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152 lines
>a2:" LESSON1 -- Moving Around the Spreadsheet
>a5:" Welcome to the first lesson! Here we will examine several ways
>a6:" of moving about Perfect Calc's spreadsheet.
>a8:" But first, REMEMBER: the commands for scrolling the current
>a9:" single window are:
>a10:" Control---v PAGE DOWN
>a11:" Control---z PAGE UP
>a13:" In this lesson we will be splitting the screen into two windows.
>a14:" The top window, where you will be working, will hold a sample spread-
>a15:" sheet, while the bottom window will display the instructions you are
>a16:" to follow.
>a18:" Before we create two windows let us review the two commands you
>a19:" will use for scrolling the bottom, or 'other' window:
>a21:" Control--x Control--v PAGE DOWN 'Other Window'
>a22:" Control--x Control--z PAGE UP 'Other Window'
>a24:" At this time move the cursor to line 34 using the 'down arrow'
>a25:" key, or the NEXT LINE Command (Control--n). If you go to far use the
>a26:" 'up arrow' key, or the PREVIOUS LINE Command (Control--p).
>a28:" Type the CREATE TWO WINDOWS Command which we learned in the
>a29:" Introductory Lesson:
>a30:" Control--x 2
>a31:" Answer 'n' for no to Perfect Calc's question "Synchronize windows?"
>a32:" When two windows are being displayed, move the cursor to the top
>a33:" window, using the OTHER WINDOW Command:
>a35:" Control--x o (small letter 'o')
>a37:" From now on scroll the bottom window to read the instructions,
>a38:" again using:
>a40:" Control--x Control--v PAGE DOWN 'Other Window'
>a41:" Control--x Control--z PAGE UP 'Other Window'
>a43:" We are now going to call another file into the top window. This
>a44:" is a capability unique to Perfect Calc. No other electronic spread-
>a45:" sheet allows two separate files to be displayed to the
>a46:" screen simultaneously. With the cursor in the top window, type the
>a47:" FIND FILE Command:
>a48:" Control---x Control---f
>a49:" Perfect Calc responds with the message in the Prompt Line:
>a50:" "File to find: <CR> "
>a51:" Type the filename "b:stockex.pc", followed by a carriage return.
>a53:" Perfect Calc reads this file into the top display window.
>a54:" It is a spreadsheet for recording stock purchases. As we will see
>a55:" shortly, it extends off-screen, both down and to the right.
>a57:" Let us explore this spreadsheet using Perfect Calc's cursor
>a58:" commands.
>a61:" Although your KAYPRO II computer has arrow keys for moving the
>a62:" the cursor, Perfect Calc also provides the following commands:
>a63:" Control--f Move cursor Forward (to the right) by one -->
>a64:" Control--b Move cursor Backward (to the left) by one <--
>a65:" Control--n Move cursor to Next Line (down) by one
>a66:" Control--p Move cursor to Previous Line (up) by one ^
>a67:" NOTE: Perfect Calc commands are 'mnemonic'. That is, each
>a68:" command sounds like what it does. Thus, 'Control--f' moves the cursor
>a69:" 'forward'. Try these commands now.
>a71:" Using the right-arrow key, or the FORWARD Command (Control--f), move
>a72:" the cursor to the righthand edge of the screen. With the cursor in
>a73:" the last column, type Control--f one more time. What happens? The
>a74:" screen is erased and redrawn to include the next 'off-screen' column,
>a75:" while at the left margin, column 'a' has disappeared. The entire
>a76:" window has been moved one column to the right on the larger spread-
>a77:" sheet.
>a79:" Type the FORWARD Command several times in rapid succession. This
>a80:" time the window is erased and advanced several columns at one time. The
>a81:" other cursor commands work in a similar fashion, advancing the cursor
>a82:" one position at a time, redrawing the screen as necessary.
>a83:" Several commands move the cursor to the boundaries of the spreadsheet:
>a84:" Control--a Move to Beginning of Line
>a85:" Control--e Move to End of Line
>a86:" Escape...< Move to Top of Column (left angle-bracket)
>a87:" Escape...> Move to Bottom of Column (right angle-bracket)
>a88:" With the cursor anywhere in the middle of the spreadsheet, type
>a89:" the BEGINNING OF LINE Command, Control--a. The cursor jumps to the
>a90:" beginning of the current line.
>a91:" Type the END OF LINE Command, Control--e. The cursor jumps to
>a92:" the last entry in the current line, column 'l'.
>a93:" Type the TOP OF COLUMN Command, Escape...< The cursor jumps to
>a94:" line 1 in the current column. (Remember to hold the shift key for '<' )
>a95:" Type the BOTTOM OF COLUMN Command, Escape...> The cursor
>a96:" jumps to line 18, the bottom of the current column.
>a97:" Note that the distinctive feature of these four commands is that
>a98:" they take the cursor ONLY to the boundaries of the defined spreadsheet.
>a99:" They will not go beyond it.
>a100:" Let us go to the far limits of Perfect Calc's spreadsheet by
>a101:" using the PAGE RIGHT Command, which moves the screen to the right one
>a102:" entire screen full of columns:
>a103:" Escape...v
>a104:" Execute this command as many times as necessary to reach the
>a105:" last column in the spreadsheet, column 'Z'.
>a107:" Then, using the PAGE DOWN Command, Control--v, move to down to
>a108:" line 128. This is the mid-point of the available spreadsheet.
>a110:" As you can see Perfect Calc provides you with a GIANT spread-
>a111:" sheet! Amazingly, you can have as many as SEVEN of these giant spread-
>a112:" sheets in memory at one time, switching back and forth between them
>a113:" with ease. We'll examine this capability in later lessons. Again, this
>a114:" capability is not available with other major electronic spreadsheets.
>a115:" The GOTO Command
>a116:" Now, is there a quick way to get back to position 'a1' in the
>a117:" stock portfolio spreadsheet? Yes! Type the GOTO Command:
>a118:" > {a single right angle-bracket}
>a119:" Perfect Calc responds with the message in the Prompt Line:
>a120:" "GO TO: "
>a121:" Type the coordinates of the entry position that you wish to "Go to"--
>a122:" i.e. 'a1' -- followed by a carriage return. Perfect Calc immediately
>a123:" jumps the cursor to position 'a1', redrawing the screen as necessary.
>a124:" We've just examined the commands for moving the cursor. As you
>a125:" can see, you have quite a few available to you. It may take a while to
>a126:" remember all of these, even though the command characters correspond
>a127:" with the command names. The Help Menu serves to assist you while you're
>a128:" learning the commands.
>a129:" For instance, you can now go the Help menu and review all the cursor
>a130:" commands we've just introduced. Type a '?' followed by '1' to
>a131:" select 'cursor' commands. When you're ready to leave the Help Menu
>a132:" type Control--x Control--v to scroll the bottom window forward.
>a133:" The UNIVERSAL Repeat Command
>a134:" All of Perfect Calc's cursor commands can be repeated using the
>a135:" UNIVERSAL Repeat Command. Type: Control--U
>a136:" Perfect Calc responds with the message in the Prompt Line: "Arg: 4"
>a137:" "Arg: 4 " ( 'argument' ) means that whatever command follows
>a138:" will be repeated 4 times (the default repetition). You can change this
>a139:" default by typing a number. For example, type '20'.
>a140:" The message changes to "Arg: 20 ".
>a141:" Now type the right arrow key, or Control--f.
>a142:" The cursor jumps twenty columns to the right of its present
>a143:" position (to column 'u'). Practise repeating the cursor commands,
>a144:" using this UNIVERSAL Repeat Command.
>a146:" This concludes Lesson 1. You are now ready to proceed to
>a147:" Lesson 2, which deals with 'Entering Data.' To do this you will first
>a148:" need to clear computer memory, before calling up the next lesson.
>a149:" The steps for this, which are outlined below, are simple.
>a150:" However, READ THROUGH THEM COMPLETELY before beginning to execute them,
>a151:" since once memory is cleared, this lesson will be erased from the
>a152:" the screen and we will have no way of communicating.
>a154:" To clear computer memory enter the CLEAR ENTIRE MEMORY command:
>a155:" Control--x Control--k
>a156:" Perfect Calc will respond with the message: "Kill ENTIRE Memory?"
>a157:" Answer "yes"
>a158:" Perfect Calc will erase all files from memory, including this
>a159:" lesson, presenting you with a blank screen.
>a160:" Read Lesson 2 into memory using the FIND FILE Command:
>a161:" Control--x Control--f
>a162:" Perfect Calc will respond with the message:
>a163:" "File to find <CR>:"
>a164:" Enter the filename "b:lesson2.pc", followed by a carriage return.
>a166:" Perfect Calc will display Lesson 2 to the screen ready for you
>a167:" to continue.
>a168:" If you do not wish to continue with Lesson 2, type the
>a169:" QUIT Command:
>a170:" Control--x Control--c
>a172:" Answer 'y' for yes to Perfect Calc's message "Ignore changes this
>a173:" session?"
>a174:" Perfect Calc will return you to your CP/M disk operating system.
>a176:" END OF LESSON 1