Text File
1,171 lines
--- Page 1 ---
Club Notes
- The October Meeting............................ 3
- Omen BBS....................................... 16
- Snippets....................................... 16
- The microbee................................... 2
Dsk - The Great Rebuild - part 3..................... 10
Dsk - Multiplan Hints - part 2....................... 6
Program Listings
- Microworld Basic - Scalit for modelers......... 8
- Tape file unprotection......................... 14
Dsk - Games 3........................................ 11
Dsk - Learning can be fun - Words.................... 7
Tape Library
Rom - What's happening............................... 3
- Beemobile - Thumbs abroad...................... 4
* *
* *
* ------MONTHLY MEETING------ *
* Unley Senior Citizens Hall *
* 18 Arthur Street, Unley *
* Third Monday of the Month *
* From 7:30 - 10:00 FREE! *
Copyrigh⌠á (c)«á Al∞á materia∞á publisheΣá iε thi≤ journa∞á i≤á subjec⌠á t∩
Australiaεá anΣ internationa∞ copyrigh⌠ law«á However¼á limiteΣ copyinτá oµ
individua∞ article≤ i≤ permitteΣ provideΣ acknowledgemen⌠ oµ thσ autho≥ anΣ
MICROBE┼ NEW╙ i≤ made.
--- Page 2 ---
**¬ DISCLAIME╥ ***
Thσ MicroBeσ User≤ Grou≡ oµ S.A« (MUGSA)¼ it≤ officials¼ thσ edito≥ anΣ thσ
contributinτá author≤á oµ thσ MicroBeσ New≤ d∩ no⌠ expres≤á no≥á impl∙á an∙
warrant∙á o≥á liabilit∙á witΦá respec⌠ t∩ softwarσ o≥á hardwarσá anΣá thei≥
modification≤ whicΦ ma∙ bσ publisheΣ iε thi≤ journa∞ o≥ othe≥á publication≤
oµ MUGSA¼ o≥ describeΣ a⌠ an∙ officia∞ o≥ unofficia∞ meetinτ oµ MUGSA.
**¬ COMMITTE┼ **¬
Chairmaε -Brian Petersson.2502800(H⌐ V/Chairman -Colin Mercer. 2703563(H)
Secretar∙ -RicharΣ Jackson.2948591(H⌐ Editor -Mal Watt. 2931890(H⌐
Treasurer -Brian Uren. 2605038(H⌐ Member -Kris Sieben. 2651374(H)
Member -Fred Brunings. 2641798(H) Member -Robin Moseby. 424642(H)
*****¬ PLEAS┼ RESTRIC╘ AFTE╥ HOUR╙ CALL╙ T╧ BETWEE╬ 7.3░ - 8.3░ p.m« ******
EDITORIAL..........................................................Mal Watt
ááááááááááááIεá thi≤á issuσ i⌠ i≤ hopeΣ t∩ reflec⌠ ho≈ thσ member≤á oµá thσ
ááááááááááááMicrobeσ User≤ Grou≡ oµ S.A« havσ applieΣ thσ compute≥ knowε a≤
ááááááááááááthσá Microbeσá (o≥ simpl∙ thσ 'bee⌐ iε thei≥á hobbies«á Howeve≥
áááááááááááásincσá thi≤á magazinσá contain≤á onl∙ wha⌠á i≤á supplieΣá oεá ß
voluntar∙ basi≤ thσ edito≥ ha≤ ver∙ fe≈ way≤ t∩ creatσ ß theme« S∩ wha⌠ yo⌡
reall∙ havσ i≤ ß typica∞ examplσ oµ thσ club'≤ newsletter«á ╔ hopσ yo⌡ finΣ
i⌠ ß usefu∞ anΣ interestinτ issue«
Fo≥á thosσá wh∩á ma∙á bσ readinτ thσ newslette≥ fo≥á thσá firs⌠á time¼
greeting≤ anΣ pleasσ senΣ mσ aε articlσ a≤ sooε a≤ possibleíá
Thσ beσ starteΣ ofµ a≤ ß cassettσ baseΣ ki⌠ t∩ bσ buil⌠ b∙ electronic≤
enthusiast≤á anΣ enticeΣ b∙ thσ lucrativσ (?⌐ educatioε marke⌠ ha≤á evolveΣ
eve≥á since«á Therσá ha≤á beeεá gooΣ suppor⌠á froφá somσá electronic≤á anΣ
computinτá magazine≤á (onσ morσ thaε others⌐ t∩ kee≡ thσ beσ alivσá iεá thσ
hobb∙ areß also.
Whilσá thσ beσ i≤ aε excellen⌠ hacker≤ machinσ (iε botΦ aεá electroniπ
anΣ computinτ sense)¼ it'≤ marke⌠ succes≤ (anΣ desirσ t∩ expanΣ it⌐ ha≤ leΣ
t∩á thσ evolutioε oµ severa∞ model≤ witΦ facilitie≤ fa≥ iε advancσ oµ thosσ
earlie≥ models«á Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ thσ machinσ i≤ n∩ longe≥ thσ domaiε oµ thσ
electronic≤ wizard╗á no≈ thσ botΦ thσ hobbyis⌠ anΣ thσ businessmaε havσá a⌠
leas⌠á tw∩ model≤ eacΦ t∩ choosσ from«á Thσ inclusioε oµ wordprocessinτ anΣ
communication≤á softwarσ alonτ witΦ Basiπ a≤ standarΣ softwarσ make≤ fo≥á ß
ver∙ usefu∞ computer.
Kit≤ developeΣ b∙ commercia∞ interest≤ havσ resulteΣ iε thσ beσá beinτ
includeΣá int∩á thσá haφ radi∩ areß (radi∩ teletype¼á anΣ fa°á decode≥á fo≥
weathe≥áá maps)╗áá electronic≤áá (still⌐áá witΦáá eproφáá programmer≤áá anΣ
experimenter'≤ circui⌠ boards╗á anΣ music¼ speecΦ synthesiser¼ "ligh⌠ pen"¼
modems¼á disδ drives¼á havσ al∞ helpeΣ t∩ broadeε thσ use≤ oµ thσ microbee«
Ove≥á thσá samσ perioΣ softwarσ ha≤ beeε writteε especiall∙ fo≥ thσ beσá s∩
tha⌠ no≈ therσ arσ man∙ leisurσ anΣ learninτ programs.
EacΦ statσ ha≤ a⌠ thσ leas⌠ onσ Microbeσ club« Thesσ offe≥ ß socially¼
informationally¼ anΣ economicall∙ usefu∞ grou≡ oµ peoplσ coverinτ al∞ area≤
oµ experience« Iµ yo⌡ havσ o≥ arσ goinτ t∩ purchasσ ß bee¼ (anΣ arσ no⌠ iε
thσ club)¼ pleasσ conside≥ thσ benefit≤ t∩ bσ obtaineΣ froφ joininτ ß user≤
grou≡ (sucΦ a≤ ours)«á Thσ cluΓ committeσ invite≤ yo⌡ t∩ attenΣ thσ monthl∙
meetinτ - seσ yo⌡ then« []è
--- Page 3 ---
CLUB NOTES.................................................................
[] The October Meeting.
Thi≤á wa≤ ß quie⌠ meeting¼á morσ ß socia∞ occasioε thaε anythinτ else«á Thσ
cluΓ sho≡ diΣ gooΣ tradinτ a≤ usual╗á thi≤ aspec⌠ oµ thσ cluΓ i≤á providinτ
obviou≤á benefit≤á t∩á thσ members«á Fo≥ thosσ unablσ t∩á attend¼á wσá wil∞
shortl∙á publisΦá ß pricσ lis⌠ s∩ yo⌡ caε mai∞ orde≥ item≤ (plu≤á postage)«
Tw∩ diskette≤ oµ basiπ game≤ etπ werσ addeΣ t∩ thσ publiπ domaiε collectioε
anΣ thesσ solΣ well.
I⌠á i≤ wortΦ mentioninτ tha⌠ thσ cluΓ i≤ no⌠ interesteΣ iε makinτ ßá profi⌠
oεá sale≤á o≥á hirσ - jus⌠ enougΦ t∩ cove≥ thσá cost≤á involveΣá - thi≤á i≤
certainl∙á unlikσá onσá interstatσ cluΓ (witΦ ß nift∙á banδá balance⌐á tha⌠
shoulΣ bσ questioninτ it'≤ purposσ iε life¼á (a⌠ leas⌠ it'≤ member≤á shoulΣ
[] Hardware hire
Thσ committeσ shoulΣ b∙ no≈ havσ bough⌠ BeeTalke≥ anΣ Beethoven«á Thesσ arσ
ß musiπ synthesise≥ anΣ ß speecΦ synthesiser«á The∙ caε bσ hireΣ a⌠ $╡ eacΦ
pe≥ montΦ (witΦ ß deposit)« []
MUGS┴ TAP┼ LIBRARY...........................................DAMIE╬ BARNARD
ááááááááááááThσá tapσ librar∙ i≤ no≈ beinτ ruε b∙ Damieε anΣá Leσá Barnard«
ááááááááááááThi≤á i≤á no⌠á ßá lendinτ librar∙ bu⌠ ß se⌠á oµá publiπá domaiε
ááááááááááááprogram≤á helΣ oε tapes¼á eacΦ oµ whicΦ caε bσ purchaseΣá a⌠á ß
áááááááááááánomina∞ price (to cover the tape and copying costs) - ed.
Thσá tapσá librar∙á i≤ goinτ well¼á therσ arσ currentl∙á ┤á tape≤á ful∞á oµ
programs« Thσ lates⌠ tapσ no.┤ include≤ thesσ programs.
Characte≥ Examinσ :- Enlarge≤ thσ characte≥ se⌠ fo≥ yo⌡ t∩ examine.
╪ lott∩ ¼ Examinσ anΣ sor⌠ :- Thesσ tw∩ program≤ hel≡ yo⌡ witΦ you≥ ╪ lott∩
HistograpΦ :- Ba≥ grapΦ drawer
Elsor⌠ :- Lis⌠ anΣ sort≤ an∙ filσ yo⌡ ente≥ int∩ it.
R'evo∞ :- (surprisσ entry!⌐ Regressivσ Analysi≤ b∙ Evolution.
Fudgσ :- Therσ arσ │ version≤ oµ this.
1⌐ Sourcσ codσ LoaΣ int∩ EDAS═ b∙ ╟ "FUDGE"
2⌐ Autostartinτ versioε ¿ loaΣ froφ BASI├ )
3⌐ Listablσ froφ basic
Fudgσ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ adΣ lore≤ graphiπ character≤ int∩ Basiπ strings.
¿ e.τ. 1░ LORES
2░ A1$=CHR(192)+CHR(196)+CHR(197)
3░ PRIN╘ A1$
4░ EN─ )
Shape≤ :- Hel≡s yo⌡ desigε PC╟ graphic≤ character≤ (Ver∙ good!)
Beemoε :- Monitor/Debugge≥ Include≤ Wordbeσ filσ fo≥ help.
Canno⌠ bσ useΣ witΦ Wordbeσ iε socket« Als∩ include≤ Sourcσ Code.
He° t∩ Deπ Converte≥ :- Invaluablσ!
Shapemake≥ :- AlLow≤ yo⌡ t∩ makσ al∞ sort≤ oµ shapes.
SounΣ F╪ :- Froφ You≥ Computer.
╔á aφá no≈á compilinτ tape≤ number≤ 5;6;7«á Iµ anyonσ ha≤ an∙á softwarσá t∩
contributσ pleasσ contac⌠ mσ oε 24│ 046╢ anΣ wσ caε arrangσ ß wa∙ fo≥ mσ t∩
receivσ it. []è
--- Page 4 ---
BEEMOBILE - THUMB╙ trie≤ t∩ carr∙ hi≤ beσ about......................THUMBS
Thumb≤ ha≤ founΣ hi≤ Microbeσ becominτ morσ anΣ morσ involveΣ witΦ hi≤
busines≤ anΣ thi≤ ha≤ presenteΣ ß probleφ oµ transportation«á Thσ officσ i≤
no⌠ a⌠ homσ anΣ thσ famil∙ likσ t∩ usσ thσ Microbeσ wheε i⌠ i≤ no⌠á workinτ
witΦ Wordstar, Dbasσ o≥ Wordbee.
Thσá Microbeσ i≤ aε excellen⌠ machinσ bu⌠ wa≤ neve≥ designeΣ a≤ ßá portablσ
o≥á eveε a≤ ß regula≥ transportablσ computer«á I⌠ i≤ robust¼á anΣá monitor¼
disδ drive¼á keyboard¼ anΣ printer¼ a≤ individua∞ unit≤ arσ relativel∙ eas∙
t∩ picδ u≡ anΣ move.
Howeve≥á ever∙ timσ onσ want≤ t∩ movσ thσ Microbeσ oncσ i⌠ i≤ al∞á se⌠á up¼
al∞á thσá plug≤á havσ t∩ bσ pulleΣ ou⌠ anΣ thσ unit≤ anΣá lead≤á placeΣá iε
suitablσ containers¼ moveΣ t∩ thσ othe≥ locatioε anΣ theε al∞ assembleΣ anΣ
pluggeΣ iε again«á Afte≥ ß fe≈ day≤ oµ thi≤ onσ get≤ prett∙ feΣ u≡ witΦ thσ
wholσ rigmarole.
Thumbsºá firs⌠á solutioε wa≤ t∩ makσ ß largσ woodeε basσ t∩ whicΦá al∞
thσá unit≤á werσ attacheΣ anΣ ß liΣ t∩ cove≥ thσá lo⌠á fo≥á transportation«
Afte≥á ß weekend≤ worδ ß suitablσ "thingó haΣ beeε constructeΣ bu⌠á Thumbsº
attempt≤á t∩á lif⌠ thσ monste≥ ver∙ nearl∙ resulteΣ iε ß prolongeΣ sta∙á iε
hospita∞ t∩ curσ ß hernia.
┴ compromisσ wa≤ achieveΣ b∙ mountinτ thσ keyboard¼á disδ drivσ anΣ monito≥
oεá ß 12mφ thicδ board¼á carryinτ thσ printe≥ anΣ pape≥ bo° separatel∙á anΣ
puttinτ ß polythenσ shee⌠ ove≥ thσ unit≤ durinτ transport.
Thσ wholσ busines≤ oµ transportatioε i≤ no≈ exercisinτ Thumbsº gre∙á matte≥
particularl∙á a≤ i⌠ i≤ planneΣ t∩ ge⌠ ß seconΣ disδ drive«á Thumb≤ promise≤
t∩ kee≡ yo⌡ informeΣ wheε hσ ha≤ founΣ thσ solution«
Thumb≤ ha≤ recentl∙ returneΣ froφ ß busines≤ tri≡ abroad«á A≤ thσ tri≡
wa≤á t∩ las⌠ fo≥ severa∞ week≤ hσ fel⌠ tha⌠ hσ coulΣ no⌠á possibl∙á survivσ
fo≥ s∩ lonτ withou⌠ hi≤ Microbeσ besidσ him«á Thσ busines≤ datß base≤ woulΣ
havσ t∩ bσ updateΣ a⌠ leas⌠ twicσ ß week.
Eveεá Thumbsºá enthusiasφá wa≤ dampeneΣ a⌠ thσá though⌠á oµá hanΣá carryinτ
monitor¼á disδ drive¼á keyboard¼á printer¼á paper¼á disk≤ anΣ lead≤ througΦ
airpor⌠ terminal≤ anΣ int∩ aircraft« Reluctantl∙ thσ printer¼ pape≥ anΣ thσ
monito≥ woulΣ havσ t∩ bσ lef⌠ behind« Thumb≤ founΣ ß suitablσ gadge⌠ baτ iε
hi≤á loca∞á camerß sho≡ witΦ lot≤ oµ zip-u≡ compartment≤ whicΦ alloweΣá thσ
disδ drive¼á keyboard¼á tw∩ boxe≤ oµ disks¼ leads¼ plug≤ anΣ selecteΣ part≤
oµ thσ use≥ manua∞ t∩ bσ fitteΣ int∩ thσ baτ anΣ stil∞ lef⌠ somσ spacσá fo≥
bit≤ anΣ pieces«
Therσ stil∞ remaineΣ thσ probleφ oµ thσ monitor....bu⌠ onσ oµ Thumbsºá morσ
technica∞á friend≤ suggesteΣ usinτ ß T╓ a≤ ß monitor«á Thi≤ wa≤ ß brillian⌠
solutioεá a≤ everywherσ Thumb≤ planneΣ t∩ g∩ therσ woulΣ bσ T╓á sets«á Onl∙
onσ smal∞ probleφ remained¼á thσ Microbeσ wa≤ no⌠ designeΣ t∩ usσ ß T╓ a≤ ß
monito≥á becausσá thσ messagσ froφ thσ Microbeσ t∩ thσ monito≥ i≤á ßá vide∩
Dicδá SmitΦá howeve≥á solΣá modulator≤ anΣá anothe≥á technica∞á frienΣ
explaineΣ tha⌠ witΦ ß couplσ oµ wire≤ froφ thσ Microbeσ carryinτ 5volt≤ anΣ
eartΦá t∩á thi≤á modulato≥á thσ norma∞ vide∩ pluτ coulΣá bσá pu⌠á int∩á thσ
modulato≥á «á Iµá ß T╓ aeria∞ connecteΣ thσ modulato≥ t∩ ß T╓ theεá thσá T╓
coulΣá bσá useΣá a≤ ß monitor¼á providinτ thσ T╓ wa≤ oε anΣá tuneΣá t∩á thσ
messagσ cominτ froφ thσ modulator.è
--- Page 5 ---
Thumbsº knowledgσ oµ electronic≤ caε bσ writteε oε ß postagσ stam≡ bu⌠ witΦ
thσ hel≡ oµ ß technica∞ brothe≥ thσ simplσ modification≤ werσ carrieΣá ou⌠
anΣ i⌠ workedí Bu⌠ thσ picturσ i≤ no⌠ nearl∙ a≤ clea≥ a≤ tha⌠ produceΣ b∙ ß
S∩á Thumb≤á wa≤ al∞ read∙ t∩ go«á Thσ Microbeσ anΣ al∞ it≤ bit≤ anΣá piece≤
werσ neatl∙ packeΣ iε thσ ne≈ shoulde≥ bag«á Thumb≤ wa≤ confiden⌠ tha⌠á al∞
woulΣá worδ providinτ hσ coulΣ finΣ 24░ volt≤ 5░ cycle≤ alternatinτ curren⌠
anΣá ß TV«á Thumbsº wifσ wa≤ t∩ accompan∙ Thumb≤ oε thi≤ tri≡ anΣ wheεá shσ
founΣ tha⌠ thσ Microbeσ wa≤ cominτ a≤ wel∞ he≥ tin∙ littlσ foo⌠ wen⌠á down«
I⌠á wa≤ onl∙ b∙ offerinτ t∩ purchasσ ß suedσ jacke⌠ fo≥ he≥ iε EnglanΣ tha⌠
Thumb≤ wa≤ ablσ t∩ ensurσ tha⌠ thσ Microbeσ camσ witΦ them.
Thσá fligh⌠ t∩ EnglanΣ passeΣ uneventfull∙ apar⌠ froφ makinτ surσ tha⌠á thσ
disk≤ witΦ programme≤ oε theφ diΣ no⌠ g∩ througΦ thσ airpor⌠ securit∙á Xra∙
machine≤á o≥á unde≥á thosσá magnetiπ arche≤ tha⌠ passenger≤á havσá t∩á walδ
througΦáá whils⌠áá thei≥áá hanΣá baggagσá i≤áá beinτáá Xrayed«áá Fo≥áá somσ
incomprehensiblσ reasoε thσ aircraf⌠ cabiε cre≈ founΣ i⌠ necessar∙ t∩á locδ
thσ Microbeσ baτ iε ß toile⌠ beforσ eacΦ take-ofµ anΣ landing.
Oεá reachinτ thσ firs⌠ destinatioε Thumb≤ haΣ t∩ bu∙ ß BritisΦ powe≥á plug«
Bu⌠ whicΦ onσ t∩ buy┐á the∙ havσ ▓ piε tw∩ am≡ plugs¼ threσ rounΣ piε ╡ am≡
plugs¼á threσ rounΣ piε 1╡ am≡ plugs¼á anΣ ß ne≈ typσ threσ fla⌠ piε 1│ am≡
plug«á Thσá 1│á am≡á seemeΣ t∩ bσ thσ mos⌠ commoε s∩ thσá Aussiσá pluτá wa≤
removeΣ froφ thσ extensioε leaΣ anΣ replaceΣ witΦ thσ BritisΦ 1│ am≡ plug.
Abou⌠á thi≤á timσá Thumb≤ discovereΣ tha⌠ thσ BritisΦá T╓á systeφá althougΦ
simila≥á t∩á thσá Australiaε one¼á workeΣ oε UH╞ anΣ a≤ Thumb≤á haΣá ßá VH╞
modulato≥á hσá woulΣá no⌠á bσ ablσ t∩ ge⌠ ß picturσá withou⌠á changinτá hi≤
modulato≥ froφ VH╞ t∩ UHF.
EnglanΣ ha≤ ß lo⌠ oµ computer≤ tha⌠ usσ thσ T╓ a≤ ß monito≥ anΣá eventuall∙
Thumb≤á founΣá tha⌠ ß Spectruφ UH╞ modulato≥ coulΣ bσ purchaseΣá fo≥á abou⌠
$14.0░ anΣ somσ UH╞ aeria∞ wirσ fo≥ ß couplσ oµ dollars«á Afte≥ borrowinτ ß
solderinτá iroεá anΣá witΦ ß bi⌠ oµ messinτ abou⌠ Thumb≤ replaceΣá thσá VH╞
modulato≥ anΣ aeria∞ leaΣ witΦ thσ UH╞ components.
T∩á cu⌠ ß lonτ stor∙ shor⌠ anΣ deletinτ thσ baΣ languagσ Thumb≤á eventuall∙
manageΣ t∩ ge⌠ ß picturσ whicΦ wa≤ ver∙ poo≥ anΣ onl∙ jus⌠ readablσ bu⌠ diΣ
allo≈ thσ datß base≤ t∩ bσ updated.
A⌠á onσ oµ thσ EnglisΦ location≤ Thumb≤ manageΣ t∩ finΣ ß monito≥ hσá coulΣ
rent¼á bu⌠ ...i⌠ wa≤ no⌠ designeΣ t∩ takσ thσ Microbeσ monito≥ pluτ becausσ
i⌠ haΣ ß ver∙ strangσ BritisΦ connection«á Thi≤ tooδ abou⌠ teε phonσá call≤
anΣá ß da∙ t∩ overcome«á A⌠ las⌠ thσ tw∩ correc⌠ pin≤ ou⌠ oµ thσ 1┤ a⌠á thσ
bacδ oµ thσ monito≥ werσ wireΣ u≡ t∩ ß femalσ pluτ anΣ thσ Microbeσ monito≥
pluτá coulΣá bσá connecteΣá t∩ thσ BritisΦ monitor«á A⌠ las⌠á therσá wa≤á ß
readablσ screeε withou⌠ thσ snow-storφ effec⌠ produceΣ b∙ usinτ thσ TV«
Therσ seemeΣ t∩ bσ ß biτ ga≡ iε U╦ betweeε thσ games/T╓ typσ compute≥á likσ
thσá Spectruφá anΣ Commodorσ anΣ thσ smal∞ busines≤ typσ machine≤á althougΦ
thσ ne≈ AmstraΣ look≤ a≤ iµ i⌠ i≤ aiminτ fo≥ thi≤ gap.
Thumb≤ founΣ that¼á afte≥ travellinτ arounΣ Europσ anΣ thσ Fa≥ East¼ i⌠ wa≤
blis≤á t∩ returε t∩ ß finσ climate¼á comfortablσ anΣ safσ livinτá anΣá higΦ
resolutioεá inexpensivσ monitors«á Iµ onl∙ thσ Microbeσ wa≤ ßá littlσá morσ
transportablσá a≤ ß se⌠ u≡ uni⌠ theε lifσ woulΣ bσ s∩ mucΦ easie≥ fo≥ thosσ
oµ u≤ wh∩ usσ i⌠ fo≥ busines≤ anΣ pleasureí []è
--- Page 6 ---
Hints from the MULTIPLAN USER'S GROUP - Pt 2...............John Buckerfield
9. The SYLK format can be used effectively to:
ááá - MERGE worksheet files ááááá
áááááááá- transfer FORMULAE to another worksheet
áááááa.á áTransfe≥ Load║ workshee⌠ #▓ anΣ determinσ ß suitablσ targe⌠ areß
ááááááááááfo≥ thσ formulaσ etc« t∩ bσ transferred.
áááááb. áTransfer Load: worksheet #1.
ááááác.á áDeletσ al∞ rows¼á column≤ anΣ cell≤ no⌠ t∩ bσ copied¼á leavinτ ß
ááááááááááblocδ oµ formulaσ etc.
ááááád.á áInser⌠ blanδ row≤ anΣ column≤ t∩ positioε thσ blocδ t∩ corresponΣ
ááááááááááwitΦ targe⌠ areß iε workshee⌠ #2.
e.á áSe⌠áá Transfe≥á Option≤á t∩á Symboliπá anΣá Transfe≥á Savσáá thi≤
ááááááááááblocδ a≤ ß workshee⌠ #3.
áááááf. áUnder Normal mode, Transfer Load: worksheet #2.
ááááág. áUnder Symbolic mode, Transfer Load: worksheet #3.
áááááh. áTransfer Save as worksheet #4 under Normal mode.
ááááááááááThσá Symboliπ LoaΣ (iε g.⌐ wil∞ onl∙ overwritσ thσ area≤ useΣá b∙
ááááááááááfilσ #│ anΣ doe≤ no⌠ clea≥ existinτ workshee⌠ #2.
ááááááááááFormulaσ remaiε intac⌠ durinτ thσ merge.
10. Don'⌠á forge⌠á tha⌠ froφ PRIN╘ OPTIONS║á Setup║á yo⌡ caεá contro∞á you≥
ááááprinte≥ e.g« ^[═ ╜ elitσ pitch¼ ^╧ ╜ compresseΣ print.
11. Bewarσá wheε usinτ UNION╙ t∩ refe≥ t∩ cell≤ tha⌠ arσ no⌠á contiguous«
ááááYo⌡á appea≥ t∩ bσ limiteΣ t∩ ß maximuφ oµá fivσá cell-references«á
áááá MAX(r1c1,r1c3,r1c5,r1c10,r1c15)
ááááyo⌡á ma∙ neeΣ t∩ preparσ somσ intermediatσ calculation≤ witΦ Name≤á anΣ
áááásubexpression≤ t∩ handlσ large≥ operations.
12. Se⌠á OPTIONS║áá recalc║á t∩á "Noóá fo≥á quicke≥á responsσá wheεá makinτ
ááááentrie≤ t∩ you≥ workshee⌠ anΣ recalculatσ (!⌐ onl∙ wheε yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ seσ
ááááthσ effect≤ oµ change≤ t∩ you≥ worksheet«
(!⌐ i≤ inoperativσ wheε recalπ se⌠ t∩ "Yes".
13.áFORMA╘ DEFAUL╘ caε bσ useΣ t∩ rese⌠ defaul⌠ columε width¼á normall∙ 10╗
áááácolumε widtΦ mus⌠ bσ >2.
14. It'≤á tid∙ housekeepinτ t∩ kee≡ formulaσ anΣ datß iε separatσ area≤á oµ
ááááthσ worksheet.
15. Havσá yo⌡ discovereΣ thσ Helpfu∞ Hint≤ iε Appendi° ▒ oµ you≥á Multiplaε
ááááUser≤ Guidσ ? []
16«á Iεá multiplan¼á ha≤á anyonσ discovereΣ ho≈ t∩ ge⌠ morσ thaεá 8░á file≤
displayeΣ iε thσ director∙ durinτ ß Transfe≥ LoaΣ? []
--- Page 7 ---
Disk Review: Learning Can be Fun with WORDS......................Brian Uren
Publisher : Honeysoft (Applied Technology)
Mode : Disk (5.25 & 3.5)
Cost : $ 29.50
Thσá disδ ha≤ ╕ educationa∞ program≤ whicΦ range≤ froφ fairl∙ eas∙ t∩á heaΣ
scratching«á ┴á weσ bi⌠ oµ advice¼á makσ surσ yo⌡ havσ ß gooΣ dictionar∙ oε
▒ - Rescue« Prograφ oµ word≤ witΦ simila≥ meaning≤ (synonyms).
Aε examplσ ║ ß synonyφ fo≥ stree⌠ i≤ road« Threσ levels.
Primar∙ students.
▓ - Froτ Opposites« Prograφ oµ word≤ witΦ oppositσ meaning≤ (antonyms).
Aε examplσ ║ aε antonyφ fo≥ ho⌠ i≤ cold« Fou≥ levels.
Primar∙ student≤ anΣ upwards.
│ - Spellinτ Wars«á Giveε teε word≤ t∩ memorisσ - theε t∩ inser⌠ ßá missinτ
lette≥ int∩ eacΦ worΣ a≤ i⌠ i≤ printeΣ oε screen« Fou≥ levels.
Ad÷ Primary/HigΦ Schoo∞ students.
┤á - Alphß Sor⌠ 1«á Prograφ t∩ sor⌠ lis⌠ oµ word≤ int∩ alphabetica∞á order«
Fivσ levels.
Ad÷ Primary/HigΦ Schoo∞ students.
╡á - LanΣá oµá Le°á 1«á Iε you≥ travel≤ t∩ thσ LanΣ oµ Le°á yo⌡á wil∞á mee⌠
obstacle≤ (funn∙ lookinτ peoplσ t∩ bσ precise)¼ whicΦ yo⌡ caε onl∙ pass¼ b∙
providinτ ß worΣ witΦ thσ correc⌠ synonyφ (similar)¼á antonyφ (opposite⌐ o≥
homonyφ (simila≥ sounding).
Iµ yo⌡ cannot¼á hel≡ wil∞ bσ provideΣ b∙ Vo° Vowel¼á Lutiε Length¼ Unicial≤
Ultim∩á o≥ Paladiε Primo«á Iµ stil∞ unablσ (don'⌠ laugh¼á i⌠ doe≤á happen)¼
therσ i≤ thσ Serpen⌠ (Erlkinτ oµ errors).
Ad÷ Primary/HigΦ Schoo∞ students¼ Mum≤ ª Dad≤ iµ you are game.
╢ - Spellinτ War≤ 2« AdvanceΣ versioε oµ Spellinτ War≤ 1« Fou≥ levels« HigΦ
Schoo∞ students.
╖ - Alphß Sor⌠ 2«á Simila≥ bu⌠ advanceΣ versioε oµ Alphß Sor⌠ 1¼ witΦ ß fe≈
modifications« Playinτ agains⌠ ß sto≡ watch« Fivσ levels.
HigΦ Schoo∞ students.
╕ - LanΣ oµ Le° 2« Nex⌠ installmen⌠ oµ thσ LanΣ oµ Le° saga« Mus⌠ pla∙ LanΣ
oµá Le°á ▒ beforσ startinτ thi≤ onσ becausσ yo⌡ neeΣ ß passworΣá t∩á begin¼
unles≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ bσ turneΣ int∩ ß frog.
Fo≥ anyonσ wh∩ get≤ pas⌠ versioε 1.
M∙ Ratinτ ║ Educationa∞ - ╖ Instruction≤ - 9
Interestinτ - ╢ Valuσ fo≥ Mone∙ - 7
Thσ Bos≤ though⌠ thσ program≤ woulΣ bσ oµ grea⌠ valuσ t∩ students¼ bu⌠ theε
agaiεá m∙á wifσá i≤á aε EnglisΦ Teache≥ (whateve≥ the∙ are⌐á anΣá coulΣá bσ
Revie≈ cop∙ courtes∙ oµ ApplieΣ Technology. []
--- Page 8 ---
MICROWORLD BASIC - Plan Scaling..............................Brian Horrocks
Thσ followinτ prograφ i≤
botΦ ß tutoria∞ anΣ too∞
fo≥á thσá rescalinτáá oµ
mode∞áááá plans«
Thσ tutoria∞ illustrate≤
it'≤á usσ witΦ ßá simplσ
mode∞ aircraf⌠ design« ╔
likσááá thσáááá tutoria∞
method¼áá i⌠á run≤á likσ
someonσá explaininτ oε ß
blackboarΣá thσá method.
Thσ Pla∙ commanΣ i≤ useΣ
a≤ ß pausσ t∩ allo≈á thσ
studen⌠áá t∩á reaΣáá thσ
instruction≤ beforσ morσ
i≤á displayed«á Yo⌡á ma∙
finΣáá tha⌠áá thσáá Pla∙
period≤á arσ to∩ lonτá -
tha⌠ i≤ eas∙ t∩ change.
╔á havσ donσ tw∩á screeε
print≤ froφ par⌠ oµá thσ
Genera∞áááá Instruction≤
sequencσ (apologies║á m∙
seria∞áá outpu⌠á screen≤
ofµ thσ eightΦ bit) -ed.
00100 POKE 220,80
00110 REM ****** P L A N S C A L I N G ******
00120 REM File.."SCALIT"; Author BRIAN HORROCKS; Copyright OCTOBER 1984
00130 REM This is designed to assist model makers in the scaling up or
00140 REM down of working plans. The technique is useful for scaling any
00150 REM shape. Once the technique is understood, the Menu allows ready
00160 REM access to the acquisition of scaled dimensions as required,
00170 REM thus speeding the process. ****
00180 GOTO 260
00190 CLS :CURS 448 :PRINT"Enter dimension of major feature from Master
00200 INPUT Q1
00210 CURS 576 :PRINT"Enter new dimension of same feature for proposed
--- Page 8 ---
00220 INPUT U1
00230 A1 = U1/Q1
00240 CLS :CURS 532 :PRINT"Scale Factor is...";[F7.2 A1] :PLAY 0,60
00250 RETURN
00260 CLS :CURS 399 :PRINT"* * * P L A N S C A L I N G * * *" :PLAY 0,40
00280 CLS
00290 GOTO 310
00310 CLS :CURS 272 :PRINT"O P T I O N S A V A I L A B L E"
00320 CURS 336 :PRINT"---------------------------------"
00330 CURS 400 :PRINT"1...General Instructions"
00340 CURS 464 :PRINT"2...Scaled dimensions between Vert. Datums"
00350 CURS 528 :PRINT"3...Scaled Radial or General Dimensions"
00360 CURS 592 :PRINT"4...Illustrate Datum Lines and Radials"
00370 CURS 656 :PRINT"5...Display Scale Factor"
00380 CURS 720 :PRINT"6...Calculate Scale Factor and display"
00390 CURS 842 :PRINT"Select Option...";
00400 INPUT G
00410 IF G<1ORG>6 THEN 300
00420 ON G GOSUB 440,1000,1190,1160,990,190
00430 IF G = 1 THEN 460 ELSE 310
00440 CLS
00460 CLS :CURS 448 :PRINT"* It will also calculate the scaled dimensions,
in centimetres,"
00470 CURS 514 :PRINT"from the originals that are entered from the master
plan.*" :PLAY 0,68 :CLS
00480 CURS 65 :PRINT"This system uses the scaled radials technique." :PRINT
00490 CURS 193 :PRINT"That is, a horizontal Datum Line is drawn through
the master"
00500 CURS 257 :PRINT"plan, and it is intersected by the desired number of
Vertical " :CURS 321 :PRINT"Datum Lines."
00510 CURS 385 :PRINT"Radial lines are then drawn from the intersections
such that"
00520 CURS 449 :PRINT"they pass through the outline of the figure to be
00530 CURS 577 :PRINT"In order to define the scaling ratio, select a major
feature of " :CURS 641 :PRINT"the master plan, ie. Wing span,
Length, ";
00540 PRINT"Height, or Beam, and "
00550 CURS 705 :PRINT"enter the measurement";
00560 INPUT M1
00570 CURS 769 :PRINT"Now decide on the required measurement of the same
feature for" :CURS 833 :PRINT"the plan to be drawn, and enter";
00580 INPUT M2
00590 A1 = M2/M1
00600 CURS 961 :PRINT"Let us now look at the front end of a fuselage, as
an example." :PLAY 0,30 :GOSUB 650
00610 GOSUB 730
00620 REM
00630 GOSUB 800
00640 GOTO 850è
--- Page 9 ---
00650 CLS
00660 HIRES :POKE 128,8
00670 PLOT 80,120 TO 81,125 TO 84,130 TO 89,136 TO 95,141 TO 99,145 TO
107,149 TO 113,152 TO 121,155 TO 129,158 TO 141,161 TO 149,163
00680 PLOT 149,163 TO 162,185 TO 162,150 TO 149,163
00690 PLOT 162,186 TO 179,188 TO 179,150 TO 162,150
00700 PLOT 179,188 TO 200,188 TO 250,188 TO 290,187
00710 PLOT 80,120 TO 81,115 TO 85,110 TO 89,106 TO 95,102 TO 100,99 TO
107,96 TO 115,93 TO 129,90 TO 144,88 TO 169,87 TO 189,87 TO 217,87
TO 239,87 TO 290,88
00720 PLAY 0,15 :RETURN
00730 CURS 1 :PRINT"** Select positions for Horizontal and Vertical Datum
lines **"
00740 PLAY 0,60
00750 PLOT 20,120 TO 432,120 :PLAY 0,15
00770 PLAY 0,30 :PLOT 240,210 TO 240,70 :PLOT 342,210 TO 342,70
00780 PLAY 0,15 :CURS 158 :PRINT"VERT. DATUMS"
00790 RETURN
00800 PLAY 0,30 :CURS 848 :PRINT"*** Now draw scaling radials ***"
00810 PLAY 0,15 :PLOT 240,120 TO 70,160
00820 PLAY 0,15 :PLOT 240,120 TO 146,198
00830 PLAY 0,15 :PLOT 240,120 TO 80,100
00840 PLAY 0,15 :PLOT 240,120 TO 120,80 :CURS 264 :PRINT"RADIALS" :RETURN
00850 PLAY 0,26 :CURS 910 :PRINT"Draw as many radials as you require." :
PLAY 0,44
00860 GOSUB 1400
00870 CLS :CURS 512 :PRINT"It is now necessary to reverse the procedure
and draw datum"
00880 PRINT"lines on the new plan to match the selected scale factor."
00890 PLAY 0,60 :HIRES :GOSUB 750
00900 CURS 1 :PRINT" Draw Radials to match those on the Master
Plan "
00910 PLAY 0,26 :CURS 64 :PRINT"NOTE ! Each Radial MUST be the same angle
as the original "
00920 PLAY 0,56
00930 GOSUB 810
00940 CURS 896 :PRINT"Join the points on the Radials to produce the scaled
00950 PLAY 0,44
00960 GOSUB 670
00970 PLAY 0,52 :GOTO 310
00980 END
00990 CLS :CURS 533 :PRINT"Scale Factor is...";[F7.2 A1] :PLAY 0,44 :RETURN
01000 CLS :HIRES
01010 PLOT 20,120 TO 432,120
01020 PLOT 200,210 TO 200,70
01030 PLOT 300,210 TO 300,70
01040 PLOT 400,210 TO 400,70
01050 PLOT 200,170 TO 300,170 :PLOT 210,175 TO 200,170 TO 210,165 :PLOT
290,175 TO 300,170 TO 290,165è
--- Page 9 ---
01060 CURS 1 :PRINT"Dimension between Vertical Datum Lines on Master
01070 INPUT C1
01080 CURS 282 :PRINT[F7.2 C1];"cm"
01090 D1 = A1*C1
01100 CURS 64 :PRINT"Scaled dimension between Vertical Datum Lines is
";[F7.2 D1];"cm" :PLAY 0,44
01110 CURS 282 :PRINT[F7.2 D1];"cm" :PLAY 0,44
01120 CLS :CURS 450 :PRINT"Do you want another dimension ?(Y or N)"
01130 Q3$ = KEY$ :IF Q3$ =""THEN 1130
01140 IF Q3$ ="Y" OR Q3$ ="y" THEN 1000
01150 RETURN
01160 HIRES :GOSUB 750
01170 GOSUB 810 :PLAY 0,44
01180 RETURN
01190 GOSUB 650
01200 GOSUB 750
01210 GOSUB 810
01220 PLAY 0,52 :CURS 0 :PRINT"Measure the distance on a Master Plan
Radial between the outline"
01230 CURS 64 :PRINT"and intersection then enter it in the next step for
scaling." :PLAY 0,70
01240 PLOT 163,186 TO 182,197 :PLOT 240,120 TO 261,130 :PLOT 176,193 TO
01250 PLOT 177,190 TO 176,193 TO 181,192 :PLOT 249,128 TO 254,127 TO
254,131 :PLOT 210,168 TO 288,168
01260 CURS 358 :PRINT"NOTE! Measure each radial" :CURS 428 :PRINT"thus." :
PLAY 0,70
01270 CURS 840 :PRINT"NOTE ! Each Radial is measured in turn. * * * *"
01280 CURS 906 :PRINT"Press SPACE BAR to continue or `A' to abort."
01290 A7$ = KEY$ : IF A7$ ="" THEN 1290
01300 IF A7$ ="A" OR A7$ ="a" THEN 310
01310 CLS :CURS 448 :PRINT"The Master dimension between outline and
intersection is..";
01320 INPUT M1
01330 X1 = M1*A1
01340 CURS 580 :PRINT"The scaled dimension between outline and
intersection is"
01350 CURS 731 :PRINT [F7.2 X1];"cm" :PLAY 0,60
01360 CURS 844 :PRINT"Do you want another dimension? (Y or N)"
01370 Q3$ = KEY$ :IF Q3$ ="" THEN 1370
01380 IF Q3$ ="Y" OR Q3$ ="y" THEN 1310
01390 RETURN
01400 CLS :CURS 14 :PRINT"Scale formers or bulkheads similarly." :PLAY 0,40
01410 HIRES :PLOT 180,120 TO 170,160 TO 200,170 TO 300,170 TO 330,160 TO
320,120 TO 250,90 TO 180,120 :PLAY 0,32
01420 PLOT 250,200 TO 250,70 :PLOT 150,120 TO 350,120
01430 PLOT 250,120 TO 158,166 :PLOT 250,120 TO 190,180 :PLOT 250,120 TO
310,180 :PLOT 250,120 TO 342,166
01440 PLAY 0,40 :RETURN
--- Page 10 ---
Wheεá ApplieΣ Technolog∙ (whoopsíá - Microbeσ Systems⌐ introduceΣá thσ
Computer-in-a-Book¼á i⌠á seemeΣá tha⌠ therσ wa≤ risδ oµ thσ 3.5óá disπá ma∙
becomσá morσ popula≥ thaε thσ 5"«á Therσ wa≤ als∩ thσ probleφ developinτ oµ
tw∩ format≤ iε thσ samσ machine« A≤ ╔ haΣ alread∙ starteΣ thσ rebuilΣ oµ m∙
Microbee¼á i⌠ seemeΣ sensiblσ t∩ allo≈ fo≥ ß 3.5ó drivσ iε thσá plan«á Wheε
thσ ne≈ Chinoε drivσ appeareΣ oε thσ marke⌠ a⌠ ß ver∙ attractivσ price¼á i⌠
wa≤ timσ t∩ makσ ß move.
Beforσá ╔á explaiε ho≈ thσ microdrivσ caε bσ added¼á ╔ mus⌠ poin⌠á ou⌠
tha⌠á thi≤á applie≤ iε particula≥ t∩ thσ olΣ 64╦ AP├ mode∞á whicΦá wa≤á thσ
firs⌠á disπá machinσá tha⌠á A╘á released«áá
╔ havσ no⌠ investigateΣ thσ possibilit∙ oµ puttinτ ß microdrivσ ont∩ ß 128╦
systeφáá bu⌠á i⌠á shoulΣá bσá possible¼áá althougΦá therσá arσá substantia∞
difference≤ betweeε thσ two«á A≤ fa≥ a≤ puttinτ ß 5ó drivσ ont∩ ß CIAB¼á i⌠
seems¼ oε thσ surface¼ t∩ bσ feasible¼ thougΦ agaiε ╔ havσ no⌠ investigateΣ
Therσá arσá tw∩á obviou≤á area≤ t∩ conside≥á - thσá hardwarσá anΣá thσ
software«á Thσá hardwarσá sidσ i≤ easy«á Thσ 3┤ wa∙ connecto≥ oεá thσá 3.5ó
drive¼á althougΦá ßá differen⌠á typσ froφ tha⌠ oεá thσá 5óá drive¼á i≤á piε
compatible«á I⌠á i≤ onl∙ necessar∙ t∩ makσ u≡ ß ribboε cablσ witΦá suitablσ
connector≤á fo≥ thσ se⌠ u≡ yo⌡ have«á Thσ powe≥ connecto≥ oε thσ microdrivσ
i≤ ß smal∞ 4-piε heade≥ tha⌠ i≤ eas∙ t∩ match«
Onσ poin⌠ t∩ kee≡ iε mind« Iµ yo⌡ plaε t∩ usσ threσ drive≤ (tw∩ 5ó anΣ
onσá 3.╡á seem≤ ample!⌐ theε yo⌡ wil∞ neeΣ t∩ looδ a⌠ increasinτ thσá powe≥
suppl∙ capacity«
Thσ origina∞ powe≥ transforme≥ ha≤ aε unuseΣ windinτ whicΦ coulΣ bσ presseΣ
int∩á servicσ t∩ suppl∙ thσ 5÷ t∩ thσ microdrivσ (oε m∙á system¼á thi≤á wa≤
wha⌠á gavσá ou⌠ witΦ threσ drives)¼á bu⌠ thi≤ ma∙ bσ jus⌠ to∩ mucΦ fo≥á thσ
Anothe≥ methoΣ i≤ t∩ replacσ thσ entirσ powe≥ supply«á Lamroε Industrie≤ iε
Sydney¼á havσá ß rangσ oµ switchinτ powe≥ supplie≤ tha⌠ arσ idea∞ fo≥á thi≤
application« Thσ onσ ╔ chosσ caε suppl∙ 5÷ a⌠ 7amp≤ anΣ 12÷ a⌠ 2.╡ amps« I⌠
i≤ quitσ ß bi⌠ smalle≥ thaε ß conventiona∞ desigε supply.
Regardinτá thσ software¼á therσ arσ tw∩ area≤ wherσ change≤ havσ t∩ bσ
made« Thσ firs⌠ i≤ iε thσ BIOS« Thi≤ i≤ thσ par⌠ oµ CP/═ tha⌠ i≤ customizeΣ
fo≥ thσ Microbee«á Onσ par⌠ oµ i⌠ i≤ thσ disπ paramete≥ tablσá (DPT)«á Thi≤
contain≤ informatioε describinτ thσ particula≥ forma⌠ tha⌠ i≤ useΣ t∩ storσ
datßá oε thσ disc«á Iε thσ Microbeσ BIOS¼á therσ arσ fivσ oµ thesσá tables«
Fou≥á arσá useΣá fo≥ sucΦ format≤ a≤ thσ standarΣá doublσá density¼á singlσ
densit∙ anΣ Osbornσ formats« Thσ fiftΦ i≤ useΣ b∙ thσ SETDRIV┼ prograφ wheε
i⌠á i≤ useΣ t∩ definσ somσ othe≥ format«á Duσ t∩ thσ strangσ wa∙á tha⌠á thσ
Microbeσá BIO╙ work≤ ou⌠ whicΦ forma⌠ i≤ iε use¼á i⌠ i≤ no⌠ possiblσ t∩ re-
usσ onσ oµ thσ firs⌠ four«á
╔ thereforσ chosσ t∩ usσ thσ sparσ onσ normall∙ reserveΣ fo≥ SETDRIVE«á Thσ
disadvantagσ i≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ canno⌠ usσ thσ 3.5ó drivσ a⌠ thσ samσ timσ a≤ ß 5ó
tha⌠ ha≤ beeε SETDRIVE'd« Thi≤ seem≤ ß smal∞ pricσ t∩ pa∙ fo≥ thσ advantagσ
oµ havinτ thσ microdrivσ automaticall∙ describeΣ iε thσ BIOS. >>è
--- Page 11 ---
Sincσá thσ forma⌠ oµ thσ microdrivσ i≤ identica∞ t∩ tha⌠ oµ thσ 5óá (excep⌠
fo≥ thσ sidσ select)¼á thσ datß iε DP╘ numbe≥ ┤ caε bσ placeΣ iε thσá sparσ
one¼ thσ onl∙ changσ beinτ thσ bytσ tha⌠ define≤ thσ drivσ a≤ eithe≥ singlσ
o≥ doublσ sided«á Thσ 3.5ó i≤ singlσ sided« Thσ samσ ske≈ tablσ caε bσ useΣ
fo≥ botΦ type≤ oµ drive«á Thσ addres≤ oµ thσ sparσ DP╘ ha≤ t∩ bσ pu⌠ iε thσ
disπ paramete≥ blocδ heade≥ fo≥ drivσ C.
Thσá othe≥á placσá wherσá changσ mus⌠ bσ madσ i≤á iεá thσá boo⌠á ROM«á Thi≤
contain≤ amongs⌠ othe≥ things¼á somσ routine≤ tha⌠ arσ useΣ b∙ CP/═ wheε i⌠
i≤ performinτ it≤ duty« Thσ areß tha⌠ ha≤ t∩ bσ changeΣ i≤ ß routinσ calleΣ
SET_FDC«á Thi≤ set≤ u≡ thσ disπ controlle≥ chi≡ eacΦ timσ ß drivσ i≤ loggeΣ
on« Iε thσ middlσ oµ thi≤ section¼ therσ i≤ ß smal∞ bi⌠ oµ codσ tha⌠ limit≤
thσ tracδ numbe≥ t∩ 39«á Thi≤ i≤ alrigh⌠ fo≥ thσ 5ó drive¼ bu⌠ thσ 3.5ó ha≤
ß maximuφ tracδ numbe≥ oµ 79«
T∩ overcomσ this¼á ╔ firs⌠ disassembleΣ thσ boo⌠ ROM¼á workeΣ ou⌠ wha⌠
wa≤á goinτ on¼á anΣ inserteΣ ß smal∞ bi⌠ oµ codσ t∩ jum≡ ove≥ thσ offendinτ
sectioεá wheneve≥ thσ selecteΣ drivσ i≤ "Có (i.e«á thσ 3.5óá drive)«á Sincσ
therσ arσ abou⌠ 1░ freσ byte≤ iε thσ ROM¼á thi≤ wa≤ eas∙ t∩ d∩ (oncσ ╔á haΣ
workeΣ ou⌠ how!)« Thσ boo⌠ wa≤ re-assembleΣ anΣ ß ne≈ RO═ programmed«
Surprisingl∙á enough¼á i⌠ al∞ worked«á ╔ caε transfe≥ program≤ betweeε
an∙ oµ thσ threσ drive≤ witΦ impunity«á Iµ SETDRIV┼ ha≤ beeε used¼á though¼
i⌠ i≤ necessar∙ t∩ d∩ ß rese⌠ iε orde≥ t∩ ge⌠ thσ microdrivσ workinτ again.
Onσá smal∞á probleφá tha⌠á ha≤ recentl∙ ariseεá i≤á witΦá thσá monito≥
functioεá t∩ acces≤ thσ disc≤ directly«á Thσ routinσ fo≥ thi≤ i≤ afte≥á thσ
SET_FD├á iε thσ ROM¼á anΣ i≤ useΣ viß ß look-u≡ tablσ iε thσá monitor«á Yo⌡
wil∞á havσá t∩ changσ thσ jum≡ addres≤ (it'≤ arounΣ EB3AH⌐ t∩á reflec⌠á thσ
additiona∞ code.
Wha⌠ ╔ havσ trieΣ t∩ d∩ iε thσ abovσ i≤ t∩ givσ aε outlinσ oµ wha⌠ ha≤
t∩ bσ done«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ stil∞ readinτ this¼ yo⌡ eithe≥ understanΣ i⌠ o≥ arσ
ver∙á persistent«á ╔á diΣá no⌠ wan⌠ t∩ g∩ int∩ grea⌠á detai∞á a≤á i⌠á woulΣ
probabl∙ fil∞ thσ wholσ magazine«
Iµá yo⌡á wan⌠ morσ detail≤ oε thσ softwarσ changes¼á ß SA┼ t∩á RicharΣ
Jacksoε a⌠ thσ club'≤ addres≤ wil∞ ge⌠ thσ info.
DISK REVIEW - MICROBEE ARCADE GAMES Vol. 3.........................G Smith
T∩á feeΣ thσ insatiablσ appetitσ oµ thσ hardeneΣ game≤ addic⌠á ApplieΣ
Technolog∙ havσ releaseΣ thσ thirΣ disδ oµ arcadσ games.
Thi≤ onσ ha≤ seveε game≤ oµ variou≤ type≤.
Thσ game≤ oε thσ disδ are:-
SPAC┼ INVADER╙ Thi≤ i≤ thσ MicroworlΣ versioε oµ thσ arcadσ classic«á Wha⌠
caε yo⌡ sa∙ abou⌠ Spacσ Invader≤ tha⌠ ha≤ no⌠ beeε saiΣ before┐ Thi≤ onσ i≤
iε colou≥ anΣ ha≤ ß "pauseó facility«á ╔ supposσ thi≤ i≤ s∩ yo⌡ caε takσá ß
RS╔á (repetitivσá straiε injury⌐ break«á Howeve≥ iµ yo⌡ d∩ pausσ yo⌡á loosσ
points« (rea∞ game≤ player≤ d∩ no⌠ ge⌠ RSI)
CHILL┘ WILL┘ Yo⌡ arσ chaseΣ througΦ ß mazσ oµ icσ cube≤ (really!!⌐ b∙ threσ
heavie≤ tha⌠ g∩ b∙ thσ name≤ "Icσ Bot"¼ "Freezσ Droidó anΣ "Pola≥ Cat"« >>è
--- Page 12 ---
Cube≤ ma∙ bσ throwε a⌠ o≥ moveΣ iε fron⌠ oµ thσ baddies«á An∙ barrier≤ madσ
don'⌠á las⌠á a≤ truσ t∩ typσ thσ icσ melts«á Iµ yo⌡ arrangσá threσá specia∞
cube≤á iε ß linσ yo⌡ caε movσ t∩ anothe≥ frame«á FinΣ thσ Pola≥ Crysta∞ anΣ
yo⌡ ge⌠ morσ time« ┴ gooΣ strategiπ gamσ tha⌠ i≤ quitσ harΣ t∩ play.
CHOPPE╥ PILO╘ Fl∙ ß helicopte≥ froφ thσ airpor⌠ acros≤ severa∞ cit∙á block≤
anΣá theε througΦ somσ mazes«á Oε thσ wa∙ yo⌡ caε ge⌠ point≤ b∙ landinτá oε
helipad≤á tha⌠á apear«á Iµ yo⌡ survivσ tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ permitteΣ t∩á dodgσá ß
barragσá oµ missiles«á Fo≥ u≤ thσ gamσ end≤ therσ a≤ wσ havσ neve≥ go⌠ pas⌠
thσá missiles«á Thi≤ i≤ ß gooΣ onσ witΦ sounΣ effects«á T∩ learεá thσá gamσ
therσá i≤á ß traininτ modσ iε whicΦ yo⌡ caε disablσ thσ "crashóá facility«
Thi≤ enable≤ yo⌡ t∩ fl∙ througΦ building≤ anΣ thσ wall≤ oµ thσ maze≤á whilσ
yo⌡ arσ learninτ t∩ fly« Ea⌠ you≥ hear⌠ ou⌠ Dicδ Smith!
BABOO╬ Thi≤ i≤ m∙ favoritσ oε thσ disk«á It≤ aε improveΣ versioε oµ "Donke∙
Kong"«á Yo⌡ mus⌠ rescuσ thσ gir∞ froφ thσ clutche≤ oµ thσ gorilla«á Oεá thσ
wa∙ yo⌡ dodgσ barrels¼á ea⌠ cherries¼á catcΦ cherries¼á dodgσ morσ barrels¼
ge⌠á ß tranquillise≥ guε anΣ climΓ ß ladde≥ t∩ reacΦ thσ apσ (it≤ easie≥ t∩
type)«á No⌠á onl∙á d∩ yo⌡ stuε thσ simiaε bu⌠ hσ fall≤ ofµ hi≤ percΦá t∩á ß
stick∙ end«á Decenc∙ forbid≤ mσ froφ tellinτ wha⌠ happen≤ nex⌠ bu⌠ it≤á al∞
gooΣ cleaε fun« T∩ ge⌠ ß gooΣ scorσ thi≤ gamσ require≤ fas⌠ reflexes« Therσ
i≤á ßá traininτá mode¼á threσ live≤ modσ o≥ fivσ live≤á mode«á KeyboarΣá o≥
LAZE╥á BLAZE╥á Dodgσá thσá amazinτ rotatinτá deatΦá ray!!íá Ge⌠á point≤á b∙
contactinτ thσ randoφ targets!!íá Tes⌠ you≥ eyσ anΣ hanΣ coordination!í No⌠
thσ stronges⌠ gamσ oε thσ disk.
SPAC┼á LANE╙á Pla∙ Ronniσ Regan«á Yo⌡ havσ ß grounΣ baseΣá vertica∞á firinτ
laser« Lot≤ oµ spacσ craf⌠ fl∙ above« Shoo⌠ dowε thσ one≤ tha⌠ loδ likσ thσ
spacσ shuttle«á (comσ t∩ thinδ oµ i⌠ yo⌡ mus⌠ bσ thσ othe≥ bloke...⌐ Iµ yo⌡
hi⌠ thσ othe≥ typσ oµ spacσ shi≡ yo⌡ loosσ points«á AvoiΣ spacσ minesíá No⌠
DEPT╚ CHARG┼ Yo⌡ contro∞ ß destroyer«á Submarine≤ lurkinτ beneatΦ thσ wave≤
tr∙á t∩á ge⌠ yo⌡ witΦ torpedoes«á Yo⌡ tr∙ t∩ ge⌠ theφ witΦá deptΦá charges«
Unlikσá ßá lo⌠ oµ "shoot-em-downó game≤ yo⌡ loosσ point≤ fo≥á misse≤á (tha⌠
wil∞á teacΦ yo⌡ t∩ leavσ you≥ finge≥ oε thσ firσ key)«á ┴ suitablσ onσá fo≥
younge≥ game≤ players.
Thσá disδá ha≤ thσ usua∞ "Helpó file≤ fo≥ eacΦ game«á Somσ game≤á havσá thσ
abilit∙á t∩á turεá ofµ thσ sounΣ effects«á Somσ game≤ havσá thσá optioεá oµ
joystick≤á o≥á keyboarΣá control«á Onl∙á onσá gamσá mention≤á colour- Spacσ
Invaders«á ╔á fee∞á tha⌠ an∙ gamσ tha⌠ use≤ sounΣ effect≤ shoulΣá havσá thσ
optioεá oµ playinτ thσ gamσ iε silence«á Al∞ game≤ shoulΣ bσ playablσá froφ
thσá keyboarΣá witΦ joystick≤ ß use≥ selec⌠ optioεá iµá applicable«á Colou≥
shoulΣ bσ mentioneΣ iµ available.
Thσ disδ i≤ availablσ fo≥ $29.9╡ iε eithe≥ 3.5ó o≥ 5.25ó formats« (les≤ 10Ñ
fo≥á members)«á Thσ disδ selµ boot≤ froφ "resetó witΦ ß men⌡ t∩ selec⌠á thσ
game≤ from.
Iµ yo⌡ arσ keeε oε game≤ ╔ thinδ i⌠ i≤ wortΦ thσ cost« I⌠ work≤ ou⌠ a⌠ jus⌠
ove≥ $┤ pe≥ game.
Revie≈ cop∙ courtes∙ oµ ApplieΣ Technology. []
--- Page 13 ---
PROGRAM UNPROTECTION........................................By Colin Mercer
A≤á wσ havσ beeε madσ wel∞ aware¼á softwarσ writer≤á anΣá distributor≤
havσ ß neeΣ t∩ protec⌠ thei≥ investment≤ froφ piracy« Thσ piratσ i≤ onσ wh∩
woulΣ acquirσ aε iteφ oµ software¼á eithe≥ honestl∙ o≥ froφ anothe≥ pirate¼
anΣá distributσ copie≤ oµ thσ softwarσ fo≥ mone∙ o≥ jus⌠ t∩ "bσ ß nicσ guyó
(n∩ puε intended)« T∩ obtaiε ß reasonablσ rewarΣ fo≥ hi≤ effort≤ thσ write≥
oµá softwarσ wil∞ usuall∙ incorporatσ somσ kinΣ oµ cop∙ protectioε s∩á tha⌠
aε illegall∙ madσ cop∙ wil∞ no⌠ run.
Herσá i≤ thσ dilemmß tha⌠ face≤ writers¼á distributor≤ anΣá enΣá user≤
alike«á Thσá hones⌠á use≥ pay≤ hi≤ mone∙ anΣ obtain≤ thσ righ⌠ t∩á usσá thσ
software«á Unfortunatel∙á thσ cop∙ protectioε system≤ prohibi⌠ thσá averagσ
use≥á froφá backinτ u≡ thσ softwarσ anΣ thereb∙ protec⌠ hi≤á investmen⌠á iε
casσ somethinτ happen≤ t∩ hi≤ onl∙ workinτ copy«
Iµá thσá purchaseΣá cop∙á i≤ damageΣá someho≈á man∙á distributor≤á arσá no⌠
interesteΣá iεá replacinτá thσ good≤ withou⌠ ß furthe≥á exchangσá oµá lega∞
tender«á I⌠ woulΣ appea≥ tha⌠ a≤ fa≥ a≤ thσ distributor≤ arσ concerned¼ thσ
use≥á i≤ buyinτ thσ mediuφ (cassette¼á disδ etc.⌐ rathe≥ thaε thσá softwarσ
thereon«áá Oµá coursσá ╔á havσá no⌠á mentioneΣá thσá possibilit∙á tha⌠á thσ
distributo≥á i≤á n∩á longe≥ ß goinτ concern¼á iε whicΦ casσá thσá las⌠á tw∩
sentence≤ arσ largel∙ academic.
Wha⌠ d∩ yo⌡ d∩ then¼á wheε afte≥ havinτ ß cassette baseΣ systeφ sincσ
▒ A═ (Ann∩ Microbee)¼ anΣ havinτ buil⌠ u≡ ß sizeablσ collectioε oµ softwarσ
oεá cassette¼á yo⌡á finall∙á acquirσá ß disδá system┐á D∩á yo⌡á scra≡á you≥
investmen⌠ anΣ star⌠ agaiε iε thσ ne≈ medium┐ D∩ yo⌡ jus⌠ TDCOP┘ everythinτ
anΣá wonde≥ wh∙ no⌠ mucΦ seem≤ t∩ work┐á D∩ yo⌡ stil∞ si⌠ therσ waitinτ fo≥
you≥ favouritσ prograφ t∩ CLOA─ afte≥ beinτ useΣ t∩ thσ speeΣ oµ disks¼á o≥
d∩á yo⌡ tr∙ anΣ cracδ thσ protectioε system≤ s∩ tha⌠ thσ program≤ wil∞á ruε
froφ disδ and¼ a≤ ß bonus¼ enablσ yo⌡ t∩ makσ backup≤ a≤ yo⌡ neeΣ them?
Thσá firs⌠ optioε i≤ eas∙ oε thσ gre∙ matte≥ bu⌠ harde≥ oε thσ pocket¼
no⌠á t∩á mentioε morall∙ repugnant«á Thσ seconΣ i≤ les≤á thaεá satisfactor∙
althougΦá i⌠ i≤ ß majo≥ portioε oµ thσ las⌠ option«á Thσ thirΣ i≤á harΣá t∩
livσ witΦ when¼á afte≥ loadinτ BASI├ (18K⌐ iε ß couplσ oµ second≤ froφ disδ
yo⌡á theεá havσ t∩ wai⌠ fo≥ u≡ t∩ teε minute≤ fo≥ ß smalle≥ prograφá t∩á bσ
entered«á Thσ las⌠ optioε i≤ prett∙ trick∙ anΣ woulΣ appea∞ t∩ puzzlσ buff≤
and amateur tacticians.
Hobson≤á Choicσá leΣ mσ t∩ thσ thirΣ optioε (gasp≤ oµ surprise⌐ anΣá ╔
wil∞ describσ somσ oµ thσ trick≤ founΣ anΣ employeΣ b∙ mσ iε thσ attempt« ╔
wil∞á no⌠á mentioε thσ name≤ oµ thσ program≤ concerneΣ s∩ a≤ no⌠á t∩á incu≥
professiona∞á wratΦ (la≈ suit⌐ anΣ ╔ wil∞ dea∞ onl∙ witΦ protecteΣá machinσ
language programs.
Thσá firs⌠á thinτá t∩á conside≥á i≤ tha⌠ al∞á oµá thσá program≤á ╔á aφ
describinτá expec⌠ t∩ ruε iε ß RO═ baseΣ Microbeσ usinτ thσ BASI├á cassettσ
loadinτ system« Man∙ oµ theφ wil∞ cal∞ BASI├ routine≤ fo≥ ke∙ entry¼ screeε
acces≤ etc«á Somσ oµ thesσ "machinσ languageó program≤ arσ actuall∙ writteε
iεá BASI├ anΣ cunningl∙ (?⌐ disguised«á Thu≤ al∞ oµ theφ wil∞ havσ t∩á havσ
BASIC resident in the 'Bee to run successfully.
Wheεá ßá cassettσá i≤á loadeΣ b∙á BASI├á thσá firs⌠á rea∞á informatioε
encountereΣá i≤á ß strinτ oµ sixteeε byte≤ whicΦ forφ thσ "headeróá oµá thσ
followinτ program«á Thσ heade≥ blocδ contain≤ al∞ thσ informatioε needeΣ t∩
load and run the program. The information contained is as follows >>è
--- Page 14 ---
1- 6 File name 6 bytes of ASCII code
7 File type 1 byte ASCII ( M , B etc.)
8- 9 File length 2 bytes HEX *
10-11 Start address 2 bytes HEX *
12-13 Auto-exec addr. 2 bytes HEX *
14 Tape speed 1 byte ( 00 = 300bd, 01 = 1200 bd)
15 Auto-exec flag 1 byte ( FF for auto)
16 Spare 1 byte (can be anything)
* (Z80 Least Significant Byte,
Most S B format)
- and is stored at 00F1-0100H (241-256 decimal).
Wheεá thσ prograφ ha≤ loadeΣ anΣ begin≤ executioε i⌠ i≤ ver∙ commoε t∩
checδá addresse≤ 00F▒ t∩ 0100╚ fo≥ thσ correc⌠ informatioε s∩ a≤á t∩á provσ
tha⌠á thσá prograφ wa≤ iε fac⌠ loadeΣ througΦ BASIC«á Thi≤ i≤á particularl∙
truσ oµ thσ Sparσ bytσ a⌠ 0100H«á Therσ arσ othe≥ test≤ tha⌠ arσ madσ anΣ ╔
wil∞ dea∞ witΦ somσ iε duσ course«á Thσ commoε facto≥ iε nearl∙ al∞ oµá thσ
programs I converted was the response to the tests failing. EXTERMINATE!!!
D∩ yo⌡ kno≈ ho≈ quickl∙ thσ moderε Microbeσ caε fil∞ it≤ entirσ memor∙ with
garbage? Plenty fast.
Therσá arσá ßá numbe≥ oµ way≤ t∩ finΣ ou⌠ wha⌠á thσá heade≥á contains«
Perhap≤ thσ simples⌠ i≤ t∩ ente≥ thσ Monito≥ prograφ (RESE╘ M⌐ anΣ [R]eaΣ ß
cassette«á Yo⌡ onl∙ neeΣ t∩ ruε thσ cassettσ unti∞ thσ Filenamσ appear≤á oε
thσ screeε theε RESE╘ ═ again« [E]xaminσ 00F1╚ anΣ thσ heade≥ blocδ wil∞ bσ
displayed«á Alternativel∙á ß simplσ machinσ codσ routinσ caε bσ writteεá t∩
reaΣá anΣ displa∙ onl∙ thσ header«á ╔ havσ donσ this¼á s∩ iµ requireΣ ╔ caε
make it available to members.
Havinτ madσ ß notσ oµ AL╠ thi≤ informatioε yo⌡ arσ wel∞ oε thσ wa∙á t∩
backupability«á Bσ surσ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ everythinτ exactl∙ right¼á ╔ stumbleΣ
arounΣá fo≥á hour≤ oε onσ prograφ becausσ ╔ haΣ no⌠ noticeΣ tha⌠ thσá filσ
namσá containeΣ lowe≥ casσ letter≤ anΣ ╔ haΣ assumeΣ theφ t∩ bσá al∞á uppe≥
case«á No≈á al∞ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ d∩ i≤ t∩ checδ wherσ thσ prograφ i≤ supposeΣ t∩
residσ iε memory.
Thσá MLOA─ anΣ MRU╬ command≤ iε disδ BASI├ wil∞ assumσ ß loaΣá addres≤
oµá 0900╚ (2304D)«á Iµ thσ prograφ i≤ designeΣ t∩ livσ a⌠ ß highe≥á addres≤
thing≤á arσ ß littlσ simpler¼á a⌠ o≥ belo≈ 090░ morσ cunninτá i≤á required«
Now¼á iµá yo⌡á haven'⌠ already¼á TDCOP┘ you≥ prograφ anΣ cal∞ i⌠á somethinτ
nice¼ thi≤ cop∙ wil∞ bσ discardeΣ anyway« ╔ usσ aε extensioε oµ MC─ a⌠ thi≤
stagσ anΣ MA├ fo≥ thσ finisheΣ product¼ botΦ stanΣ fo≥ Machinσ Code« ╔ useΣ
DD╘ fo≥ thσ nex⌠ bi⌠ althougΦ an∙ filσ patchinτ prograφ woulΣ bσá suitable«
Wha⌠á wσ neeΣ t∩ d∩ i≤ t∩ ensurσ tha⌠ wheε thσ finisheΣ prograφ load≤á froφ
disδá thσá firs⌠ thinτ tha⌠ i⌠ doe≤ i≤ t∩ loaΣ 00F1-010░ witΦ thσá requireΣ
heade≥ block«á I⌠ ma∙ bσ truσ tha⌠ thσ prograφ yo⌡ arσ doinτ couldn'⌠á carσ
les≤á abou⌠ thσ header¼á bu⌠ considerinτ tha⌠ thi≤ methoΣ involve≤ aε over-
heaΣá oµ onl∙ 3░ byte≤ i⌠ i≤ quicke≥ anΣ easie≥ thaε findinτ ou⌠á iµá thσ
prograφ want≤ t∩ know.
Iµ thσ prograφ live≤ a⌠ ß highe≥ addres≤ thaε 0900╚ theε wσ caε inser⌠
ßá smal∞ routinσ a⌠ 0900╚ t∩ loaΣ thσ heade≥ anΣ theε JUM╨ t∩ thσ auto-exeπ
address«á ╔ useΣ DD╘ t∩ ente≥ thσ machinσ codσ routinσ anΣ theε loadeΣ int∩
memor∙á thσ .MC─ file«á Thσ wholσ lo⌠ coulΣ theε bσ saveΣ bacδ t∩ disδá anΣ
hopefull∙ tested«á >>è
--- Page 15 ---
Iµá thσ prograφ i≤ designeΣ t∩ ruε a⌠ not-too-mucΦ abovσ 090░ yo⌡ caεá loaΣ
i⌠á directl∙ int∩ placσ anΣ no⌠ worr∙ abou⌠ thσ garbagσ betweeε thσá heade≥
routinσá anΣ thσ star⌠ oµ thσ program«á However¼á iµ thσ differencσ i≤ morσ
thaεá ß fe≈ hundreΣ byte≤ i⌠ ma∙ bσ wortΦ considerinτ ß seconΣá blocδá movσ
routinσ t∩ shif⌠ thσ prograφ t∩ it≤ rightfu∞ placσ iε memory.
If¼á havinτ reaΣ thi≤ far¼á yo⌡ don'⌠ thinδ i⌠ i≤ gettinτ to∩ dee≡á ╔
recommenΣ readinτ u≡ oε thσ Z80'≤ LDI╥ anΣ LDD╥ commands« The∙ arσ powerfu∞
command≤á tha⌠á arσá tailo≥- madσ fo≥ thi≤á typσá oµá exercise«á The∙á wil∞
definitel∙á bσ needeΣ iµ thσ prograφ i≤ t∩ residσ a⌠ aε addres≤ lowe≥á thaε
0900H«á Thσá actua∞á detail≤á oµ thσ operatioε oµ DD╘ anΣá thσá blocδá movσ
instruction≤á wil∞á bσ covereΣ a⌠ ß late≥ date¼á a≤ sooε a≤ ╔ caεá ge⌠á thσ
step≤ int∩ somσ coheren⌠ order«á (Havinτ aε ideß wha⌠ yo⌡ arσ doinτ i≤á onσ
thing, passing the word on to someone else is quite another.)
Occasionally¼á havinτ thσ cassettσ heade≥ informatioε iε placσ i≤á no⌠
enougΦá anΣá iµá thσ firs⌠ stagσ oµá backupabilityisinτá (almos⌠á describeΣ
above⌐á doesn'⌠ worδ theε yo⌡ havσ t∩ star⌠ lookinτ deeper«á
Thσá bes⌠á placσá t∩ star⌠ i≤ a⌠ thσ auto-exeπ addres≤ (froφá thσá cassettσ
heade≥ inf∩ - pa∙ attention!)«á Thi≤ i≤ wherσ ß smal∞ amoun⌠ oµ disassembl∙
i≤á requireΣ anΣ ╔ founΣ that¼á sincσ thσ protectioε test≤ arσ usuall∙á thσ
firs⌠á operation≤ iε ß program¼á ver∙ littlσ worδ wa≤ needeΣ t∩ finΣá othe≥
Onσá oµá thσá mos⌠ intriguinτ piece≤ oµ devilmen⌠ wa≤á ßá prograφá destruc⌠
routinσá brokeε u≡ int∩ smal∞ segment≤ anΣ hiddeε withiε PC╟ anΣ othe≥ datß
block≤á so¼á fo≥ thσ mos⌠ part¼á the∙ werσ easil∙ overlookeΣ a≤ beinτá onl∙
data«á I⌠á wa≤á particularl∙ difficul⌠ t∩ finΣ thσ tes⌠ whicΦá causeΣá tha⌠
routinσ t∩ bσ entered.
Thσá to≡á mark≤ fo≥ antibackupabilityisinτ mus⌠ g∩ t∩á thσá cunninτá caninσ
progen∙ wh∩ though⌠ oµ savinτ thσ maiε prograφ a⌠ 600bΣ whicΦ wa≤ theε reaΣ
b∙á ßá separatσá loade≥ prograφ which¼á whilσ i⌠ wasn'⌠á doinτá mucΦá else¼
prepareΣá thσá scenσ fo≥ unusua∞ test≤ withiε thσ maiε program«á ╔á enjoyeΣ
tha⌠ one!
Therσ i≤ ß lo⌠ morσ t∩ bσ saiΣ oε thi≤ topiπ whicΦ ╔ wil∞ leavσ fo≥á ß
late≥ issuσ oµ thσ newsletter« Iε thσ meantime¼ iµ an∙ membe≥ woulΣ likσ t∩
ge⌠á unde≥á wa∙á beforσá tha⌠ timσ ╔ wil∞ bσ glaΣ t∩á hel≡á thσá owner≤á oµ
ORIGINAL software with their counterantibackupabilityisation.
P.S«á Iµá thσá usσá oµ thσ masculinσ pronouε iε thσá firs⌠á tw∩á paragraph≤
offend≤ ╔ mos⌠ humbl∙ apologize«á ╔ makσ n∩ apolog∙ fo≥ othe≥ word≤ useΣ iε
thi≤ text« Co≡ tha⌠ NoaΦ Webster!
[Colin must be learning German at the moment - ed]
Poking about....................................................Hugh Ristic
Apologie≤á t∩ regula≥ reader≤ oµ thi≤ bit«á H.R«á ha≤ lef⌠ Adelaidσ oεá hi≤
pusΦá bikσá unti∞ thσ F1G╨ part∙ i≤ over.
Iµ yo⌡ arσ lookinτ fo≥ thσ articlσ oε aut∩ starting¼ reaΣ Coliε Mercer'≤ oε
unprotectioning. []
--- Page 16 ---
Omeε ╓ Review................................................Damieε Barnard
áááááááááááTherσ i≤ abou⌠ onσ Omeε bb≤ iε ever∙ statσ oµ Australia.
áááááááááááThσá origina∞á Omeεá softwarσ wa≤ writteε b∙ Pete≥á MacGratΦá b∙
ááááááááááálookinτá a⌠ RCP═ system≤ anΣ iε responsσ t∩ ß challengσá froφá ß
áááááááááááTRS-8░ use≥ wh∩ saiΣ i⌠ couldn'⌠ bσ done.
Thσá Adelaidσ Omeε i≤ ver∙ simila≥ t∩ aε RCP═ systeφ iε thσ fac⌠á tha⌠
yo⌡ takσ contro∞ oµ thσ Operatinτ system«á Thσ operatinτ systeφ useΣ oε thσ
omeεá i≤ Newdos«á Thi≤ i≤ ß fairl∙ standarΣ disδ operatinτ systeφá fo≥á thσ
Thσá systeφá ha≤á ßá Bulletiε boarΣ systeφ tha⌠ i≤á ver∙á simila≥á t∩á mos⌠
Bulletiεá boards«á Yo⌡ caε enter,reaΣ anΣ scaε Bulletins«á I⌠ eveε ha≤á thσ
facilit∙á t∩á reaΣ ne≈ bulletin≤ tha⌠ havσ beeε placeΣ oε thσ systeφá sincσ
you≥ las⌠ call.
Froφá thσ systeφ yo⌡ caε Cha⌠ t∩ thσ syso≡ o≥ pla∙ onσ oµá thσá newes⌠
features║ ß remotσ adventure« [Ho≈ man∙ phonσ line≤ d∩ the∙ have┐ - ed].
Therσá i≤ ß fai≥ amoun⌠ oµ publiπ domaiε softwarσ oε thσá systeφá witΦ
tw∩ possiblσ way≤ t∩ receivσ it« Thσ firs⌠ wa∙ i≤ t∩ typσ LIS╘ filename.ex⌠
anΣá yo⌡ theε capturσ i⌠ a≤ aε asciΘ file«á Thσ seconΣ wa∙ i≤ t∩ typσá XFE╥
froφá thσ Newdo≤ prompt¼á whicΦ wil∞ pu⌠ yo⌡ int∩ thσ Christensoεá Protoco∞
transfe≥á oµá thσá system«á I⌠ i≤ als∩ possiblσ t∩ lis⌠á thσá cataloguσá oµ
softwarσá oεá thσ system«á Therσ arσ plent∙ oµ Hel≡ file≤ oε thσ systeφá t∩
hel≡ yo⌡ iµ yo⌡ eve≥ ge⌠ lost.
Thσá systeφ i≤ mainl∙ fo≥ member≤ bu⌠ visitor≤ caε vie≈ bulletin≤ anΣá reaΣ
hel≡ files« Membershi≡ onl∙ cost≤ $1░ s∩ i⌠ i≤ iε you≥ interes⌠ t∩ becomσ ß
membe≥ becausσ thσ mone∙ goe≤ toward≤ upgradinτ thσ system.
Thσá numbe≥á iµá yo⌡á wan⌠ ß looδ i≤ 35╢ 793╣ anΣ thσá answe≥á t∩á thσ
questioε "Wha⌠ i≤ thσ standarΣ trs-8░ operatinτ system:ó i≤ TRSDOS.
TA┬ (thσ bettinτ corporation⌐ ha≤ addeΣ ß featurσ fo≥ countr∙á users«á The∙
havσ connecteΣ ß compute≥ t∩ Austpaπ whicΦ allow≤ yo⌡ ente≥ anΣ placσ bets«
The∙á arσá placinτá ß C-6┤ iε eacΦ outbacδ agencie≤ witΦ ßá printe≥á anΣá ß
Sendatß modeφ t∩ acces≤ thσ system« AnΣ TA┬ hope≤ t∩ placσ thesσ set-up≤ iε
sub-agencie≤ sucΦ a≤ news-agent≤ ,vide∩ shop≤ anΣ hotels.
Cicadßá havσ brough⌠ ou⌠ ß ne≈ modeφ calleΣ thσ 31▓ cicada«á Thi≤ modeφ ha≤
300/30░ anΣ 1200/7╡ baud« N∩ detail≤ abou⌠ price≤ yet.
AE─ havσ donateΣ thσ Prophe⌠ bb≤ iε Sydne∙ ß Universσ Supercomputer«á Larr∙
Lewi≤ thσ syso≡ hope≤ t∩ havσ ß multi-use≥ functioε installeΣ soon¼ iε fac⌠
i⌠ coulΣ alread∙ bσ installed!
Thσ systeφ numbe≥ i≤ (02⌐ 62╕ 7030.
Thσá You≥ Compute≥ bb≤ shoulΣ g∩ ont∩ AUSTPA├ ver∙ shortl∙ makinτá i⌠á mucΦ
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