Text File
160 lines
; Modified from:
; Author: Richard Conn
; SYSLIB Version Number: 3.6
; Module Version Number: 1.1
; Input line editor
; Input a line from CON: into the buffer pointer to by HL
; Input Parameters:
; HL= Pointer to buffer
; A = Echo flag (A=0 No echo)
; Output Parameters:
; No registers affected
; Input Line Editing Characters Are --
; <bksp> - Delete previous character and back up cursor
; <CR> - Terminate input
; ^X - Erase current line and start over
mnline: putrg ; save registers
push af ; save PSW
ld a,0ffh ; echo on
ld (echo),a ; save echo flag
ld (stadd),hl ; save start of string
inl0: ld hl,(stadd) ; get start of string
ld c,0 ; set character count
inl1: call cin ; get input character from console
cp '^' ; lead-in character?
jp z,leadin
cp bksp ; backspace?
jp z,inbs
cp del ; delete?
jp z,indel
cp tab ; tabulate?
jp z,intab
cp cr ; carriage return?
jp z,incr
cp lf ; line feed?
jp z,inlf
cp ctlx ; ^X?
jp z,rexstrt
call isctrl ; did user input a control character?
jp z,inl1
ld (hl),a ; store character
inc hl ; point to next
call ctrl ; print character
inc c ; increment character count
ld a,(bfsize) ; get maximum character count
cp c ; have we reached the end of the field?
jp z,incr ; yes - do carriage return routine
jp inl1 ; otherwise - get another character
intab: ld (hl),a ; store <TAB>
inc hl ; point to next character position
call intab0 ; tabulate
jp inl1
rexstrt: ld a,c ; check for empty line
or a ; 0 characters?
jp z,inl0
call exbs ; <bksp>
jp rexstrt
inlf: jp inl1
inbs: call exbs ; execute <bksp>
jp inl1
exbs: call bol ; beginning of line?
ret z ; continue if so
ld a,(ashex) ; ascii/hex flag 0=ASCII FF=HEX
jp z,bsex ; if ascii - backspace once
call bsex ; backspace twice for HEX
bsex: dec c ; decrement count
dec hl ; back up
ld a,(echo) ; echo on?
or a ; 0=NO
ret z
ld a,bksp ; print <bksp>
call cout
ld a,' ' ; print <SP>
call cout
ld a,bksp ; print <bksp>
call cout
incr: ld (hl),0 ; store ending zero
ld a,c ; get character count in A
ld (bfccnt),a ; save count
pop af ; restore PSW
getrg ; restore regs
leadin: call capin ; get another character and capitolize
call isalpha ; is it A-Z?
jp nz,leadin ; if not, get another character
sbc 40h ; make into control character
ld (hl),a ; store character
inc hl ; point to next
call pa2hc ; print as HEX characters
inc c ; increment character count
ld a,(bfsize) ; get maximum character count
cp c ; have we reached the end of the field?
jp z,incr ; yes - do carriage return routine
jp inl1 ; otherwise - get another character
bol: ex de,hl ; DE=HL
ld hl,(stadd) ; get start address
ex de,hl ; HL restored
ld a,d ; check for match
cp h ; match?
ret nz ; no match
ld a,e ; check for complete match
cp l
ret nz ; no match
push af ; save flags
ld a,bell ; beep
call cout
pop af
ctrl: push bc ; save BC
ld b,a ; save character in B
ld a,(echo) ; check echo flag
or a ; 0=no echo
ld a,b ; restore char
pop bc ; restore BC
ret z ; no output if no echo
cp ' ' ; <SP>?
jp c,ctrl1
jp cout ; print it normally
ctrl1: cp tab ; trap <TAB>
jp z,intab0
jp ccout ; print with ctrl-char processing
stadd: ds 2 ; temporary storage for buffer start address
echo: ds 1 ; echo flag (0=no echo)
intab0: ld a,c ; get character count
and 7 ; mask for difference from 8
ld b,a ; store in reg B temporarily
ld a,8 ; subtract from 8
sub b
ld b,a ; <SP> count in B
add a,c ; add to character count
ld c,a
ld a,(echo) ; echo on?
or a ; 0=no
ret z
ld a,' ' ; <SP> in A
intab1: call cout ; print <SP>
dec b ; count down
jp nz,intab1