Text File
138 lines
-- TAPDSK --
1 -- Overview of TAPDSK
2 -- The opening screen
3 -- Configuring TAPDSK
4 -- What is TAPAMP
Program: TAPDSK
TAPDSK will backup hard disk partitions (Drives A thru P) as selected
from the opening screen menu selection.
TAPDSK will read the BIOS drive table to determine which part-
itions are available and display then on the menu.
Upon selection of a drive partition, the operator may select
which system tracks to back-up.
TAPDSK will restore each partition from whence it came, A to A
B to B, etc.
Notice that TAPDSK is an image copying program, it reads from
the hard disk sector by sector. Any bad sectors are copied as
well and an error message displayed and copying continued. As
a result when restoring the partition any bad sectors recorded
will be restored to the hard disk even if there isn't any.
Vers: 2.01 12/07/1987
Program by; Barry Harding, Joe Silvia, for AMPRO COMPUTERS INC.
Selected drives for back-up: v
Hard disks available for back-up: --> ABCDEFGH
Selected system for back-up: ^
Date of back-up: Jan 15, 1988, at 15:22:15
This is a comment of up to 79 characters, and will be recorded on tape.
Rewind on completion: (Yes)
A - Tape to disk G - Enter comment
B - Disk to tape H - Rewind
C - Directory of tape I - Prewind tape
D - Select disk dives J - Erase tape
E - Toggle rewind K - Display tape status
X - Exit to CP/M
Cmd -->
Configuring TAPDSK
TAPDSK comes configured for an AMPRO Computer only. It makes calls
to the BIOS and uses SCSI code generic to the Ampro hardware.
There are EQUATES in the beginning of the source code to alter
the following:
blocks equ 60 ; /2 = Kbytes of buffer
clock equ true ; if CTC hdw clock available
telvid equ false ; Televideo terminal
h19 equ false ; H/Z19 terminal
lfeeds equ true ; clear screen with line feeds
toggle equ true ; true rewind upon completion
blocks equate
The default size of 60 blocks (30Kbytes) is the buffer size
in my system, which is an AMPRO with 54K tpa, and 40Mbytes
of hard disk buffers. If the tpa is less, this value must be
adjusted downward. I found this value by trial and error to
best operate with my system. This buffer size resulted in
a 9 minute per 5Mbytes of transfer time.
clock equate
If set false an 'F' option on the opening screen menu will be
visable to allow entry of date and time if no clock is avail-
able. The time prompt also allows a 78 character entry.
telvid equate
If set true, lfeeds must be set false
h19 must be set false
will use the Televideo escape * to clear its screen.
h19 equate
if set true, lfeeds must be set false
telvid must be set false
will use the H/Z19 escape 'E' to clear its screen, also
an opening message will be displayed, and will time out
to the opening screen menu.
toggle equate
if set true, will allow usefull information to be returned
from the TEAC tape unit for a SASI programmer. Reading
the manual of the TEAC and understanding the SCSI system
will provide the information to understand this option.
The option is really a carry over from the development &
debugging of the program TAPDSK with TAPAMP.
TAPDSK may be assembled with ZAS and linked with ZLINK.
NOT compatable at this time with SLRnnn.
TAPAMP may be assembled with M80 and linked with L80.
The tape scsi id in the program is 6, where the HD is 7.
Program: TAPAMP
TAPAMP This program is a diagnostic for and was used for evaluating
the TEAC tape unit. To use this program requires you to
understand SCSI commands to the TEAC and what the returned
error codes and/or status condition of the TEAC tape unit.
I (Joe Silvia), don't understand this program, I'm not the
author per se. A Barry Harding developed the software as a
result of implementing the TEAC tape on his UNIX system, where
it's in continous use.
When assembling TAPAMP there is an INCLUDE SCSI.MAC in the
file making it necessary for the assembler/linker to be able
to locate it.