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ANIMALS- A Learning Game
Version: 1.0 Colour
Tape Title: ANIMAL
Disδá Filename║ ANIMALS.MW┬ (Thi≤ documentatioε iε ANIMALS.DOC)
Tape Loading Time: 1.20 [1200 Bd] 5.20 [300 Bd]
Hardware Required: Microbee with min 16K RAM or Microbee with Disk
Optional hardware: Colour Microbee with colour monitor.
Copyright, Howard Gould
Chrysalis Computing Services, 1985
Program Aim:
ANIMAL╙á i≤á ßá versioε oµ thσ well-knowεá 'Animal¼á Minera∞á o≥ ì
Vegetableºá GUESSIN╟ game«á Wheε thσ prograφ canno⌠ gues≤á you≥ ì
anima∞ i⌠ ask≤ yo⌡ somethinτ abou⌠ i⌠ anΣ add≤ i⌠ t∩ thσ animal≤ ì
i⌠á know≤ about«á Thi≤ prograφ i≤ organiseΣ s∩ tha⌠ i⌠á ma∙á bσ ì
useΣ a≤ ß simplσ game¼ ß languagσ exercise¼ o≥ a≤ par⌠ oµ ß uni⌠ ì
oε Artificia∞ Intelligence.
Think of an animal and I'll try to guess it.
Caεá you≥á compute≥á think┐á Caεá ßá prograφá learn┐á Wha⌠á i≤ ì
artificia∞ intelligence?
Herσá i≤ ß simplσ gamσ whicΦ exhibit≤ ver∙ littlσá intelligence« ì
I⌠á doe≤ learn¼á however¼á anΣ childreε ge⌠ ß kicδ ou⌠ oµ havinτ ì
thσá statement≤ the∙ ente≥ a⌠ it≤ request¼á throwε bacδ a⌠á theφ ì
late≥ iε questioε form.
Thσ prograφ make≤ ß gues≤ a⌠ thσ anima∞ yo⌡ arσ thinkinτ of« Iµ ì
i⌠á i≤ wronτ i⌠ ask≤ yo⌡ thσ namσ oµ you≥ anima∞á anΣá somethinτ ì
abou⌠á it«á Thσ nex⌠ timσ rounΣ i⌠ use≤ thi≤ informatioε t∩ asδ ì
whethe≥á you≥ anima∞ ha≤ certaiε characteristics«á Graduall∙á ß ì
structurσá i≤ buil⌠ u≡ whereb∙ thσ prograφ caε finΣá thσá anima∞ ì
yo⌡á arσ thinkinτ oµ o≥ discove≥ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ onσ tha⌠ i⌠á doesn'⌠ ì
kno≈ of«
.paèIµ yo⌡ arσ workinτ oε ß disδ baseΣ system¼á theε havinτ buil⌠ u≡ ì
ßá storσá oµ animal≤ yo⌡ caε savσ theφ t∩ disδ anΣ the∙ wil∞á bσ ì
loadeΣ bacδ thσ nex⌠ timσ yo⌡ usσ thσ program«á T∩ star⌠ ßá ne≈ ì
animal≤á filσá simpl∙ renamσ o≥ deletσ thσ filσá ANIMALS.DA╘á oε ì
you≥á disk«á Thσ prograφ decide≤ whethe≥ yo⌡ arσ workinτ witΦ ß ì
disδ systeφ o≥ no⌠ anΣ organise≤ itselµ appropriately«á D∩á no⌠ ì
attemp⌠á an∙ oµ thesσ function≤ iµ yo⌡ writσ protec⌠ you≥á disk« ì
T∩á renamσá o≥á deletσá thσ filσ ANIMAL.DA╘ oεá you≥á disδá froφ ì
immediatσ modσ iε MicroworlΣ BASIC¼ usσ thσ followinτ syntax:
NAM┼ "ANIMALS.DATó A╙ "xxxxxxxx.DATó <CR>
áááááááááááááááááááwherσ xxxxxxx° i≤ thσ (ma° ╕ letters⌐ ì
ááááááááááááááááááánew filename you wish to use.
o≥ t∩ deletσ thσ file: KILL "ANIMALS.DAT" <CR>
N.B«á T∩á ge⌠ t∩ immediatσ modσ iε BASIC¼á pres≤ "BREA╦ t∩á endó ì
wherσ indicated.
Thσá structurσá useΣá t∩ organisσ thσá program'≤á knowledgσá anΣ ì
facilitatσá aεá efficien⌠á proces≤ oµ eliminatioεá i≤á ßá "treeó ì
structure« AlthougΦ i⌠ i≤ no⌠ documenteΣ iε thσ program¼ iµ yo⌡ ì
pres≤á ES├á wheε yo⌡ ge⌠ thσ messagσ "Pres≤ RETUR╬á wheεá you'vσ ì
though⌠ oµ aε animal¼ o≥ BREA╦ t∩ end"¼ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ ablσ t∩ vie≈ ì
thi≤á treσ structurσ anΣ follo≈ thσ branche≤ froφ nodσ t∩á node« ì
Node≤ havσ thσ form:
Thi≤ node≤ number, (root≤ number), QUESTION, ye≤ pointer
no pointer
Thσá firs⌠ nodσ oε thσ screeε ma∙ bσ editeΣ anΣ an∙ nodσ ma∙á bσ ì
madσ thσ firs⌠ nodσ b∙ enterinτ it≤ numbe≥ anΣ pressinτá return« ì
Notσá tha⌠á havinτá selecteΣá EDI╘ witΦ ES├ yo⌡á mus⌠á edi⌠á thσ ì
QUESTIO╬ anΣ thσ tw∩ pointers« Jus⌠ pres≤ RETUR╬ fo≥ eacΦ iµ n∩ ì
changσ i≤ required.
Aεá interestinτá thinτá t∩ d∩ witΦ thi≤ prograφ i≤á t∩á givσá i⌠ ì
sentence≤á likσ "I⌠ i≤ hair∙ anΣ i⌠ hate≤ thσ sun"¼á wheεá askeΣ ì
fo≥á ß discriminatinτ sentencσ abou⌠ you≥ animal«á Thσá prograφ ì
caε makσ quitσ sensiblσ question≤ ou⌠ oµ simplσ sentence≤ bu⌠ i⌠ ì
doesn'⌠á handlσá conjunction≤á ver∙ well«á I⌠á wil∞á turεá thi≤ ì
sentencσá int∩ thσ questioε "I≤ i⌠ hair∙ anΣ i⌠ hate≤ thσá sun?ó ì
whicΦ i≤ obviousl∙ ill-formed« Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ 'givσ thσ prograφ ì
ßá handº usσ thσ ES├ featurσ t∩ acces≤ thσ 'treeº anΣ edi⌠á tha⌠ ì
nodσ s∩ tha⌠ i⌠ ha≤ ß morσ reasonablσ question.
Thσá fac⌠ tha⌠ thσ prograφ doesn'⌠ handlσ thi≤ simplσá "languagσ ì
skillóá shoulΣá generatσá quitσ ß bi⌠ oµá discussioεá abou⌠á thσ ì
difference≤áá betweeεá human≤á anΣá computer≤á witΦá regarΣáá t∩ ì
Aεá exercisσ fo≥ Senio≥ HigΦ Schoo∞ student≤ migh⌠ involvσá theφ ì
iεá usinτá thi≤ prograφ t∩ builΣ u≡ ß reasonabl∙ largσá treσá oµ ì
data« No≈ investigatσ thσ node≤ t∩ see:
1. Whethe≥ therσ arσ an∙ whicΦ arσ essentiall∙ thσ samσ ì
áááábu⌠ oε differen⌠ branches« Iµ therσ are¼ coulΣ the∙ ì
áááábσ linkeΣ o≥ consolidateΣ iε an∙ way?
2. Wha⌠á woulΣ happeε iµ thσ orde≥ oµ thσ node≤ oεá thσ ì
áááábranche≤á werσá changed┐á (Yo⌡ caε tr∙ thi≤á ou⌠á b∙ ì
ááááeditinτ thσ pointer≤ usinτ thσ ES├ feature)«á Unde≥ ì
ááááwha⌠ circumstance≤ doesn'⌠ thei≥ orde≥ matter?
3. Wha⌠á algorithφ i≤ useΣ b∙ thσ prograφ t∩ changσ thσ ì
ááááanima∞á name≤ anΣ sentence≤ int∩á questions┐á CoulΣ ì
ááááyo⌡ improvσ oε it?
Desigεá aεá algorithφ (anΣ implemen⌠ i⌠ a≤ ß prograφá iµá you'rσ ì
int∩á tha⌠ sor⌠ oµ thing⌐ t∩ analysσ thσ treσ anΣ lis⌠á al∞á thσ ì
animals¼á togethe≥ witΦ thσ characteristic≤ whicΦ caε bσ saiΣ t∩ ì
holΣ truσ oµ them«á Noticσ tha⌠ aε anima∞ wil∞ generall∙ havσ ß ì
numbe≥á oµá characteristic≤ froφ node≤ abovσ it¼á no⌠á jus⌠á it≤ ì
distinguishinτ characteristics.
Wheε editing¼á BREA╦ wil∞ wipσ ou⌠ thσ defaul⌠ fielΣ value¼á TA┬ ì
wil∞á restorσ i⌠ anΣ RETUR╬ wil∞ accep⌠ al∞ tha⌠ yo⌡ seσ iεá thσ ì
field«á Thσ followinτ key≤ havσ specia∞ functions¼ althougΦ thσ ì
amoun⌠á oµá editinτ yo⌡ arσ likel∙ t∩ d∩ i≤ s∩ smal∞ tha⌠ i⌠á i≤ ì
unlikel∙ yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ them.
DEL :delete backwards
CTRL-G á:gobblσ characte≥ a⌠ curso≥ position
LINE FEED á:movσ curso≥ t∩ thσ right
BACK SPACEá:movσ curso≥ t∩ thσ left
CTRL-V á:togglσ insert/overstrikσ mode
ESCá á:accep⌠á fielΣá u≡ t∩á characte≥á a⌠ curso≥ positioε
RETURN á:accep⌠ all
BREAK á:deletσ thσ wholσ field
TAB á:restorσ thσ defaul⌠ o≥ deletσ value
Othe≥ associateΣ program≤ arσ MATCHE╙ anΣ DOTS« Seσ particular∙ ì
thσ documentatioε fo≥ MATCHE╙ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ usσ thesσá program≤ ì
a≤ par⌠ oµ ß senio≥ uni⌠ oε Artificia∞ Intelligence.
Program≤ MATCHE╙ anΣ DOT╙ arσ availablσ forφ Necta≥ Software¼á ▒ ì
Barrack≤ St¼ Em⌡ Plains¼ 2750.