Text File
430 lines
; DUMP.MAC Version 1.2
VERS equ 12 ; current version
SubVers equ ' ' ; current revision level
; Displays disk file on console in hexadecimal and ASCII. For ZCPR3 only.
; DUMP {dir:}<fn.ft> {/}{<option>}
; A filename is required. If a DIR or DU specification is not given
; then the current drive/user is assumed.
; OPTIONS: A slash before the options is not required. The only option
; currently recognized is
; A Display ASCII, even if high bit is set
; Two slashes give a brief help message. Invalid options are ignored.
; Version 1.2 -- October 2, 1989 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Modified for ZCPR3. Added help message. Added highlighting
; from TCAP. Added automatic paging every two sectors. Added
; option to display ASCII with high bit set.
; Version 1.1 -- September 16, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Modified screen display slightly. Added sign-on.
; Version 1.0 -- August 15, 1987 -- Gene Pizzetta
; Original version.
; Suggestions and, especially, bug reports are welcome:
Gene Pizzetta
481 Revere Street
Revere, MA 02151
Voice: (617) 284-0891
Newton Centre Z-Node: (617) 965-7259
Lilliput Z-Node: (312) 649-1730
Bdos equ 0005h ; BDOS entry
MemTop equ 0006h ; top of memory vector
CpmFcb equ 005Ch ; default FCB
FcbTyp equ CpmFcb+9 ; filetype in FCB
FcbUsr equ CpmFcb+13 ; user in FCB (ZCPR3)
CpmDma equ 080h ; default DMA buffer
TPA equ 100h ; program load address
ConOut equ 2 ; print character
DirIO equ 6 ; direct console I/O
PrtStr equ 9 ; print string
ConSt equ 11 ; console status
FOpen equ 15 ; file open
FRead equ 20 ; file read sequential
CurUsr equ 32 ; get/set user
LF equ 0Ah
CR equ 0Dh
org TPA
jmp Main
db 'Z3ENV'
db 1
Z3EAdr: dw 0FE00h
; Messages ...
MsgUse: db 'DUMP Version '
db VERS/10+'0','.',VERS mod 10+'0',SubVers,CR,LF
db 'Usage:',CR,LF
db ' DUMP {dir:}<fn.ft> {/}{<option>}',CR,LF
db 'Option:',CR,LF
db ' A Display ASCII with high bit set',0
MsgOpn: db 'File not found.',0
MsgMor: db CR,'[more]',0
MsgEra: db CR,' ',CR,0
MsgSec: db CR,'Sector Number ',0
MsgHdr: db CR,LF,' 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F'
db ' 0123456789ABCDEF',0
Main: sspd OldStk ; save old stack
lhld MemTop ; ..and set up new one
mov a,h
sui 16 ; preserving CCP
mov h,a
xra a ; initialize flags
sta OpAFlg
call GetOpt
jz ShoHlp
GoToIt: call GetTCP ; get TCAP info
lxi h,0 ; initialize offset address
shld OffAdr ; ..to zero
lxi h,FcbTyp ; point to filetype
mov a,m ; do we have a COM file?
cpi 'C'
jrnz GetUsr ; (no)
inx h
mov a,m
cpi 'O'
jrnz GetUsr ; (no)
inx h
mov a,m
cpi 'M'
jrnz GetUsr ; (no)
lxi h,TPA ; yes, so re-set offset at 100h
shld OffAdr
GetUsr: lda FcbUsr ; get user number
mov e,a ; ..and set it
mvi c,CurUsr
call Bdos
lxi d,CpmFcb ; open file
mvi c,FOpen
call Bdos
inr a
jrnz NxtPag ; (okay)
lxi h,MsgOpn ; no file
call PrtNSt
jmp Exit
NxtPag: mvi a,2
sta PagCnt
NxtSec: lxi d,CpmFcb
mvi c,FRead
call Bdos
ora a
jnz Exit
lxi h,DimStr
call PrtNSt
lxi h,MsgHdr
call PrtNSt
lxi h,NorStr
call PrtNSt
mvi a,8
sta LinCnt
lxi h,128
shld BufPtr
NxtLin: lxi h,OutBuf
mvi m,CR
inx h
mvi m,LF
inx h
lded OffAdr
mov a,d
call HexOut
mov a,e
call HexOut
mvi m,' '
inx h
mvi m,' '
inx h
mvi m,0
lxi b,16
dad b
shld OffAdr
lxi h,DimStr
call PrtNSt
lxi h,OutBuf
call PrtNSt
lxi h,NorStr
call PrtNSt
lxi h,OutBuf
lded BufPtr
mvi b,16
NxtByt: ldax d
inx d
call HexOut
mvi m,' '
inx h
djnz NxtByt
mvi m,' '
inx h
mvi m,' '
inx h
mvi m,0
lxi h,OutBuf
call PrtNSt
lhld BufPtr
mvi b,16
NxtAsc: lda OpAFlg ; extended ASCII option?
ora a
jrnz ExtAsc ; (yes)
mov a,m ; here we display real ASCII only
inx h
cpi 7Fh
jp Ctrl
cpi ' '
jrc Ctrl
cpi 0FFh
jrnz NotCtl
jr Ctrl
ExtAsc: mov a,m ; here we display ASCII with or
inx h ; ..without high bit set
ani 7Fh ; mask high bit
cpi ' '
jrc Ctrl
cpi 7Fh
jrnz NotCtl
Ctrl: mvi a,'.'
NotCtl: mov e,a
mvi c,ConOut
push b
push h
call Bdos
pop h
pop b
djnz NxtAsc
shld BufPtr
lxi h,LinCnt
dcr m
jnz NxtLin
mvi e,LF
mvi c,ConOut
call Bdos
lxi h,PagCnt
dcr m
jnz NxtSec
lxi h,DimStr
call PrtNSt
lxi h,MsgMor ; say there's more
call PrtNSt
lxi h,NorStr
call PrtNSt
WaitLp: mvi c,DirIO ; wait for response
mvi e,0FFh
call Bdos
ora a
jrz WaitLp
push psw
lxi h,MsgEra
call PrtNSt
pop psw
cpi 3 ; ^C ?
jrz Exit ; (yes)
jmp NxtPag
ShoHlp: lxi h,MsgUse ; print usage message
call PrtNSt
Exit: lspd OldStk ; restore old stack pointer
ret ; ..and call it a day!
; subroutines . . .
; GetOpt -- gets options from command line
GetOpt: lxi h,CpmDma+1 ; point to command tail
lda CpmDma ; anything there?
ora a
rz ; (no)
mov b,a ; yes, put number of chars in B
mvi c,0
call EatSpc ; gobble spaces
cpi '/' ; is it a slash?
rz ; (yes, no filename)
mvi a,' ' ; no, get past filename
rnz ; (no options)
call EatSpc
ora a
jrz RetOK ; (no options)
mov a,m ; get first character of second token
cpi '/' ; a slash?
jrnz ScnOpt ; (no, so get options)
inx h ; yes, move past it
dcx b ; ..and get options
ScnOpt: call ScnTbl
xchg ; point back to options
inx h
djnz ScnOpt ; loop through options
RetOK: mvi a,1 ; okay, must return NZ
ora a
ScnTbl: mov c,m ; put option in C
lxi d,OptTbl ; point DE to option table
ScnTLp: ldax d ; get table option
ora a ; end of table?
jz NoMat ; (yes, no match)
inx d ; no, keep looking
cmp c ; match?
jz TMatch ; (yes)
inx d ; move pointer to next entry
inx d
jmp ScnTLp ; ..and keep looking
NoMat: xchg
TMatch: push h ; save option pointer
ldax d ; put address from table into HL
mov l,a
inx d
ldax d
mov h,a
pop d ; recover option pointer in DE
mvi a,1 ; set option flag by jumping to
pchl ; ..table routine and returning
; Option Jump Table
OptTbl: db 'A' ; A = display ASCII with hi-bit set
dw OptA
db '/' ; / = help
dw OptH
db 0 ; end of option table
; Option routines
OptA: sta OpAFlg
OptH: jmp ShoHlp
; EatSpc -- gobbles up spaces. Address of string in HL, length in B
EatSpc: mov a,m ; get character
inx h ; increment pointer
dcx b ; decrement counter
cpi ' ' ; a space?
jrz EatSpc ; (yes, eat it)
dcx h ; no, back up pointer
inx b ; ..and counter, and
ret ; ..return with character
; HexOut -- outputs a binary number as hexadecimal
HexOut: push a
ani 15
adi '0'
cpi ':'
jrc Hex1
adi 7
Hex1: mov m,a
inx h
pop psw
ani 15
adi '0'
cpi ':'
jrc Hex2
adi 7
Hex2: mov m,a
inx h
; PrtNSt -- print null-terminated string, address in HL
PrtNSt: xra a
add m
mov e,a
mvi c,ConOut
push h
call Bdos
pop h
inx h
jr PrtNSt
; GetTCP -- get highlight strings from TCAP
GetTCP: lhld Z3EAdr
lxi d,97h ; offset to terminal table
dad d
mvi b,3 ; set for 3 iterations
TCPLp: mov a,m ; look for a null
inx h
ora a
jnz TCPLp ; (not yet)
dcr b ; yep!
mov a,b
ora a ; three yet?
jnz TCPLp ; (nope!)
lxi d,DimStr
DimLp: mov a,m ; move dim string to us
inx h
stax d
inx d
ora a
jnz DimLp
lxi d,NorStr
NorLp: mov a,m ; move normal string too
inx h
stax d
inx d
ora a
jnz NorLp
ret ; we're through
; Uninitialized data ...
OpAFlg: ds 1
DimStr: ds 10
NorStr: ds 10
SecCnt: ds 2
LinCnt: ds 1
OffAdr: ds 2
BufPtr: ds 2
PagCnt: ds 1
OldStk: ds 2
OutBuf: ds 4