Text File
971 lines
Club Notes
- The November Meeting .......................... 3
- Questionnaire.................................. 16
Dsk - Initialising Telcom............................ 6
Disk Users Group
Dsk - October and November meetings.................. 15
Dsk - Public Domain Disk Review...................... 10
Editorial - Participation............................. 2
Errata................................................ 5
- Thumbs buys a printer.......................... 4
Dsk - Warm Boot Problem update....................... 9
Hive Help
- Any problems - ask Dorithy Disk ............... 12
- Microbees in South Australian Schools.......... 8
Dsk - re Warm Boot................................... 9
Poking About
Rom - Auto Starting Basic programs................... 14
Trading Place
- For sale notices .............................. 13
- New book....................................... 13
¬ *
* *
* ------MONTHLY MEETING------ *
* Unley Senior Citizens Hall *
* 18 Arthur Street, Unley *
* Third Monday of the Month *
* From 7:30 - 10:00 *
* FREE! *
Copyrigh⌠á (c)«á Al∞á materia∞á publisheΣá iε thi≤ journa∞á i≤á subjec⌠á t∩
Australiaεá anΣ internationa∞ copyrigh⌠ law«á However¼á limiteΣ copyinτá oµ
individua∞ article≤ i≤ permitteΣ provideΣ acknowledgemen⌠ oµ thσ autho≥ anΣ
MICROBE┼ NEW╙ i≤ made.
Thσ MicroBeσ User≤ Grou≡ oµ S.A« (MUGSA)¼ it≤ officials¼ thσ edito≥ anΣ thσ
contributinτá author≤á oµ thσ MicroBeσ New≤ d∩ no⌠ expres≤á no≥á impl∙á an∙
warrant∙á o≥á liabilit∙á witΦá respec⌠ t∩ softwarσ o≥á hardwarσá anΣá thei≥
modification≤ whicΦ ma∙ bσ publisheΣ iε thi≤ journa∞ o≥ othe≥á publication≤
oµ MUGSA¼ o≥ describeΣ a⌠ an∙ officia∞ o≥ unofficia∞ meetinτ oµ MUGSA.
**¬ COMMITTE┼ **¬
Chairmaε -Brian Petersson.2502800(H⌐ V/Chairman -Colin Mercer. 2703563(H)
Secretar∙ -RicharΣ Jackson.2948591(H⌐ Editor -Mal Watt. 2931890(H⌐
Treasurer -Brian Uren. 2605038(H⌐ Member -Kris Sieben. 2651374(H)
Member -Fred Brunings. 2641798(H) Member -Robin Moseby. 424642(H)
*****¬ PLEAS┼ RESTRIC╘ AFTE╥ HOUR╙ CALL╙ T╧ BETWEE╬ 7.3░ - 8.3░ p.m« ******
EDITORIAL..........................................................Mal Watt
ááááááááááááThi≤ i≤ thσ las⌠ newslette≥ fo≥ 1985«á Therσ wil∞ bσ n∩ Januar∙
áááááááááááánewsletter«á Oncσá agaiεá ╔ fee∞ ╔ mus⌠ reminΣ ou≥á member≤á a⌠
áááááááááááálargσ tha⌠ thi≤ cluΓ require≤ thσ participatioε oµ al∞ oµ u≤ s∩
áááááááááááátha⌠ thσ grou≡ wil∞ prosper«
╔á thanδá al∞á oµá thosσ wh∩ havσá contributeΣá throughou⌠á thσá year¼
particularl∙ thosσ author≤ wh∩ havσ saveΣ thσ newslette≥ froφ suddeε demisσ
(eacΦá month¼á i⌠á seems)«á A≤ thσ editor¼á ╔ aφ involveΣ iε thσá committeσ
meeting≤ (thougΦ editorshi≡ i≤ no⌠ ß committeσ position⌐ anΣ havσ beeε ablσ
t∩á seσ thσ effor⌠ t∩ whicΦ thσ curren⌠ commiteσ goes¼á fo≥ thσ benefi⌠á oµ
thσ club« Thank≤ t∩ them¼ anΣ als∩ thank≤ t∩ Ton∙ anΣ Jeff¼ fo≥ runninτ thσ
librar∙ anΣ shop¼ respectively.
Therσ i≤ ß sayinτ tha⌠ participatioε enriche≤ one'≤ life« Certainl∙ i⌠
does«á ╔ becamσ edito≥ wheε thσ positioε becamσ availablσ a≤ ╔ haΣá decideΣ
t∩á 'returεá thσ favourº sincσ ╔ haΣ benefiteΣ froφ thσ cluΓ fo≥ ß yea≥á o≥
so«á It'≤á beeεá gooΣá t∩ mee⌠ anΣ/o≥ talδ witΦ peoplσá ╔á migh⌠á no⌠á havσ
done otherwise, and to have learnt things by doing so.
WitΦ an∙ interest¼á thσ leve∞ oµ sophisticatioε grow≤ (mone∙á allowinτ
i⌠á seems)¼á otherwisσ thσ interes⌠ i≤ scrapped«á Tha⌠ caε bσ seeε witΦ thσ
greate≥ numbe≥ oµ disδ bee≤ arounΣ now«á Thσ MUGS┴ cluΓ ha≤ growε thi≤á wa∙
too«á Oεá aε individua∞ basi≤ thσ usσ fo≥ sucΦ ß cluΓ a≤ our≤ caε appl∙ fo≥
onl∙á s∩á long¼á baseΣ oε wha⌠ thσ cluΓ caε suppl∙ anΣ wha⌠á aεá individua∞
needs╗ thi≤ make≤ i⌠ especiall∙ importan⌠ t∩ ge⌠ continuinτ feedbacδ t∩ thσ
committeσ t∩ kee≡ thσ cluΓ activσ anΣ useful.
Thσá committeσá feel≤ tha⌠ it'≤ timσ t∩ ge⌠ somσ ne≈ blooΣ a⌠ thσá helφá a≤
somσ oµ thσ committeσ havσ beeε activσ oε i⌠ sincσ da∙ one«á Tw∩á importan⌠
position≤ oε thσ committee¼ treasure≥ anΣ secretary¼ wil∞ bσ vacateΣ a⌠ thσ
nex⌠á AG═ (April)«á BotΦ thesσ position≤ mus⌠ bσ filleΣ otherwisσ thσá cluΓ
wil∞ havσ t∩ bσ shu⌠ down.
╔á urgσ yo⌡ t∩ thinδ abou⌠ wha⌠ yo⌡ yourselµ caε d∩ t∩ kee≡ thi≤á cluΓ
dynamiπ anΣ refreshing¼á afte≥ all¼á Microbeσ System≤ arσ no⌠ abou⌠ t∩ sto≡
makinτ Microbees¼ wσ shoulΣ no⌠ sto≡ gettinτ enjoymen⌠ froφ them«
Havσ aε enjoyablσ anΣ safσ timσ ove≥ thσ nex⌠ fe≈ weeks«á Thinδá abou⌠
cominτ t∩ thσ informa∞ Januar∙ gatherinτ t∩ talδ t∩ thσ commiteσ abou⌠ wha⌠
yo⌡ caε d∩ fo≥ thσ club« []èCLUB NOTES.................................................................
Thσá autho≥á oµ Beete° (Alaiε Remont⌐ explaineΣ wha⌠ i⌠ coulΣ d∩á anΣá saiΣ
tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ no≈ ablσ t∩ includσ drawing≤ createΣ witΦ Beeartistic.
Microbeσá System≤á (oncσá ApplieΣá Tech.⌐ brough⌠ alonτ ß 128δá witΦá ßá 1░
megabytσ harΣ disδ replacinτ thσ seconΣ flopp∙ disδ drive¼á anΣ onσ oµá thσ
colour monitors they now sell.
Softwarσá tha⌠á wa≤á runninτá oε machine≤ arounΣ thσá rooφá includeΣá Golf¼
Technica∞ Drawinτ (ß ne≈ releasσ froφ M/S)¼ anΣ RighthanΣ Man.
The club had a stand at this fair held in the Wayville Pavillion.
Microbeσá System≤á ver∙á kindl∙á supplieΣ thσá computer≤á anΣá poster≤á anΣ
assisteΣá witΦá thσ cost≤ involved«á Thank≤ t∩ thosσ wh∩ gavσ ╡á hour≤á (o≥
more⌐ oµ thei≥ timσ t∩ assis⌠ oε thσ stanΣ (especiall∙ RicharΣ Jackson).
╔á gathe≥á tha⌠ thσ committeσ consider≤ thσ club'≤ attendancσá therσá a≤á ß
succes≤á froφ botΦ thσ club'≤ anΣ microbee'≤ point≤ oµ view«á I⌠ seemeΣá t∩
highligh⌠á ho≈á littlσá thσ microbeσ i≤ advertiseΣ iε comparisoεá t∩á othe≥
A≤á yo⌡á arσá probabl∙ aware¼á wσ d∩ no⌠ havσ aε officia∞á meetinτá iε
Januar∙ (anΣ n∩ newsletter)«á Thi≤ i≤ becausσ man∙ peoplσ arσ awa∙ ove≥ thσ
Christma≤ break¼ anΣ i⌠ als∩ give≤ thσ member≤ oµ thσ committeσ ß fe≈ week≤
Wσ do¼á however¼ havσ aε informa∞ meetinτ fo≥ thosσ wh∩ woulΣ g∩ trop∩
withou⌠á somσ activity«á Thσ placσ anΣ timσ i≤ thσ samσ a≤á usual¼á bu⌠á wσ
encouragσá thosσá therσá t∩ DISCUS╙ TH┼ CLU┬ AN─ IT'╙ ACTIVITIE╙á WIT╚á TH┼
Onσá oµ thσ thing≤ wσ arσ ofteε talkinτ abou⌠ i≤ thσ lacδ oµá feedbacδ
froφ members«á I⌠ i≤ ver∙ harΣ t∩ kno≈ wha⌠ member≤ wan⌠ froφ thσ club¼ anΣ
thi≤ caε makσ thσ joΓ oµ thσ committeσ difficult«
Iεá Apri∞ wσ havσ ou≥ AGM«á Thi≤ year¼á somσ oµ thσ committeσá member≤
wil∞á no⌠á bσá seekinτ re-election«á I⌠ i≤ timσ fo≥ somσ ne≈ blooΣá oεá thσ
tille≥á (?⌐á anΣá wσ woulΣ likσ al∞ member≤ t∩á thinδá abou⌠á helping«á Thσ
Januar∙ get-togethe≥ wil∞ bσ aε idea∞ timσ fo≥ anyonσ interesteΣ t∩ talδ t∩
thσ committee«
Fo≥ thosσ wh∩ woulΣ likσ t∩ expres≤ aε opinion¼á bu⌠ can'⌠ makσ i⌠á t∩
thσá meeting¼á therσá i≤ ß shor⌠ questionnairσ elsewherσ iεá thσá magazine«
Pleasσá fil∞á i⌠á iεá (o≥ ß cop∙ oµ it⌐ anΣ senΣ i⌠á t∩á thσá club≤á posta∞
address« Thi≤ wil∞ givσ member≤ wh∩ rel∙ oε thσ newslette≥ t∩ kee≡ iε toucΦ
ß chancσ t∩ tel∞ u≤ wha⌠ the∙ wan⌠ froφ thσ club.
Thosσá wh∩á caε makσ i⌠ t∩ ß meetinτ arσ requesteΣ t∩ writσá thei≥á answer≤
down anΣá brinτ them along. []èBUYIN╟ ┴ PRINTER.....................................................THUMBS
ááááááAfte≥á Thumb≤ haΣ upgradeΣ hi≤ Microbeσ t∩ ß disδ drivσá machinσ
ááááááááááái⌠á becamσ necessar∙ t∩ producσ printeΣ information«á Thσ officσ
ááááááááááátypewrite≥á wa≤ gettinτ ß bi⌠ lonτ iε thσ tootΦ anΣ awaiteΣá it≤
áááááááááááwel∞ deserveΣ retirement.
WitΦá ß printe≥ thσ invoices¼á quote≤ anΣ letter≤ coulΣ bσ typeΣá int∩á thσ
Microbeσá usinτ WORDBE┼ anΣ eveε Thumbsº mistake≤ coulΣ bσ editeΣ s∩ tha⌠ ß
neatl∙ typeΣ documen⌠ coulΣ bσ produced.
Therσá arσ ß lo⌠ oµ printer≤ oε thσ marke⌠ bu⌠ ß quicδ examinatioεá oµá thσ
price≤á convinceΣá Thumb≤á tha⌠ mucΦ a≤ hσ woulΣ likσ t∩ owε onσá oµá thosσ
lase≥á printer≤á hσá woulΣ havσ t∩ restric⌠ hi≤á selectioεá t∩á thosσá tha⌠
operateΣ a≤ do⌠ matri° o≥ dais∙ whee∞ printers.
Onσ oµ thσ easies⌠ way≤ t∩ selec⌠ ß printe≥ i≤ t∩ se⌠ ß maximuφá pricσ
onσá want≤ t∩ pa∙ anΣ theε concentratσ oε gettinτ thσ bes⌠ valuσ fo≥á mone∙
withiε tha⌠ budget. Thumb≤á se⌠ ß maximuφ budge⌠ oµ $500«á
T∩á savσá thσá othe≥ firs⌠ timσ printe≥ buyer≤ ßá lo⌠á oµá complicateΣ
explanation≤á thσ printe≥ printinτ speeΣ tend≤ t∩ limi⌠ thσ speeΣ a⌠á whicΦ
informatioεá caεá bσ sen⌠ b∙ thσ Microbeσ t∩ thσ printer«á Thσá informatioε
tha⌠ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ thσ printe≥ froφ thσ Microbeσ caε g∩ eithe≥ viß thσá seria∞
por⌠á o≥á thσ paralle∞ por⌠ (I/╧ PORT)«á Generall∙ i⌠ i≤ bette≥ t∩ usσá thσ
paralle∞ por⌠ fo≥ printing«
Thσá usσá oµ ß buffe≥ o≥ temporar∙ storagσ devicσ betweeε thσ Microbeσá anΣ
thσá printe≥á wil∞á allo≈á thσ Microbeσ t∩ ge⌠á riΣá oµá al∞á it≤á printinτ
informatioε anΣ theε bσ availablσ t∩ d∩ othe≥ tasks.
Printer≤á expec⌠á t∩ receivσ thσ printinτ informatioε froφ ßá compute≥
vißá certaiεá wire≤á anΣ i⌠ i≤ prett∙ importan⌠ tha⌠á thσá wire≤á froφá thσ
Microbeσ linσ u≡ witΦ thei≥ counterpart≤ iε thσ printer« Iµ onσ i≤ ß cleve≥
electronic≤á persoε theε i⌠ i≤ simpl∙ ß matte≥ oµ buyinτ cablσ anΣ ß couplσ
oµá suitablσ plug≤ froφ aε electronic≤ sho≡ anΣ solderinτ thσ wire≤ t∩á thσ
plugs«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ likσ Thumb≤ theε yo⌡ g∩ t∩ ApplieΣ Technolog∙ anΣ bu∙á ß
madσá u≡á printe≥ cablσ t∩ sui⌠ thσ Microbee«á Thi≤ madσ u≡á printe≥á cablσ
cost≤ abou⌠ $30.
Thσá choicσá betweeε dais∙ whee∞ anΣ do⌠ matri° printer≤ i≤ no⌠á easy«
Thσ dais∙ whee∞ printer≤ arσ usuall∙ mucΦ slowe≥ thaε thσ do⌠ matri° bu⌠ d∩
producσ gooΣ qualit∙ printing.
Thσá maiεá advantagσ oµ thσ do⌠ matri° printe≥ i≤ tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ fas⌠á anΣá caε
producσá printout≤á oµ graphic≤ bu⌠ usuall∙ thσ qualit∙ oµ thσ printinτá i≤
poore≥ becausσ eacΦ characte≥ i≤ madσ u≡ oµ ß serie≤ oµ dots«á Somσ oµá thσ
do⌠á matri°á printer≤ havσ thσ facilit∙ t∩ retypσ eacΦ linσ anΣá shif⌠á thσ
dot≤ fractionall∙ s∩ tha⌠ thσ printinτ i≤ morσ "solidó anΣ thi≤ caε producσ
wha⌠ thσ salesmeε cal∞ nea≥ lette≥ qualit∙ printing.
Thumb≤á reaΣá ßá fe≈ printe≥ review≤ anΣ go⌠ rathe≥ los⌠á iεá al∞á thσ
technica∞ detail≤ s∩ theε askeΣ ß fe≈ oµ thσ cluΓ member≤ wha⌠ the∙ though⌠
wa≤ ß gooΣ printer«á
Severa∞ member≤ haΣ purchaseΣ thσ Logiteπ printe≥ anΣ werσ ver∙ happ∙á witΦ
it≤ performance«á Thi≤ printe≥ coulΣ prin⌠ graphics¼á fas⌠ draf⌠ do⌠ matri°
anΣ haΣ ß nea≥ lette≥ qualit∙ modσ anΣ ß smal∞ buil⌠ iε memor∙ buffe≥ (1K).èThumb≤ founΣ severa∞ shop≤ iε Adelaidσ sellinτ thσ Logiteπ anΣ sa≈ ß numbe≥
oµá demonstration≤ anΣ wa≤ ver∙ impresseΣ witΦ thi≤ printer'≤á performance«
Thσ Logiteπ i≤ marketeΣ unde≥ severa∞ branΣ name≤ includinτ Panasonic« Somσ
oµá thσá cluΓ member≤ haΣ purchaseΣ thei≥ Logiteπ printer≤á froφá Melbournσ
wherσá therσá seem≤á t∩ bσ ß morσ competitivσ spiri⌠á amongs⌠á thσá printe≥
Thumb≤á purchaseΣ ß Logiteπ whicΦ wa≤ calleΣ ß Panasoniπ KX-P109▒á anΣ
madσ surσ tha⌠ afte≥ sale≤ servicσ wa≤ availablσ iε Australia« Afte≥ buyinτ
ß bo° oµ A┤ fanfolΣ paper¼á payinτ fo≥ thσ printe≥ cablσ anΣ printe≥á therσ
wa≤á jus⌠ enougΦ mone∙ lef⌠ ou⌠ oµ thσ origina∞ $50░ t∩ takσ thσ famil∙ ou⌠
fo≥ ß mea∞ a⌠ thσ Pizzß Hut.
Thσá manua∞á tha⌠ camσ witΦ thσ printe≥ wa≤ ver∙ detaileΣ anΣ mos⌠á oµá thσ
technica∞ informatioε wa≤ wa∙ ove≥ Thumbsº head« Thumb≤ pluggeΣ thσ printe≥
powe≥á leaΣ int∩ hi≤ 240vol⌠ fou≥ pluτ socke⌠ uni⌠ anΣ connecteΣ thσ large≥
pluτ oµ thσ printe≥ cablσ int∩ thσ bacδ oµ thσ printe≥ anΣ thσ smalle≥ pluτ
int∩ thσ socke⌠ markeΣ I/╧ POR╘ a⌠ thσ bacδ oµ thσ Microbee.
T∩á star⌠ printinτ Thumb≤ switcheΣ oε thσ printe≥ powe≥ switch¼á wen⌠á int∩
WORDBEE¼á loadeΣá onσ oµ hi≤ file≤ anΣ theε selecteΣ ╨ a⌠ thσ maiεá wordbeσ
menu«á Thσ Microbeσ cleareΣ thσ screeε leavinτ ß messagσ "pres≤ returε wheε
printe≥ ready"«á Providinτ therσ i≤ pape≥ iε thσ printe≥ anΣ i⌠ i≤ switcheΣ
oε anΣ thσ printe≥ cablσ i≤ connecteΣ theε printinτ begins.
Thumb≤á ha≤á giveεá yo⌡ ß heavil∙ editeΣ versioε oµá ho≈á hσá go⌠á hi≤
printe≥ t∩ work«á ┴ lo⌠ oµ timσ wa≤ spen⌠ tryinτ t∩ ge⌠ thσ printe≥ t∩ worδ
unde≥á CP/═ anΣ usσ al∞ thσ differen⌠ type≤ oµ typσ facσ tha⌠ arσ availablσ
witΦ thσ Logitec.
Mos⌠á oµ thσ do⌠ matri° printer≤ seeφ t∩ makσ quitσ ß noisσá wheεá printinτ
anΣá i⌠ become≤ necessar∙ t∩ isolatσ thσ printe≥ iµ childreε arσ tryinτá t∩
sleep«á Iε Thumbsº housσ printinτ ha≤ beeε banneΣ betweeε 8:30pφ anΣ 7:30aφ
unti∞á aε acoustiπ hooΣ ha≤ beeε madσ t∩ enclosσ thσ printe≥ anΣ it≤á nois∙
littlσ head.
Thσá printe≥ ha≤ beeε kep⌠ bus∙ anΣ i⌠ i≤ nearl∙ timσ t∩ bu∙ anothe≥ bo° oµ
fanfolΣ paperíá Therσ i≤ stil∞ ß lo⌠ t∩ learε abou⌠ thσ capabilitie≤ oµ thσ
Logiteπá anΣ Thumb≤ i≤ lookinτ forwarΣ t∩ thσ timσ hσ caε d∩ ß screeεá dum≡
oµ ß graphic≤ programmσ hσ i≤ workinτ on. []
(Nex⌠ .......Thσ Beσ iε Business...............................)
ERRATA..November'≤ newslette≥ (pagσ 1│ Prograφ Unprotection⌐...Colin Mercer
╔ describeΣ fou≥ option≤ fo≥ usinτ cassettσ softwarσ oε ß disδ machine«
╔á theε remarkeΣ tha⌠ "Hobson'≤ Choicσ leΣ mσ t∩ thσá thirΣá option"«á Thi≤
should¼á oµ course¼á havσ reaΣ "las⌠ option"«
Therσ wa≤ als∩ referencσ madσ t∩ MLOA─ anΣ MRU╬ iε BASIC¼á thi≤ shoulΣ havσ
reaΣá LOAD═ anΣ RUNM«á
Fo≥á thosσá member≤á wh∩á kindl∙á wrotσ o≥á telephoneΣá t∩á poin⌠á ou⌠á thσ
deliberatσá mistake≤ you≥ prize≤ arσ sittinτ iε thσ Oodnadattß Pos⌠ Office¼
postagσ due. []èCommunication≤...............................................Mile≤ Pulsford
Mile≤ talk≤ t∩ Bob
ááááááááááá╔ havσ ß beσ anΣ BoΓ (iε Sydney⌐ ha≤ ß bee« BotΦ havσ modems« Wσ
ááááááááááábotΦ havσ ß Compute≥ Iε ┴ Booδ - hi≤ twiε drive¼á minσá single«
áááááááááááST─á i≤ expensive¼á Adelaidσ t∩ Sydney«á Wh∙ subsidisσ TELECOM┐
áááááááááááThi≤ describe≤ m∙ methoΣ oµ reducinτ Telcoφ setu≡ time.
Afte≥ somσ falsσ starts¼ witΦ SuperSuΓ anΣ XsuΓ ╔ settleΣ oε modifyinτ
TELCOM to reduce set up time«á
┴á usefu∞á prograφá INITIAL.TE╠ alloweΣ mσ t∩ se⌠ thσ BauΣá ratσá (ªá othe≥
parameters⌐á iε TELCOM«á ╔ calleΣ thi≤ prograφ anΣ se⌠ thσ BauΣ rate≤á oε
disδá ┴ t∩ BauΣ 120░ anΣ BauΣ 75«á ╔ se⌠ FLI╨ t∩ ORI╟ anΣ theεá addeΣá RE├
BOB.WBF«á (Thσ reasoε fo≥ settinτ FLI╨ wil∞ appea≥ later)«á ╔ theε wen⌠ t∩
SH¼ calleΣ ╙ (Systems⌐ theε ╢ t∩ modif∙ thσ colΣ boo⌠ t∩ TELCOM.
Thi≤á disδ boot≤ t∩ ß blanδ screeε iε unde≥ 6secs«á Wheε BoΓ call≤á ╔
sla≡ disδ ┴ int∩ thσ drive¼á pu⌠ thσ Modeφ oε ORIG¼ 120░ /75¼ anΣ switcΦ t∩
MODEM« Afte≥ somσ 1╡ second≤ dela∙ hi≤ messagσ start≤ t∩ comσ in« A≤ sooε
a≤á i⌠á i≤ iε ╔ switcΦ t∩ phonσ - t∩ terminatσ thσ cal∞ anΣ leavσá m∙á linσ
╔á theεá cop∙á thσ filσ BOB.WB╞ t∩ BOBx.WBF¼á wherσ ° i≤á ßá seria∞á numbe≥
updateΣá fo≥ eacΦ ne≈ message«á Thi≤ leave≤ BOB.WB╞ read∙ t∩ receivσ Bob'≤
nex⌠ message¼ whilσ savinτ hi≤ incominτ file≤ iε seria∞ order.
Disδá ┬ i≤ simila≥ anΣ i≤ fo≥ message≤ T∩ Bob«á Iµ yo⌡á havσá troublσ
witΦ this¼ rinτ mσ oε 269-4931.
Wh∙á se⌠á FLIP┐á ╔á ge⌠ confuseΣ oε settinτá thσá MODEM«á WitΦá thσ
beemodem¼ irrespectivσ oµ wh∩ originate≤ thσ call¼ ORI╟ i≤ fo≥ receivinτ a⌠
120░á BΣ anΣ AN╙ fo≥ sendinτ a⌠ 120░ BauΣ (tha⌠ ma∙ seeφ bacδ t∩ fron⌠á bu⌠
considereΣ wheε downloadinτ froφ ß bulletiε board¼á i⌠ make≤ sense)«á Iµ ╔
forge⌠ whicΦ wa∙ t∩ se⌠ thσ ORIG/AN╙ switch¼á wheε thσ disδ ha≤ booteΣ t∩ ß
blanδá screeε ╔ pres≤ BREA╦ anΣ thσ men⌡ appear≤ - showinτ thσá BauΣá rate≤
anΣ FLI╨ oε correc⌠ setting«
╔ theε se⌠ thσ ORIG/AN╙ oµ thσ MODE═ t∩ thσ correc⌠ setting¼á reboo⌠ anΣá ╢
second≤ late≥ aφ read∙ t∩ receivσ o≥ send.
Al∞á thi≤á wa≤ deaΣ eas∙ wheε wσ workeΣ i⌠ out¼á iεá Sydney«á BoΓá ha≤
Wordstar, ╔ havσ not« Hσ ha≤ hi≤ disks¼ ╔ aφ a⌠ homσ iε Adelaide witΦ onl∙
Wordbeσá t∩á hel≡á preparσá m∙ disks«á Unde≥ Wordsta≥ i⌠ i≤á eas∙á t∩á cal∞
INITIAL.TE╠á a≤ ß Noε Documen⌠ filσ anΣ t∩ edi⌠ it«á I⌠ i≤á somewha⌠á morσ
difficul⌠ unde≥ WordBee.
Froφá S╚ ╔ calleΣ ─ theε ├ anΣ copieΣ INITIAL.TE╠ a≤ INITIAL.WBF«á ╔
theε wen⌠ t∩ Wordbee¼á loadeΣ INITIAL« Oε pressinτ returε ╔ wa≤ faceΣ witΦ
ßá filσá iε whicΦ al∞ line≤ starteΣ witΦ ß characte≥ (╜ bu⌠á witΦá │á bars¼
actuall∙á 0┴á Hex)«á A≤ thi≤ characte≥ i≤ no⌠ oε m∙ keyboard¼á ╔ pu⌠ iεá ß
blocδ marke≥ a⌠ thσ star⌠ anΣ finisΦ oµ onσ line«
╔á theε copieΣ thi≤ linσ usinτ ^B¼á t∩ ß ne≈ linσ (^N⌐ a≤ thσá seconΣá las⌠
linσá (abovσá ß serie≤ oµ ??????????????????????????)«á Theε usinτá ^╟á ╔
deleteΣ al∞ thσ linσ excep⌠ fo≥ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ anΣ typeΣ iε thσ wanteΣ
messagσá iσá RE├ (o≥ iε thσ othe≥ disδ SEND⌐ BOB.WBF«á >>èFLI╨ ª VIE╫ caε bσ similarl∙ inserteΣ abovσ thσ seconΣ las⌠ line«
Thσ entr∙ bauΣ 300¼á ╔ overwrotσ thi≤ witΦ bauΣ 120░ bauΣ 7╡ (reverseΣ iε
thσ othe≥ disk)¼ no⌠ forgettinτ thσ C╥ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ eacΦ line.
╔ theε presseΣ Linσ Feed¼ anΣ saveΣ INITIAL« Thi≤ appeareΣ iε DI╥ a≤
INITIAL.WBF«á NOT┼á Thi≤á wa≤ al∞ donσ oε m∙ maste≥ backu≡ disk«á ╔á theε
copieΣ thσ INITIAL.WB╞ a≤ INITIAL.TE╠ ont∩ thσ ne≈ disks«
Thi≤ worked¼á bu⌠ wa≤ tedious«á Anothe≥ tri≡ t∩ thσ Beσ shop¼á wh∩
kindl∙ installeΣ ED.CO═ oε m∙ master«á ╔ backeΣ u≡ anΣ typeΣ thσ followinτ
E─á INITIAL.TE╠ <CR╛ #┴ <CR╛ 8╘ <CR╛ 2║á <CR╛ 8─ <CR╛ Θ <CR╛ bauΣ 7╡á baud⌠
1200^· 8║ <CR╛ Θ <CR╛ SEN─ BOB.WB╞ <CR╛ ^· ┼ <CR>« Note iε thi≤ sequencσ
ó <CR╛ ó ╜ carriagσ return¼á no⌠ thσ character≤ "<CR>"« Thσ space≤ arσ fo≥
clarit∙á iεá reading«á Thi≤ ╔ founΣ ß usefu∞ exercisσ iε startinτ t∩á learε
abou⌠ ED.CO═ anΣ modifieΣ INITIAL.TE╠ a≤ required.
Wheεá ╔á colΣ booteΣ thesσ disk≤ ╔ go⌠ ß clea≥ screeε witΦá curse≥á a⌠
'home'«á Thesσá disk≤ workeΣ wel∞ iε botΦ sendinτ anΣá receivinτá message≤
froφ Bob«á Howeve≥ therσ i≤ ß snag«á Wheε ╔ tr∙ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ message¼
thσ systeφ lock≤ up« HEL╨ Caε anyonσ tel∞ mσ ho≈ t∩ ge⌠ froφ TELCO═ t∩ W┬
s∩ thσ printe≥ wil∞ work¼ withou⌠ ß colΣ boot« Ye≤ ╔ go⌠ help¼ seσ solutioε
Therσ arσ │ solutions.
1« Cop∙ thσ filσ t∩ anothe≥ disk¼ t∩ prin⌠ out,
2« Makσ thσ colΣ boo⌠ t∩ SH« Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ on
insertinτ thσ disk¼ Shel∞ appear≤ anΣ ╔ neeΣ to
pres≤ ╘ t∩ ge⌠ t∩ thσ RE├ o≥ SEN─ mode« Thi≤ only
add≤ ß seconΣ iε time¼ bu⌠ i≤ anothe≥ operation,
designeΣ t∩ confusσ mσ further«
3« ╔ though⌠ TELCO═ wa≤ TELCOM« A⌠ thσ MUGS┴ Nov.
meetinτ ╔ wa≤ introduceΣ t∩ TELCO═ versioε 2.░ and
2.2« Minσ wa≤ 2.0« Microbeσ Systems kindl∙
replaceΣ m∙ 2.░ witΦ 2.2« ╔ caε no≈ colΣ boot
direc⌠ t∩ TELCO═ witΦ SEN─ (REC⌐ BOB.WB╞ command
alread∙ operative¼ withou⌠ PRIN╘ hanginτ u≡ the
OΦ fo≥ Wordstar!«
Havσ fuε witΦ ST─ anΣ save.
Iµ anyonσ caε hel≡ mσ witΦ cuttinτ dowε thσ waitinτ timσ whilσ hi≤ anΣ
m∙ computer≤ arσ gettinτ t∩ kno≈ eacΦ other¼ o≥ an∙ oµ thσ othe≥ problem≤
iε thi≤ areß pleasσ rinτ me.
Thσá minimuφá requirement≤á fo≥ ß disδ whicΦ wil∞á maximisσá availablσ
storagσ spacσ fo≥ lette≥ file≤ are:-
FORMA╘áá AN─á CP═á (SYSTEM)¼áá thσá file≤á TELCO═á (preferabl∙áá 2.2)¼
INITIAL.TEL╗á anΣá fo≥á Wordbeσá WORDBEE.COM;¼á o≥á fo≥á Wordsta≥á WS.COM¼
WSOVLY1.COM¼á WSMSGS.COM«á Somσá othe≥ additiona∞ file≤ coulΣ bσ addeΣá t∩
sui⌠ you≥ individua∞ needs. []èMicrobees in South Australian Schools........................Bernie Nichols
[Herσ i≤ ß lette≥ t∩ thσ edito≥ prompteΣ b∙ thσ Novembe≥ editorial.]
Microbee≤ iε SoutΦ Australiaε schools┐á Therσ arσ quitσ ß fewí Alonτ
witΦ onσ Areß schoo∞ oε Eyrσ Peninsula≥ anΣ onσ largσ Independen⌠ schoo∞ iε
Adelaide¼á botΦ oµ whicΦ havσ Starnet≤ installed¼á al∞ thσ Catholiπ school≤
iε thσ MiΣ NortΦ region¼á witΦ morσ school≤ froφ ou≥ othe≥ region≤ planninτ
t∩ d∩ likewise¼ usσ Microbees« Thσ numbe≥ oµ ou≥ school≤ usinτ Microbeσ b∙
Term 1 1986 will be eleven.
Thσá equipmen⌠ beinτ useΣ include≤ onσ 1░ Meτ HarΣ Disπ systeφ useΣ a≤
ßá par⌠ oε thσ MiΣ NortΦ Librar∙ Resource≤ Sharinτ Projec⌠ anΣ ont∩á which¼
usinτ dBasσ II, i≤ beinτ pu⌠ ß completσ unioε cataloguσ oµ al∞ thσ schoolsº
resource≤ t∩ facilitatσ thei≥ sharing«á EacΦ schoo∞ anΣ thσ centra∞ officσ
iεá Por⌠á Piriσá havσ onσ 128╦ Microbeσ anΣ ß numbe≥ oµá thσá school≤á havσ
additiona∞á 32╦á PC 85s«á Latσ thi≤ yea≥ o≥ earl∙ next¼á ß Starne⌠á oµá 1╢
computer≤á i≤á t∩ bσ installeΣ iε onσ oµ thσ schools¼á whilσá anothe≥á wil∞
instal∞ eithe≥ ß Starne⌠ o≥ Beenet«á ╔ personall∙ usσ ß twiε disπ C.I.A.B«
a⌠ homσ anΣ aε S.B.C« a⌠ work.
Man∙á peoplσá havσ askeΣ mσ "Wh∙ Microbee?ó Therσ arσá man∙á reasons«
Firstl∙á i⌠á i≤ aε Australiaε compute≥ originall∙ designeΣ witΦ school≤á iε
mind«á Thσá fac⌠á tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ Australiaε carrie≤ man∙á advantage≤á fo≥á ou≥
school≤á - particularl∙á sincσá thσ softwarσ writteε fo≥ i⌠á i≤á Australiaε
based« I⌠ i≤ recommendeΣ iε N.S.W.¼ Queensland¼ W.A.¼ anΣ morσ recentl∙ iε
Victorißá (witΦ thσ extendeΣ graphic≤ capabilities)¼á anΣ becausσ oµá this¼
there is a huge amount of software being produced for it.
Thσá C.A.R.E«á Projec⌠ i≤ ß gooΣ example«á CAR┼ stand≤á fo≥á Compute≥
AssisteΣá Remedia∞á Education«á Thi≤ project¼á fundeΣ jointl∙ b∙á thσá NS╫
Educatioεá Departmen⌠ anΣ thσ Curriculuφ Developmen⌠ Centrσ i≤ producinτá ß
remarkablσá numbe≥ oµ higΦ qualit∙ program≤ whicΦ arσ no≈ beinτá translateΣ
int∩á Applσ forma⌠ a≤ well«á Unfortunatel∙ yo⌡ don'⌠ seσ thesσ program≤ a⌠
the Microbee Shop but I am hoping that arrangements to do this can be made.
┴ seconΣ majo≥ reasoε fo≥ optinτ fo≥ Microbeσ wa≤ it≤ stateΣ polic∙ oµ
upgradability«á Thi≤á enable≤á thσá computer≤ t∩á bσá upgradeΣá relativel∙
cheapl∙á whilσ a⌠ thσ samσ timσ maintaininτ al∞ thσ origina∞á software«á ╔
kno≈á oµá somσ school≤ alread∙ wh∩ regre⌠ havinτ purchaseΣ computer≤á whicΦ
arσ alread∙ obsolete.
Thirdly¼á wheεá purchasinτá computer≤á fo≥ ou≥ schools¼á thσá ideßá oµ
flexibilit∙á wa≤á oµ paramoun⌠ importance¼á particularl∙á fo≥á ou≥á smalle≥
schools«á Thu≤á ß compute≥ whicΦ i≤ capablσ oµ handlinτ educationa∞ needs¼
officσ need≤ anΣ librar∙ need≤ becamσ ß sensiblσ choice«á Withiε mos⌠á oµ
ou≥ school≤ now¼á thσ Microbee≤ arσ beinτ useΣ a⌠ differen⌠ time≤ doinτ al∞
thesσá kind≤á oµ activities«á A≤ thσ school≤ purchasσ morσ computer≤á the∙
wil∞á undoubtedl∙ slo⌠ theφ int∩ variou≤ niches¼á bu⌠ a⌠ an∙ timσ the∙á caε
al∞ bσ pooleΣ o≥ eveε networkeΣ iµ necessar∙ - anΣ thi≤ caε bσ donσ withou⌠
having to cope with differing software formats.
WitΦ thσ ne≈ LOG╧ (ß ful∞ implementatioε simila≥ t∩ Applσ LOGO)¼ Turb∩
Pascal¼á variou≤ databases¼á Multiplan¼ Wordstar¼ Wordbeσ anΣ thσ ne≈ Earl∙
WorΣá infant≤á wordprocessor¼á alonτá witΦ thσ largσá rangσá oµá Australiaε
educationa∞ softwarσ no≈ available¼á i⌠ wil∞ bσ ß lonτ timσ beforσ therσ i≤
an∙ neeΣ t∩ changσ awa∙ froφ thσ Microbeσ - anΣ eveε theε i⌠ wil∞á probabl∙
be just an upgrade to the next generation of Microbee. []èWARM BOOT PROBLEM UPDATE...................................................
LETTER TO A MEMBER from Microbee Systems
[] Iεá thσ Septembe≥ 198╡ newslette≥ (pagσ 14⌐ Aussiσ Kanδ wrotσ abou⌠á thσ
áááwarφ boo⌠ problem≤ witΦ ß Compute≥ Iε ┴ Book«á Hσ wrotσ als∩ t∩ AT«
Herσ i≤ AT'≤ responsσ t∩ tha⌠ letter«á Wσ checkeΣ witΦ ß loca∞ A╘ re≡ t∩
áááensurσ tha⌠ i⌠ woulΣ bσ oδ t∩ reprin⌠ thσ lette≥ - E─ []
Dear Sir,
Thanδá yo⌡ fo≥ you≥ lette≥ oµ 17/╕ regardinτ thσ problem≤ witΦá RESET-
BREA╦á oεá ou≥á Computer-In-A-Book«á A≤á yo⌡á arσá obviousl∙á aware¼á thi≤
particular item has been a cause of much concern for us.
Thσ desigε specificatioε fo≥ thσ dynamiπ RA═ boarΣ a≤ useΣ iε thσ CIA┬
doe≤á no⌠á guaranteσá tha⌠á thσ content≤ oµ RA═ wil∞ bσá unchangeΣá b∙á an∙
operatioεá involvinτá usσ oµ thσ RESE╘ key«á Thσ severit∙ oµá thi≤á varie≤
accordinτá t∩á thσ vagarie≤ oµ certaiε IC'≤ iε thσá 'bee¼á althougΦá i⌠á i≤
possiblσá t∩ apparentl∙ "cureó thσ probleφ usinτ certaiεá combinations¼á a≤
you have found.
Thi≤á memor∙ corruptioε conditioε manifest≤ itselµ mos⌠ obviousl∙ wheε
ß RESET-BREA╦ i≤ donσ unde≥ BASIC¼ anΣ thσ interprete≥ itselµ i≤ corrupted«
Thσá fac⌠ tha⌠ thi≤ coulΣ happeε wa≤ no⌠ madσ clea≥ t∩ thσ writer≤á oµá thσ
manuals¼á anΣá a≤ thσ RESET-BREA╦ wil∞ appea≥ t∩ worδ mos⌠ oµ thσ time¼á i⌠
wa≤á no⌠ deleteΣ froφ thσ origina∞ specificatioε oµ MicroWorlΣá Disδá BASI├
carrieΣá ove≥á froφ thσ CMO╙ RA═ 56δ A.P.C«á computer«á Wσá arσá currentl∙
inserting an addendum into the CIAB BASIC manual explaining this point.
A⌠á thi≤ poin⌠ iε time¼á wσ arσ no⌠ examininτ an∙ wa∙ oµ removinτ thi≤
conditioεá iε hardware¼á a≤ thi≤ woulΣ requirσ ß radica∞ re-desigεá oµá thσ
board«á Wha⌠á wσá arσá doinτá i≤ lookinτ fo≥á possiblσá place≤á wherσá thσ
MicroWorlΣá BASI├ interprete≥ coulΣ bσ modifieΣ t∩ hel≡ eliminatσ thσá neeΣ
t∩ usσ thσ RESET-BREA╦ ke∙ combination« Aε examplσ oµ ß possiblσ conditioε
tha⌠á ma∙á bσ fixeΣ i≤ thσ even⌠ wherσ outpu⌠ i≤ directeΣ to¼á o≥ inpu⌠á i≤
directed from, the serial or parallel ports when no device is attached.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ an∙ furthe≥ suggestion≤ fo≥ possiblσ faul⌠ condition≤ tha⌠
currentl∙ requirσ thσ usσ oµ RESET-BREAK¼á pleasσ d∩ no⌠ hesitatσ t∩ direc⌠
them in writing to us here at Gosford.
Iε ß differen⌠ vein¼á Microbeσ System≤ ha≤ jus⌠ se⌠ u≡ ß ne≈ "Softwarσ
Departmentóá t∩ handlσ al∞ aspect≤ oµ softwarσ distribution«á A≤ ßá senio≥
membe≥á oµá thi≤ section¼á onσ oµ m∙ responsibilitie≤ wil∞ bσá ensurσá tha⌠
adequatσá liasioεá i≤á maintaineΣá witΦ use≥á group≤á anΣá othe≥á technica∞
personnel«á Iµá yo⌡ havσ an∙ enquirie≤ regardinτ softwarσ o≥á hardware¼á ╔
wil∞ bσ morσ thaε happ∙ t∩ answe≥ theφ iµ yo⌡ senΣ mσ ß letter« Please¼ d∩
no⌠ 'phonσ mσ a≤ yo⌡ ma∙ no⌠ bσ ablσ t∩ contac⌠ mσ directly.
Yours Sincerely,
Craig Southeren
Senior Product Engineer []èPUBLIC DOMAIN DISC LIBRARY.....................................Warren Doman
Thσá cluΓ ha≤ no≈ somσ twent∙ publiπ domaiε discs«á Wσ plaε t∩ releasσ
thσ ne≈ one≤ tw∩ o≥ threσ pe≥ month« ┴ revie≈ oµ eacΦ disπ will¼ hopefully¼
bσ iε thσ magazinσ wheε thσ disc≤ arσ available«á Belo≈ i≤ ß revie≈ oµá onσ
oµ thσ ne≈ one≤ no≈ available«
Softwarσ Revie≈ - MUGS┴ DIS├ No« 01▓
Oεá reviewinτá thi≤ disc¼á ╔ aφ iε n∩ wa∙ implyinτ expertisσ iεá thi≤
fielΣá bu⌠á merel∙á approachinτá i⌠ a≤ aεá amateu≥á viewinτá othe≥á people≤
expertise«á Thi≤ disπ contain≤ ß couplσ oµ M/├ languagσ sourcσ code≤ ¼á aε
objec⌠á codσá prograφá anΣ 6▓ MicroworlΣá Basiπá programs«á Somσá oµá thesσ
program≤á arσ duplicateΣ witΦ modification≤ t∩ makσ theφ morσ suitablσá fo≥
colou≥ Bee≤ anΣ thesσ arσ prefixeΣ witΦ thσ lette≥ C« Therσ arσ als∩ quitσ
ß fe≈ shuffle≤ anΣ sort≤ froφ Wildcard≤ II.
ADFLA╟á - SounΣ ª Graphic≤ Demo«á Draw≤ ß picturσ oµ thσ Australiaεá flaτ
whilσ playinτ Advancσ Australiß Fair¼ theε display≤ word≤ fo≥ thi≤ song.
ALPHS╧ - Bubblσ Sort«áSimplσ bubblσ sor⌠ oµ littlσ actua∞ usσ excep⌠ fo≥
thσ demonstratioε oµ ß principle.
BAGLE╙ - Guessinτ game« Yo⌡ havσ t∩ gues≤ ß numbe≥ tha⌠ thσ compute≥ ha≤
generateΣ and it will tell you if you got any of the digits right.
BISMAR╦ - Game« Simplσ bombinτ gamσ whicΦ doesn'⌠ requirσ mucΦ skill¼ bu⌠
ha≤ thσ potentia∞ fo≥ furthe≥ development.
BJACK╢ - Game«á GooΣ gamσ oµ blackjack¼áiµ yo⌡ likσ carΣ games¼ anΣ ha≤
grea⌠ graphics« I'l∞ havσ t∩ learε ho≈ the∙ makσ tha⌠ graphic≤ stufµ work.
BRICKOU╘ - Game«á Interestinτ gamσ oµ knockinτ brick≤ ou⌠ oµ ß wal∞á whicΦ
works better if you usσ ß joystick«á Look≤ ß bi⌠ likσ thσ gamσá froφá thσ
WildcarΣ II╔ book« (Seσ CBRIKOU╘ fo≥ ß versioε witΦ bette≥ ba⌠ movement).
BUG-DUE╠ - Game«á Anothe≥ gooΣ gamσ fo≥ tw∩ peoplσ wherσ yo⌡ movσ arounΣ ß
griΣ mucΦ likσ Pac-Maε anΣ tr∙ t∩ ea⌠ thσ othe≥ Bug≤ tail.
CADFLA╟ - Samσ a≤ ADFLAG with mods for colour.
CAME╠ - Adventurσ game«á Thinδ we'vσ seeε i⌠ before« Simila≥ t∩ ß CAME╠
prograφ oε anothe≥ cluΓ disc«
CASHB╦á - Smal∞ spreadsheet«á GooΣ tr∙ bu⌠ no⌠ mucΦ practica∞ usσ a≤ it'≤
to∩á slo≈á wheε eve≥ i⌠ recalculate≤ it'≤ column≤ anΣ i⌠ can'⌠á 'gotoºá an∙
position« Migh⌠ bσ wortΦ modifyinτ iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ havσ ß spreadshee⌠ already.
CBISMARK - Same as BISMARK with mods for colour.
CBRIKOU╘á - Samσá a≤á BRICKOU╘á witΦ mod≤ fo≥ colou≥ bu⌠á witΦá bette≥á ba⌠
movemen⌠ when not using a joystick.
CBUGDUEL - Same as BUG-DUEL with mods for colour.
CLOTT╧á - Samσ a≤ LOTT╧ witΦ mod≤ fo≥ colou≥ bu⌠ i⌠ doesn'⌠ worδ s∩á wel∞
a≤á thσá inversσ i≤ no⌠ useΣ t∩ marδ selectioε anΣ m∙ screeε ha≤á onl∙á onσ
colour which is green.
COSTE╥ - Prograφ t∩ calculatσ Profi⌠ anΣ retai∞ price≤ etc« giveε ß marδ
u≡á percentagσá bu⌠ i⌠ appear≤ t∩ havσ aε erro≥ iε thσ retai∞á pricσá area«
Appear≤ t∩ bσ par⌠ oµ ß large≥ prograφ anΣ ha≤ thσ odd¼ got∩ ß non-existen⌠
linenumbe≥, iε it.
COT-REV - Same as OT-REV with mods for colour.
DIVID┼á - Binar∙ divisioε program«á I'φ surσ thi≤ woulΣ bσ ß ver∙á usefu∞
program, if I only knew what it did. (See MULTI for similar program.)
DUNNI╘á - Wh∩ Dunni⌠ game«á Look≤ ver∙ mucΦ likσ thσ boarΣ gamσá Cluedo«
Yo⌡á havσá t∩ finΣ ou⌠ wh∩ dunnit¼á wherσ anΣ ho≈ anΣ wheεá it'≤á reruεá i⌠
change≤ thσ scenario.
EQAT╬ - Educationa∞ game«áGooΣ gamσ t∩ teacΦ menta∞ arithmetiπ iε whicΦ ènumber≤á floa⌠ arounΣ anΣ yo⌡ shoo⌠ theφ dowε t∩ makσ aε equation«á I⌠ doe≤
requirσ somσ erro≥ trappinτ t∩ bσ addeΣ t∩ sto≡ thσ prograφ crashinτ incasσ
thσ equatioε yo⌡ makσ trie≤ t∩ dividσ b∙ ░ o≥ b∙ nothing«
GRADE═á - Graphic≤ demonstration«á GooΣ examplσ oµ usinτ thσ plo⌠ commanΣ
witΦ erro≥ trapping.
JUK┼ - SounΣ demonstration« Use≤ thσ pla∙ commanΣ t∩ reproducσ severa∞
tune≤ a≤ iε ß Jukebox.
KALEIDS├á - Graphic≤á demonstration«á Doesn'⌠ worδ oε m∙ Bee¼á perhap≤á i⌠
need≤ ß colou≥ Bee«
LANDE╥ - Game«á Typica∞ velocit∙ versu≤ burε rati∩ game«á Look≤ likσá i⌠
ha≤á aε error¼á a≤ wheε tryinτ t∩ lanΣ oε Vesta¼á eveε witΦ maximuφ burε i⌠
stil∞ crashe≤ ever∙ time« Perhap≤ it'≤ jus⌠ onσ oµ thosσ Vestß situations.
LINE1╖á - Demonstratioε program«á ┴ cleve≥ littlσ prograφ tha⌠ show≤á ho≈
thσ 17tΦ linσ oε thσ screeε oµ you≥ Beσ caε bσ used.
LOTT╧á - Prograφ t∩ picδ XLOTT╧ numbers«á Caε asδ i⌠ t∩ picδ number≤ fo≥
system 6 TO 15, but it appears to get lost trying to pick over 13 numbers.
MAPNZ - Graphics demonstration. Draws a map of New Zealand.
MATH╙á - Educationa∞á program«áá Prograφá t∩á givσá hel≡á witΦáá menta∞
arithmetiπá iε whicΦ yo⌡ caε selec⌠ typσ oµ sum¼á ie«á ½ - ¬ /«á I⌠ ha≤ n∩
timσ limi⌠ anΣ give≤ yo⌡ ß Ñ figure showinτ correc⌠ answers«
MEDLE┘á - SounΣ demonstration«á Thi≤ i≤ aε extensioε t∩ thσ prograφ JUK┼
iε whicΦ yo⌡ caε eithe≥ selec⌠ ß tunσ o≥ ß preselecteΣ medle∙ oµ tunes.
MEMOR┘á - Memor∙ tes⌠ game«á Show≤ yo⌡ couplσ oµ card≤ witΦ correspondinτ
number≤ anΣ yo⌡ havσ t∩ tr∙ t∩ pai≥ u≡ thσ cards« Grea⌠ graphics.
MENUGE╬ - Utilit∙ program«á Prograφ generate≤ Basiπ codσ fo≥ thσ men⌡ fo≥
ß Basiπ program.
MMIN─ - MasterminΣ game«á Ver∙ mucΦ likσ thσ rea∞ boarΣ game«á Cleverl∙
done¼á ╔á coulΣ ge⌠ t∩ likσ thi≤ onσ bu⌠ iµ i⌠ won⌠ accep⌠ you≥á choicσá oµ
colou≥ theε tr∙ usinτ uppe≥ case.
MNEFL─á - MinefielΣ typσ game«á Yo⌡ caε changσ thσ degreσ oµá difficult∙
b∙á varyinτ thσ amoun⌠ oµ mine≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ t∩ finΣ you≥ wa∙á past«á Ver∙
frustrating game if you're not lucky.
MUGWM╨á - Gamσ t∩ finΣ thσ Mugwump«á Tr∙ t∩ finΣ thσ Mugwum≡ iε ß 1░ ° 1░
griΣá thσá eas∙á wa∙ b∙ gettinτ co-ordinate≤ t∩ hel≡ o≥ thσá harΣá wayá b∙
gettinτ ß distancσ onl∙ bu⌠ n∩ direction«
MULT╔ - Utilit∙ program« Prograφ doe≤ binar∙ multiplicatioε (Seσ DIVID┼
fo≥ simila≥ typσ program.)
ODD╙á - Educationa∞ program«á Teache≤ younτ childreε whicΦ onσ i≤á thσ
odΣ onσ ou⌠ iε ß grou≡ oµ object≤ b∙ movinτ ß pointe≥ t∩ tha⌠ one.
OT-RE╓á - ┴á gamσ agains⌠ thσ computer«á Thi≤ onσ go⌠ mσ iε anΣá ╔á founΣ
myselµá cominτá bacδ t∩ i⌠ timσ anΣ timσ agaiε tryinτ t∩ bea⌠ it«á ┴á grea⌠
gamσá bu⌠ sometime≤ i⌠ doesn'⌠ recognizσ tha⌠ thσ gamσ i≤ finisheΣ anΣá yo⌡
havσ t∩ pu⌠ iε ╨ fo≥ pas≤ and then i⌠ carrie≤ oε anΣ doe≤ thσ righ⌠ thing.
PEEKE╥á - Utilit∙á program«á Thi≤á prograφá allow≤á yo⌡á t∩á reaΣá memor∙
location≤á withiε ß Basiπ prograφ anΣ display theφ bytσ b∙ byte«á I⌠á als∩
display≤ linenumbe≥s anΣ thσ pointe≥ t∩ thσ nex⌠ linenumber«á Jus⌠ mergσ i⌠
ont∩ thσ enΣ oµ thσ prograφ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ looδ a⌠ anΣ awa∙ yo⌡ go.
PIVOT1á - Demonstratioε Pivo⌠ Sor⌠ program«á Prograφ show≤ number≤ beinτ
sorteΣ oε screeε excep⌠ therσ appear≤ t∩ bσ ß buτ iε i⌠ a≤ i⌠ doesn'⌠á sor⌠
it properly. From Wildcard II.
PIVOT▓á - Simila≥ t∩ PIVOT▒ excep⌠ i⌠ sort≤ characte≥ string≤ anΣ i⌠ doe≤
work. From Wildcard II.
PLO╘á - Polynomia∞ anΣ interpolatioε plo⌠ program«á Iµ yo⌡á kno≈á wha⌠
thi≤ mean≤ yo⌡ wil∞ probabl∙ finΣ thi≤ prograφ usefu∞ anΣ iµ yo⌡ don'⌠ theε
it's worth looking at the way it uses plot to display its graphs.
PRESTOR┼ - Utilit∙ Program«áWheε ruε i⌠ create≤ ß basiπ prograφ anΣ store≤
i⌠á oεá tape«á Iµá yo⌡ havσ ß basiπ prograφ crash¼á yo⌡ caε ruεá thσá tapσ
prograφ anΣ i⌠ wil∞ restorσ you≥ crasheΣ program«á Seem≤ likσ ß lonτá wa∙ èt∩ g∩ abou⌠ solvinτ thσ probleφ t∩ me.
RANDO═á - Demonstratioε program«á Prograφ investigate≤ thσ randoφá numbe≥
generator but the variable random test part does not seem to work.
RECI╨á - Utilit∙á program«á Prograφ t∩ calculatσ thσá reciproca∞á oµá ß
numbe≥ t∩ 10░ decima∞ places.
ROMA╬á - Utilit∙á program«á Prograφá convert≤ Romaε numeral≤á t∩á Arabiπ
(English⌐ anΣ vicσ versa.
SCROL╠á - Demonstratioε program«á Prograφ show≤ tex⌠ scrollinτá iεá pixe∞
increments within a window. Text is changed to PCG characters for display.
SHELL▓á - Demonstratioε program«áI⌠ i≤ ß Shell-Metzne≥ sor⌠ demonstratioε
writteε iε machinσ language. From Wildcards II.
SHELL═á - Samσá a≤á SHELL▓ bu⌠ yo⌡ caεá lis⌠á i⌠á beforσá running«á Froφ
Wildcards II.
SHUFL▒á - Shufflσ subroutine«á Thσ threσ Shuf∞ subroutine≤ al∞ arσá mucΦ
thσ samσ a≤ the∙ jus⌠ shufflσ cards« Froφ Wildcard≤ II.
SHUFL2 - Same as SHUFL1. " " "
SHUFL3 - Same as SHUFL1. " " "
SNAKE▒á - Game«á Iεá thi≤ gamσ ß snakσ chase≤ ß man«á I⌠ i≤á simila≥á t∩
another gamσ calleΣ Hustle.
SORT▒ - Sor⌠ demonstration« Prograφ sort≤ samσ datß a≤ PIVOT▒ bu⌠ usinτ
ß differen⌠ method« Thi≤ onσ work≤ bu⌠ i≤ quitσ slow« Froφ Wildcard≤ II.
SORT▓ - Sor⌠ demonstration«áPrograφ sort≤ samσ datß a≤ PIVOT▓ bu⌠ usinτ
ßá differen⌠ method«á Notσ slownes≤ oµ thi≤ sor⌠ compareΣ t∩á PIVOT2«á Froφ
Wildcards II.
SPACERK╙ - Game«áGuidσ ß spaceshi≡ througΦ thσ spacσ rock≤ theε docδá witΦ
thσ mothership.
SPELL┴á - Spellinτá checker«á Iµ ╔ haΣ t∩ givσ thi≤ prograφ ßá ratinτá ╔
woulΣá sa∙ i⌠ wa≤ poo≥ a≤ i⌠ ha≤ n∩ documentatioε o≥ RE═ statement≤ oεá ho≈
t∩ ruε i⌠ a⌠ all« Yo⌡ havσ t∩ adΣ thσ word≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ wan⌠ checkeΣ int∩ Datß
statement≤ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thi≤ program«á I⌠ theε load≤ SPELLA▒ whicΦá check≤
agains⌠ thσ limiteΣ lis⌠ oµ word≤ iε it'≤ Datß lines«á Als∩ ╔ haΣ t∩ changσ
thσá Pokσá addres≤ t∩ ß freσ areß t∩ ge⌠ i⌠ t∩ worδ oε m∙ Beσ a≤á thσá areß
stipulateΣ i≤ useΣ b∙ m∙ disc system« No⌠ ß ver∙ practica∞ prograφ either.
SPELLA▒á - Used with SPELLA.
SQUPIK - Game. Pick a square and match the hidden numbers.
STRNG▒á - Strinτá manipulatioε demonstration«á No⌠ reall∙á mucΦá usσáfo≥
anything. From Wildcards II.
STRNG2 - Similar to STRNG1. From Wildcards II.
WAMA╪á - Menta∞á arithmetiπ program«á Ha≤ thσ abilit∙ t∩ bσ altereΣá t∩
sui⌠á differen⌠á leve∞á student≤ anΣ caε bσ setu≡ t∩á monito≥á progres≤á b∙
WEIGHT - Program to check if you're obese.
LPRIN╘á - Sourcσ codσ fo≥ ß prograφ designeΣ t∩ ruε oε ß 16╦ Beσ anΣáuseΣ
fo≥ ß 11░ BauΣ Westre° Teletypσ usinτ aε AsciΘ characte≥ set.
BILBOAR─á - Machinσá languagσ program«á Thi≤ prograφ display≤ ßá BillboarΣ
messagσ oε thσ screeε whicΦ caε bσ changeΣ a≤ required.
BBOARD - Source code for BILBOARD. []
Hive Help......................................................Dorithy Disk
Ha≤á anyonσá typeΣ iε thσ serie≤ oµ program≤ appearinτá iεá Australiaε
Persona∞á Compute≥á calleΣá Brimstone┐á Iµ so¼á yo⌡ woulΣá savσá m∙á stump≤
(fingers)¼ al∞ tw∩ oµ them« Membe≥ 201« []
***************************************************************************èTRADING PLACE..............................................................
[] Books from Microbee Systems
Microbeσ System≤ Pty«á Ltd«á (A╘ t∩ mos⌠ oµ us⌐ havσ recentl∙ releaseΣ
tw∩ ne≈ books« Actually¼ i⌠ i≤ onσ anΣ ß halµ ne≈ books.
Thσá onσá i≤á calleΣá "Thσ Winnersó anΣ i≤ ßá collectioεá oµá program≤
submitteΣá t∩á ß competitioε helΣ b∙ thσ Sydne∙ Use≥ Group«á (Ho≈á d∩á the∙
managσ t∩ ge⌠ member≤ t∩ g∩ iε fo≥ thei≥ competitions?)«á
Al∞ thσ program≤ (therσ arσ thirteen⌐ arσ writteε iε MicroworlΣ Basic« Fou≥
oµá theφá arσ utility-typσ program≤ anΣ thσ res⌠ arσ games«á Iε thσá forme≥
category¼á therσá i≤á ß budge⌠ program¼á ß converte≥ froφ Arabiπá t∩á Romaε
numerals¼ ß statistic≤ prograφ anΣ ß tapσ cataloguinτ program.
Amongs⌠ thσ game≤ arσ Buτ Dual¼á Melody¼á Bricδ Out¼ anΣ Juke« Somσ oµ
theφ arσ quitσ lonτ (7½ A╡ pages¼á 32│ lines⌐ anΣ man∙ havσ largσ block≤ oµ
DAT┴ statements«á Sincσ ╔ aφ no⌠ int∩ Basiπ anΣ d∩ no⌠ touchtype¼ ╔ haven'⌠
trieΣ an∙ oµ thσ programs«á The∙ arσ no⌠ checksummed¼á s∩ i⌠ woulΣ probabl∙
takσ ß keeε persoε t∩ tr∙ theφ all«
Likσ man∙ sucΦ collection≤ oµ programs¼ though¼ thei≥ maiε attractioε i≤ a≤
ß sourcσ oµ programminτ techniquσ rathe≥ thaε fo≥ thσ enΣ result«á Thσ cos⌠
oµ "Thσ Winnersó i≤ $9-95.
Thσ halµ ne≈ booδ i≤ actuall∙ somσ addition≤ t∩ aε existinτ one«á Somσ
timσá ago A╘á releaseΣá thσá "Microbeσá Hardwarσá Notebook"«á Thi≤á i≤á ß
collectioε oµ engineerinτ notes¼á informatioε oε servicing¼á anΣ somσ idea≤
fo≥ thσ experimenter«á
I⌠á no≈á come≤ witΦ informatioε oε thσ 128K¼á includinτ (rol∞ oµá drums⌐á ß
circuitíá I⌠ i≤ admittedly¼ no⌠ oµ thσ lates⌠ model¼ bu⌠ cover≤ mos⌠ oµ thσ
machine≤á iε usσ a⌠ thσ present«á Als∩ includeΣ arσ morσ engineerinτ notes¼
inf∩á oε thσ EPRO═ Programmer¼á anΣ detail≤ oε somσ oµ thσá newe≥á upgrade≤
tha⌠ havσ beeε developed.
Thσá curren⌠ copie≤ oµ thσ manua∞ contaiε al∞ thσ ne≈ informatioεá anΣ
stil∞á sel∞á fo≥á $19-95«á Iµá yo⌡ havσ aε olde≥á book¼á yo⌡á caεá ge⌠á thσ
additiona∞ sheet≤ fo≥ $5-00«á 10Ñ discoun⌠ applie≤ t∩ al∞ thσ abovσá price≤
fo≥ member≤ wh∩ qualify. []
For Sale...................................................................
1 only Microbee Small Business Computer
Features: Double Disk Drive
Upgraded to COLOUR!
Green Screen monitor
Software: Wordstar, Multiplan, Mailmerge + Manuals
Price: $1800.00
Contact║á Johεá (a/Φ:086-322504⌐ o≥ Berniσ (bus:086-326558⌐á
***************************************************************************èPokinτ about....................................................HugΦ Ristic
Aut∩ Startinτ basiπ programs on your ROM microbee.
Herσ arσ tw∩ methods«á Fo≥ thσ first¼á thank≤ t∩ Johε Dowdal∞ (SMUG?⌐ 8/85«
Thσ seconΣ method¼á a≤ caε thσ first¼á bσ gleameΣ froφ readinτ thσ Manuals¼
heaveε forbid!
1«á Fo≥ preferencσ colΣ boo⌠ basic«á Thi≤ i≤ no⌠ totall∙ necessar∙ bu⌠ doe≤
hel≡á reducσ thσ chancσ oµ error≤ b∙ tidyinτ u≡á (initialising⌐á particula≥
part≤ oµ memory.
2. Load the basic program from tape.
3. Enter into the Monitor by pressing M and RESET together.
4.áTypσ ┼ 8D▓ (Examinσ memor∙ addres≤ 08D2⌐ anΣ writσ dowε thσ content≤á oµ
ááá08D2he° anΣ 08D3hex.
5. Press the ESC key.
6. Set up a blank tape to record, and start the tape.
7.áTypσá ─ "nameó ═ 08C░ xxy∙ 801┼ anΣ pres≤ RETUR╬ fo≥ dumpinτ t∩ tapσ a⌠
ááá120░ baud« Replacσ thσ ─ witΦ ╫ t∩ savσ a⌠ 30░ baud.
ááá08C0 is the start address of Basic programs
xxy∙ i≤ thσ enΣ oµ thσ prograφ (agaiε iε hex)«á I⌠ i≤ storeΣ iε 08D▓ anΣ
ááá08D│ a≤ yyxx¼ reversσ thσ tw∩ value≤ t∩ ge⌠ xxy∙ anΣ adΣ 0▒ t∩ yy«
801┼á i≤ thσ BASI├ aut∩ star⌠ address«á Thi≤ i≤ wha⌠ make≤á thσá prograφ
áááaut∩ start when you then LOAD the program just saved, into Basic.
Alternative Method
Thσ tapσ prograφ caε bσ loadeΣ froφ thσ monito≥ insteaΣ with:
╥ "nameó [thσ namσ i≤ optional].
When the program is found the screen will show something like:
name B 08C0 1000 nnnn
┬á indicate≤á ß Basiπ program¼á thσ firs⌠ numbe≥ i≤ thσ Basiπ prograφá loaΣ
address¼á 08C░á iεá Hex╗á thσá nex⌠ numbe≥ (1000Hex⌐ i≤ thσ lengtΦá oµá thσ
prograφá (fo≥ instance)«á Thσ thirΣ numbe≥ i≤ no⌠ importan⌠ now«á B∙ addinτ
thσá lengtΦ t∩ thσ star⌠ addres≤ (he° arithmetic⌐ anΣá subtractinτá 1¼á yo⌡
havσá thσ enΣ oµ prograφ address«á Ye≤ Dick¼á therσ i≤ morσ thaε onσ wa∙ t∩
skiε ß cat.
Usσá thσ ES├ ke∙ t∩ clea≥ thσ commanΣ linσ iε thσ Monito≥ iµ yo⌡á havσá an∙
BASIC tip:
0010 POKE 162,30: POKE 163,128: REM restart after reset
0020 POKE 140,1 : REM dissable BREAK key
nnnn POKE 140,0 : REM enable BREAK key
MinΣá you¼á one caε wastσ lot≤ oµ timσ iµ yo⌡ d∩ thesσ poke≤ whilσ yo⌡á arσ
trying to develop a program! []èMICROBE┼ DIS╦ USER╙ GROUP - October & November Meetings .......Warren Doman
Thi≤á grou≡ ha≤ beeε formeΣ t∩ tr∙ t∩ hel≡ thσ disδ user≤ oµ thσá cluΓ
t∩á becomσá morσá familia≥ witΦ thei≥ disδ system≤ anΣ t∩ learεá abou⌠á CP═
amongs⌠ othe≥ thing≤ b∙ sharinτ informatioε anΣ experiences.
Thσá grou≡ wil∞ bσ lookinτ a⌠ differen⌠ CP═ transien⌠ commands¼á thei≥
ful∞á potentia∞ a≤ tool≤ anΣ ho≈ the∙ worδ includinτ wha⌠ area≤á iεá memor∙
the∙á use«á Wσ wil∞ looδ a⌠ differen⌠ utilitie≤ tha⌠ ruε unde≥ CP═ sucΦ a≤
librar∙ utilities¼á disδ examinatioε program≤ anΣ man∙ other≤ anΣ wil∞ als∩
toucΦ oε othe≥ commerciall∙ produceΣ program≤ sucΦ a≤á Multiplan¼á Wordsta≥
anΣ Dbase2.
Thσá forma⌠á oµ meeting≤ wil∞ basicall∙ bσ ß probleφá solvinτá sessioε
followeΣá b∙á examinatioεá oµ severa∞ aspect≤ oµ disδ usσá demonstrateΣá b∙
differen⌠á member≤á oµá thσ group«á Thσ subjec⌠ fo≥á demonstratioεá a⌠á thσ
followinτ meetinτ wil∞ bσ decideΣ b∙ thσ grou≡ whicΦ give≤ thσ demonstrato≥
ß montΦ t∩ looδ int∩ thσ intricacie≤ oµ tha⌠ particula≥ subject.
Thσá Octobe≥á meetinτ oµ thσ Disδ User≤ Grou≡ wa≤ helΣá oεá thσá firs⌠
Monda∙á oµá thσ montΦ iε thσ buildinτ behinΣ thσ Unle∙ counci∞ chamber≤á iε
OxforΣ Terracσ Unley.
Somσ oµ thσ subject≤ discusseΣ includeΣ thσ availabilit∙ oµ ßá listinτ
oµá thσá disassembleΣ BIO╙ fo≥ differen⌠ systems¼á thσ jum≡ addres≤ t∩á thσ
BIOS¼á publiπá domaiεá softwarσ anΣ method≤ oµ effectivel∙á increasinτá thσ
availablσ areß iε Multiplaε b∙ usinτ thσ externa∞ function«á
Followinτá thσá probleφ solvinτ sessioε wσ haΣ ß talδ oε CP═ 3.│á b∙á Ale°
Long¼á ß frienΣ oµ Staε Pallis¼á wherσ hσ discusseΣ thσ relativσ merit≤á oµ
CP═ 3.│ compareΣ witΦ CP═ 2.2¼á it'≤ strength≤ anΣ weaknesse≤ anΣ als∩ thσ
difference≤ iε thσ variou≤ commands.
Thσá Novembe≥á meetinτá starteΣá a≤ usua∞ b∙á decidinτá wha⌠á wil∞á bσ
discusseΣ a⌠ nex⌠ month≤ meeting¼ followeΣ b∙ ß probleφ solvinτ sessioε anΣ
theε thσ maiε topiπ fo≥ thσ evening«
Durinτá thσ probleφ solvinτ sessioε wσ haΣ ß quicδ looδ a⌠á ßá commerciall∙
availablσ prograφ calleΣ Write-Hand-Maε whicΦ wa≤ availablσ fo≥ purchasσ iε
limiteΣá amount≤ througΦ thσ club«á Wσ theε discusseΣ severa∞ othe≥á topic≤
includinτ ho≈ t∩ transfe≥ datß froφ Multiplaε t∩ Dbasσ II«
Thσ questioε wa≤ als∩ askeΣ iµ i⌠ i≤ possiblσ t∩ ge⌠ bacδ ß filσ whicΦ
ha≤á beeεá deleteΣ b∙ overwritinτ i⌠ witΦ aε updateΣ issuσ anΣá i⌠á appear≤
tha⌠á thσ answe≥ depend≤ oε ho≈ thσ prograφ yo⌡ werσ usinτ handle≤á writinτ
t∩ thσ directory«
Iµá i⌠ wa≤ ß basiπ prograφ writinτ datß t∩ thσ disδ theε i⌠ woulΣ havσ beeε
overwritten¼ bu⌠ iµ yo⌡ werσ copyinτ ß filσ witΦ thσ samσ namσ froφ anothe≥
disδ theε i⌠ woulΣ havσ writteε anothe≥ director∙ entr∙ anΣ useΣ ne≈á blocδ
number≤ leavinτ thσ origina∞ informatioε stil∞ therσ bu⌠ markeΣ a≤ deleted«
Iµá yo⌡á werσ renaminτ ß filσ t∩ ß namσ tha⌠ alread∙ exist≤ theεá i⌠á woulΣ
havσá renameΣá tha⌠á samσá director∙ entr∙ wheε yo⌡á answereΣá ye≤á t∩á thσ
questioε 'erasσ oldº bu⌠ woulΣ havσ als∩ markeΣ thσ theε existinτ entr∙á a≤
deleted«á Thi≤á woulΣá meaε thσ olΣ director∙ entr∙ witΦ blocδ number≤á anΣ
datß shoulΣ stil∞ bσ intac⌠ anΣ caε thereforσ bσ recovered« >>èOnσá methoΣ oµ doinτ thi≤ i≤ t∩ renamσ thi≤ curren⌠ filσ whicΦá wil∞á causσ
thi≤á director∙ entr∙ t∩ changσ namσ leavinτ onl∙ thσ earlie≥ eraseΣá entr∙
iε thσ director∙ witΦ thi≤ name¼á bu⌠ oµ coursσ markeΣ a≤ deleted«á Iµ yo⌡
no≈ usσ thσ unerasσ publiπ domaiε utilit∙ thi≤ wil∞ causσ thi≤ earlie≥ filσ
t∩ bσ returneΣ t∩ yo⌡ froφ thσ wilderness«
Ho≈ lonτ thσ filσ wil∞ sta∙ eraseΣ bu⌠ stil∞ intac⌠ depend≤ oε wherσ iε thσ
director∙á i⌠á wa≤ located¼á ho≈ man∙ eraseΣ filσ entrie≤ arσ oεá thσá disδ
beforσá thi≤á entr∙ anΣ ho≈ man∙ block≤ yo⌡ havσ useΣ iε thσ meaε timσá bu⌠
needles≤á t∩ sa∙ yo⌡ caε onl∙ pra∙ ß littlσ theε ge⌠ holΣ oµ you≥á cop∙á oµ
du2.coφ o≥ simila≥ utilit∙ anΣ havσ ß look«
Wσ theε starteΣ t∩ investigatσ thσ intricacie≤ oµ DBAS┼ II« Thi≤ areß
wa≤á leΣá b∙á ou≥ friendl∙ anΣ masterfu∞ educato≥ oµá thσá masses¼á RicharΣ
Jacksoεá wh∩á tooδá u≤ througΦ thσ creatinτá oµá ßá databasσá file¼á addinτ
records¼ editing¼ browsing¼ anΣ deletinτ records« Wσ lookeΣ a⌠ selectivel∙
findinτ records¼ indexinτ anΣ man∙ othe≥ interestinτ facet≤ oµ Dbasσ II.
S∩á iµá yo⌡á thinδá yo⌡ woulΣ likσ t∩ hea≥ morσá abou⌠á an∙á oµá thesσ
fascinatinτá subjects¼á yo⌡á arσá ver∙á welcomσ t∩á participatσá iεá thesσ
meeting≤ a≤ the∙ havσ beeε organiseΣ fo≥ you¼á b∙ you≥ committee¼á fo≥á thσ
expresseΣá purposσá oµá increasinτ you≥ knowledgσ anΣ keepinτ yo⌡á ofµá thσ
street≤á a⌠á night«á
S∩á pleasσá don'⌠á fee∞á tha⌠á yo⌡ havσ t∩á havσá somσá vas⌠á knowledgσá t∩
participatσá a≤ ╔ fo≥ one¼á aφ attendinτ duσ t∩ ß lacδ oµ knowledgσ whicΦ ╔
hopσ caε iε somσ wa∙ bσ rectified« []
What model microbee do you use? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Do you regularly attend meetings? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If Yes:-
Do you favour the current "less formal" format? . . . . . . . . . . .
What changes would you like to see? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What do you like to see in the newsletter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What DON'T you like in the newsletter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What would encourage you to contribute to it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What items could the club buy for the use of members? . . . . . . . . . . .
How can the club help you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Remember, the club is YOU. []è ========ITALICS PLEASE CHRIS========