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Assembly Source File
1,318 lines
title 'X25.ASM'
;* *
;* X25.ASM *
;* *
;* X.25 protocol packet interface main program *
;* *
;* rev 0.46 05/04/85 E. Elizondo *
;* *
;* (c) 1985 E. Elizondo - all rights reserved. *
;* *
;* This program may be used freely for non- *
;* commercial applications. It may not be sold *
;* or used for commercial applications without *
;* written permission of the author. *
;* *
revmon equ 05 ;program revision month
revday equ 04 ;program revision day
revyr equ 85 ;program revision year
maclib Z80 ;DR Z80 macro library
; miscellaneous equates
false equ 0
true equ not false
debug equ true
; standard ASCII equates
bell equ 07h
tab equ 09h
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
ff equ 0ch
esc equ 1bh
bs equ 08h
del equ 7fh
; design parameters
; system commands
mencmd: equ esc ;command for main menu
delcmd: equ 'U'-40h ;command to delete typed line
lstcmd: equ 'P'-40h ;command to toggle printer flag
brkcmd: equ 'B'-40h ;command to send interrupt packet
; Big Board parameters
pfm: equ 0f003h ;PFM-80 warm start entry
clscrn: equ 1ah ;clear screen character
clrlin: equ 18h ;clear to end of line
; CP/M address equates:
wboot: equ 0000h ;warm boot address
; hooks for other programs
public l4stat ;level 4 status flags
; definition of l4stat status bits
; bit set condition
; 0 prompt console for packet input
; 1 unasigned
; 2 unasigned
; 3 unasigned
; 4 unasigned
; 5 unasigned
; 6 unasigned
; 7 unasigned
; external subroutines
; from level1 module:
extrn inisio ;initialize level 1 hardware
extrn txabo ;transmit level 1 abort
extrn poll ;poll & service hardware
extrn sbaud ;set baud rate
extrn t1off ;turn off T1 timer
; from level2 module:
extrn initl2 ;initialize level 2 parameters
extrn conlk ;connect level 2 link
extrn disclk ;disconnect level 2 link
extrn qlksta ;query level 2 link status
extrn txifrm ;transmit level 2 I frame
extrn rxfrm ;process received level 2 frame
extrn txbadf ;transmit bad frame
; from level3 module:
extrn initl3 ;initialize level 3 parameters
extrn txdpk ;transmit data packet if avail
extrn rxpk ;receive packet if avail
extrn txintp ;transmit interrupt packet
extrn txclrr ;transmit clear request packet
extrn txstar ;transmit restart packet
; from files module:
extrn iparms ;initialize system parameters
extrn wparms ;write system parameters to disk
extrn otxfil ;open tx file
extrn orxfil ;open rx file
extrn olgfil ;open log file
extrn crxfil ;close rx file
extrn ctxfil ;close tx file
extrn clgfil ;close log file
; from xutil module:
extrn ilprt ;in-line print routine
extrn ctype ;type character
extrn cview ;display char on console (only)
extrn instr ;input console string
extrn decbin ;convert ASCII decimal to binary
extrn hexbin ;convert ASCII hex to binary
extrn pbin ;print byte in '1' and '0's
extrn pdec ;print binary number in decimal
extrn phex1 ;print nibble in hex
extrn disptch ;dispatch to address in table
; from buffers module:
extrn inibuf ;initialize buffer parameters
extrn clrtxb ;clear all tx buffers
extrn putbuf ;put byte into a fifo buffer
extrn getbuf ;get byte from a fifo buffer
extrn dcrbuf ;decrement buffer count
extrn clrbuf ;clear buffer
extrn setrdy ;set buffer ready flag
extrn getrdy ;get state of buffer ready flag
extrn clrrdy ;clear buffer ready flag
extrn getbct ;get buffer count
; external addresses
extrn inbuf ;A(console input buffer)
extrn cibcb ;A(console input buffer bcb)
extrn cobcb ;A(console output buffer bcb)
extrn pobcb ;A(printer output buffer bcb)
extrn ctbcb ;A(console transmit buffer bcb)
extrn crbcb ;A(console receive buffer bcb)
extrn rxfree ;A(list of free rx buffers bcb)
extrn rxflst ;A(list of rx frame buffers bcb)
extrn rxplst ;A(list of rx packet buffers bcb)
; system status flags
extrn rxstat ;level 1 rx status
extrn txstat ;level 1 tx status
extrn tistat ;timer status
extrn lkstat ;level 2 link status
extrn l2stat ;level 2 status flags
extrn dtemod ;DTE/DCE mode flag
extrn l3stat ;level 3 status flags
extrn chstat ;level 3 logical channel status
extrn fstat ;file status
extrn prnflg ;printer ena/dis flag
; level 1 parameters
extrn baudop ;default baud rate option
; level 2 parameters
extrn vr ;V(r)
extrn vs ;V(s)
extrn lastnr ;last received N(r)
extrn lastvs ;last sent V(s)
extrn maxvs ;highest sent V(s)
extrn pfbit ;P/F bit
; level 3 parameters
extrn pr ;P(r)
extrn ps ;P(s)
extrn lastpr ;last rx P(r)
extrn lrxps ;last rx P(s)
extrn ltxps ;last tx P(s)
extrn pvcmod ;PVC/VC mode flag
extrn laddr ;local DTE address
extrn raddr ;remote DTE address
extrn laddrl ;local DTE address length
extrn raddrl ;remote DTE address length
extrn chan ;logical channel #
extrn qbit ;Q bit
extrn dbit ;D bit
extrn group ;logical group #
; level 1 diagnostic counters
extrn rxbfct ;bad rx frames
extrn rxgfct ;good rx frames
extrn rxbbct ;rx chars lost due to buff not avail
extrn rxboct ;rx chars lost due to buff overrun
extrn rxcect ;rx crc errors
extrn rxoect ;rx overrun errors
extrn rxabct ;rx aborts
extrn txefct ;tx end of frames
extrn txuect ;tx underrun errors
extrn txabct ;tx aborts
; level 2 diagnostic counters
extrn rbafct ;rx bad address frames
extrn rxbrct ;rx bad response frames
extrn rxbcct ;rx bad command frames
extrn rxcfct ;rx command frames
extrn rxrfct ;rx response frames
extrn rxifct ;rx I frames
extrn txifct ;tx I frames
extrn txfct ;tx frames
extrn txirct ;I frame retransmissions
; level 3 diagnostic counters
extrn txpct ;total tx packets
extrn txfpct ;total tx file data packets
extrn txcpct ;total tx console data packets
extrn ntxbct ;errors due to no free tx buffer
extrn rxpct ;total rx packets
extrn rxdpct ;total rx data packets
extrn rbfpct ;total rx bad format packets
extrn rbcpct ;total rx bad channel packets
extrn rbapct ;total rx bad address packets
extrn rbipct ;total rx bad id packets
extrn rbgpct ;total rx bad group packets
extrn rxxpct ;total discarded rx packets
; *************************
; * start of program *
; *************************
jmp begin ;jump around debug entry point
jmp mloop ;debug entry point
di ;disable interrupts
lxi h,0 ;get & save stack pointer
dad sp ; /
shld oldstk ; /
lxi sp,stack ;set up local stack
ei ;enable interrupts
call clear ;clear crt screen
call ilprt ;log on
db cr,lf
db 'X.25 packet communications program '
db '(','0'+revmon/10,'0'+revmon mod 10,'/'
db '0'+revday/10,'0'+revday mod 10,'/'
db '0'+revyr/10,'0'+revyr mod 10,')',cr,lf
db '(c) 1984 Ed Elizondo - all rights reserved'
db cr,lf,0
call iparms ;initialize system defaults
call inibuf ;initialize buffer parameters
call inisio ;initialize level 1 hardware
call initl2 ;initialize level 2 parameters
call initl3 ;initialize level 3 parameters
call menu2 ;get option
call plstat ;print link status
; *************************
; * main program loop *
; *************************
; note: form optimum thruput, the following
; is recommended:
; # of calls to rxfrm = 2 x # of calls to txifrm
; # of calls to txifrm = 2 x # of calls to rxpk
; # of calls to rxpk = 2 x # of calls to txdpk
mloop: call poll ;service non interrupt hardware
call pchar ;process typed char, if any
call rxfrm ;process received frame
call rxpk ;process received packet
call txdpk ;transmit data packet to level 2
call txifrm ;transmit I frame
call rxmsg ;process received packet message
call prompt ;prompt for console packet data
jmp mloop ;keep doing it forever
; *************************************************
; * service routines for main program loop *
; *************************************************
; get and process typed character, if any
pchar: xra a ;clear <a> and flags
lxi h,cibcb ;console character avail?
call getbuf ; /
rc ;no, exit
ani 07fh ;else strip parity
cpi mencmd ;escape?
jz menu1 ;yes, go display main menu
cpi del ;delete?
jz delchar ;yes, go process it
cpi delcmd ;delete line command?
jz deline ;yes, go process it
cpi brkcmd ;break command?
jz intrpt ;yes, go process it
cpi lstcmd ;printer command?
jz ptoggle ;yes, go process it
cpi cr ;carriage return?
jz cxfin ;yes, handle end of message
; else typed character is not special command
call ctype ;display char on console
call cxmit ;transmit char if link connected
; delete character previously typed
mvi a,bs ;get a backspace
call ctype ;back up cursor
mvi a,' ' ;blank last typed char
call ctype ; /
mvi a,bs ;and back up cursor again
call ctype ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;link connected?
bit 2,m ; /
rz ;no, do nothing else
lxi h,ctbcb ;else point to console tx buffer
call getrdy ;ready flag set?
rnz ;yes, do nothing
call dcrbuf ;else delete last char
; delete last line typed
mvi a,cr ;move cursor to beginning of line
call cview ; /
mvi a,clrlin ;now clear to end of line
call cview ; /
lxi h,lkstat ;link connected?
bit 2,m ; /
rz ;no, do nothing else
lxi h,ctbcb ;point to console tx buffer
call getrdy ;ready flag set?
rnz ;yes, do nothing
call clrbuf ;else clear buffer
; send interrupt packet
mvi b,0 ;<b>=interrupt cause (0 for now)
call txintp ;transmit interrupt packet
; toggle printer on/off
lda prnflg ;get printer on/off flag
cma ;toggle it
ora a ;printer going off?
jz ptog1 ;yes, keep going
mvi a,bell ;else ding the console
call cview ;...like CP/M+
mvi a,0ffh ;get printer on flag
ptog1: sta prnflg ;and save new flag
; transmit character if link connected
; on entry: <a>=character
; on exit: flags, <a>,<hl> clobbered
cxmit: lxi h,lkstat ;link connected?
bit 2,m ; /
rz ;no, do nothing else
lxi h,ctbcb ;else point to console tx buffer
call putbuf ;put in tx buffer
; handle end of message if in flow control ready state
cxfin: call ctype ;display cr on console
call plf ;and also a line feed
lxi h,lkstat ;link connected?
bit 2,m ; /
rz ;no, do nothing else
lxi h,ctbcb ;else point to console tx buffer
mvi a,cr ;put in cr
call putbuf ; /
mvi a,lf ;and line feed
call putbuf ; /
call setrdy ;signal buffer ready
lxi h,l3stat ;point to level 3 status
setb 7,m ;and signal message waiting
; print a line feed on console
plf: mvi a,lf
call ctype
; process a byte from received packet message to console
lxi h,crbcb ;point to console rx buffer
call getrdy ;ready?
rz ;no, exit
call getbuf ;is anything there?
rc ;no, exit
if debug
mov b,a ;save first byte in <b>
; tag all received packets for debug with '<r>'
mvi a,'<' ;indicate received msg
call ctype ; /
mvi a,'r' ; /
call ctype ; /
mvi a,'>' ; /
call ctype ; /
mov a,b ;now restore first byte
; strip out all non-displayable characters
rxmsg1: cpi 20h ;displayable ASCII char?
jnc rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi cr ;carriage ret?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi lf ;line feed?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi ff ;form feed?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi tab ;horizontal tab?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi bell ;bell?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
cpi bs ;back space?
jz rxmsg2 ;yes, keep going
mvi a,'.' ;else substitute a period
call ctype ;send to console
call getbuf ;get next byte
jnc rxmsg1 ;and process it if there
ret ;else quit
; clear crt screen
; (internally called)
clear: mvi a,clscrn
call cview
; process menu command:
; print main option menu
menu1: call clear ;clear crt screen
menu2: call ilprt
db cr,lf,'X.25 main menu:',cr,lf
db lf,'normal operation: '
db tab,'diagnostics:',cr,lf
db ' 1. initialize link '
db tab,tab,'10. display system parameters',cr,lf
db ' 2. transmit restart packet'
db tab,tab,'11. display status flags',cr,lf
db ' 3. transmit file '
db tab,tab,'12. display L1 and L2 statistics',cr,lf
db ' 4. abort file transmission'
db tab,tab,'13. display L3 statistics',cr,lf
db ' 5. receive file '
db tab,tab,'14. set flow control ready flags',cr,lf
db ' 6. abort file reception '
db tab,tab,'15. transmit bad frame',cr,lf
db ' 7. transmit clear req. packet'
db tab,'16. change frame sequence',cr,lf
db ' 8. query link status '
db tab,tab,'17. start frame logging',cr,lf
db ' 9. disconnect link '
db tab,tab,'18. stop frame logging',cr,lf
db lf,'miscellaneous:',cr,lf
db ' 19. change default parameters'
db tab,'21. exit to monitor',cr,lf
db ' 20. change remote DTE address'
db tab,'22. exit to CP/M',cr,lf
db 0
optlp: call getopt ;get option
rz ;exit if nothing there
jc optlp ;get another if invalid
cpi (optend-optbeg)/2 ;in range?
jnc optlp ;no, get another one
call disptch ;else dispatch on option in a
optbeg: dw optlp ;option 0 address
dw conlk ;option 1
dw txstar ;option 2
dw txfile ;option 3
dw txfabo ;option 4
dw rxfile ;option 5
dw crxfil ;option 6
dw txclrr ;option 7
dw qlksta ;option 8
dw disclk ;option 9
dw pparms ;option 10
dw pflags ;option 11
dw pl2stat ;option 12
dw pl3stat ;option 13
dw setlkc ;option 14
dw txbadf ;option 15
dw chgseq ;option 16
dw olgfil ;option 17
dw clgfil ;option 18
dw cparms ;option 19
dw craddr ;option 20
dw pfmexit ;option 21
dw cpmexit ;option 22
optend: equ $
; get selected option
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: <a>= option #
; carry set if invalid (non numeric)
getopt: call ilprt
db lf,'option (cr to exit)= ',0
call instr ;input reply
call plf ;type line feed
lxi h,inbuf ;get # of characters
inx h ; /
mov a,m ; /
ora a ;any there?
rz ;no, return with no action
call decbin ;convert input to binary
rc ;return with carry set if invalid
mov a,d ;is upper byte=0?
ora a ; /
stc ;return with carry set if not
rnz ; /
mov a,e ;get lower byte of number
ora a ;set flags
; prompt for console packet data input
lxi h,l4stat ;point to level 4 status
bit 0,m ;prompt request?
rz ;no, return
res 0,m ;else reset request flag
call ilprt ;and show prompt
db cr,lf,'>>',0
; *************************
; * command options *
; *************************
; exit program to CP/M
call crxfil ;close receiv file if open
call ctxfil ;close transmit file if open
call clgfil ;close log file if open
lhld oldstk ;get old stack pointer
sphl ;restore it
jmp wboot ;and warm boot CP/M
; exit program to Big Board Monitor (PFM)
pfmexit:jmp pfm
; transmit file
txfile: call otxfil ;open tx file
call plstat ;print link status
; abort file transmission
txfabo: lxi h,fstat ;point to file status
bit 1,m ;tx file open?
rz ;no, do nothing
call ilprt ;else tell operator
db cr,lf,'L4: file transmission aborted',cr,lf,0
call ctxfil ;close tx file
; receive file
rxfile: call orxfil ;open rx file
call plstat ;print link status
; change frame transmit sequence number
; (to force a reject packet & retransmission)
chgseq: lda vs ;get current V(s)
dcr a ;decrement mod 7
ani 7 ; /
sta vs ;and update it
; print system parameters
call clear ;clear crt screen
call ilprt ;print title
db tab,tab,'System Parameters:',cr,lf
db cr,lf,lf,tab,'Level 2'
db tab,tab,tab,tab,'Level 1'
db cr,lf,lf,'mode = ',0
lda dtemod ;get DTE/CE mode flag
cpi 1 ;is it DTE?
jnz ppar1 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;yes, print 'DTE'
db 'DTE ',0 ; /
jmp ppar2 ;and keep going
ppar1: cpi 2 ;is it DCE?
jnz ppar1a ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;yes, print 'DCE'
db 'DCE ',0 ; /
jmp ppar2 ;and keep going
ppar1a: cpi 3 ;is it self test mode?
jnz ppar2 ;no, don't know mode
call ilprt ;else print 'self test'
db 'self test',0 ; /
ppar2: call ilprt ;print baud rate
db tab,tab,'baud rate = ',0
lda baudop ;get current baud option
lxi h,150 ;<hl>= 150 baud
dbaud: dad h ;multiply baud rate
dcr a ;by number of option
jnz dbaud ;until finished
call pdec ;and print resulting number
mvi h,0 ;clear <h>
call ilprt ;print last N(r)
db cr,lf,'last N(r) = ',0
lda lastnr
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt ;print V(r)
db cr,lf,'V(r) = ',0
lda vr
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt ;print V(s)
db cr,lf,'V(s) = ',0
lda vs
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt ;print last V(s) sent
db cr,lf,'last V(s) = ',0
lda lastvs
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt ;print max V(s) sent
db cr,lf,'max V(s) = ',0
lda maxvs
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt ;print P(r)
db cr,lf,lf,tab,tab,tab,'Level 3',lf
db cr,lf,'mode = ',0
lda pvcmod ;get PVC/VC mode flag
cpi 1 ;is it VC?
jnz ppar3 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else print 'VC'
db ' VC',0
jmp ppar4 ;and keep going
ppar3: cpi 2 ;is it PVC?
jnz ppar4 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else print 'PVC'
db 'PVC',0
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'local DTE address length = ',0
lda laddrl
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'P(r) = ',0
lda pr
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'local DTE address (hex) = ',0
lda laddrl ;get local address length
inr a ;increment by one
mov b,a ;and save in <b>
lxi h,laddr ;point to address
ppar5: dcr b ;end of address?
jz ppar6 ;yes, exit loop
mov a,m ;else get char
call phex1 ;display it in hex
inx h ;bump pointer
jmp ppar5 ;and get next char
ppar6: call ilprt ;print P(s)
db cr,lf,'P(s) = ',0
lda ps
mvi h,0
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'remote DTE address length= ',0
lda raddrl
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call pdec
call ilprt ;print last tx P(s)
db cr,lf,'last tx P(s) = ',0
lda ltxps
mov l,a
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'remote DTE address (hex) = ',0
lda raddrl ;get remote address length
inr a ;increment by one
mov b,a ;and save in <b>
lxi h,raddr ;point to address
ppar7: dcr b ;end of address?
jz ppar8 ;yes, exit loop
mov a,m ;else get char
call phex1 ;display it in hex
inx h ;bump pointer
jmp ppar7 ;and get next char
ppar8: call ilprt ;print last rx P(r)
db cr,lf,'last rx P(r) = ',0
lda lastpr
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'logical group number = ',0
lda group
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call pdec
call ilprt ;print last rx P(s)
db cr,lf,'last rx P(s) = ',0
lda lrxps
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'logical channel number = ',0
lda chan
mov l,a
mvi h,0
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,0
; change system defaults
call setbaud ;select & set baud rate
call setl2m ;select level 2 mode
call initl2 ;and re-initialize level 2
call setl3m ;select level 3 mode
call setaddr ;select level 3 addresses
call initl3 ;and re-initialize level 3
call wparms ;write parameters on file
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,0
; select & set baud rate
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf
db 'baud rates:',cr,lf,lf
db '1. 300 baud',cr,lf
db '2. 600 baud',cr,lf
db '3. 1200 baud',cr,lf
db '4. 2400 baud',cr,lf
db '5. 4800 baud',cr,lf
db '6. 9600 baud',cr,lf
db '7. 19200 baud',cr,lf,0
bdlp: call getopt ;get option
rz ;return if cr typed
jc bdlp ;if invalid try again
cpi 8 ;out of range?
jnc bdlp ;yes, get another one
call sbaud ;set baud rate
; set level 2 DTE/DCE mode
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf
db 'level 2 mode:',cr,lf,lf
db '1. DTE (normal mode)',cr,lf
db '2. DCE (test mode)',cr,lf
db '3. self-test mode (with loopback connector)',cr,lf,0
modlp: call getopt ;get option
rz ;return if cr typed
jc modlp ;if invalid get another
cpi 4 ;out of range
jnc modlp ;yes, get another
sta dtemod ;else update mode flag
; set level 3 VC/PVC mode
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf
db 'level 3 mode:',cr,lf,lf
db '1. Virtual Call circuit (VC)',cr,lf
db '2. Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC)',cr,lf,0
modlp3: call getopt ;get option
rz ;return if cr typed
jc modlp3 ;if invalid get another
cpi 3 ;out of range
jnc modlp3 ;yes, get another
sta pvcmod ;update mode flag
; set level 3 dte addresses
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
; clear local DTE address
mvi b,15 ;max address size (hex digits)
lxi h,laddr ;point to address
xra a ;clear <a>
sta laddrl ;and address length
seta1: mov m,a ;clear digit
inx h ;bump pointer
dcr b ;last digit?
jnz seta1 ;no, keep going
; get local DTE address
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'local DTE address '
db '(0-15 hex digits) = ',0
call instr ;input reply
call plf ;print line feed
lxi h,inbuf ;get # of hex digits
inx h ; /
mov a,m ; /
ora a ;any there?
jz craddr ;no, next parameter
cpi 16 ;>15 digits?
jnc setaddr ;yes, invalid
sta laddrl ;else save address length
mov b,a ;and save it in <b>
inx h ;increment input buffer pointer
lxi d,laddr ;point <de> to address buffer
seta2: mov a,m ;get a char from input buffer
call hexbin ;convert to binary
jc setaddr ;restart if conversion error
stax d ;else save in buffer
inx h ;bump pointers
inx d ; /
dcr b ;last char?
jnz seta2 ;no, get another
; else drop through to:
; set level 3 remote DTE address
; (internally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all regs, flags clobbered
; clear remote DTE address
mvi b,15 ;max address size (hex digits)
lxi h,raddr ;point to address
xra a ;clear <a>
sta raddrl ;and address length
seta4: mov m,a ;clear digit
inx h ;bump pointer
dcr b ;last digit?
jnz seta4 ;no, keep going
; get remote DTE address
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'remote DTE address '
db '(0-15 hex digits) = ',0
call instr ;input reply
call plf ;print line feed
lxi h,inbuf ;get # of hex digits
inx h ; /
mov a,m ; /
ora a ;any there?
rz ;no, return
cpi 16 ;>15 digits?
jnc craddr ;yes, invalid
sta raddrl ;else save address length
mov b,a ;and save it in <b>
inx h ;increment input buffer pointer
lxi d,raddr ;point <de> to address buffer
seta5: mov a,m ;get a char from input buffer
call hexbin ;convert to binary
jc craddr ;restart if conversion error
stax d ;else save in buffer
inx h ;bump pointers
inx d ; /
dcr b ;last char?
jnz seta5 ;no, get another
ret ;else exit
; get number input
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: carry set if error
; <de>=number in binary (0-35756)
call instr ;input reply
call plf ;print line feed
lxi h,inbuf ;get # of characters
inx h ; /
mov a,m ; /
ora a ;any there?
stc ;no, set carry
rz ;and return
call decbin ;else convert input to binary
ret ;return with carry if invalid
; display status flags
call clear ;clear crt screen
call ilprt
db lf
db tab,tab,tab,'System Status Flags',cr,lf,lf
db tab,'Level 1',tab,tab,tab,tab,'Level 2'
db cr,lf,' bit # 76543210'
db tab,' bit # 76543210'
db cr,lf,' rx status: ',0
lda rxstat
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,' link status: ',0
lda lkstat
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,' tx status: ',0
lda txstat
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,' P/F bit: ',0
lda pfbit
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,' Timer status: ',0
lda tistat
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,' flow status: ',0
lda l2stat
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf
db tab,'Level 3',tab,tab,tab,tab,'Disk Files'
db cr,lf,' bit # 76543210'
db tab,' bit # 76543210'
db cr,lf,'channel status: ',0
lda chstat
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,'disk file status: ',0
lda fstat
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'flow status : ',0
lda l3stat
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,' Q bit: ',0
lda qbit
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'Level 4'
db cr,lf,' D bit: ',0
lda dbit
call pbin
call ilprt
db tab,' bit # 76543210',0
call ilprt
db cr,lf,tab,tab,tab
db tab,' flow status: ',0
lda l4stat
call pbin
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,0
; print level 1 and level 2 statistics
call clear ;clear crt screen
call ilprt
db lf
db tab,tab,tab,' System Statistics:',cr,lf
db tab,'receive',tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,'transmit',cr,lf
db tab,'-------',tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,'--------',cr,lf
db tab,tab,tab,tab,'Level 1',cr,lf
db 'good frames = ',0
lhld rxgfct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,' total completed frames= ',0
lhld txefct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad frames = ',0
lhld rxbfct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,tab,'underrun errors= ',0
lhld txuect
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'aborts = ',0
lhld rxabct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,tab,'aborts = ',0
lhld txabct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'crc errors = ',0
lhld rxcect
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'overrun errors = ',0
lhld rxoect
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'chars lost due to buffer unavail= ',0
lhld rxbbct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'chars lost due to buffer overrun= ',0
lhld rxboct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,tab,tab,tab,tab,'Level 2'
db cr,lf,'command frames = ',0
lhld rxcfct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,tab,' total frames= ',0
lhld txfct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'I frames = ',0
lhld rxifct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,tab,' I frames= ',0
lhld txifct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'response frames = ',0
lhld rxrfct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'I frame retransmissions= ',0
lhld txirct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad address frames = ',0
lhld rbafct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad command frames = ',0
lhld rxbcct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad response frames= ',0
lhld rxbrct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,0
; print level 3 statistics
call clear ;clear crt screen
call ilprt
db lf
db tab,tab,tab,' System Statistics:',cr,lf
db tab,'receive',tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,'transmit',cr,lf
db tab,'-------',tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,tab,'--------',cr,lf
db cr,lf,tab,tab,tab,tab,'Level 3',cr,lf
db cr,lf,'total packets = ',0
lhld rxpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'total packets = ',0
lhld txpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'data packets = ',0
lhld rxdpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'file data packets = ',0
lhld txfpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad format packets = ',0
lhld rbfpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'console data packets = ',0
lhld txcpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad channel packets = ',0
lhld rbcpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db tab,tab,'errors due to no free buffer = ',0
lhld ntxbct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad address packets = ',0
lhld rbapct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad identifier packets = ',0
lhld rbipct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'bad group # packets = ',0
lhld rbgpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'total discarded packets = ',0
lhld rxxpct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf
db tab,tab,tab,tab,'Buffers',cr,lf
db cr,lf,'free rx buffers = ',0
lxi h,rxfree
call getbct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'buffers with frames = ',0
lxi h,rxflst
call getbct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,'buffers with packets = ',0
lxi h,rxplst
call getbct
call pdec
call ilprt
db cr,lf,lf,0
; set link connect and flow control ready flags (for debug)
; (internally called)
; on entry: no parameters
; on exit: all flags, regs unchanged
setlkc: push psw ;save flags
push h ;save <hl>
call t1off ;turn off T1 timer
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status flags
mvi m,0 ;clear all flags
setb 2,m ;and set link connected flag
lxi h,chstat ;point to chanel status flags
mvi m,0 ;clear all flags
setb 0,m ;and set flow control ready state
call plstat ;tell operator
pop h ;restore <hl>
pop psw ;restore flags
; print link status
; (internally called)
; on entry: no parmameters
; on exit: <a>,flags clobbered
; all other regs unchanged
plstat: push h ;save <hl>
lxi h,lkstat ;point to link status
bit 0,m ;link connect in process?
jnz plsta2 ;yes, exit
bit 2,m ;link connected?
jz plsta1 ;no, keep going
call ilprt ;else display status
db 'L2: link connected',cr,lf,0
jmp plsta2 ;and exit
plsta1: call ilprt
db 'L2: waiting for link connect from DCE',cr,lf,0
plsta2: pop h ;restore <hl>
ret ;and exit
; *****************
; * data area *
; *****************
dseg ;data segment
l4stat: db 0 ;level 4 status flags
oldstk: ds 2 ;old stack pointer
ds 200h ;really big local stack area
stack: equ $