Text File
196 lines
Eric Gans
French Department UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90024
WINDEX features:
- allows indexing of words or strings up to 49 characters.
- allows free capitalization format in index entries.
- allows a page offset between -254 and 9999.
- allows tagging keys (once!) within the text file.
- allows indexing of (hard-)hyphenated words.
- uses entire free memory (maximum of about 11000 page references
and a 17 K NDX file for a 60 K system -- e.g., Kaypro-10).
A number of features have been added in versions 2 and 3 at the
request of users, whom I thank for their interest.
Version 3.01 (released 01/10/87)
Allows straightforward indexing of strings (up to 50
characters). Streamlined command structure; eliminated all
internal prompts (for use in batch files). Creates index entries
exactly as entered.
Version 2.2 (3/20/86)
Allows words up to 49 characters (suggestion of Walter
Becker), fixed bug in tree-sort routine; improved version of
ALPHA.COM (2.0).
Version 2.1 (2/21/86)
Calculates BIOS addresses so as to work with Wordstar "R"
WINDEX creates indexes for Wordstar files written in document
mode. It can be used to index a manuscript of any length,
including books of up to 9999 pages, with a maximum of 254 keys.
Command line: windex [d:]fn.ft [@] [/offset] [*|#]
o The index file (fn.NDX) will be placed on the same drive as
the file to be indexed.
o Include @ in the command line if you want the index output
to the screen (the file will be created in any case). The output
can be aborted by typing ^C after the first page.
o The page offset (if any) should be entered as a decimal
number between -255 and 9999. All page numbers in the index will
be increased by this offset. This feature allows you to index
manuscripts that do not start at page 1 (say, chapters in a
book). A negative offset may be used if page 1 is preceded by
prefatory material; index entries that come before page 1 will be
listed as "-#".
o The keywords to be WINDEXed can be entered in three modes,
indicated by the last character on the command line: <nothing>,
*, or #.
1. (default) Direct keyboard entry; you will be prompted at the
console. This is the simplest approach for short indexes.
2. * (NB: * replaces / used in earlier versions) Keywords will
be sought in a file fn.KWD on the same drive/user. In creating
this file, you need only avoid hyphens and the exotic punctuation
marks [\]^_` The character / can be used between words to index
strings; it will be treated as the equivalent of a space in the
file. The KWD entry: blurk/zap/zlonk will search the string
"blurk zap zlonk". To tag this string in your text file, it
should appear as: "^Pblurk zap zlonk^P". (NB: the non-break
spaces [^O] between words required in previous versions are no
longer necessary.)
All other characters, including numbers, periods, commas,
semicolons or blanks, are permitted as separators: the simplest
way is to list the words with a CR after each. Hyphenated words
may be indexed. The program will not find indexed words that are
contained in hyphenated groups: Mac will not be found in a search
for Big-Mac. No other internal punctuation (e.g., apostrophes)
is permitted. Whatever capitalization you choose for entries
will be respected in the output (the search function will not pay
attention to capitalization). You should avoid entering the
words in alphabetical order; letting the program alphabetize them
will speed up the indexing operation. The same criteria hold
true if you prefer to enter your word list from the keyboard.
3. (#) Keywords will be tagged in the file to be indexed. This
allows you to create your index as you go along. ^P (entered as
^PP) must precede and follow each keyword or string. The maximum
string length permitted is 49 characters (v2.2).
o You only have to tag keywords ONCE, not every time they
appear as with STARINDEX. Duplicates will be ignored.
o Because of the string-indexing feeature added in v3.0, all
index entries indicated within the file itself must be both
preceded and followed by ^P.
The output file (on the same drive) will be fn.NDX. An
approximate right margin of 65 will be adhered to; CR's will be
added after each line and second and succeeding lines of index
entries will be tabbed. This file can be edited with Wordstar
and converted if you like to document mode (this doesn't seem
appropriate for an index, however).
If you have more than 254 keywords, you should divide them
alphabetically into two or more groups. (ALPHA.COM will do this
for you.) You can then combine the indexes later in alphabetical
order using PIP or Wordstar's ^KR command.
WINDEX allocates about 2/3 of the free memory to the page-
reference buffer and about 1/3 for the NDX file. This allows (on
a 60 K Kaypro-10) for about 17 K for the file and 34 K for the
buffer, or about 11000 references at 3 bytes each. (This
proportion is based on the fact that many references are multiple
appearances on the same page that do not appear in the NDX file.)
This should be enough for any normal use of the program (110
references/page in a 100-page manuscript!) In case you somehow do
run out of memory, WINDEX will recognize when the CCP is
overwritten and do a Warm Boot, but it doesn't check if you go
even further. But long before you get to that point, you should
divide your keyword list into smaller alphabetical groups and
index them separately. As long as you keep the different indexes
in alphabetical order (you'll also have to change their names if
you keep them on the same disk), you can PIP them together with
no internal editing save removal of a few headings.
Wordstar distinguishes between hard hyphens (those you enter
yourself) and soft hyphens (entered for formatting purposes).
WINDEX skips over soft hyphens, since they merely break words at
the end of lines; hard hyphens are treated as letters in the
keyword and in the file. This remains true even when they occur
at the end of a line; the difference is that you entered them as
part of a hyphenated word.
- makes use of a binary tree for maximum search speed (5-6
seconds for a 40K file)
- occupies less than 3K on disk
- won't recognize words with internal punctuation
other than hyphens (apostrophes, accents, &c.)
- only works with files saved in document mode (it needs
this for its page-count feature)
- all files (fn.ft, fn.KWD, fn.NDX) must be on same drive
- WINDEX will create a new NDX file each time it is run and
delete any previous file of the same name. You must rename old
index files you want to save before rerunning the program.
- You can rename an old NDX file as a KWD file, since the
program won't notice the numbers following the entries. Before
you do this, don't forget to delete the heading within the NDX
ALPHA.COM v2.0 (3/19/86)
Command line: alpha [d:]fn.ft [/]
Partly in response to a request from Donald Giroux, ALPHA now
makes a file containing the alphabetized list (one word per
line); it now counts words and different words but no longer
keeps track of the number of times each word is used (this was
eliminated to save 2 bytes per word - if protests are heard I can
reintroduce it as an option). Also added is support for
hyphens and non-break spaces (^O). (The latter are no longer
required by WINDEX, but if you use them, ALPHA will alphabetize
ALPHA is meant to facilitate finding keywords in your files; it
can also be used (as Mr. Giroux remarks) for fast spell-checking.
ALPHA uses a binary tree to sort all the words in a file in
alphabetical order and put the list in a file of type ALP as well
as printing it on the screen. Up to 3072 different words can be
accommodated (this means about 15-20 K total words, or say 90-
120K bytes).
The / option will limit the word list to capitalized words. Many
of these will be The or This, but you will also find all the
proper names in your file. ALPHA allows internal apostrophes as
well as hyphens. (I didn't allow for apostrophes in WINDEX since
when you write an index you usually want to include possessives
under the possessor: if you are indexing "Smith," you want
instances of "Smith's" to be included, not listed separately.)