Text File
1,542 lines
; Program: EDITND - EDIT the resident Named Directory
;EDITND is copyright by A. E. Hawley January 30, 1987.
;It may be freely distributed, but it must not be sold
;either separately or as part of a package without the
;written consent of the author. The author may be reached
;via electronic mail at the Ladera Z-Node in Los Angeles,
;213-670-9465, or through the Lillipute Z-Node in Chicago
;at 312-649-1730.
;EDITND is released for beta test through the Z-system
;users group Z-SIG on January 30, 1987 by the author.
.sall ;suppress macro code
; Author: Al Hawley, Ladera Z-Node, (213) 670-9465
Vers equ '1' ;version number, ascii
rev equ '0' ;revision number, ascii
;the following will normally be a quoted space character
;in released versions. The letter is meaningful during the
;testing of modified versions until modifications are complete.
beta equ 'a' ;quoted lc letter for test versions
; Version Date: 01/21/87
; Previous versions: none
; Edit the System Named Directory. Change, add,
; or delete directory names and passwords. The changes
; are to the resident Named Directory buffer, but may
; be aborted (restored to original) if desired.
; Multiple commands on the command line or in
; interactive mode are supported. Commands on the invoking
; command line produce no unsolicited console output, so
; this program can execute silently in an alias or RAS
; environment. In the interactive mode, command errors are
; explained only on request. The HELP screen is automatically
; maintained; so if you change the name of the program, the
; version number, or the command separator character, the
; HELP information will remain relevant.
; If an error condition occurs during execution of commands
; from the invoking command line, the error code is placed in
; the ZCPR3 program error code byte. There, it can be tested
; by IF.COM and appropriate action taken.
; See EDITND.DOC for details.
;The following tells ZAS to pass
;names of libraries to ZLINK. The link command line
;does not need to name the libraries
; External Z3LIB Routines
; External SYSLIB Routines
; External VLIB Routines
; Other External Library Routines
ENTLEN equ 18 ; NDR Entry Len = 18 bytes
;Toggle the value of a named memory location
;typically, the values toggle between 00 and ffh
; (i.e., False and True)
;set a value into a memory variable
;typically True or False
;load reg hl from the address in hl
;program code starts here..
DB 'Z3ENV' ;This is a ZCPR3 Utility
DB 1 ;External Environment Descriptor
Z3EADR: DW 0fe00h ;this is corrected by Z3INS
ctermd: db '\' ;multiple cmd separator
hlprqd: db true ;show help after error note
errbel: db true ;sound terminal bell on error
ernote: db true ;emit error warning msg
START: LD HL,(Z3EADR) ;pt to ZCPR3 environment
CALL Z3INIT ;initialize the ZCPR3 Environment
;This is the main routine, from which all other
;functions are called.
MAIN: ld (stak), sp ; save callers stack for exit
ld sp, stak ; set up local stack
call init ; test for z3env and sys NDR,
; initialize local ndr buffer
; store data for NDR, default disk
call copyin ; save a system NDR copy for abort
; after changes were made.
call getail ;move command tail to cl buffer
call nz,doline ;parse & execute commands if present
make lclcmd,true ;declare interactive mode
main1: call kbdin ;get user command line input
call doline ;parse & execute commands
jr nz,main1 ;do cmds until exit condition
exit: call wrapup ;deinitialization
ld sp, (stak) ;done. Return quiet (no warm boot)
;wrapup: set/reset system messages, disk system,
; and any other miscellaneous housecleaning
; before returning to the operating system.
;reset the warm boot trap
ld hl,(1) ;->bios wbjump
inc hl ;.. the jmp addr
ld de,(wbaddr) ;recover the saved addr
stdehl ;(hl)<-de
;if in Z3 commandline mode and an error has been
;detected (causing an exit) then set the error flag
;value into the Z3 program error code.
xor a
call puter2 ;reset pgm error code
ld a,(lclcmd)
or a ;exiting from invoking CL?
ld a,(errflg) ;get the error flag (0 if no error)
call z,puter2 ;z=yes, pass error msg to system
;If no changes have been made, skip the following.
ld a,(chgflg)
or a
ret z
;if the abort flag is set, replace the
; ndr with the local copy saved at the
; start of the program.
ld a,(abtflg)
or a
jp nz,copyout ;copy local ndr buffer to system ndr
;If sort flag is set, sort the ndr
ld a,(srtflg)
or a
call nz,ndrsrt ;sort the entries into D/U order
;transfer the command line tail into the local
; input buffer (keybuf) for execution.
getail: ld hl,tbuf ;point to command tail
ld a,(hl) ;get character count
ld (keycnt),a ;..save in keybuf counter
or a,a ;test for null
ret z ;don't move empty tail..
;..return false instead
inc hl ;point to command tail
ld de,keybuf ;destination
ld c,a ;for ldir
ld b,0
ldir ;move the tail
ld a,b ;enter the...
ld (de),a ;terminating null
ld (eoline),a ;say last cmd not done yet
dec a
ret ;return true
; doline: scan the command line for commands.
; If none are found, then display the current directories
; and return to caller.
; Else execute the commands.
; Return TRUE after completion of commands.
; Return FALSE after completion of any command that
; requires an abort to the system.
tfetch: call cfetch ;move a single command to cmbuf
jr z,tpexit ;exit if no more commands
call cmproc
jr nz,tfetch ;repeat if no error
;arrive here on a command error
ld a,(lclcmd) ;if invoked by Z3 cmd line
or a
jr z,exit ;..terminate the pgm
;any error is recorded by error flag and will
;be detected on the next cycle through cmproc
tpexit: xor a ;normal exit
dec a
ret ;return true
fpexit: xor a
ret ;return False
ld hl,spaces ;initialise argv pointers
ld (arg1),hl
ld (arg2),hl
ld (arg3),hl
ld hl,0 ;..and parameter codes
ld (a1code),hl
ld (a3code),hl
ld de,argvtb ;result table
ld hl,cmdbuf ;->command to parse
ld a,h ;null terminate tokens
call argv ;ret. pointers to 1 to 4 args.
;returns True if more args than allowed, else False
ld a,5 ;error code for too many args
jr nz,cmerr ;jump if true return
ld a,(argnum) ;is the number of args
or a ;..zero?
jr z,makey ;finish up if yes
call tst1ch ;single ltr command?
jr nz,makey ;finish up if yes(nz)
or a ;test error return code
jr nz,cmerr ;invalid character error
call tstdir ;analyse arg1
jr z,cmerr ;if invalid, error exit
call tsta23 ;analyse arg2 & arg3
jr z,cmerr
makey: ld bc,(a2code) ;get arg parameters
ld a,(a1code)
ld hl,argnum
add b ;calculate sum (=ckey)
add c ;ckey = argnum + a1code...
add (hl) ;..+ a2code + a3code
ld (ckey),a ;key for indexing in case call
ld de,ctable ;table of keys & cmd routines
call acase3 ;go execute command
jr z,cmerr ;error/abort if z. error type in acc
;else eoline flag in acc?????
tcmxit: xor a ;True CMproc eXIT
ld (errflg),a ;clear error flag
dec a
ret ;return true
cmerr: ld (errflg),a ;record the error type
ld (errhst),a
ld hl,cmdcnt ;source: single command buff
ld de,cmdhst ;dest: command history buff
ld a,(hl) ;get cmd char count
ldi ;transfer to dest, dec hl,de
ld b,a ;loop counter
cmerr1: ld a,(hl) ;pick up a char
or a ;is it null?
jr nz,cmerr2
ld a,' ' ;yes, change to a space
cmerr2: ld (de),a ;copy to history buff
inc de ;bump pointers
inc hl
djnz cmerr1 ;repeat b times
xor a ;make a null
ld (de),a ;terminate string in cmdhst
ret ;return False, showing error
;test arg1 to see if only one character.
;if so, get the char in acc, subtract the
;value in argnum, and store it in a1code.
;The subtraction compensates for later addition
; of (argnum) during calculation of ckey, and
; preserves the ascii value for use in the case table.
;returns true if arg1 is one character, else false
ld hl,(arg1)
push hl
inc hl ;->2nd char
ld a,(hl)
or a ;terminator?
jr nz,not1 ;no, more than one char
dec hl ;->char
ld a,(hl) ;get it
cp a,'/'
jr z,tst1ok
cp a,'>' ;'?' or alpha?
jr c,badchr ;cy=no, bad char
tst1ok: ld hl,argnum
sub (hl) ;subtract argnum
ld (a1code),a ;store the parameter
pop hl
optx: xor a
dec a
ret ;return true
not1: pop hl
ld a,(hl)
cp '/' ;option char?
jr z,optch ;z=yes
xor a ;not a single char arg
ret ;return false
optch: ld a,1 ;put data in argnum
ld (argnum),a
ld a,8 ;..and in a1code to
ld (a1code),a ;make a case key of 9
jr optx ;return true & calc. ckey
badchr: pop hl ;clear stack
xor a ;set z flg, mark error
ld a,1 ;error code - bad cmd
;test for valid du|dir form in first arg
; (validity is in terms of max du from sysenv
; or of existance of dir in the NDR buffer)
; if invalid, set an error flag & return False
;else test returns pointer to the ndr entry.
ld hl,(arg1) ;->arg to test
;to be a valid DU or DIR, the first char must
;be alpha. (dnscan would accept a number, then
;use the default drive to complete the DU)
ld a,(hl) ;get first char
cp 'A' ;must be >=
jr c,ftstdu ;cy if < 'A', so
; set error
xor a
call dnscan ;valid du|dir?
;if valid, returns bc=d/u (d=0..max, u=1..max)
;and acc=TRUE. if invalid, acc=FALSE
;NOTE: Named Directory uses drive designators
; in the range (d=1,2,3,....), so reg. b must
; be incremented before use for entry/compare
; of NDR data.
ld a,2 ;error code
ret z ;no, can't process
;ret false, error code in acc
;ARG1 is valid, but may not be present in the NDR
ld (ndrdu),bc ;store user at ndrdu,
ld a,c ;drive at Z3fcb
ld (fcbusr),a ;..user in z3fcb(13)
;Test for presence in the NDR
call dutdir ;du in the ndr?
;returns hl->name, a=true if present in ndr;
; hl->next entry, a=false if not in ndr
; True return means there is an entry to change.
; False means any change will be an append
jr z,enpntr ;if z, hl->append loc
dec hl ;else hl-> entry name loc
dec hl ;and must be decremented
enpntr: ld (ndrloc),hl ;->NDR entry/append loc
ld (appflg),a ;0=du NOT present in NDR
;0FFH=du present in NDR
xor a
dec a
ret ;return TRUE, valid du
ftstdu: xor a ;return showing error
ld a,2 ;error code
;part of the encoding scheme to make unique keys for
;the case routine to use for selecting action routines.
;If arg2 -> ',' then set a2code = 2 else a2code =0
;if arg3 -> ',' then set a3code = 3 else a3code = 0
;if arg4 -> ',' then it is in error. set error flg
;count commas. if more than one, set error flg.
ld bc,0 ;default values
ld d,b ;for counting commas
ld a,',' ;comma to test for
ld hl,(arg3) ;test arg3
cp (hl)
jr nz,tsta2 ;use default if not ','
ld b,3 ;for a3code
inc d
tsta2: ld hl,(arg2) ;test arg2
cp (hl) ;comma?
jr nz,tsta4 ;nz=no, use default
ld c,2 ;for a2code
inc d
tsta4: ld hl,(arg4) ;check comma in arg4
cp (hl) ;comma?
jr z,ftstax ;error if so
ld a,1
cp a,d ;more than 1 comma?
jr c,ftstax ;cy=yes, use error exit
ttstax: ld (a2code),bc ;store both at once
xor a
dec a
ftstax: xor a ;return False
make errflg,6 ;store error code
;table used by acase3 to dispatch commands based on
;the key value passed in the acc. The key is compared
;with each db value in the table. when a match is
;found, control is passed to the corresponding adddress.
db 16 ;number of cases
dw scerr ;here if not found
;the search for a match starts here
db '?' ;display help
dw help ;
db '/' ;display help
dw help ;
db 'Q' ;exit to Z, ignore changes
dw abort ;
db 'R' ;recover ndr, start over
dw copyout ;(recovery from 'Z' cmd)
db 'X' ;exit to Z, keep changes
dw exit ;
db 'S' ;Sort the system NDR entries
dw ndrsrt ;
db 'Z' ;Zap (erase) all NDR entries
dw erandr ;
db 0 ;
dw pwd ;show the ndr contents
db 1 ;
dw era1 ;erase entry if present
db 2 ;
dw case2 ;replace|append dirname
db 3 ;
dw chgndr ;add|change to new name,pw
db 4 ;
dw case4 ;delete a password
db 5 ;
dw case5 ;add|change a password
db 6 ;
dw case6 ;new dirname with blank pw
db 7 ;
dw case7 ;add|change to new name,pw
db 9 ;case 9 - specify options
dw optsel ;decode & set any options
;this is the default case - unrecognized command
scerr: xor a ;set z to mark error
ld a,1 ;error code - bad command
;erase all entries from the NDR buffer
erandr: ld hl,(bcb1) ;->system NDR
ld d,h
ld e,l
inc de ;->2nd byte
xor a
ld (hl),a ;enter a zero,
ld bc,(size0)
dec bc ;bytes yet to zero out
ldir ;chase thru the buffer
dec a ;return True
ld (chgflg),a ;report changed NDR
era1: ;erase entry if present
ld a,(appflg)
or a
jr z,cant3 ;not present, can't erase
ld bc,entlen ;18
ld hl,(ndrloc) ;->entry
ld d,h ;destination
ld e,l
add hl,bc ;->source (next entry)
xor a,a ;make null for cp(hl)
ovrite: cp (hl) ;done if null
jr z,back0
push bc
ldir ;copy over preceding record
pop bc
jr ovrite
back0: ld d,h ;hl->terminal null
ld e,l
dec de ;de->last byte of last
;record, now redundant
push bc ;save block counter
lddr ;chase null through record
pop bc
;update the data in bcb1:
ld hl,bcb1+2
dec (hl) ;number of entries decreased
ld hl,(bcb1+6)
sbc hl,bc ;next free loc is 18 less
ld (bcb1+6),hl
dec a ;make 0ffh, nz
ld (chgflg),a ;report changed NDR
ret ;return true
;error return. A du form was used in arg1 which
;was not present in the NDR, so there is no entry
;from which to get the default name for arg2.
xor a
ld a,3 ;error code
case2: ;replace|append dirname
ld a,(appflg)
or a
jr z,case6 ;append with blank pw
ld hl,(ndrloc) ;->ndr entry
ld bc,10 ;->dir password
add hl,bc
ld (arg3),hl ;preserve it
jp chgndr
case4: ;delete a password
ld a,(appflg)
or a
jr z,cant3 ;z=none to delete
ld hl,spaces
ld (arg3),hl ;blank password
;fall through to case5 to get the extant name ptr.
case5: ;add|change a password
ld a,(appflg)
or a
jr z,cant3 ;z=nothing to change
ld hl,(ndrloc) ;->ndr entry
inc hl
inc hl ;->dirname
ld (arg2),hl ;replace the ','
jp chgndr
case6: ;new dirname with blank pw
ld hl,spaces
ld (arg3),hl ;replace the comma
jp chgndr
case7: ;add|change to new name,pw
ld hl,(arg4)
ld (arg3),hl ;replace the comma
;fall through to chgndr
;over-writes an extant name-pw entry or appends
; to the end of the ndr if possible.
ld a,(appflg)
or a
jp z,appndr ;z=no entry, append rqd.
;first, initialize a prototype ndr entry buffer
ld hl,spaces
ld de,entnm
ld bc,16
;copy the data pointed to by arg2 and arg3
;into the name and password fields of buffer
ld hl,(arg2) ;->new name
ld de,entnm
ld bc,8 ;max # to copy
xor a ;arg terminator=0
call strcpy
ld hl,(arg3) ;->new password
ld de,entpw
ld bc,8
call strcpy
;copy the name & pw into the system ndr
ld hl,entnm
ld de,(ndrloc) ;->ndr entry
inc de
inc de ;->ndr name
ld bc,16
ldir ;copy the name,pw
dec a ;make logic True
ld (chgflg),a ;report changed NDR
ret ;True, no problems
;append a new entry to ndr if possible
ld hl,bcb1+2 ;current # of entries
ld a,(ndblks) ;max # allowed
cp a,(hl) ;are they the same yet?
jr z,fappnd ;error abort if yes, else..
inc (hl) ;..count the new entry
;get the d/u and load into the system ndr
ld hl,(ndrloc) ;append location
ld bc,(ndrdu) ;d/u from arg1
inc b ;convert to ndr form (1...n)
ld (hl),b ;enter drive
inc hl
ld (hl),c ;enter user
inc hl
; then move the name and pw
call ldname ;enter name, pw
;ldname returns acc=True
ld (srtflg),a ;sort required
ret ;return True, no problems
fappnd: xor a ;return False
ld a,4 ;error code
ret ;No room to append
abort: ld a,-1 ;set abort flag and
ld (abtflg),a ; take action as
jp exit ; needed in wrapup
; copyin: copy the existing NDBuff into buffer 0
; Enter buffer data in bcb0 to permit access.
;first, initialize the buffer to nulls
ld hl,(bcb0) ;source
ld d,h
ld e,l
inc de ;destination = HL+1
ld bc,(size0)
dec bc ;number of bytes to fill
xor a ;fill byte = 00
ld (hl),a ;fill first loc, and..
ldir ;chase it through the buffer
push ix
ld ix,bcb0+2 ;for counting number of entries
ld de, (bcb0)
ld hl, (z3ndb) ; prepare copying, (hl) to (de)
jr cpin02
cpin01: ld bc, entlen
ldir ; no, load it.
inc (ix) ;count entries in bcb0+2
cpin02: xor a ; Disk == 0 means end
or (hl) ;end of ND entries?
jr nz, cpin01 ;if no, get more
;transfer complete. Now complete filling in BCB0 & BCB1
ld (bcb0+6),de ;save pointer to next avail. loc
push de ;save for (bcb1+6) calculation
ld hl,(bcb0+2)
ld (bcb1+2),hl ;number of entries in sys ndr
ld hl,(size0) ;offset to end+1
ld de,(bcb1) ;start of system ndr
add hl,de
ld (bcb1+8),hl
ld hl,(bcb0) ;HL->local, de-> sys ndr
ex de,hl ;put larger in hl
sbc hl,de ;offset in hl
pop de ;-> empty entry in local ndr
add hl,de ;addr of empty entry in sys ndr
ld (bcb1+6),hl
pop ix
;cfetch: copy a string terminated by 'cterm' or null
; from the address at keyptr: to cmdbuf, replacing
; the terminator with a null. Delimit commas with
; spaces during transfer so argv will parse
; them out as tokens for interpreting the command.
; Update the address at keyptr to point to the
; source byte which follows the terminator.
cfetch: ld a,(eoline) ;no more commands?
inc a ;yes, if eoline is 0ffh
ret z ;return false if so
ld b,0 ;character counter
ld hl,ctermd
ld c,(hl) ;command separator in c
;note the inversion of assignments here
ld de,(keyptr) ;source
ld hl,cmdbuf ;destination
cfet1: ld a,(de) ;get char from input buff
inc de ;-> next byte
cp a,c ;terminator?
jr z,cfetx ;branch if done
or a,a ;null (end-of-line) terminator?
jr z,cfeol ;branch if done
cp ',' ; comma?
call z,schas ; if so, delimit with spaces
cp ':' ;colon?
jr nz,cfet2 ;no, go on..
ld a,' ' ;yes, replace with space
cfet2: ld (hl),a ;copy to dest.
inc hl ;rdy for next
inc b ;count the char
jr cfet1 ;..and do it
cfeol: dec a ; set last-command flag true
ld (eoline),a
cfetx: ld a,b
ld (cmdcnt),a ; store char count
xor a,a ; make a null
ld (hl),a ; terminator in dest.
ld (keyptr),de ; save for next time
dec a ; return logic true
schas: ;Space CHAr Space - delimit char with
; spaces so argv won't miss it.
ld (hl),' ' ;store leading space
inc hl
inc b ;count the char
ld (hl),',' ;store comma
inc hl
inc b ;count the char
ld a,' ' ;trailing space
ret ; finish up in caller
;issue prompt & get a line of input from con:
ld a,(errflg)
or a
jr z,prompt
ld a,(errbel)
or a ;sound bell on error?
jr z,eprmpt ;skip it if false
call print
db bel,bel,bel,bel,0
eprmpt: ld a,(ernote)
or a ;emit the error note?
jr z,prompt ;skip the note if false
call print
db 'type ? or / for error diagnosis'cr,lf,0
prompt: call print
db 'Command (? for help): '
db 0 ;string terminator
xor a ;make a null
ld (eoline),a ;reset last-command flag
dec a ;capitalize like zrdos
ld hl,keysiz ;->local command input buffer
call bline ;get multiple command line with editing
ld (keyptr),hl ;save the parameters
ld (keycnt),a
call crlf ;give user his cr
; PWD routine
; Print Names of Directory Elements in system NDR
; on entry, IX -> BCB for the buffer to be printed
pwd: ld ix,bcb1 ;supply entry param for sys ndr
call crlf ; new line
ld a,(ix+2) ;check count first
or a ;no entries?
jp nz,pwd01
call print
db ' No Entries in Directory',0
; Print Header for Password Entries
ld b,2 ;2 times
call print
db ' DU : DIR Name - Password ',0
dec b ;count down
jp nz,pwd0a
call crlf
ld b,2
call print
db '---- -------- -------- ',0
dec b ;count down
jp nz,pwd0b
call crlf
; Begin Output Processing
ld c,0 ;set entry count
ld b,1 ;set disk 1
ld l,(ix) ;pt to buffer containing
ld h,(ix+1) ;directory data
; Print Each Resident Command Name
ld a,(hl) ;get table entry
or a ;end of table?
jr z,pwdx ;exit
cp b ;same disk?
jp z,pwd2
; Advance to Next Set of Entries for New Disk
ld b,a ;set new disk
call cnline ;newline if needed
call crlf ;1 additional line
ld c,0 ;reset count
push bc ;save counters
; Print DU:
ld a,(hl) ;get disk
add '@' ;convert to letter (A to P)
call cout
inc hl ;pt to user
ld a,(hl) ;get user
call padc ;print user number
call print ;print separator
db ': ',0
inc hl ;pt to name
; Print DIR
call prname ;print name of directory
call print
db ' - ',0
call prname ;print password
pop bc ;get counters
inc c ;another entry
push bc ;save counters
; Print Separator
call print ;print separator
db ' ',0
pop bc ;get counters
; New Line Counter
inc c ;increment entry counter
ld a,c ;check for done
and 3 ;every 4
call z,crlf ;new line
jp pwd1
; Print 8-char name (directory or password) and advance ptr
ld b,8 ;print name
ld a,(hl) ;get char
call cout
inc hl ;pt to next
dec b ;count down
jp nz,prn1
ld a,c ;get count
and 3 ;see if newline already given
call nz,crlf ;complete current line
pwdx: call cnline ;finish off display with
call crlf ;1 or 2 newlines as rqd.
xor a
dec a ;return logic true
;save the address of the warm boot routine IN BIOS
;then replace it with the address of our local exit
;routine, where it will be restored. This traps ^C
; so that housekeeping activity is performed
; before the return to the operating system.
ld hl,(1) ;->bios wb jump
inc hl ;->wb routine addr
push hl
ldhlhl ;get the address
ld (wbaddr),hl ;save it for WRAPUP
pop hl ;now replace it..
ld de,exit ; with local exit
stdehl ;(hl)<-de
;test for valid z3env
ld hl,(z3eadr)
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl ;->'Z3ENV' in sys env.
ld de,[z3eadr-6] ;->local 'Z3ENV' string
ld b,5 ;compare 5 bytes
call compb
jp nz,noenv ;if nz, pgm not installed
; test for wheel. Only priviledged users modify the system.
call getwhl
jp z,nowhl ;deny use if no wheel
; get Named Directory pointer, exit with error if none
call getndr ; get ndr addr & length
jp z, noNDB ; exit if none (0, Z)
ld (z3ndb),hl ; store the address, and
ld (ndblks),a ; the max number of entries
; initial memory allocation
call codend ;set hl-> first free memory
ld (freesp),hl ;store in freespace pointer
ld (bcb0),hl ; setup bcb0 as local ndr buff
; initialize Buffer Control Block 0 as the
; descriptor for the local buffer which will
; contain the copy of system NDR entries.
ld hl,(ndblks) ; max number of blocks
ld de,entlen ; length of each block
ld (bcb0+4),de ; store in Buffer Control Block
call mulhd ; hl*de = buffer data bytes
; The system NDR is a multiple of 128 bytes in length
ld de,80h ; round off to the
add hl,de ; ..next higher multiple
ld a,l ; ..of 128 bytes (80h)
and a,80h
ld l,a ; hl = buffer length
; save this to avoid another calculation later
ld (size0),hl ; save for copyout:
push hl
ld de,(bcb0) ; buffer start addr
add hl,de ; loc for next buffer
ld (bcb0+8),hl ; save in Buf. Cntl. Blk.
ld (freesp),hl ; ..and for global use
; also calc end+1 of system NDR buff for bcb1
ld de,(bcb1)
pop hl
add hl,de
ld (bcb1+8),hl
; initialize flags in case of re-entry
xor a
ld (lclcmd),a
;get the name under which this program was
; invoked and put it in the help message
; if this is the first invocation
ld a,(myname)
cp a,' ' ;space if first time
jr nz,xinit ;jmp if already done
ld a,(ctermd) ;transfer cmd terminator
ld (ctrm),a ;to the help text
call getefcb
jr z,xinit ;jmp if no ext fcb
inc hl ;point to pgm name
ld de,myname
ld bc,8
ldir ;transfer the name...
xinit: xor a
dec a ;mark successful return(-1, NZ)
;Error exits which result from unrecoverable
;conditions during initialization.
nowhl: ld hl, nowhlm ;'no wheel' message
jr fatalerror
noenv: ld hl, noenvm ;not installed for ZCPR3
jr fatalerror
nondb: ld hl, nondbs ;can't find NDR
call pstr
jp exit ; ERROR EXIT
;Routine for setting/executing options in
;response to '/ooo...' in the command line.
;If there are no options, then it was a command
;to display the help screen.
ld hl,(arg1)
inc hl ;->first option chr
ld a,(hl)
or a ;end?
jp z,help ;/ was only char - means help
optse1: push hl ;save pointer to option
ld (ckey),a
ld de,optble
call acase3 ;execute the option & return
pop hl ;recover option pointer
ret z ;stop if error. code is in reg A
inc hl ;->next option or end of arg1
ld a,(hl)
or a ;done if 0
jr nz,optse1
;finished processing options. Return nz for success.
toptx: xor a ;used by others so xor is rqd.
dec a
;these are the cases executed by acase3
;during option function execution. They
;are referenced from optble:
hopt: toggle hlprqd
jr toptx
bopt: toggle errbel
jr toptx
eopt: toggle ernote
jr toptx
ohelp: ld hl,ohelpm
jr pinfo
echelp: ld hl,ehelpm
pinfo: call pstr
jr toptx
setsep: ld hl,(arg1)
inc hl
inc hl ;->new cmd separator
ld a,(hl) ;get it
or a ;if null, it's not there
jr z,setser;jmp if not there
;see if it's one of the command/option characters
ld c,a ;tuck away during test
ld hl,ctable ;check command chars
call allow
ret z ;error. code 9 in A reg
ld hl,optble ;check option chars
call allow
ret z ;error. code 9 in A reg
ld a,c ;all ok, recover new separator
;store the new separator where pgm & help can find it.
ld (ctermd),a
ld (ctrm),a
jr toptx
setser: ld a,7 ;error code
ret ;no new command separator
badopt: xor a
ld a,8 ;error code
ret ;bad option character
;search a case table pointed to by hl
;for the character in reg c. If found,
;ret z with error code 9 in accumulator
ld b,(hl) ;get number of cases
inc hl
inc hl
inc hl
allow1: ld a,(hl) ;get a char
cp c ;found it?
ld a,9 ;..in case yes
ret z ;..ret with 9
inc hl ;not found..
inc hl
inc hl ;->next entry
djnz allow1 ;test more
ret ;done, z-flag is nz
db 8
dw badopt
db '/'
dw help
db 'H' ;toggle auto help-after-error
dw hopt
db 'B' ;toggle bell-after-error
dw bopt
db 'E' ;toggle error reminder note
dw eopt
db 'O' ;display options
dw ohelp
db '0' ;same as 'O' for those who
dw ohelp ;..can't see the difference
db 'C' ;display error codes
dw echelp
db 'S' ;set new cmd separator
dw setsep
help: ld a,(errhst) ;get error flag for
or a ;last bad cmd, test
jr z,help1 ;normal help if no error
;an error condition is present. Show the
;discrepant command, the error message, and the
;help screeen without the Program Banner
dec a ;for indexing, codes must
;start from 00h.
add a ;make an index to table
ld c,a
ld b,0
ld hl,errndx ;->index table
add hl,bc ;->error msg address
ldhlhl ;load hl from (hl)
push hl
call print ;delimit the command
db cr,lf,'???????--->',0
ld hl,cmdhst+1 ;->command in error
call pstr ;send to console
call print ;complete the line
db '<---'cr,lf,lf,0
pop hl ;->error msg
call ptstrl ;display message
call crlf
xor a ;make 0
ld (errhst),a ;only display error once
ld hl,cmdhlp ;->body of help msg
ld a,(hlprqd) ;get option byte
or a ;test true/false
jr nz,help2 ;show help if true
dec a ;else, make true
ret ;and return no error
;display help & return to caller in interactive mode.
;When invoked from the Z command line, display HELP
;screen and exit immediately.
help1: ld hl,hlpmsg ;->entire help msg
help2: call pstr
ld a,(lclcmd)
or a ;local interactive mode?
;don't do the exit if local
ret nz ;..return True (no error)
jp exit ;exit if this came from cmd line
;ndrsrt: sets up the Sort Specification Block for
; sorting the system NDR buffer in d/u order, then
; calls dosort: for the actual buffer allocation
; and sorting.
ndrsrt: push hl
push de
push bc
ld hl,bcb1
ld de,ssb ;Sort Specification Block
ld bc,6
ldir ;copy 1st 3 words from bcb1
ld hl,(freesp) ;tell where to work
ld (ssb+8),hl
call dosort ;sort system NDR buffer
pop bc
pop de
pop hl
; copyout: copy new NDR into System Named Directory
ld hl, (bcb0) ; source is local NDR image
ld de, (z3ndb) ; dest is system NDR buffer
ld bc, (size0) ; buffer size, bytes
ld (chgflg),bc ;reset flags
ld (abtflg),bc ;reset flags
ld (eoline),bc ;reset flags
xor a,a
dec a
; dosort: is called to sort the contents of a
; buffer using memory space starting at addr in HL.
; Assumes the sort parameters in SSB: have been
; correctly entered therein.
; BC,DE,HL are preserved
dosort: push bc ;save for caller
push de
push hl
ld bc,(ssb)
push bc ;save for sort
ld de,ssb
call ssbinit ;munches (ssb)
pop bc
ld (ssb),bc ;restore (ssb)
call sort
pop hl
pop de
pop bc
;compdu: is referenced indirectly through the
;Sort Specification Block. It is the compare
;routine used by Sort (from Syslib)
compdu: push bc ;preserve for caller
ld b,2 ;number of bytes in comp vector
ex de,hl ;for ascending sort order
call compb ;vector compare routine
ex de,hl
pop bc
;copy a string terminated by (Acc) from HL to DE.
;If a terminator is not encountered, copy BC bytes
;all registers used.
cp (hl) ;terminator?
ret z ;quit if so
ldi ;copy a byte
ret po ;return if bc=0
jr strcpy ;copy more
;copy a string terminated by line feed to con
ld a,lf
ptstr: ;Print Terminated STRing
;copy a string terminated by (Acc) to console
;on entry, hl->string
;on exit, hl->next char past the terminator
push bc
ld c,a
ptstr1: ld a,(hl)
call cout
inc hl
sub c
jr nz,ptstr1
dec a
pop bc
nowhlm: db 'Sorry - Wheel privileges are required for this pgm.'
db cr,lf,0
nondbs: db 'Can''t find System Named Directory!'
db cr,lf,0
noenvm: db 'This is a ZCPR3 program which must ',cr,lf
db 'be installed with Z3INS.'
db cr,lf,0
;table for indexing into the cmd error messages
errndx: dw errm01,errm02,errm03,errm04
dw errm05,errm06,errm07,errm08
dw errm09
;these are the error messages
ehelpm: db lf,tab,tab,'ERROR CODE DESCRIPTIONS'cr,lf,lf
errm01: db 'Code 1 - First argument is invalid. Missing space?'cr,lf
errm02: db 'Code 2 - First arg interpreted as invalid DU or DIR form.'cr,lf
errm03: db 'Code 3 - For this command, the DU must exist in the NDR.'cr,lf
errm04: db 'Code 4 - NDR buffer is full. The append was not performed.'cr,lf
errm05: db 'Code 5 - Too many arguments. Missing command separator?'cr,lf
errm06: db 'Code 6 - Too many commas. Only one has syntactic meaning.'cr,lf
errm07: db 'Code 7 - New command separator was not supplied.'cr,lf
errm08: db 'Code 8 - Invalid option character. Missing command separator?'cr,lf
errm09: db 'Code 9 - Invalid separater. It''s a command or option char!'cr,lf
db lf
db 'One of these code values will be placed in the ZCPR3 program'cr,lf
db 'error byte (where IF can find it) when an error occurs in a'cr,lf
db 'command in the invoking command line. In the interactive mode'cr,lf
db 'no errors are reported to the operating system.'cr,lf
db lf,0 ;marks end of error msg table
;option list screen
ohelpm: db lf,tab,tab,'COMMAND OPTIONS (preceded by "/")'cr,lf,lf
db '/',tab,'Display Help. If error, show error diagnostic'cr,lf
db 'H',tab,'Toggle display of help after error diagnostic'cr,lf
db 'B',tab,'Toggle audible notice of command error'cr,lf
db 'E',tab,'Toggle visual notice of command error'cr,lf
db 'S<ch>',tab,'Change command separator to character <ch>'cr,lf
db 'O',tab,'Display this screen of option selections'cr,lf
db 'C',tab,'Display the list of error codes'cr,lf
db lf
db 'Option commands start with ''/'' and end with a carriage'cr,lf
db 'return or command separator. Multiple options from the'cr,lf
db 'list above may be included in any order. For example,'cr,lf
db tab,'/hbeo<cr>',tab,'is perfectly acceptable.'cr,lf
db 'Note that if you assign a new separator, the assignment'cr,lf
db 'takes place immediately, and your next separator must be'cr,lf
db 'the one you assigned!'cr,lf
db lf,0 ;0 marks end of option screen
hlpmsg: db lf,tab,tab,'EDITND version ',vers,'.',rev,beta,cr,lf
db tab,'CHange Resident Named DiRectory',cr,lf,lf
cmdhlp: db 'SYNTAX: '
myname: db ' EDITND '
db ' [<command> [ '
ctrm: db '\',' <command>]...]',cr,lf
db tab,'<command> = <verb> [name] [,] [password]'cr,lf,lf
db 'Typical Commands ( [xxx] means xxx is optional)',cr,lf
db '(DU/DIR)[:]',tab,tab,'delete Named Directory entry',cr,lf
db '(DU/DIR)[:] NAME',tab,'add/change a directory name only',cr,lf
db '(DU/DIR)[:] NAME,[PW]',tab,'add/change name & password',cr,lf
db '(DU/DIR)[:] ,[PW]',tab,'Change password only',cr,lf
db '(DU/DIR)[:] [NAME],',tab,'Password is deleted.',cr,lf,lf
db '? or / or //',tab,tab,'Display Help & Explain last error.'cr,lf
db '<CR>',tab,tab,tab,'empty cmd shows current NDR.',cr,lf
db 'Q or q',tab,tab,tab,'Quit & return to Z (no changes)',cr,lf
db 'R or r',tab,tab,tab,'Restart with original NDR',cr,lf
db 'S or s',tab,tab,tab,'Sort the NDR entries',cr,lf
db 'X or x',tab,tab,tab,'eXit to Z with .NDR updated',cr,lf
db 'Z or z',tab,tab,tab,'Zap (erase) ALL NDR entries',cr,lf
db '/oo...',tab,tab,tab,'Other options. Type /O to see them.'cr,lf
db lf,0
;misc data
spaces: ds 16,20h ;fill data for blank name,password
;working temporary storage
ndrloc: dw 0 ;place to change/append in NDR
wbaddr: dw 0 ;addr of wb routine in bios
;the following comprise a single structure, accessed by
; both word and byte instrctions. Keep 'em together.
ndrdu: db 0 ;d/u for current NDR entry
z3fcb: db 0 ;ZCPR3 style fcb
z3fcbn: ds 11,20h
db 0
fcbusr: ds 1 ;last byte in the fcb
;end structure
;working buffer in NDR entry format.
entdu: ds 2
entnm: ds 8
entpw: ds 8
;end structure
;table of results from argv used to process command arguments.
argvtb: db 4 ;parse 4 arguments
argnum: ds 1 ;count of tokens found
arg1: ds 2 ;-> token
arg2: ds 2 ;-> token
arg3: ds 2 ;-> token
arg4: ds 2 ;-> token
;end structure
;command arg parameter data structure
a1code: ds 1
a2code: ds 1
a3code: ds 1
ckey: ds 1
;end structure
;status flags
chgflg: db 0 ;nz if sys ndr is changed
srtflg: db 0 ;nz if sort is required
abtflg: db 0 ;nz if abort to Z in progress
appflg: db 0 ;z if current cmd requires NDR append
eoline: db 0 ;nz if current cmd is last one on line
errflg: db 0 ;contains current error code. 0=no error
lclcmd: db 0 ;0=cmds from invoking cmd, 0ffh for interactive
;this flag used to distinguish between the
;two modes for routines that act differently,
;like HELP.
;single-command buffer
cmdcnt: db 0
cmdbuf: ds 40
;end structure
;previous command here for error reporting
cmdhst: ds 41
errhst: ds 1 ;error code
;end structure
;buffer for local keyboard input
; may contain multiple commands
keyptr: dw keybuf ;pointer to next char
keysiz: db 200
keycnt: db 0 ;character count
keybuf: ds 201,0 ;command buffer
;end structure
ndblks: dw 0 ;sys NDR max number of entries
freesp: dw 0 ;start of free mem after buffer alloc
;Sort Specification Block
;Controls operation of the SORT routine
ssb: dw 0 ;addr of first record
dw 0 ;number of records to sort
dw 0 ;record size, bytes
dw compdu ;addr of compare routine to use
dw 0 ;addr of scratch area for sort
db true ;use pointers (false/no = don't)
; Buffer Control Blocks - contain pointers and data
; for the dynamically allocated buffers
; Buffer 0 - for copy of system Named Directory buffer
bcb0: dw 0 ; buffer start address
dw 0 ; number of records/blocks
dw entlen ; number of bytes/(record/block)
dw 0 ; pointer to next loc in buffer
dw 0 ; next buffer start/freespace
size0: dw 0 ;(bcb0+8) - (bcb0)
;end structure
;this data has the same structure as bcb0: --
z3ndb: ;system NDR address
bcb1: ds 4,0 ; for Buffer 1 - for System NDR buffer
dw entlen
ds 4,0
;end structure
ds 64 ; This seems enough
stak: dw 0