INI File
149 lines
SCREEN.PAS is a Turbo Pascal source code file that, when compiled, can be
used to create editable input screens for your programs. The files created
from the program are:
<filename>.INC - the source code file to include in your application
<filename>.SCR - the screen file that can be edited to make changes
in a previously created screen.
Main menu selections:
<1> Select file - you will be prompted to enter <N>ew or <O>ld file.
you will then be prompted to enter the filename.
if the filename is already in use, you will be asked
if you wish to erase the file. If not you will be
returned to the main menu, otherwise, the files will
be rewritten.
The filename you select will be used in the files
shown above and also used to name the pascal procedure
in the source code of <filename>.INC
i.e. Enter Filename MYPROG
will produce:
MYPROG.INC (the firstline of source code will be
procedure MYPROG; )
<2> Draw Screen - will clear the the screen and place the cursor in
the upper left corner. If you are editing an existing
file, the file will be displayed so you will not
accidently overwrite it.
Any variables you will wish to write or read must be
declared externaly to this screen procedure.
To have the source code write a variable the following
format is used:
will produce the source code
gotoXY( 1, 1); write(YourVariableName);
NOTE there is no space between @ and the variable
name. Also, one space must follow the variable
name before any other text can be written.
To have the source code read a variable the following
format is used:
will produce the source code
gotoXY( 1, 1); read(YourVariableName);
NOTE there is no space between # and the variable
name. Also, one space must follow the variable
name before any other text can be written.
Options - select options by pressing the backslash (\)
you may then either draw a verticle from the cursor
position to the bottom of the screen by pressing V
or a horizontal line from the cursor position to the
right side of the screen by pressing H. Where a
horizontal line crosses a verticle line a '+' will
be printed.
| |
| |
Selecting the Q option will quit the draw screen
mode and return you to the main menu.
The program will accept all printable characters
from ASCII 32 to ASCII 126 with the exception of
the backslash '\' which, as mentioned, puts the
program in the option mode.
The cursor control keys are based on the arrow keys
of my KayPro10 and use the following codes:
^M - <RETURN> with automatic tab to prior
line indentation.
^K - Up Arrow
^L - Right Arrow
^J - Down Arrow
^H - Left Arrow <BACKSPACE>
<DEL> will move the cursor one position to
the left and delete the character under
the cursor.
<3> Display Screen - will display the screen in the current named
.SCR file.
<4> Save Screen - will write the <filename>.INC and <filename>.INC to
the currently logged disk.
The source code produced and saved in the
<filename>.INC file will structured to write all
of the text first, the write(variables) next and
then the read(variables) sequentially as there are
presented on the screen i.e. top to bottom left to
<5> Quit - Before exiting the program, if you have edited a
file, the program will prompt you to see if you
wish to save the screen files.
Files included
TESTSCR.SCR - an editable screen file to demonstrate SCREEN.PAS
TESTSCR.INC - source code produced from the above
TESTSCR.PAS - a sample program using the above include file
SCREEN.PAS - source code for the screen generator
SCREEN.DOC - this file
Suggested usage - using Turbo Pascal compile the SCREEN.PAS to a .COM file.
You may then call the program from the Turbo Pascal editor
using the X (execute option) and create your screen. Upon
exiting SCREEN.COM you will be returned to the Turbo Pascal
editor and your application program. At the appropriate
place, enter (*$I <filename>.INC *). See the example files
Released to the Public Domain 02/09/85. Not to be used for profit or resale.
David McCourt
R D 2
Williamsport, PA 17701