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Summary of the New Features of ZCPR
The ZCPR Command Hierarchy Search
ZCPR-Resident Command DIR
ZCPR-Resident Command ERA
ZCPR-Resident Command LIST
ZCPR-Resident Command TYPE
ZCPR-Resident Command SAVE
ZCPR-Resident Command REN
ZCPR-Resident Command USER
ZCPR-Resident Command DFU
ZCPR-Resident Command JUMP
ZCPR-Resident Command GO
ZCPR-Resident Command GET
ZCPR Error Messages
:Summary of the New Features of ZCPR
ZCPR (Z80 Command Processor Replacement) is a replacement of
the CP/M CCP which is designed to run as part of CP/M on Z80-
based microcomputers. In most cases it is upward-compatible to
the original CP/M Version 2.2 CCP.
ZCPR, however, provides many extensions over the CP/M CCP.
Included in these extensions are:
. The TYPE function can be made to page or not page its
output at the user's discretion
. A LIST function is available which sends its output
to the CP/M LST: Device and does NOT page
. The DIR command has been extended to allow the dis-
play of the system files or all files
. The ERA command now prints out the names of the files
it is erasing
. The current user number may be included as part of
the command prompt; if the user is under a number other than 0,
the prompt is of the form 'du>' (like 'A2>' or 'B10>'), and, if
the user is under 0, the prompt may be 'd>' or 'd0>' as per his
. The SUBMIT facility has been changed in two basic
- the prompt changes to 'du$' or 'd$' when the
SUBMIT command is printed
- the $$$.SUB is executed from drive A: only (note
that the original SUBMIT problem now exists, but the new SUB.COM
facility corrects it); Indirect Command Files now perform
according to the basic philosophy that any command sequence that
can be input from the console may be used in an Indirect Command
File as well; the ZCPR.DOC file also gives details as to how to
patch SUBMIT.COM if SUB.COM is not available
. A command-search hierarchy is now implemented which
is executed as follows:
- the user's command is checked against the CPR-
resident commands and executed immediately if a match is found
- failing that, the current user number on the
current disk is scanned for the COM file; the COM file is loaded
and executed if found
- failing that, a default user number (initially 0
but can be reset with the DFU CPR-resident command) on the cur-
rent disk is scanned for the COM file; the COM file is loaded and
executed if found
- finally, failing that, the default user number
on disk A: is scanned for the COM file; the COM file is loaded
and executed if found or an error message (COMMAND?, when COMMAND
was the user's command name) is printed
. The numeric argument for the SAVE CPR-resident com-
mand (viz the number of 256-byte pages to save) can be input in
HEX rather than decimal
. A GET command which loads a file at a specified
memory address and a JUMP command which "calls" the subroutine at
a specified memory address have been added; a GO command which
"calls" the subroutine starting at 100H is also added (this is
redundant with JUMP 100H)
:The ZCPR Command Hierarchy Search
The first, and most basic thing, to learn about ZCPR is the
order in which it searches for a COM file for execution or a file
specified by the GET command. Under the CP/M 2.2 CCP, if the
specified COM file command was not found on the current drive in
the current user area, the CCP aborted with an error message.
ZCPR, however, continues searching from this point a maximum of
two more levels. This command hierarchy search was outlined
above and is described here in further detail.
1. If the command is of the form 'COMMAND' and NOT
'd:COMMAND', the CPR-resident command list is searched for a
match. If the match is found, the CPR-resident command is
immediately processed. If the match is not found or the command
is of the form 'd:COMMAND', the next step is taken. Note that
the 'd:COMMAND' form is good for executing a COM file which has
the same name as a CPR-resident command (such as SAVE or DIR).
2. If the command is of the form 'd:COMMAND', disk
drive 'd:' is temporarily logged in for the purpose of the
command search. Otherwise, the currently logged-in drive is
3. Now the file named COMMAND.COM is searched for. If
found, it is loaded into memory starting at 100H and executed.
If not, proceed to step 4.
4. Now that the first search for COMMAND.COM has
failed, the CPR checks to see if the user is under the current
Default User Number. The Default User Number may be that set by
the DEFUSR equate in the CPR or that set by the user via the DFU
command. DEFUSR is in effect if DFU has not been issued since
the last Warm or Cold Boot, and DFU is in effect if it was issued
since the last Warm or Cold Boot. If the user is NOT under the
current Default User Number, ZCPR temporarily logs him into it
and searches the directory. If COMMAND.COM is found, it is
loaded as described above and executed. If not, ZCPR proceeds to
the next step.
5. The user is now in the Default User Number, and at
this point, ZCPR checks to see if the user is on disk drive A:.
If not, it temporarily logs into A: and searches the default user
number of A: for COMMAND.COM. If found, it is loaded as
described above and executed. If not, ZCPR prints the command
name as an error message and returns to command input mode,
aborting the SUBMIT file if COMMAND came from it.
In all cases of the search above, if COMMAND.COM is found,
after it is loaded into memory, ZCPR resets the user to his
original disk drive and user number. Hence, the files referenced
by the user by default are obtained from this environment.
To illustrate this command hierarchy search, consider the
following examples:
Example 1: DEFUSR equ 0 {default user number is 0}
B10> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 10
B10>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- User wishes to assemble TEST.ASM in
Drive B:, User 10
<-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/10 for ASM.COM, fails,
looks on B:/0, fails, and finally looks on A:/0; it
finds ASM.COM here and goes back to B:/10 for the file
Example 2: DEFUSR equ 0 and DFU issued
B10> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 10
B10>DFU 5 <-- User Selects User 5 as default
B10>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- As above
<-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/10 for ASM.COM, fails,
look on B:/5, fails, and finally looks on A:/5; it
fails here also and prints ASM? as an error message
Example 3: DEFUSR equ 0
B> <-- User is on Drive B:, User Number 0
B>ASM TEST.BBZ <-- As above
<-- At this point, ZCPR looks on B:/0 for ASM.COM, fails,
looks on A:/0, fails, and prints error message
Example 4: DEFUSR equ 0
A10> <-- User is on Drive A:, User Number 10
A10>ASM TEST.AAZ <-- As above, but file on A:
<-- At this point, ZCPR looks on A:/10 for ASM.COM, fails,
looks on A:/0, fails, and prints error message
:ZCPR-Resident Command DIR
Command: DIR
Function: To Display a listing of the names of the files on disk
DIR <afn> <-- Displays $DIR files
DIR <afn> S <-- Displays $SYS files
DIR <afn> A <-- Displays both $DIR and $SYS files
DIR *.ASM <-- All $DIR .ASM files
DIR *.COM S <-- All $SYS .COM files
DIR *.COM A <-- All .COM files
If a file is scanned for and no such name exists on disk,
the 'No Files' message will appear. However, if a file is
scanned for and the name exists as a $SYS file and $DIR files are
being scanned for, no file name is displayed but the 'No Files'
message does NOT appear. For example, if TEST.COM is a $SYS file
and 'DIR TEST.COM' is issued, no message appears. If 'DIR
TEXT.COM' is issued and TEXT.COM does not exist on disk, the 'No
Files' message is displayed.
:ZCPR-Resident Command ERA
Command: ERA
Function: To Erase the specified $R/W files from disk
ERA <afn> <-- Erase both $DIR and $SYS files
ERA *.ASM <-- Erase all .ASM files
ERA *.* <-- Erase all files
If a $R/O file is encountered, a BDOS error message will be
displayed and the procedure is stopped. The user is unsure at
this time as to which files have been erased and which have not
and should check. Sorry for this problem! The ERASE command (to
be given to SIG/M by RLC in the near future) is a solution to
this problem.
:ZCPR-Resident Command LIST
Command: LIST
Function: To Print the specified file on the CP/M LST: device
LIST <ufn> <-- Print the file (no paging)
If the file has a $SYS attribute, it will be found as well
as those with $DIR attributes.
:ZCPR-Resident Command TYPE
Command: TYPE
Function: To Print the specified file on the CP/M CON: device
TYPE <ufn> <-- Print the file with the paging deflt
TYPE <ufn> P <-- Print the file with the paging deflt
When the display pauses during paging, type any char to
continue or ^C to abort. ^S also works.
:ZCPR-Resident Command SAVE
Command: SAVE
Function: To Copy the TPA starting at 100H to disk
SAVE <Number of Pages> <ufn> <-- <Number of Pages> in DEC
SAVE <Number of Pages>H <ufn> <-- <Number of Pages> in HEX
SAVE <Number of Sectors> <ufn> S <-- <Number of Sectors>
in DEC
SAVE <Number of Sectors>H <ufn> S <-- <Number of Sectors>
in HEX
SAVE FH MYFILE.TXT <-- 15 pages saved
SAVE 15 MYFILE.TXT <-- 15 pages saved
SAVE 10H MYFILE.TXT S <-- 16 sectors (8 pages) saved
The error message 'Delete File?' is printed if <ufn> already
exists. To go ahead and SAVE, type Y or y to erase the file and
proceed with the SAVE.
:ZCPR-Resident Command REN
Command: REN
Function: To Change the name of a disk file
REN <ufn new>=<ufn old>
The error message 'Delete File?' is printed if the <ufn new>
already exists. To go ahead and complete the REN, type Y or y to
erase the current <ufn new> file and then <ufn old> will be
renamed to <ufn new>.
:ZCPR-Resident Command USER
Command: USER
Function: To Change the current user number
USER <User Number> <-- <User Number> in DEC
USER <User Number>H <-- <User Number> in HEX
USER <-- Same as USER 0
:ZCPR-Resident Command DFU
Command: DFU
Function: To Temporarily Change the default user number for the
command hierarchy search
DFU <User Number> <-- <User Number> in DEC
DFU <User Number>H <-- <User Number> in HEX
DFU 15
DFU <-- Same as DFU 0
:ZCPR-Resident Command JUMP
Command: JUMP
Function: To "call" the subroutine at the specified page address
JUMP <Address> <Cmd Parms> <-- <Address> in HEX
JUMP E000 or JUMP E000H <-- Jump to E000H
JUMP 100 <-- Jump to 100H
JUMP 0 <-- Jump to 000H
JUMP <-- Same as JUMP 0
JUMP performs a subroutine "call", so the called routine may
return to the ZCPR by either a RET or a Warm Boot.
:ZCPR-Resident Command GO
Command: GO
Function: To "call" the subroutine at address 100H
GO <Cmd Parms> <-- Routine at 100H
GO *.ASM <-- Execute TPA-resident prog
with *.ASM passed
This is identical in function to JUMP 100H.
:ZCPR-Resident Command GET
Command: GET
Function: To load a file from disk into memory starting at the
specified page
GET <Address> <ufn> <-- <Address> in HEX
GET 8000 TEST.80 <-- Load TEST.80 starting at 8000H
GET 100 TEST.80 or GET 100H TEST.80 <-- Load TEST.80 start-
ing at 100H
GET 0 TEST.80 <-- Load TEST.80 starting at 000H
GET searches for the specified file according to the same
command hierarchy search employed by the ZCPR command scanner.
Hence, if the user is on B:/10 and the file is on A:/0 with the
current default user number at 0, GET will search from B:/10 to
B:/0 to A:/0 in looking for the file.
:ZCPR Error Messages
The following are the error messages issued by ZCPR and
their meanings.
Message Meaning
? Printed after a command or an argument means that such
was invalid
No File From DIR, this means that DIR did not locate any files
Also from ERA with the same meaning
All? Issued in response ERA *.*, asks the user is he really
wants to erase all the files. Unlike under the
original CP/M 2.2 CCP, single character input is
required (Y or y for yes and anything else for no)
with NO <CR> to end the line
Message Meaning
Full From SAVE, means that there is not enough space on
From GET or command load by CPR, means that there
is not enough space in memory
Delete File?
From REN or SAVE, means that the file specified already
exists on disk and the user may type Y or y to erase
it and continue with the procedure or any other
character to abort