Text File
254 lines
Copyright (c) 1983 by George F Peace. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
This document and the accompanying program are provided to assist the CP/M
Plus user in understanding the operation of the Resident System Extension
(RSX) feature. Some of the information presented is also available in the
"CP/M Plus (CP/M Version 3) Operating System Programmer's Guide" by Digital
An RSX is a Page Relocatable (PRL) file with the file type RSX. RSXs are
combined with a CP/M Plus program by the GENCOM utility. At execution time,
the program loader dynamically relocates the RSXs to the top of the TPA
and updates the RSX headers and page zero address six to reflect the
presence of those routines. Control is then passed to the COM file to
perform any operation required to initialize the RSXs and/or the CP/M Plus
CP/M-Plus is released with several RSXs or programs with attached RSXs.
These include GET, PUT, SAVE and SUBMIT. GET and PUT intercept console input
and output requests respectively and convert those requests into CP/M file
I/O requests. SAVE intercepts the warm boot BDOS function following
execution of a program and allows the user to save memory to disk. SUBMIT
functions similarly to GET by replacing console input requests with file I/O.
The CP/M Plus user can create an RSX to perform functions that in the past
typically required a detailed understanding of CP/M memory organization and
operation. Those functions might include
- Restricting certain BDOS function calls according to
specific security requirements
- data manipulation (i.e. encryption)
- Implementation of RAM disks
- Implementation of hard disk interfaces
The RSX accompanying this document receives all BDOS function calls and
intercepts those that are console-related following its relocation and
initialization. The program displays the function number for each one
intercepted. If BDOS was CALLed via address 0005h, the address of that
CALL will also be displayed. Its operation thus generates a run-time
trace of BDOS calls.
2. Resident System Extension Structure
Each RSX must contain a standard 27 byte prefix. The following is an
example of that structure.
0 serial: db 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;room to insert serial number
1 start: jmp ftest ;beginning of program
2 next: db 0C3H ;jump instruction op-code
3 dw 0 ;next module in line (or BDOS)
4 prev: dw 0 ;previous module
5 remov: db 00h ;remove flag clear
6 nonbnk: db 0 ;>0 to load only in non-banked CP/M
7 rsxnam: db 'RSXDEMO ' ;the name of this RSX
8 loader: db 0 ;loader flag
9 db 0,0 ;reserved
Updated Legend
loader 0 - This area is reserved for the program loader to insert the
CP/M Plus serial number. This allows existing programs that
use that value (always expected to be the first six bytes of
the first page of BDOS) to operate without error in an RSX
user 1 - This is the jump to the actual start of the RSX code
loader 2 - This field points to the next higher RSX or BDOS if this
is the last RSX
loader 4 - This is the address of the previous RSX or 0005 if this is
the first RSX
user 5 - This flag is set to zero if the RSX is to remain in memory
indefinitely. It is set to 0FFh to force its removal from
memory on the next warm boot
user 6 - Set this to 0FFh if this RSX is to be loaded only when being
executed on a non-banked CP/M Plus. DIRLBL.RSX is an example
of the use of this flag. The RSX handles BDOS function 100
in a non-banked environment
user 7 - This field is any eight byte literal to uniquely identify
the RSX
loader 8 - This flag is set to 0FFh if the RSX is the CP/M Plus LOADER
and zero if it is a user RSX
3. Resident System Extension Logic Flow
The first thing a programmer needs to do in any RSX is save the caller's
environment to allow normal processing of the BDOS request in subsequent
Next, the RSX should retrieve the BDOS function number (from register C)
and test for one of those being intercepted.
If the BDOS function is not one of those being intercepted, restore the
caller's environment and jump to tag NEXT: (see line 2 in the RSX prefix
above). Note that any time an RSX passes control to BDOS, tag NEXT: must
be used. Remember that the RSX is essentially a part of BDOS and a call
to address 0005 will produce unpredictable results.
If the BDOS function is being intercepted, perform any processing
required and restore the caller's environment (except for any flags or
indicators being returned).
Now, determine whether this RSX preprocesses or replaces the BDOS function
and pass control either to label NEXT: to continue with the next RSX or an
RET instruction to return immediately to the caller.
4. BDOS Function 60 (call Resident System Extension)
This is the special BDOS function to be used to communicate with an active
RSX. The function is called with 60 (03Ch) in C and the RSX Parameter Block
address in DE. The parameter block has a structure as follows:
RSXPB: db FUNCTION ;the RSX function number
db NUMPARMS ;the number of parameter words
dw PARAM1 ;parameter word 1
dw PARAM2 ;parameter word 2
dw PARAMn ;parameter word n
The FUNCTION byte must a number between 0 and 127. By use of this BDOS
function, data and commands can be passed to or from an active RSX. If
no RSX traps this BDOS function, the BDOS returns 0FFh in registers A and L.
It might be useful to designate parameter one of the Parameter Block as
a target RSX indicator (i.e. the RSX name). In that way, multiple RSXs
obtained from different sources can each use the full range of subfunctions
and yet intercept only their own subfunctions.
5. Preparing a Resident System Extension for Execution
An RSX is stored and loaded as part of a specially constructed COM file.
The RSX is typically attached to a COM file which performs specific
operations using the extensions provided by that RSX. The RSX can,
however, be attached to a dummy COM file so that the only operation
performed is the RSX load. In that case, the RSX is normally locked into
memory until triggered for removal. The GENCOM utility constructs this
COM file according to user-defined parameter input.
5.1 Assembling the RSX
The RSX must be a page relocatable file because its execution address
is determined dynamically by the loader. The RMAC assembler and LINK-80
must therefore be used to assemble and link the RSX.
5.2 Assembling the Main Program
As was indicated above, the RSX is typically attached to some COM file
that uses the extensions provided by that RSX. In this example, an
assembler program will be used to demonstrate both RSX construction and
use of BDOS function 60 to control that RSX. Use your word processor
to split the following program into RSXINIT.ASM.
; RSXINIT.ASM copyright (c) 1983 by George F Peace
; usage: RSXINIT loads the RSX
; RSXINIT <any parameter> unloads the RSX
dma equ 80h
bdos equ 5
wboot equ 0
callrsx equ 60
rsx$init equ 13
rsx$term equ 14
org 100h
lda dma ;get command tail length
cpi 0 ;anything there?
jnz termrsx ;yes - assume terminate request
mvi a,rsx$init ;get initialization function
sta rsxpb ;store subfunction in parameter block
mvi c,callrsx ;get RSX command index
lxi d,rsxpb ;get RSX parameter block address
call bdos
mvi c,wboot ;terminate the program but not the RSX
jmp bdos
mvi a,rsx$term ;get RSX termination function
jmp loadrsx ;now go set up the RSX
rsxname: db 'RSXTEST ' ;name of RSX we're calling
rsxpb: db rsx$init ;RSX initialization function
db 1 ;1 parameter word follows
dw rsxname ;parameter 1 address
The commands to assemble the control program are
5.3 Attaching the RSX to the Main Program
The final step in RSX construction is the generation of the special COM
file containing both the main program and the attached RSX. The GENCOM
command is used for this purpose. GENCOM requires that the RSX have a
file type of RSX so it can be properly identified and included in the COM
5.4 Using the Resident System Extension
Now that the RSXINIT COM file has been updated by GENCOM, it's time to
try it out. To load the RSX, type
then execute a program or issue a CCP command. When you are finished
testing the RSX, type
RSXINIT <any parameter>
to remove the RSX from memory. You can return the RSXINIT.COM file to
its original unmodified state by typing
6. Excuses and Closing Comments
There are certainly more ways to implement an RSX than the one presented
here. My intent has been to provide a general introduction to the
Resident System Function capability rather than a detailed text. I believe
the Digital Research documentation is an adequate reference text. Why did
I even provide this text if the DRI documents are "adequate"? My CP/M
Plus machine was provided with only the barest (non-DRI) documentation. I
had to gather the material piece-by-piece until I purchased the DRI manual
set. Maybe there are a few other frustrated Plus users out there too.
I can be contacted at: George F Peace
1703 Headwaters Road
Midlothian, Virginia 23113
or the CP-MIG on CompuServe (id 71555,1501)
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CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research
CP/M Plus, LINK-80, MAC, and RMAC are trademarks of Digital Research
HEXCOM is anybody's guess
rademark of Digital Research
CP/M Plus, LINK-80, MAC, and RMAC are trademarks of Digita