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- How to Lie to WordStar and Get Away With It
- by Richard F. Binder
- 31 Fairmount Street
- Nashua, NH 03060
- This document describes a patch for the CP/M-80 version of Word-
- Star, to allow entry of an expanded set of printer control codes
- into a WordStar document. This document contains the following
- information:
- o Historical information on the patch and its authorship.
- o A description of the patch and how to use it.
- o Instructions for installing and testing the patch.
- This document is written so that both experienced computer
- people and novices can use it. If you can't actually do the
- things discussed, you can find someone more knowledgeable to do
- them for you.
- To use ANYCODE3, you will need the following:
- o A computer system that runs CP/M, with two disk drives.
- o An installed and working copy of WordStar.
- o A CP/M system disk with DDT.COM and ASM.COM on it.
- o This document.
- o A copy of ANYCODE3.ASM, the 8080 source file for the patch
- program.
- Installation of ANYCODE3 is a relatively simple process, dis-
- cussed as the last part of this document.
- Despite its relative age, WordStar remains a popular word pro-
- cessing tool, and it is still one of the most powerful word
- processors available. You can install WordStar to use virtually
- all of the features of modern daisywheel printers to produce
- professional printed documents of exceptional quality. You can
- also install WordStar to take advantage of many of the features
- of a sophisticated dot matrix printer. But there just aren't
- enough WordStar codes available to let you use everything a dot
- matrix printer can do.
- It would be convenient if you could simply enter the control
- characters you want into the file the same way you enter codes
- that WordStar knows about, but it isn't that simple. WordStar
- filters your document as it prints it, and any nonprintable
- characters that WordStar doesn't recognize are rejected.
- The original ANYCODE was written for the Osborne by Doug Hurst,
- to circumvent this limitation. Its function is to unlock all of
- the features of a dot-matrix printer by providing a way to fool
- WordStar into transmitting those control characters. Doug's
- program is a patch that is inserted logically between WordStar
- and the CP/M PRIMARY list device - if you're not using the
- primary list device, this patch isn't guaranteed to work. The
- version under discussion here, written by Dick Binder and named
- ANYCODE3, fixes a couple of limitations in the original ANYCODE;
- the enhancements will be pointed out later.
- This section describes how ANYCODE3 works, with a little digres-
- sion first, to explain some terms and coding conventions.
- N O T E
- In the following discussion, sequences of characters
- will be enclosed in quotation marks. This method of
- display is merely to call your attention to these se-
- quences; when using ANYCODE3, you should not put quota-
- tion marks in your file unless you want them to appear.
- 4.1. The Digression
- Before you can understand how ANYCODE3 does what it does, you
- need to understand a little about the code system used to des-
- cribe the way characters are transmitted to your printer. If
- you are an experienced programmer or system user, you will
- probably not need to read this section.
- 4.1.1. Hex-ASCII
- You are familiar with the number system that we use every day,
- the decimal system. In the computer industry, another number
- system is usually used, called the Hexadecimal system ("hex" for
- short). In the same way that the decimal system uses ten
- digits, the hex system uses sixteen digits. In hex, you can
- represent the values from zero to fifteen in a single digit, and
- you can count up to 255 in two digits.
- The digits used in the hex system are the ordinary digits 1-9,
- plus the letters A-F. For example, the value 65 is written in
- hex as 41, and 195 is C3.
- If you look in the programming section of your printer's manual,
- you will find a table of the characters the printer understands.
- This table will assign a numerical value to each character; for
- example, the character "A" has the value 41. The code system
- used is called ASCII, and when it is represented in hex numbers,
- then the combination is called hex-ASCII. That's how "A" be-
- comes 41 - 41 is the hex value that represents "A".
- 4.1.2. Printer Control Sequences
- If you explore the programming section of the manual further,
- you will find a list of control character sequences to invoke
- special features of the printer, such as the printing of ital-
- ics. For most printers, these sequences begin with a character
- called ESCAPE - sometimes it is abbreviated to ESC or <ESC>.
- The sequence that will cause an Epson printer to begin printing
- italics is <ESC> followed by the character "4". In the manual,
- this sequence will be shown something like this:
- <ESC> 4
- With this digression in mind, you can follow the discussion of
- how ANYCODE3 works.
- 4.2. Functionality
- What ANYCODE3 does is to examine the printed stream, looking for
- either of two characters that are set aside for it to use as
- lead-in characters. A "lead-in" character signifies that a
- special character sequence follows, telling ANYCODE3 to begin
- processing. Detection of one of these characters will cause
- ANYCODE3 to transmit a control character to the printer. The
- control character is constructed from the next two characters in
- the file, as described in the next paragraph.
- Because WordStar refuses to transmit nonprinting characters in
- the file to the printer, ANYCODE3 uses ordinary printing
- characters as they are passed to it by WordStar. It converts
- them into nonprinting characters and then sends them to the
- printer. For each special character you want to send to the
- printer, you enter two characters that represent the two hex
- digits of the special character. For example, to send an <ESC>
- character, you look in the printer manual's code table and find
- that <ESC> is assigned the hex value 1B. That's equivalent to
- the decimal value 27. If you enter one of ANYCODE3's lead-in
- characters into your file followed by the two characters "1B",
- ANYCODE3 will convert those two characters into a real <ESC> and
- send it to the printer.
- (One of ANYCODE's two enhancements over the original ANYCODE is
- that it will accept either uppercase or lowercase letters as
- valid hex-ASCII digits - it will handle "0f" the same way it
- handles "0F".)
- 4.2.1. The ANYCODE3 Lead-in Characters
- The two characters set aside for ANYCODE3's lead-in characters
- are the back-accent, sometimes called a grave accent ( ` ),
- whose hex-ASCII value is 60, and the tilde ( ~ ), whose hex-
- ASCII value is 7E. There are two lead-ins instead of only one,
- so that ANYCODE3 can do some of the work for you. The two lead-
- in characters work a little differently, as follows:
- 1. Back-accent. This character will cause a direct transmis-
- sion of a single ASCII character; for example, to send an
- ASCII <SI> character, include "`0F" in your text file.
- 2. Tilde. This character will cause transmission of an <ESC>
- followed by the character defined by your two hex-ASCII
- characters. For example, to send an ESCAPE sequence that
- will turn on Epson italics ( <ESC> 4 ), include ~34 in the
- file. The tilde is set aside in this way because so many
- printer control sequences begin with an <ESC> - it saves you
- a lot of time and typing to enter a sequence like "~34"
- instead of "`1B`34".
- From the previous list entry, describing how the tilde works,
- you can see that it is possible to send longer sequences of
- control characters by concatenating coded sequences - suppose
- you wanted to send the three-character sequence <ESC> N 08
- [where that 08 is a BACKSPACE, the character whose real hex-
- ASCII value is 08]. All you enter is this: ~4E`08 .
- Now the question is bound to arise: What do I do if I want to
- print one of the lead-in characters? Won't ANYCODE3 see it and
- process the next two characters as a control character? Normal-
- ly, yes. But the second of ANYCODE3's enhancements over the
- original ANYCODE is that ANYCODE3 allows you to print a lead-in
- character by repeating it in your file - to print the phrase "An
- `enclosed' word", just enter it like this: "An ``enclosed'
- word". The original ANYCODE did not allow you to print its
- lead-in characters.
- From reading the previous discussion, you have learned almost
- all you need to know about using ANYCODE3. The last bit of
- information you need concerns WHEN to use ANYCODE3. Or, more
- accurately, when to insert the ANYCODE3 sequences into your
- text. Do that after you have created the entire document and
- have gotten it formatted just the way you want it. Because
- ANYCODE3 sequences are "real" characters that aren't invisible
- to WordStar, you should set the WordStar margin release feature
- OFF (strike ^OX) so WordStar won't surprise you by reformatting
- a line when you don't want it to change anything. Enter all the
- ANYCODE3 sequences throughout your document, and then you can
- print it. The following figure is a sample document file you
- can use to test several of ANYCODE3's features after you've
- installed it. This file will work with Epson printers that have
- Graftrax-Plus installed, and with many Epson-compatible prin-
- ters, such as the Mannesmann Tally Spirit-80.
- `0FCompressed print`12
- `0EExpanded print`14
- ~45Emphasized print~46
- ~34Italic print~35
- ~2D`01Continuous underline~2D`00
- ~53`01Sub~48~54`01script
- ~53`00Super~48~54`01script
- Figure 1. Sample print file.
- First, create a disk with WS.COM and ANYCODE3.ASM on it, and
- nothing else. Then, follow this sequence. The patch goes into
- the MORPAT: area of WordStar - the start of that area is 02BB
- for Version 3.3, and 02DE for Versions 2.26 and 3.0. This
- discussion will be for Version 3.3 with notes where things are
- different for the other versions. In the following steps, the
- things you enter are in lowercase, and the things the computer
- says are in uppercase.
- 1. Put your CP/M disk into drive A: and your work disk (the one
- with WS.COM and ANYCODE3.ASM on it) into drive B: Use STAT
- to find out the size of your WS.COM file - it's different
- for different computers.
- A>stat b:ws.com
- STAT will respond by telling you the size of the file in
- Kbytes, records, and extents. You're interested in the
- number of records. Divide this number by two, rounding up
- if it doesn't come out even, and write down the result. You
- will need it later, when you save the modified WS.COM file.
- 2. Assemble ANYCODE3 using the standard CP/M assembler.
- A>asm b:anycode3.bbz
- This command will cause ASM to look on drive B: for the
- input file, and to place the output file, ANYCODE3.HEX, on
- drive B: No listing file will be generated.
- 3. Now, using the standard CP/M debugger, you can install your
- ANYCODE3 patch into WS.COM. The information DDT types out
- may not be exactly the same as what is shown here - don't
- worry about it.
- A>ddt b:ws.com
- DDT VERS 2.2
- 0100 NEXT PC 4600
- -d2bb
- (DDT will display 256 bytes of data comprising part of the
- WS.COM program.)
- If you have WordStar Version 2.26 or 3.0, use the address
- 2DE instead of 2BB. The purpose of this display command is
- to see that the MORPAT: area is not already used; if the
- first 120 locations are not 00, then you can't use this
- patch. If that's the case, just reboot CP/M and cry for a
- while.
- 4. Next, still using the debugger, read in the ANYCODE3 file.
- -ib:anycode3.hex
- -r
- DDT will take a few moments, and then it will return to you
- for your next command.
- 5. Now you must install another tiny patch to make WordStar
- jump to ANYCODE3 instead of transferring characters directly
- to the printer. You are still using the debugger.
- -a71c
- 071C call 2bb
- 071F jmp 722
- 0722 <RETURN>
- -
- If you have Version 2.26 or 3.0, start at 071D instead, make
- the CALL instruction point at 2DE, and make the JMP instruc-
- tion go to 0723.
- 6. Your patching is complete. Now, you exit from the debugger
- by giving it a command that will reboot CP/M. Your patched
- WS.COM file will still be in place in memory.
- -0g
- 7. Finally, you erase the old verion of WS.COM from your work
- disk and save the new, modified version.
- A>era b:ws.com
- A>save NN b:ws.com
- The NN in the save instruction represents the size in pages
- of your WS.COM - you figured this size out back at the
- beginning of this procedure. For Apple CP/M WordStar Ver-
- sion 3.3, NN is 75.
- That's it. Create a test file to activate the printer features
- you'd like to test, and print it. Figure 1, earlier in this
- document, is a good starting place.
- You can use the WS.COM you've installed, exactly as it is, by
- putting your regular WordStar disk in drive A: because WordStar
- will always look on the system disk for its overlay files unless
- it has been installed to look elsewhere. Just enter a command
- to start WordStar like this:
- A>b:ws
- 7.0. GOOD LUCK
- Good luck - if you have any problems, you can send mail to me at
- the address on top of this document. If you're on a computer
- network, I may be at one of the following net addresses:
- DEC Easynet: ASD::BINDER
- DDN: binder%asd.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
- uucp usenet: { decwrl, allegra, etc. }!asd.dec.com!binder