Text File
89 lines
WSMULCOP.WS, a WordStar document describing the program
WSMULCOP.COM and its source WSMULCOP.Z80
WSMULCOP.CO═ make≤ unattendeΣ multiplσ printout≤ froφ WordStar« I⌠ i≤ ì
intendeΣ fo≥ WordSta≥ user≤ no⌠ owninτ MailMerge« I⌠ use≤ EX15.COM¼ ß ì
public-domaiε substitutσ fo≥ SUBMIT.COM«
Exi⌠ froφ WordStar« Typσ A:WSMULCO╨ (o≥ you≥ choicσ oµ namσ -- ì
WSMULCOP.CO═ ma∙ bσ renameΣ a≤ desired).
WSMULCOP.CO═ wil∞ asδ thσ namσ oµ thσ filσ t∩ bσ printeΣ anΣ thσ numbe≥ ì
oµ copie≤ desireΣ (u≡ t∩ 99)« Afte≥ confirmatioε b∙ thσ user¼ WordSta≥ isì
instructeΣ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ al∞ thσ copies. Upon completion, thσ use≥ is lef⌠ ì
a⌠ thσ Openinτ Menu of WordStar«
WSMULCO╨ ha≤ beeε testeΣ onl∙ witΦ WordSta≥ 3.30« I⌠ shoulΣ worδ witΦ ì
an∙ versioε oµ WordSta≥ tha⌠ recognize≤ thσ commanΣ ╨ filename.ext<ESC>.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ EX14.CO═ bu⌠ no⌠ EX15¼ yo⌡ caε easil∙ patcΦ WSMULCOP.CO═ t∩ ì
worδ witΦ EX14║ jus⌠ changσ location≤ 0462Φ anΣ 04C1Φ froφ 35Φ t∩ 34h« ì
However¼ EX14.CO═ i≤ incompatiblσ witΦ residen⌠ systeφ extension≤ loadeΣ iε ì
RA═ jus⌠ belo≈ thσ CC╨ (e.g.¼ keyboarΣ redefinitioε program≤ sucΦ a≤ ì
XtraKey¼ Smartkey¼ etc.)« ╔ havσ beeε informeΣ b∙ Rober⌠ A« Greenleσ oµ ì
Xper⌠ Softwarσ tha⌠ tw∩ simplσ patche≤ iε EX14.CO═ wil∞ makσ i⌠ compatiblσ ì
witΦ XtraKey║ changσ locatioε 7D4Φ froφ 06Φ t∩ 01Φ anΣ changσ locatioε 7D8Φ ì
froφ 08Φ t∩ 16h«
WSMULCOP.CO═ generate≤ ß temporar∙ disδ filσ A:PR.SUB« Thi≤ filσ i≤ ì
executeΣ b∙ EX15.CO═ anΣ theε erased« PR.SU┬ consist≤ of:
p B:document.ext^[ (or other drivecode,
p B:document.ext^[ if specified by user)
. . . (one line for each copy)
EX1┤ anΣ EX1╡ conver⌠ ^█ t∩ <ESC>¼ whicΦ tell≤ WordSta≥ t∩ usσ thσ defaul⌠ ì
response≤ t∩ thσ ╢ question≤ i⌠ ask≤ followinτ ß ╨ command« Notσ tha⌠ ì
SUBMIT.COM¼ XSUB.COM¼ SUPERSUB.COM¼ anΣ DO.CO═ d∩ no⌠ handlσ thi≤ conversioε ì
properly¼ anΣ s∩ canno⌠ bσ useΣ here«
WSMULCOP.CO═ move≤ it≤ last-executeΣ par⌠ t∩ higΦ storagσ (2000H)¼ wel∞ ì
abovσ thσ to≡ oµ EX15.COM¼ s∩ tha⌠ i⌠ caε loaΣ EX15.CO═ a⌠ 100╚ withou⌠ ì
overwritinτ itself« (EX1╡ late≥ relocate≤ par⌠ oµ itselµ a≤ well¼ bu⌠ tha⌠ ì
i≤ oµ n∩ concerε fo≥ WSMULCOP.⌐ Afte≥ EX1╡ ha≤ beeε loaded¼ WSMULCO╨ place≤ ì
ß referencσ t∩ PR.SU┬ iε thσ defaul⌠ filσ contro∞ blocδ a⌠ 05CΦ anΣ iε thσ ì
commanΣ tai∞ buffe≥ a⌠ 80Φ (thσ latte≥ i≤ useΣ b∙ EX1╡ t∩ decidσ whethe≥ t∩ ì
takσ it≤ command≤ froφ ß .SU┬ file)« Finall∙ WSMULCO╨ jump≤ t∩ 100H¼ ì
thereb∙ settinτ EX1╡ iε motion« è
WS.COM, WSMULCOP.COM, and EX15.COM are all assumed to be on A:.
Thσ filσ t∩ bσ printeΣ i≤ assumeΣ t∩ bσ oε B:« However¼ an∙ drivecodσ ì
prefixeΣ t∩ thσ filenamσ wil∞ overridσ thi≤ default.
Thσ validit∙ oµ thσ drivecodσ anΣ thσ existencσ oµ thσ filσ arσ no⌠ ì
checkeΣ unti∞ EX15 trie≤ t∩ executσ PR.SUB.
Assembly and loading:
Writteε fo≥ thσ modifieΣ Crowσ Z8░ assemble≥ a≤ supplieΣ b∙ Micr∩ ì
Cornucopiß oε thei≥ Kaypr∩ Use≥ Disδ K-25¼ identifieΣ a≤ CROWE(JH/DC/JGO⌐ ì
Z8░ 1.3e.
Making the .COM file may be accomplished as follows:
1. Assemble: Z80 wsmulcop.bbb
2. Load: LOAD b:wsmulcop
3. Squeeze: DDT b:wsmulcop.com
4. Save: SAVE 4 a:wsmulcop.com (or your choice of name)
5. Enjoy: WSMULCOP (or your choice of name)
AlthougΦ thσ prograφ i≤ writteε witΦ Ziloτ Z8░ mnemonics¼ onl∙ ì
instruction≤ als∩ availablσ t∩ thσ 808░ havσ beeε used«
Melvyn L. Halbert 6-02-85; revised 11-18-85
104 Morgan Road (615)-483-0717 7-11 pm Eastern time
Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (voice only)