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Text File  |  2000-06-30  |  4KB  |  57 lines

  1. AMSTRAD         <DIR>            Directory containing Amstrad CPC/PCW and
  2.                                | Spectrum +3 files.
  3. CP2UX2CP.ARC     2432  07-11-94  Fast textfile conversion CP/M <--> Unix
  4.                                | formats. Files can be viewed during
  5.                                | conversion.
  6. CPMFAQ.TXT      31930  07-11-94  The comp.os.cpm Frequently Asked Questions
  7.                                | list. 2 June 94
  8. CPMFAQ.ZIP      14032  07-11-94  This file compressed with PKZIP 1.1
  9. CPMUNARJ.ZIP    18205  07-11-94  Paul Hunt's CP/M Un-ARJ program.
  10. CRR0160.ZIP     58008  07-11-94  Latest version of CRR, the CP/M offline
  11.                                | message reader
  12. CRRDOCPS.ZIP    14530  07-11-94  The documentation for CRR in PostScript form,
  13.                                | intended for printing on A4 paper. Produces
  14.                                | an A5 folded booklet.
  15. CRRPATCH.COM     8704  07-11-94  Self-extracting archive patch for CRR 1.60's
  16.                                | time routines
  17. ECHO.ARC         4564  07-11-94  Implements ECHO ON & ECHO OFF for CP/M+
  18.                                | Submit files.
  19. FOODO-V1.LBR   114432  07-11-94  Foodo, the FidoNet compatable, CP/M mailer
  20.                                | and file requestor system. Needs ZCPR 3.3 and
  21.                                | BYE.
  22. MAILUTIL.LBR    25984  07-11-94  Dave Goodenough's Mail utilities. (UUDEC
  23.                                | comes from this.)
  24. PMAUTOAE.COM    30976  07-11-94  The best archive program around for CP/M.
  25.                                | Handles LZH and LHA arvhives, but can't make
  26.                                | them.
  27. ROGUE17.PMA     22400  07-11-94  David Goodenough's port of Rogue, the program
  28.                                | that grew up to become Hack and Nethack.
  29.                                | Needs QTERM screen overlay, details included.
  30.                                | You need PMAUTOAE.COM to unpack this.
  31. UNARC16.COM     38656  07-11-94  Un-ARC program. Self-extracting archive.
  32. UNZIP.COM        3328  07-11-94  CP/M Unzip
  33. UUDEC.HEX        8999  07-11-94  A UUDecode program in Intel HEX format.
  34.                                | Includes instructions for decoding.
  35. WAND2-2.LBR     20224  07-11-94  An update, and more screens for Wanderer.
  36. WANDERER.LBR    39424  07-11-94  A game of skill. Needs a QTERM screen
  37.                                | overlay.
  38. WTXT101.ARC      2048  07-11-94  Compile text files to COM files. Version
  39.                                | 1.01; reads the page length from CP/M Plus
  40.                                | rather than assuming 24 lines.
  41. ZCCP0293.ARC    20096  07-11-94  A ZCPR-like CCP for a CP/M Plus system using
  42.                                | ZPM3. Freeware.
  43. ZCPR-D-J.COM    32896  07-11-94  A vastly improved and enhanced ZCPR1 for CP/M
  44.                                | 2.2. Self-extracting archive. Demo included.
  45.                                | You will need an assembler (eg. M80) to build
  46.                                | it. (5 Mar 94 version, updated 1 Apr 94)
  47. ZIPDIR12.ARC    20736  07-11-94  Lists contents of ZIP file. Version 1.2
  48.                                | recognises 'reduced' and 'tokenised'
  49.                                | compression methods.
  50. ZMSOURCE.ARC   210304  07-11-94  The most complete source code to ZMP 1.5 and
  51.                                | RZMP 1.6
  52. ZMXFER.ZIP      11299  07-11-94  ZMP file transfer overlay. CRC-32 code
  53.                                | optimized by Jonathan Taylor.
  54. ZPM3N10.ARC     51840  07-11-94  A CP/M Plus compatible BDOS replacement for
  55.                                | Z80 computers. Faster and fixes a bug in the
  56.                                | original BDOS. Freeware.