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NSWP - A disk maintenance utility.
Dave Rand
10232 - 160 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5P 3E9
.he NSWP - A disk maintenance utility
.paè.fo NSWP.DOC page #
Introduction ........................ 3
Overview of NSWP ............... 4
Invoking NSWP .................. 5
Single file commands ................ 6
Help ........................... 7
Moving Forward and Backward .... 7
Exiting ........................ 8
Finding a file ................. 8
Viewing and Printing ........... 8
Deleting a file ................ 8
Copying ........................ 9
Renaming ....................... 9
The Space command .............. 11
The Log command ................ 11
Introduction to Multifile Commands .. 12
The Tag command ................ 12
Wildcard tagging ............... 13
The Untag command .............. 13
The Mass copy command .......... 13
After the mass (Again) ......... 14
Erasing files .................. 14
Squeezing and Unsqueezing files. 14
Setting file status ............ 15
Notes on NSWP 204 ................... 16
Notes on NSWP 205 ................... 16
Epilogue ............................ 17
Credits ............................. 17
Contributions ....................... 17
.paè Introduction
NSW╨ i≤ ne≈ disδ utilit∙ thaε caε replacσ man∙ oµ thσ morσ commoε
utilities that are used, such as STAT, PIP, USQ, SQ, TYPE, PRINT, SWEEP,
DISK7, PROT, and others. In only 12K of disk space, it replaces over 100K
of utilities!
NSWP is written entirely in assembly language, and will run on any CP/M
2.x, 3.x or MP/M based system with no changes. Since it is coded in 8080
assembler, any 8080, 8085 or Z80 compatible processor will serve. Note
that this program WILL NOT run on CP/M 1.4.
When NSWP was conceived, the dominant file utility was SWEEP, and thus
NSWP is syntax compatible with SWEEP, but with many extensions. This
allows you to directly rename NSWP to SWEEP, if you so desire, with no
retraining period.
I hope that you enjoy this program, and use it well. Any problems, or
suggestions may be directed to myself at the address on the first page,
or on one of the following RCP/Ms:
Edmonton RCP/M - (403) 454-6093 (300 or 1200 baud)
Stadium RCP/M - (403) 479-3450 (300 baud only)
or voice at: (403) 484-4114
Disclaimer and warning
While this program has been tested on many systems, I will have no
liability or responsibilty to the user or any other person or entity with
respect to any liability, loss or damage caused, or alledged to be caused
directly or indirectly by this program, including, but not limited to,
any interruption of service, loss of business, anticipatory profits or
consequential damages resulting from the use of this program.
Furthermore, although this program has been placed into the public
domain, I retain all copyrights to this program, both in the U.S.A and in
Canada, and pursuant to this, this program MAY NOT BE SOLD BY ANY PARTY
unless specifically authorized by the author, Dave Rand, in writing,
previous to the first copy being sold. As well, this program MAY NOT BE
INCLUDED IN ANY OTHER PACKAGE FOR SALE, even if this program is indicated
as being 'in the public domain'. All of the above applies to both the
original as well as derived, or modified copies of the original. Any
modified copies of this program MUST NOT have the copyright notice
violated, changed or altered.
Please report any copyright violations to the author, at one of the above
telephone numbers. Thank you.
.paè NSWP 2 - A disk maintenance utility
NSWP Overview
NSWP is a directory and file manipulation program. With it, you can copy,
delete, rename, unsqueeze and squeeze files. The documentation following
is split into two major sections: A tutorial for the inexperienced, and a
reference section. The reference normally will be used in conjunction
with the program to answer specific questions regarding NSWP. The
tutorial is a broad coverage of all of the functions, and should be read
through at least once.
The most important thing to remember when using NSWP is that it provides
a list of your files in ALPHABETICAL order. Moving around in this list is
quite easy, and will soon become second nature.
In this documentation, all user input is underlined. As well, when the
"current" file is referenced in this documentation, it means the file
just to the left of your input. This "current" file is often referred to
as the file you are "on".
.paèInvoking NSWP
To make effective use of NSWP, you must know the various options
available to you when you invoke NSWP. Here are some of the options:
This format simply loads NSWP, and scans the default drive and user for
filenames. Once inside NSWP, you may change to a different drive and/or
user, but when you exit you will be returned to the drive/user that you
called NSWP from.
This format loads NSWP and scans the current drive and user for all
filenames with the extension '.COM'. Note that NSWP can find system files
as well, so no additional information need be given.
The presence of the second asterisk indicates to NSWP that you wish to
scan all user areas of the indicated disk drive. In this case, all '.COM
files on all user areas on drive B.
Combinations of the above are acceptable, and you may even log to all
user areas, and find all files with the specification '*.* *'.
Once inside NSWP you are presented with a menu, then a report of which
drive and user you are logged to, how much space is taken by the files
you have specified, how many files have been found with the specificat-
ions given, and how much space is left on the disk. A sample follows:
Drive A0: 596K in 36 files. 735K free.
A special format of this line shows that you are logged to all user areas:
Drive B*: 950K in 234 files. 2956K free.
From this point, you may execute any of the menu options.
A special display occurs if no files are found with the specification you
have given, or if there are no files in the given drive/user area(s):
No files.
This display may also occur if you delete all the files out of a given
specification. When this occurs, your menu choices are limited to ONLY
'S', 'L' or 'X'. This allows you to see the free Space on a drive, to Log
to another drive/user, or to eXit. No other choices are valid, nor will
they be accepted.
.paèSingle file commands
There are two primary types of commands in NSWP: those that act on one
file and those that act on many files. We will go through them both.
Before doing that though, let's try moving around in NSWP first.
To move in NSWP, you must first understand that the files on your
selected drive/user will be presented to you in a sorted manner. The
files are sorted in this order: Filename, File extension, user area:
1. B0: -WORK .001 0K :
2. B0: ARCADD .COM 4K :
3. B0: ARCCOPY .COM 2K :
As you can see, the files are numbered for your convenience. You may not
directly use these numbers. As you can see, the file size is also shown
(rounded to the nearest block size).
Note that if you have enabled the reverse video sequence (see Epilog),
you may see some of the letters in the filename printed in reverse video.
The chart below shows how to decode this information.
12345678 /YR
|||||||| OSC
4. B0: ARCDEL .COM 2K :
As you can see, this looks confusing. Really, though, it is not. The tags
F1-F8 normally are not used, but NSWP allows you set F1-F4 for your own
use. The R/O tag means that the file may be read, but not written to. The
SYS tag means that the file does not appear in normal DIR listings, and
in CP/M 3, MPM and CP/M 86 also means that this file is avaiable to all
user areas. The ARC tag means that, if set, the file has been backed up
since it was last accessed.
Now that you understand how files are presented, we can go through a
sample session. Remember, user input is underlined.
.paèA>NSWP B:
NSWEEP - Version 2.00 02/11/1984
(c) Dave Rand, 1984
Edmonton, Alberta
Drive B0: 850K in 64 files. 118K free.
1. B0: -WORK .001 0K : <SP>
2. B0: ARCADD .COM 4K : <SP>
3. B0: ARCCOPY .COM 2K : <CR>
4. B0: ARCDEL .COM 2K : <CR>
5. B0: ARCDIR .COM 2K : B
4. B0: ARCDEL .COM 2K : B
3. B0: ARCCOPY .COM 2K : B
2. B0: ARCADD .COM 4K : B
1. B0: -WORK .001 0K : X
At any point, you may request the main help menu by pressing '?'.
1. B0: -WORK .001 0K : ?
NSWEEP - Version 2.00 02/11/1984
(c) Dave Rand, 1984
Edmonton, Alberta
A - Retag files | Q - Squeeze/Unsqeeze tagged files
B - Back one file | R - Rename file(s)
C - Copy file | S - Check remaining space
D - Delete file | T - Tag file for transfer
E - Erase T/U files | U - Untag file
F - Find file | V - View file
L - Log new disk/user | W - Wildcard tag of files
M - Mass file copy | Y - Set file status.
P - Print file | ? - Display this help
X - Exit to CP/M | cr, sp - Forward one file
Moving forward and backward
As you can see, the two most common commands will be moving forward and
backwards through the directory. Either the SPACE bar (<SP>), or the
RETURN key (<CR>) may be used to move forward. To move backwards, simply
use the 'B' key. Note that all commands in NSWP can be either in upper or
lowercase. Internally, lowercase will be converted to uppercase. If you
reach the end of the directory with either command, you will be "wrapped
around" to the other end automatically.
To exit, just use the 'X' command as shown above. This will return you to
the same drive and user area that you invoked NSWP from, regardless of
anything you may have done in NSWP.
Finding a file
Since you may have many hundreds of files selected, you may wish to move
rapidly to a particular file. You may do this through the 'F', or FIND
1. B0: -WORK .001 0K : F Which file? BASCOM
8. B0: BASCOM .COM 32K :
The Find command always starts looking from entry number one. You may use
the standard CP/M syntax for wildcarding (eg: to find the first .HEX
file, you may use *.HEX), and also note that the Find command will fill
all blank spaces with question marks. This makes the search strings
'B*.*', 'B', and 'B??????.' all find the first file beginning with 'B'.
As you experiment, you will find other interesting uses for this command.
At this point, you now know how to move through your directory, both rap-
idly and one step at a time. Let's move on to some more useful commands.
Viewing and Printing a file
The View command, invoked with a 'V', will type the current file onto the
screen, unsqueezing the file if required. Note that this command will NOT
prevent you from listing ANY type of file, so you must use your own
judgement on what can and cannot be listed. At the end of each page on
the screen, view will stop, and allow you to abort the viewing with a ^C
or a ^X. To get one more line from the file, hit the space bar. To get
another page, hit the <CR> or RETURN key.
The Print command, invoked with a 'P', will send the current file, with
no modifications or paging, to the current LST: device. You may abort the
print with a ^C or ^X. All other features of the View command apply.
Deleting a file
You can delete the current file just by hitting the 'D' key. Before
deletion occurs, you will be prompted.
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : D Delete file? Y
12. B0: DEAD .DAT 100K :
If any reply other than 'y' or 'Y' is given the file is not deleted. If
the file is deleted, it is removed from the list and the next file is
given the current file's number.
.paèIf the file is a Read Only file, you will be prompted again:
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : D Delete file? Y R/O. Delete? Y
12. B0: DEAD .DAT 100K :
Copying a file
While on any file, you may copy that file to:
A) Another name, on the same drive/user
B) Another name, on a different drive/user
C) The same name, on a different drive/user
NSWP will prevent you from copying a file to the same drive/user that the
source file resides on. Other than that, there are no restrictions on
where you wish the file to be. If a file exists on the same drive/user
that you wish to place the destination file, the existing file is deleted
automatically, even if it is Read Only. When NSWP copies a file, all the
attributes of the original file are passed on to the destination file.
Thus, if a file is a SYS, R/O file, NSWP will cause the destination file
to be SYS, R/O after the file copy has taken place.
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : C Copy to (filespec)? C9:BACK.CDP
If you wish to preserve the name of the file, you may just enter the
destination drive/user part of the filespec (eg. C9: in the preceding
example would have copied the file to drive C user 9, retaining the name
CDP1). Just entering the drive part of the filespec causes NSWP to retain
the user number of the source file.
If the filename is followed by a space, then a 'V', the file will be
verify read after it is written. NSWP maintains a CRC of the file as it
is writing the file, and verifies this CRC.
Renaming files
The Rename command ('R') may be used to:
A) Change the name of one file
B) Change the names of many files
C) Change the user number of one file
D) Change the user number of many files
To just change the name of one file, the syntax is simple:
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : R New name, or *? CDP2
12. B0: CDP2 . 40K :
.paè You may also change the user number of the file, as follows:
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : R New name, or *? B1:CDP2
12. B1: CDP1 . 40K :
Note that if all user areas are not specified in the logon of NSWP, the
file may not be shown on your list when renaming to another user area.
To change a group of files from one name to another, you may enter the
following command at any file:
9. B0: BASIC .COM 24K : R New name, or *? *
Old name? *.HEX
New name? *.BAK
At this point all files with the extension .HEX will be renamed to the
same filename but with the extension .BAK. You will see a running display
on the screen as each file is renamed. Any valid wildcard may be used to
select the source files, and the destination files will take one
character from the source for each '?' in the name. An asterisk qualifies
as filling the remainder of the field with '?'. If the destination file
exists, the rename is not made.
You may also choose to rename a group of files to another user area,
optionally changing their names as well:
9. B0: BASIC .COM 24K : R New name, or *? *
Old name? *.HEX
New name? B1:*.BAK
This command will rename all .HEX files on drive B user 0 to the same
filename, but with the extension .BAK, and place the resultant file in
user 1. You may want to try this command a few times to get the hang of
it, but it is extremely powerful.
.paèThe Space command
The Space command ('S') simply asks you for a drive code, then tells you
the remaining space on the drive you specify. Before doing the space
check, a drive reset is performed, so feel free to change disks.
The Log Command
The Log command ('L') allows you to change your directory to another
drive or user. Additionally, it allows you to re-specify the wildcard
mask just like entering the NSWP program from CP/M. As well, the drive
system is reset, so again you should be able to change to a different
diskette at this point or to another part of the same diskette. When the
Log command is used, the instructions are reprinted for review.
16. B0: DD .COM 4K : L New drive/user/mask? A14:*.HEX
NSWEEP - Version 2.00 02/11/1984
(c) Dave Rand, 1984
Edmonton, Alberta
Drive A14: 44K in 2 files. 1118K free.
1. A14:NSWP .HEX 22K:
.paè Introduction to Multifile commands
Now that all the commands that affect single files have been described,
it is time to introduce the concept of Multifile commands. These commands
are ones that affect as few as one or as many as all of the files on a
single disk. To affect these files, though, we must have some way of
describing which files need to be affected. CP/M has a way to do this,
using "wildcards". This program, on the other hand, uses the concept of a
file "tag".
The Tag command
Tagging a file, in its simplest form, can be accomplished just by
depressing the 'T' key when the file to be tagged appears. What exactly
is a tag? A tagged file is a file in the list of filenames that has an
asterisk next to the colon after the name of the file, as shown below.
9. B0: BASIC .COM 24K :*
A tagged file is different from an untagged file in that you may now
request an operation that deals with several unrelated files (eg. Files
that will not match using only one wildcard). A sample "tag" session is
9. B0: BASIC .COM 24K : T Tagged files = 24K ( 23K).
10. B0: BRUN .COM 16K : T Tagged files = 40K ( 39K).
Note that the 'T' command automatically performs a "move forward"
To the right of the 'Tagged files' message two numbers are displayed. The
numbers are the total size, in K, of the files you have tagged so far.
This is useful if, for example, you are moving files from one size of
diskette to another, smaller size diskette. If the source disk holds 500K
and the destination holds 256K, you can stop the tagging operation when
your size is just less than 256K. The tag function in itself does not
perform any operation, other than to mark the file for a future "mass"
By now the astute reader will notice that I have cleverly skipped over
the function of the second number display, the one in parenthesis. This
number is the combined size of the tagged files, IN 1K BLOCKS. If you are
using a computer system that supports many different disk sizes/formats,
or a system with a hard disk attached, you may already know that CP/M can
allocate storage only in "BLOCKS", and that these "BLOCKS" may be up to
16k in length. This means that NSWP would show a file containing, say,
512 bytes in information, as being up to 16k long, depending on your
computer. The second number in the tag display shows how much storage the
cumulative files would take if they were stored on a single-sided,
single-density, 8" diskette.
.paèWildcard tagging
Another way to tag files is the wildcard tag function. This function
accepts a CP/M type wildcard and proceeds to tag all the files that match
the wildcard. To invoke this, just hit 'W' and you will be prompted with
the message 'Which files? '. Enter any CP/M wildcard, right down to a
unique filename, and if that file exists it will be tagged and displayed.
Untagging files
If you can tag a file, you must be able to Untag a file as well.
9. B0: BASIC .COM 24K :*U Tagged files = 16K ( 16K).
10. B0: BRUN .COM 16K :*
As you can see, the untag function subtracts the current file's size from
the total, then displays the total of the remaining files.
The mass copy command
Now that we have a number of files "tagged", what do we do with them?
Well, the Mass copy function is one of those that act on many files. Its
purpose is to copy the tagged file(s) from one drive/user area to another
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : M
Copy to drive/user? A14: V
Copying --> B0: BRUN .COM to A14: with verify
Verifying --> file ok.
The V is optional, and it indicates that you wish to have the file
verified after it is written.
As you can see, the files have been sent to drive A, user 14. If you wish
the tagged files to reside in the same user area as the source files
after the copy, do not specify a user area in the Mass command. This will
cause NSWP to put the file in the same user area as the source file.
NSWP will not allow you to copy a file to the same drive and user area as
the source. The copy is simply not made.
.paèAfter the mass
After any mass file operation, the tags are "reset" as each file is
copied. Visually, they change from a '*' to a '#'. The files are logical-
ly untagged, and will respond as such. But, since NSWP remembers them,
you can automatically retag these files. This is useful if, for example,
you need to copy the same files to a number of different diskettes or
user areas on a drive. To invoke this, use the 'A' command.
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : A
Retagging--> B0: BRUN .COM Tagged files = 16K ( 16K)
Erasing files
You may want to copy a group of files, then delete them from the source
disk after the copy has been made. To do this, you can use either the 'C'
command to copy, followed by the 'D' command, which is tedious, or a
combination of the 'T', 'M', 'A', and the 'E' commands. The 'E' command
Erases tagged or untagged files, at your option, on a global scale.
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : E
Erase Tagged or Untagged files (T/U)? T
Do you wish to be prompted (Y/N/A)? N
Deleting --> B0: BRUN .COM
If you specify Untagged files, the untagged files will be erased. You may
wish to be prompted before each file is to be deleted, and you can do
this via the second question.
Squeezing and Unsqueezing files
The 'Q' command allows you to Squeeze and Unsqueeze tagged files. This
file squeeze program is compatible with the original squeeze/unsqueeze
programs written in the 'C' language by Richard Greenlaw. After hitting
Q, you will see the prompt:
Squeeze, Unsqueeze or Reverse (S/U/R)?
After answering this skill-testing question, you will be asked which
drive/user you wish to place the destination files. The syntax here is
the same as for the Move command, except it is permissible to 'Q' the
files back to the same drive/user that they originated.
When 'Q' is invoked, you are asked if you wish to Squeeze, Unsqueeze or
Reverse. A carriage return here will return you to the command line of
.paèIf you select 'S' for Squeeze, all tagged files will be examined to see
if it is "worth" squeezing them. Files that exibit ANY space reduction,
even if it is only one sector, will be squeezed. If the files is not
"worth" squeezing, the file will simply be copied to the destination
If you select 'U' for Unsqueeze, all tagged files will be examined to see
if they are squeezed. If they are, they will be unsqueezed, and moved to
the destination drive/user. If they are not squeezed, then they are
simply copied.
If you select 'R' for Reverse, all files that are squeezed will be
unsqueezed, and all files that are unsqueezed will be squeezed (if it is
worth it), and moved to the destination drive/user.
The most attractive feature of the 'Q' command in general is the ability
to Squeeze files ONLY if it is "worth" it. This means that by using NSWP,
you can archive data into the absolute minimum amount of space possible.
The SQ algorithm used in NSWP is better than the one in the original 'C'
squeezer, and produces the smallest output file possible with current
The file squeezer section was done by Jim Lopushinsky, and is copyrighted
separately by him. He also has a public domain standalone squeezer.
Setting the tagged files status
You may set the attributes of a group of tagged files just like STAT, or
PROT. To do this, tag the files, and select the 'Y' command.
12. B0: CDP1 . 40K : Y Which flags (1-4,R,S,A)? R,S
Setting ---> B0: BRUN .COM to R/O SYS
The flags you may set are the F1-F4 flags, as well as the Read Only,
System, and Archive (MP/M, CP/M 3 only) flags. Any flags you do not
specify will be reset. To reset all the flags (IE: Change to R/W, DIR and
no "Sysop tag"), just enter a single comma or space at the "Which flags"
prompt. Note that the flags in the "Which flags" question do not have to
be entered with a comma between them, as anything (or nothing at all!)
will do. As far as the program is concerned 'RSA', 'R S A', and 'R,S A'
are all valid.
.paèNotes on NSWP 204
NSWP 204 has a few new features! First, limited CPM 3 has been
established, in that if you have BDOS version over 3.0 (which may include
MPM), you may now run with ALV banked. NSWP will use the BDOS call to
obtain the ALV information. This also applies to the 16 bit version.
Before 204, if you attempted to delete a file that was currently tagged,
it was not removed from the tagged file size. It is correctly handled in
all cases now.
NSWP now saves the SP, rather than (SP), in order to support totally non-
standard implementations of BDOS and CCP.
When using the '?' function, the current disk information, along with the
tagged file size.
The copy file speed has been further optimized by elimination of a
redundant BDOS call (deleting a file, when we know it ain't there!).
NSWP has been modified to better support MPM and MPM86 by doing a rename
after a copy operation. This will drop the copy speed slightly,
nullifying the effect of the above change.
If you find anything else, please drop me a line...
Notes on NSWP 205
NSWP 204 introduced a bug that would not allow you to copy a file if that
file was set to R/O, unless you had a destination that was ALSO R/O!
.pa è Epilogue
All the functions of NSWP have now been described. The best way to get
more familiar with the program is to actually USE it. I think it will be
one of your most frequently used programs.
There are several things in this version that you will want to alter:
This byte controls the screen length used in the 'V'iew command. It is
currently set to 23D (17H).
104H-10AH - Turn reverse video on
The first byte in this sequence of seven shows the length of the reverse
video on sequence, which follows at location 105H. All seven bytes are
currently set to zero.
10BH-111H - Turn reverse video off
The first byte in this seqence of seven shows the length of the reverse
video off sequence, which follows at location 10DH. All seven bytes are
currently set to zero.
My thanks to all who made this program possible, and especially to Dave
Mccrady for his help in composing the documentation and .HLP files for
NSWP. Thanks also goes to Jim Lopushinsky, also of Edmonton, since
without him the SQ section of NSWP might never have been completed!
Thanks to the use of his SQ section, NSWP can produce the smallest
possible SQ'ed files.
If you like, use and enjoy this program, feel free to send a contribution
(suggest $20). This will help me expand this program, and add even more
features. I am currently working on a CP/M 86 version, and once that is
running, I intend to port it to MSDOS. Suggestions for enhancement are
also appreciated, and you may send them to:
Dave Rand
10232 - 160 Street
Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
T5P 3E9