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.. Manual for STARDATE
.hm 1
.fm 1
.he Preliminaries Page #
For STARDATE, version 1.2
Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 1986
All Materials Copyright (c) 1986,
Ted A. Campbell
.paè.pn 1
.fo STARDATE MANUAL Version 1.2
Part A: What is STARDATE? .................................... 2
Part B: Getting Started with STARDATE ........................ 3
Part C: Getting to Know STARDATE ............................. 5
Part D: STARDATE Reference Information ....................... 11
Part E: Reference Bibliography ............................... 12
Part F: Copyright and Correspondence Information ............. 13
.paè.he Part A: What is STARDATE? Page #
Part A:
STARDAT┼á i≤á ß prograφ fo≥ smal∞ computer≤ whicΦ provide≤á accuratσ ì
calenda≥ anΣ almanaπ information«
Nearl∙á everyonσ need≤ curren⌠ almanaπá information«á Fo≥á writers¼ ì
historians¼á journalists¼ anΣ others¼ therσ i≤ neeΣ fo≥ morσ thaε curren⌠ ì
information« Wσ ofteε neeΣ t∩ kno≈ abou⌠ date≤ iε thσ distant¼ o≥ no⌠ s∩ ì
distant¼ past¼ o≥ abou⌠ futurσ dates.
STARDAT┼ ha≤ beeε designeΣ a≤ aiΣ t∩ historica∞ research¼ anΣ t∩ al∞ ì
field≤ oµ inquir∙ whicΦ rel∙ oε historica∞ information«á Usinτ STARDATE¼ ì
yo⌡á caε finΣ calendars¼á astronomica∞ data¼á anΣ historica∞á informatioε ì
abou⌠á particula≥ date≤ tha⌠ wil∞ hel≡ yo⌡ "locateó event≤ iε thei≥á hisì
torica∞ contexts«
STARDAT┼á provide≤á calenda≥ anΣ almanaπ informatioε fo≥ thσá forty-ì
fivσá centurie≤ betweeε 200░ BC┼ (o≥ BC⌐ anΣ 250░ C┼ (o≥á AD)«á Fo≥á an∙ ì
datσá iεá thi≤ period¼á i⌠ wil∞ providσ ß calendar¼á informatioεá oεá thσ ì
risinτ anΣ settinτ oµ thσ sun¼á anΣ informatioε oε thσ phasσ oµ thσ moon« ì
Fo≥ date≤ oε whicΦ botΦ Juliaε anΣ Gregoriaε calendar≤ werσ iε effect¼ i⌠ ì
wil∞ providσ ß comparativσ calendar.
.paè.he Part A: Getting Started Page #
Part B:
Getting Started With STARDATE
1. Installing STARDATE on Your Computer
Herσá i≤ thσ procedurσ yo⌡ shoulΣ follo≈ t∩ ge⌠ STARDAT┼ workinτá oε ì
you≥ owε computer:
ááááá1«á Formatéá ß diskettσ accordinτ t∩ thσ instruction≤ iεá you≥á comì
áááááputer'≤ manual«á Placσ ß cop∙ oµ you≥ computer'≤ operatinτ systeφ oε ì
áááááthi≤á diskettσá accordinτá t∩ thσ instruction≤á iεá you≥á computer'≤ ì
ááááámanual«á [Fo≥ PC≤ anΣ compatiblσ computers¼á thi≤ operatioε i≤ par⌠ ì
áááááoµ thσ FORMA╘ command╗á fo≥ CP/═ computer≤ yo⌡ mus⌠ perforφ ß SYSGE╬ ì
áááááo≥ COPYSY╙ t∩ accomplisΦ this.]
ááááá2«á Copyéá thσá necessar∙á STARDAT┼ file≤ t∩á you≥á newl∙á formatteΣ ì
ááááádiskette«á [Fo≥ PC≤ anΣ compatiblσ computers¼á thi≤ i≤ accomplisheΣ ì
áááááwitΦ thσ COP┘ command╗ fo≥ CP/═ computers¼ thi≤ i≤ accomplisheΣ witΦ ì
áááááthσ PI╨ command.▌ Yo⌡ shoulΣ cop∙ a⌠ leas⌠ thσ followinτ files:
ááááá SD.COM or SD.EXE (The main program: COM for CP/M,
ááááá SD.PAR (A file of changeable parameters)
ááááá SD-MAN.DOC (This document)
áááááYo⌡á ma∙á neeΣá othe≥á file≤ iε orde≥ t∩ instal∞á STARDAT┼á oεá you≥ ì
ááááá3« Ifé yo⌡ havσ ß CP/Mé computer¼ cop∙ thσ filσ SD-PATCH.DO├ t∩ learε ì
áááááho≈á t∩á patcΦá STARDAT┼ fo≥ you≥á compute≥á o≥á terminal«á Patche≤ ì
áááááalread∙á exis⌠á fo≥á somσá CP/═á computers¼á includinτá KayPro≤á anΣ ì
ááááá4« Ifé yo⌡ havσ aε IB═ PCé (tm⌐ o≥ compatiblσ computer¼ cop∙ thσ filσ ì
áááááANSI.SY╙á froφá you≥ maste≥ DO╙ diskettσ t∩ thσ ne≈á disδá yo⌡á havσ ì
ááááácreated«á Edi⌠á o≥á creatσ ß filσ nameΣ CONFIG.SY╙ anΣ includσá thσ ì
áááááfollowing line in it:
ááááá device=ansi.sys
áááááYou≥á compute≥á ha≤ t∩ kno≈ thi≤ iε orde≥ t∩á configurσá thσá screeε ì
áááááproperly for using STARDATE.
ááááá5«á Labeléá thi≤á diskettσá (we'l∞ cal∞ i⌠ you≥á "workinτá copyóá oµ ì
áááááSTARDATE⌐ a≤ you≥ STARDAT┼ prograφ disk¼ s∩ you'l∞ kno≈ whicΦ onσ i⌠ ì
è2« A Trial Run of STARDATE
Enterinτ thσ Program«á Iε orde≥ t∩ ruε STARDATE¼ placσ you≥ workinτ ì
cop∙ iε drivσ "Aó oµ you≥ computer«á [Fo≥ CP/═ computers¼ you'l∞ neeΣ t∩ ì
hi⌠á ß ^├ t∩ le⌠ thσ machinσ kno≈ you'vσ pu⌠ ß ne≈ diskettσ in.▌ A⌠á thσ ì
"A>ó prompt¼ typσ thσ following:
Welcomσ Screen« Afte≥ somσ whirrinτ around¼ you'l∞ seσ thσ STARDAT┼ ì
Welcomσá Screen«á Thσ prograφ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ fo≥ thσ curren⌠ date«á Ente≥ ì
thσ year¼á ß numbe≥ fo≥ thσ montΦ (▒ fo≥ January¼ 1▓ fo≥ December¼ etc.)¼ ì
anΣ thσ day¼ a≤ yo⌡ arσ prompted« Follo≈ eacΦ entr∙ witΦ ß <cr>«
Toda∙ Screen«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ thσ datσ correctly¼á you'l∞ havσ ì
t∩á wai⌠á ßá littlσ while¼á theε you'l∞ seσ thσá STARDAT┼á Toda∙á Screen« ì
Noticσ thσ informatioε oε thi≤ screen║á ß curren⌠ calendar¼á thσ da∙á oµ ì
thσ weeδ anΣ date¼á time≤ fo≥ dawn¼á sunrise¼á sunset¼á anΣ dusk¼ anΣ thσ ì
phasσ oµ thσ moon.
Enterinτá ß Ne≈ Date«á Wan⌠ t∩ explorσ jus⌠ ß littlσ farther┐á Hi⌠ ì
thσá "Eó key¼á theε thσ "Aó ke∙ (thσ meaninτ oµ al∞ thσ prompt≤á wil∞á bσ ì
explaineΣ iε duσ time)¼ theε ente≥ ß datσ a≤ yo⌡ arσ prompted« Yo⌡ migh⌠ ì
wan⌠á t∩á ente≥á thσá datσ wheε yo⌡ werσ born«á Iµ yo⌡á ente≥á thσá datσ ì
correctly¼ you'l∞ seσ thσ STARDAT┼ Quicδ Datσ Screen¼ witΦ ß calenda≥ fo≥ ì
thσ datσ yo⌡ entered.
Exitinτ froφ STARDATE«á T∩ exi⌠ froφ STARDATE¼ hi⌠ thσ "Xó key¼ anΣ ì
therσ yo⌡ arσ bacδ iε you≥ operatinτ systeφ (CP/═ o≥ MSDOS).
.paè.he Getting to Know STARDATE Page #
Part C:
Getting to Know STARDATE
1. The Today Screen
Genera∞á Description«á Thσá Toda∙á Screeε appear≤á afte≥á yo⌡á havσ ì
entereΣ thσ curren⌠ date¼á anΣ caε bσ calleΣ froφ an∙ screeε b∙ usinτ thσ ì
"Tóá option«á I⌠ provide≤ informatioε abou⌠ thσ curren⌠ date¼á anΣ i≤á ß ì
sor⌠ oµ "basσ fo≥ thσ res⌠ oµ thσ program.
Thσá Calendar«á Thσá uppe≥á lef⌠ hanΣ corne≥ oµá thσá Toda∙á Screeε ì
display≤ ß calenda≥ fo≥ thσ curren⌠ month¼ witΦ today'≤ datσ highlighted«
Curren⌠á Datσá Informationéá Thσá middlσ to≡á oµá thσá Toda∙á Screeε ì
display≤ thσ curren⌠ datσ writteε out¼ anΣ thσ da∙ oµ thσ week.
Sola≥ Phenomena«á Giveε ß particula≥ da∙ oµ thσ year¼á anΣ ß partiì
cula≥ positioε oε thσ earth¼ i⌠ i≤ possiblσ t∩ calculatσ thσ time≤ oµ thσ ì
sun'≤á risinτá anΣ setting¼á anΣ oµ thσ firs⌠ anΣ las⌠ ligh⌠ oµ thσá day« ì
Jus⌠ afte≥ yo⌡ entereΣ thσ curren⌠ datσ oε thσ Welcomσá Screen¼á STARDAT┼ ì
calculateΣá thesσá phenomenßá fo≥ thσ curren⌠ date¼á anΣ storeΣá theφá iε ì
memory«á Time≤ giveε fo≥ earl∙ dawn¼á sunrise¼ sunset¼ anΣ latσ dusδ arσ ì
iε ß twenty-fou≥ hou≥ format¼ anΣ arσ correcteΣ fo≥ Dayligh⌠ Saving≤ Timσ ì
iε thσ UniteΣ States«
Luna≥ Phenomena«á I⌠ i≤ als∩ possiblσ t∩ calculatσ thσ phasσ oµ thσ ì
mooεá fo≥á an∙ particula≥ date«á I⌠ take≤ thσ mooε abou⌠á 29.╡á day≤á t∩ ì
completσá it≤ cyclσ oµ waxinτ t∩ ful∞ anΣ theε waninτ t∩ ne≈ again«á Thσ ì
numbe≥á giveε fo≥ "Phaseó oµ thσ mooε b∙ STARDAT┼ i≤ thσ numbe≥á oµá day≤ ì
thσá mooεá ha≤ progresseΣ iε it≤ curren⌠ cyclσ u≡ unti∞ thσ beginninτá oµ ì
thσ da∙ a⌠ midnight«á Thσ expressioε iε parenthese≤ belo≈ explaininτ thσ ì
curren⌠ phasσ iε rathe≥ morσ prope≥ (thougΦ les≤ accurate⌐ English.
Loca∞ Time« Thσ Toda∙ Screeε shows¼ iε thσ uppe≥ righ⌠ hanΣ corner¼ ì
thσá curren⌠ timσ systeφ iε effec⌠ iµ i⌠ i≤ withiε onσ oµ thσá fou≥á U.S« ì
timσ zone≤ (thus¼á i⌠ wil∞ sho≈ EST¼á EDT¼á CST¼á CDT¼á MST¼ MDT¼ PST¼ o≥ ì
.paè2. The Quick Date Screen
Genera∞á Description«á Thσá STARDAT┼á Quicδ Datσ screeεá give≤á yo⌡ ì
minima∞ informatioε oε ß particula≥ date╗á namely¼á thσ calendar¼ anΣ thσ ì
da∙á oµ thσ week«á Thσ Quicδ Datσ Screeε i≤ entereΣ b∙ thσ "Qóá command« ì
I⌠ i≤ calleΣ thσ "Quicδ Datσ Screenó because¼ unlikσ thσ Ful∞ Datσ Screeε ì
anΣ othe≥ screens¼á i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ displa∙ astronomica∞ informatioε o≥á comì
parativσ calenda≥ informatioε tha⌠ migh⌠ takσ longe≥ t∩ calculate.
3. Next and Previous Dates
Genera∞á Description«á STARDAT┼á allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ movσ rapidl∙ t∩á thσ ì
nex⌠á o≥á previou≤ datσ a⌠ an∙ poin⌠ b∙ usinτ thσ "Nó anΣá "Póá commands« ì
Eithe≥á oµ thesσ command≤ wil∞ redra≈ thσ screeε t∩ sho≈ thσá appropriatσ ì
datσ information.
Currentl∙á SelecteΣ Screen«á Wheneve≥ yo⌡ usσ thσ "N,ó "P,ó o≥á "Eó ì
command≤á ("Eó enter≤ ß ne≈ date)¼á thσ screeε i≤ redrawε usinτ thσá preì
sentl∙ selecteΣ screeε format«á Tha⌠ is¼ iµ yo⌡ arσ presentl∙ lookinτ a⌠ ì
thσ Quicδ Datσ Screeε oµ ß particula≥ date¼á anΣ yo⌡ pres≤ "N,ó yo⌡á wil∞ ì
bσá showε thσ Quicδ Datσ Screeε fo≥ thσ nex⌠ date«á Iµ yo⌡ arσ currentl∙ ì
lookinτá a⌠ thσ Ful∞ Datσ Screeε anΣ pres≤ "N,ó you'l∞ bσ showε thσá Ful∞ ì
Datσ Screeε fo≥ thσ nex⌠ date.
Thσ onl∙ exceptioε t∩ thi≤ rulσ i≤ thσ Toda∙ Screen¼ whicΦ canno⌠ bσ ì
ß currentl∙ selecteΣ screen« Thus¼ iµ yo⌡ vie≈ ß Quicδ Datσ Screen¼ theε ì
thσ Toda∙ Screen¼á theε reques⌠ thσ nex⌠ datσ (usinτ "N")¼á yo⌡ wil∞á seσ ì
thσá Quicδá Datσ Screeε fo≥ thσ nex⌠ datσ afte≥ thσ datσ yo⌡ haΣ seeεá oε ì
thσ previou≤ Quicδ Datσ Screen« Thσ Toda∙ Screen¼ then¼ caε bσ calleΣ u≡ ì
a⌠ an∙ point¼á withou⌠ breakinτ thσ sequencσ oµ screen≤ anΣ date≤ yo⌡ haΣ ì
beeε lookinτ a⌠ previously«
Initia∞ Datσ anΣ Screeε Setting« Wheε yo⌡ ente≥ STARDATE¼ thσ Quicδ ì
Datσá Screeε i≤ selecteΣ a≤ thσ curren⌠ screen¼á anΣ thσ curren⌠ datσá i≤ ì
selecteΣ a≤ thσ workinτ date«á Thu≤ if¼á immediatel∙ afte≥ enterinτá thσ ì
program¼á yo⌡á pres≤ "N,ó yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ Quicδ Datσ Screeε fo≥ thσá da∙ ì
afte≥ thσ presen⌠ date«
4. Entering a New Date
Genera∞ Description« Here'≤ wherσ STARDAT┼ start≤ workinτ hard« Iµ ì
yo⌡ pres≤ thσ "Eó key¼ you'l∞ seσ ß windo≈ oε thσ righ⌠ hanΣ sidσ oµ you≥ ì
screeε tha⌠ wil∞ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ ente≥ ß ne≈ workinτ date« Froφ thi≤ point¼ ì
yo⌡á caε selec⌠ an∙ datσ betweeε 200░ BC┼ anΣ 249╣ CE¼á anΣ STARDAT┼ wil∞ ì
providσ yo⌡ witΦ calenda≥ anΣ almanaπ informatioε fo≥ tha⌠ date.
Entr∙á Selection║á Gregoriaε o≥ Juliaε Calenda≥ Dates¼á Juliaεá Da∙ ì
Numbers«á Beforσ yo⌡ ente≥ ß date¼ however¼ you'l∞ havσ t∩ tel∞ STARDAT┼ ì
wha⌠á sor⌠á oµ datσ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ enter«á Europeaε calenda≥á system≤á havσ ì
changeΣ betweeε thσ sixteentΦ anΣ twentietΦ centuries¼á anΣ STARDAT┼ wil∞ ì
no⌠ kno≈ exactl∙ whicΦ datσ yo⌡ arσ enterinτ unles≤ yo⌡ firs⌠ specif∙ thσ ìèdatσ entr∙ typσ a⌠ thi≤ point.
Gregoriaεá Calenda≥ Entry«á Thσ "Aó optioε a⌠ thi≤ poin⌠ select≤á ß ì
Gregoriaε Calenda≥ entry«á Thσ Gregoriaε calenda≥ wa≤ instituteΣá (unde≥ ì
Popσá Gregor∙á XIII⌐á iε 1582¼á anΣ wa≤ adopteΣ b∙á mos⌠á Romaεá Catholiπ ì
countrie≤á iεá Octobe≥ oµ tha⌠ year«á I⌠ wa≤ no⌠ adopteΣ iεá al∞á place≤ ì
unti∞ later« Iε EnglanΣ (anΣ iε England'≤ Americaε Colonies)¼ i⌠ wa≤ no⌠ ì
adopteΣá unti∞á Septembe≥ oµ 1752«á Thi≤ i≤ thσ optioε t∩ selec⌠ iµá yo⌡ ì
wan⌠ t∩ ente≥ ß datσ iε thσ curren⌠ calenda≥ wσ usσ today╗ bu⌠ i⌠ wil∞ bσ ì
inappropriatσá beforσá 158▓ iε al∞ cases«á [Fo≥ date≤ betweeεá 158▓á anΣ ì
1752¼á you'l∞á havσ t∩ se⌠ thσ Defaul⌠ Calenda≥ transitioε t∩ "1óá -- seσ ì
belo≈á unde≥á "Settinτá Defaultsó -- iµ yo⌡ wan⌠á t∩á ente≥á ßá Gregoriaε ì
Calenda≥ Date.]
Juliaεá Calenda≥á Entry«á Thσá "Bó optioε a⌠ thi≤ poin⌠á select≤á ß ì
Juliaε Calenda≥ entry«á Thσ Juliaε Calenda≥ wa≤ originall∙ instituteΣ b∙ ì
Juliu≤ Caesa≥ iε 4╢ BCE¼ bu⌠ ha≤ beeε extendeΣ b∙ scholar≤ t∩ date≤ prio≥ ì
t∩ tha⌠ time« I⌠ wa≤ thσ calenda≥ iε effec⌠ iε Europσ unti∞ thσ adoptioε ì
oµ thσ Gregoriaε calenda≥ (whicΦ wa≤ baseΣ oε it)« Fo≥ an∙ datσ prio≥ t∩ ì
1582¼ you'l∞ havσ t∩ ente≥ ß Juliaε date«
Juliaεá Da∙á Numbe≥ Entry«á ┴ thirΣ entr∙ optioε a⌠ thi≤á poin⌠á i≤ ì
Juliaεá Da∙á Numbe≥ entr∙ -- optioε "Có iε thσ datσá entr∙á window«á Thσ ì
"Juliaε Da∙ Numberó (no⌠ t∩ bσ confuseΣ witΦ thσ Juliaε Calenda≥ -- therσ ì
werσ tw∩ differen⌠ Juliuses!⌐ i≤ aε absolutσ coun⌠ oµ day≤ sincσá Januar∙ ì
1¼á 461│ BC┼ (Juliaε calenda≥ reckoning)« I⌠ i≤ sometime≤ useΣ b∙ astroì
nomer≤ fo≥ precisel∙ calculatinτ events« Juliaε Da∙ Number≤ iε thσ twenì
tietΦ century¼ fo≥ example¼ arσ iε thσ two-millioε range«
Entr∙á oµ Gregoriaε o≥ Juliaε Calenda≥ Dates«á Iµ yo⌡ havσ selecteΣ ì
thσ "Aó o≥ "Bó entr∙ option≤ (whicΦ yo⌡ wil∞ normall∙ use)¼á yo⌡ wil∞á bσ ì
prompteΣ fo≥ ß year¼á month¼ anΣ da∙ fo≥ thσ datσ yo⌡ want« Notσ tha⌠ thσ ì
montΦá shoulΣá bσá entereΣ a≤ ß numbe≥ betweeε ▒ anΣá 12«á Bσá carefull║ ì
STARDAT┼á wil∞á checδá you≥ entrie≤ (afte≥ yo⌡á havσá entereΣá al∞á threσ ì
numbers)¼á anΣ wil∞ star⌠ ove≥ agaiε iµ i⌠ detect≤ aε inappropriatσ date« ì
STARDAT┼á check≤á t∩ bσ surσ tha⌠ thσ yea≥ i≤ iε rangσ (i⌠ wil∞ rejec⌠á ß ì
Gregoriaε datσ entr∙ prio≥ t∩ 1582)¼á tha⌠ thσ montΦ i≤ betweeε ▒ anΣ 12¼ ì
anΣ tha⌠ thσ da∙ oµ thσ montΦ i≤ belo≈ 31¼á 30¼á 2╣ o≥ 2╕ (yes¼á i⌠ know≤ ì
wha⌠ year≤ arσ lea≡ years).
Oncσ yo⌡ havσ successfull∙ entereΣ ß datσ b∙ thσ datσ entr∙á window¼ ì
you'l∞á bσá showεá thσ currentl∙ selecteΣ screeε fo≥ thσá datσá yo⌡á havσ ì
5. The Full Date Screen
Genera∞á Descriptioné AlthougΦ thσ Quicδ datσ screeε i≤ helpfu∞á fo≥ ì
rapidl∙ findinτ date≤ (especiall∙ fo≥ usinτ thσ "Nó anΣ "Pó options)¼ yo⌡ ì
ma∙á wisΦ t∩ seσ fulle≥ almanaπ information«á Thσ Ful∞ Datσ Screeεá proì
vide≤ sucΦ information« Iε additioε t∩ thσ calenda≥ informatioε giveε b∙ ì
thσá Quicδá datσ screen¼á thσ Ful∞ Datσ screeε provide≤ time≤á fo≥á earl∙ ìèdawn¼á sunrise¼á sunset¼á anΣá latσ dusk¼á anΣ indicate≤ thσ phasσ oµ thσ ì
moon«á AlthougΦ thσ phasσ oµ thσ mooε i≤ no⌠ place-dependent¼á thσ time≤ ì
fo≥ sola≥ phenomenß are«á Iε orde≥ t∩ changσ thσ placσ selected¼á you'l∞ ì
neeΣá t∩ usσ thσ "Changσ Default≤ ("D"⌐ optioε describeΣ below«á Iεá thσ ì
Ful∞á Datσ Screen¼á time≤ fo≥ sola≥ phenomenß arσ noté correcteΣ fo≥á Dayì
ligh⌠ Saving≤ Time.
6. The Comparative Date Screen
Genera∞ Description«á Sometime≤ yo⌡ ma∙ wisΦ t∩ seσ ß comparisoε oµ ì
Juliaεá anΣ Gregoriaε calendar≤ fo≥ ß particula≥ datσá afte≥á 1582«á Thσ ì
comparativσá datσ screeε simpl∙ print≤ thσ calendar≤ (fo≥ thσ samσá date⌐ ì
sidσ b∙ side.
7. Changing the Defaults
Genera∞ Description«á Iε orde≥ t∩ obtaiε correc⌠ sola≥ information¼ ì
STARDAT┼á ha≤á t∩ kno≈ thσ precisσ placσ fo≥ whicΦ yo⌡ wan⌠á information« ì
Thσ Changσ Default≤ Windo≈ ("Dó option⌐ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ changσ thesσá paraì
meter≤ eithe≥ temporaril∙ o≥ permanently« Wheε yo⌡ firs⌠ cal∞ u≡ thσ "Dó ì
option¼á STARDAT┼á wil∞á dra≈á ß windo≈ oε thσ righ⌠ hanΣá sidσá oµá you≥ ì
screen«á Iεá thi≤á window¼á yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ curren⌠ defaul⌠á parameter≤ ì
showε iε squarσ bracket≤ ¿ <...╛ )«á Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ askeΣ whethe≥ yo⌡á wan⌠ ì
t∩á changσ thσ parameters«á Ente≥ ß "Yó o≥ "Nó (b∙ thσ way¼á i⌠á doesn'⌠ ì
matte≥á whethe≥á yo⌡ usσ uppe≥ o≥ lowe≥ casσ fo≥ thi≤ anΣá othe≥á single-ì
entr∙á commands)«á Iµá yo⌡á ente≥ "Nó yo⌡ wil∞ returε t∩á thσá currentl∙ ì
selecteΣ datσ anΣ screen«
Entr∙ oµ Placσ Parameters« Iµ yo⌡ selecteΣ thσ "Yó optioε t∩ changσ ì
thσá parameters¼á you'l∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ threσ bit≤ oµ informatioεá abou⌠ ì
thσ placσ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ select« Firs⌠ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ kno≈ thσ Latitudeé oµ thσ ì
place«á Ente≥ ß numbe≥ betweeε -6╡ anΣ 65« Southerε Latitude≤ arσ negaì
tive¼á northerε latitude≤ arσ positive«á Yo⌡ caε adΣ decima∞ point≤á fo≥ ì
accurac∙ iε enterinτ latitudσ anΣ longitude« Theε you'l∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ ì
thσ Longitude«á Ente≥ ß numbe≥ betweeε -18░ anΣ 180« Longitude≤ wes⌠ oµ ì
GreenwicΦá (tha⌠ include≤ al∞ oµ NortΦ America⌐ arσ negative¼á longitude≤ ì
eas⌠á oµ GreenwicΦ arσ positive«á Theε you'l∞ bσ prompteΣ fo≥ thσá zone« ì
Herσá yo⌡ shoulΣ ente≥ aε integeré (n∩ decima∞ points⌐ betweeε -1▓ anΣá 1▓ ì
indicatinτá thσ timσ differencσ betweeε thσ placσ yo⌡ arσá selectinτá anΣ ì
Greenwich«á Again¼á place≤á wes⌠ oµ Greenwich¼á includinτ NortΦ America¼ ì
wil∞ havσ negativσ zonσ numbers« Fo≥ you≥ reference¼ thσ majo≥ U.S« timσ ì
zonσ number≤ arσ a≤ follows║
Eastern -5
Central -6
Mountain -7
Pacific -8
Placσ Namσ Entry« Afte≥ thσ placσ parameters¼ you'l∞ bσ askeΣ fo≥ ß ì
placσá name«á Ente≥ u≡ t∩ fort∙ characters¼á bu⌠ d∩ no⌠á usσá whitespaceé ìè(blanks¼ commas¼ o≥ othe≥ punctuation)« Yo⌡ caε usσ hyphen≤ o≥ asterisk≤ ì
herσ iµ yo⌡ neeΣ t∩ separatσ words«
Calenda≥ Transitioε Entry« Afte≥ thσ placσ name¼ you'l∞ bσ prompteΣ ì
fo≥ thσ calenda≥ transition¼á anΣ yo⌡ mus⌠ ente≥ 0¼á ▒ o≥ 2« Thesσ arbiì
trar∙ number≤ signif∙ thσ following:
0 English/American Calendar Transition
1 Continental Calendar Transition
▓ááá Continuou≤áJuliaεácalenda≥áá
Thσá calenda≥ transitioε indicate≤ thσ datσ oε whicΦ thσ transitioεá froφ ì
thσ Juliaε t∩ thσ Gregoriaε calenda≥ occurred¼á anΣ i≤ importan⌠ wheε thσ ì
Quick¼á Full¼á anΣá Comparativσ Datσ Screen≤ movσ t∩ thσ nex⌠ o≥ previou≤ ì
day≤ ("Nó o≥ "P")« Thσ defaul⌠ settinτ i≤ ░ (transitioε froφ ▓ Septembe≥ ì
t∩ 1┤ Septembe≥ 1752)« Settinτ ▒ select≤ transitioε froφ ┤ Octobe≥ t∩ 1╡ ì
Octobe≥á 1582¼á whicΦ wa≤ thσ correc⌠ datσ fo≥ Romaε Catholiπá countries« ì
Settinτ ▓ simpl∙ curtail≤ calculatioε oµ transitions¼á meaninτ al∞á date≤ ì
wil∞ bσ representeΣ a≤ Julian.
Temporar∙á o≥ Permanen⌠ Save«á Finally¼á thσ Changσ Default≤ Windo≈ ì
wil∞ promp⌠ yo⌡ fo≥ ß "Tó o≥ "Pó t∩ indicatσ whethe≥ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ makσ thσ ì
defaul⌠ paramete≥ change≤ temporar∙ o≥ permanent«á Iµ yo⌡ ente≥ "T,ó thσ ì
setting≤ wil∞ remaiε iε effec⌠ unti∞ yo⌡ exi⌠ thσ prograφ o≥ changσá theφ ì
again« Iµ yo⌡ ente≥ "P,ó thσ filσ "SD.PARó (StarDatσ PARameters⌐ wil∞ bσ ì
eraseΣá anΣ replaceΣ b∙ ß ne≈ filσ (oε thσ defaul⌠ drive⌐ containinτá thσ ì
parameter≤ yo⌡ havσ entered«á Nex⌠ timσ yo⌡ ente≥ STARDATE¼á thesσ paraì
meter≤ wil∞ bσ iε effect«
.paè.he Part D: STARDATE Reference Information Page #
Part D:
STARDATE Reference Information
Valid Dates:
Calendar Entry: Beginning: Ending:
Julian 1 Jan 2000 BCE 31 Dec 2499 CE
Gregorian 15 Oct 1582 CE 31 Dec 2499 CE
Julian Day Number 990558 2634166
Accuracy of Astronomical Data:
Solar:á Withiεá threσá minute≤á oµ timσ fo≥á Gregoriaεá calendar╗á les≤ ì
ááááááááááaccuratσ fo≥ Juliaε dates;
Lunar: Phase¼ withiε ╢ hour≤ accuracy╗ thu≤ thσ da∙ indicateΣ coulΣ bσ ì
ááááááááááa≤á mucΦ a≤ onσ da∙ off¼á witΦ greate≥ accurac∙ iε morσá recen⌠ ì
.paè.he Part E: STARDATE Bibliography Page #
Part E:
Reference Bibliography
Almanaπ fo≥ Computers«á Washington¼á D.C.║ UniteΣ State≤ Nava∞ Observaì
ááááátor∙ Nautica∞ Almanaπ Office¼ 1986.
The Astronomica∞ Almanaπ fo≥ thσ Yea≥ 1986« Washington║ U.S« Governmen⌠ ì
áááááPrintinτ Office¼ anΣ London║ He≥ Majesty'≤ Stationer∙ Office¼ 1986.
Burgess¼á Eric¼á Celestia∞ Basic║ Astronom∙ oε You≥ Computer« Berkeley¼ ì
áááááCA║ Sybe° Inc.¼ 1982«
Explanator∙á Supplemen⌠á t∩ thσ Astronomica∞ Ephemeri≤ anΣá thσá Americaε ì
áááááEphemeri≤ anΣ Nautica∞ Almanac«á London║á He≥ Majesty'≤ Stationer∙ ì
áááááOffice¼ 1961.
Finegan¼á Jack¼á Handbooδá oµ Biblica∞ Chronology║á Principle≤á oµá Timσ ì
áááááReckoninτá iεá thσ Ancien⌠ WorlΣ anΣ Problem≤ oµ Chronolog∙á iεá thσ ì
áááááBible« Princeton¼ Ne≈ Jersey║ Princetoε Universit∙ Press¼ 1964.
Goldstine¼á Hermoεá H.¼á Ne≈á anΣá Ful∞ Moon≤ 100▒á B.C«á t∩á A.D«á 1651« ì
áááááPhiladelphia║ Americaε Philosophica∞ Society¼ 1973.
Scaliger¼á JosepΦ Justus¼á Thesauru≤ Temporum« ▓ vols« Reprin⌠ edition║ ì
áááááOsnabrueck║ Ott∩ Zeller¼ 1968.
.paè.he Part F: Copyright, Correspondence Page #
Copyright and Correspondence Information
STARDAT┼á i≤ copyrigh⌠ (c⌐ 198╢ b∙ TeΣ A«á Campbell«á Versioε 1.▓ oµ ì
thσ prograφ ha≤ beeε releaseΣ int∩ thσ publiπ domaiε fo≥ genera∞ usσá anΣ ì
enjoyment«á Yo⌡á arσ freσ t∩ cop∙ thσ program¼á anΣ thσ file≤ relateΣ t∩ ì
it¼á a≤ yo⌡ wil∞ a≤ lonτ a≤ n∩ copyrigh⌠ notice≤ arσ removeΣ o≥á altered«
I'φá no⌠ inclineΣ t∩ releasσ thσ sourcσ code«á I⌠ wa≤ writteε iε C¼ ì
thσá CP/═á versioε wa≤ compileΣ witΦ thσ Eco-├ compiler¼á anΣá thσá MSDO╙ ì
version was compiled with the Microsoft C compiler.
Iµá yo⌡ havσ furthe≥ questions¼á ╔ ma∙ bσ ablσ t∩á respond«á Pleasσ ì
write (don't call):
Ted A. Campbell
7 Winchester Ct.
Durham, NC 27707