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240 lines
.HEPRINT ver 1.20 User's Guide page #
PRINT.COMá allow≤á ß WordSta≥ use≥ t∩ takσ advantagσ oµ man∙á do⌠ ì
matri°á printe≥á function≤á tha⌠á arσ no⌠á easil∙á accesseΣá witΦ ì
WordStar« Somσ oµ thesσ feature≤ are:
o Usσá oµ soliΣ underlinσ provideΣ b∙ printe≥ a≤á opposeΣ ì
ááááááááááto the dashed underscore by WordStar.
o Usσáá oµá thσá printer'≤á BOLDFAC┼á anΣá DOUBL┼á STRIK┼ ì
áááááááááácapabilities rather than WordStar multi-strike.
o Man∙á prin⌠á contro∞á character≤á arσáá toggles¼áá thu≤ ì
áááááááááádo⌠á matri°á printe≥ implementatioε oµ superscrip⌠á anΣ ì
áááááááááásubscrip⌠á become≤á easie≥ (yo⌡ caεá actuall∙á usσá ^P╘ ì
ááááááááááand ^PV for these respective functions).
o .L╚ caε no≈ changσ Linσ Heigh⌠ oε thσ printer¼á eveε iε ì
Use of PRINT 1.20
PRIN╘á 1.2░á ma∙ bσ ruε froφ CP/═ o≥ froφ withiε WordSta≥á (usinτ ì
thσ ╥ Command)«á Yo⌡ ma∙ providσ thσ filσ namσ oµ thσ filσ t∩ bσ ì
printeΣá oε thσ commanΣ line¼á o≥ PRIN╘ wil∞ promp⌠ fo≥ thσá filσ ì
namσá (NOTE║á Iµ usinτ froφ WordSta≥ ╥ command¼á allo≈á PRIN╘á t∩ ì
promp⌠ fo≥ thσ filσ name.⌐ Example≤ arσ below:
A> PRINT <return>
A> PRINT filename <return>
PRIN╘á read≤á thσ filσ anΣ print≤ it¼á usinτá thσá prin⌠á contro∞ ì
character≤á anΣá do⌠ command≤ entereΣ iε WordSta≥ (no⌠á includinτ ì
MailMerge dot commands).
Belo≈á i≤á ß completσ lis⌠ oµ do⌠ command≤ understooΣá b∙á PRINT« ì
The∙ operatσ identicall∙ a≤ iε WordSta≥ witΦ ß fe≈ exceptions:
.LH n Set≤ linσ heigh⌠ t∩ n/48tΦ oµ aε inch« (Defaul⌠ i≤ ì
ááááááááááááááá8/48tΦ ╜ 1/╢ inch).
.PL n Sets page length to n lines (Default: 66).
.MT n Sets Top Margin to n lines (Default: 3).
.MB n Sets Bottom Margin to n lines (Default: 8).
.HM n Sets Number of Lines between Heading and Text.
.FM n Number of lines between Footer and Text.
Default for .HM and .FM is 2.è
.PC n Print≤á Pagσá Numbe≥ iε columεá εá (Default║á 33)« ì
áááááááááááááááThis command resets the Footer_Text.
.PO n Page Offset (printer's left margin).ì
.PA Forces a page break.
.CP n Conditional page break.
.HE Sets Header text
.FO Set≤ Foote≥ text«á Thσ defaul⌠ Footer_Tex⌠ i≤ thσ ì
ááááááááááááááápage number in the column specified by .PC.
ááááááááááááááPRIN╘á 1.2░ doe≤á no⌠ recognizσ ^╦ iεá Headinτá o≥ ì
áááááááááááááááFoote≥ (useΣ fo≥ changinτ forma⌠ oε eveε anΣá odΣ ì
.OP Omit Page Numbers
.PN n Start≤á numberinτ page≤ witΦ pagσ n«á Iµ ε i≤ no⌠ ì
áááááááááááááááspecifieΣ (o≥ i≤ 0)¼á thσ Footer_Tex⌠ i≤ rese⌠á t∩ ì
áááááááááááááááit≤á default¼á anΣá pagσ numberinτ begin≤á a⌠á thσ ì
ááááááááááááááácurrent page number.
.PP n Pagσá Pause«á Thi≤ i≤ no⌠ ß WordSta≥ do⌠ command¼ ì
ááááááááááááááábu⌠ .P╨ ▒ allow≤ PRIN╘ t∩ pausσ betweeε pages¼ anΣ ì
ááááááááááááááá.PP 0 disables this feature.
.BP n Bidirectiona∞ Printinτ i≤ oε (default⌐ iµ ε i≤ no⌠ ì
ááááááááááááááázero¼ anΣ Unidirectiona∞ printinτ i≤ turneΣ oε fo≥ ì
áááááááááááááááεá equa∞ t∩ 0«á (A≤ releaseΣ fo≥ thσ GeminΘá 10x¼ ì
áááááááááááááááthi≤á featurσá i≤á als∩ possiblσ througΦá thσá ^P╒ ì
áááááááááááááááprint toggle.)
Al∞á othe≥á do⌠á command≤ arσ ignoreΣ anΣ the∙á wil∞á no⌠á affec⌠ ì
printing« WordSta≥ allow≤ certaiε do⌠ command≤ t∩ appea≥ onl∙ a⌠ ì
thσ beginninτ oµ thσ tex⌠ (.LH¼á .MT¼á...)« With¼ PRIN╘ 1.20 yo⌡ ì
ma∙á placσá thσ commanΣ anywherσ (jus⌠ ignorσ thσ WordSta≥á erro≥ ì
message)«á Fo≥ instance¼á .L╚ wil∞ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ changσ linσ ì
heigh⌠áman∙ time≤ anΣ PRIN╘ 1.2░ wil∞ accoun⌠ fo≥á variation≤á iε ì
effectivσ pagσ length«
A≤á distributed¼á PRIN╘ i≤ installeΣ fo≥ usσ oε GEMIN╔á STA╥á do⌠ ì
matri° printers. Here are the print controls as installed:
^PA Elite print (12 CPI)
^PB Boldface (emphasized) print toggle
^PC Pause Printing
^PD Double Strike print toggle
^PE graphics characters toggle
^PH Backspace
^PI Tab
^PJ Same as Line Feed
^PM Same as Carriage Returnè ^PN Pica Print (10 CPI)
^PQ italics toggle
^PR download character set toggle
^PS underline toggle
^PT superscript toggle
^PU unidirectional print toggle
^PV subscript toggle
^PW Wide print toggle
^PX X-out toggle
^PY Compressed print (17 CPI)
Consult the Installation Notes for modification.
Limitations and Known Bugs
Duσ t∩ lacδ oµ memor∙ iε 64δ CP/═ computers¼á usσ oµ thσá printe≥ ì
command≤ whicΦ requirσ tw∩ passe≤ pe≥ lineô i≤ limiteΣ t∩ onσ sucΦ ì
featurσá a⌠á a⌠ time«á A≤ distributed¼á PRIN╘ onl∙ ha≤ tw∩á sucΦ ì
features║á X-ou⌠ (^PX⌐ anΣ downloaΣ characte≥ se⌠ (^PR)« Yo⌡ ma∙ ì
no⌠ usσ botΦ oµ thesσ feature≤ a⌠ thσ samσ time║ yo⌡ canno⌠ x-ou⌠ ì
you≥ downloadeΣ characters«á [Editoria∞ Note║ ho≈ man∙ peoplσ usσ ì
botΦá iµá eithe≥ oµ thesσ featue≤ anyway?▌á A≤á written¼á ╔á haΣ ì
planneΣ fo≥ thσ PrintLinσ Procedurσ t∩ bσ recursivσ t∩ solvσ thi≤ ì
problem¼ bu⌠ I jus⌠ didn'⌠ have the memory to recursσ.
.paè.HEPRINT ver 1.0 Installation Guide page #
Terminal Installation
PRIN╘ 1.2░ wa≤ writteε fo≥ TURB╧ Pascal«á Termina∞á Installatioε ì
wil∞á bσá automatiπá wheε compileΣ iε TURB╧ (assuminτá TURB╧á wa≤ ì
properl∙ installed)«á A≤ distributed¼ PRINT.CO═ 1.░ wa≤ compileΣ ì
oεá aεá Osbornσ ╔ (Televide∩ 912C/925éá screeεá compatible)«á Fo≥ ì
othe≥á compilers¼á yo⌡ ma∙ neeΣ t∩ writσ somσ routine≤á tha⌠á arσ ì
built-in to TURBO (DelLine, GotoXY, LowVideo, NormVideo,...).
Printer Installation
Mos⌠á printe≥ feature≤ arσ installeΣ iε CONFIG1.PAS«á Thi≤á filσ ì
(whicΦá i≤á INCLUDEΣá a⌠á compilσ time⌐á contain≤á thσá followinτ ì
INIT_PRINT - Printer initialization
UNINIT_PRINT - Printer Conclusion sequence
CTRL_PRINTER - All special print controls (^P)
INIT_PRIN╘á initialize≤ thσ printe≥ anΣ relateΣá variables«á Thσ ì
firs⌠á WRIT┼á statemen⌠á i≤á thσá actua∞á initializatioεá oµá thσ ì
printer«á Thσ followinτ loo≡ initializeΣ thσ PRINTER_STATU╙ (al∞ ì
feature≤á arσá turneΣá ofµá excep⌠á wσá begiεá witΦá PIC┴áá prin⌠ ì
HighlighteΣá betweeεá thσ horizonta∞ bar≤ arσ variable≤ tha⌠á arσ ì
relevan⌠á t∩á certaiεá specia∞á prin⌠áá features«áá TwoLine_Ctrlé ì
contain≤á ßá lis⌠á oµá feature≤ tha⌠ requirσ tw∩á passe≤á oµá thσ ì
printe≥ t∩ print«á A≤ released¼ thesσ arσ ^P╪ anΣ ^PR« X-ou⌠ i≤ ì
obviousl∙á donσ witΦ tw∩ passe≤ oµ thσ prin⌠ head«á Oε ßá GeminΘ ì
printer¼á thσá downloaΣá se⌠ mus⌠ bσ printeΣá separatel∙á oµá thσ ì
regula≥á characte≥ se⌠ (thu≤ tw∩ passes)╗á ╔ don'⌠ kno≈ tha⌠ thi≤ ì
i≤ truσ oε aε Epsoε printer«á Iµ yo⌡ redefinσ printe≥á function≤ ì
tha⌠ arσ listeΣ (o≥ no⌠ listeΣ iµ yo⌡ adΣ ne≈ functions)¼ yo⌡ ma∙ ì
neeΣá t∩á edi⌠á thσ initia∞ valuσ oµ TwoLine_Ctrl.ôá D∩á no⌠á pu⌠ ì
spaces in this variable.
UNINIT_PRIN╘á send≤á ßá contro∞á sequencσ a⌠á thσá conclusioεá oµ ì
CTRL_PRINTE╥á contain≤ code≤ fo≥ thσ variou≤ ^╨á prin⌠á commands« ì
An∙ programme≥ shoulΣ bσ ablσ t∩ figurσ i⌠ out« Thσ forma⌠ i≤ a≤ ì
1 nn : begin
2 if state then
3 write(lst,on_code)
4 else
5 write(lst,off_code);
6 flag[nn] := state;
7 end;è
The nn in line 1 is the ASCII code (ie. ^A = 1, ^Z = 26).
Line 3 : sends the code to turn ON the feature (ON_CODE).
Line 5 : sends the code to turn OFF the feature (OFF_CODE).
Line 6 : OMIT this line if the code is included in TwoLine_Ctrl.
Notσá tha⌠á thσ changσ iε font≤ i≤ different«á B∙ selectinτá onσ ì
prin⌠ size¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ manuall∙ bσ surσ tha⌠ thσ onσ yo⌡ selec⌠ i≤ ì
on while all other is off. Take ELITE print for example:
1 : if state then
write(lst, ON-CODE);
flag[1] := on; {Elite is on}
flag[14] := off; {PICA is off}
flag[25] := off; {Compressed is off}
DOTCMD.PA╙á als∩á contain≤ ß linσ tha⌠ mus⌠ changσá witΦá printe≥ ì
type«á Sincσá thσ do⌠ commanΣ .L╚ no≈ chnage≤ thσ linσ heigh⌠ oε ì
thσ printer¼á thi≤ commanΣ mus⌠ als∩ bσ installed«á Thi≤ sectioε ì
of code is commented for easy installation.
Fo≥á thosσ prin⌠ control≤ tha⌠ requirσ tw∩ linσ fo≥ printinτ (ie« ì
DownloaΣá Charace≥ se⌠ oε thσ Gemini)¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ als∩ modif∙á thσ ì
PrintLine▓ procedurσ iε thσ maiε program« Becausσ eacΦ situatioε ì
i≤ unique¼á anΣ programminτ experiencσ i≤ requireΣ here¼á ╔á wil∞ ì
no⌠á (cannot⌐á g∩á int∩ detai∞ oεá modificatioεá here«á Fo≥á thσ ì
experienceΣá programmer║á looδ fo≥ thσ CAS┼ statemen⌠ tha⌠á tell≤ ì
PRIN╘ ho≈ t∩ creatσ thσ tw∩ differen⌠ lines« Seσ thσ X-ou⌠ a≤ aε ì
Wheεá compilinτá thσá codσ iε TURB╧ t∩ ß .CO═á file¼á i⌠á ma∙á bσ ì
necessar∙ t∩ changσ thσ ENDIN╟ Addres≤ iε orde≥ t∩ bσ ablσ t∩ ruε ì
PRIN╘á froφá withiεá WordStar«á Thi≤ i≤ ß resul⌠á oµá TURB╧á anΣ ì
WordSta≥ havinτ differen⌠ sizσ reloaders«á A≤ distributed¼ PRIN╘ ì
wa≤á compileΣ oε ß CP/═ versioε oµ TURB╧ witΦ thσ endinτá addres≤ ì
set t∩ CC00¼á anΣ i⌠ seem≤ t∩ worδá jus⌠á fine«
Therσ i≤ als∩ somσ codσ whicΦ i≤ commenteΣ ou⌠ fo≥ compilinτ witΦ ì
TURB╧á 3.0«á Thi≤ i≤ thσ codσ fo≥ readinτ thσ CP/═ commanΣ linσ ì
wheε PRIN╘ i≤ invoked«á Iµ yo⌡ compilσ witΦ TURB╧ 3.0¼á youá ma∙ ì
comment-ou⌠á thσá TURB╧ 2.░ code¼á anΣ usσ thσ 3.░ codσ whicΦá i≤ ì
marked in the MAIN PROGRAM.