Pascal/Delphi Source File
372 lines
Program FOURIER;
{ Real FFT with single sine look-up per pass }
{ This is an almost exact copy of the FFT given in "Introduction to Pascal
for Scientists" by James W. Cooper, John Wiley & Sons, 1981. The differences
are that the Procedure POST has been changed to fix an error in the
calculation of the DC term and a factor of 2 error in the other terms.
The results now agree with another FFT I have which uses a different
algorithm and is written in FORTRAN (FILE-FFT). The program is
composed of an actual FFT (Procedure FFT) which finds the complex transform
of data in the order of ascending real followed by ascending imaginary.
Shuffl is used in front of FFT to convert data in the form of real(0),
imag(0),real(1),imag(1),...,imag(N) to the order required. The post routine
needs explaination. An array of all real data can be transformed using
a half-sized FFT by treating the all-real data as alternate real,complex and
doing a final fast and simple conversion with Post. This technique is
described in "The Fast Fourier Transform" by E. O. Brigman. For complex
input data, the procedure FFT is used alone. It can be used as a forward
or inverse transform. For real input only, use as shown. The example
used here is an exponential which is also in the book.
This FFT seems to work, but I encourage you to check it out since
algorithms like these can be tricky.
Roger Coleman, Palm Bay, Fl.}
Asize = 4096; { Size of array goes here }
PI2 = 1.570796327; { PI/2 }
F = 16; { Format constants }
D = 6; { " " }
Xform = (Fwd,Inverse); { Transform types }
Xary = Array[1..Asize] of Real;
I,j,N,modulo : Integer;
F1 : Text; {File of Real;}
X : Xary; { Array to transform }
Inv : Xform; { Transform type - Forward or Inverse }
w : Real; { Frequency of wave }
Procedure Debug; { Used to print intermediate results }
Var I3 : Integer;
For I3 := 1 to N Do
End; { Debug }
Function Ibitr(j,nu : Integer) : Integer;
{ Function to bit invert the number j by nu bits }
i,j2,ib : Integer;
ib := 0; { Default return integer }
For i := 1 to nu do
j2 := j Div 2; { Divide by 2 and compare lowest bits }
{ ib is doubled and bit 0 set to 1 if j is odd }
ib := ib*2 + (j - 2*j2);
j := j2; { For next pass }
End; {For}
ibitr := ib; { Return bit inverted value }
End; { Ibitr }
Procedure Expand;
i,nn2,nx2 : Integer;
nn2 := n div 2;
nx2 := n + n;
For i := 1 to nn2 do x[i+n] := x[i+nn2]; { Copy IM to 1st half IM position }
For i := 2 to nn2 do
x[nx2-i+2] := -x[i+n]; { Replicate 2nd half Imag as negative }
x[n-i+2] := x[i]; { Replicate 2nd half Real as mirror image }
n := nx2; { We have doubled number of points }
Procedure Post(inv : Xform);
{ Post processing for forward real transforms and pre-processing for inverse
real transforms, depending on state of the variable inv.
Note: Lines marked by * are modified from Cooper's orgignal to agree with
Brigham's algorithm in The Fast Fourier Transform, P.169. Lines
marked by ** are added for the same reason. }
nn2,nn4,l,i,m,ipn2,mpn2 : Integer;
arg,rmsin,rmcos,ipcos,ipsin,ic,is1,rp,rm,ip,im : Real;
nn2 := n div 2; { n is global }
nn4 := n div 4;
{ imax represents PI/2 }
For l := 1 to nn4 Do
{ Start at ends of array and work towards middle }
i := l+1; { Point near beginning }
m := nn2-i+2; { Point near end }
ipn2 := i+nn2; { Avoids recalculation each time }
mpn2 := m+nn2; { Calcs ptrs to imaginary part }
rp := x[i]+x[m];
rm := x[i]-x[m];
ip := x[ipn2]+x[mpn2];
im := x[ipn2]-x[mpn2];
{ Take cosine of PI/2 }
arg := (Pi2/nn4)*(i-1);
ic := Cos(arg);
{ Cosine term is minus if inverse }
If inv = Inverse Then ic := -ic;
Is1 := Sin(arg);
ipcos := ip*ic; { Avoid remultiplication below }
ipsin := ip*is1;
rmsin := rm*is1;
rmcos := rm*ic;
x[i] := (rp + ipcos - rmsin)/2.0; {* Combine for real-1st pt }
x[ipn2] := (im - ipsin - rmcos)/2.0; {* Imag-1st point }
x[m] := (rp - ipcos + rmsin)/2.0; {* Real - last pt }
x[mpn2] := -(im +ipsin +rmcos)/2.0; {* Imag, last pt }
End; { For }
x[1] := x[1]+x[nn2+1]; {** For first complex pair}
x[nn2+1] := 0.0; {**}
End; { Post }
Procedure Shuffl(inv : Xform);
{ This procedure shuffels points from alternate real-imaginary to
1st-half real, 2nd-half imaginary order if inv=Fwd, and reverses the
process if inv=Inverse. Algorithm is much like Cooley-Tukey:
Starts with large cells and works to smaller ones for Fwd
Starts with small cells and increases if inverse }
i,j,k,ipcm1,celdis,celnum,parnum : Integer;
xtemp : Real;
{ Choose whether to start with large cells and go down or start with small
cells and increase }
Case inv Of
Fwd: Begin
celdis := n div 2; { Distance between cells }
celnum := 1; { One cell in first pass }
parnum := n div 4; { n/4 pairs per cell in 1st pass }
End; { Fwd case }
Inverse: Begin
celdis := 2; { Cells are adjacent }
celnum := n div 4; { n/4 cells in first pass }
parnum := 1;
End; { Inverse case }
End; { Case }
Repeat { Until cells large if Fwd or small if Inverse }
i := 2;
For j:= 1 to celnum do
For k := 1 to parnum do { Do all pairs in each cell }
Xtemp := x[i];
ipcm1 := i+celdis-1; { Index of other pts }
x[i] := x[ipcm1];
x[ipcm1] := xtemp;
i := i+2;
End; { For k }
{ End of cell, advance to next one }
i := i+celdis;
End; { For j }
{ Change values for next pass }
Case inv Of
Fwd: Begin
celdis := celdis div 2; { Decrease cell distance }
celnum := celnum * 2; { More cells }
parnum := parnum div 2; { Less pairs per cell }
End; { Case Fwd }
Inverse: Begin
celdis := celdis * 2; { More distance between cells }
celnum := celnum div 2; { Less cells }
parnum := parnum * 2; { More pairs per cell }
End; { Case Inverse }
End; { Case }
Until (((inv = Fwd) And (Celdis < 2)) Or ((inv=Inverse) And (celnum = 0)));
End; { Shuffl }
Procedure FFT(inv : Xform);
{ Fast Fourier transform procedure operating on data in 1st half real,
2nd half imaginary order and produces a complex result }
i,j,k,l,i2,imax,index : Integer;
y,deltay,k1,k2,tr,ti,xtemp : Real;
{ Calculate nu = log2(n) }
nu := 0;
n1 := n div 2;
n2 := n1;
While n1 >= 2 Do
nu := nu + 1; { Increment power-of-2 counter }
n1 := n1 div 2; { divide by 2 until zero }
{ Shuffel the data into bit-inverted order }
For i := 1 to n2 Do
k := ibitr(i-1,nu)+1; { Calc bit-inverted position in array }
If i>k Then { Prevent swapping twice }
ipn2 := i+n2;
kpn2 := k+n2;
tr := x[k]; { Temp storage of real }
ti := x[kpn2]; { Temp imag }
x[k] := x[i];
x[kpn2] := x[ipn2];
x[i] := tr;
x[ipn2] := ti;
End; { If }
End; { For }
{ Do first pass specially, since it has no multiplications }
i := 1;
While i <= n2 Do
k := i+1;
kpn2 := k+n2;
ipn2 := i+n2;
k1 := x[i]+x[k]; { Save this sum }
x[k] := x[i]-x[k]; { Diff to k's }
x[i] := k1; { Sum to I's }
k1 := x[ipn2]+x[kpn2]; { Sum of imag }
x[kpn2] := x[ipn2]-x[kpn2];
x[ipn2] := k1;
i := i+2;
End; { While }
{ Set up deltay for 2nd pass, deltay=PI/2 }
deltay := PI2; { PI/2 }
celnum := n2 div 4;
parnum := 2; { Number of pairs between cell }
celdis := 2; { Distance between cells }
{ Each pass after 1st starts here }
Repeat { Until number of cells becomes zero }
{ Writeln(Lst,'After Nth Pass:'); ### }
{ Debug; }
{ Each new cell starts here }
index := 1;
y := 0; { Exponent of w }
{ Do the number of pairs in each cell }
For i2 := 1 To parnum Do
If y <> 0 Then
Begin { Use sines and cosines if y is not zero }
cosy := cos(y); { Calc sine and cosine }
siny := sin(y);
{ Negate sine terms if transform is inverse }
If inv = Inverse then siny := -siny;
End; { If }
{ These are the fundamental equations of the FFT }
For l := 0 to celnum-1 Do
i := (celdis*2)*l + index;
j := i+celdis;
ipn2 := i + n2;
jpn2 := j + n2;
If y = 0 Then { Special case for y=0 -- No sine or cosine terms }
k1 := x[i]+x[j];
k2 := x[ipn2]+x[jpn2];
x[j] := x[i]-x[j];
x[jpn2] := x[ipn2]-x[jpn2];
End { If-Then }
r2cosy := x[j]*cosy; { Calc intermediate constants }
r2siny := x[j]*siny;
i2cosy := x[jpn2]*cosy;
i2siny := x[jpn2]*siny;
{ Butterfly }
k1 := x[i] + r2cosy + i2siny;
k2 := x[ipn2] - r2siny + i2cosy;
x[j] := x[i] - r2cosy - i2siny;
x[jpn2] := x[ipn2] + r2siny - i2cosy;
End; { Else }
{ Replace the i terms }
x[i] := k1;
x[ipn2] := k2;
{ Advance angle for next pair }
End; { For l }
Y := y + deltay;
index := index + 1;
End; { For i2 }
{ Pass done - change cell distance and number of cells }
celnum := celnum div 2;
parnum := parnum * 2;
celdis := celdis * 2;
deltay := deltay/2;
Until celnum = 0;
End; { FFT }
Begin { * Main program * }
For i := 0 To Asize-1 Do
x[i] := 0.0;
{ Write('Enter number of points: ');
n := 32;
If (n > Asize) Then
Writeln('Too large, will use maximum');
n := Round(asize/2.0);
For i := 2 to n Do x[i] := Exp((1-i)*0.25); { Create Real array }
x[1] := 0.5;
Writeln('Input Array:');
For i:= 1 to n Do x[i] := x[i]*8/n;
Writeln('Forward FFT with real array first:');