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SIG/M Volume 801 SIG/M SAMPLER - Commodore 128 (Volume 2 of 2)
A Collection of Z80-8080 Favorites from
the SIG/M Library of Public Domain Software
In most cases, source code is provided with all SIG/M soft-
ware to allow the user to make any special modifications.We
also try to insure that compiled versions are on the disks
for those of us who are non-hackers. We have not included
any of the code for these programs so as to give you a
greater sample. All of the code is in the regular library
(currently 256 Volumes).
SIG/M software is available on bulletin boards and through
distribution points. A list of the principal sources is
contained in the file REGIONS.SIG. A printed catalog is
available for $3.00 from SIG/M, Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830.
Most of the languages in the library (C, PILOT, etc.)
should work on the Commodore. Any disk in the library can
be ordered in Kaypro 4 format (the format of this disk)
and you should be able to at least read it on the 128.
Many of the distributors have Kaypro 4 format available as
do the commercial operators who, while not affiliated with
SIG/M, make the software available at reasonable prices. For
example, Dutsch Computer Service, 405 East 6th Avenue,
Roselle, NJ 07203 (201-241-0719) charges $7.00 per volume
(and donates $1.00 to SIG/M) with maxiumum two day shipping.
Where a file is a LIBRARY file (end in .LBR) you will first
have to remove the files from the library. There are two
ways to remove files from the library. DELBR will extract
all of the files. Tyle DELBR <filename> on a disk where
there is enough room for the files.
LU (Library Utility) on this disk will also remove files from
the libraries and can manipulate and create them. You can also
extract files from a library on one disk to another disk.
Type LU to start. Then -O to open a file. Then type the name
of the library file. To list a file type -L. Type -E to extract
from a file. (*.* for all files, or names of files you want to
extract - with wildcards if wanted). -R reorganizes. -A adds.
-D deletes. -C closes. To exit LU, hit enter twice.
SIG/M Stephen M. Leon
Box 97 200 Winston Drive - 1707
Islin, NJ 08830 or Cliffside Park, NJ 07010
(201) 886-1858
-CATALOG.801 contents of SIG/M Volume 801
released February 1, 1986
JOIN .ACG Amateur Computer Group Application Form
SIG-M .LIB donation form for SIG/M software
REGIONS .SIG list of SIG/M distribution points
CRC .COM checksum program - type CRC to check disk
index name size crc description
801.01 BISHOW .COM 1K DC DB Bidirectional pager. Type BISHOW File.
801.02 CPM2PLUS.LBR 5K 2A 8D Runs CPM 2.2 under CPM 3
801.03 CPM3-CAT.LBR 6K 02 0C CPM+ catalog program
801.04 CPM3UTIL.LBR 19K 51 36 CPM+ utilities
801.05 CPM3LIB .LBR 8K 0B D3 CPM+ subroutine library
801.06 CRCBUILD.COM 2K 30 2C Program that builds this catalog file
801.07 DELBR .COM 13K EF 3A Removes files from .LBR file
801.07 DBL .COM 1K E5 6E Two oclumn printing
801.08 ERAQ .COM 1K 3E A1 Querry erase
801.09 ERASE .COM 7K E7 CF Erase file program
801.10 PRINTER .DOC 4K B1 24 Sets printer codes for the Epson
801.11 EPSPRTR .COM 2K 04 86 MX-100 and Okidata 92.
801.12 SETOKI .COM 2K BC 7B /
801.13 INDEX .COM 11K 41 14 WordStar indexing utility.
801.14 INDEX .DOC 10K C0 C4 /
801.15 LU .COM 20K 77 39 Library utility - see note this file
801.16 NEAT .DOC 2K C7 99 Pretty prints your assembly language
801.17 NEATC .COM 2K 9A C5 code.
801.18 NEATL .COM 2K 3B 2B /
801.19 NEATU .COM 2K 37 C5 /
801.20 QS-CPM3 .LBR 4K CA 7C Resets CPM+ disk attributes
801.21 SCAN .COM 2K 15 EB Bad sector utility for CPM+
801.22 SD .DOC 10K D7 33 Sorted (or Super) Directory. File
801.23 SD .NOT 1K C3 D2 size, space left - in alphabetical
801.24 SDH .COM 4K 75 55 order, horizontal or vertical, etc.
801.25 SDV .COM 4K BB E1 /
801.26 SQ .COM 17K 66 FE Squeezes files for faster transmission.
801.27 SQ .DOC 2K 29 77 /
801.28 SWEEP .COM 28K 47 88 Versatile disk file manipulator.
801.29 SWINIT .COM 14K D8 0B Initialization program for Sweep.
801.30 TYPEL .COM 4K 0D E9 Types squeezed files.
801.31 UNERAPL .LBR 16K FA 96 Recovers erased files
801.32 USQ .COM 2K 7D 52 Unsqueezes files you have squeezed.
801.33 USQ .DOC 3K B5 5A /
801.34 WIPE .COM 1K 00 B9 Erases *.BAK, *.PRN, etc. files.
801.35 XERA .COM 1K B7 58 Improved file erase.
801.36 XERA .DOC 1K BE C5 /
801.37 XREF .DOC 7K D7 51 Cross reference for .PRN files.
801.38 XREFM .COM 6K 62 94 /
801.39 XREFT .COM 7K 0E FB /
801.40 XTYPE .COM 9K FA 2A Types squeezed files
SIG-M Library -CATALOG Volume Number-801, 40 Files cataloged.
Copyright (c) 1986 by Sig/M-Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey Inc.
P.O. Box 97, Iselin, NJ 08830 USA