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337 lines
; CRR Time overlay (c) 1993 Paul Martin
; ================
; This is the standard overlay which works for both standard CP/M 2.2
; and CP/M 3.1 (Plus)
; Under CP/M 3.1 the time is obtained using BDOS function 105.
; Under CP/M 2.2 the time is "fudged"
; This file should be assembled using Dave Goodenough's ZSM23,
; and applied to CRR using his ZPATCH
.org 0x2100
jp gettad
; table starts at 0x2103
year: dw 0 ; Year
month: db 0 ; Month 1=Jan, 2=Feb, .. 12=Dec
day: db 0 ; Day of month
dow: db 0 ; Day of week 1=Sun, 2=Mon,.., 7=Sat
hour: db 0 ; Hour in 24h format 0=midnight, 13=1pm
mins: db 0 ; Minute
secs: db 0 ; Second (if supported, zero otherwise)
rtc: db 0 ; non-zero if rtc present
; The space 0x2100 to 0x22ff (512 bytes) has been set aside for
; real time clock overlays.
; You may freely modify this overlay for use as a CRR time
; overlay. The single condition of its use is that if you modify
; it, you should make public your modifications so that other
; people with similar equipment may be able to use it.
; Jul2Day
; - Day of year -> year,month,day converter
; Entry:
; HL = Day of year
; BC = Year
; Exit:
; E = Month
; D = Day
; BC = Year
; all other registers and flags preserved
push af ; save registers
push ix
push hl
push bc
ld de,1 ; month = 1
ld ix,dayinmo
jullp: ld b,(ix) ; how many days in this month
ld a,e
cp 2
jr nz,jntlp ; not February
ld a,c
and 3
jr nz,jntlp ; not leap year
inc b ; 29 days in Feb in leap yr
ld a,l
sub b
ld l,a
jr c,jcarry ; b>l
or a
jr z,jcarry ; b=l
jncrry: inc e ; next month
inc ix
jr jullp
jcarry: inc h
dec h
jr z,jfin
dec h
jr jncrry
jfin: ld a,l
add a,b
ld d,a
pop bc
pop hl
pop ix
pop af
dayinmo: ; data for jul2day
db 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
; BCD2Bin
; - BCD to Binary converter
; Entry:
; A = BCD number
; Exit:
; A = binary number
; flags corrupted
push bc
ld b,a ;save a
and 0xf0 ; mask off lower bits
srl a ;x8
ld c,a ; store a*8
srl a ;x4
srl a ;x2
add a,c ;x2 + x8 = x10
ld c,a
ld a,b
and 0x0f
add a,c
pop bc
; CPM2Jul
; CPMDate (days since Jan 1 1978) -> year, dayofyear
; Entry:
; HL = CPMdate
; Exit:
; BC = year
; HL = dayofyear
; all other registers and flags preserved
push af
push de
ld de,1978 ; Base year = 1978
c2jl: ld bc,365 ; yearlen = 365 days
ld a,e ; is leap year?
and 3
jr nz,c2j1
inc bc ; Yes, year = 366 days
and a ; clear carry
c2j1: sbc hl,bc ; cpmdate -= yearlen.
jr c,c2j2
inc de ; not this year
jr c2jl ; go round again
c2j2: add hl,bc ; restore days
ld b,d
ld c,e
pop de
pop af
ret ; get out
; Zeller
; - Zeller's congruence for dates later than 1978
; Entry conditions:
; year, month and day contain legal values
; Exit:
; dow is set correctly
; all registers and flags preserved
push af
push hl
push de
push bc
ld bc,(year)
ld de,(month)
push bc ; save for later
push de ; ditto
ld h,b
ld l,c ; HL = year
push hl
ld bc,1978
or a
sbc hl,bc ; HL = year - 1978
ex (sp),hl ; (SP) = year-1978, HL=year
ld bc,1976
or a
sbc hl,bc ; HL=year-1976
srl h
rr l ; div 2
srl h
rr l ; div 4
ex de,hl
pop hl ; HL = (year-78), DE=(year-76)div 4
add hl,de ; HL = HL+DE
pop de ; D = day, E = month
push de ; save again
push hl ; save this, too
ld hl,monmod
dec e
ld d,0
add hl,de
ld e,(hl) ; table lookup, de = month correction
pop hl
add hl,de ; add correction
pop de ; D/E=day/month
ld c,d
ld b,0 ; BC = day
add hl,bc ; HL = accum+day
dec hl
pop bc ; BC = year
ld a,c
and 3
jr nz,zncorr ; not a leap year
ld a,e
cp 3
jr nc,zncorr ; March or later
dec hl ; take off a day
zncorr: ; Using repeated subtraction for space, not speed
ld bc,7 ; mod 7
or a ; clear carry
znl: sbc hl,bc ; subtract
jr nc,znl ; until carry
add hl,bc ; add it back on
ld a,l ; a = day(0-6)
inc a ; (1-7)
ld (dow),a
pop bc
pop de ; restore registers
pop hl
pop af
monmod: ;data for zeller
db 0,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,5,0,3,5
.var bdos 0x0005 ; a handy definition
; This routine gets called by CRR
; Entry:
; no special conditions
; Exit:
; year, month, day, dow, hour, mins, secs, and rtc
; should contain valid information.
; AF,BC,DE,HL may be changed on return
; Suggest IX,IY be unchanged (unsure)
ld c,12
call bdos ; get CP/M version number.
ld a,l
cp 0x31 ; are we running under CP/M Plus?
jr nc,cpmplus
call zeller
xor a
ld (rtc),a ; Under this environment, there is no RTC
ld hl,mins
inc (hl) ; bump minutes
ld a,59
cp (hl)
ret nc ; mins less than or equal to 59
ld (hl),0 ; mins = 0
dec hl ; point to hour
inc (hl) ; bump hour
ld a,23
cp (hl)
ret nc ; hour is less than or equal to 23
ld (hl),23 ; can't be bothered with days
inc hl
inc hl
inc (hl) ; bump seconds, so that MSGIDs are OK
ld c,105
ld de,datrec
call bdos
call bcd2bin
ld (secs),a
ld a,(datmn)
call bcd2bin
ld (mins),a
ld a,(dathr)
call bcd2bin
ld (hour),a
ld hl,(datint)
call cpm2jul
call jul2day
ld (year),bc
ld (month),de ; this sets day as well
call zeller
ld a,1
ld (rtc),a
datrec: ; CP/M time record
datint: dw 0
dathr: db 0
datmn: db 0