ááá(Disδ B⌐ t∩ comσ u≡ oε thσ screen«
4) Ruε INIT.COM« Thi≤ shoulΣ causσ thσ 'Pres≤ <ESC╛ a⌠ an∙ timσ t∩ abor⌠ ß ì
áááfunctionº messagσ oµ thσ INI╘ FUNCTION╙ men⌡ t∩ appea≥ oε thσ screeε bu⌠ ì
áááthσ res⌠ oµ thi≤ men⌡ wil∞ bσ missing«
5)áChangσá thσá FD1155├á froφá ß B:drivσ int∩ aε A:drivσá b∙á takinτá thσ ì
DS╪á (Drivσ selection⌐ jumpe≥ froφ positioε ▒ anΣ placinτ i⌠ oε positioε 0«
Thσ res⌠ oµ thσ INI╘ FUNCTION╙ men⌡ shoulΣ no≈ appea≥ oε thσ screen.
6⌐ áSelec⌠ áthσ áINI╘ ┴ optioε b∙ pressinτ ▒ anΣ áwheε áthσ áINITIALIZATIO╬ ì
OPTION╙ men⌡ appear≤ ticδ thσ option≤¡
forma⌠ diskettσ anΣ cop∙ curren⌠ system.
7) Takσáthσ disδ tha⌠ i≤ currentl∙ iε thσ drive (disδ B⌐ ou⌠ oµ thσá drive¼ ì
áááreplacσái⌠á witΦá aε unformatteΣ disk (disδ A⌐á anΣá pres≤á RETURN«á Thσ ì
áááINIT.CO═ prograφ shoulΣ no≈ forma⌠ Disδ A¼á cop∙ thσ curren⌠ ont∩ i⌠ anΣ ì
áááreturε thσ INI╘ FUNCTION╙ men⌡ t∩ thσ screen.
8) Takσá disδá ┴ ou⌠ oµ thσ drive¼á changσ thσ DS╪ jumpe≥á froφá position░ ì
(A:drive⌐ t∩ position▒ (B:drive)¼ placσ disk┬ iε thσ drivσ anΣ pres≤ ì
░ t∩ exi⌠ froφ thσ INIT.CO═ program« Thi≤ shoulΣ returε yo⌡ t∩ thσ SHEL╠ ì
fo≥ disδ B«
Wσ arσ no≈ goinτ t∩ usσ COPY.CO═ t∩ cop∙ somσ file≤ froφ disδ ┬ t∩ disδ A.è9) Type the following command and press RETURN.
COPY.CO═á wil∞á reaΣá thσá fou≥ file≤ int∩ memor∙ anΣá theεá looδá fo≥á thσ ì
A:drive«á Wheε thi≤ happen≤ takσ disδ ┬ ou⌠ oµ thσ drive¼á changσ thσá DS╪ ì
jumpe≥ froφ position▒ (B:drive⌐ t∩ position░ (A:drive⌐ anΣ placσ disk┴ ì
int∩á thσ drive«á COPY.CO═ shoulΣ no≈ writσ thσ fou≥ file≤ ont∩ disδ ┴á anΣ ì
theε looδ fo≥ thσ B:drive« Wheε thi≤ happen≤ takσ disδ ┴ ou⌠ oµ thσ drive¼ ì
changσá thσ DS╪ jumpe≥ froφ position░ (A:drive⌐ t∩ position▒á (B:drive⌐ ì
anΣá placσ disk┬ bacδ int∩ thσ drive«á Oncσ agaiε thi≤ shoulΣ ge⌠ yo⌡ bacδ ì
t∩ thσ SHEL╠ fo≥ disδ B.
Iµá wσá no≈ se⌠ thσ FD1155├ u≡ a≤ aε A:drivσ disδ ┴ shoulΣ boo⌠ u≡ oµá it≤ ì
owε accorΣ wheε placeΣ iε thσ drive« Let≤ tr∙ it.
10) Takσá disk┬ ou⌠ oµ thσ drivσ anΣ pres≤ RESET«á Thi≤ shoulΣ leavσá onl∙ ì
ááááthσ curso≥ oε thσ screen«
11) Changσáthσá DS╪ jumpe≥ bacδ t∩ positioε 0 (DriveA:⌐ anΣá placσá disk┴ ì
ááááint∩ thσ drive«á WitΦ ß bi⌠ oµ lucδ thσ SHEL╠ fo≥ disδ ┴ wil∞ appea≥ oε ì
ááááthσ screen.
Iεá thσ procedurσ abovσ ╔ havσ onl∙ se⌠ u≡ thσ FD1155├ a≤ ß 4░ tracδá drivσ ì
witΦá thσ samσ disδ forma⌠ a≤ m∙ norma∞ Microbeσ 128δ s∩ ╔ havσ no⌠á reall∙ ì
useΣá thσá ful∞ potentia∞ oµ thσ FD1155├ a≤ aε 8░ tracδá drive«á Thσá abovσ ì
procedurσ howeve≥ i≤ reall∙ onl∙ mean⌠ t∩ bσ ß guidσ a≤ t∩ ho≈ t∩ g∩á abou⌠ ì
thσ tasδ oµ puttinτ aε operatinτ systeφ oε ß disδ anΣ gettinτ i⌠ t∩ boo⌠ u≡ ì
iεá thσ FD1155C«á Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ se⌠ u≡ thσ FD1155├ witΦ ß differen⌠ forma⌠ ì
therσ arσ program≤ likσ FORMAT80.COM¼á SET.CO═ anΣ SETDISK.WS╘ availablσ iε ì
thσ publiπ domaiε whicΦ caε bσ useΣ fo≥ thi≤ purpose«á I⌠ need≤ t∩ bσ kep⌠ ì
iεá minΣ howeve≥ tha⌠ version≤ ▒ t∩ 1░ oµ thσ Microbeσ BIO╙ caε onl∙á copσ ì
witΦá 4░ tracδ doublσ sideΣ o≥ 8░ tracδ singlσ sideΣ formats¼á the∙á canno⌠ ì
copσ witΦ aε 8░ tracδ doublσ sideΣ format.
Thσá FD1155├ drive≤ arσ availablσ througΦ thσ cluΓ o≥ direc⌠ froφ SYCO═á iε ì
SoutΦ Melbourne.
.. the drawings you cannot see here are on the disk as BASIC GRsave files
.. and can be sereen dumped.
Unti∞ 198┤ m∙ officσ equipmen⌠ consisteΣ oµ ß spiri⌠ duplicator¼ aε ancien⌠ ì
Roya∞á standarΣ typewriter¼á ß pocke⌠ addinτ machinσ tha⌠ yo⌡ workeΣ witΦ ß ì
3ó nai∞ anΣ ß boarΣ witΦ ▓ spike≤ anΣ ß clip«á Onσ spikσ wa≤ invoices¼á thσ ì
othe≥ receipts╗á thσ cli≡ wa≤ thσ to∩ harΣ file╗á i⌠ stooΣ abovσ thσá wastσ ì
basket«á WitΦá halµá ß dozeε ruleΣ exercisσ books¼á thi≤ haΣ beeεá adequatσ ì
durinτ thσ year≤ m∙ incomσ wa≤ deriveΣ mainl∙ froφ commercia∞ fishing.
Howeve≥ b∙ tha⌠ fatefu∞ year¼á ╔ wa≤ manufacturinτ anΣ retailinτá variou≤ ì
craf⌠á goods¼á anΣ m∙ accountan⌠ refuseΣ t∩ tr∙ t∩ disentanglσ m∙á simplσ ì
systeφá an∙á longer«á Afte≥ somσ protest¼á ╔ decideΣ t∩ bu∙á ßá correctinτ ì
typewrite≥á witΦ ß 2╦ memor∙ anΣ ß smal∞ photocopier«á Sincσ tha⌠ day¼á thσ ì
officσ worδ whicΦ useΣ t∩ takσ mσ aε hou≥ ß week¼á wheε ╔ remembereΣ anΣ ╔ ì
wasn'⌠ a⌠ sea¼ ha≤ steadil∙ escalateΣ unti∞ now....well¼ reaΣ on.
èThσá littlσá electriπ typewrite≥ wa≤ ß revelation«á I'φ ßá fas⌠á slaphapp∙ ì
typist¼ anΣ fo≥ thσ firs⌠ timσ iε morσ thaε 3░ year≤ ╔ wa≤ ablσ t∩ turε ou⌠ ì
cleaε cop∙ witΦ n∩ visiblσ corrections«á Theε ╔ wa≤ giveε ß desδ calculato≥ ì
fo≥ Christma≤ anΣ m∙ trouble≤ reall∙ began.
Eveεá thσá smalles⌠á busines≤ no≈ i≤ expecteΣ t∩á kee≡á absurdl∙á detaileΣ ì
record≤á anΣá ╔ sooε founΣ tha⌠ ╔ wa≤ beinτ swampeΣ b∙ thσá volumσá oµá thσ ì
pape≥á war«á Therσá wa≤á n∩ wa∙ ╔ coulΣ afforΣ t∩ kee≡ ß clerδá anΣá ╔á wa≤ ì
sittinτ u≡ mos⌠ night≤ tryinτ t∩ sor⌠ ou⌠ thσ mess¼á wheε someonσ tosseΣ ì
mσá ß Tand∙ 16╦ computer¼á tape¼á anΣ VDU«á I⌠ diΣ n∩ morσ thaε pla∙á game≤ ì
whicΦ ╔ lost¼á bu⌠ i⌠ diΣ se⌠ mσ thinking« Maybσ ╔ couldn'⌠ afforΣ ß prett∙ ì
secretary¼á bu⌠ maybσ ╔ COUL─ afforΣ ß compute≥ tha⌠ might¼á jus⌠ might¼ d∩ ì
somσ oµ thσ unproductivσ anΣ irritatinτ pape≥ work.
╔á spen⌠á ß frustratinτ yea≥ exploring«á ╔ visiteΣ ever∙ persona∞á compute≥ ì
firφ iε Melbourne« ╔ reaΣ u≡ al∞ ╔ coulΣ finΣ abou⌠ wha⌠ ╔ coulΣ expec⌠ thσ ì
machinσ t∩ d∩ fo≥ me«á ╔ lookeΣ weekl∙ a⌠ thσ fo≥ salσ ads¼á anΣ b∙ thσ enΣ ì
oµ thσ yea≥ ╔ haΣ ß fai≥ ideß oµ wha⌠ ╔ wanted¼ anΣ aε exac⌠ ideß oµ wha⌠ ╔ ì
coulΣ afford«á Ala≤ the∙ didn'⌠ matcΦ a⌠ an∙ point«á ╔ kne≈ enougΦ no≈á t∩ ì
droo∞á ove≥ thσ Applσ Macintosh«á ╔ didn'⌠ wan⌠ t∩ ge⌠ stucδ witΦ ßá lemon-ì
flavoureΣ IB═ clone« ╔ didn'⌠ kno≈ enougΦ t∩ bu∙ seconΣ hand.
Wha⌠á reall∙á decideΣá mσá iε thσ enΣá wa≤á knowledgeablσá salesmanshi≡á a⌠ ì
Deepdene¼á thσá promisσá oµ aε add-oε structurσ (whicΦ hasn'⌠á reall∙á beeε ì
kept)¼á 64╦á capacity¼á anΣ finall∙ thσ pricσ ╔ coulΣ manage«á S∩ ╔ go⌠á ß ì
Microbeσá one-drivσ chooδ witΦ VDU¼á printe≥ anΣ joineΣ i⌠ al∞ u≡ anΣ go⌠ ì
t∩ work« Le⌠ mσ sa∙ a⌠ oncσ ho≈ thσ excellen⌠ manua∞ madσ "getting-to-know-ì
the-machineó ß breeze.
A≤ sooε a≤ ╔ coulΣ afforΣ it¼á ╔ addeΣ ß seconΣ drivσ anΣ investeΣ iεá WorΣ ì
Star¼ whicΦ i≤ thσ prograφ ╔ usσ mos⌠ today« Thi≤ onσ tooδ mσ ß montΦ o≥ s∩ ì
t∩ master¼á bu⌠ i⌠ i≤ s∩ versatilσ (witΦ FlasΦ Print)¼á ╔ don'⌠ onl∙ usσ i⌠ ì
fo≥á letter≤á anΣá articles¼á bu⌠ witΦ thσ calculato≥ kee≡ mos⌠ oµá m∙á ta° ì
record≤ oε it«
I⌠ i≤ quitσ possiblσ t∩ drivσ ß ca≥ efficientl∙ withou⌠ knowinτ morσ abou⌠ ì
it≤á innard≤á thaε wheε t∩ pu⌠ iε oi∞ anΣ petrol«á It'≤ bes⌠á t∩á reaΣá thσ ì
owner'≤ handbook« S∩ I'vσ exploreΣ CP/M¼ bu⌠ no⌠ iε detail« Iε morσ thaε ▓ ì
year≤á I'vσ madσ ß lo⌠ oµ sill∙ mistakes¼á bu⌠ s∩ fa≥ n∩ fata∞ prangs¼á aΣ ì
thσ machiner∙ ha≤ proveΣ a≤ dependablσ anΣ simplσ a≤ ß Mode∞ T«á Oµ course¼ ì
I'Σ lovσ ß Roll≤ Royce¼á bu⌠ thσ steadfas⌠ Chooδ alway≤ get≤ mσ therσ anΣ ì
rattle≤ mσ homσ again«á It'≤ ß gooΣ soliΣ Australiaε designeΣ tool¼á anΣ i⌠ ì
i≤ a≤ ß too∞ ╔ thinδ oµ it.
Becausσ i⌠ caε d∩ s∩ man∙ things¼á ╔ kee≡ findinτ ne≈ anΣ usefu∞ ì
thing≤á fo≥á i⌠ t∩ do«á No≈ I'vσ embarkeΣ oε BB│ t∩ complicatσá lifσá stil∞ ì
further«á Ta° records¼á sale≤ analysis¼á invoices¼á custom≤ dues¼á letters¼ ì
busines≤á expense≤ wheε overseas¼á iε ╡ differen⌠ anΣ volatilσá currencies¼ ì
shippinτ agents¼ ai≥ freight≤ - - - - - - - - - -
╔ couldn'⌠ afforΣ ß clerk¼á s∩ ╔ bough⌠ ß computer«á No≈ ╔ can'⌠ ì
afforΣá ß compute≥ operator¼á s∩ I'═ sittinτ u≡ mos⌠ night≤ tryinτ t∩á sor⌠ ì
ou⌠ thσ mess. I'φ bacδ wherσ ╔ started.....
AnΣ that'≤ wh∙ ╔ cal∞ myself ┴ COMPUTE╥ DUMMY
-->P.S...╔ no≈ havσ Pete≥ Broughton'≤ 250╦ upgrade« OΦ dear.è E. T. I. PROGRAMMER
E van Bommel, Member 34
Recentl∙ wheε ╔ trieΣ t∩ prograφ ß eprom¼á ╔ camσ acros≤ ß terriblσ bug« I⌠ ì
wouldn'⌠ prograφ 16╦ eproms.
Afte≥á investigatioε ╔ founΣ tha⌠ thσ Outpu⌠ Enablσ piε i≤ permanentl∙ helΣ ì
lo≈ viß piε 1▒ oε thσ personalit∙ socket« Thi≤ i≤ thσ samσ fo≥ botΦ ╕ ª 16δ ì
Eproms«á Fo≥á somσ unknowε reasoε 8δ eprom≤ don'⌠ carσ iµ thi≤ piε i≤á helΣ ì
lo≈ o≥ higΦ durinτ programming«á Oε thσ 16δ Eproφ i⌠ doe≤ makσ ß differencσ ì
s∩ mucΦ tha⌠ wheε thi≤ piε i≤ helΣ higΦ yo⌡ no≈ caε prograφ 16δ Eproms.
Bu⌠ remembe≥ tha⌠ thi≤ piε i≤ t∩ helΣ lo≈ fo≥ botΦ 8╦ anΣ 16╦ Eprom≤ wheε ß ì
REA─á i≤á performed«á Agaiεá ╔ founΣ wheε followinτ thσ DAT┴ sheet≤á ╔á wa≤ ì
directeΣ t∩ thσ correc⌠ SETUP« Thu≤ E.T.╔ agaiε wa≤ alloweΣ t∩ le⌠ thi≤ onσ ì
sli≡ through. The Solution is thus:
Fit a switch from pin 11 of the personality socket to Ground and +5 Volt.
To program 8K 16K Eproms switch to +5 Volts
When reading 8K 16K Eproms switch to Ground x
All other Eproms leave switched to Ground.
AlthougΦá thσ committeσ oµ thi≤ cluΓ ha≤ haΣ knowledgσ oµ thσ withdrawa∞ oµ ì
Grotniδ Softwarσ froφ thσ [Microbee▌ market¼á wσ havσ no⌠ madσ aε announce-ì
men⌠ becausσ wσ werσ unablσ t∩ confirφ thσ facts«á Durinτ Ma∙ wσ receiveΣ ß ì
lette≥ froφ Grotniδ Softwarσ confirminτ wha⌠ wσ haΣ previousl∙ heard«
That'≤ thσ baΣ news«á No≈ fo≥ thσ good«á Ros≤ Williams¼á Thσá author/owner» ì
managinτá directo≥ oµ Grotniδ Softwarσ i≤ allowinτ thσ threσ game≤á writteε ì
fo≥ thσ Microbeσ t∩ bσ distributeΣ unde≥ thσ "Sharewareó concept« Wha⌠ thi≤ ì
mean≤ i≤ tha⌠ thσ copyrigh⌠ i≤ stil∞ retaineΣ b∙ Grotniδ Software¼á bu⌠ thσ ì
software¼á instruction≤á etc.¼á ma∙á bσá freel∙ distributeΣ witΦá thσá onl∙ ì
provisioε beinτ tha⌠ profi⌠ no⌠ bσ madσ b∙ thσ distributor«á Iε othe≥ word≤ ì
i⌠ i≤ "Freeó bu⌠ fo≥ thσ followinτ condition« T∩ quotσ froφ Ross'≤ letter:
"Thosσá wh∩ cop∙ anΣ enjo∙ ß prograφ arσ encourageΣ t∩ senΣ wha⌠ the∙ thinδ ì
the program is worth to P.O. Box 372, Glenside 5065, South Australia."
┴ decisioε i≤ ye⌠ t∩ bσ madσ oε thσ bes⌠ wa∙ t∩ distributσ thesσ game≤á bu⌠ ì
the∙á wil∞ probabl∙ appea≥ oε Mbuτ disk≤ (iµ wσ caε ge⌠ someonσ t∩ typσá u≡ ì
thσ instructions)«á Thσ threσ game≤ are╗ Grotniδ Wars¼ Bunyi≡ Adventurσ anΣ ì
Flip«á Thosσ wh∩ havσ ß cop∙ oµ onσ o≥ morσ oµ thσ program≤ anΣ diΣ no⌠ ge⌠ ì
i⌠ legally¼ NO╫ ma∙ bσ ß gooΣ timσ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ senΣ you≥ donatioε t∩ Ross.
Onσ ma∙ conside≥ pirac∙ a≤ onσ oµ thσ contributinτ factor≤ t∩ thσ demisσ oµ ì
ye⌠á anothe≥ compan∙ iε thσ busines≤ oµ writinτ Microbeσ software«á A≤á ha≤ ì
happeneΣ before¼ s∩ man∙ peoplσ stolσ thσ "assembleΣ bitsó anΣ gavσ awa∙ s∩ ì
man∙á copie≤ tha⌠ thσ peoplσ witΦ thσ "bitsó stoppeΣ assemblinτ newe≥ bits« ì
WitΦá thσá Australiaε assembler≤ oµ thesσ bit≤ iε sucΦá shor⌠á supply¼á onσ ì
woulΣ thinδ peoplσ woulΣ learn« T∩ somσ degreσ wσ arσ al∞ guilty« >ANDREW.
Amazinτ facts
"Ou≥ ne≈ 256δ smar⌠ printe≥ buffe≥ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ usσ you≥ printe≥ whilσ it≤ ì
printing." -Ultimatσ Compute≥ Supplie≤ (LakewooΣ N.J.⌐ catalog.è SQUARE.MWB
by George Gardoz.
Thi≤ program≤ draw≤ randoφ shape≤ oε thσ screeε whicΦ caε theε bσ dumpeΣ t∩ ì
a printer. You may be able to use the dump routine in your programs. ED
00100 REM √▒┤╕²
00110 REM √▒┤╖²
00120 CLS:CURS4, 5:
PRINT"Please wait just a moment .. I'm loading the dumping routine" √▓▒│²
00130 DATA 245, 197, 213, 229, 62, 27, 205, 69, 128, 62 √░┤░²
00140 DATA 65, 205, 69, 128, 62, 7, 205, 69, 128, 33, 0 √▓│▒²
00150 DATA 240, 6, 16, 197, 229, 229, 17, 0, 240, 14 √▒╣▓²
00160 DATA 0, 225, 62, 27, 205, 69, 128, 62, 75, 205 √▒╢┤²
00170 DATA 69, 128, 175, 205, 69, 128, 62, 2, 205, 69 √▒╕╕²
00180 DATA 128, 6, 64, 24, 2, 24, 222, 197, 213, 126 √▒╕╣²
00190 DATA 254, 128, 56, 11, 245, 62, 144, 211, 28, 126 √░┤╡²
00200 DATA 246, 128, 211, 28, 241, 35, 229, 38, 0, 111 √▓┤╖²
00210 DATA 41, 41, 41, 41, 25, 62, 1, 211, 11, 6 √▒░░²
00220 DATA 8, 17, 128, 0, 197, 6, 8, 229, 126, 163 √▒╖░²
00230 DATA 40, 1, 63, 203, 18, 35, 16, 246, 225, 203 √▓░╡²
00240 DATA 27, 122, 205, 69, 128, 22, 0, 193, 16 √▒╕╖²
00250 DATA 230, 175, 211, 11, 225, 209, 193, 16, 185 √▓▒▒²
00260 DATA 62, 13, 205, 69, 128, 62, 10, 205, 69 √▓▓░²
00270 DATA 128, 17, 8, 240, 121, 14, 1, 183, 40, 140 √▒╖▓²
00280 DATA 193, 205, 9, 128, 40, 4, 254, 3, 40, 2 √▒╢▓²
00290 DATA 16, 152, 62, 27, 205, 69, 128, 62, 50, 205 √▓╡┤²
00300 DATA 69, 128, 225, 209, 193, 241, 201 √▒░░²
00310 FOR Z = 30000 TO 30174 √▒╡│²
00320 READ X √░▒╡²
00330 POKE Z, X √▒╡▓²
00340 NEXT Z √░╡▓²
00350 CURS15, 10:PRINT"Done!":PLAY1;0, 16 √▒╕╡²
00360 OUTL#1 √░┤╣²
PRINT"**** ";:NORMAL:PRINT" by George Gardoz ";:
00380 CURS10, 8:PRINT"1. Press space bar to start another picture." √▒░╖²
00390 CURS10, 9:PRINT"2. PRESS P TO PRINT IT OUT." √░┤╕²
00400 CURS45, 15:PRINT"press space bar" √▓┤╣²
00410 IFKEY$<>" " THEN 410 √▒╖╡²
00420 CLS:HIRES2 √▒│▒²
00430 A=INT(RND*4)+1:R=INT(RND*4)+1:T=INT(RND*4)+1:X=INT(RND*10)+1 √▓▓┤²
00440 F=INT(RND*12)+52:G=INT(RND*6)+6 √▓▒┤²
00450 FOR I = 0 TO F STEP X :PLOT I*R, I*R TO 511 -I*R, I*R TO
511-I*R, 255-I*R TO I*R, 255-I*R TO I*R, I*R: OUT2, 248:
OUT2, 184:NEXT I √▒╢╣²
00460 FOR J=I TO G STEP -X: PLOTR J*T, J*A TO 511-J*T, J*A TO
511-J*T, 255-J*ATO J*T, 255-J*A TO J* T, J*A:OUT2, 248:OUT2, 184:
NEXT J :I=0 √░▓╡²
00470 A0$=KEY$:IF A0$="" THEN 470 √░╣╕²
00480 IF A0$=" " THEN 420 √▓┤╣²
00490 IF A0$="P" THEN USR(30000) √▒╣╕²
00500 GOTO 420 √▒░│²
.. reserved for MICROHELP AD
╔ havσ jus⌠ receiveΣ ß ne≈ Versioε oµ NARC¼ thσ men⌡ driveε filσ áarchivinτ ì
program« Thi≤ prograφ i≤ ß grea⌠ improvemen⌠ oε versioε 1.4¼ bu⌠ beforσ yo⌡ ì
ruε i⌠ yo⌡ mus⌠ se⌠ ß fe≈ item≤ u≡ iε you≥ AUTOEXEC.BA╘ s∩ Narπ know≤ wherσ ì
t∩ finΣ things« ╔ kno≈ thi≤ sound≤ ß bi⌠ confusing¼ bu⌠ thσ ne≈ feature≤ iε ì
Narπ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ cal∞ u≡ aε Edito≥ anΣ onlinσ help« Thσ ne≈ versioε allow≤ ì
selectioε oµ differen⌠ directorie≤ simila≥ t∩ thσ wa∙ P.C« Tool≤ does« áIt≤ ì
al∞ ver∙ eas∙ t∩ usσ ß ß grea⌠ program« I⌠ i≤ availablσ froφ MBU╟ Bulletiε ì
BoarΣ anΣ thσ filσ i≤ calleΣ NARC22.ARC« ╔ shal∞ no≈ g∩ througΦ thσ option≤ ì
availablσ anΣ thσ ne≈ addition≤ sincσ Narπ versioε 1.4.
Extract CommanΣ. T∩ extrac⌠ files.
View Command« T∩ vie≈ files.
Print Command« T∩ print files.
AR├-winΣáCommand« Toáselec⌠ ß differen⌠ á.AR├ áfile.
DR┘-winΣ Command« T∩ selec⌠ ß differen⌠ drive.
Dirtreσ Command« T∩ Selec⌠ ß differen⌠ Director∙ froφ thσ Tree.
Quit Command« T∩ Qui⌠ Narπ (Wha⌠ else)
Herσ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ ALTERNAT┼ COMMANDS.
Thσ extrß command≤ caε bσ locateΣ oε thσ hel≡ screens¼ whicΦ arσ invokeΣ b∙ ì
thσ F1,F1░ o≥ ┐ keys.
F▒ ¡ key Thi≤ ke∙ iεvoke≤ thσ contex⌠ sensitivσ hel≡ system.
F▓ ¡ ke∙ functioε varie≤ witΦ thσ windo≈ tha⌠ i≤ oε thσ screeε a⌠ an∙ onσ ì
time« Wheε aε AR├ filσ i≤ openeΣ anΣ thσ subfilσ lis⌠ i≤ oε-ì
screen¼ thi≤ ke∙ wil∞ po≡ u≡ thσ AR├ filσ windo≈ again« An∙ ì
othe≥ usσ oµ thi≤ ke∙ i≤ giveε a⌠ thσ appropriatσ timσ onscreen.
F│ ¡ ke∙ wil∞ taτ ß subfilσ anΣ movσ thσ curso≥ ba≥ oε t∩ thσ nex⌠ suΓ-ì
file« Thi≤ ke∙ als∩ ha≤ othe≥ functions¼ anΣ the∙ arσ als∩ showε ì
oε thσ screeε wheε necessary.
F┤ ¡ ke∙ wil∞ prin⌠ aε imagσ oµ thσ screeε les≤ thσ advertisemen⌠ anΣ ì
commanΣ lines«
F╡ ¡ ke∙ Invoke≤ thσ NAR├-DO╙ commanΣ processor« Yo⌡ ma∙ theε ente≥ an∙ ì
valiΣ DO╙ command« Wheε finished¼ simpl∙ hi⌠ ENTE╥ b∙ itselµ ì
anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ returneΣ t∩ NARC« Yo⌡ ma∙ als∩ ente≥ "COMMANDó ì
whicΦ wil∞ invokσ ß seconΣ cop∙ oµ COMMAND.COM¼ iµ thσ filσ ì
COMMAND.CO═ i≤ iε you≥ searcΦ path« T∩ returε t∩ NARC¼ yo⌡ woulΣ ì
theε typσ "EXIT"«
F╢ á-ke∙ áwil∞ átaτ áal∞ oµ thσ subfile≤ áiε áthσ áARChivσ áfo≥ ásubsequen⌠ ì
F╖ ¡ ke∙ wil∞ inver⌠ al∞ oµ thσ tag≤ oε thσ subfiles¼ tha⌠ i≤ al∞ file≤ ì
tha⌠ werσ taggeΣ wil∞ becomσ untaggeΣ anΣ vicσ-versa.
F9 - key will call your editor.
F10 - key will call up the context sensitive help system.
Thi≤ i≤ onl∙ ß brieµ descriptioε oµ Narπ anΣ wha⌠ i⌠ caε d∩ bu⌠ therσ arσ ß ì
lo⌠ morσ i⌠ caε d∩ bu⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ reaΣ thσ documen⌠ containeΣ iε áthσ ì
.AR├ áfo≥ áthat« Narπ I≤ distributeΣ unde≥ shareware« Al∞ u≡ áNarπ á2.▓ ái≤ ì
Grea⌠ Θ reall∙ d∩ recommenΣ i⌠ ove≥ versioε 1.4. Regard≤ Malcolmè LAS╘ MEETINGé
Thσ álas⌠ ámeetinτ wa≤ thσ mos⌠ interestinτ meetinτ ╔ havσ beeε át∩ áfo≥ áß ì
while« áThσ áne≈ owner≤ oµ Microbeσ System≤ werσ presen⌠ áalonτ áwitΦ áOweε ì
Hill« áThσ ne≈ owne≥ compan∙ i≤ calleΣ Microhelp« Oweε Hil∞ anΣ thσ áowner≤ ì
oµ áMicrohel≡ áfieldeΣ áquestion≤ froφ thσ floo≥ regardinτ áthσ ádemisσ áoµ ì
Microbeσ computer≤ anΣ thσ lacδ oµ suppor⌠ fo≥ thσ Microbee« Al∞ ╔ caε ása∙ ì
a⌠ thσ momen⌠ i≤ tha⌠ iµ Microhel≡ caε carr∙ ou⌠ 20Ñ oµ thσ idea≤ tha⌠ the∙ ì
pu⌠ áforwarΣ includinτ suppor⌠ fo≥ users¼ thσ Microbeσ wil∞ agaiε becomσ áß ì
vita∞ ápar⌠ oµ thσ computinτ worlΣ iε Australia¼ no⌠ jus⌠ iε thσ áarea≤ áoµ ì
educatioε ábu⌠ agaiε iε thσ hobb∙ market«
Thσ átalδ oµ ne≈ produc⌠ anΣ ne≈ softwarσ anΣ als∩ oµ venuσ t∩ vie≈ al∞ áoµ ì
thesσ ne≈ products¼ witΦ thσ abilit∙ t∩ actuall∙ purchasσ thσ product≤ tha⌠ ì
yo⌡ áwan⌠ anΣ no⌠ havinτ t∩ wai⌠ fo≥ eve≥ fo≥ theφ t∩ arrivσ áfroφ áGosforΣ ì
sound≤ át∩ ágooΣ t∩ bσ true« ╔ hopσ fo≥ thσ sakσ oµ al∞ user≤ áoµ áMicrobeσ ì
computer≤ tha⌠ Microhel≡ d∩ comσ througΦ witΦ thσ good≤ ¼ no⌠ likσ al∞ áthσ ì
brokeε promise≤ anΣ Disappoin⌠-ment≤ froφ thσ olΣ Owners«
A≤ fo≥ thσ res⌠ oµ thσ meetinτ i⌠ wa≤ thσ busies⌠ ╔ havσ seeε thσ bazaa≥ iε ì
months¼ als∩ thσ P.D« disδ copyinτ i≤ goinτ alonτ great« ╔ hopσ t∩ seσ áyo⌡ ì
a⌠ thσ nex⌠ meeting« Regard≤ Malcolm
From: Eric Reaburn To: All Subject: upgrade(?)
1/ Do Microbee Systems still offer upgrades? If so, how much to
upgrade from a computer in a book?
2/ If the answer to 1 is no: do they offer trade-in deals? Again, if so
how much?
3/ If the answer to 2 is no: does anyone want to buy a CIAB keyboard
with a sticky space bar, or swap for a later model keyboard!!
From: David Dodds To: All Subject: ASR35 Teletype for sale
╔ áhavσ áaε ASR3╡ ful∞ ASCI╔ 11░ BauΣ Teletypσ fo≥ Salσ (N∩ casσ ájus⌠ áthσ ì
inard≤ áiε ful∞ workinτ order« Thσ curren⌠ loo≡ ha≤ beeε modifieΣ t∩ áallo≈ ì
connectioε át∩ áTT╠ througΦ ß optocoupler« Pricσ á$5░ áPhonσ á25787╢ A/H.ì
From: George Hansper To: All Subject: MEX & STAT QUEUE & MXOBEE
Yo⌡ áma∙ havσ noticeΣ ß STA╘ QUEU┼ commanΣ whicΦ is¼ a≤ fa≥ a≤ ╔ caε átell¼ ì
undocumented« áWheε áuseΣ witΦ MXOBEE1▒ o≥ late≥ á(includinτ áMXOBEE16⌐ ái⌠ ì
affect≤ termina∞ modσ a≤ follows:
iµ áO╬ á(default⌐ á¡ upoε enterinτ ⌠-mode¼ an∙ character≤ áalread∙ áiε áthσ ì
buffe≥ arσ flusheΣ ou⌠ iσ no⌠ displayed
iµ áOF╞ á ¡ upoε enterinτ ⌠-mode¼ character≤ alread∙ iε áthσ ábuffe≥ áarσ ì
╔ thinδ thσ Late≥ i≤ morσ desirable¼ anΣ recommenΣ puttinτ ß STA╘ QUEU┼ OF╞ ì
iε áyou≥ INIT.ME╪ file« (Iε fact¼ usinτ STA╘ QUEU┼ OF╞ obliviate≤ thσ áneeΣ ì
fo≥ thσ '▓ no⌠-read∙-state≤ fo≥ eacΦ read∙-stateº fi° useΣ iε rec_stat« áIε ì
thi≤ ácasσ (iσ withou⌠ thσ fix⌐ operatioε i≤ thσ samσ a≤ fo≥ STA╘ QUEU┼ áO╬ ì
Peter Burbidge - May '88
╔á havσá jus⌠ completeΣ thσ SpeeΣ upgradσ oε m∙ Premiuφ machinσ a≤ pe≥á thσ ì
articlσ b∙ Stevσ Jepsoε iε thσ Catche≥ oµ Deπ '87.
I⌠ seemeΣ pointles≤ generatinτ tw∩ smal∞ file≤ calleΣ FAST.CO═ anΣ SLOW.CO═ ì
whicΦ arσ calleΣ wheε wantinτ t∩ changσ thσ speed.
Wheεá lookinτ a⌠ thσ filσ SHELL.SY╙ ╔ haΣ noticeΣ tha⌠ nea≥ thσá star⌠á oµ ì
thσ filσ werσ severa∞ ke∙ word≤ i.σ CC╨ USE╥ SWITC╚ ╪ FAS╘ SLOW«á Thesσ arσ ì
al∞á command≤á tha⌠ caε bσ issueΣ froφ thσ commanΣ linσ a≤ detaileΣ iεá thσ ì
Microbeσ CP/═ tutoria∞ sectioε oµ thσ Systeφ Softwarσ manual.
Thσá FAS╘á anΣ SLO╫ command≤ arσ no⌠ documenteΣ bu⌠ arσ acceptablσá t∩á thσ ì
late≥ version≤ oµ thσ Shell«á Howeve≥ thesσ command≤ didn'⌠ seeφ t∩á changσ ì
thσ speeΣ iε an∙ wa∙ shapσ o≥ form« Problem...Why?
Afte≥á ß fe≈ hour≤ tria∞ anΣ investigatioε ╔ locateΣ thσ jum≡ tablσ useΣ b∙ ì
thσ Shel∞ wheε thσ abovσ command≤ arσ issued«á ╔ trieΣ changinτ thσ prograφ ì
codσ fo≥ botΦ thσ Fas⌠ anΣ Slo≈ commands« N∩ go!
Lookinτá a⌠á thσá origina∞ codσ lef⌠ mσ nonσ thσ wise≥ a≤ t∩á wha⌠á i⌠á wa≤ ì
tryinτá t∩á achieve«á ╔ theε decideΣ t∩ changσ thσ jum≡ addresse≤á t∩á somσ ì
unuseΣ areß oµ thσ SHELL¼ wherσ ╔ haΣ entereΣ thσ codσ froφ thσ Catche≥ anΣ ì
theε jum≡ bacδ t∩ thσ origina∞ codσ rathe≥ thaε usσ ß RETURN.
Lo≈ anΣ beholΣ thσ command≤ FAS╘ anΣ SLO╫ issueΣ froφ thσ commanΣ linσá no≈ ì
changσ thσ speeΣ iε thσ correc⌠ manne≥ anΣ everythinτ elsσ seem≤ t∩ worδ a≤ ì
i⌠ should«
╔ useΣ PATC╚ t∩ makσ thσ change≤ a≤ follows:-
Location Old Data New Data
1B4 (1B4) D3AB (03BA) A0C7 (B0CD)
1B8 (1B8) E0AB (10BA) A7C7 (B7CD)
25A░ (1D30) 0░ 0░ 0░ 0░ 0░ 0░ 0░ 3┼ 0▓ D┬ 0╣ C│áD│ AB
(03 BA)
25A7 (1D37) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3E 00 DB 09 C3 E0 AB
(10 BA)
NOTE :- This data/locations is for SHELL.SYS v3.01
SHELL.SYS v2.34 is (in brackets)
Locations given are those shown by PATCH.
For those using SUPERZAP take 100h fom these addresses.
Thσá firs⌠á 80Φ byte≤ oµ thσ filσ SHELL.SY╙ arσ no⌠ useΣ bu⌠á arσá useΣá t∩ ì
indicatσá wherσ SHEL╠ wil∞ residσ iε memory«á Ignorσ thσ firs⌠ ▓ byte≤á anΣ ì
this address is presented in the next 2 bytes as LSB MSB.
P.S«á Pete≥á Broughton≤ 512δ BIO╙ support≤ thσ speeΣ modification¼á oεá thσ ì
Premium machine, withou⌠ modificatioε oµ thσ SHELL.SY╙ file.
Iε orde≥ t∩ releasσ cluΓ asset≤ beinτ tieΣ u≡ iε stock¼ ╔ havσ decideΣ át∩ ì
havσ áß áclearancσ salσ oµ thσ softwarσ currentl∙ helΣ iε stock« áThσ áonl∙ ì
wa∙ t∩ ge⌠ you≥ greedie≤ oε thi≤ softwarσ anΣ bea⌠ thesσ price≤ i≤ illegal« ì
S∩ áno≈ i≤ you≥ chancσ t∩ purchasσ ß legi⌠ version« Wheε thi≤ softwarσ áha≤ ì
beeε ácleareΣ áthσ Bazaa≥ wil∞ bσ happ∙ t∩ orde≥ softwarσ fo≥ you¼ ábu⌠ áwσ ì
wil∞ no⌠ kee≡ stocδ oε hand.
BEEARTISTIC (Standard) 5.25" 6 $35.00 $20.00
BEEARTISTIC (Standard) 3.5" 4 $35.00 $20.00
BEEARTISTIC (PREMIUM) 3.5" 8 $35.00 $25.00
BEEARTISTIC (Trade-in) 3.5" 5 $10.00
BUNYIP ADVENTURE 5.25" 1 $10.00
FLASHPRINT 4 5.25" 8 $50.00 $30.00
FLASHPRINT 4 3.5" 3 $50.00 $30.00
KEYED SEQUENTIAL FILES 5.25" 1 $38.00 $15.00
PRINTMASTER EDITOR 3.5" 4 $25.00 $18.00
WRITE HAND MAN 5.25" 2 $40.00 $25.00
WRITE HAND MAN 3.5" 2 $40.00 $25.00
Followinτ ß stocδ takσ oµ ou≥ vas⌠ suppl∙ oµ Catche≥ magazine≤ ╔ proposσ t∩ ì
disposσ oµ certaiε bacδ issue≤ oµ thσ Catcher« Thσ reasoε fo≥ doinτ thi≤ i≤ ì
tha⌠ áthe∙ requirσ to∩ mucΦ storagσ room¼ rooφ tha⌠ ╔ canno⌠ spare« ╔ áhavσ ì
extracteΣ a≤ man∙ bacδ issue≤ a≤ possiblσ t∩ makσ u≡ completσ volumσ ásets¼ ì
anΣ wherσ possiblσ kep⌠ ╡ copie≤ oµ eacΦ issuσ iε eacΦ volume« Thi≤ áshoulΣ ì
mee⌠ áorder≤ áfo≥ bacδ issues« Oncσ thesσ arσ gonσ bacδ ácopie≤ áshoulΣ ábσ ì
availablσ froφ thσ MBU╟ P─ disk≤ (?).
ListeΣ iε thσ tablσ belo≈ arσ thσ number≤ t∩ bσ disposeΣ oµ iε eacΦ áVolumσ ì
Issuσ anΣ thσ nex⌠ tablσ i≤ aε indicatioε oµ wha⌠ stocδ i≤ t∩ bσ kept«
No1 No2 No3 No4 No5 No6 No7 No8 No9 No10 No11 No12 TOTAL
Vol 3 49 84 2 32 53 0 6 31 19 24 54 35 389
Vol 4 40 48 39 23 8 5 0 28 25 19 25 21 281
No1 No2 No3 No4 No5 No6 No7 No8 No9 No10 No11 No12 TOTAL
Vol 3 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 55
Vol 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 55
Vol 5 5 6 5 8 5 5 6 0 6 5 5 5 61
Vol 6 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 136
Volume 6.... 12 of each will be bound.
================================= -------------
Vol 2 8 Oct 83 -> Sept 84
Vol 3 5 Oct 84 -> Sept 85
Vol 4 none Oct 85 -> Sept 86
Vol 5 11 Oct 86 -> Sept 87èA⌠á thσ JUN┼ '8╕ meetinτ thosσ exces≤ issue≤ oµ Vo∞ │ ª ┤ wil∞ bσ availablσ ì
FRE┼ t∩ wh∩ eve≥ want≤ them« Mai∞ order≤ NO╘ taken« N∩ reservinτ copies« Bσ ì
therσ áo≥ ámis≤ out« Firs⌠ iε bes⌠ dresseΣ .....etc« Afte≥ áthi≤ ásalσ áal∞ ì
copie≤ remaininτ woulΣ bσ pulped.
A≤ previousl∙ announced¼ Compute≥ Capito∞ havσ granteΣ ß specia∞ bulδ orde≥ ì
dea∞ oε AVTE╦ modems¼ fo≥ member≤ oµ thσ MBU╟ Use≥ Group« ListeΣ belo≈ áarσ ì
thσ AVTE╦ modem≤ availablσ anΣ thσ pricσ t∩ MBU╟ members«
Note: The price to MBUG is Retail (ExTAX) - 20% discount + 14.5% TAX
D2022 MULTIMODEM II AAM 299.00 261.62 240.00
D2024 MULTIMODEM II AAM/BRC 375.00 328.12 300.50
D2028 MULTIMODEM II AAM/1200 FDX 449.00 392.87 360.00
D2120 MEGAMODEM MK1 349.00 305.38 280.00
D2150 MEGAMODEM 12 (V21/22) 375.00 328.12 300.50
D2170 MEGAMODEM 123 (V21/22/23) 449.00 392.87 360.00
D2155 PC MEGAMODEM 12 (V21/22) 375.00 328.12 300.50
D2175 PC MEGAMODEM 123 (V21/22/23) 449.00 392.87 360.00
D2200 MINIMODEM II (V21/23) 199.00 174.13 159.50
Placσá aε orde≥ a⌠ thσ BAZAA╥ iµ yo⌡ arσ interesteΣ iε buyinτ onσ oµá thesσ ì
modems«á Onl∙á wheεá o≥á iµá wσ ge⌠ enougΦ order≤ wσ wil∞á arrangσá ßá bulδ ì
purchasσ througΦ Compute≥ Capitol.
All postal orders to be sent to MBUG AUSTRALIA SALES
T∩ áavoiΣ delays¼ al∞ order≤ mus⌠ includσ cheque¼ posta∞ orde≥ o≥ áBankcarΣ ì
authorizatioε áfo≥ thσ tota∞ amount(inc« posta∞ ª handlinτ charges)« áAllo≈ ì
2▒ day≤ fo≥ thσ returε oµ goods¼ o≥ picδ-u≡ a⌠ thσ nex⌠ meeting.
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