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.HE# APR - T H E C A T C H E R -1988 #
Thσ followinτ i≤ ß lis⌠ oµ thσ 1987/88 committee«á Iµ therσ i≤ anythinτ yo⌡ ì
requirσ o≥ an∙ hel≡ yo⌡ caε givσ us¼á pleasσ d∩ no⌠ hesitatσ t∩ contac⌠ an∙ ì
onσ oµ us, preferably before 9.00 P.M.
Chris Anderson 438-3762 Peter Burbrige 726-7126
Rod Clarke 758-1880 Russell Crosser (059) 62 5975
Greg Eva 836-9947 Ed Latham 484-2847
Jim Lobley 758-9169 John Mitchell 720-2016
Mike Thompson 882-5002
$50.00 Full Page $25.00 Half Page $15.00 Quarter Page
$3.00 For service and recurrent items (Less than 5 lines)
No charge for non recurring private sales items
T∩á expeditσ you≥ requests¼á genera∞ correspondencσá t∩ Contribution≤ fo≥ thσ CATCHE╥ ma∙ bσ madσ direc⌠ t∩ thσ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á IN├ shoulΣ bσ sen⌠ t∩ ou≥ officia∞á addres≤ editor¼ sen⌠ t∩ thσ RBB╙ o≥ b∙ mail« Contribution≤ wil∞ ì
anΣ eacΦ enquir∙ shoulΣ bσ oε seperate forms« bσ accepteΣ viß modem¼ disk≤ (│ 1/2ó o≥ ╡ 1/4")¼ tape,
writteε o≥ typed« Contributions will not be considereΣ
Thσ editor≤ reservσ thσ righ⌠ t∩ edi⌠ al∞ contribution≤ withou⌠ ß namσ anΣ addres≤ and/o≥ membe≥ number« Pleasσ ì
fo≥á thσá sakσá oµ brevity¼á clarit∙á and/o≥á accuracy« includσ ß S.A.┼ fo≥ returε oµ you≥ tape/disk. ì
Letter≤á mus⌠á includσá namσ anΣ addres≤á bu⌠á wσá wil∞ ì
withholΣ sucΦ detail≤ iµ s∩ requested« AlthougΦá al∞á carσ wil∞ bσ takeεá witΦá contributions¼ ì
MBU╟á AUS╘á caεá takσ n∩ responsibilit∙á fo≥á thσá safσì
MBU╟áá AUSTRALI┴á INC«áá it≤á officers¼áá member≤áá anΣ returε oµ an∙ materia∞ supplied« Iµ returε i≤ critical¼ì
contributor≤á accep⌠ n∩ responsibilit∙ fo≥ an∙á damage≤ (something irreplaceable), don't send it. ì
causeΣá t∩á an∙ persoε o≥ propert∙á attributeΣá t∩á an∙ ì
advicσ o≥ informatioε publisheΣ iε Thσ CATCHER. MBU╟á AUS╘ INC«á doe≤ no⌠ condonσ thσ non-authoriseΣ usσ
oµáá copyrigh⌠á software/hardwarσá anΣá thereforσáá als∩
Microworld Basic listings may carry a number at the end condemn≤ unauthorised copying of such material.
of each line. eg. {123}. These are checksum numbers and
shoulΣá no⌠ bσ typeΣ iε a≤ par⌠ oµ thσ listing«á Contribution≤ no⌠ necessaril∙ endorseΣ b∙ MbuτáAus⌠ Inc.
"TRAS╚ AN─ TREASURE"« Thi≤ montΦ ╔ havσ remembereΣ t∩ announcσ sucΦ ß nigh⌠ ì
happeninτá thi≤ (April⌐ meeting«á Thσ las⌠ tw∩ time≤ ╔ wa≤ supposeΣ t∩á le⌠ ì
you know about it I forgot.
Thi≤ club¼ a≤ yo⌡ kno≈ i≤ ruε b∙ ß committeσ wh∩ endeavou≥ t∩ d∩ thei≥ bes⌠ ì
fo≥á you«á Thi≤á joΓ become≤ mucΦ harde≥ thaε neeΣ b∙ b∙ thosσ oµá yo⌡á wh∩ ì
can'⌠á bσ bothereΣ helpinτ u≤ out«á Onσ oµ thσ problem≤ i≤ witΦá membershi≡ ì
arrangements«á T∩ rene≈ you≥ membership¼ thσ applicatioε mus⌠ bσ handleΣ b∙ ì
a⌠ leas⌠ tw∩ peoplσ jus⌠ t∩ ge⌠ you≥ namσ bacδ oε thσ datß base« Theε therσ ì
i≤ thσ processinτ oµ thσ datß base¼á you≥ ne≈ carΣ anΣ finall∙ yo⌡ magazinσ ì
i≤á pu⌠á iε aε envelope¼á bundleΣ iε thσ correc⌠ mailinτ orde≥ anΣá posted« ì
Thi≤ proces≤ (wheε wσ havσ helpers⌐ involve≤ ▓ t∩ │ hour≤ worδ whicΦá take≤ ì
mσá bacδ t∩ thσ probleφ a⌠ hand«á Ever∙ month¼á oε thσ bacδ oµ thσ envelopσ ì
you≥ Catche≥ come≤ in¼á i≤ aε applicatioε form«á Thσ questioε ╔ no≈ posσ t∩ ì
yo⌡ i≤ this«á Wh∙ shoulΣ ß membe≥ oµ thσ committeσ fil∞ iε ß forφ fo≥á you┐ ì
Iµá yo⌡á werσá t∩á re-appl∙ t∩ "You≥ Computeró t∩á havσá you≥á subscriptioε ì
continued¼á wha⌠ d∩ yo⌡ thinδ woulΣ happeε iµ yo⌡ sen⌠ you≥ chequσ anΣá thσ ì
renewa∞ oε ß bi⌠ oµ paper┐ I'l∞ tel∞ you╗ nothing« Iε future¼ thσ samσ wil∞ ì
happeεá t∩ sucΦ renewal≤ t∩ thi≤ club«á Wσ wil∞ banδ you≥ cheque¼á wai⌠ fo≥ ì
you≥á complaint¼á poin⌠ ou⌠ thσ lacδ oµ applicatioε form¼á asδ yo⌡á senΣá ß ì
completeΣá forφá anΣ onl∙ theε wil∞ you≥ subscriptioε continue«á Onσá majo≥ ì
poin⌠á t∩á thi≤á commen⌠ i≤ tha⌠ thσ primσ offender≤ arσá member≤á oµá lonτ ì
standing« Ho≈ abou⌠ givinτ u≤ ß fai≥ go┐
Onσá othe≥á poin⌠ t∩ makσ i≤ tha⌠ wσ woulΣ appreciatσ ß separatσá piecσá oµ ì
pape≥ fo≥ eacΦ reques⌠ posteΣ t∩ thσ committee« Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ ß publiπ domaiε ì
disδá anΣ somethinτ froφ thσ bazaar¼á pleasσ remembe≥ tha⌠ thσá peoplσá wh∩ ì
fil∞á you≥á order≤ livσ a⌠ leas⌠ 3░ k'φ apart«á Onσ paymen⌠ i≤ oδá bu⌠á tw∩ ì
separatσ order≤ please.
Thσá publiπ domaiε disδ copyinτ wσ d∩ a⌠ thσ maiε meetinτ i≤ t∩ havσ ßá fe≈ ì
restriction≤á placeΣ oε it«á Iµ yo⌡ coulΣ likσ t∩ leavσ you≥ orde≥ witΦ thσ ì
boy≤á a⌠ thσ star⌠ oµ thσ nigh⌠ anΣ collec⌠ theφ late≥ i⌠ woulΣ bσ ßá grea⌠ ì
help«á A≤ oµ April¼á ß maximuφ oµ tw∩ (2⌐ disk≤ wil∞ bσ copieΣ fo≥ an∙á onσ ì
(1⌐ persoε a⌠ ß time«á Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ │ o≥ morσ disk≤ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ g∩ bacδ ì
t∩á thσ enΣ oµ thσ linσ o≥ placσ anΣ orde≥ anΣ picδ i⌠ u≡ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσ ì
night«á I⌠ i≤ no⌠ fai≥ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ lot≤ oµ disk≤ anΣ thσ membe≥ wh∩ camσá ß ì
littlσá late≥ thaε yo⌡ onl∙ want≤ one«á Thσ guy≤ doinτ thσ joΓ arσá sharinτ ì
thei≥ timσ anΣ woulΣ likσ yo⌡ t∩ sharσ somσ oµ your≤ too«á Iµ thi≤ doe≤ no⌠ ì
sui⌠ you¼ yo⌡ coulΣ alway≤ orde≥ disk≤ froφ Stevσ Jepsoε wh∩ wil∞ pos⌠ theφ ì
t∩á yo⌡á o≥ brinτ thσ copie≤ alonτ t∩ thσ meetinτ o≥ SI╟ night«á Thi≤á wil∞ ì
cos⌠á extrßá a≤ wσ suppl∙ thσ disk≤ iµ thi≤ methoΣ i≤á used«á Iµá yo⌡á wisΦ ì
copie≤á oεá 5.25ó disks¼á thi≤ i≤ thσ onl∙ wa∙ t∩ d∩ i⌠ a⌠á present«á Don'⌠ ì
thinδ yo⌡ havσ morσ right≤ jus⌠ becausσ yo⌡ havσ ß 3.5ó drive«
Ofµá thσ soapbo° now«á Don'⌠ forge⌠ thσ tw∩ competition≤ announceΣ iεá las⌠ ì
month≤ Catcher«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ no⌠ surσ oµ thσ Happ∙ number≤ comp¼ pleasσ talδ ì
to Mike Thompson (the sysop).
No≈ fo≥ thσ gooΣ news«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ considerinτ thσ purchasσ oµ ß ne≈ modem¼ ì
pleasσá talδá t∩ onσ oµ thσ Bazaa≥ operator≤ anΣ asδ fo≥ ß price«á Wσá (thσ ì
club⌐ havσ beeε offereΣ ß specia∞ dea∞ oε thσ "AVTEKó modems«á Thi≤á range≤ ì
froφ 15Ñ t∩ 20Ñ ofµ thσ retai∞ price« Thσ 20Ñ applie≤ iµ wσ bu∙ bo° lot≤ oµ ì
╕á (eight)«á No≈ ma∙ bσ thσ timσ t∩ talδ t∩ ß couplσ oµ you≥ mate≤ anΣ hel≡ ì
u≤ (anΣ yourself⌐ t∩ ge⌠ tha⌠ extrß discoun⌠.
>ANDREWè TURBO-LESSONS - A Pascal Tutorial
OBJECTIVES - In lesson 5 you will learn about:
1. Assignment statements
2. Integer expressions
3. Problems with expressions
1. Assignment statements.
┴á largσá par⌠ oµ compute≥ processinτ i≤ accomplisheΣ b∙á storinτá numbers¼ ì
strings¼ anΣ othe≥ datß object≤ iε memor∙ location≤ iε thσ computer« Therσ ì
arσ severa∞ way≤ t∩ storσ ß valuσ iε memor∙ iε Pascal:
(1) use an Input statement (ReadLn),
(2) use an Assignment statement,
(3) use a Procedure or function.
The Assignment statement has the following form:
Variable := Expression;
An example: A := B + C;
Thσ wa∙ i⌠ works║á Thσ compute≥ evaluate≤ thσ expressioε oε thσ righ⌠ sidσ ì
oµá thσá replacemen⌠ operator¼á :=¼á anΣ store≤ thσ resultinτ valuσ iεá thσ ì
memor∙ locatioε nameΣ b∙ thσ variablσ oε thσ left«
Iε thσ examplσ above¼ thσ compute≥ woulΣ obtaiε whateve≥ valuσ i≤ currentl∙ ì
storeΣá iεá thσ memor∙ locatioε calleΣ B¼á adΣ tha⌠ valuσ t∩ thσá valuσá i⌠ ì
find≤á iεá thσ memor∙ locatioε calleΣ C¼á anΣ storσ thσ suφ iεá thσá memor∙ ì
location¼ A« Iµ ┬ hold≤ thσ valuσ 3¼ anΣ ├ hold≤ thσ valuσ 4¼ theε ╖ woulΣ ì
bσ storeΣ iε thσ memor∙ locatioε calleΣ A«
##### DO:
Ente≥ thσ followinτ shor⌠ prograφ (omi⌠ thσ comments¼ iµ yo⌡ like):
VAR A, B, C : Integer;
A := 6; {Assign the value 6 to the memory location, A}
B:=7; {Assign 7 to B }
C := A + B; {Add the values in A and B, Store in C }
WriteLn ('A=',A, ' B=',B, ' C=',C);
Run the program.
Notσá tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ jus⌠ writteε ß completσ PASCA╠ prograφ - froφ herσá on¼ ì
yo⌡ wil∞ jus⌠ bσ addinτ ne≈ feature≤ iε eacΦ lessoε t∩ enablσ yo⌡ t∩á writσ ì
morσá complicateΣá programs«á (I⌠ didn'⌠ run┐á Usσ thσ erro≥á messagσá t∩ ì
correc⌠ an∙ errors«á Iµ thσ erro≥ messagσ doesn'⌠ makσ sense¼á tr∙ lookinτ ì
fo≥á misplaceΣá o≥á omitteΣá semicolons«á Als∩ notσá tha⌠á thσá assignmen⌠ ì
statemen⌠ use≤ thσ compounΣ symbol¼ ":=ó anΣ no⌠ "=/".)«
è2. Integer Expressions.
Intege≥á expression≤á arσ composeΣ oµá intege≥á variables¼á constants¼á anΣ ì
operators« Thσ operator≤ useΣ witΦ intege≥ expression≤ are:
+, -, *, div, mod.
Thσ ½ anΣ - havσ thei≥ usua∞ meaning¼á additioε anΣ subtraction«á Thσ ¬ in-ì
dicate≤ámultiplication«áDivisioε oµ intege≥ number≤ i≤ donσ witΦ di÷áanΣ mod.
##### DO:
Examine at PROG5.
Tw∩ numbers¼ whicΦ yo⌡ enter¼ arσ added¼ subtracted¼ anΣ onσ i≤ cubeΣ usinτ ì
thσ multipl∙ operator¼ "*"« WriteLε i≤ useΣ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ results«
Notice that expressions may be calculated in an assignment statement,
I_Cubed := I * I * I;
or calculated in a WriteLn statement,
WriteLn('I - J', I - J);
##### DO:
Run the program.
Notσá tha⌠ thσ ReadLε statemen⌠ wil∞ attemp⌠ t∩ reaΣ ▓ values«á Thσ value≤ ì
shoulΣ bσ typeΣ witΦ ß spacσ between¼ no⌠ ß comma«
Enter the values 2 and 5.
Check all the results. Are they all correct?
##### DO:
Run the program again, this time entering -3 and 5.
I≤á everythinτá correc⌠á again┐á Noticσá thσ negativσ cubσá oµá -│á i≤á a≤ ì
expected¼á -27«á (Somσ incorrec⌠ negativσ cube≤ wil∞ appea≥ ß littlσ late≥ ì
iε thi≤ lesson.)
Thσ divisioε operators¼á di÷ anΣ moΣ arσ no⌠ useΣ iε PROG5« T∩ seσ ho≈ the∙ ì
##### DO:
Just before the END of PROG5, edit in the following statements:
WriteLn('I div J = ', I div J);
WriteLn('I mod J = ', I mod J);
Run the program, entering the values 5 and 3.
DiΣá yo⌡á ge⌠ thσ result≤ expected┐á I≤ ╡ divideΣ b∙ │ reall∙ ▒á anΣá no⌠ ì
è##### DO:
Add these two statements at the end of the program:
WriteLn(I,' divided by ', J, ' = ', I div J);
WriteLn(' with a remainder of ', I mod J);
Run the program with the values 5 and 3.
Often¼á wheεá workinτ witΦ integers¼á i⌠ i≤ usefu∞ t∩ kno≈ onσ o≥á botΦá oµ ì
thesσ component≤ oµ thσ division« Iµ yo⌡ reall∙ wan⌠ thσ decima∞ resul⌠ oµ ì
thσ division¼ thσ slash¼ /¼ coulΣ bσ useΣ witΦ integers«
##### DO:
Add this statement at the end of the program:
WriteLn('I / J = ', I/J);
Run the program with the values 5 and 3.
Note the result of division using the slash is the usual result.
##### DO:
Beforσá goinτá on¼á tr∙ addinτ ß fe≈ WriteLε statement≤ t∩ thσá prograφá t∩ ì
improvσ thσ readabilit∙ oµ thσ output.
3. Problems with expressions.
Yo⌡á shoulΣá bσá awarσá oµ thσ possibilitie≤ fo≥ variou≤á type≤á oµá error≤ ì
involvinτ expressions« First¼ aε eas∙ t∩ detec⌠ error.
##### DO:
Declare K to be an integer variable.
Add these statements at the end of the program:
K := I / J;
WriteLn('K = ', K);
Run the program. How did it go?
Thi≤ error¼á "Typσ mismatch"¼ i≤ eas∙ t∩ find¼ sincσ thσ compile≥ find≤ it« ì
Thσá reasoε fo≥ thσ typσ mismatcΦ i≤ tha⌠ thσ resul⌠ oµ thσ divisioεá usinτ ì
thσ "/ó i≤ ß rea∞ numbe≥ (covereΣ iε ß late≥ lesson)«á Thσ variable¼ K¼ i≤ ì
aε integer«á ┴ rea∞ numbe≥ can'⌠ bσ storeΣ iε aε intege≥ memor∙á location« ì
(Wh∙ not┐ Onσ reason║ ß rea∞ numbe≥ take≤ │ time≤ a≤ mucΦ memor∙ space.)
A second type of error, is illustrated in the following:
##### DO:
Run the program using the values 31 and 5.
Checδ thσ result≤ oµ thσ cubσ oµ I«á I≤ i⌠ correct┐á O.K.¼á bu⌠ noticσá thσ ì
cubσá oµá I¼á 29791¼á i≤ approachinτ thσ uppe≥ limi⌠ oµ intege≥á variables¼ ì
32767«á Wha⌠ wil∞ happeε iµ yo⌡ ente≥ 3▓ anΣ 5┐ (Thσ correc⌠ cubσ oµ 3▓ i≤ ìè32768¼ jus⌠ ▒ to∩ largσ t∩ fi⌠ a≤ aε integer.) Try it!
##### DO:
Run the program using the values 32 and 5.
The computer, known for its reliability, informs you:
The cube of I = -32768
Now¼á yo⌡ kno≈ thσ sigε i≤ wronτ - positivσ number≤ d∩ no⌠ producσ negativσ ì
cubes«á Bu⌠á looδ a⌠ thσ number¼á -32768«á Correc⌠ numbe≥, wronτ sign?
##### DO:
Run the program again with the values 33 and 5.
The cube of I = -29599
Wronτ numberíá Wronτ signí S∩ wh∙ doe≤ thσ compute≥ g∩ merril∙ oε it≤ wa∙ ì
- givinτ yo⌡ thesσ wronτ answers?
Thσá compute≥á i≤ ver∙ gooΣ a⌠ detectinτ error≤ iε thσá forma⌠á oµá prograφ ì
statements¼ missinτ declarations¼ wronτ punctuation« Therσ arσ othe≥ type≤ ì
oµ error≤ tha⌠ arσ morσ difficul⌠ t∩ detect.
I⌠á i≤ u≡ t∩ you¼á thσ programmer¼á t∩ finΣ way≤ t∩ kee≡ thesσ error≤á froφ ì
goinτá unnoticed«á Fo≥ now¼á yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ bσ awarσ tha⌠ thesσ problem≤á caε ì
occur« Erro≥ detectioε wil∞ bσ covereΣ iε late≥ lessons.
{$U+ Copyright (C), 1985 by Lyle Faurot. All rights reserved.
New Topics: Integer Expressions
I, J, I_Cubed : Integer;
WriteLn('When entering more than one number at once, ');
WriteLn('use a space to separate the numbers entered.');
Write('Enter two numbers: ');
ReadLn(I, J);
WriteLn('I = ',I,' J = ',J);
WriteLn('I + J = ',I + J); {The expression may be calculated }
WriteLn('I - J = ',I - J); {within the WriteLn statement }
I_Cubed := I * I * I; {or in a separate assignment statement }
WriteLn('The cube of I = ',I_Cubed);
B∙ TeΣ Allison
Thi≤á articlσá i≤ fo≥ thosσ peoplσ wh∩ wan⌠ t∩ kno≈ ho≈á aεá initializatioε ì
prograφá works¼á thosσá wh∩á wan⌠ t∩ kno≈ wha⌠ i⌠ caε do¼á thosσá wh∩á havσ ì
mislaiΣá thei≥ booδ oµ instruction≤ o≥ len⌠ i⌠ anΣ neve≥ go⌠ i⌠á returned¼ ì
o≥á thosσá wh∩á arσ alway≤ lookinτ fo≥ anothe≥ tricδá t∩á manipulatσá thei≥ ì
programs«á Also¼á ╔ havσ noticeΣ tha⌠ somσ member≤ arσ reluctan⌠ t∩á modif∙ ì
thσ program¼á a≤ iµ the∙ werσ afraiΣ the∙ coulΣ damagσ i⌠ irrevocably¼ a≤ ╔ ì
wa≤á once«á Tha⌠á fea≥ i≤ unfounded¼á anΣ ma∙ comσ froφ thσ fac⌠ tha⌠á thσ ì
instructioε booδ contain≤ ß considerablσ amoun⌠ oµ detail¼ witΦ expression≤ ì
whicΦ arσ no⌠ full∙ explaineΣ anΣ thereforσ somethinτ t∩ bσ avoideΣ a⌠á al∞ ì
Basically¼á onl∙ thσ WINSTALL.COM¼á WS.IN╙ anΣ thσ WS.CO═ program≤ havσ t∩ ì
bσ oε thσ disk« Iε fact¼ i⌠ pay≤ t∩ havσ ß disδ witΦ onl∙ thosσ program≤ iµ ì
yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ manipulatσ an∙ parameters« Onl∙ thσ WS.CO═ i≤ beinτ modifieΣ b∙ ì
INSTAL.COM«á Iµá ßá mistakσá ha≤á beeε madσ anΣ thσ prograφá W╙á ha≤á beeε ì
irrevocabl∙ damaged¼á yo⌡ caε alway≤ makσ anothe≥ copy« I⌠ i≤ ß gooΣ polic∙ ì
t∩ usσ aε empt∙ disδ fo≥ an∙ ne≈ creation«á Iε tha⌠ wa∙ therσ i≤ n∩á chancσ ì
oµ damagσ t∩ anothe≥ program«á Oncσ finished¼ yo⌡ caε cop∙ you≥ ne≈ prograφ ì
whereve≥ yo⌡ wan⌠ i⌠ anΣ clea≥ thσ disδ again.
T∩á tailo≥ ß prograφ t∩ you≥ need≤ i≤ calleΣ customization«á Bu⌠á theεá yo⌡ ì
wil∞á alread∙á kno≈ that«á A≤ witΦ an∙ othe≥ prograφá creation¼á thσá firs⌠ ì
though⌠á shoulΣá bσ t∩ givσ you≥ versioε ß name«á Yo⌡ ma∙ cal∞ i⌠á WS1.COM¼ ì
WS2.COM¼áá bu⌠áá ßá distinctivσá namσá i≤á better¼áá likσá WSMAN.CO═áá (fo≥ ì
manuscripts)¼á WSLE/T.CO═ (fo≥ letter≤ shoulΣ yo⌡ bσ aε aviΣ lette≥ writer)¼ ì
o≥á anythinτá yo⌡á like«á Yo⌡ ma∙ eveε givσ i⌠ ßá namσá likσá PUSSYCAT.COM¼ ì
MCG.CO═á o≥ anythinτ elsσ yo⌡ ma∙ fancy«á Thσ ne≈ namσ mus⌠ bσá individual║ ì
Neve≥ cal∞ i⌠ WS.COM«á A≤ sooε a≤ yo⌡ transfe≥ i⌠ t∩ thσ workinτá disk¼á i⌠ ì
wil∞á overwritσ thσ prograφ witΦ thσ identica∞ name¼á anΣ yo⌡ wil∞ havσá t∩ ì
creatσ ß ne≈ onσ shoulΣ yo⌡ requirσ it«
Oncσ yo⌡ cal∞ u≡ thσ INSTA╠ program¼á i⌠ i≤ importan⌠ t∩ makσ surσ t∩ tel∞ ì
thσá compute≥ tha⌠ yo⌡ intenΣ t∩ insta∞ ß ne≈ version¼á t∩ takσ thσ prograφ ì
oεá hanΣ iε orde≥ t∩ modif∙ it≤ parameters«á Iε othe≥ words¼á yo⌡á arσá re-ì
installinτ thσ olΣ program¼á bu⌠ witΦ ne≈ features«á Iµ yo⌡ d∩ no⌠ d∩ that¼ ì
thσ computer¼ beinτ ß machinσ withou⌠ ß braiε (pardoε thσ pun)¼ wil∞ assumσ ì
tha⌠á yo⌡á arσ installinτ ß prograφ fo≥ thσ firs⌠ time«á Iµ yo⌡ don'⌠á havσ ì
WSU.CO═ oε thσ disk¼á i⌠ wil∞ displa∙ ß messagσ tha⌠ thσ prograφ canno⌠á bσ ì
Wha⌠ caε bσ achieveΣ witΦ customization┐á ┴ lot¼á iε fac⌠ TH┼ lot«á Le⌠ u≤ ì
assumσá tha⌠á yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ usσ thσ prograφ exclusivel∙ fo≥á lette≥á writing« ì
Wha⌠ woulΣ bσ you≥ requirements┐á Takσ ß piecσ oµ pape≥ anΣ writσ dowε you≥ ì
intendeΣ alterations« Fo≥ instance¼ thσ lef⌠ hanΣ edgσ shoulΣ bσ wide¼ als∩ ì
thσá righ⌠ hanΣ edge«á Yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ star⌠ thσ lette≥ si° line≤ froφ thσ top¼ ì
anΣ leavσ ß gooΣ spacσ a⌠ thσ bottom«á Thσ writinτ shoulΣ bσ justified¼ bu⌠ ì
thσá page≤á shoulΣá no⌠á bσ numbered║á Yo⌡ arσá writinτá ßá letter¼á no⌠á ß ì
manuscript«á Yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ seσ everythinτ iε italics« You≥ pagσ break≤ shoulΣ ì
bσá automatic«á Thσá inser⌠á featurσ mus⌠ bσ oε al∞á thσá timσá t∩á correc⌠ ì
mistake≤ madσ oε thσ spot« Yo⌡ wan⌠ you≥ fon⌠ t∩ bσ lette≥ quality«
Tha⌠á i≤á ßá tal∞ order¼á bu⌠ eas∙ t∩ implemen⌠ oncσ yo⌡ ge⌠á thσá hanτá oµ ì
manipulatinτáá installatioεá prograφá features«áá Le⌠á u≤á g∩á througΦá thσ ì
modification≤á onσ b∙ one«á
èCal∞á u≡á thσ installatioε program«á Ruε through¼á answerinτ al∞á question≤ ì
askeΣ correctl∙ til∞ yo⌡ reacΦ thσ pagσ witΦ thσ INSTALLATIO╬ MENU.
Yo⌡ wil∞ ge⌠ ß ne≈ screeε oµ choices«á Typσ ┼ again« No≈ yo⌡ caε changσ thσ ì
insertioε togglσ t∩ O╬ al∞ thσ time« Oncσ completed¼ thσ screeε wil∞ returε ì
t∩ thσ W╙ features«á Typσ ╞/ - justificatioε toggle«á ProceeΣ a≤ fo≥á E«á D∩ ì
likewisσá fo≥á ╚ - omi⌠ pagσ numbe≥ togglσ «á Wheε yo⌡ reacΦ ╔á - to≡á pagσ ì
margiεá - inser⌠á thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ leavσ empt∙á beforσá you≥ ì
writinτ begins¼ ╢ iε thi≤ case.
╩á i≤ thσ bottoφ margin«á Inser⌠ herσ ß 0«á Thσ reasoε i≤ that¼á shoulΣ yo⌡ ì
inser⌠ ß numbe≥ oµ lines¼á anΣ thσ printe≥ ha≤ reacheΣ thσ enΣ oµ thσá pagσ ì
beforσá thσá numbe≥á oµá line≤ havσ beeε steppeΣá through¼á i⌠á wil∞á sto≡ ì
(assuminτá yo⌡á arσ usinτ singlσ sheet≤ iε you≥ printer)«á Afte≥á yo⌡á havσ ì
inserteΣá ßá ne≈ sheet¼á i⌠ wil∞ ste≡ througΦ thσ remaininτá bottoφá margiε ì
line≤á anΣá theε begiε thσ ne≈ page«á Thσ to≡ margiε oε tha⌠ pagσá wil∞á bσ ì
large≥ thaε intended¼á anΣ wil∞ causσ troublσ witΦ thσ bottoφ margiε again« ì
Thσá matte≥á wil∞ snowbal∞ witΦ eacΦ pagσ iµ yo⌡ pu⌠ ofµá t∩á d∩á somethinτ ì
abou⌠á i⌠á - ßá commoεá failinτá iεá compute≥á programming«áá S∩á thσá mos⌠ ì
appropriatσá numbe≥ t∩ se⌠ i≤ 0«á Oncσ yo⌡ havσ se⌠ thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ pe≥ ì
page¼á yo⌡ automaticall∙ ge⌠ ß bottoφ margin« Thσ printe≥ wil∞ sto≡ becausσ ì
thσ pagσ i≤ completed¼ anΣ yo⌡ caε inser⌠ ß ne≈ sheet.
Afte≥á typinτ ═ - numbe≥ oµ line≤ pe≥ pagσ - inser⌠ 50¼á sincσ yo⌡ wan⌠á t∩ ì
prin⌠á onl∙ 5░ line≤ oε thσ page«á Yo⌡ no≈ havσ you≥ bottoφá margin¼á you≥ ì
printe≥á wil∞á wai⌠ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ page¼á whicΦ wil∞ looδá identica∞á t∩á thσ ì
previou≤ one.
Typσá ╦á fo≥ lef⌠ margin¼á inser⌠ 10¼á you≥ selecteΣ numbe≥ oµ column≤á a⌠ ì
whicΦá thσ bod∙ oµ thσ writinτ shoulΣ start«á ╠ - righ⌠ margiε i≤á adjusteΣ ì
witΦ thσ linσ length«á Inser⌠ 60/¼ sincσ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ havσ you≥ line≤ a≤ lonτ ì
a≤ that« ╬ - pagσ offse⌠ take≤ thσ entirσ bod∙ oµ writinτ anΣ transpose≤ i⌠ ì
thσá numbe≥á oµ column≤ giveε herσ t∩ thσ right«á Sincσá yo⌡á havσá alread∙ ì
determineΣá thσ lef⌠ margin¼á inser⌠ ß 0«á Oncσ yo⌡ havσ ß tria∞ ruε oµ thσ ì
page¼á yo⌡ caε usσ thi≤ feature¼á iε additioε t∩ thσ margiε adjustment¼á t∩ ì
manipulatσ thσ positioε oµ thσ writing«á Finall∙ pres≤ ╪ t∩ leavσ thσá men⌡ ì
anΣ returε t∩ thσ installatioε menu.
Typσ ─ anΣ yo⌡ ge⌠ thσ printe≥ installatioε details«á Typσ ─ agaiε t∩ reacΦ ì
thσá initializatioεá feature«á Typσ ├ fo≥ change¼á inser⌠ thσ codσ fo≥á thσ ì
escapσ character¼á thσ codσ fo≥ italic≤ anΣ tha⌠ fo≥ NLQ« Star⌠ eacΦ se⌠ oµ ì
code≤á witΦá thσ escapσ characte≥ iµ required«á The∙ arσ iεá you≥á printe≥ ì
manual« Thσ codσ fo≥ NL╤ anΣ ß certaiε fon⌠ ma∙ bσ ß singlσ se⌠ oµ numbers« ì
Printer≤á arσ differen⌠ iε tha⌠ respect«á Yo⌡ havσ no≈ tolΣ thσ prograφá t∩ ì
insta∞ thσ italic≤ fon⌠ anΣ nea≥ lette≥ qualit∙ printinτ ever∙ timσ yo⌡ usσ ì
thi≤ versioε oµ WORDSTAR«á True¼á thosσ feature≤ caε bσ implementeΣ a⌠á an∙ ì
time¼á bu⌠ iµ the∙ havσ beeε installed¼á the∙ arσ availablσ froφ thσ start¼ ì
anΣ yo⌡ caε concentratσ oε you≥ writing.
Thi≤á typσá oµ initializatioε ha≤ onσ drawback║á Yo⌡ canno⌠á implemen⌠á an∙ ì
othe≥ font¼á sincσ thσ initializatioε wil∞ overridσ an∙ othe≥ command«á Yo⌡ ì
canno⌠á usσ Elite¼á Pica¼á doublσ width¼á emphasised¼á etc«á Normall∙á thσ ì
initializatioεá i≤ se⌠ a⌠ ─ (escapσ character⌐ 4░ (rese⌠ printer)¼á ßá codσ ì
whicΦ clear≤ thσ printe≥ oµ an∙ previou≤ settings.
ShoulΣ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ changσ an∙ oµ thσ othe≥ features¼á yo⌡ arσ freσ t∩ d∩ s∩ ì
now«á O≥á yo⌡ ma∙ wan⌠ t∩ leavσ thσ initializatioε codσ a≤ i≤ anΣ implemen⌠ ìèfeature≤ b∙ usinτ thσ user-defineΣ facilities« Particularl∙ thσ latte≥ caε ì
bσ useΣ t∩ adΣ additiona∞ codes¼á bu⌠ als∩ other≤ caε bσ used¼á thσ onσ fo≥ ì
two-colou≥ ribbon≤ fo≥ instance« However¼ iµ yo⌡ d∩ that¼ yo⌡ havσ t∩ star⌠ ì
manipulatinτá you≥á prograφá agaiεá beforσá printinτá - whicΦá defeat≤á thσ ì
intentioε oµ thi≤ article.
Oncσ yo⌡ havσ finisheΣ witΦ thσ installation¼ savσ thσ prograφ oε disk« Seσ ì
ho≈ i⌠ works« Iµ therσ i≤ anythinτ no⌠ t∩ you≥ liking¼ modif∙ it« I⌠ ma∙ bσ ì
ßá littlσ bi⌠ oµ bothe≥ now¼á bu⌠ thσ timσ saved¼á anΣ thσá eliminatioεá oµ ì
worr∙á durinτá writinτá tha⌠á thing≤ ma∙ no⌠ turεá ou⌠á a≤á yo⌡á wish¼á pa∙ ì
dividends«á Bu⌠á theεá - tha⌠á i≤á thσ purposσ oµá havinτá aεá installatioε ì
program«á Iµ yo⌡ kno≈ you≥ compute≥ anΣ you≥ printe≥ thoroughly¼ yo⌡ caε d∩ ì
almos⌠ wonder≤ witΦ thσ facilitie≤ provided.
128δá SB├á witΦá dua∞ 5.25ó drives¼á greeε nomito≥ anΣ Logiteπá multΘá modσ ì
printer«á V.G« Cond« $1250.0░ o≥ $900.0░ withou⌠ printer« Softwarσ include≤ ì
W'star¼á M'plan¼á Flashprint¼á Simpl∙ D┬ anΣ more«á Al∞ manual≤ anΣ lot≤ oµ ì
Catcher≤ anΣ Onlines«á Wil∞ dem∩ usagσ iµ required« Contac⌠ Barr∙ Nortoε oε ì
phone A/H 232 - 1191 or B/H on 810 - 2229
300 - 1200/75 modem with handset. $80.00 P.Cond. Micheal Woodward 763 4046
╔ neeΣ hel≡ witΦ Kermi⌠ (no⌠ thσ frog)«á Wheε ╔ ruε Kermi⌠ oε m∙ automodem¼ ì
thσá transmi⌠ ligh⌠ come≤ oε eveε beforσ ╔ havσ toucheΣ ß key«á I⌠ wil∞ no⌠ ì
work at all. Phill Mc 751 1210
From: Mirko Fluher To: All Subject: modula2
Iµá yo⌡ arσ interesteΣ iε Modula▓ (iµ yo⌡ arσ usinτ Pasca∞ yo⌡ wil∞á be...⌐ ì
havσ ß looδ a⌠ thσ filσ 'T-MOD2.INF'« Regards¼ Mirko.
From: Frank Jones To: All Subject: 256 TC Kermit
Doe≤ anyonσ havσ ß versioε oµ Kermi⌠ whicΦ wil∞ ruε oε ß 256TC┐á ╔á alread∙ ì
havσá ßá versioε calleΣ BEKERM41.CO═ whicΦ present≤ aεá openinτá menu¼á bu⌠ ì
won'⌠á g∩ an∙ furthe≥ a≤ i⌠ doesn'⌠ recognisσ thσ ne≈ keyboard«á Iµá anyonσ ì
ha≤á sucΦá ß versioε (o≥ caε sugges⌠ ho≈ BEKERM41.CO═ coulΣ bσ modified⌐á ╔ ì
woulΣ bσ mos⌠ appreciative« Franδ Jone≤ (609)
From: Frank Jones To: All Subject: New Microbee developments
A⌠á ßá recen⌠ in-servicσ activit∙ iε Geelong¼á Keε Robertsoε displayeΣá thσ ì
variou≤á ne≈ product≤ a≤ advertiseΣ iε tha⌠ recen⌠ issuσ oµá "Onlineóá (yo⌡ ì
know¼á tha⌠ whicΦ i≤ littlσ morσ thaε aε advertisinτ brochure)« ┴ numbe≥ oµ ì
ne≈ product≤ arσ iε thσ pipelinσ includinτ thσ "Digi-Scan"¼ ß devicσ which¼ ì
wheεá fitteΣá t∩á ß Microbeσ MB-serie≤ printer¼á convert≤ i⌠ t∩á ßá picturσ ì
scanne≥ s∩ tha⌠ picture≤ caε bσ digitizeΣ anΣ useΣ iε Electriπá Paintbrush« ì
Pricσ mentioneΣ wa≤ somewherσ iε thσ vicinit∙ oµ $300«á Also¼á looδ ou⌠ fo≥ ì
somethinτ calleΣ ß "DOS-boxó whicΦ i≤ ß bo° abou⌠ thσ sizσ oµ ß CIA┬ drive. ì
I⌠á contain≤ aε MS-DO╙ 3.5ó drivσ anΣ aε IB═ X╘ board¼á tha⌠ caε attacΦá t∩ ì
thσá 256T├á anΣ use≤ it≤ keyboarΣ (apparentl∙ thσ keyboarΣ scanninτ i≤á thσ ì
samσ a≤ IBM⌐ Looδ ou⌠ fo≥ anothe≥ issuσ oµ "Onlineó anΣ somσá announcement≤ ì
arounΣ 2▓ MarcΦ t∩ coincidσ witΦ ß compute≥ sho≈ (PC88?⌐ iε Sydney.è SOUNDEX.MWB
Thi≤ i≤ ß BASI├ versioε oµ ß Z8░ M╠ program¼á whicΦ appeareΣ iεá thσ ì
Septembe≥á '8╡ A.P.C.¼á anΣ whicΦ ╔ couldn'⌠ ge⌠ t∩ worδ - hencσ thσá BASI├ ì
Thσá Sounde°á codσ wa≤ firs⌠ useΣ iε thσ 189░ U.S«á census¼á a≤ ß mean≤á oµ ì
codinτá inexac⌠á datßá - t∩ dea∞ witΦ thσá name≤á oµá semi- anΣá illiteratσ ì
people«á I⌠á work≤ b∙ encodinτ name≤ o≥ simila≥ datß a≤ ß sequencσ oµá onσ ì
lette≥á anΣá threσ digits¼á witΦ truncatioε o≥ zer∩ paddinτá a≤á necessary« ì
Encodinτ ß hearΣ namσ follow≤ si° rules:
1. Write the name as you think it is spelt.
2. Retain the first letter.
3. Ignore spaces, punctuation and non-codable letters.
4. Replace second and subsequent letters by their group code -
Group 1:BFPV Group 2:CGJKSXZ Group 3:DT
Group 4:L Group 5:MN Group 6:R
5. Delete consecutive repeat digits.
6. Truncate or append zeroes to make up four characters.
This produces identical codes for phonetically similar names, e.g:
J500 = Jamie, Jemima, John, Joan.
T320 = Thaddaeus, Thaddeus, Theodosius.
S363 = Stewart, Stuart.
╔á havσ encodeΣ m∙ wholσ mailinτ anΣ telephonσ list¼á s∩ thi≤ help≤ mσ makσ ì
sensσá oµ thσ stufµ tha⌠ end≤ u≡ oε m∙ answering-machine«á Michae∞á Ingall¼ ì
No« 195« alia≤ M24░ I524.
00010 REM ** SOUNDEX CODE, vs 1.2, January, 1988 ** √░╣╕²
00020 REM ** M. Ingall, 20 Francis Street, Tatura, VIC., 3616 ** √░╣╣²
00100 POKE 257,1:CLS √▓┤╡²
00120 CURS 1,4:PRINT"SOUNDEX converts into a truncated four-digit code
the receivedsound of names. If you make an error in typing a name
press ''@''BE EXACT! <BACKSPACE> and "; √░▓╖²
00130 PRINT"retyping will foul up the code." √▒╡░²
00140 CURS 13,11:PRINT"Enter name (press <RETURN> to finish)" √░│╢²
00150 CURS 23,14:PRINT "Code:" √▒╢▒²
00160 CLEAR √▓╡┤²
00170 CURS 0 √░▒│²
00180 DIM N0(20), N2(20) : N = 1 √▒╣╢²
00190 REM *** Enter name *** √▒╡╡²
00200 FOR I = 1 TO 20 √░╕╡²
00210 A0$=KEY: IF A0$ = "" THEN 210 √░▒╕²
00220 CURS 28+I,13: PRINT A0$;: LET N0$(I) = A0$ √░░┤²
00230 IF A0$="@"THEN RUN √▒╡╖²
00240 IF A0$=CHR(13) THEN NEXT* I 260 √░┤╢²
00250 N=N+1:NEXT I √▒│▒²
00260 REM *** Convert to STRING and encode *** √▒╡╡²
00270 X0$ ="": FOR I = 1 TO N:LET X0$ = X0$ + N0$(I):NEXT I √▒┤╖²
00280 FOR I = 2 TO LEN(X0$) √▓░▒²
00290 IF N0$(I)=N0$(I-1) THEN LET N0$="":GOTO370 √▒╖│²
00300 IF N0$(I)="B" OR N0$(I)="F" OR N0$(I)="P" OR N0$(I)="V" THEN LET
N0$(I)="1":GOTO 370 √░╕╕²
00310 IF N0$(I)="C" OR N0$(I)="G" OR N0$(I)="J" OR N0$(I)="K" OR
N0$(I)="S" OR N0$(I)="X" OR N0$(I)="Z" THEN LET
N0$(I)="2":GOTO 370 √▒░┤²è00320 IF N0$(I)="D" OR N0$(I)="T" THEN LET N0$(I)="3": GOTO 370 √▒╣╕²
00330 IF N0$(I)="L" THEN LET N0$(I)="4":GOTO 370 √▒╕░²
00340 IF N0$(I)="M" OR N0$(I)="N" THEN LET N0$(I)="5": GOTO 370 √▓░╖²
00350 IF N0$(I)="R" THEN LET N0$(I)="6":GOTO 370 √▓▒░²
00360 LET N0$(I)="" √░╡╕²
00370 NEXT I √░│╕²
00380 N1$="": FOR I = 1 TO LEN(X0$) √▒▒▒²
00390 N1$ = N1$ + N0$(I) √▒╡┤²
00400 NEXT I √░│┤²
00410 IF LEN(N1$) < 2 THEN 530 √░┤╖²
00420 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(N1$) √▒╖╡²
00430 N2$(I) = N1$(;I,I) √░│┤²
00440 NEXT I √░│╕²
00450 FOR I = 2 TO LEN(N1$) √▒╖╖²
00460 IF N2$(I) = N2$(I-1)THEN 470 ELSE 480 √▒╣▓²
00470 N2$(I) = "" √░╣╕²
00480 NEXT I √░┤▓²
00490 REM *** Convert bits and pieces back to a STRING *** √▒╡╕²
00500 N3$="": FOR I = 1 TO LEN(N1$): N3$ = N3$ + N2$(I): NEXT I √░│▓²
00510 IF LEN(N3$) > 4 THEN LET N3$ = N3$(;1,4) √▓┤▒²
00520 GOTO 550 √▒░╖²
00530 N3$ = N1$ √░┤░²
00540 REM *** Add dummy 0s to make up four digits *** √▒╡╢²
00550 IF LEN(N3$)=1 THEN LET N3$ = N3$ + "000" √░░╡²
00560 IF LEN(N3$)=2 THEN LET N3$ = N3$ + "00" √▓┤╖²
00570 IF LEN(N3$)=3 THEN LET N3$ = N3$ + "0" √▓│░²
00580 CURS 29,14:PRINT N3$ √▒░▓²
00590 CURS 13,16:PRINT"Need a hard copy? (Y or N) "; √░╢╖²
00600 Z7$=KEY:IF Z7$= "" THEN 600 √░┤╢²
00610 IF Z7$ <> "Y" THEN 660 √▒╡╣²
00620 CURS 13,16:PRINT "Switch on the printer "; √░╢╡²
00630 IF Z7$="Y" THEN OUTL#1 √▒▓╣²
00640 LPRINT X0$ √░╢╣²
00650 LPRINT N3$ √░╡╖²
00660 CURS 13,16:PRINT " "; √░╕▓²
00670 CURS 13,16:PRINT"Another name? (Y or N) "; √▓▓╕²
00680 Z7$=KEY:IF Z7$ = "" THEN 680 √░┤╢²
00690 IF Z7$ <> "Y" THEN 710 √▒╢╡²
00700 RUN √▒│╡²
00710 END √▒░╢²
Microbeσ premiuφ witΦ ▓ ° 3.5ó drives¼ Hire≤ Colou≥ monitor¼ enormou≤ rangσ ì
oµ softwarσ includinτ W'Star¼ M'plan¼ educationa∞ program≤ anΣ games« Stil∞ ì
in warranty period. $1400.00 Contact Kevin Davies on 306 - 4391
Microbeσ CIAB« 3.5"¼ Systeφ disks¼ Ful∞ manuals¼ Learninτ caε bσ fuε (word≤ ì
ª numbers)¼á Turb∩ Pasca∞ Ver│ ª manual¼á BM├ mon∩ screen« $500.0░ Als∩ BM├ ì
8░ Micrographic≤ printe≥ $200.0░ Contac⌠ Brucσ Northway« 43┤ - 4652
From: Jonathan Wells To: All Subject: Z-CMD.LBR
CoulΣ someonσ tel∞ mσ compile≥ wa≤ useΣ t∩ compilσ Z-CMD┐á ╔ havσ tr∙ usinτ ì
ZMA├ anΣ ZLIN╦ anΣ havσ beeε unsuccessful«á P.S« ╔ wan⌠ t∩ modifeΣ thσ codσ ì
t∩ usσ witΦ m∙ BBS.
A⌠á thσ las⌠ meetinτ thσ presiden⌠ detaileΣ thσ curren⌠ competitions«á Mikσ ì
Thompsoεá wa≤á calleΣ oε t∩ clarif∙ thσá Happ∙á Number≤á competition«á Thi≤ ì
generateΣá ßá prolongeΣ discussioε froφ thσ floor¼á witΦ humorou≤á comment≤ ì
froφ M≥ 'Bazaarº throwε iε t∩ furthe≥ confusσ thσ masses.
Discussioε abou⌠ thσ Onlinσ 'Summe≥ Editionº followed¼á witΦ thσá presiden⌠ ì
urginτ al∞ subscriber≤ t∩ writσ letter≤ oµ complain⌠ t∩ thσ editor.
Unfortunatel∙á thσ Bulletiε BoarΣ demonstratioε wa≤ ß non-event«á Thσ syso≡ ì
lef⌠ i⌠ a⌠ homσ a≤ therσ wa≤ n∩ wa∙ t∩ connec⌠ i⌠ t∩ anothe≥ systeφ t∩ givσ ì
ß decen⌠ demo« Howeve≥ wσ werσ informeΣ tha⌠ currentl∙ therσ arσ onl∙ abou⌠ ì
╕ -» 1░ call≤ pe≥ da∙ anΣ yo⌡ shoulΣ bσ ablσ t∩ loτ oε a⌠ almos⌠ an∙ time.
Iε thσ loungσ areß ß trasΦ anΣ treasurσ nigh⌠ wa≤ wel∞ underwa∙ witΦ plent∙ ì
oµá gooΣ bargain≤ t∩ bσ had«á Stevσ Jepsoε wa≤ offerinτ olΣ Beσá keyboards¼ ì
RO═ anΣ STARNET¼ a⌠ almos⌠ givσ awa∙ prices.
Russel∞á Crosse≥á wa≤á holdinτ anothe≥ wel∞ attendeΣá TURB╧á pasca∞á lessoε ì
(No3)«á Hσá mus⌠ bσ teachinτ thσ righ⌠ stufµ becausσ thσ 1░ t∩ 2░ iεá clas≤ ì
werσ stil∞ learninτ wel∞ afte≥ 1░ o'clock!
Thσ Bazaa≥ haΣ somσ 3.5ó disδ boxe≤ (hold≤ 80⌐ oε salσ fo≥ $20¼á a≤ wel∞ a≤ ì
thσ norma∞ bargains« Joke≤ froφ RoΣ arσ par⌠ oµ thσ service.
A≤á usua∞á thσá Chri≤ anΣ Greτ haΣ thσ Publiπ Domaiεá softwarσá servicσá iε ì
operation«á Fo≥ $▒ ß P─ disπ i≤ copieΣ t∩ you≥ formatteΣ disc« ┴ cataloguσ ì
i≤ availablσ oε pape≥ t∩ hel≡ yo⌡ makσ you≥ selection.
Hopσ t∩ seσ yo⌡ a⌠ thσ nex⌠ meeting« Regard≤ Pete≥ Burbidge.
From: Chris Richey To: All Subject: EPROM PROGAMMER ETI
MESSAG┼ O╬ TH┼ BOAR─ O╥ CAL╠ M┼ O╬ 46╖ 634╢ AN┘ TIM┼ «á ╔ HAV┼ A╬ ANSWERIN╟ ì
From: Michael Hooke To: All Subject: MODEM -> IBM
Doe≤á anyonσá kno≈ ho≈ t∩ conver⌠ ß Beemodeφ s∩ i⌠ wil∞ worδ oε aε IB═á anΣ ì
als∩ wha⌠ pin≤ havσ t∩ bσ connec⌠ t∩ connec⌠ ß beσ t∩ aε IB═ viß thσ seria∞ ì
port. Any Help Appreciated Thanks Michael Hooke
From: Warren Wilson To: All Subject: MICROBEE PROGRAM
Therσ i≤ ß musiπ prograφ iε .MW┬ pulisheΣ iε thσ Catche≥ July¼ 198┤ Pg« 13« ì
Ha≤ anyonσ go⌠ i⌠ working┐á ╔ cannot«á Iµ anyonσ ha≤ thi≤ workinτ coulΣ yo⌡ ì
pleasσ uploaΣ it«
From: Glen Logan To: All Subject: formats.lbr
Iµ anyonσ ha≤ ß cop∙ oµ FORMATS.LB╥ woulΣ the∙ minΣ uploadinτ i⌠ again┐áì
From║á Pete≥ BurbidgσáTo║áAl∞ Subject║BEEARTISTI├ » GRSAV┼áFIL┼ FORMATS
I≤á therσá anybod∙á ou⌠á therσ wh∩ ha≤ an∙ ideß oµá thσá filσá format≤á fo≥ ì
BEEARTISTI├á anΣá GRSAV┼ file≤ (PREMIU═ versions)«á ╔ wan⌠ t∩á bσá ablσá t∩ ì
transfe≥á betweeεá Basiπ anΣ BeeArtistiπ anΣá vice-versa«á Thσá BeeArtistiπ ì
addenduφ fo≥ thσ Premiuφ versioε show≤ i⌠ filσ structure¼ bu⌠ I'φ a⌠ ß los≤ ì
a≤á t∩ ho≈ t∩ turε thi≤ int∩ ß GRSAV┼ format¼á o≥ turε ß GRSAV┼ filσ int∩ ß ì
BeeArtistiπ format. Is there a UTILITY I can use ? Help please!è Programming the 256 TC Function Keys
by Frank Jones (609)
Followinτ thσ informatioε publisheΣ iε thσ "Catcher"¼á Sept«á 1987¼á herσ ì
arσ tw∩ method≤ ╔ havσ useΣ t∩ prograφ thσ 25╢ T├ functioε keys.
Thi≤ methoΣ (fo≥ thosσ wh∩ prefe≥ thσ compute≥ t∩ d∩ al∞ thσ work!⌐ i≤ t∩ ì
usσá thσá accompanyinτá BASI├ listing«á ╔ havσ useΣ BASI├ a≤ al∞á 25╢á T├ ì
owner≤ shoulΣ havσ thi≤ oε thei≥ maste≥ disk«
Iµá yo⌡á arσá typinτá thσ listinτ yo⌡ wil∞ noticσ tha⌠á nonσá oµá thσá RE═ ì
statement≤á arσá multiple≤ oµ 1░ - thi≤ enable≤ yo⌡ t∩ leavσ ou⌠ thσá RE═ ì
statements¼á iµ yo⌡ wish¼á anΣ ente≥ thσ prograφ statement≤ b∙á typinτ ì
"AUT╧ 100,10".
Notσá tha⌠ contro∞ character≤ canno⌠ bσ entereΣ directly¼á a≤ BASI├á use≤ ì
certaiε contro∞ character≤ (notabl∙ control-C⌐ fo≥ it≤ owε purposes« ì
T∩á ente≥ these¼á typσ thσ "^ó o≥ "circumflexó characte≥ first¼á e.g«á fo≥ ì
"control-Có typσ "^Có o≥ "^c"«á Thσ prograφ convert≤ thesσ t∩ thσá correc⌠ ì
contro∞ character≤ beforσ savinτ theφ iε ß file.
Eithe≥á oµá thσá abovσ method≤ wil∞ producσ ß ".COMó filσ whicΦá coulΣá bσ ì
includeΣá a≤á onσá oµ thσ "USRó functions¼á o≥ useΣá a≤á thσá initia∞ ì
commanΣ executeΣ wheε thσ disδ i≤ booteΣ (se⌠ b∙ INIT.COM).
Thi≤á listing¼á thσá documentatioεá anΣ thσ machinσ codσá versioεá oµá thi≤ ì
prograφ i≤ oε disδ 086« ED.
010 REM FNKEYS.MWB - Frank Jones (609) 21/3/88 √░╣╕²
100 CLS: CLOSE 6 √░╣│²
110 DIM A0(12) √▒╡╣²
120 CURS 17,1: INVERSE:
PRINT " Program 256 TC Function Keys ": NORMAL √▓┤╕²
130 PRINT √░│╖²
140 GOSUB 630: REM Instructions √▓┤╕²
145 REM √▒╡╖²
146 REM --------- Enter function key definitions ------------ √▒╡┤²
147 REM √▒╡╡²
150 PRINT "Please type key definitions for ... " √▒▒╖²
160 FOR I = 1 TO 12 √░╣│²
170 A0$(I) = "" √░╕▓²
180 PRINT "F";I; " ---> "; √▓░│²
190 K0$ = KEY: IF K0$ = "" THEN 190 √░▒╕²
195 REM --- Look for <CR> --- √▒╢░²
200 IF (ASC(K0$) = 13) AND (LEN(A0$(I)) > 0) THEN 250 √░▓▓²
205 REM --- Filter out control characters --- √▒╡┤²
210 IF ASC(K0$) < 32 THEN PLAY 1:
PRINT "Control characters may not be entered directly.":GOTO 170 √▒░┤²
220 A0$(I) = A0$(I) + K0$ √░┤╡²
230 PRINT K0$; √░░░²
240 GOTO 190 √░╣╕²
250 PRINT √░┤░²è260 NEXT I √░│╕²
265 REM √▒╢░²
266 REM -------------- Review ------------------- √▒╡╖²
267 REM √▒╡╕²
270 CLS √▒▓░²
280 PRINT"Function key definitions are ... " √▒╕│²
290 FOR I = 1 TO 12 √░╣╡²
300 PRINT "F";I; " = "; A0$(I) √▒╖▓²
310 NEXT I √░│▓²
320 INPUT "Type ''C'' to change, ''S'' to save ";C0$ √░▓│²
330 IF C0$ = "C" OR C0$ = "c" THEN 120 √▒╡┤²
340 IF C0$ <> "S" AND C0$ <> "s" THEN 320 √░╖░²
345 REM √▒╡╣²
346 REM -------- Deal with control characters ---------- √▒╡╢²
347 REM √▒╡╖²
350 DIM C0(12) √▒╢│²
360 FOR I = 1 TO 12 √░╣╡²
370 C0$(I) = "" √░╕▓²
380 A1$ = A0$(I) √▒╢╡²
390 F = 0 √░╕░²
400 FOR J = 1 TO LEN(A1$) √▒╕│²
410 A2$ = A1$(;J,J) √░╡╖²
420 IF A2$ = "^" THEN LET F=1: GOTO 470: REM Skip "^" char. √▒▓╢²
430 IF F = 0 THEN 460: REM Must be "normal" character √▓┤░²
440 IF A2$ > "a" THEN LET C=(ASC(A2$) - 32): A2$ = CHR(C) √░╕╢²
450 C = (ASC(A2$) - 64): A2$= CHR(C): F = 0 √░┤▓²
460 C0$(I) = C0$(I) + A2$ √░│╡²
470 NEXT J √░│╕²
480 NEXT I √░┤▓²
485 REM √▒╢┤²
486 REM -------------- Write file to disk ---------------- √▒╢▒²
487 REM √▒╢▓²
490 INPUT "Filename (.COM assumed) ---> ";F0$ √▒╖╡²
500 F0$ = F0$ + ".COM" √▒│░²
510 OPEN "O", 6, F0$ √▒┤▒²
520 OUTL#6 √░╡▓²
530 FOR I = 1 TO 9 √░▓▓²
540 READ D √▓┤╖²
550 LPRINT CHR$(D); √░╕╢²
560 NEXT I √░┤▒²
565 REM ---- M/C to set XBIOS call # 16 (set function keys) --- √▒╢│²
570 DATA 33, 9, 1, 62, 16, 239, 195, 0, 0 √░┤╣²
575 REM ---- Write function key definitions ---- √▒╢▓²
580 FOR I = 1 TO 12 √░╣╣²
590 LPRINT CHR$(LEN(C0$(I))); C0$(I); √░╖╕²
600 NEXT I √░│╢²
610 OUTL#1 √░┤╡²
620 CLOSE 6:END √░╕▒²
625 REM √▒╢░²
626 REM -------------- Instructions ------------------ √▒╡╖²
627 REM √▒╡╕²
630 PRINT"This program enables the 256 TC Function keys to be programmed."
640 PRINT"Control characters may not be entered directly, but can be"
650 PRINT"entered by typing the ''^'' character, e.g. control-C may be"
660 PRINT"entered by typing ''^'' then ''C''. Similarly, the <RETURN> key"
670 PRINT "can be entered by typing''^M''." √▒│╡²
680 PRINT \\ "Press any key to continue." √▓┤╕²
690 Z0$ = KEY: IF Z0$ = "" THEN 690 √░╡▓²
A⌠á thσá las⌠ meetinτ ╔ wa≤ askeΣ wheε wa≤ thσ bes⌠ timσ t∩ loτ oεá t∩á thσ ì
board«á Belo≈ i≤ ß couplσ oµ graph≤ tha⌠ sho≈ wheε ma∙ bσ thσ bes⌠ timσá t∩ ì
usσ thσ board« I hopes this helps you when planning your calls. ED.ì
System utilization percentages:
Hours Mins
Date Calls Used /Call User% Busy% Idle%
-------------- ----- ------ ----- ------- ------- -------
Sat 06 Feb 17 5.9 21 24.4% 24.4% 75.6%
Sun 07 Feb 10 2.2 13 9.0% 9.0% 91.0%
Mon 08 Feb 20 4.4 13 18.5% 18.5% 81.5%
Tue 09 Feb 24 6.0 15 25.0% 25.0% 75.0%
Wed 10 Feb 16 4.6 17 19.1% 19.1% 80.9%
Thu 11 Feb 22 3.6 10 15.1% 15.1% 84.9%
Fri 12 Feb 20 5.8 17 24.2% 24.2% 75.8%
Sat 13 Feb 7 3.1 27 13.0% 13.0% 87.0%
Sun 14 Feb 5 2.0 24 8.3% 8.3% 91.7%
Mon 15 Feb 12 3.7 19 15.4% 15.4% 84.6%
Tue 16 Feb 19 5.1 16 21.2% 21.2% 78.8%
Wed 17 Feb 20 5.6 17 23.2% 23.2% 76.8%
Thu 18 Feb 4 1.2 18 4.9% 4.9% 95.1%
Sat 20 Feb 15 3.1 12 12.8% 12.8% 87.2%
Sun 21 Feb 18 4.7 16 19.4% 19.4% 80.6%
Mon 22 Feb 21 7.3 21 30.5% 30.5% 69.5%
Tue 23 Feb 9 2.5 17 10.5% 10.5% 89.5%
Wed 24 Feb 14 2.6 11 10.9% 10.9% 89.1%
Thu 25 Feb 16 4.6 17 19.1% 19.1% 80.9%
Fri 26 Feb 24 4.9 12 20.2% 20.2% 79.8%
Sat 27 Feb 20 4.3 13 17.8% 17.8% 82.2%
Sun 28 Feb 16 3.5 13 14.4% 14.4% 85.6%
Mon 29 Feb 15 4.4 17 18.2% 18.2% 81.8%
-------------- ----- ------ ----- ------- ------- -------
24 day avgs: 15 4.0 16 16.5% 16.5% 83.5%
90| ####### ## 24-day average system utilization statistics:
85| ###########
80|############ # # # #
75|################ ###### In use by patrons: 16.5%
70|################# ###### Down for mail/maintenance: 0.0%
65|######################## -----
60|######################## Total system utilization: 16.5%
50|######################## Total system idle time: 83.5%
30|######################## The graph at the left shows your average
25|######################## percent chance of getting through to our
20|######################## board during each hour of the day, based
15|######################## on actual usage for the 24 days as dated
10|######################## during Feb. A `#' represents time system
5|######################## not in use.
000000000011111111112222 << The time of day (read vertically)
012345678901234567890123è START2.PAS
Versioεá 1.░á oµ STAR╘ onl∙ raε unde≥ TURB╧ v│ a≤ thσ function≤á paramcoun⌠ ì
anΣá paramst≥ arσ no⌠ predefineΣ iε TURB╧ v2«á Thi≤ versioεá define≤á thesσ ì
function≤á t∩ hopefull∙ worδ thσ samσ a≤ TURB╧ v3¼á thereforσ workinτ unde≥ ì
TURB╧ v2«á ╔ havσ precedeΣ thσ name≤ witΦ thσ ▀ s∩ a≤ t∩ differentiatσ theφ ì
froφá thσ predefineΣ one≤ iε TURB╧ v3«á Typσ sty≡ ha≤ als∩ beeε renameΣá t∩ ì
STRING12╖ t∩ bσ morσ descriptive.
program ST;
version = 2.0; {Mar '88}
{Program to load turbo pascal files saved as .CHN
Turb∩ Pasca∞ save≤ it≤ librar∙ oµ routine≤ witΦ ever∙ .CO═ file«á Thereforσ ì
thσá smalles⌠á .CO═ filσ i≤ abou⌠ 10k«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ ß lo⌠ oµ smal∞á utilit∙ ì
program≤ oε ß disk¼ ß lo⌠ oµ rooφ i≤ takeε u≡ witΦ eacΦ prograφ storinτ thσ ì
T╨ runtimσ library.
Iµá ß prograφ i≤ compileΣ witΦ thσ .CH╬ optioε instead¼á onl∙á thσá prograφ ì
codσ anΣ datß i≤ saveΣ «á Makinτ smal∞ file≤ instead¼á anΣ freeinτ u≡ ß lo⌠ ì
oµ disδ space. Now all that is needed is a program to load the .CHN files.
Ente≥á ST«á Al∞á i⌠ basicall∙ doe≤ i≤ t∩ loaΣ thσ T╨ runtimσá librar∙á int∩ ì
memory¼á takσ thσ firs⌠ argumen⌠ oε thσ commandlinσ afte≥ S╘ a≤ thσ prograφ ì
t∩ chaiε t∩ anΣ stufµ an∙ furthe≥ argument≤ bacδ int∩ ß ne≈ commandline.
Thi≤á prograφá work≤ witΦ CP/═ anΣ PC/M╙ DO╙ ,onl∙ thσ declaratioεá oµá thσ ì
variablσ cmdlinσ alter≤ - seσ thσ code.
Wheε compilinτ S╘ t∩ ß .CO═ filσ (PC/M╙ DO╙ only⌐ se⌠ thσ miε codσ anΣ datß ì
value≤á t∩á thσá bigges⌠ .CH╬ filσ yo⌡ wil∞ bσá loading«á (FounΣá wheεá yo⌡ ì
compilσ thσ .CH╬ file)
ST programname [optional programname arguments]
St by itself displays a usage message.
Rex Foord (052 513131) Sept '87
STRING127 = string[127];
program_name : STRING127;
n : byte;
{$I paramstr.i} {include functions}
{$I paramcnt.i}
procedure help_message;
writeln('ST v',version:3:1);è writeln('Program to start chain files');
writeln('Usage : ST programname [optional arguments for programname]');
procedure recreate_command_line (n:byte);
{put rest of command line arguments back into a new commandline}
i : byte;
s : STRING127;
{ cmdline : STRING127 absolute cseg:$80; (*for MSDOS*)}
cmdline : STRING127 absolute $80; (*for CP/M *)
if n > 1 then
s := '';
for i := 2 to n do
s := s + _paramstr(i);
if i < n then s := s + ' ';
cmdline := s;
else {no further arguments on line}
cmdline[0] := chr(0); {put in a blank string}
procedure start_program (program_name : STRING127);
f : file;
i : integer;
if pos('.',program_name) = 0 then
program_name := program_name + '.CHN'; {check for extension}
if ioresult <> 0 then
writeln('? Unable to chain to program ',program_name);
begin {main}
n := _paramcount; {no of parameters initially on command line}
if n = 0 then
program_name := _paramstr(1); {take first parameter as the program name}
recreate_command_line (n);
start_program (program_name);
02B├ Volumσ ▓ (Oct.83-Sept.84⌐.................. $15.0░
03BC Volume 3 (Oct.84-Sept.85).................. $15.00
04UB Volume 4 (Oct.85-Sept.86)
(Unbound-Only enough for 3..................... $15.00
MB01 MAGAZINE BINDERS (For ONLINE)................ $ 8.00
5HCK Drive Head Cleaning Kit 5.25" ................. $10.00
3HCK Drive Head Cleaning Kit 3.5" .................. $13.00
01B┴ BeeArtistiπá (Graphiπ S/W⌐á.................... $35.0░
01BP BeeArtistic Premium Version ................... $35.00
($20.00 for an Update from Standard- Old orignal for New)
001W Write Hand Man (Order) .................... $40.00
0BKP Beekeeper (see review Catcher Jan. '87)........ $90.00
1FPF Flashprint 4 (with Flashkey) ............... $50.00
002S Poor Persons Spooler (Order) ................ $40.00
003S Poor Persons Spreadsheet (Order)............. $40.00
004S Poor Persons Spelling Checker (Order)......... $30.00
005S Poor Persons Window System (Order)........... $30.00
006S Poor Persons Menus (Order)................... $30.00
007S Poor Persons Keyed Sequential Files (Order).... $30.00
00PM Printmaster Editor ............................ $25.00
Dreamcards Software Orders are available on request.
(10% discount for Club Members).
80PR Carboε Printe≥ Ribboε (New Stock - Better quality this time)
(suit xyz.80/100 printers) .......... $12.00
¬ááDISK╙ ááááá *
3SDB Blank 3.5" Disks, MAXELL SSDD Box of 10 ...... $40.00
3SDS Blanδ 3.5ó Disk≤, MAXELL SSDD Singles ........ ñ 4.00
3DSF Blank 3.5" Disks, BASF DSDD Plastic Box of 5 ... $23.00
5DSSáBlanδ 5.25ó Disks, NASHUA DSDD Singles ......... $ 1.70
3DSF Blank 3.5" Disks, BASF DSDD Singles ............$ 4.80
(These Nashua Disks are DSDD, NOT SSDD like some
which are advertised).
5DSD Blank 5.25" Disks, Singles ..................... $ 1.40
Hardwarσ come≤ a≤ is«á ┴ disδ drivσ mean≤ ß disδ driveí N∩ powe≥ supply¼ n∩ ì
cable¼á n∩ connectors¼á N╧ FITTIN╟ INSTRUCTIONS¼á nothingí Iµ yo⌡ thinδ yo⌡ ì
wil∞á neeΣá hel≡ t∩ instal∞ o≥ builΣ an∙ hardwarσ thi≤á cluΓá supplies¼á i⌠ ì
woulΣá bσá iεá you≥ bes⌠ interest≤ t∩ seeδ qualifieΣá assistancσá prio≥á t∩ ì
purchase«á Thi≤á caεá bσ obtaineΣ froφ somσ member≤ a⌠ "SIGóá nights«á N.B« ì
Clocδá kit≤ wil∞ onl∙ fi⌠ Premiuφ o≥ 1248-╢ baseboards«á Prin⌠ buffe≥á kit≤ ì
arσ board¼ eprom¼ instruction≤ anΣ manua∞ only«
00PB Don Mc Kenzie Printer Buffers
PC Board and Eprom ......................... $ 40.00
00DC 256/120ns DRAM CHIPS ........................... $ 7.00
03DD 1MEG. (Unformatted) NEC 3.5" Third Height DS/FDD $220.00
05DD 1MEG/1.6MEG DUAL SPEED 5.25" Disk Drive ........ $225.00
01T├ REA╠ TIM┼ CLOCK KIT╙ (see May Catcher)......... $ 25.00
SP01 SPEED MODULATOR (slows down BEE for games).,.. $ 15.00
5B85 DISK STORAGE BOX 5.25" (Lockable, holds 100)... $ P.O.A
5B10 DISK LIBRARY BOX 5.25" (holds 10) ..............$ 3.00
3B40 DISK STORAGE BOX 3.5" (Lockable, holds 40) ... $ 18.00
All postal orders to be sent to MBUG AUSTRALIA SALES
T∩ avoiΣ delays¼á al∞ order≤ mus⌠ includσ cheque¼ posta∞ orde≥ orì
Bankcard authorization for the total amount(inc. postal & handling
charges). Allow 21 days for the return of goods, or pick-up at the
next meeting.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please charge my Bankcard/Visa/Master Card No. ___ __ ___ ______
Expiry Date __/__/____ Signature_________________
Members Name.__________________________________ M/ship No._____
Phone Number_____________________(INC S.T.D. CODE)
Code Item Quantity Price Total Cost
____ ________________________ ________ _____ __________
____ ________________________ ________ _____ __________
____ ________________________ ________ _____ __________
Postal Fees (within Aust.) Sub-Totals Items $_________
$10 to $20 order :$2.50 Postage & Handling Fee $_________
$20 to $80 order :$5.00
greater than $80 :$7.50 Total Order $_________
Certified Mail add $1.00 Security Post add $5.00