1180 IF Y<>LC THEN PRINT"I don't see it.":GOTO 130
1200 OB(I,1)=0:FOR I=1 TO 1:NEXT I:PRINT"ZZZAP the ";NO$(NO);" vapourized."
1210 BL=BL-1:IF BL=0 THEN PRINT"I'm out of ammunition."
1220 GOTO 130
1230 IF VB<>13 THEN 1310
1240 IF NO=0 THEN PRINT"Say what ?":GOTO 130
1250 X=14:GOSUB 2270
1260 IF Y<>-1 OR NO<>19 THEN PRINT"O.K. ";NO$(NO):GOTO 130
1270 IF DR THEN 290
1280 DR=-1:PRINT"A voice comes over the P.A. System and says:"+NL$+"Openning flight deck doors"
1290 IF LC>2 AND LC<6 THEN PRINT NL$+"Yipes ! ! ! There's no air ! ! ! CROAK ...":END
1300 GOTO 130
1310 IF VB<>14 THEN 1450
1320 IF NO<>20 AND NO<>16 AND NO<>11 AND NO<>33 THEN 280
1330 IF NO=20 THEN 1420
1340 IF NO<>16 THEN 1380
1350 IF OB(6,1)=-1 THEN PRINT"Sorry. I'm not a map-maker":GOTO 130
1360 IF OB(6,1)=LC THEN PRINT"Try get map.":GOTO 130
1370 PRINT"It's not here.":GOTO 130
1380 X=NO:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>LC AND Y<>-1 THEN 1370
1390 IF NO=11 THEN PRINT"It says: >> NEEDS TURBO <<"
1400 IF NO=33 THEN PRINT"It says: >> OUT OF ORDER <<"
1410 GOTO 130
1420 IF LC<>13 THEN PRINT"I don't see any.":GOTO 130
1430 PRINT:PRINT"It says on the wall,"+NL$+" your mother's got a big nose"+NL$+" KILROY made it here, too"+NL$+" say security
1440 GOTO 130
1450 IF VB<>15 THEN 1520
1460 IF NO=0 THEN PRINT"What's a ";NO$(0);"?":GOTO 130
1470 IF NO<>22 THEN PRINT"Don't be ridiculous.":GOTO 130
1480 X=22:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>-1 THEN PRINT"I'm not holding it.":GOTO 130
1490 FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,0)=22 THEN 1500 ELSE NEXT I:PRINT"I don't know where it is.":GOTO 130
1500 OB(I,1)=0:PRINT"Chump - Chump. Hummm, good."
1510 FOR I=1 TO 1:NEXT I:GOTO 130
1520 IF VB<>16 OR NO<>23 OR LC<>16 THEN 1560
1530 X=23:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>-1 THEN PRINT M1$:GOTO 130
1540 OB(11,1)=0:OB(14,1)=16:CR=CR-1:PRINT M2$
1550 GOTO 130
1560 IF VB<>18 OR NO<>36 THEN 1600
1570 IF NO<>36 OR LC<>31 THEN 280
1580 X=17:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>-1 THEN PRINT M3$:GOTO 130
1590 HE$(31)="":DJ=-1:PRINT M4$:GOTO 130
1600 IF VB<>19 OR NO=0 THEN 1710
1610 IF NO<>34 THEN PRINT"That's stubid!":GOTO 130
1620 IF LC<>35 THEN PRINT M5$:GOTO 130
1630 X=22:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>-1 THEN PRINT M6$:GOTO 130
1640 IF NO=35 THEN PRINT M7$:GOTO 130
1650 IF NO<>34 THEN PRINT NO$(0);M8$:GOTO 130
1670 FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,0)=34 THEN 1680 ELSE NEXT I:GOTO 280
1680 K=I:FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,0)=22 THEN 1690 ELSE NEXT I:GOTO 280
1690 PRINT N0$:HE$(35)=""
1700 OB(K,1)=0:OB(I,1)=0:FOR I=1 TO 1:NEXT I:GOTO 130
1710 IF VB<>17 THEN 1730
1720 PRINT NO$(0):GOTO 130
1730 IF VB<>20 THEN 1820
1740 IF NO=0 THEN 280
1750 X=NO:GOSUB 2270:IF Y=-1 THEN PRINT"I'm carrying it. That's impossible":GOTO 130
1760 IF Y=LC THEN 1790
1770 IF NO<11 OR NO=19 OR NO=20 OR NO=30 THEN 280
1780 PRINT"I can't hit something I can't see.":GOTO 130
1790 IF NO=15 OR NO=34 THEN PRINT"I'd rather not. He might hit me back!":GOTO 130
1800 IF NO=35 THEN PRINT"That's not nice!":GOTO 130
1810 GOTO 290
1820 IF VB<>21 THEN 1830 ELSE PRINT"I'm not strong enough to kill anything.":GOTO 130
1830 GOTO 280
1840 PRINT CLS$;:PRINT DS$(LC):A$=""
1850 IF LC=35 THEN GF=10
1860 IF LC=7 THEN 1920
1870 K=0:FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,1)<>LC THEN 1900
1880 IF K=0 THEN K=1:PRINT:PRINT"Around me I see:":A$=OB$(I):GOTO 1900
1890 IF LEN(A$)+5+LEN(OB$(I))>SL THEN PRINT A$:LET A$=OB$(I) ELSE A$=A$+" "+OB$(I)
1900 NEXT I
1910 IF A$<>"" THEN PRINT A$
1920 PRINT:PRINT"Obvious Directions are:- ";:K=0
1930 FOR I=0 TO 5:IF DS(LC,I)=0 THEN 1960
1940 IF K<>0 THEN PRINT", ";
1950 PRINT NO$(I+1);:K=1
1960 NEXT I
1970 IF K=0 THEN PRINT"Unknown";
1980 PRINT".":PRINT STRING$(80,45):GOTO 130
1990 PRINT CLS$:GOSUB 2230
2000 IF J=0 THEN PRINT"We have failed our mission."+NL$+"The forces of Princess Leya will be conquered."
2010 IF J=SC THEN PRINT"We are heros."+NL$+"The forces of Princess Leya will conquer the evil Roche soldiers and freedom will prevail throughout the galaxy."
2020 IF J>0 AND J<SC THEN PRINT"We have helped the Forces of Princess Leya"+NL$+"defend the galaxy. Long live the Forces of Freedom!"
2030 PRINT
2040 INPUT"Play again (Y or N)";A$:A$=LEFT$(A$,1)
2050 IF A$="Y" OR A$="y" THEN RUN ELSE END
2060 PRINT CLS$;"A voice booms out, ";CHR$(34);"Who goes there ?";CHR$(34)
2070 GOSUB 2130
2080 IF VB<>13 OR NO<>30 THEN 1100
2090 PRINT N1$
2100 GOSUB 2130
2110 X=31:GOSUB 2270:IF Y<>-1 THEN 1100
2120 IF VB<>17 OR NO<>31 THEN 1100 ELSE 1840
2130 INPUT"What should I do ";CM$
2140 VB$(0)="":NO$(0)="":VB=0:NO=0:IF LEN(CM$)=0 THEN RETURN
2150 FOR ZL=1 TO LEN(CM$):IF MID$(CM$,ZL,1)<>" " THEN VB$(0)=VB$(0)+MID$(CM$,ZL,1):NEXT ZL
2160 FOR ZL=1 TO LV:IF VB$(ZL)<>"" AND LEFT$(VB$(0),LEN(VB$(ZL)))=VB$(ZL) THEN VB=ZL:GOTO 2190
2170 NEXT ZL
2180 VB=0:NO$(0)=VB$(0):GOTO 2200
2190 IF LEN(VB$(0))+1>=LEN(CM$) THEN NO=0:RETURN ELSE NO$(0)=RIGHT$(CM$,LEN(CM$)-1-LEN(VB$(0)))
2210 NO=0:RETURN
2230 J=0:FOR I=1 TO LO:IF OB(I,1)=1 THEN J=J+OB(I,2)
2240 NEXT I:PRINT"Out of a maximum of";SC;"points, you have";J
2250 IF J=0 THEN PRINT"We're not doing too good."
2520 DS$(1)="I'm in the passenger & storage compartment of my space ship."+NL$+"There's an exit here to leave the ship.
2530 DATA 2,0,0,0,0,3
2540 DS$(2)="I'm in the cockpit of my space ship."+NL$+"A large Red button says >> PRESS TO BLAST OFF <<
2550 DATA 0,0,1,0,0,0
2560 DS$(3)="I'm standing next to my space ship which is located on a huge flight deck.
2570 DATA 18,0,4,0,1,0
2580 DS$(4)="I'm out on the flight deck of General Doom's battle cruiser.
2590 DATA 3,5,4,4,0,0
2600 DS$(5)=DS$(4):DATA 4,6,5,4,0,0
2610 DS$(6)="I'm in a hallway. There are doors on all sides."+NL$+"The door to the North says: >> CLOSED FOR THE DAY <<
2620 DATA 7,0,8,5,0,0
2630 DS$(7)="I'm in the supply depot and around me I see:"+NL$+" All kinds of things.
2640 DATA 0,0,6,0,0,0
2650 DS$(8)="I'm at the end of one of the hallways."+NL$+"I can hear voices nearby. Sounds like guards.
2660 DATA 6,10,0,9,0,12
2670 DS$(9)="I'm in the strategy planning room.":DATA 11,8,0,0,0,0
2680 DS$(10)="I'm in the decontamination area.":DATA 0,14,0,8,0,0
2690 DS$(11)="This area is the Tractor Beam Control Room."+NL$+"A large sign warns:"+NL$+" >> DO NOT PRESS ANY BUTTONS <<
2700 DATA 0,0,9,0,0,0
2710 DS$(12)="I'm in another hallway. To the East is a restroom.
2720 DATA 15,13,0,0,8,0
2730 DS$(13)="This is what is commonly called, on Earth, the bathroom."+NL$+"There's graffiti written all over the wall."+NL$+"Pipes lead up through the ceiling.
2740 DATA 15,0,0,12,27,0
2750 DS$(14)="This appears to be an Interrogation Room.":DATA 0,0,0,10,0,0
2760 DS$(15)="I'm in a lounge.":DATA 0,0,13,12,0,0
2770 DS$(16)="This is a computer room. There's a Microbee in here."+NL$+"On the screen it says:"+NL$+" >> CSAVE TAPE <<":DATA 17,0,18,0,0,0
2780 DS$(17)="I'm in a Testing Laboratory.":DATA 0,0,16,0,0,0
2790 DS$(18)="I'm in a hallway"+NL$+"A large arrow points East and says:"+NL$+" >> TO THE VAULT <<
2800 DATA 16,25,3,19,0,0
2810 DS$(19)="This is the entrance to the Development Lab Section.":DATA 20,18,21,20,22,0
2820 DS$(20)="I'm in a long corridor. There are Laboratories all around me.":DATA 19,23,21,20,22,24
2830 DS$(21)="I'm in a Research Lab.":DATA 20,0,0,0,0,0
2840 DS$(22)="I'm lost!":DATA 22,22,22,22,22,20
2850 DS$(23)=DS$(21):DATA 0,0,0,20,0,0
2860 DS$(24)=DS$(21):DATA 0,0,0,0,20,0
2870 DS$(25)="I'm near the entrance to the Vault."+NL$+" A sign here says:"+NL$+" >> AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY <<
2880 DATA 0,26,0,18,0,0
2890 DS$(26)="I'm in the Vault.":DATA 0,0,0,25,0,0
2900 DS$(27)="I'm in a pipe tunnel which leads in every direction.":DATA 28,27,27,27,27,13
2910 DS$(28)=DS$(27):DATA 29,29,29,29,30,29
2920 DS$(29)="I'm lost in a maze of pipes!":DATA 28,29,29,29,29,27
2930 DS$(30)="I'm in a pipe maze."+NL$+"Below me I think I can see the Jail.
2940 DATA 29,29,28,29,29,31
2950 DS$(31)="I'm in the Jail.":DATA 32,33,34,35,0,0
2960 DS$(32)="I'm in a Jail cell.":DATA 0,0,31,0,0,0
2970 DS$(33)=DS$(32):DATA 0,0,0,31,0,0
2980 DS$(34)=DS$(32):DATA 31,0,0,0,0,0
2990 DS$(35)="I'm at the security desk."+NL$+"To the North there's an elevator.":DATA 36,31,0,0,0,0
3000 DS$(36)="I'm in the elevator.":DATA 0,0,35,0,37,0
3010 DS$(37)=DS$(36):DATA 0,0,14,0,0,36
3020 REM
3030 OB$(1)="A TAG which says:"+NL$+" >> NEEDS TURBO <<":DATA 11,5,0