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.foBILLBONZ.DOC page #
Bill's Bonanza
Thi≤á disδ contain≤ ß numbe≥ oµ usefu∞ CP/M-8░ utilit∙ programs«á Somσá arσ ì
supplieΣá iεá .CO═ filσ onl∙ form«á Other≤ arσ supplieΣ iε botΦ sourcσá anΣ ì
.CO═ filσ form.
Thesσá program≤ arσ iε thσ publiπ domaiε anΣ arσ extracteΣ froφá thσá SIG/═ ì
collectioεá oµ publiπ domaiε software«á Thσ program≤ oε thi≤ disδ extracteΣ ì
froφá SIG/═á volume≤ iε thσ rangσ oµ volumσ 8╢ t∩ volumσá 19│á anΣá includσ ì
severa∞ program≤ b∙ Australiaε programers.
Oµá coursσ thesσ program≤ beinτ publiπ domaiε program≤ mean≤ you'rσ oε you≥ ì
owε a≤ fa≥ a≤ suppor⌠ goes«á Iµ yo⌡ d∩ havσ problem≤ you≥ loca∞ RCPM¼ CBBS¼ ì
IBBS¼á RBB╙ (o≥ whatever⌐ systeφ i≤ probabl∙ a≤ gooΣ ß placσ a≤ an∙ t∩á asδ ì
fo≥á help«á RCP═ typσ system≤ arσ excellen⌠ source≤ fo≥ obtaininτ acces≤ t∩ ì
thσá wealtΦá publiπá domaiεá softwarσá availablσá fo≥áá CP/M-80¼áá CP/M-86¼ ì
Concurren⌠ PCDO╙ anΣ PC/MSDO╙ micr∩ compute≥ systems.
Thσá phonσ number≤ oµ thesσ system≤ regularl∙ appea≥ iε Australiaε Persona∞ ì
Compute≥ anΣ You≥ Compute≥ magazines.
Bill Bolton,
Brisbane, Australia October 17, 1984
UNERA12 This is program to recover files you may have erased
in error. It will only recover an erased file success-
fully if you HAVE NOT written anything to the disk
since erasing the file. May not work on CP/M Plus
systems (I don't have one handy to try it on).
From SIG/M volume 147
BISHOW31 A very nice bi-directional scrolling "TYPE" utility
which allows you to look at text files easily. You can
scroll backwards and forwards through a file, and it
will automatically unsqueeze files as necessary. BISHOW
will need installation for your terminal.
From SIG/M volume 193
VFILER A very sophisticated file manipulation utility. This is
perhaps the ultimate development of programs such as
SWEEP WASH etc. It will need installation for your
terminal. Both 8080 and Z80 versions are supplied.
From SIG/M volume 145
RENAME A wildcard rename utility for CP/M. See the RENAME.DOC
files for details. From SIG/M volume 144
SQ-NEW A new version of the popular SQUEEZE utility that will
compress files to save space on disks or save time
for modem transmission. This version will tell you
how much space you saved and won't perform the squeeze
operation on a file if there is no effective space
saving. This version accepts wildcard file names to
squeeze. From SIG/M volume 144
USQ119 A fast file unsqueeze utility (the companion program
to SQ-NEW written in assembler. It accepts wildcard
file names to unsqueeze. SIG/M volume 144
DOS I wrote this one to tell me what memory addresses
CP/M lives in any system so that I would know how
much user program space was available etc.
From SIG/M volume 86
èFINDBAD Finds bad sectors on a disk and maps the into a
badblocks file so that CP/M avoids them. Essential
for hard disk users. From SIG/M volume 86
MEMRS Exhaustive memory test program. Fast enough to use
regularly to test all your system memory.
From SIG/M volume 86
[End of -READ.ME file]
Compiled under BDS C 1.5A and is known not to work reliably with 1.46.
This program allows wildcard renaming of files
Usage: rename new_afn old_afn
e.g. rename *.asm *.mac
change all .MAC to .ASM
rename b:fred.* b:joe.*
change JOE's files into FRED's on drive B
rename 4/???1-1.* 4/???1-2.*
change version number of ??? on user 4
rename 18/d:*.sav 18/d:*.$$$
hang on to temp files in .SAV files on
drive D user level 18
Formally, the file names are of form:
Thi≤á caε leaΣ t∩ somσ construct≤ tha⌠ arσ meaningless«á M∙ definitioε oµ ß ì
"reasonableó ambiguou≤ referencσ i≤ a≤ follows:
For any character position in the name,
1) You CANNOT change from unambiguous to ambiguous. This
would imply generating HEAPS of files with different
names to satisfy the reference.
2) You can change from ambiguous to unambiguous, in
which case the unambiguous character is in the
output name.
3) You can change from ambiguous to ambiguous, where
the output character is the character in the
current input file name.
4) You can change from unambiguous to unambiguous. The
characters are just substituted.
Thesσ definition≤ werσ cookeΣ u≡ a≤ ╔ wrotσ thσ program« M∙ logiπ say≤ tha⌠ ì
the∙ arσ correct¼ bu⌠ theε Versioε ▒ diΣ not work, so there you go....
èIµ yo⌡ tr∙ t∩ renamσ t∩ aε existinτ name¼ thσ prograφ ask≤ you what to do:
e.g. drive F, user 8 contains the files
If we enter "rename 8/f:joe.* 8/f:fred.*", then
the problem arises of JOE.MAC -> FRED.MAC
If this happens , there are 3 options:
(Q)uit : quit program. These will leave all
files so far renamed. The files are renamed
on a first-come first-served basis in the
directory entries, so who knows what will
be renamed...
(S)kip : skip this rename. Rename all the files that
match except this one.
(K)ill : kill the output file-name. Deletes the destination
file, and then continues renaming.
The programs builds 3 lists in memory before starting to rename things:
List 1 Original name
List 2 New name
List 3 All files on disk
This makes it a memory hog, but it does work a bit faster.
Notσá tha⌠á wil∞ neeΣ (3*30*dir_entries⌐ byte≤ oµ freσ spacσ iεá thσá wors⌠ ì
case« e.g« fo≥ 12╕ entrie≤ 'bou⌠ 12k
DAVID BROWN (SYDNEY (02) 387-6539 for complaints)
P.S«á Oε m∙ keyboarΣ ╔ can'⌠ typσ thσ O╥ anΣ bitwise-O╥ cha≥ thu≤ ╔ usσ thσ ì
#define≤ iε BDSCIO.H:
#define OR (2 chars) /* logical */
#define BOR (1 chars) /* bitwise */
S╤á versioεá 1.5ß i≤ aε experimenta∞ outgrowtΦ oµ RicharΣá Greenlaw'≤á filσ ì
compressioε utility«á Notσ tha⌠ i⌠ wa≤ developeΣ b∙ modifyinτ S╤ 1.5¼á no⌠ ì
1.╢ whicΦ ha≤ beeε iε thσ publiπ domaiε fo≥ ß yea≥ o≥ so.
1.5a changes:
a) Directed I/O support was removed.
b) Leo≥ Zolman'≤ WILDEX╨ command-linσ interfacσ wa≤ added« Al∞ ì
ááááááááfilσá anΣá outpu⌠ drivσ specification≤ arσá takeεá froφá thσ ì
áááááááácommanΣ line.
c)ááááááOutpu⌠ filσ size≤ arσ checkeΣ agains⌠ inpu⌠ filσ sizes«á Iµ ì
ááááááááS╤á find≤á ß filσ whicΦ doesn'⌠ compres≤ ver∙ wel∞á theεá i⌠ ì
áááááááádiscard≤á thσá outpu⌠á file¼á and¼á iµ thσ outpu⌠ wa≤á oεá ß ì
áááááááádifferen⌠á disδ froφ thσ inpu⌠ filσ theε thσ inpu⌠á filσá i≤ ì
áááááááásimpl∙ copied to the destination disk.
d) ┴á command-linσ optioε consistinτ oµ ß singlσ plu≤ sigεá (+⌐ ìèáááááááácause≤á S╤á t∩á asδá whethe≥ o≥ no⌠á t∩á discarΣá ßá poorly-ì
áááááááácompresseΣ file.
e) File≤á oµá ╕á sector≤ o≥ les≤ arσ neve≥á squeezed«á Eveεá oε ì
áááááááásingle-densit∙á standarΣá CP/═ interchangσá disk≤á n∩á spacσ ì
áááááááásavinτá woulΣ bσ realiseΣ and¼á wheε transferrinτ sucΦ file≤ ì
ááááááááb∙ modeφ thσ savinτ in transmission time is not significant.
1) A>sq *.c *.asm
squeezes all .C and .ASM files on the logged-in disk.
2) A>sq b: *.c *.asm
samσ a≤ abovσ excep⌠ tha⌠ thσ squeezeΣ file≤ arσ writteεá t∩ ì
ááááááááthσ B║ disk.
3) A>sq b: *.c + *.asm
samσá agaiεá excep⌠á tha⌠á iµ ß .AS═ filσ i≤á founΣá no⌠á t∩ ì
áááááááácompres≤ wel∞ theε S╤ wil∞ asδ whethe≥ o≥ no⌠ t∩ discarΣ thσ ì
ááááááááoutpu⌠ filσ anΣ cop∙ thσ original.
4) A>sq b: *.* !*.com
squeezσ al∞ excep⌠ .CO═ file≤ anΣ writσ thσ outpu⌠ file≤á t∩ ì
ááááááááthσ B║ disk.
Notσá tha⌠ thi≤ I╙ ß pre-releasσ versioε oµ SQ«á PLEAS┼ US┼ I╘ AN─á REPOR╘ ì
AN┘ BUG╙ O╥ SUBMI╘ AN┘ SUGGESTION╙ viß this system or to
John Hastwell-Batten,
38 Silvia St, Hornsby, NSQ 2077
(02)477 4225 ah, (02) 239 9327 bh.
VFILER 1.7 by Richard Conn
VFILE╥á i≤ ß screen-orienteΣ filσ manipulatioε utility«á Followinτ iεá thσ ì
footstep≤ oµ SWEEP¼á CLEAN¼á anΣ DISK¼ VFILE╥ perform≤ thσ samσ fundamenta∞ ì
functions¼ bu⌠ add≤ screen-orienteΣ display≤ anΣ manipulatioε t∩ it¼ givinτ ì
ß morσ user-friendl∙ interfacσ iε m∙ opinion.
VFILE╥á mus⌠á bσá installeΣá fo≥ ßá user'≤á terminal«á T∩á d∩á this¼á edi⌠ ì
VFILERSC.ASM¼ follo≈ thσ direction≤ containeΣ therein¼ anΣ se⌠ u≡ thi≤ filσ ì
t∩á suppor⌠á you≥ CRT'≤ clea≥ screen¼á got∩ xy¼á anΣ clea≥ t∩ enΣá oµá linσ ì
functions« Oncσ done¼ assemblσ VFILERSC¼ patcΦ i⌠ int∩ VFILE╥ b∙ usinτ DD╘ ì
(╔ anΣ ╥ commands¼á witΦ n∩ offse⌠ fo≥ R)¼ anΣ theε savσ thσ result« VFILE╥ ì
no≈ i≤ installeΣ t∩ ruε unde≥ CP/M.
Iµá thσá use≥ i≤ runninτ ZCPR2¼á hσ shoulΣ no≈ ruε GENIN╙ oε VFILER¼á d∩á ß ì
norma∞ installation¼á anΣ writσ ou⌠ thσ result« VFILE╥ wil∞ takσ advantagσ ì
oµ thσ specia∞ feature≤ oµ ZCPR▓ iµ s∩ installed.
Wheε VFILE╥ i≤ invoked¼á i⌠ display≤ ß screeε (u≡ t∩ 64⌐ file≤ t∩ thσá use≥ ì
witΦ aε arrow« Thσ use≥ ma∙ usσ thσ WorΣ Sta≥ curso≥ movemen⌠ key≤ (^┼ fo≥ ì
up¼á ^╪ fo≥ down¼ ^─ fo≥ right¼ ^╙ fo≥ left⌐ t∩ movσ thσ curso≥ t∩ poin⌠ t∩ ì
ß desireΣ file« Typinτ ╓ wil∞ vie≈ thσ filσ oε thσ CRT¼ ╨ wil∞ prin⌠ i⌠ oε ì
thσ printer¼ ├ wil∞ cop∙ it¼ ─ wil∞ deletσ it¼ etc.èSee the command summary built into VFILER.
VFILE╥ know≤ al∞ abou⌠ thσ D╒ anΣ DI╥ (iµ installeΣ fo≥ ZCPR2⌐ forms« Unde≥ ì
CP/═ o≥ ZCPR2¼á thσ D╒ forφ ma∙ bσ used«á Fo≥ example¼á iε responsσ t∩ thσ ì
Logiε commanΣ (L)¼ thσ use≥ ma∙ typσ an∙ oµ thσ following:
A <-- log into Disk A, Current User
5 <-- log into Current Disk, User 5
A5 <-- log into Disk A, User 5
wordst <-- log into named dir (under ZCPR2)
Thσá entrie≤á ma∙ o≥ ma∙ no⌠ bσ followeΣ b∙ ß colon¼á a≤ thσá use≥á desireΣ ì
(i.e.¼ 'Aº anΣ 'A:º meaε thσ samσ thing).