This is the monthly newsletter of the Eagle Computer Users Group, P.O. Box 3381, Saratoga CA 95070. Deadline for submission of material for the newsletter is the first Saturday of each month; material received later thanthat may be delayed until next month's newsletter. For 1990 the deadlines areJanuary 6, February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4,September 1, October 6, November 3, and December 1.
The material in this newsletter is copyright ~=005~q~=251~ 1989 by the authors. Unless otherwise noted, the author is the editor of the newsletter. Permission is hereby given to reproduce material belonging to the editor, aslong as the notice ~=010~Q~=251~Copyright ~=005~q~=251~ 1989 David A.J.McGlone~=010~q~=251~ is included in the reproduction. For permission toreprint other material, contact its author or authors.
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~=008~[BMEETING PLACE[B~=251~
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Meetings are held at Tandem Computers Incorporated, 10435 North Tantau Avenue,Cupertino. To get there, take 280 to Wolfe Rd. exit, left at Vallco Parkway,left at Tantau, over the bridge and turn in where it says ~=010~Q~=251~TandemComputers~=010~q~=251~ on the left. Sign in with the guard at the lobby. Hewill know what room the meeting is in.
Meetings are the second Saturday of every month, from 9 A.M. to Noon. The 1990meeting dates are January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9,July 14, August 11, September 8, October 13, November 10, and December 8.
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~=008~[BJANUARY 13 MEETING[B~=251~
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..o5 i5
~=257~9:00~=251~ Meeting begins.
..o5 i5
~=257~9:30~=251~ Jerry Davis will demonstrate PC utilities.
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~=008~[BRENEWALS DUE[B~=251~
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This is the last issue that members ~=257~Lloyd Briggs, Warren Dorn, JanetFairchild,~=251~ and ~=257~Ed Uber~=251~ will receive, unless they renewimmediately.
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~=257~New newsletter format~=251~
Once again my apologies for a late issue. Every once in a while I just have totake time out to get some long-range stuff done, despite what it does to theschedule for short-range stuff like this monthly newsletter. In this case Ispent a week or so working on a catalog of LaserJet fonts, so that Alpha canfinally announce their availability. I've had the larger set of 272 typefacesfor some months now, but have been unable to announce more than the 8 of thebasic set, because there was no catalog available showing them all. Thiscatalog is now much closer to completion. I thank you all for your patience.
The new look of this issue directly reflects this effort. Instead of 8-pointMagicDelite, the normal text is now set in 10-point Z-Font 1251, which issimilar to MagicDelite or Optima, but identical to neither. The larger sizeshould be welcome to Hal Perry, who found the 8-point font hard on his eyes. Boldface text ~=257~like this~=251~ was formerly faked with a MagicPrintcommand that printed text twice, the second printing being offset slightly tothe right; now I use a true boldface font, Z-Font 1257, similar to OptimaBlack. The ~=003~italic font~=251~ used is from the same typeface as before,but 10 points large instead of 9 points; the heading and symbol fonts used arethe same as before.
I have also replaced the grey boxes in which headings used to appear. Theboxes were very distinctive. They also reproduced badly and tended to hide theheadings in them. Consider the lines above and below the headings in thisissue as an experiment. If you have a strong opinion one way or the other,please let me know.
~=257~January meeting~=251~
Jerry Davis will present some of the best software he's found for PCs. Thiswill include Memory Mate, a fast, cheap free-form data-base manager; Fast PackMail, a mailing-list manager; public-domain and shareware utilities such asHotDIR and BAC; and the great shareware from Sydex.
~=257~Spellbinder technical and macro manuals~=251~
L/Tek informs me that the Technical Manual and Macro Manual for Spellbinder canstill be purchased from them. They are $18 apiece (compare that with the $60that Lexisoft charged for the pair of them). Order from L/Tek, Inc., P.O. Box2399, Davis CA 95617.
~=257~8-bit librarian~=251~
Ken Thomson has volunteered to assume the duties of 8-bit software librarian,relieving me of that task and serving the membership better than I've ever beenable to do in that capacity. Thanks, Ken. He reports that he's gotten disksfrom FOG that list what's in their library through disk #208, and that he'llhave the list available on Eagle floppies and printed out in a binder (125pages) at our next meeting. Bring two blank disks if you want to make a copyfor yourself.
~=257~KaftorWare Corporation~=251~
ECUG has received Volume 1, Number 1 (December 1989) of ~=003~The FileLetter~=251~ from KaftorWare Corporation. KaftorWare sells PC-File 80, a data-<base manager, for both CP/M and MS-DOS machines; CP/M and MS-DOS shareware andpublic-domain software; 4DOS, an MS-DOS shell which they describe as~=010~Q~=251~ZCPR3 for MS-DOS~=010~q~=251~; and the MagicSeries. For moreinformation write to KaftorWare Corporation, P.O. Box 1674, Chicago IL 60690.
Incidentally, Ben Cohen of KaftorWare uses CP/M equipment almost exclusively,on which he runs the Z-System. Both his newsletter and the user's guide forPC-File 80 are produced on an HP LaserJet using the MagicSeries. Soundfamiliar? The biggest difference is that he uses ZDE, a Z-System WordStarclone, instead of Spellbinder.
~=R2160 5 100~
~=008~[BNEW MEMBERS[B~=251~
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Ralph G. Tamm, Sunnyvale CA, phone (408) 739-8825 H, has a Kaypro 4 and anEagle II, Panasonic 1125 and Epson FX-80 printers, no modem. He uses WordStar,MBasic, CalcStar, and dBase II. His special interests are CP/M programs andlearning how to use a modem.
Ken Schroll of San Bruno CA, (415) 873-0584 HW, has an Eagle IV computer and aC. Itoh printer.
~=003~(These ads are posted for the third time)~=251~
For sale, 1 copy of WordStar, version 5.5. Make offer to Dorothy Wolfe, (415)591-8664.
For sale: Eagle IIE, with Daisy Writer printer model 1500-2000. Used very verylittle, make offer to Fred K. Petersen, (408) 739-0083.
For sale, Eagle II computer, two drives, in good shape. Includes printer, nearletter quality, cables, Spellbinder software and manual, and a box of diskscontaining assorted other programs and games. Asking $400 for it all. Pleasecall Eva at (415) 641-4557.
For sale: my Eagle Computer keyboard, virtually unused. 105 keys, including 24function keys and an [<ENHANCE[> key. Steel construction, strong enough to beused as armor plate. Seems to work OK on my XT clone. Send offer to JimHolloway, 5334 Emerson, Dallas TX 75209.
For sale: Eagle Turbo PC, 640K, 20Mb hard disk, monochrome monitor, key board,MS-DOS, latest Wilkinson ROM, shareware programs. $695. Call Jerry Davis,(408) 972-1965.
~=003~(This ad is posted for the second time)~=251~
For sale: Eagle PC Plus with two disk drives and a Canon PW-1088 printer, alsosoftware including Perfect Writer. $550. Call Claire Friedman, Palo Alto,(415) 329-1244, or (415) 961-4605.
~=003~(These ads are posted for the first time)~=251~
For sale: Eagle II with Spellbinder, UltraCalc, CBasic, Epson FX-80 printer. Asking $225. Call Ralph G. Tamm, (408) 739-8825.
~=257~Over Stock Sale
Morgan, Thielmann & Associates~=251~
(408) 972-1965
Your computer service and upgrade place
1 Eagle Spirit XL portable, 640K, 1 floppy, 20Mb hard disk, new Rom, NEC V20CPU, $745.
1 Eagle Spirit II portable, 640K, 2 floppies, new ROM, $555.
3 Eagles PC-2, 512K, new ROM, 105-key Eagle keyboard, 2 floppies, NEC V20 CPU,fan, monitor, Two have original Spellbinder and manual. Other sharewareprograms available. $465 each.
First come, first served. Call to hold an item (1-week hold limit, please).
~=R2160 5 100~
~=R2160 5 100~
If you have something for sale, or wish to be listed as a consultant, contactDavid McGlone. For membership matters, contact Shirley Welch.
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~=008~[BECUG LIBRARY[B~=251~
~=R2160 5 100~
The contents of the ECUG Library reside at the editor's house. Regular membersmay borrow them between one meeting and the next. Either call me evenings at(408) 293-5176 and ask me to bring them to a meeting, or phone to arrange atime to come over and borrow them.
Bailey, Andrew D. Jr., James H. Gerlach, Andrew B. Whinston, ~=003~OfficeSystems: Technology and Organizations~=251~, Reston Publishing Co., Inc.,Reston VA, 1985.
Booch, Grady, ~=003~Software Engineering with Ada~=251~, The Benjamin/CummingsPublishing Co., Inc., Menlo Park CA, 1983.
~=003~README.DOC~=251~, monthly newsletter of the Orange Coast IBM PC UserGroup, issues 3/7 (Nov. 1987) through 4/10 (Oct. 1988), 4/12 (Dec. 1988), 5/3(Mar. 1989), 5/5 (May 1989) through 5/11 (Nov. 1989).
~=003~To the Point~=251~, Spellbinder Desktop Publisher User Newsletter, issue1/1 (Nov.-Dec. 1986).
~=003~Winging It~=251~, newsletter of the Washington Area Eagle Users' Group,Columbia Data Products Special Interest Group, and Televideo Special InterestGroup, 6/1 through 6/9 (Jan. 1989 through Sept. 1989).
~=257~Manuals and/or Software~=251~
Ashton-Tate, ~=003~dBase II~=251~, version 2.3 (photocopy).
Cauzin Systems, Inc., ~=003~Technical Specification for the Softstrip ReaderInterface~=251~, July 1986.
CompuView, ~=003~VEDIT CP/M~=251~.
Digital Research, ~=003~GEM Desktop~=251~, Sixth edition, June 1986, and~=003~GEM Draw Plus~=251~, Second edition, September 1986. Photocopies boundinto a single volume.
Digital Research, ~=003~GEM Collection~=251~. Boxed set of ~=003~GEMPaint~=251~, First edition, June 1985; ~=003~GEM Write~=251~, First edition,July 1985; and ~=003~GEM Desktop~=251~, Third edition, July 1985.
E.C.H.O. Engineering, ~=003~SETDISK2~=251~, Dennis Welbourn, 1985.
Hitachi America Ltd., ~=003~HD64180 8-Bit High Integration CMOS MicroprocessorUser's Manual~=251~, October 1985.
LEMIS, ~=003~LeBug Reference Manual~=251~, Version 5.1, 2 July 1983.
My name is Ernie Shields and having recently acquired an Eagle IIe, I would nowlike to join ECUG (enclosed is a check for $15.00).
I am having trouble locating software for this machine, so would appreciate alisting of any software you have available. Also, if you have a list of Eagleowners in Michigan or the mid-West, it would be helpful.
Thank you
Ernie Shields
127 Lafayette
Ionia MI 48846
(616) 527-1318
~=003~The bad news, Ernie, is that we do not sell software. The good news isthat your Eagle IIe is a CP/M machine, and will run most CP/M software. Companies that sell CP/M software include:
Alpha Systems Corporation
711 Chatsworth Place
San Jose CA 95128
Cranberry Software Tools
P.O. Box 681
Princeton Junction NJ 08550-0681
Elliam Associates
P.O. Box 2664
Atascadero CA 93423
$1 for catalog
KaftorWare Corporation
P.O. Box 1674
Chicago IL 60690
Sound Potentials
Box 46, Dept. A
Brackney PA 18812
$2 for catalog
Be sure to mention that your computer is an Eagle IIe when you write to them. Better yet, if your IIe has single-sided drives (puts 380K on a floppy), callit a II, since IIe is the whole CP/M Eagle line and doesn't specify what formatyou can read. If it has two double-sided drives (780K on a floppy), call it anEagle III; if one double-sided drive and a hard disk, call it a IV.
If you have a modem, other sources of CP/M software are listed in the fileCPMSRC-I.LST, available on many bulletin boards (also from KaftorWare). Mostbulletin boards also have public-domain and shareware for CP/M.~=251~
I am looking for some people to correspond with via IBM or IBM-compatible disk,for exchange of general computer information, letters, and public-domainsoftware (5~=010~$~=251~" 360K disks).
If you might have any members who might be interested in such computercorrespondence, I would appreciate your passing along this request and my nameand address on your BBS, or in a newsletter if you publish one. Thanks forwhatever help you may be able to offer.
Richard J. McConnell
15006 S.E. Woodland Way
Milwaukie OR 97267
~=003~I'll publish your plea and hope you get some responses, Richard. Youmight consider getting a modem and modem software, so that you can exchangemessages and get software directly from bulletin boards. It's a lot of fun,and I think you'll get more replies there. Good luck.~=251~
December 8th, 1989
I have been going over the Eagle II starter disk, and have noted the followingquestions. I think the answers would be of interest to all.
1. Is there a quick way to get a screen clear in CP/M? What key strokes,please?
2. Using Spellbinder, how do you access user areas other an 0? I've tried nB:or Bn: with no joy.
3. How do you change user areas around while still in Spellbinder?
Ken Thomson
71 Rosenkranz St.
San Francisco CA 94110
(415) 648-7550
~=003~1. In CP/M every computer make uses a different monitor, and eachmonitor has its own command that clears its screen. On an Eagle the clear-<screen command is ESC *; send that to the screen (using a DISPLAY command in aCOBOL program, for instance, or a PRINT command in a TURBO Pascal program) andthe screen will clear itself. In the Z-System the information on what commandsclear the screen, etc., are contained in the termcap, and utilities like CLSexist which work for all machines, because they read the information from thetermcap and then send the right codes to the screen.
2. and 3. In CP/M Spellbinder you cannot read files from user areas other thanwhatever user area you were in when you called up Spellbinder, nor write them. You can't change user areas while in Spellbinder, either. These are high onthe list of things that need to be changed in the next edition ofSpellbinder.~=251~
~=257~NEXT MONTH~=251~
Next month's newsletter, which you will see in about two weeks, will include alot of material from Gene Austin. In addition to Gene's answer to a furtherletter from R.M. Titus, the first part of Gene's series on Spellbinder macroswill appear. See you then!