Text File
1,177 lines
title 'JOB 1.5 (86/10/15)'
; An improved submit facility for CP/m systems.
; evolved from public domain supersub by Ron Fowler
; copyright (c) 1983,1984,1986
; By C.B. Falconer,
; 680 Hartford Tpk, Hamden, CT 06517. (203) 281-1438
; released to the public domain
; JOB allows parameters to be terminated by commas, thus a pair
; (i.e. ",,") can specify a null parameter. In addition, parameters
; can be "quoted strings", to allow any input whatsoever. In a quoted
; string a quote must be represented by two quotes. JOB also accepts
; empty input lines (e.g. PIP exit command).
; JOB creates the $$$.SUB file on drive A, (user 0 as of JOB15) and
; thus can be executed with any setting of the default drive. In
; addition JOB searches both the default and A drives for the .JOB
; file when no drive is specified in the command line, and (ver 1.4)
; if no .JOB file has yet been found searches default and system disks
; for a component of JOBS.LBR file.
; Thus a set of small .JOB files can be packed into JOBS.LBR and
; executed directly. When many .JOB files are used this can
; significantly reduce disk storage
; An initial line in the .JOB file beginning with ";;" (double
; semi-colon) signifies that the line specifies a default set of
; parameters ($0 thru $9). These are only used when the execution
; command line does not supply parameters.
; JOB does not arbitrarily upshift anything, however an unmodified CCP
; will probably upshift all input lines. CCPLUS can be set to avoid
; this upshifting.
; JOB will accept most files created for SUBMIT, unless supplied
; parameters include commas and quotes. Since the reverse is not true
; JOB expects its' input files to be of type .JOB.
; JOB15 up is organized to co-operate with CCP+ and execute jobs thru
; changes in user number. To perform correctly, a minor patch to BDOS
; is required, listed below.
; A test file to demonstrate JOB appears below (note null line):
;;testingjob parm1, "parm2",, parm4 parm5, ," parm ""7"", "
; null defaults for parm3, parm6, parm8, parm9
;$0; <<end of test file>>
; where testjob is the above file from the ";;"
; This simply shows a set of comment commands on the console.
; Revision history
; ================
; 1.5 86/10/15 (cbf) Forced $$$.SUB file on user 0. After all, CPM
; is a single user system. Cooperates with CCP+ v21 up.
; A patch for cpm2.2 for submit jobs to execute while changing
; user numbers. This co-operates with CCP+ v2.1 and JOB v1.5.
; All values are shown for an unrelocated BDOS. marked bytes
; may be different by a constant
; Location
; (from start
; of BDOS) Was Becomes Comment
; 06DE 3e 7e mvi a,0e5 --> mov a,m
; 06DF e5 fe
; 06E0 be e5 cmp m --> cpi 0e5
; 06E1 ca
; 06E2 d2 jz ... unchanged
; 06E3 06 *
; 06E4 3a 18 lda usrno --> jr $+3
; 06E5 41 01
; 06E6 03 * (code byte skipped)
; 06E7 be b7 cmp m --> ora a
; The WAS items marked by '*' will vary with the location of
; the CPM system, and should not be altered. The patch uses
; the Z80 JR instruction, so for Z80 systems only. This has
; been carefully designed to be position independant.
; When completed, the original CCP will no longer execute
; SUBMIT jobs when the user number is non-zero. It would never
; allow a submit job to change users, which can now be done
; when using CCP+ and JOB15. (earlier versions of JOB will
; work if the job is started on user 0 only.)
; This causes BDOS to return 0ffh for call 13 (reset disks)
; whenever a '$*.*' file exists on user 0. This flag is
; used by CCP+, ZCPR, and the original CCP to decide whether
; to bother searching for the $$$.SUB file. The original
; code only returned 0ffh when the file existed on the current
; user.
; 1.4 84/06/23 (cbf) Added library file search
ver equ 15; update with each revision
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
tab equ 9
eol equ '$'
parmchar equ '$'
slash equ '/'
comma equ ','
quote equ '"'
semi equ ';'
blank equ ' '
linesep equ '|'
escape equ '^'; to control chars
eofmark equ 01ah; sub=cntrl-z
maxparms equ 9
putchar equ 2; cp/m functions
putstring equ 9
getstring equ 10
fopen equ 15
fclose equ 16
fpurge equ 19
rdseq equ 20
wrtseq equ 21
newfile equ 22
gsuser equ 32; get/set user
rdran equ 33
reboot equ 0; cp/m connector locations
bdos equ 00005h
tfcb equ 05ch
tfcb.nam equ tfcb+1
tfcb.ext equ tfcb+9
cmdline equ 080h
defdma equ cmdline
cmd.lgh equ cmdline
cmd.chars equ cmdline+1
org 0100h
begin: lxi h,0
dad sp
shld stksave
lxi sp,stack
mvi a,gsuser
mvi e,0ffh
call dos
sta defusr; save input user
call job
db 'JOB V'
db ver / 10 + '0', '.', ver MOD 10 + '0',cr,lf,eol
job: pop d
lda tfcb.nam
cpi blank
jz help
mvi a,putstring
call dos; sign-on
call init
call getcmnd
call chkinf; for blank or .job extension
lxi h,0
shld linenum
call openinf; zero flag for interactive mode
cnz freadjob; put 1st line in buffer
jnz jobempty; read failed
call default; set default params
call inputlns
xra a; REMOVE this for use with original
mov e,a; CCP or ZCPR.
mvi a,gsuser
call dos; jam to user 0 for subf operations
call opnsubf
call wrtsubf
lda defusr
mov e,a
mvi a,gsuser
call dos; restore entry user
jmp reboot
; Check that any extension is ".JOB", or insert such
; if the supplied extension is blank.
; a,f,b,d,e,h,l
chkinf: lxi h,tfcb.ext
mov a,m
cpi blank
jz chkinf2
lxi d,job.xt
mvi b,3
call qmatch
; " "
nofile: call errexit; leaves forever
db '.'
job.xt: db 'JOB file not found',eol
lxi h,job.xt
mvi b,3
mov a,m; move "JOB" into place
stax d
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz chkinf3
lxi h,cmd.chars
call skipblks
sta mode
cpi slash
jnz getcmnd3; normal operation
inx h
shld cursor
mov a,m
sta onelnflg
cpi blank
inx h
jmp getcmnd1
call skipblks
cnc setparm
jnc getcmnd3
dcx h; back to eol mark for null param
push h
lhld parmindx
mov a,m
ora a
pop h
jz getcmnd4; setup a null parameter
; skipblanks in hl^, return 1st non blank. cy for eol, eof
; a,f,h,l
mov a,m
inx h
ora a
cpi cr
cpi eofmark
cpi blank
jz skipblks
cpi tab
jz skipblks
dcx h
ora a
; return carry if eol encountered
call setdelim
push h; save input index
lhld freeptr
lhld parmindx
mov a,m
ora a
jnz manyparm
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
shld parmindx
pop h
; " "
; save parameter
; (hl)^ is start of parameter string,
; (de)^ to location to save parameter
push d
inx d
mvi b,0
lda delim
cpi quote
jnz savparm2; not a quoted string
mov a,m
inx h
ora a
jz parmerr; no terminal quote
cpi quote
jnz savparm4; not terminal quote, go save char
cmp m; is it a double quote?
jnz savparm5; no, string is terminated
inx h
jmp savparm4; yes, store a quote
mov a,m
inx h
call chkdelim
jz savparm5
stax d
inx d
inr b
jmp savparm1
shld freeptr
pop h
mov m,b
xchg; pointer to terminal char
cpi quote
jnz savparm6; not a quoted string
mov a,m
cpi comma
jnz savparm6
inx h; skip terminating comma on
mov a,m; a quoted string
ora a
; setup delimiter for parameters. Advance past any initial '"'
; a,f,h,l
mvi a,' '
sta delim
mov a,m
cpi quote
rnz; not a quoted string
sta delim
inx h; advance past the initial quote
; Set up default parameters
; The first line is in defdma. If the mode is not interactive, and
; the line begins with ";;", then replace each null parameter with
; the value in this first line, starting with 0. Note that the 0th
; parameter is the jobfile name, and cannot be null. The replacement
; parameters may be null. Such an initial line will be treated as a
; comment when executed by CCP, displaying the defaults.
lda mode
cpi slash
rz; interactive mode
lda defdma
cpi semi
rnz; not initial ";;"
lda defdma+1
cpi semi
rnz; not initial ";;"
lxi h,defdma+1; before first possible character
mvi b,0; parameter number
; delimit_parameter;
; IF non-null THEN
; IF parameter (b) is null THEN BEGIN
; expand_parm_storage
; insert_default; END;
; delimit next parameter; END;
inx h; bypass previous delimiter
call skipblks
rc; no more
call setdelim
call scan; to parm end
; now (c) is parameter lgh, (de) is start, (b) is id
; watch out for doubled quotes, counted as singles
; (hl)^ is terminating char, not part of parm
push h
push d
mov a,c
ora a
jz default8; default param is null
mov a,b; parameter id
call findparm
ora a
jnz default8; cmdline input is non-null
; now store the default parameter and
; update the index to it. The previous
; storage for a null parameter is discarded.
lhld freeptr
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
pop h; ^ param start
push h
push b
call savparm
pop b
pop d
pop h
mov a,m
call chklnend
rz; done
inr b; next parameter id
jmp default1; go try for next
; scan to parameter end. (hl)^ is start
; return (de)^ to start, (c) = length
; (hl)^ to delimiting character
; a,f,c,d,e,h,l
scan: mov d,h
mov e,l; save starting point
mvi c,0; length, default 0
lda delim
cpi quote
jz scan2; looking for terminal quote
scan1: mov a,l
ora a
jz parmerr; no end found
mov a,m
call chkdelim
jz scan9
inx h
inr c; count length
jmp scan1
scan2: mov a,l
ora a
jz parmerr
mov a,m
cpi cr
jz parmerr
cpi quote
jz scan4; go check for double
scan3: inr c; count chars
inx h
jmp scan2
scan4: inx h
cmp m
jz scan3; double quote, keep 1 only
mov a,m
call chkdelim
jnz parmerr
scan9: ret; m points to terminating char.
; check (a) for possible delimiter, zero flag if so
; a,f
cpi blank
cpi tab
cpi comma
; " "
; check (a) for line ending char, zero flag if so
; a,f
cpi cr
cpi eofmark
ora a
; open input file. z flag for interactive mode
lda mode
cpi slash
rz; interactive mode
lxi d,tfcb
call openf
rnz; success
lxi h,lbrfcb
call trylb; look in JOBS.LBR if not found
jz nofile; failed
; Try to find component (de)^ in library file (hl)^
; z flag for failure
; If successful set up (de)^ [TFCB] for component access
; Note that the component size is needed in case the item
; ends on a record boundary without any eof mark.
; ** This routine needs cleanup to return component size
; in (bc), and use only the input pointers (and defdma)
; for access. This will decouple it from this program.
; a,f,b,c
trylb: xchg
mvi m,0; mark default again
call openf; automatically tries system disk
rz; failed
mvi a,rdseq
call dos
jnz trylb9; else first directory rcd read
call chksz; set (a) = entry count
jz trylb9; not a valid library
mov b,a; entry count
push h; save component id pointer
trylb1: dcr b
jz trylb8; no more entries, not found
mov a,b; Now check (max - b)th entry
ani 3; for the one we want
mvi a,rdseq
cz dos; get next directory chunk
mov a,b
inr a
ani 3
add a
add a
add a
add a
add a; * 32 bytes per entry
adi defdma; point to this entry
pop h
push h; get component pointer
push d
push b; THIS needs cleanup to use only the
mov l,a; entry parameters for TFCB etc.
mvi h,0; and return a record count in (bc)
mvi b,12; Does this entry match
call qmatch; the one we want?
pop b
pop d
jnz trylb1; no, try next entry
mov a,m; yes, set up file access etc.
sta lb.rrn; m points to loc'n entry
inx h
mov a,m
sta lb.rrn+1; record pointer
inx h
mov a,m
inx h
mov h,m
mov l,a; record count
shld maxrecs; to force an eof when reading
xra a
sta lb.rrn+2; now do a random read to set ptrs
push d
mvi a,rdran
lxi d,lbrfcb
call dos
lxi h,tfcb
mvi b,36
trylb7: ldax d; Move the complete opened fcb
mov m,a; to tfcb
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz trylb7; More
pop d
pop h
ori 1
ret; signal success
trylb8: pop h
trylb9: xchg; Not found, restore
mov a,m
inr m
ora a; If was default disk then
jz trylb; go try system disk
xra a; else signal failure
; check size of library directory (de)^. 1st record in defdma
; Return (a) = count of entries (0 if not a library)
; a,f
chksz: push b
push d
push h
lxi h,defdma
mov a,m
ora a
jnz chksz2
mvi b,11
chksz1: inx h
mov a,m
cpi ' '
jnz chksz2; invalid director
dcr b
jnz chksz1
inx h
mov a,m
inx h
ora m
inx h
inx h
ora m
jnz chksz2
dcx h
mov a,m; get directory size
add a
add a; in directory entries
jmp chksz3; 0 causes error signal
chksz2: xra a; signal none
chksz3: pop h
pop d
pop b
; Open file (de)^. Check default and system disks
; z flag for failure
; a,f
openf: push h
lxi h,32
dad d
mvi m,0; set record pointer to zero
pop h
mvi a,fopen
call dos
inr a
rnz; success
ldax d
ora a
jz openf1; was default, try system
xra a
ret; with z flag for failure
openf1: mvi a,1; try system disk
stax d
jmp openf
lhld linenum; set up for line
inx h
shld linenum
lhld lineptr
lhld freeptr
shld lineptr
mov m,e
inx h
mov m,d
inx h
push h
inx h
mvi c,0
call nextch; store a line
jc inputl5
db 0,0,0; was call upshift
cpi eofmark
jz inputl5
cpi lf
jz inputl3
cpi cr
jz inputl4
mov m,a
inx h
call memcheck
inr c
jm toolong
jmp inputl3
shld freeptr
pop h
mov m,c
jmp inputlns; next line
shld freeptr
pop h
mov m,c
nextch: push h
push d
push b
lda mode
cpi slash
jnz nextch1; get from file
call getch; get from terminal
jmp nextch3
lda inptr
ora a
cm freadjob
jnc nextch2; success, (a) is zero
mvi a,eofmark
jmp nextch3
mov e,a
mvi d,0
inr a
sta inptr
lxi h,cmd.lgh
dad d
mov a,m
pop b
pop d
pop h
ora a
mvi a,0
sta inptr
lhld maxrecs
mov a,h
ora l
dcx h
shld maxrecs
mvi a,1; to signal eof if no read
mvi a,rdseq
lxi d,tfcb
cnz dos; records left
ora a
rnz; eof
getch: lda onelnflg
ora a
jnz getch2; one line only
lda buf.size
ora a
cm userline
jc getch3
dcr a
sta buf.size
jp getch2
getch1: mvi a,cr
getch2: lhld cursor
mov a,m
inx h
shld cursor
cpi linesep
jz getch1
ora a
getch3: mvi a,eofmark
lxi d,prompter
mvi a,putstring
call dos
lxi d,buf.max
mvi a,getstring
call dos
lda buf.size
lxi h,buf.data
shld cursor
ora a
lda bdos+2
dcr a
cmp h
call errexit
db 'Memory full',eol
mvi a,fopen
call xsubf
inr a
jz opnsubf1
lda sub.size
sta sub.rnum; prepare to append
sta sub.rnum; assumes (a)=0
mvi a,newfile
call xsubf
inr a
call errexit
db 'Directory full',eol
lhld lineptr
mov a,h
ora l
jz jobempty
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
shld lineptr
mov a,m
ora a
jz wrtsubf3; empty line
call wrtln
lhld linenum
dcx h
shld linenum
lhld lineptr
mov a,h
ora l
jz wrtsubf4; no more
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
inx h
shld lineptr
jmp wrtsubf1
lhld linenum
dcx h
shld linenum
jmp wrtsubf
mvi a,fclose
; " "
; subfile operation (a)
; a,f,d,e
xsubf: lxi d,subfcb
; " "
; Bdos call, function (a), return in (a), preserve registers
; Set flags on (a)
; a,f
dos: push h
push d
push b
mov c,a
call bdos
ora a
pop b
pop d
pop h
; Copy the line, making any parameter substitutions
wrtln: mov a,m
inx h
sta chrsleft
shld @nextch
lxi h,cmd.chars
shld putptr
xra a
sta cmd.lgh
mov b,l
wrtln1: mov m,a
inx h
inr b
jnz wrtln1
wrtln2: call getchar
jc putsubf
cpi escape
jnz wrtln3
call getchar
jc cntrlch
cpi escape
jz wrtln3; doubled to use escape char.
call upshift
sui '@'
jc cntrlch
cpi blank
jnc cntrlch
wrtln3: cpi parmchar
jnz wrtln4
lda mode
cpi slash
mvi a,parmchar; In case interactive, use it
jz wrtln4; '$' not special in interactive mode
call chknxtch
jc parmerr
cpi parmchar
jnz wrtln5; Go expand a parameter
call getchar
wrtln4: call putoutch
jmp wrtln2
wrtln5: call getchar; a parameter identifier
call qnum
jc parmerr; not numeric, no good
sui '0'; one digit only allowed
call findparm
jc parmerr
mov b,a; length
inr b; may be zero
wrtln6: dcr b
jz wrtln2; end of substitution
mov a,m
inx h
push h
call putoutch
pop h
jmp wrtln6
mvi a,wrtseq
call xsubf
ora a
call errexit
db 'Disk full',eol
lxi h,chrsleft
mov a,m
dcr a
mov m,a
lhld @nextch
mov a,m
inx h
shld @nextch
lxi h,cmd.lgh
inr m
jm toolong
lhld putptr
mov m,a
inx h
shld putptr
lda chrsleft
ora a
mov a,m
; find parameter (a). Returns (a)=length,
; (hl)^ to start of parameter,
; (de)^ to pointer to lgh field (index table)
; a,f,d,e,h,l
cpi maxparms+1
jnc manyparm
mov l,a
mvi h,000h
dad h
lxi d,parmxpnd
dad d
mov e,m
inx h
mov d,m
dcx h
mov a,m
inx h
qmatch: ldax d
cmp m
inx h
inx d
dcr b
jnz qmatch
; carry if (a) is not a numeric character
; f
qnum: cpi '0'
cpi '9'+1
; write (hl) as decimal number, suppress leading zeroes
tdzs: push psw
push h
push b
lxi b,0f00ah; c=divisor=10; b=iter.cnt=-16
xra a; clear
tdzs1: dad h
ral; shift off into (a)
cmp c
jc tdzs2; no bit
sub c
inx h; bit=1
tdzs2: inr b
jm tdzs1; not done
pop b
push psw; save output digit
mov a,h
ora l
cnz tdzs; recursive
pop psw
pop h
adi '0'
call cout
pop psw
; crlf to console
; a,f
crlf: mvi a,cr
call cout
mvi a,lf
; " "
; (a) to console
; a,f
cout: push d
mov e,a
mvi a,putchar
call dos
pop d
; Upshift (a)
; a,f
cpi 'a'
cpi 'z'+1
ani 05fh
call errexit
db 'Parameter',eol
call errexit
db 'Too many parameters:',eol
call errexit
db 'Line too long:',eol
call errexit
db 'Job file empty',eol
call errexit
db 'Control character',eol
; Message (tos)^ and exit
pop d
mvi a,putstring
call dos
lxi d,errmsg
mvi a,putstring
call dos
lhld linenum
call tdzs
call crlf
mvi a,fpurge
call xsubf
jmp reboot
errmsg: db ' error on line number: ',eol
db cr,lf,'*',eol
init: lxi h,clrbegin
lxi b,buf.max-clrbegin
init1: mvi m,000h; clear
inx h
dcx b
mov a,b
ora c
jnz init1
lxi h,parmxpnd
shld parmindx
lxi h,-1; mark end of parameter pointers
shld lastparm
shld maxrecs; allow 65535 recs on non lbr file
lxi h,storage
shld freeptr
mvi a,080h
sta inptr
sta buf.size
sta buf.max
help: lxi d,helpmsg
mvi a,putstring
call dos
lhld stksave
db cr,lf,'How to use JOB:',cr,lf,lf
db 'JOB<CR> : '
db 'print this message',cr,lf
db 'JOB /<CR> : '
db 'interactive mode',cr,lf
db 'JOB /<cmd lines> : '
db 'use SUMMARY mode',cr,lf
db 'JOB <FILE> <PARMS> : as standard '
db 'SUBMIT.COM, but JOB will search',cr,lf
db 'for A:file.JOB after the default '
db 'disk if no drive was specified,',cr,lf
db 'and then as a component of "JOBS.LBR" '
db 'if not already found.',cr,lf
db 'The SUB file is created on "A:", '
db ' thus JOB may be used while any',cr,lf
db 'drive is the default. Parameters '
db 'may be delimited by commas and',cr,lf
db 'may be "quoted strings". An initial '
db 'line beginning with ";;" can',cr,lf
db 'be used to specify default params '
db '(0..9) at execution time.',cr,lf,lf
db 'In "/" (interactive) mode, JOB '
db 'will prompt you a line at a time',cr,lf
db 'for the "SUBMIT" job input. '
db 'Logical lines may be combined on the',cr,lf
db 'same input line by separating them '
db 'with "|". Example:',cr,lf
db ' A>JOB /STAT|DIR',cr,lf
db 'specifies two commands on the'
db ' same input line.',cr,lf,lf
db 'Submitted jobs may nest...JOB '
db 'inserts ahead of an existing job.',cr,lf,lf
db 'To insert a control character '
db 'into the output, prefix it with',cr,lf
db 'a "^" ("^^" for real "^").',cr,lf,eol
lbrfcb: db 0,'JOBS LBR',0,0,0,0
ds 16
lb.rno: ds 1
lb.rrn: ds 3;
subfcb: db 1,'$$$ SUB'; LAST initialized storage
clrbegin: ds 3; This area cleared at initialization
sub.size: ds 17
sub.rnum: ds 1
ds 3; for random records
delim: ds 1; delimiter for parameter input
freeptr: ds 2
parmindx: ds 2
linenum: ds 2
lineptr: ds 2
chrsleft: ds 1
@nextch: ds 2
putptr: ds 2
inptr: ds 1
cursor: ds 2
onelnflg: ds 1
mode: ds 1
maxrecs: ds 2; to simulate eof on .lbr file
parmxpnd: ds 2*(maxparms+1); a list of pointers to
; lgh, char string
lastparm: ds 2; -1 marks end of parmxpnd array
; End of area cleared at initialization time
defusr: ds 1; user at initialization time
buf.max: ds 1
buf.size: ds 1
buf.data: ds 128
stksave: ds 2
ds 200; stack space
storage: ds 0; actually the rest