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Assembly Source File
794 lines
; title 'MEX Smartmodem 2400 / USR 2400 Overlay V2.6'
; MXM-2416.ASM: Smartmodem 2400 overlay for MEX: revision 2.6.
; This is a modem overlay for the MEX communication program. It
; supports 2400 baud auto-stepdown, and works with the Hayes 2400
; and US Robotics Courier. Probably others as well.
; (SmarTEAM 2400 added in rev 1.9)
; This overlay is based on revisions to MXM-SM15 made by George
; Sipe (who developed the fallback technique, and the checksum
; concept for modem response) and Paul Traina (who added Courier
; 2400 support).
; See additional notes after update history, below.
; Update history (please use MXM-2401, MXM-2402, etc when revising).
; Note to updaters: please do NOT use mixed upper-case opcodes
; and operands with lower case comments. Someone (I don't know
; who, nor, for the love 'a Mike, WHY) loves to go through
; source code and intermix case on EACH line!; (rgf)
; To the anonymous idiot who released MXM-2412: the above is not a request,
; it's a *requirement*, stated politely, but a requirement nonetheless. I
; did not ask for and will not accept an explanation of why you re-formatted
; this overlay.
; I can't track changes to the program when you modify every single line;
; since I couldn't track your changes AND since you didn't identify your-
; self, the -2412 release is UNAUTHORIZED, and unacceptable. Thus,
; MXM-2413 is essentially a re-release of MXM-2411.
; When you write your own programs, format 'em any damned way you please.
; If you modify mine, do it my way or keep your hands off.
; --Ron Fowler (10/12/86)
; 11/22/86: MXM-2416 (rev 2.6) -- Keith Petersen: Made SSET response
; strings shorter so overlay would fit into available space
; when verbose response was true.
; 11/08/86: MXM-2415 (rev 2.5) -- Jim Lill: Tested FAST with SmarTEAM, works
; although the time to send the dial speed string each time seems
; longer than the time saved. Changed the SSET displays to gain a
; few bytes so DISC could be TRUE. Otherwise, overlays overuns
; 0D00H limit. >>NOTE<<, this overlay may not assemble depending on
; how equates are set. Space VERY limited.
; 11/01/86: MXM-2414 (rev 2.4) -- Howard Goldstein: Rearranged code below
; NOAUTO: to permit correct assembly
; for Hayes. Fixed "fast" option:
; Was sending dial speed digits to
; modem in reverse order.
; 10/12/86: MXM-2413 (rev 2.3) -- Ron Fowler: Shortened update log (which had
; grown to occupy a substantial part of the
; size of the source file). Re-issued around
; MXM-2412, as described above.
; 07/13/86: MXM-2411 (rev 2.1) -- Jim Lill
; 07/10/86: MXM-2410 (rev 2.0) -- Jim Lill
; 07/09/86: MXM-2409 (rev 1.9) -- Jim Lill
; 07/04/86: MXM-2408 (rev 1.8) -- Lee D. Rimar
; 06/26/86: MXM-2407 (rev 1.7) -- Jim Lill [GEnie: JIMLILL], Jeff Laing
; 03/02/86: MXM-2406 (rev 1.6) -- Tim Farley
; 10/06/85: MXM-2405 (rev 1.5) -- Arun Baheti
; 08/23/85: MXM-2404 (rev 1.4) -- Nixy Kuttemperoor
; 08/21/85: MXM-2403 (rev 1.3) -- Kim Levitt
; 08/20/85: MXM-2402 (rev 1.2) -- Arun Baheti
; 08/16/85: MXM-2401 (rev 1.1) -- Kim Levitt
; 07/29/85: MXM-2400 (rev 1.0) released. (incorporated work done by
; George Sipe and Paul Traina) --Ron Fowler
; This overlay takes advantage of the capability of many 2400-baud
; (and perhaps some 1200 baud) modems to "fall back" when a call is
; made to a modem at a rate less than the highest rate supported by
; the calling modem. The MEXBD equate (below) determines the highest
; baudrate supported by the modem (6 for 2400, 5 for 1200), and makes
; all calls at that baudrate. If the remote modem answers at a lower
; rate, this overlay will switch to the lower rate. (You can turn
; this feature on or off with the SSET AUTO ON and SSET AUTO OFF com-
; mands, respectively.)
; If you set the USR24 equate, MEX will automatically use the Courier's
; adaptive dialing feature, and will always enable the modem's busy
; detector (which increases the frequency of "hits" when using re-
; peated dialing to a busy number). The USR24 equate also enables VOICE
; answer detection (if you've ever repeatedly used MEX to dial a wrong
; number, then discovered your error and felt bad for the poor guy on
; the other end, you should use this option) Also, you can set SHOWRNG
; TRUE and this overlay will print "RING" each time the distant end rings.
; Another feature for those of you using touch tone dialing on the USR
; is the ability to determine how fast to dial digits. This doesn't seem
; like much, but when you are autodialing a busy system, miliseconds can
; add up.
; If you use the USR24 or HAYES equates, you may want to customize the
; modem dial string prefix at the label SMDIAL.
; The exception is when you are currently set at a baud rate less than
; 1200bd since neither the smartmodem or the courier will step down
; below 1200bd, in which case the call is made at the current baud rate.
; If your modem is unlike the smartmodem or the courier and will stepdown
; to lower baud rates then change the LBAUD equate below to the lowest
; rate which your modem will step down to.
; This module adapts MEX for the DC Hayes Smartmodem (as well
; as many others -- including US Robotics -- that use a similar
; command language). The main function of this module is to pro-
; vide dialing capability; the disconnect vector is ancillary.
; You may use this module as a model to develop dialing routines
; for non-standard modems (e.g., the Racal-Vadic). The only
; pertinent entry point is the DIAL routine; you'll find entry
; specs for that below.
; The only conditional you might want to change in this module is
; the DISC equate below -- if left on, MEX will use the
; Smartmodem's disconnect code. If you prefer to provide your own
; in your overlay's DISCV vector (e.g., by dropping DTR), then set
; DISC to FALSE and re-assemble. (If you don't understand this,
; then play it safe, and leave the equate set as it is). NOTE:
; Note that MexPlus supports both "hardware" (DTR) AND "software"
; (Smartmodem) disconnection: always set DISC to TRUE for MexPlus.
false equ 0
true equ not false
crfl equ true ;set true for SM13 style flush (see 1.7 notes)
spkdef equ 1 ;set 1 for spkr ON as default, 0=OFF
abfdef equ 1 ;set 1 for autobaud fallback ON, 0=OFF
spabrt equ true ;set true if only space bar should abort
;current dial. If false, any key except ^C.
fast equ false ;set true for fast dialing on USR or SmarTEAM
dspeed equ 40 ;milliseconds for each digit if fast equ yes
;My phone system will take 38, but 40 should
;be safe for any phone system (50min for Team)
wait equ 60 ;maximum time to wait for result. 45 secs good
;unless your using MCI etc then try 60 (60max)
hayes equ false ;set to true if using a Hayes Smartmodem 2400
usr24 equ true ;set to true if using a US Robotics 2400 modem
team equ false ;set to true if using a SmarTEAM 2400 modem
showrng equ true ;set true to type RING every time remote rings
maxbd equ 6 ;maximum baudrate: 1=300, 3=600, 5=1200, 6=2400
lbaud equ 5 ;minimum stepdown baud
wordres equ true ;true = interpret word ("verbose") result codes
numres equ false ;true = interpret numeric result codes
disc equ true ;<<== change to false if you disc. with DTR
;always set true for MEXPLUS
; NOTE: This overlay converted for MEXPLUS compatiblility
; and 8086 translation 2/20/85 by Al Jewer.
yes equ 0ffh ;this is for 8086 translator - do not change
no equ 0
i8080 equ yes ;define processor type
i8086 equ no
tpulsv equ 0105h ;tone/pulse flag in modem overlay
mspeed equ 0107h ;mspeed location in modem overlay
ndiscv equ 015fh ;new (MexPlus) smart modem disconnect here
dialv equ 0162h ;location of dial vector in overlay
discv equ 0165h ;location of hardware disconnect vector
newbdv equ 016eh ;location of the set baud vector
dialoc equ 0b00h ;dialing code goes here
mexloc equ 0d00h ;"CALL MEX" here
smtabl equ 0d55h ;Smartmodem init, de-init and sset vectors
; Standard control code equates
lf equ 'J'-'@' ;linefeed
cr equ 'M'-'@' ;carriage return
; MEX service processor stuff ... MEX supports an overlay service
; processor, located at 0D00h (and maintained at this address from
; version to version). If your overlay needs to call bdos for any
; reason, it should call MEX instead; function calls below about
; 240 are simply passed on to the bdos (console and list i/o calls
; are specially handled to allow modem port queueing, which is why
; you should call MEX instead of bdos). MEX uses function calls
; above about 244 for special overlay services (described below).
; Some sophisticated overlays may need to do file i/o; if so, use
; the parsfn MEX call with a pointer to the fcb in de to parse out
; the name. This fcb should support a spare byte immediately pre-
; ceeding the actual fcb (to contain user # information). If you've
; used mex-10 for input instead of bdos-10 (or you're parsing part
; of a set command line that's already been input), then MEX will
; take care of du specs, and set up the fcb accordingly. There-
; after all file i/o calls done through the MEX service processor
; will handle drive and user with no further effort necessary on
; the part of the programmer.
inmdm equ 255 ;get char from port to a, cy=no more in 100 ms
timer equ 254 ;delay 100ms * reg b
tmdinp equ 253 ;B=# secs to wait for char, cy=no char
chekcc equ 252 ;check for ^c from kbd, z=present
sndrdy equ 251 ;test for modem-send ready
rcvrdy equ 250 ;test for modem-receive ready
sndchr equ 249 ;send a character to the modem (after sndrdy)
rcvchr equ 248 ;recv a char from modem (after rcvrdy)
lookup equ 247 ;table search: see cmdtbl comments for info
parsfn equ 246 ;parse filename from input stream
bdpars equ 245 ;parse baud-rate from input stream
sblank equ 244 ;scan input stream to next non-blank
evala equ 243 ;evaluate numeric from input stream
lkahed equ 242 ;get nxt char w/o removing from input
gnc equ 241 ;get char from input, cy=1 if none
ilp equ 240 ;inline print
decout equ 239 ;decimal output
prbaud equ 238 ;print baud rate
prntbl equ 237 ;print table
prid equ 236 ;print [mex] id
onoff equ 235 ;parse on/off fm input strm a=0 or 1 (c=err)
;doesn't seem to be in mex 1.12?
kbdin equ 1 ;keyboard input
conout equ 2 ;simulated bdos function 2: console char out
dconio equ 6 ;direct console i/o: passed through to bdos
dconin equ yes ;flag in E register for input on func 6
print equ 9 ;simulated bdos function 9: print string
inbuf equ 10 ;input buffer, same structure as bdos 10
kstat equ 11 ;keyboard status
; ***** Code starts here *****
; NOTE: This file contains control characters used by our
; 8080-8086 translator, XLAT. These are in the form
; of "\" characters inserted as the first character
; of the comment field. Please do not change or
; delete these, so that future versions of this
; overlay will directly convert to 8086 operation.
; Thanks - Al Jewer.
; For MEXPLUS, the first byte of the overlay MUST contain a "jump"
; opcode. The is a 0C3H for 8080 and an 0E9H for 8086. MEXPLUS
; checks this byte before it loads the overlay, to make sure you
; don't load the wrong type of overlay. This byte will not affect
; pre-MEXPLUS versions.
; Also, MEXPLUS contains a new vector at 15FH which is the smart-
; modem disconnect vector (now separate from the hardware vector at
; 165H). The hardware vector typically toggles the DTR line to
; cause a hangup, while the smart-modem vector sends the hangup
; string to the modem. MEXPLUS will ignore the vector at 165H in
; this overlay.
org 100h ;base of tpa
if i8080
db 0c3h ;define 8080 overlay
endif ;I8080
if i8086
db 0e9h ;8086 flag
endif ;I8086
org tpulsv
db 'T' ;touchtone flag
;use 'T' for tone, 'P' for pulse or ' ' if USR
;and you wish "adaptive" dialing.
if disc ;if providing disconnect code
org ndiscv ;Smartmodem disconnect vector (MexPlus)
jmp discon
if not disc ;if not providing disconnect code
org ndiscv ;fix sm25..sm24 had no org here
ret ;for MEXPLUS, in case somebody screws up....
endif ;disc
org dialv ;overlay the dialing vector
jmp dial
if disc ;if providing disconnect code
org discv ;overlay the vector (mex 1.1x)
jmp discon
endif ;disc
org dialoc
; The following is a "signature" word that identifies this overlay (for
; multiple-modem selection based on processor number in a TurboDOS sys-
; tem). If you use this overlay to develop a non-autobaud overlay for
; a different modem, either move this block to the end of the program,
; or contact NightOwl Software (414-563-4013) for assignment of a dif-
; ferent signature ID).
dw 3746 ;signature of MXM-2400.
abdflg: db abfdef ;auto baud rate on/off flag
mbaud: db maxbd ;maximum baudrate
spkflg: db spkdef ;monitor speaker on/off flag
if usr24 and numres and (not fast)
smdial: db 'ATX6V0Q0M' ;combined all init codes
msmark: db '3D' ;with dial command
tpmark: db ' ',0
if usr24 and numres and fast
inimsg: db 'ATX6V0Q0S11='
db dspeed/10+'0',(dspeed mod 10)+'0'
db cr,0
smdial:db 'ATM'
msmark: db '3D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if usr24 and wordres and (not fast)
smdial: db 'ATX6V1Q0M' ;combined all init codes
msmark: db '3D' ;with dial command
tpmark: db ' ',0
if usr24 and wordres and fast
inimsg: db 'ATX6V1Q0S11='
db dspeed/10+'0',(dspeed mod 10)+'0'
db cr,0
smdial: db 'ATM'
msmark: db '3D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if hayes and numres
smdial: db 'ATX4V0M'
msmark: db '0Q0&C0D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if hayes and wordres
smdial: db 'ATX4V1M'
msmark: db '3Q0&D2D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if team and numres and (not fast)
smdial: db 'ATX4V0M'
msmark: db '0Q0&C0D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if team and numres and fast ;added in 2.1
inimsg: db 'ATX4V0Q0&C0S11='
db dspeed/10+'0',(dspeed mod 10)+'0'
db cr,0
smdial:db 'ATM'
msmark: db '0D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if team and wordres and (not fast)
smdial: db 'ATX4V1M'
msmark: db '0Q0&C0D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if team and wordres and fast ;added in 2.1
inimsg: db 'ATX4V1Q0&C0S11='
db dspeed/10+'0',(dspeed mod 10)+'0'
db cr,0
smdial: db 'ATM'
msmark: db '0D'
tpmark: db ' ',0
if not (usr24 or hayes or team)
smdial: db 'ATM'
msmark: db '3D'
tpmark: db 'T',0 ;Smartmodem dial string
; This is the DIAL routine called by MEX to dial a digit. The digit
; to be dialed is passed in the A register. Note that two special
; codes must be intercepted as non-digits: 254 (start dial
; sequence) and 255 (end-dial sequence). Mex will always call DIAL
; with 254 in the accumulator prior to dialing a number. Mex will
; also call dial with 255 in A as an indication that dialing is
; complete. Thus, the overlay may use these values to "block" the
; number, holding it in a buffer until it is completely assembled
; (in fact, that's the scheme employed here for the Smartmodem).
; After the 254-start-dial sequence, MEX will call the overlay with
; digits, one-at-a-time. MEX will make no assumptions about the
; digits, and will send each to the DIAL routine un-inspected (some
; modems, like the Smartmodem, allow special non-numeric characters
; in the phone number, and MEX may make no assumptions about
; these).
; After receiving the end-dial sequence (255) the overlay must take
; whatever end-of-dial actions are necessary *including* waiting
; for carrier at the distant end. The overlay should monitor the
; keyboard during this wait (using the MEX keystat service call),
; and return an exit code to MEX in the A register, as follows:
; 0 - Carrier detected, connection established
; 1 - Far end busy (only for modems that can detect this)
; 2 - No answer (or timed out waiting for modem response)
; 3 - Keyboard abort (^C only: all others should be ignored)
; 4 - Error reported by modem
; 5 - No ring detected (only for modems that can detect this condition)
; 6 - No dial tone (only for modems that can detect this condition)
; <No other codes should be returned after an end-dial sequence>
; The overlay should not loop forever in the carrier-wait routine,
; but instead use either the overlay timer vector, or the INMDMV
; (timed 100 ms character wait) service call routine.
; The DIAL routine is free to use any of the registers, but must
; return the above code after an end-dial sequence
dial: cpi 255 ;end dial?
jz endial ;\jump if so
cpi 254 ;start dial?
jnz smchr ;go send to modem if not
lda mspeed ;get present baud rate
cpi lbaud ;see if below min. stepdown
jc dial2 ;if so no autobaud
lda abdflg ;get autobaud rate flag
ora a ;set psw
lda mbaud ;get maximum baud rate
cnz newbdv ;set it if autobaud rate flag <> 0
dial2: lda tpulsv ;get overlay's touch-tone flag
sta tpmark ;put into string
lda spkflg ;check monitor speaker flag
ora a
mvi a,'3'
jnz spkon ;if on, use M3 mode
mvi a,'0'
spkon: sta msmark
if fast and (usr24 or team) ;need to separate init command
lxi h,inimsg ;point to init command
call smstr ;send it
call flush ;flush modem response
call flush ;
endif ;fast and (usr24 or team)
lxi h,smdial ;point to dialing string
jmp smstr ;send it
; Here on an end-dial sequence
endial: mvi a,cr ;send end-of-line to the modem
call smchr
call flush ;flush any pending modem output
; The following loop waits for a result from the modem (up to 60
; seconds: you may change this value in the following line). Note
; that the Smartmodem has an internal 30 second timeout for a
; carrier on the other end. You can change by playing with the S7
; variable (i.e. send the smartmodem "AT S7=20" to lower the 30
; second wait to 20 seconds).
mvi e,wait ;<<== maximum time to wait for result
smwlt: mvi d,0 ;clear response checksum
smwlp: lxi b,1*256+tmdinp ;b=1 second, C=tmdinp func code
call mex
jnc smlog ;\jump if modem had a char
mvi c,kstat ;check for keypress
call mex
ora a
jz smnext ;\jump if no keypress
mvi e,dconin
mvi c,dconio ;get key hit, with no echo
call mex
cpi 'C'-40h ;is ^C?
jnz nocc ;\jump if not
mvi a,3 ;prep return code
jmp abcom ;\finish in common code
if spabrt
cpi ' ' ;space bar?
jnz smnext ;\ignore all others
mvi a,2 ;prep return code
abcom: push psw ;\save return code
lxi b,cr*256+sndchr ;b=cr, c=sndchr func code
call mex
pop psw ;\return abort code
smnext: dcr e ;no
jnz smwlp ;\continue
; wait (equ) seconds with no modem response (or no connection)
mvi a,2 ;return timeout code
; modem gave us a result, check for end and save it
smlog: ani 7fh ;ignore any parity
cpi ' ' ;see if end of message
jc smrslt ;\jump when control character
add d ;add to checksum
mov d,a ;save response checksum
jmp smwlp ;\continue
; result code completely presented
smrslt: mov a,d ;get result checksum
ora a ;see if accumulated yet
jz smwlp ;\continue if no result yet
call flush ;flush any pending modem output
lxi h,rctab-2 ;get pointer to result table
smrlp: inx h ;\advance to next entry
inx h ;\
mov a,m ;get table entry
inx h ;\bump to response
cpi 0ffh ;check for end of table
jnz smok ;\jump if not
mvi a,4 ;else return error reported by modem
smok: cmp d ;check for match with checksum
jnz smrlp ;\loop if no match
lda abdflg ;got a match. Get autobaud rate flag
ora a ;set z on flag
jz noauto ;\jump if not auto-baud mode
mov a,m ;get newbdv-code
cpi 0FFH ;null?
cnz newbdv ;set it if not
noauto: inx h ;\bump over newbdv-code
mov a,m ;get MEX response code
if not (usr24 or team)
ret ;don't try to interpret extended codes
if usr24 or team
cpi 8
jz ring ;\say phone is ringing
cpi 7 ;say we found a human
rnz ;\r3\otherwise it's a normal mex code
if usr24 ;Courier can do voice
voice: call ilprt ;whoops, we have ourselves a human.
db 'VOICE ',0 ;print a warning
mvi a,3 ;return with abort so doesn't repeat..
r3: ret
if (usr24 or team) and showrng ;Courier and SmarTEAM do ring detect
ring: call ilprt ;just print nice ring message,
db 'RING ',0 ;it's not an error, just phone ringing..
jmp smwlt ;go to main loop
if (usr24 or team) and not showrng
ring: jmp smwlt ;\just clear the checksum and continue
; The following table is used to interpret the calculated result code
; checksum which is reported by the modem (and excludes all control
; characters). For numeric responses, the checksum is the same as
; the numeric response (in most cases). For word responses, the
; checksum is as listed in the table. The table format consists of
; triplets: result-checksum, newbdv-code, MEX-response. Note that
; with this scheme, "CONNECT 0600" and "CONNECT 2400" appear the
; same, further "RING" and "0" ("OK") appear the same. These
; should not normally cause any difficulties however.
if wordres
db 09ah,0ffh,4 ;"OK" - error reported by modem
db 00ah,1,0 ;"CONNECT" - carrier detected
db 030h,0ffh,4 ;"RING" - error reported by modem
db 0c5h,0ffh,2 ;"NO CARRIER" - no answer
db 08ah,0ffh,4 ;"ERROR" - error reported by modem
db 0edh,5,0 ;"CONNECT 1200" - carrier detected
db 00dh,0ffh,6 ;"NO DIALTONE" - error reported by modem
db 043h,0ffh,1 ;"BUSY" - far end busy
db 08dh,0ffh,2 ;"NO ANSWER" - no answer
db 0f0h,6,0 ;"CONNECT 2400" - carrier detected
endif ;wordres
if wordres and usr24
db 076h,0ffh,7 ;"VOICE" - mex doesn't support...we do
if wordres and (usr24 or team)
db 00eh,0ffh,8 ;"RINGING" - mex doesn't support..we do
if numres
db '1', 1,0 ;"CONNECT" - carrier detected
db '2',255,4 ;"RING" - error reported by modem
db '3',255,2 ;"NO CARRIER" - no answer
db '4',255,4 ;"ERROR" - error reported by modem
db '5', 5,0 ;"CONNECT 1200" - carrier detected
db '6',255,6 ;"NO DIALTONE" - error reported by modem
db '7',255,1 ;"BUSY" - far end busy
db '8',255,2 ;"NO ANSWER" - no answer
db '9', 3,0 ;"CONNECT 0600" - carrier detected
db '1'+'0', 6,0 ;"CONNECT 2400" - carrier detected
if numres and usr24
x db '1'+'2',255,7 ;"VOICE" - say there is a voice
if numres and (usr24 or team)
db '1'+'1',255,8 ;"RINGING" - remote modem ringing
endif ;numres
db 0ffh ;end of table
; Following routine disconnects the modem using Smartmodem
; codes. All registers are available for this function.
; Nothing returned to caller.
if disc
discon: mvi b,20
mvi c,timer ;wait 2 seconds
call mex
lxi h,smatn ;send '+++'
call smstr
mvi b,20 ;wait 2 more seconds
mvi c,timer
call mex
lxi h,smdisc ;send 'ath'
call smstr
mvi b,1 ;wait 1 second
mvi c,timer
jmp mex
smatn: db '+++',0 ;Smartmodem attention string
smdisc: db 'ATH',cr,0 ;Smartmodem hang-up string
endif ;disc
; Smartmodem utility routine: send string to modem
smstr: mov a,m ;fetch next character
inx h ;\
ora a ;end?
rz ;\r1\done if so
call smchr ;otherwise send the character
jmp smstr ;\
; Smartmodem utility routine: send character to modem
smchr: push psw ;save character
smrdy: mvi c,sndrdy ;wait for modem ready
call mex
jnz smrdy ;\
pop psw ;restore character
mov b,a ;position for sending
mvi c,sndchr ;send the character
jmp mex
; Smartmodem utility routine: flush pending modem output
flush: mvi c,inmdm ;catch any output from the modem
call mex
if crfl
jc r1 ;jump if no input
cpi lf ;got some, waiting for <cr>
jnz flush ;eat characters until getting one
if not crfl
jnc flush ;\loop until no more characters
r1: ret
; This routine performs the MEX inline print function.
ilprt: mvi c,ilp
jmp mex
; Next is the SSET command processor.
sset: mvi c,sblank ;Any arguments?
call mex
jc telall ;\tell current status if not
lxi d,cmdtbl ;point command table
mvi c,lookup ;see if command found
call mex
jc seterr ;\complain if not
pchl ;else go to service routine
seterr: call ilprt ;print error message
db 'SSET: AFB ON/OFF - SPKR ON/OFF',cr,lf,0
; This is the SSET command table.
cmdtbl: db 'AF','B'+80h ;Autobaud mode on/off
dw setbd
db 'SPK','R'+80h ;monitor speaker on/off
dw setspk
db 0 ;Table terminator
; Set message on/off processor.
setspk: lxi h,spkblk ;pointer for spkr on/off
jmp boole ;set on/off or show
call setspk ;show speaker on/off
setbd: lxi h,abdblk ;load pointer
; Boolean SSET common code.
boole: mov e,m ;fetch address of boolean
inx h ;\
mov d,m
inx h ;\HL addresses text
push d ;save it
push h ;save that pointer
mvi c,sblank ;any arguments?
call mex
jc tell ;\jump if not
mvi c,onoff ;parse on/off from input stream
call mex
pop d ;recall msg pointer
pop h ;boolean's adrs
jc seterr ;\complain if not on or off
push h ;resave
push d
mov m,a ;update boolean
tell: pop d ;none, query only
mvi c,print ;print message
call mex
pop h ;boolean location
mov a,m
ora a ;is it off?
jz izoff ;\jump if so
call ilprt ;else print 'on'
db 'N',cr,lf,0
izoff: call ilprt ;print 'off'
db 'FF',cr,lf,0
abdblk: dw abdflg
db 'AFB O$'
spkblk: dw spkflg
db 'SPKR O$'
justrt: ret
; The following statement insures that we don't exceed our boundary.
; It's IFed around 8080 (with ";|") because the brain-damaged 8086
; (Microsoft) assembler forces a type on all variables; since '$' is
; an address and 0CFFH is a constant, MASM will refuse to assemble the
; statement. Someone at Microsoft should be strung up by his fingernails
; and baked in the late afternoon sun for forcing such ridiculous con-
; straints on ASSEMBLY language programmers!; (I imagine there's some
; way around this stupidty, but I have neither the time nor the in-
; clination to go digging through the MASM documentation to find it).
endmxm: ;this method works with ASM since "$" & "GT" don't work
gap equ 0CFFH-ENDMXM
oops equ (gap AND 8000H) SHR 15
if i8080 and oops ;|
lda undef ;error: overlay area past 0D00H ;|
endif ;|
org mexloc ;"CALL MEX"
org smtabl ;table of smart modem vectors here
dw justrt ;Smartmodem init
dw sset ;SSET command
dw justrt ;Smartmodem exit