Text File
1,267 lines
; FILT.Z80
; Tabs or detabs ASCII text and assembler source files, filtering
; out control characters, high-bits, and other unwanted characters.
Vers equ 84
SubVers equ ' '
; Version 8.4 -- May 9, 1992 -- Gene Pizzetta
; At Howard Goldstein's suggestion, I added a new command line
; option to allow retaining existing form feeds in ASCII text and
; source code files. This new option is also configurable as the
; default. Appropriate modifications have been made to FILT84.CFG
; and to FILT84.HLP.
; Version 8.3 -- May 3, 1992 -- Gene Pizzetta
; On systems without date stamping, FILT was trying to rename files
; in the wrong directory. That has been fixed. Thanks to Ed Flinn
; and Howard Goldstein for finding this bug. While I was at it, I
; have changed the DOC file to a standard ZCPR3 help file.
; Version 8.2 -- March 3, 1992 -- Gene Pizzetta
; A request from Howard Goldstein has motivated me to add the
; ability to keep tabs in the document as originally found.
; This three-way operation has resulted in two new command line
; options: E to expand tabs to spaces and K to keep them as found.
; Trailing tabs will still be removed. Whether a user abort via
; ^C generates an error is now configurable. Should now be CP/M
; compatible in the current user area only.
; Version 8.1 -- September 30, 1991 -- Gene Pizzetta
; FILT did not check (and never has) for ambiguous filenames, which
; could cause a small disaster. It checks now. Made display of
; line count progress reports into configurable option.
; Version 8.0 -- September 10, 1991 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Disassembled enough to change to a relocatable file (it was easy
; after working on JUSTIFY). Changed to Z80 opcodes to partially
; compensate for space used by additional features. Replaced some
; routines with library routines. Now allows destination directory
; without destination filename. Changed key options to command
; line entry. Changed some messages to make them more descriptive.
; Added DU support, intelligent usage screen, error flag setting,
; error handler invocation, quiet mode, and ZCNFG configuration.
; Under ZSDOS and ZDDOS file create date stamps are transferred to
; the new file. Incorporates some code efficiencies suggested by
; Bruce Morgen for JUSTIFY. The hardest part of this conversion
; was deciding how to make those various modes chosen interactively
; into a group of logical command line options. I hope I've
; succeeded.
; Version 7.0a -- May 11, 1986 -- Irv Hoff W6FFC
; When filtering WordStar files FILT7 was checking for unwanted
; control characters too soon, thus ignoring space breaks and
; soft-hyphens. The summary report then indicated none were
; found. That has been fixed with FILT7A. Evidently these
; characters are seldom used in WordStar files, as I had to
; make some special files to even test this feature. This would
; be verified to some extent by nobody calling this to our
; attention even though the program has been available for
; several years now. (WordStar uses 0Fh for space breaks and
; 1Fh for soft-hyphens.)
; Version 7.0 -- April 27, 1985 -- Irv Hoff
; Accepts lines up to 255 characters long (vice 128). Insures
; last line has CR-LF to allow normal processing.
; Version 6.0 -- March 7, 1985 -- Irv Hoff
; Added tab option if in Text mode. Fixed ERXIT so external file
; is not deleted unless a 'Y' is used.
; Version 5.0 -- November 20, 1984 -- Irv Hoff
; Initial version, similar style to FORM5, NEAT5 and TABS5.
; Please report bugs or make suggestions:
; Gene Pizzetta
; 481 Revere St.
; Revere, MA 02151
; Voice: (617) 284-0891
; Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259
; Ladera Z-Node Central: (213) 670-9465
BdosE equ 05h ; BDOS entry
CpmFcb equ 5Ch ; default file control block
AltFcb equ 6Ch ; alternate file control block
CpmDma equ 80h ; default DMA buffer
BufSiz equ 128*128 ; buffer size (16K)
; BDOS functions . . .
FOpen equ 15 ; open file
FClose equ 16 ; close file
FErase equ 19 ; delete file
FRead equ 20 ; read sequential
FWrite equ 21 ; write sequential
FMake equ 22 ; create file
FName equ 23 ; rename file
SetDma equ 26 ; set DMA address
; ASCII . . .
CtrlC equ 03h ; ^C
TAB equ 09h ; tab
LF equ 0Ah ; line feed
FF equ 0Ch ; form feed
CR equ 0Dh ; carriage return
CtrlZ equ 1Ah ; ^Z (CP/M EOF)
.request zslib,z3lib,syslib
extrn gcomnam,comnam,hvtinit,hvdinit,hvon,hvoff ; ZSLIB
extrn eatspc,eatnspc,getstp,setstp,zcheck
extrn z3init,envptr,getquiet,puter2,inverror ; Z3LIB
extrn eprint,epstr,cout,condin,pafdc,phldc,pfn2 ; SYSLIB
extrn bdos,retud,logud,initfcb,codend
jp Start
db 'Z3ENV',1
Z3EAdr: dw 0
; Configuration area . . .
dw 0 ; filler
db 'FILT' ; for ZCNFG
db Vers/10+'0',Vers mod 10+'0',' '
; Mode: 00000001b = b0 = source code
; 00000010b = b1 = ASCII text (default)
; 00000100b = b2 = WordStar document (remove dot commands)
; 00001000b = b3 = WordStar document (retain dot commands)
Mode: db 00000010b
; Tabs: 00000001b = b0 = re-tab output
; 00000010b = b1 = keep tabs as found
; 00000100b = b2 = expand tabs to spaces
TabFlg: db 00000001b
FFFlag: db 0 ; 0=remove form feeds, FFh=keep them (A&S only)
QtFlag: db 0 ; 0=verbose, FFh=quiet
AbtFlg: db 0 ; 0=no error on abort, FFh=error on abort
LinFlg: db 0 ; 0=report progress, FFh=don't
LnStep: db 0Fh ; rate of screen updates (0F, 1F, or 3F)
; Program begins . . .
Start: ld hl,(Z3EAdr)
call zcheck ; ZCPR3?
jr z,GotZ3 ; (yep)
ld hl,0 ; not Z3, set ENVPTR to 0
GotZ3: call z3init ; initialize environment
ld (Stack),sp ; save stack pointer
ld sp,Stack ; ..and set up new stack
call codend ; set up buffers
ld (BufBeg),hl
ld de,BufSiz
add hl,de
ld (BufEnd),hl
ld hl,BufOff ; initialize data segment
ld b,OutBuf-BufOff
xor a
FillLp: ld (hl),a
inc hl
djnz FillLp
call hvtinit ; initialize terminal
call getquiet ; check quiet flag
rra ; make sure it's 0 or FFh
sbc a,a
jr nz,SetQt
ld a,(QtFlag)
SetQt: ld (OpQFlg),a
ld hl,DftNam
call gcomnam ; get disk name
ld a,(CpmFcb+1) ; help request?
cp ' '
jp z,Usage
cp '/'
jp z,Usage ; (yep)
ld hl,AltFcb+1 ; check for output file
ld bc,11
ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jr z,Start1
cp '/'
jr nz,Start2
Start1: ld hl,CpmFcb+1 ; none, so use input filename
Start2: ld de,OutFn ; move final filename to storage
ld hl,OutFn
ld de,OutFcb+1 ; move to output FCB
ld c,8
ld hl,TmpTyp ; with $$$ filetype
ld c,3
ld ix,CpmFcb ; get input and output DU's
call GetDU
ld (InDir),bc
ld ix,AltFcb
call GetDU
ld (OutDir),bc
call GetOpt ; get options
ld bc,(InDir) ; get DU
ld de,CpmFcb+1 ; point to filename
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
jr nz,SkipIF
call eprint
db ' Filtering ',0
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00000001b ; source code mode?
ld hl,AsmMsg
jr nz,PrtMod ; (yes)
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
ld hl,WSMsg
jr nz,PrtMod ; (yep)
ld hl,TxtMsg ; no, ASCII text mode
PrtMod: call epstr
call PrtFn
SkipIF: push de ; copy filename pointer to HL
pop hl
call ChkAmb ; check for ambiguous filename
call InDU ; set up for opening source file
dec de ; point to source FCB
call initfcb
ld c,FOpen
call BdosE
inc a
jr nz,OpenOK
ld a,10 ; error code
call eprint
db ' File not found.',0
jp Exit
OpenOK: ld hl,0
ld (BufOff),hl ; zero buffer offset
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
jr nz,SkipOF
ld bc,(OutDir)
ld de,OutFn ; point to final output filename
call eprint
db ' to ',0
call PrtFn
call eprint
db ' ..',0
SkipOF: call OutDU
ld de,OutFcb
push de ; point HL to filename
pop hl
inc hl
call ChkAmb ; check for ambiguous filename
call initfcb
ld c,FErase ; blind erase file
call bdos
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FMake
call BdosE
inc a
jr nz,MakeOK
ld a,11 ; error code
call eprint
db ' No directory space.',0
jp Abort
MakeOK: ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
call z,CrLf
ld de,OutBuf
ld b,255
L03F0: push bc
push de
ld c,SetDma
ld de,CpmDma
call bdos
call InDU
ld c,FRead
ld e,CpmFcb ; D = 0
call BdosE
pop de ; DE = address of OutBuf
pop bc ; B = 255
or a
jr z,ReadOK ; (read okay)
cp 1 ; end of file?
jp z,Done ; (yep)
ld a,4 ; error code
call eprint
db ' File read error.',0
jp ErExit
ReadOK: ld hl,CpmDma ; move bytes from input buf to output buf
L0437: ld a,(hl) ; get character
cp 8Dh ; soft carriage return?
call z,IncSCr
bit 7,a ; high bit character?
call nz,IncHBt
and 7Fh ; reset high bit
cp 7Fh ; delete character?
jp z,DoIt
cp CtrlZ ; ^Z ?
jp z,Done ; (end of file)
cp ' ' ; control character?
jr nc,NmlChr ; (no)
cp CR ; carriage return?
jr z,NmlChr
cp LF ; line feed?
jr z,NmlChr
cp FF ; form feed?
jr z,NmlChr
cp TAB ; tab?
jr z,NmlChr
cp 0Fh ; binding space?
jr z,NmlChr
cp 1Fh ; soft hyphen?
jp nz,DoCtrl ; handle other control characters
NmlChr: inc b ; increment counter
ld c,a ; save character in C
ld a,b ; end of buffer?
cp 0FFh
ld a,c ; recover character
jr nc,L04BE ; (end of buffer)
cp 0Fh ; binding space?
jp z,DoBSpc ; (yes, handle it)
cp ' ' ; space?
jr nz,L0490 ; (no)
L0485: push hl
ld hl,(OSpCnt) ; yes, increment space count
inc hl
ld (OSpCnt),hl
pop hl
L0490: cp TAB ; tab?
jr nz,NotTab ; (no)
push hl ; save pointer
ld hl,(OTbCnt) ; yes, increment tab count
inc hl
ld (OTbCnt),hl
ld h,a ; save character in H
ld a,(OpTFlg) ; check "keep tabs" flag
and 00000010b
ld a,h ; recover character
pop hl ; recover pointer
jr nz,NotTab ; (keep tabs)
XpndLp: ld a,' ' ; expand tab
ld (de),a
inc de
inc b
ld a,b
and 7
or a
jr nz,XpndLp
dec b
jp DoIt
NotTab: call L0602
ld (de),a
inc de
cp LF
jp nz,DoIt
call condin
call nz,ChkCon
jr L04C5
L04BE: ld a,CR
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,LF
ld (de),a
L04C5: dec b
jr z,L04E9
dec de
dec de
L04CB: dec de
ld a,(de)
cp ' '
jr z,L04D7
cp TAB
jr nz,L04E1
L04D7: call IncTSp
djnz L04CB
dec de
L04E1: inc de
L04E2: ld a,CR
ld (de),a
inc de
ld a,LF
ld (de),a
L04E9: push hl
call CkPrgs ; give progress report
ld hl,OutBuf
L04F0: ld a,(hl)
cp ' '
jr c,L0558
jp nz,L0598
ld a,(OpTFlg)
and 00000110b
ld a,(hl)
jp nz,L0598
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00000001b ; source code mode?
jr z,L051C ; (no)
ld a,(L0C56)
or a
jr nz,L051C
ld a,(L0C55)
or a
jr z,L051C
ld a,' '
push af
jp L05C1
L051C: ld a,(L0C57)
inc a
ld (L0C57),a
ld a,(L0C51)
inc a
ld (L0C51),a
and 7
or a
jp nz,L05E5
ld a,(L0C57)
cp 1
jr nz,L054F
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00000001b ; source code mode?
jr z,L0546 ; (no)
ld a,(L0C56)
or a
jr z,L054F
L0546: xor a
ld (L0C57),a
ld a,' '
jp L05E0
L054F: xor a
ld (L0C57),a
ld a,TAB
jr L05E0
L0558: cp CR
jr z,L0587
cp LF
jr z,L0587
cp TAB
jr nz,L057A
xor a
ld (L0C57),a
ld a,(L0C51)
add a,8
and 0F8h
ld (L0C51),a
ld a,TAB
jr L05E0
L057A: cp FF ; form feed?
jp z,DoFF
cp 1Fh ; soft hyphen?
jp z,DoSHy
jr L05E5
L0587: push af
xor a
ld (L0C51),a
ld (L0C55),a
ld (L0C56),a
ld (L0C57),a
jr L05DF
L0598: push af
cp '.'
jp z,L06D3
cp ''''
jr nz,L05AA
ld a,(L0C55)
ld (L0C55),a
L05AA: cp ';'
jr nz,L05C1
ld a,(L0C56)
or a
jr nz,L05C1
ld a,(L0C55)
or a
jr nz,L05C1
inc a
ld (L0C56),a
L05C1: ld a,(L0C51)
inc a
ld (L0C51),a
ld a,(L0C57)
or a
jr z,L05DF
L05CF: push af
ld a,' '
push hl
call L0762
pop hl
pop af
dec a
ld (L0C57),a
jr nz,L05CF
L05DF: pop af
L05E0: push hl
call L0762
pop hl
L05E5: inc hl
cp LF
jp nz,L04F0
L05EB: ld de,OutBuf
ld b,0FFh
pop hl
ld a,(L0C52)
or a
ret nz
ld a,LF
DoIt: ld (L0C53),a ; save last character
inc l ; end of buffer?
jp z,L03F0 ; (yes, read more)
jp L0437 ; continue
L0602: ld c,a
ld a,(L0C53)
cp CR
ld a,c
jr nz,L0618
cp LF
ret z
ld a,l
or a
jr z,L0615
dec l
L0615: ld a,LF
L0618: cp LF
ret nz
ld a,CR
ld (de),a
inc de
push hl
ld hl,(OphCnt) ; increment orphan line feed count
inc hl
ld (OphCnt),hl
pop hl
ld a,c
IncSCr: push hl
ld hl,(SCrCnt) ; increment soft carriage return count
inc hl
ld (SCrCnt),hl
pop hl
DoCtrl: push hl
ld hl,(CtlCnt) ; increment control character count
inc hl
ld (CtlCnt),hl
pop hl
jr DoIt
DoFF: push hl
ld hl,(FFCnt) ; increment form feed count
inc hl
ld (FFCnt),hl
pop hl
ld a,(OpFFlg) ; retaining form feeds?
or a
jr nz,DoFF1 ; (yes)
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jr z,L05E5 ; (nope)
DoFF1: ld a,FF ; put a form feed into the output
jr L05E0
IncHBt: push hl
ld hl,(HBtCnt) ; increment high-bit character count
inc hl
ld (HBtCnt),hl
pop hl
DoSHy: push hl ; handle soft hyphens
ld hl,(SHyCnt)
inc hl
ld (SHyCnt),hl
pop hl
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jp z,L05E5 ; (nope)
ld a,'-'
jp L05E0
DoBSpc: push hl ; handle binding spaces
ld hl,(BSpCnt)
inc hl
ld (BSpCnt),hl
pop hl
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jp z,DoIt ; (nope)
ld a,' '
jp L0485
IncTSp: push hl
ld hl,(TSpCnt) ; increment trailing space count
inc hl
ld (TSpCnt),hl
pop hl
IncLns: ld hl,(LinCnt) ; increment line count
inc hl
ld (LinCnt),hl
IncNSp: ld hl,(NSpCnt) ; increment new file space count
inc hl
ld (NSpCnt),hl
IncNTb: ld hl,(NTbCnt) ; increment new file tab count
inc hl
ld (NTbCnt),hl
L06D3: ld a,(L0C51)
or a
jp nz,L05C1
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jp z,L05C1 ; (nope)
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001000b ; retaining dot commands?
jr nz,L070F ; (yep)
pop af
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
and 5Fh
cp 'P'
jr nz,L070F
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
and 5Fh
cp 'A'
jr nz,L070F
inc hl
ld a,(hl)
cp CR
jr nz,L070F
ld a,FF
call L0762
push hl
ld hl,(FFCnt) ; increment form feed count
inc hl
ld (FFCnt),hl
pop hl
L070F: push hl
ld hl,(DotCnt) ; increment dot command count
inc hl
ld (DotCnt),hl
pop hl
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001000b ; retaining dot commands?
jp nz,L05C1 ; (yep)
jp L05EB
; Error exit if output file is open
ErExit: push af ; save error code
call OutDU
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FClose ; close output file
call BdosE
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FErase ; and erase it
call BdosE
pop af
; Error exit if no output file is open
Abort: push af
call InDU
ld de,CpmFcb
ld c,FClose ; existing file abort
call BdosE
pop af
Exit: ld b,a ; put error code in B
call Z3Chk ; ZCPR3?
jr z,Exit1 ; (no)
ld a,b ; recover error code
call puter2 ; set error flag
or a
call nz,inverror ; (if error, call error handler)
Exit1: call hvdinit ; de-initialize terminal
ld sp,(Stack) ; restore stack
ret ; return to Z-System
CkPrgs: ld a,(LinFlg)
or a
ret nz ; (no progress reports)
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
ret nz
ld hl,(LinCnt) ; compare number of lines so far
ld a,(LnStep) ; ..with step rate
and l
ret nz ; (not there yet)
ld a,CR
call cout
ld hl,(LinCnt) ; print line progress report
jp phldc ; ..and return to caller
L0762: cp ' '
call z,IncNSp
cp LF ; line feed?
call z,IncLns ; (yes, increment line count)
cp TAB ; tab?
call z,IncNTb ; (yes, increment new tab count)
push af
ld hl,(BufEnd) ; buffer end address in HL
ex de,hl ; end address in DE
ld hl,(BufOff) ; buffer offset in HL
ld a,l ; end of buffer?
sub e
ld a,h
sbc a,d
jr c,L07DF
ld hl,0 ; zero buffer offset
ld (BufOff),hl
L0786: ex de,hl ; buffer offset in DE
ld hl,(BufEnd) ; buffer end in HL
ld a,e ; end of buffer?
sub l
ld a,d
sbc a,h
jr nc,L07D1
ld hl,(BufBeg) ; get buffer start address
add hl,de ; add offset
ex de,hl ; pointer in DE
ld c,SetDma
call BdosE
call OutDU
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FWrite
call BdosE
or a
jr nz,DskFul
ld de,128 ; add sector to offset
ld hl,(BufOff)
add hl,de
ld (BufOff),hl
jr L0786
DskFul: ld a,11 ; error code
call eprint
db ' Disk full.',0
jp ErExit
L07D1: ld c,SetDma
ld de,CpmDma
call BdosE
ld hl,0
ld (BufOff),hl ; zero buffer offset
L07DF: ex de,hl ; buffer offset in DE
ld hl,(BufBeg) ; get buffer address
add hl,de ; add offset
ex de,hl ; pointer address in DE
pop af ; recover character
ld (de),a ; store it in buffer
ld hl,(BufOff) ; get offset
inc hl ; increment it
ld (BufOff),hl ; ..and store it
ChkCon: cp CtrlC ; ^C ?
ret nz ; (anything else, continue)
ld a,(AbtFlg) ; error code (if any)
call eprint
db ' Aborted.',0
jp ErExit
Done: ld (L0C52),a ; end of file, so finish up
inc de
inc b
call nz,L04BE
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
jr nz,L0866
ld a,CR
call cout
ld hl,(LinCnt)
call phldc
L0866: ld hl,(BufOff) ; check for end of sector
ld a,l
and 7Fh
jr nz,L0872
ld (BufEnd),hl
L0872: ld a,CtrlZ
push af
call L0762
pop af
jr nz,L0866
call InDU
ld de,CpmFcb
ld c,FClose
call bdos
call OutDU
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FClose
call BdosE
inc a
jr nz,Finish
ld a,4 ; error code
call eprint
db ' Cannot close output file.',0
jp ErExit
Finish: call DatStp ; move date stamps
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
jp nz,Finis5
ld a,CR
call cout
ld hl,(LinCnt)
call phldc ; print total lines
call eprint
db ' lines',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(OSpCnt)
call phldc ; print count of original spaces
call eprint
db ' original spaces',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(OTbCnt)
call phldc ; print count of original tabs
call eprint
db ' original tabs',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(NSpCnt)
call phldc ; print count of new spaces
call eprint
db ' current spaces',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(NTbCnt)
call phldc ; print count of new tabs
call eprint
db ' current tabs',CR,LF,LF,0
ld hl,(FFCnt)
call phldc ; print count of form feeds kept/deleted
call eprint
db ' form feeds ',0
ld a,(OpFFlg) ; retaining form feeds?
or a
jr nz,Finis1 ; (yep)
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jr nz,Finis1 ; (yep)
call eprint
db 'deleted',0
jr Finis2
Finis1: call eprint
db 'present',0
Finis2: ld hl,(HBtCnt)
call CrLf
call phldc ; print high-bit character count
call eprint
db ' high bits zeroed',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(CtlCnt)
call phldc ; print control character count
call eprint
db ' control characters deleted',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(OphCnt)
call phldc ; print orphan line feed count
call eprint
db ' orphan line feeds fixed',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(TSpCnt)
call phldc ; print trailing spaces count
call eprint
db ' trailing spaces or tabs deleted',0
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001100b ; WordStar mode?
jp z,Finis5 ; (nope)
call CrLf
call CrLf
ld hl,(DotCnt)
call phldc ; print count of dot commands kept/deleted
call eprint
db ' dot commands ',0
ld a,(OpMFlg)
and 00001000b ; retaining dot commands?
jr z,Finis3 ; (nope)
call eprint
db 'retained',0
jr Finis4
Finis3: call eprint
db 'deleted ',0
Finis4: call CrLf
ld hl,(SCrCnt)
call phldc ; print soft carriage return count
call eprint
db ' soft carriage returns fixed',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(SHyCnt)
call phldc ; print soft hyphen count
call eprint
db ' soft hyphens fixed',CR,LF,0
ld hl,(BSpCnt)
call phldc ; print binding spaces count
call eprint
db ' binding spaces fixed',0
Finis5: ld hl,OutFn ; move original filename
ld de,OutFcb+1 ; to output FCB
ld bc,11
ld hl,OutFn ; and move it to rename filename
ld de,OutFcb+17
ld c,8
ld hl,BakTyp ; move filetype BAK (DE = OutFcb+25)
ld c,3
call OutDU ; make sure we're in the right directory
ld de,OutFcb+16
xor a
ld (de),a ; zero drive byte (just in case)
ld c,FErase ; blind erase any existing BAK file
call bdos
ld de,OutFcb ; blind rename any existing file to fn.BAK
ld c,FName
call BdosE
ld hl,TmpTyp ; move $$$ type to output FCB
ld de,OutFcb+9
ld bc,3
ld hl,OutFn+8 ; move final filetype to rename filetype
ld de,OutFcb+25
ld c,3
ld de,OutFcb
ld c,FName
call BdosE
xor a ; error code (no error)
jp Exit
; ChkAmb -- check for ambiguous filename at address in HL.
ChkAmb: ld bc,11
ld a,'?'
ret nz ; (okay)
ld a,8 ; error code
call eprint ; ambiguous filenames not allowed
db ' Ambiguous filename.',0
jp Abort
GetDU: call retud ; B=current drive, C=current user
ld a,(ix+0) ; get drive byte
or a
jr z,GetDU1 ; (none)
dec a ; make A=0, etc.
ld b,a ; ..and put drive in B
GetDU1: call Z3Chk ; Z-System?
ret z ; (no, keep current user)
ld c,(ix+13) ; put user in C
ld a,(ix+15) ; get error byte
or a
ret z
ld a,2 ; error code
call eprint
db ' Invalid directory.',0
jp Abort
InDU: push bc
ld bc,(InDir)
jr SetDU
OutDU: push bc
ld bc,(OutDir)
SetDU: call logud
pop bc
PrtFn: call hvon ; start highlighting
ld a,b ; print drive
add a,'A'
call cout
ld a,c ; print user
call pafdc
ld a,':'
call cout
call pfn2
jp hvoff ; end highlighting and return
GetOpt: ld a,(Mode) ; move defaults
ld (OpMFlg),a
ld a,(TabFlg)
ld (OpTFlg),a
ld a,(FFFlag)
ld (OpFFlg),a
ld hl,CpmDma+1
call eatspc ; move past first token
call eatnspc
call eatspc
ret z ; (no options)
cp '/' ; slash?
inc hl ; move past it
jr z,GotOpt ; (we've got options)
call eatnspc ; move past second token
call eatspc
ret z ; (no options)
cp '/'
jr nz,GotOpt ; (we've got options)
inc hl ; move past slash
GotOpt: ld a,(hl) ; get option
inc hl ; point to next
or a
ret z ; (end of options)
cp 'S'
jr z,OptS
cp 'A'
jr z,OptA
cp 'D'
jr z,OptD
cp 'E'
jr z,OptE
cp 'K'
jr z,OptK
cp 'Q'
jr z,OptQ
cp 'F'
jr z,OptF
cp 'T'
jr z,OptT
cp 'W'
jr z,OptW
cp ' ' ; skip intervening and trailing spaces
jr z,GotOpt
ld a,19 ; error code
call eprint
db ' Invalid option.',0
jp Abort
OptS: ld a,00000001b
jr DoMode
OptA: ld a,00000010b
jr DoMode
OptW: ld a,00000100b
jr DoMode
OptD: ld a,00001000b
DoMode: ld (OpMFlg),a
jr GotOpt
OptQ: ld a,(OpQFlg)
ld (OpQFlg),a
jr GotOpt
OptF: ld a,(OpFFlg)
ld (OpFFlg),a
jr GotOpt
OptT: ld a,00000001b
jr DoTOpt
OptK: ld a,00000010b
jr DoTOpt
OptE: ld a,00000100b
DoTOpt: ld (OpTFlg),a
jr GotOpt
; Z3Chk -- Checks for Z-System by assuming the environment is not located
; in zero page. Returns NZ for Z-System, Z if not.
Z3Chk: ld a,(envptr+1) ; get high byte of environment address
or a
; DatStp -- Get create stamp from original file, if available, and
; transfer it to new file.
DatStp: call InDU ; setup for input file
ld de,CpmFcb
call initfcb ; re-initialize FCB
ld hl,CpmDma ; point to DMA buffer
call getstp ; get ZSDOS file stamp
ret nz ; (error)
ld a,(CpmDma+1) ; check for create date
or a
jr nz,DatSt1 ; (we've got a create date)
ld a,(CpmDma+11) ; none, so check for modify date
or a
ret z ; (no date stamp)
ld hl,CpmDma+10 ; point to modify date
jr DatSt2
DatSt1: ld hl,CpmDma ; point to create date
DatSt2: ld de,StpTmp ; move date to storage
ld bc,5
call OutDU ; setup for output file
ld de,OutFcb
call initfcb
ld hl,CpmDma ; point to DMA buffer
call getstp ; get file stamp
ret nz ; (error)
ld hl,StpTmp
ld de,CpmDma ; move old create stamp to date string
ld bc,5
ld de,OutFcb ; setup for file stamping
ld hl,CpmDma
jp setstp ; set file stamp and return
Usage: call eprint
DftNam: db 'FILT Version '
db Vers/10+'0','.',Vers mod 10+'0',SubVers
db ' Copyright (c) 1986 by Irv Hoff',CR,LF
db 'Usage:',CR,LF
db ' ',0
ld hl,comnam
call epstr
call eprint
db ' {dir:}infile {dir:}{outfile} {{/}options}',CR,LF
db 'The outfile defaults to the name of the infile.',CR,LF
db 'Mode Options:',CR,LF
db ' A ASCII Text',0
ld a,(Mode)
and 00000010b
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db ' S Source Code',0
ld a,(Mode)
and 00000001b
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db ' W',0
xor a ; reset flag for "remove dots"
call PrtWS ; print rest of line
ld a,(Mode)
and 00000100b
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db ' D',0
or 0FFh ; set flag for "retain dots"
call PrtWS ; print rest of line
ld a,(Mode)
and 00001000b
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db 'Tabbing Options:',CR,LF
db ' T re-tab',0
ld a,(TabFlg)
bit 0,a
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db ' E expand tabs to spaces',0
bit 2,a
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db ' K keep tabs as found',0
bit 1,a
call nz,PrtDft
call eprint
db CR,LF
db 'Other Options:',CR,LF
db ' F re',0
ld a,(FFFlag)
or a
call z,PrtRtn
call nz,PrtRmv
call eprint
db ' form feeds (A and S modes)',CR,LF
db ' Q quiet mode',0
ld a,(OpQFlg)
or a
jr z,UsageX
call eprint
db ' off',0
UsageX: xor a ; no error
jp Exit
PrtWS: call eprint
db ' WordStar: re',0
or a
call z,PrtRmv
call nz,PrtRtn
call eprint
db ' dot commands',0
PrtDft: call eprint
db ' [default]',0
PrtRmv: call eprint
db 'move',0
PrtRtn: call eprint
db 'tain',0
CrLf: call eprint
db CR,LF,0
AsmMsg: db 'Source Code ',0
TxtMsg: db 'ASCII Text ',0
WSMsg: db 'WordStar Document ',0
TmpTyp: db '$$$'
BakTyp: db 'BAK'
OpMFlg: ds 1 ; Mode: source code, ASCII, WS/no dot, WS/dot
OpTFlg: ds 1 ; Tab flag
OpFFlg: ds 1 ; Form feed flag
OpQFlg: ds 1 ; Quiet flag
InDir: ds 2 ; source user and drive
OutDir: ds 2 ; destination user and drive
OutFn: ds 11 ; final output filename
OutFcb: ds 36 ; output file control block
StpTmp: ds 5 ; create date storage
BufBeg: ds 2 ; buffer start address
BufEnd: ds 2 ; buffer end address
BufOff: ds 2 ; current buffer offset
L0C51: ds 1
L0C52: ds 1
L0C53: ds 1
L0C55: ds 1
L0C56: ds 1
L0C57: ds 1
SCrCnt: ds 2 ; count of soft carriage returns
CtlCnt: ds 2 ; count of control characters
DotCnt: ds 2 ; count of dot commands
FFCnt: ds 2 ; count of form feeds
HBtCnt: ds 2 ; count of zeroed high bits
SHyCnt: ds 2 ; count of soft hyphens
LinCnt: ds 2 ; lines in file
OphCnt: ds 2 ; count of orphan line feeds
OSpCnt: ds 2 ; count of spaces in original file
BSpCnt: ds 2 ; count of binding spaces
NSpCnt: ds 2 ; count of spaces in new file
OTbCnt: ds 2 ; count of tabs in original file
NTbCnt: ds 2 ; count of tabs in new file
TSpCnt: ds 2 ; count of trailing spaces
OutBuf: ds 256 ; output buffer
ds 138 ; stack
Stack: ds 2 ; stack pointer storage